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VOLUME I The present volume contains the Special Agreements, the Memorials, the
Counter-Mernoriab, the RepIiesand the Common Rejoinder filedin the Norrh
Sea ContinentalShelfcases. The proceedingsin these cases, which wereentered
on the Cowt's General List on 20 February 1967 under numbers 51 and 52,
werejoined by an Order of the Court of 26 April 1968(North Sea Continental
Shei'' Order of 26 April1968, I.C.J. Reports 1968, p. 3), and a Judgment was
delivered on 20 February 1969(North Seo ContinentalShelf, Judgment, I.C.J.
Reports 1969, p.3).
The page referencesoriginallyappearing in the pleadings have beenaltered to

correspond with the pagination of the present edition.
The Hague, 1969.

Le présent volume reproduit les compromis, les mernoires, les contre-
mémoires, les répliqueset la duplique commune déposésdans les affaires du
Plateau continental de la mer dicNord. Ces affaires ont étéinscrites au rôle
général de la Cour sous les nos51 et 52 le 20 février1967et les deux instances
ont étéjointes par ordonnance de la Cour le 26 avril 1968(Plateau conti~zental
de la mer du Nord, ordonnance du26 avril 1968, C.1.J. Recueil 1968,p. 3). Un
arrêt a étkrendu le 20 février1969(Plateau continentalde la mer du Nord, ar-
rêt,C.I.J. Recueil 1969,p. 3).
Les renvois d'unmémoireAI'autre ont étémodifiéspourtenir compte de la
pagination de la présenteédition.




Lettex of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the NetherIands to the
Registrar of the International Court of Just.......... 5
Special Agreement for the submission to the International Courtof
Justice of a difference between thKingdom of Denmark and the
Federal Republic of Germany concerning the delimitation,between
the Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Gemany, of
the continental shelf in the North S.............. 6
Special Agreement for the submission to the International Court of
Justice oa difference between the Federal Republic of Germany and
the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the delimitation, as
between the Federal RepubIic of Germany and the Kingdom of the in the North....... 10


Mernorialsubmittedby the Governmentof the FederaiRepublicof Gemany
(FederalRepublicof GermanyIDenmark)

Introduction .......................... 13
Part 1. Factand history of the dispute.............. 17

Chapter II. Delimitation ofcontinental shelfareathecoastaStates 17
in the North Sea ...................... 19

Section1. Unilateral acts of the coastal States claiming continental
shelf areas........................ 19
Section II. Bilateral agreements between the coastal States of the
North Searegarding the delimitation of their continental shelf21eas
Chapter III. The negotiations between the Parties to the dispute
relating to the delimitation of the continental shelfbeneath the North
Sea ............................ 26

PartII. The law. ........................ 29
Chapter 1. The principle of the just and equitable s...... 30
Chapter TI.The equidistanceline ................ 37X NORïH SEA CONTINENTALSHELF

Section . Terminology. ...................
Section II. Technique and effectsof the equidistance method ...
Secmitation of a continental shelf..............thod for the deli-
Section IV.The practice after the 1958 Conference on the Law of
the Sa ..........................
A. The reservations to Article 6 of the Continental Shelf Conven-
tion .........................
B. State practice since 1958................
C. The application of the equidistance line in the North Se. .

Section V.The scope of application of the equidistance line...
A. The shortcomings of the equidistance line.........
B. The "special circ....................e 6 of the Continental
Shelf Convention
Section VI .Conclusions ...................
Chapter III. The special case of the North Sea ..........

Section1. Criteria for a just and equitable apportionment of the
continental shelf in the North Se..............
A. The apportionment of the seabed and subsoil oa shallow sea
surrounded by several States...............
B. Factors determining the share of each adjacent State....
(a] The geographic.........................
(c) The principleof equality ...............
(d) The access to the middIeof the North Sea........

Section I. The sector principle................
A .The polar sector theory .................
B. The application of the sector principle to the case of the North
Sea ..........................
SectionLI1.The applicability of the principle of equidistance in the
North Sa ........................
A. The median line between Great Britain and the Continent . .
B. The division of the submarine areas east of the median line be-
tweenGreat Britain and the Continent ...........
Section IV.Establishment of the boundary by agreement .....
Section V. Conclusions ...................
PartLI1 .Submissions ......................

ParFederal Republic of Germanyal.................. Government of the

1.Note Verbale. dated 10 September 1964. from the Royal Danish
1 A.bTranslation from the Anairs . .
2.Note Verbale. dated 21June 1963.from the RoyalNetherlands Em-
bassy at Bonn to the German Ministry of Foreign AfTairs ....
2 A. Translation from the original................ CONTENTS
3. Treaty betweenthe Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom
of the Netherlands concerning the lateral delimitation of the con-
tinentalshelf near the Coast,dated I December 1964 ......
3A. Translation from the German text .............
4. Joint Minutes of German and Netherlands delegations, dated 4
August 1964. .......................
4 A. TransIation from the German text .............
5. Agreement between the Governrnent of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the
Kingdom of Norway relating to the delimitation of the continental
shelf between the two countries, dateIO March 1965 ......
6. Treaty betweenthe Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom
the North Sea near the Coast,dated 9 June 1965co........l shelf of
6 A. Translation from the German text .............
7. Protocol to the German-Danish Treaty (Annex 6), drawn up 9 June
1965 ...........................
7 A. Translation from the Cerman text .............
8. Joint press communiquéof Gerrnan and Danish delegations, issued
18 March 1965 ......................
8 A. Translation from the German text .............
9. Agreement between the Govemment of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands relating to the delimitation of the
continenta! shelf under the North Sea between the two countries,
dated 6 October 1965 ...................
10. Aide-Mémoire ofthe German Embassy at London, dated 12July
1966,relating to the signature of the British-Netherlands agreement
(Annex 9). ........................
10A. Translation Erornthe German text ............
11. and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway concerning the
delimitation of the continental shelf, dated 8 December 1965 . .
11A. Translation. ......................
12. Agreement between the Governrnent of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the.Government of the
Kingdom of Denmark relating to the delirnitation of thecontinental
shelf between the two countries, dated 3 March 1966 ......
13. Aide-Mémoireof the German Ernbassy at London, dated 12July
1966relating to the signature of the British-Danish agreement [An-
nex 12). .........................
13 A. TransIation from the German text .............
14. Agreement betweenthe Government of the Kingdom of the Nether-
landsand the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concerning
the delirnitation of the continental shelf under the North Sea be-
tween the two countries, dated 31 March 1966. ........
14A. Translation from the Netherlands text ...........
15. May 1966.ire........................f Foreign Affairs,dated 25
15A. Translation from the Cerman text .............
16. Supplementary Agreement to the German-Netherlands Ems-Dol-
lart Treaty, dated14May 1962 ...............
16A. Translation from the German text ............XU NORTH SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF

Mernorial submittedby the Covernment of the FederaiRepublic of Germany
(Federal Republicof Germany/Netherlands)
Note by the Registry ....................... 151

Counter-Mernorialsubmittedby the Governmentof the Kingdomof Denmark
Introduction .......................... 157

Part 1. Facts and history of the dispute .............. 159
Chapter 1 .Geology and geography ............... 159
Chapter II.Danish attitude to the continental shelf question .... 161
Chapter III .Attitude of the Federal Republic of Germany in respect
of the continental shelf................... 163
Chapter IV . The negotiations between the Parties ......... 165
Section . Bilateral negotiations................ 165
Section I. TriIateral negotiations............... 166
Section II. Conclusions ................... 166
Part II.The law .........................

Chapter I. The question submitted to the Court ..........
Chapter II.The principle that a delimitation ofamaritime area in ac-
cordance with generallyrecognizedrules of international lawisprima
facie valid and opposable to other States............
Chapter III. The status of the principles ernbodied in article 6 of the
convention on the continental shelf as general rules of l.....
Section 1.The International Law Commission .........
Section II.The 1958Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea . .
Section III.The provisions of Article 6 are in harmony with State
boundariesn ........................r maritime and fresh-water
Section IV. The State practice sincethe Geneva Conference of 1958

Chapter IV. The applicable principles stated in artic6of the conven-
tion on the continental shelf .................
Section 1.The meaning of the principal rule applicablin the present
case. ..........................
Section I. The North Sea not a "special circumstance" or"special
Chapter V .The special circumstances exception and the Federal
Republic's sectoral claim ..................
Section 1.The absence of any "special circumstances" ......
Section II.The inadmissibility of the Federal Republic's sectoral
daim ..........................

Part III.Submissions ......................
Part IV. Annexes to the Counter-Mernorial submitted by the Govern-
ment of the Kingdom of Denmark ...............
1. Convention on the Continental Shelf .............
2. Signatures. ratifications and accessions relattogthe Convention
on the Continental Shelf ..................XIV NORTH SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF

Chapter 1. The continental shelf beneath the North Sea . . , . , .
Chaof the continental shelf. . . . .om . . .e . . .rl. . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3. The attitude of the Federal Republic of Germany in respect
of the continental shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4. The negotiations betweenthe Parties to the dispute retating
to the delimitation of the continental sheIf beneath the North Sea .
Section A. Bilateral negotiations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section B. Tripartite negotiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part II. The law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Chapter 1. The question submitted to the Court. . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2. The principle that a delimitation of a maritime area in ac-
cordance with generallyrecognizedrules of international lawisprima
Chapter 3. The status of the principlesembodied in article 6of the con-.
vention on the continental shelfas general rules of law. . . . . . .

Section B. The 1958Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea . . . .. .
Section C. The provisions of Article 6 are in harrnony with State
practice in the delimitation of other maritime and freshwater
boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section D. The State practice since the Geneva Conference of 1958
Chapter 4. The applicable principles stated in Article 6 of the conven-
tion on the continental sheIf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section A. The meaning of the principal ruIe applicable in the
present case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section B. The North Sea not a "special circumstance" or "special
case" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5. The special circumstances exception and the Federal Re-
public's sectoral daim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section A. The absence of any "special circumstances". , . . . .
Section B. The Federal Republic's sectoral claim . . . . . . . .

PPartIV.. Annexesto the Counter-Mernorial submitted by the Governrnent . .
of the Kingdom of the Netherlrinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Counter-Mernorial,Cop.i2231al Shelf [See Annex 1 60 the Dunish
2. Signatures, ratifications and accessions relating to the Convention
on the Continental Shelf [See Annex 2 tothe Danish Coiinter-Me-
morial, p. 2271
3. Reservations and dedarations relating to the Convention on the
Continental Shelf and objections to reservations and declarations
[See Annex 3 to the DanishCounter-Memoriul, p.2301
4. April 1958[See Annexrrit4 tothe DanishCounter-Mernorial,e op.22341
5. Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources
of the High Seas of 29 April 1958 [See Annex 5 ta the Dariish
Counter-Meniorial, p. 2351 CONTENTS XV

6.European Fisheries Convention of 9 March 1964[See Annex 6 to
the DorrishCoiinter-hfemori~lp. 2361
7. Report of the Committee of Experts to theInternationalLaw Com-
mission of 18 May 1953 [See Annex 12A to the Danisk Counter-
Memorial, p. 2541
8. Translation of the Note Verbale of 21 June 1963frorn the Royal
Netherlands Embassy at Bonn to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Federal Republic of Germany .............. 378
9. Note Verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal
Republic of Gerrnany of 26 August 1963 ........... 379
9A. English translation.................... 381
10. Promulgation of the Proclamation of the Federal Government
concerning the exploration and exploitation of the German Con-
tinental Shelfof22January 1964 fSee Annex 10 to theDanishCoun-
ter-Mehorial, p.2441
IOA. English transIation [See Annex 10A ta the Danish Counter-
Memorial, p. 2461
Il. Exposédes Motifs of the German Bill for the Provisional Deter-
mination of Rights over the Continental Shelf (15 May 1964)[See

Annex II to the DanishCorinter-Memurial,p. 2471
11A. English translation [See Annex 11A to the Danish Counrer-Me-
marial,p. 2481
12. Agreement betweenthe Government of the Kingdom of theNether-
lands and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the exploitation of single
geological structures extending across the Dividing Line on the
Continental Shelf under the North Sea ............ 383
13. Note frorn the Embassyd Belgium at The Hague of 15September
1965. .......................... 385
13A. English translation.................... 387
14. Bill of October 1967relating to the BelgianContinental Shelf[See
Annex 14 to the DunishCounter-Memorhl,p. 2801
14A. English translation [See Annex 14A to the Danish Counter-Me-
morial,p. 2901
15. Quotations from Boundary-Treaties delimitingContinental Shelves,
Territorial Waters, Fishery Zones, Straits, Lakes and River[See
Annex 13 to theDanish Cuunter-Mernorialp , . 2591
16.Briefremarks on the use of literature in the Mernorialof the Federal
Republic of Gerrnany, illustrated by further quotations from the
authors citef SeeAnnex15tatheDanishCounter-Mernorialp , . 2991
17. Map showing the North Sea and the ContinentaI Shelf Boundaries
[See Annex 16 to theDanishCounrer-mer no rial,^ .051

Reply submittedby the Governmentof the Federal Republicof Gennany
(Federal Republicof GemanylDenmark)
Introduction .......................... 389
Part 1. The law ......................... 391

Chapter I. The principle of the just and equitable share governing the
delimitation of the continental shel.............. 391
Chapter II. The applicability ofthe equidistanceliinthe delimitation
of the continental shelf between the Parti........... 396XVI NORTH SEA CONTINENTAL SHELF
Section 1. Generalremarks on the linesof reasoning in the Counter-
Mernorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Source of the obligation to accept the equidistance line . ..
B. The substance of the alIegedrule of Iaw on the delimitation of
C. The equidistance line as a "general rule" for maritime bound-
aries . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section 2. The attitude of the Federal Republic of Germany towards
the equidistance line. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section 3. Have the rules contained in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the
Continental Shelf Convention become customary international
law? ...........................
A. Continental Shelf Convention th. . .ct. . .f . . . . . . . . the
B. The impact of the Continental Shelf Convention on the forma-
tion of customary law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. The legaleffectof the reservations to Article 6 of the Continen-
tal Shelf Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section4. State practice since the 1958Geneva Conference . . . .
Section 6. Onus of proof with regard to the existence of customary
law. ..........................
Section 7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter III, The special case of the North Sea , . . . . . . . . .
Section 1. The lawgoveming the delimitation of the continental shelf
Section 2. The role of Article 6,paragraph 2ofthe Geneva Conven-
tion within the law on thecontinentalshelf.. . . . . . . . . .
Section 3. The "special ci~~cumstances"in the present case . . . .
A. TheNorth Sea as a "special case" . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. The indivisibilityof the boundary problern in theNorth Sea. .
Section 4. Criteria for an equitable apportionment of the continental
shelf in the North Sea . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
Section 5.Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part II. Submissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part III. Annex to theRepIysubmitted by theGovernment of the Federal
Republic of Germany . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . .
Reply submittedby the Govenunentof the FederalRepublicof Gennany (Fd-
eral Republicof GermanyiNetherlands)

Note by the Registry. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... .. 451

CoandtheKingdomof the Netheriands Governmentsof the Kingdomof Denmark

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 453
Part I. The law .. . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . .... . . 459 CONTENTS
Chapter 1. The essence of the issue before the Court. . . . . . . .

Secdetermination of boundary lines in generalnal. . .re.a. .g . . .e .
Section II. The alleged principle of just and equitable shares . . .
Section III. The alleged standard of "the coastal front". . . . . .
Section IV. The so-called "sector-theory". . . . . . . . . . . .
Section V. The Federal Republic's concept of "special circum-
stances" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2. The applicability of the principles ofdelimitation embodied
in article 6 of the convention on the continental shelf . . . . . .
Section 1. The principles and rules of law invoked by Denmark and
the Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section II. The status of the equidistance-special circumstancesmle
as a generally recognized rule of international Iaw . . . . . . .
A. The arguments of the Danish and Netherlands Governments
B. The general recognition of theequidistance principleextendsto
C. The rote of the equidistance-special circumstances rule in the.
delirnitation of territorial sea and continental shelf boundaries
is in essence the sarne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. The equidistance-special circumstances rule in State practice .
1. Stafe practice in regard to the delinritution of fresh-water
boundariesandmaritime boundariesupartfrom boundariesof
the continentalsheij . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Starepructice in regard to the delimitation of the continental
sheif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section III. The position of the Federal Republic in relation to the
equidistance-speciaIcircumstances rule . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section IV. The allegedgeneraIprinciple ofjust and equitable shares
Chapter 3. The question of special circu~mstances . . . . . . . . .
Section 1. The meaning of the clause of "special circumstances"
justifying another boundary line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section II. The absence of any "special circumstances" in the cases
before the Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .
Section ILI A cornparison between the "coastal frontage" concept
Section IV. Individual observations of the two Governments . . . .
Section V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part II. Submissions . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paments of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdorn of the Nether--
lands . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .

1. 9,March 1964.rovi. . . . .pli.a.i.n . . . . . . . . . . .f
2. Exchange of Notes between the Royal ~abish Embassy at Bonn
and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated 30 November
1967 ...........................XVIII NORTH SEACONTINENTAL SIIELF
Translation from the German text ..............
Aide-Mémoirefrorn the German Embassy at Copenhagen to the
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. date16 March 1967 ...
Translation from the Gerrnan text..............
tion of the continental shelf betweenBelgiumand the Netherlandsa-
to the Presidenofthe Netherlands Delegation. dated 8 December
3967 ...........................

tionn...........................herlands-Belgium shelf delimita-

Translation from the French text ..............
Agreement between Swedenand Norway concerning the delimita-
tion of the continental shelf of 24 July ..........
Appendix 1 .Illustration of Norway-Sweden shelfdelimitation .
Translation from the Swedish text..............
Decreeby the Presidium ofthe U.S.S.R. Highest Sovieon the con-
tinental shelf of the U.S.S.R. of 6 February 196.......
Translation from the Russian text..............
International Legal Maferials. VolumeVII.No.3. May 1968.pages
Continental Shelf". Rome. 8 January 1968n..........ion of the
The Commonwealth of Australia ..............

A .Interna1 delimitation..................
C. Equidistance-special circumstances in the agreement between
Queensland and Papua .................

Appendix 1. Delimitations towards West-Irian and the Aru
Islands ........................
PersianGulf .......................
A .Iraq .........................
B. Kuwait ........................

(1) Border relations Kuwait-Iraq.............
(2) Border relations Kuwait-Iran.............
(3) Border relations Kuwait-Neutra1 Zone .........
C . Saudi Arabia-Bahrein..................
Appendix 1 . Officia1statement of the Governmentof Iraq. dated
23 November 1957 ...................
Appendix 2 . Statement of the Government of Iraq. published
Appendixl 3.5Republican decree. dated 4 November 1958 ....
Appendix 4. Announcement from the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. dated
August 1960 ......................
Appendix 5 . Chart showing the boundary according to the
Kuwait-Kuwait Shell Oil Concession Agreement of 15January
1961 .......................... PART 1







The Hague, 16Febniary 1967.
On behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and with

reference to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Cour1,have the
honour to present to you:
(a) an original copy, signed at Bonn on 2 February 1967for the Government
of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the Federal Republic
of Germany, of a Special Agreement for the subrnission to the Inter-
national Court of Justice of a differencebetweenthe Kingdom of Denmark
and the Federal Republic of Germany conceming the delimitation, as
between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republicof Germany,
of the continental shelf in the North Sea;
(b) an original copy, signed at Bonn on 2 February 1967fothe Government
of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands, of a Special Agreement for the submission to the
InternationalCourt of Justice afdifferencebetween the Federal Republic
of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerningthe delimita-

tion, as between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of
the Netherlands, of the continental shelf in the North Sea.
The aforesaid Special Agreements entered into force, pursuant to their
Articles 3, on the date of their signature, Le., on 2 February 1967.
Lnaddition, 1 have the honour to present to you:
(c) an original copy, signed at Bonn on 2 February 1967for the Governments
of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany and the
Kingdom of the Netherlands, of a Protocol relating to certain procedurai
questions arising from the Special Agreementsreferred to underla) and

As stated in section1 of this Protocol, the three Governments parties to it
have agreed that the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall
filethe two Special Agreements and the Protocol with the International Court
of Justice. Consequently, 1would request you to submit the aforementioned
instruments tothe Court.
With reference to paragraphs 1 and 5 of Article 35 of the Rules of Court,
1 would also inform you that Professor W. Riphagen, Legal Adviser to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been appointed Agent of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands for the case relating to the Special Agreement referred to under
(b). My Ministry constituteshis address for serviceat the seat of the Court to
which al1communications relating to the case should be sent.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my high consideration.
(Signed)J. M. A. H. LUNS,
Minister of ForeignAfîaixs. NORTH SEA CONTINENTALSHELF


The Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the
Federd Republic of Germany,
Considering that the delimitatioof the coastal continental shelfin theNorth
Sea between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany
has been laid down by a Convention concluded on 9 June 1965,
Considering that in regard to the further course of the boundary disagree-
ment exists between the Danish and German Governments, which could not
be settied by detailed negotiations,
Intending to settle the open questions in the spirit of the friendlyand good-
neighbourly relations existing between them,

Recalling the obligation laid down in Articleofthe Danish-German Treaty
of Conciliationand Arbitration of 2June 1926to subrnitto aprocedure of con-
ciliation or to judicial settlernal1controversies which cannot be settled by
Bearing in mind the obligation assumed by them under Articles 1and 28 of
the European Conventionfor the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes of 29 April
1957to submit to the judgment of the International Court of Justiceal1inter-
national legal controversies to the extent that no special arrangementhas been
or will be made,
By virtue of the fact that the Kingdom of Denmark isaparty to the Statute
of the International Court of Justice, and of the Declaration of acceptance of
the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice made by the Federal

Republic of Germany on 29AprilI961 in conformitywithArticle 3 of the Con-
vention of 29 April 1957 and with the Resoiution adopted by the Security
Council of the United Nations on 15October 1946concerning the "Condition
under which the International Court of Justice shalf be open to States not
Parties to the Statutof the International Court of Justice",
Have agreed as follows:
Article I

(1) The International Court of Justice is requested to decide the following
What principles andrules of international law are appIicable to the delimi-
tation as between the Parties the areas of the continental shelf in the North
Sea which appertain to each of them beyond the partial boundary deter-

mined by the above-mentioned Convention of 9 June 1965?
(2) The Governments of the Kingdom of Denmarkand of the Federal
Republic of Germany shali delirnit the continental shelf in the North Sea as
between their countries by agreement in pursuance of the decision requested
from the International Court of Justice.

Article 2
(1)The Parties shall present their written pleadings to the Court in the order

1. a Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany to be submitted within
six months from the notification of the present Agreement to the Court;
2. aCounter-Memorial of the Kingdom of Denmark to besubmitted within
sixmonths from the delivery of the Gennan Memorial;
3. a German Reply followed by a Danish Rejoinder to be delivered within
such time-limits as the Court may order.

(2) Additional written pleadings may be presented if this isjointIy proposed
by the Parties and considered by the Court to be appropriate to the case and
the circurnstances.
(3) Theforegoing order ofpresentation iswithout prejudice to any question
of burden of proof which might arise.

Article 3

The present Agreement shall.nterinto force on the day of signature thereof.

Done at Bonn on 2 February 1967in triplicate in the EngIish langage.

For the Govemment of the
Kingdom of Denmark,
For the Government of the
Federal Republic of Germany,



The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

Considering that the delimitation of the coastal continental shelf in the
North Sea between the Federal Republic of Germanyand the Kingdom of the
Netherlands has been laid down by a Convention concluded on 1 December
Consideringthat inregard to thefurthercourse ofthe boundary disagreement
exists between the German and the Netherlands Governments, which could

not be settled by detailed negotiations,
Intending to settlethe open questions in the spirit of the friendly and good-
neighbourly relations existing between them,
Recalling the obligation laid down in Article 1 of the German-Netherlands
Treaty of Conciliation and Arbitration of 20 May 1926to submit to a procedure
of conciliation or to judicial settlement al1controversies which cannot be settled
by diplomacy,

Bearing in mind the obligation assumed by them under Articles 1 and 28
of the European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes of 29
April 1957to submit to the judgment of the International Court of Justice al1
international legal controversies to the extent that no special arrangement
has been or will be made,

By virtue of the fact that the Kingdom of the Netherlands iaparty to the

Statute of the International Court of Justice, and of the Declaration of accep-
tance of the jurisdiction of the International Courof Justice made by the
Federal Republic of Germany on 29 April 1961in conformity with Article 3
-if the Convention of 29 April 1957 and with the Resolution adopted by the
Security Council of the United Nations on 15 October 1946 concerning the
"Conditions under which the International Court of Justice shall be open
to States not Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice",

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

(1) The International Court of Justice is requested to decide the following
question :
What principles and rules of international law are applicable to the
delimitation as between the Parties of the areas of the continental sheIf in

the North Sea which appertain to each of them beyond the partial boundary
determined by the above-mentioned Convention of 1 December 1964?
(2) The Governrnents of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands sball delimit the continental shein the North SPECIAL AGREEMENTS 9

Sea as between their countries by agreement in pursuance of the decision
requested from the International Court of Justice.

Article 2

(1) The Parties shall present their written pleadings to the Court in the
order stated below:
1. a Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germmy to be subrnitted

within six months from the notification of the present Agreement to the
2.a Counter-Memorial of the Kingdom ofthe Netherlands to besubmitted
within six months from the deliveryof the German Memorial;
3. a German Reply followed by a Netherlands Rejoinder to be delivered
within such time-limits as the Court may order.

(2) Additiond written pleadings rnaybe presented if this isjointly proposed
by the Parties and considered by the Court to be appropriate to the case and
the circumstances.
(3) The foregoing order of presentation is without prejudice to any question
of burden of proof which mightaise.

Article 3

The present Agreement shallenter into force on the dayof signaturethereof.

Done at Bonn on 2 February 1967in triplicate in the English language.

For the Government of the
Federal Republic of Gemany,

(Signedl SCHÜTZ,
For the Government of the
Kingdom ofthe Netherlands,



At the signature of the Special Agreement of today's date between the
Government of the Federal Republicof Germanyand the Governments of the
Kingdomof Denmark and the Kingdom of the Netherlands respective oly,
the subrnission to the International Court of Justice of the differencesbetween
the Parties concerning the delirnitation of the continental shelf in the North
Sea, the three Govemments wish to state their agreement on the following:

1. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will,within a month
from the signature, notify the two SpecialAgreementstogether with the present
Protocol to the International Court of Justice in accordance with Article 40,
paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court.
2. After the notification in accordance with item 1 above the Parties will

ask the Courtto join the two cases.
3. The three Governments agree that, for the purpose of appointing a judge
ad hoc, the Governments of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of
the Netherlands shall be considered parties in the same interest within the
meaning ofArticle 31, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the Court.

DONEat Bonn on 2 February 1967in four copies in the English language.

For the Government of the Kingdom
of Denrnark

For the Government of the Federal Republic
of Gerrnany
For the Government of the Kingdom of the

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