Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Audiences du 4 au 19 mai 1964

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I.C. J. Communiqué No. 64/10

The following information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is comnunicated to the Press :

In the course of 22 sittings from Ionday, 4 Kay, to Suesday,
19 May 1964, on the Preliminary Objections in the case concerniw the
Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company Limited (New Application:
1962) (Belgium v. pain), the Court heard Sir Humphrey Waldock,

M. Paul ~u~~enhëim, 14. Antonio &Talintoppi and 1;. koberto Ago, Couilsel,
in their presentation of the oral reply on behalf of'the Spanish
Governrnent, after which the Agent for the Spanish Goverment, M. Juan M.
.Castro Riol, made a declaratioil and stated that the Final Submissions
of his Government would be filed with the Registrar.

The Court then heard M..Yves Devadder, Agent, and Pi, Ange10 Sereni,
W, Jean Van Tlyn, MrneSuzanne Bastid, Rh-. Elihu Lauterpacht, M. Georges
Sauser-Hall and M. Henri Holin, Counsel, in their presentation of the
oral rejoinder on behalf of the Belgian Government.

The President then declared the oral proceedings concluded, it

being understocd that should the Court desire furthers informatioii
from the Parties, it would conununicate with the Agents.

The Hague, 19 May 1964.

C.I. J.

Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour ..
internationale de. Justice, sont mis ô,la. disposition de la presse :

Au cours des vingt-deux audiences tenues du lundi 4 au

mardi 19 rnai 1964 sur les exceptions préliminaires en l'affaire de la
Barcelona Txction, Light and Power Compal~v, Ltd. (nouvelle requête : 1962)
(l3;3alpiquec. ~spagne), la Cour a entendu sir Humphrey Waldock,
11;.Paul Guggenheim, It!.Antonio Ivî~lintoppi et M. Roberto Ago, conseils,
prononcer la réplique du Gouvernement espagnol, à la suite de quoi
M. Juan I!i. Castro-Rial , agent. du Gouvernement espagnol, a fait une
dkclaration et annoncé que les conclusions finales de son gouvernement
seraient déposées nu Greffe.

La Cour a. alors entendu hl. Yves Devadder, agent, Ivl. Ange10 Sereni,

file Jean Vm Ryn, IklmeSuzanne Bastid, M. Elihu Lauterpacht ,
111.Georges Sauser-Hall et $1. Henri Rolin, conseils, prononcer la
duplique du Gouvernesmnt belge.

Le Président a dUclcré la procddure orale close, étant
entendu que, si la Cour désireobtenir de nouveaux renseignements des
Parties, clle lc fera connsftre aux agents.

La Haye, le 19 mai 1964.

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Document Long Title

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Audiences du 4 au 19 mai 1964
