Cameroun septentrional - La Cour rendra son arrêt sur les exceptions préliminaires le 2 décembre 1963
Cornnunique No. 65/12
(unoff icial)
Tl~c fclloning irifor~nrttion fror-i the&gis try of the Internzticinci,L
Court of Justice is ço~unicated. to the Press:
The Internztionc l ourt of Justice uill deliver its Judgnent
011 the Pr~lii.linery Objcctions raiçed by the United Kin~;don in the
case concerning the IJcrthexn (~a~iesoon 2: United ~ixdom)
on BIondgy, 2 Deceriber 1961, 2% 4 p.m.