Requête pour avis consultatif (y compris le dossier de documents transmis à la Cour en vertu du paragraphe 2 de l'article 65 du Statut)

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DU 25 MARS 1951
ENTRE L'OMSET L'ÉGYPTE Abbreviated reference:
I.C.J. Pleudings,Iriterprerationof Agreementof 25 March1951
berneenthe WHO and Eppt

Référence abrégé:e
C,I.J. Mémoires,Inferpréturionde 1'accorddu 25murs 1951
entrel'OMS et I!Egvpte

Sales number



DU 25 MARS 191






DU 25MARS 1951
ENTRE L'OMS ET L'ÉGYPTE The caseconcerning InterpretationoftheAgreementof25 March1951 between
rheWHO andEgypr was entered asNo.65 in theCourt'sGeneral Liston21 May
1980and wasthesubjectof anAdvisoryOpinion deliveredon 20 December 1980
(Interpretationof the Agreementof25 March1951betweenthe WHOandEgypt,
1C.J. Reports1980, p. 73).
ïhe present volume reproduces the Request for advisory opinion, the docu-

ments, the written and oral statements and the correspondence in the case.
Of the documents transmitted to the Court, the Agreementof 25 March 1951
and the World Health Assembly resolutionconceming the request for advisory
opinion have been reproduced in English and French ; the others have been
reproduced (in one language) only if they are relevant to understanding of the
Advisory Opinion and are not in the public domain.

The Hague, 1981.

L'affaire de l'lnterpyétationde l'accord du 25i.mars 1951 entre L'OMS et
IJEgvprei,nscrite au rôle généie la Cour sous le numéro65 le 21 mai 1980,a
fait l'objet d'un avis çonsultatif rendu le 20 décembre1980(Interprérationde
l'accorddu 25 mars 1951 entre L'OMS et I'Egvpte,C.I.J. Recueil1980, p. 73).
Le présentvolumereproduit la requêtepour avisconsultatif, les documents,
les exposés écrits t raux et la correspondance relatifs à cette affaire.
Parmi les documents transmis a la Cour, l'accord du 25 mars 1951et la
résolutionde l'Assembléemondiaie de la Santésur la demande d'avis consul-
tatif sont reproduits en anglais en français'; les autres documents ne sont
reprodiiits (en une seule langue) que dans Ia mesure où ils sont utilasla

compréhension de l'avis consultatif et ne se trouvent pas dans le domaine

Request foAdvisoryOpinion- Requêtepour avis consultatif


Anne-resro the RequforAdviroty Opinion
ResolutionWHA33.16 adopted on 20 May 1980 at the fiftccnth

meeting of the Thirty-third Worid Health Ass...... 4
Resolution WHA33.16 adoptéele mai 1980à la quimieme séance
de la trente-troisièmeAssembléemondiale de la ..... 5
Agreement between the World Health Organization and theGovem-
ment of Egypt for the purposes of determining the privilcges,
immunilLesand facilitobe granted in Egyptby theGovernment
to the Organization, to therepresentativesof itsMembersand toits
experts and officials, signed at Cairo, on 25 M.... 1951 6
Accord entrel'organisation mondiale delaSantéet leGouvernement
de I'Egypte pour déterminerles priviléges,immunitéset facilités
accordésen Egypte par le Gouvernemenà l'organisation, aux

représentantsde sesMembreAsesexperts 1isesfonctionnaires.
Signé auCaire, le 25 mars 19.............. 15

Documents receivedfrom International Organizatio-s Documents

STATUTE )........................ 27
1. Extracts from collections of officia1documents of the World
Health Organizatio.................. 27

11. Documents of the Thirty-third World Health Assembly,
Geneva, 5-23 May 1980,on Item :Transfer of the Regional
Office for the Eastern Mediterra........... 27
III. Documents referred to by the Director of the Legal Division of
the World Health Organization at the fifteen- plenary meeting
oftheThirty-third World Health Assembl........ 29

1. Collections of officiai documents of the World Health Organi-
zation ........................ 30
II. Mimeographed or typewritten documents of the World Health

Organization. ..................... 33
First WorldHeul[hAsseni-:Gerrevu,24Ju~ie-Jub 1948 . 33
Commission du siègede l'organisation régionale. teojed

résolutionsoumis paladélégationégyptienn..... 33X INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

Provisional verbatim recordof the eleventh plenary meeting,
10July 10a.m. ............... 34
Summary of resolutions and decisions of the first World
Health Assernbly .................. 37

Firstmeetingof theRegionalCommitteefor the EasternMediter-
ranean,Cairo, 7-IOFebruary1949 ...........
Agenda for the meeting of the Regionai Committee for the
Eastern Mediterranean area .............
Draft rules of procedure ................
Locationof the RegionalOfficeof the WHO in Eastern Medi-
terranean area ...................
Role of the Sanitary Bureau at Alexandna as a Regional
Bureau for EpidemiologicalNotifications and Information
under theInternational SanitaryConventions.Statement by
the Director-General ................
Draft budget for Regional Office, Eastern Mediterranean
Region, including epidemiological intelligence station. .
Summary minutes, Sessionsof 7and 8 Febmary 1949 ...

Agreement between the Worldfiealth Organizationand the Gov-
ernmentof Egypt.Cairo,25 March19.51 .........
Memorandurn on PriviIeges,Immunities and Exemptions of
the Regional Office of the WHO ...........
Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt (Depart-
ment of Conferenccs, International Organizations andCon-
ventions) to Dr. Ali Tewfik Shousha Pacha, Under-Secre-
tary of State for Health, future WHO Regional Director,
Cairo, 4 May 1949 .................
Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs ad int. to the
Egyptian Council of Ministers, and the decision of the
Council, Cairo, 25 and 29 May 1949 .........

Note from the State Council Adviser (Contentieux for the
Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice) to the future
WHO Regional Director, Cairo, 29 May 1949 .....
Letter from the State Council Adviser (Contentieux for the
Ministrie; of Foreign Affairs and Justice) to the future
WHO Regional Director, Cairo, 4 June 1949 ......
Letters of transrnittal. Cairo, 18and 23 J,une 1949 ....
Executive Board, Fifth Session.Agreement with the Govem- .
ment of Egypt ............. : .....
SeventhWorld Heaith Assernbly.Withdrawal of Point 5 of the
Notes exchanged in comection with the Host Agreement
between the Governrnent of Egypt and WHO .....
base berweenthe Governmenrof Eapr and the WorldHealth
Organization ....................

Text of the lease,25 April 1955 ............
Subsequent documents ................
RulesofProcedureforSub-Cornmittee A oftheRegigionC aiommit-

teelor the EaîterrtMediierranean . , .......... CONTENTS

.Speciul session oj the Regionul Conirnitteefor the Eusteni Medi-
terraneun. Cenevu, 12 May 1979. ............

WorkingGrouponthe questionofu trunsferof theRegional Office
for the EusrernMediterrunean,1979-1980 ........
Members of the Working Group ............
Unofficial summary of the deliberations of the Working
Group at its first meeting, 29 May 1979,Geneva ...
Extracts from the documents and records of the thirty-second
Wnrld Health Assembly and the sixty-fourth sessionof the

Executive Board ..................
Second meeting of the Working Group. Draft agenda ...
Questions relating to the removalof the Regional Office from
the present location (EMR/EBWG/S and EMR/EBWG/Z.
Add. 1). .....................
Questions relating to the choice of a new location for the
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Annexes
Second meeting of the Working Group, Geneva, 24, 25 July
1979,summary of the deliberations ..........
Heaùquurters of the World Health Orgirnizution .......

Lettre du département politique fédéralsuisse au secrétaire
exkcutif de la Commission intérimairede l'OMS, 1I dé-
cembre 1946 ....................
Exchange of lctters between the Legal Counselof the United
. Nations and the Director of the Legal Department of the
WHO, 4 and 28 April 1972 ..............
Executive Board documents. 1978-1979 .- ........
Echange de lettres entre le Directeur généralde l'OMS et le
directeur de l'Officefédérale lasantépublique de Suisse,
2 novembre et 21 décembre1979 ...........

III. Documents of other international organizations ......

Office internutior~old'hygiènepublique, sessions ordinaires du
comitépermunent, procès-verbauxdesseunces, sessions de no-
vemhre 1927 etoctobre 1938 ............-.
United Nuttons .....................

Reports oftheAdministrative Committeeon Co-ordination to
theEconomic and Social Council, 3 December 1948and 25
May 1949 .....................
InternutionolLabour Organisation;Internotional LubourConfer-
ence, twenty-ninthsession, MontreuI,1946 ........

Record of proceedings, Appendix VI, second item on the
agenda : Constitutional Questions ..........

TION. ..........................
Letter from the Legd Adviser and Assistant Director-General of the
International Labour Organisation to the Registrar, 8 September
1980 ..........................XII INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

International Labour Conference, twenty-ninth session, Montreal,
1946, Report II (1) Constitutional Questions, Part:Reports of
the Coderence Delegation on Constitutional Questions, Chap-
ter III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Agreement concerning the legal status of the International Labour
Organisation in Switzerlandafter the dissolution of the Leagueof
Nations. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

WrittenStaternents - Exposésécrits

EXTERIEURESET DU CULTE DE BOLIVIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
HASHEMIT KEINGDOM OF JORDAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141


IRAQ ........................... 148


1. TheAgreementof 25Mach 195 1betweentheWHl)and Egyptisa
Headquarters Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2. TheAgreementof 25 March 1951between theWHOand Egyptisa
Headquarters Agreement for the WHO Regional Office for the
Eastern Mediterranean at Ale~andria . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
3. Section37of the 1951Agreementisapplicable in caseof transfer of
the Regional Office from Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Conclusion . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Annexes tothe WrirrenSiarementof the Gorernmentof Egypt . . 171
Letter from the State Adviser (Advisory Department for the Min-
istries of Foreign Affairs and Justice) to the WHO Regional
Director, Cairo,23 March 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Minutes of the thirry-third open meetingor the Egyptian Chamber
of Deputies held in Cairo on25, 26 and 27June 195 1 . . . . 173

AMERICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Introduction . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

1. The questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
II. Jurisdiction of the Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 182
Statement of fiicts . . . . . . ; . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Interest of the United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Statement of law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . 187

1. The provisions of Section 37 of the Host Agreement of 25
March 1951 are applicable to any removal of the Eastern
Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) from Egypt . . . 187
A. The Host Agreement is a "headquarters agreement" whose CONTENTS Xlll

terms indicate that the parties intended EMRO to be Page
locnted inEgypt for the duration of the Agreement . . 188
B. There isonly one interpretation of the I-iost Agreement

thatgiveseffecttoSection37and to theobject and purpose
of the Agreement ................ 192
C. For practical reasons, as illusirated by international prac-
tice,it isunlikely that thepartiesintended to allowremoval
of the Regional Office without notice ........ 196
D. The history of the WostAgreement confirms that the par-
ties intended that Section 37 apply to the removalof the
Regional Office from Egypt ............ 199

II. Section 37imposes legalresponsibilitieson the partics during
any IWO-yearnotice period .............. 201
A. The Agreement remains fully in forceduring the two-year
notice period ................... 201
B. During the two-year period the parties are bound by the
Agreement and musi perform it in good faith .... 205
C. The parties must negotiate during the two-year period for

an orderly transition to a new Jegalrégime ...... 205
Conclusions ......................... 206

Oral Statements - Esposésoraux

Le droit international général etle transfert du siège d'une
organisation internationale ................ 2 17
L'accord du 25 mars 1951ne règleni le choix du siègedu Bureau
régional nile transfert de ce siège............. 219

Le siègedu Hureau régionala étéétablipar un accord en forme
simplifiéequi est dénonçable ............... 220
Le transfcri.du siègen'est pas prévudans l'accordet le principe de
l'effet utile ne saurait s'appliquer en l'espèce...... 222
Lc transfert du siégen'est pas lihla dénonciationde l'accord . . 225

La question du transfert du siègedu Bureau régional n'entrepasdans
le cadre d'unercvision de l'accorddu 25 mars 195 1 ...... 228
Le Bureau kgional a été crée.antérieurement àl'accord,par un acte
unilatéralde l'Assembléemondiale de la Santé, acceptécomme tel

et cn toute souverainetépar 1'Etathôte. et Ictransfert de son siège
devrait êtreeffectuépar un acte de mémenature ....... 228
La situation actuelle met le Bureau régionaldans l'incapacitéde
remplir la mission qui lui est dévolue............ 229XIV INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

1.Theongins of the World Health Organization'sRegionalOfficein
Alexandna .......................
II. The arguments against the applicability of Section 37of the Host
Agreement .......................

1. The argument that the Host Agreement is not a headquarters
agreement but merely an agreement on privilegesand immu-
2. The claim that the Alexandria office was established by an
agreement other than and anterior to the 1951 Host Agree-
ment ........................
3. Thecontention that the Organization mayunilaierallychangea
decision it has taken in exerciseof its exclusiveauthori.y.
4. The argument that a decision to transfer the Regional Office
from the territory of Egypt does not entai1revisionor denun-

ciation of the Host Agreement .............
5. The alleged legal effect of the breach of diplomatic relations
with Egypt ......................
Summary of the argument in favour of the applicability of Sec-
tion 37. .......................

L'accord du 25 mars 1951n'est pas un accord de siége .....
Le Bureau régionala étéétablien vertu d'un accord en forme sim-
plifiéequi est dénonçableselon les règlesétablieset reconnues du
droit international....................

Ex~ost ORAL DE M. OSMAN (EGYPTE) ..............
Réfutationdesprincipaux argumentsvisant Aétayerlaconclusionque

la section 37 de l'accord du25 mars 1951 ne s'applique pas au
transfert du siègedu Bureau régional ............
Premièreversion du premier argument : l'accord ne peut pasjuridi-
quement réglerla question du choixet de l'établissementdu siége
du Bureau régional ....................
Deuxiémeversion du premier argument : raccord n'a pas eu pour
objet de fixer le siègedu Bureau régional ..........
Troisiémeversiondu premierargument :l'accordviseautrechoseque
l'établissementd'un siège .................
Deuxièmeargument :il existe deux accords ..........
Troisième argument: le champ d'application de la section 37 de
l'accord est limité exclusivemenauxcas de dénonciation faisant
suiteA une demande de revision ..............
Seconde question posée àla Cour ..............

SAN'T~), ......................... 278

Réponses aux questionsdu Président ............. 278 CONTENTS XV

Premièrequestion .................... 278
Deuxiémequestion ................... 281
Troisièmequestion ................... 282
Quatrième question ................... 283
Cinquième question ................... 283

Réponse a la question poséepar .Oda ........... 285
Réponse à la question poséepaM .Sette-Camara ....... 285

Exposk ORAL DE M .OSMAN (EGYPTE) ............. 288
Réponse à la troisièmequestion du Présiden......... 288
Réponse a la quatriémequestion du Présiden......... 288
Réponse à la question de .Mosler ............. 288

Comments on Judge Oda'squestion ............. 290
Comments on the President's firstquestio.......... 293
No antenor agreement controls the location and maintenance of the

Regional Office ..................... 294

Observations sur l'exposéoral de.M Schwebe......... 297
Observations sur l'exposéoral de.M Osman.......... 298


Annexes to theOral Statements. Annexes auxexposésoraux
Further observations of the Govemmentof the United States of
America ........................ 305

Complementary statement of the Government of Egypt ..... 307

Correspondence. Correspondance ................ 315REQUESTFOR ADVISORYOPINION




21 May 1980.

Pursuant to resolution WHA 33.16adopted by theWorld Health Assemblyon
20 May 1980and in accordance with Article96, paragraph 2,of the Charter of
the United Nations, Article 76 of the Constitution of the World Health Orga-

nization and Article X, paragraph 2, of the Agreement between the United
Nations and the World Health Organization, 1have thehonour to laybefore the
International Court of Justice the following que:tions
"1. Are the negotiation and noticeprovisionsof Section 37of the Agree-
ment of 25 March 1951between the World Health Organization and Egypt
applicable intheevent that eitherparty to theAgreement wishesto havethe
Regional Office transferred from the territory of?Egypt
2. If so,what would bethelegalresponsibilitiesof both theWorld Health
Organization and Egypt, with regardto the Regional Officein Alexandria,

during the two-year period between notice and termination of the Agree-
ment ?"
1attach the textsof the resolution and the Agreement of 25March 1951with
Egypt as well as theBasic Documenrs of the World Health Organization
containingthe WHO texts referred to.The documentsand records ofthe Thirty-
third World Health Assembly related to the question of the transfer of the
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as certain other docu-
ments likely to throw a light upon the questions submitted to the Court, willbe
transmitted shortly in the number you may
1have appointed Mr. Claude-Henri Vignes,Director of the Legal Divisionof
the World Health Organization, as rnyrepresentative for the further proceed-

As 1consider it my duty to report back to the next World Health Assemblyin
May 1981and taking into account the fact that the Executive Boardwillmeet in
January toprepare twork oftheAssembly,1would liketo inform theCourt,in
accordance withArticle 103of the Rules of Court, that this request necessitates
an urgent answer. 1should therefore be grateful if the Court would consider al1
necessary steps to accelerate the procedure so as to permit the advisory opinion
to be rendered before.
I have, etc.
(Signed)H. MAHLER,


The Thirty-third World Health Assernbly,
Havingregard toproposaiswhich havebeen made to removefrom Alexandria

the Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health
Taking note of the differing viewswhich have been expressed in the World
Health Assembly on the question of whether the World Health Organization
may transfer the Regional Officewithout regard to the provisionsof Section 37
of the Agreement between the World Health Organization and Egypl of
25 March 1951,

Noting further that the Working Group of the Executive Board has been
unable to make ajudgment of a recommendation on the applicability of Sec-
tion 37 of this Agreement.

Decides,prior to taking any decision on removal of the Regional Office,and
pursuant toArticle 76of the ConstitutiooftheWorld Health Organization and
Article X of the Agreement betweenthe United Nations and the World Health
Organization approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on
15 November 1947,to submit to the International Court of Justice for its Advi-
sory Opinion the following questions :

"1. Are the negotiation and notice provisionsof Section 37of theAgree-
ment of 25 March 1951between the WorldHealth Organization and Egypt
applicable in theevent that either party tothe Agreement wishesto havethe
Regional Office transferred from the territory of Egy?t
2. Ifso,what would bethelegalresponsibilitiesofboth theWorld Health
Organization and Egypt, with regard to the Regional Officein Alexandna,
during the two-year period between notice and termination of the Agree-
ment ?"

Certified truecopy :

(Signed Claude-Henri VIGNES,
Director of the Legal Division,

20 May 1980. REQUEST



La trente-troisiéme Assemblée mondialde la Santé,

Tenant compte despropositions visaàttransféreren un autre lieule Bureau
régionalde la Méditerranée orientale quise trouve actuellemeàtAlexan-

Prenant note des divergences de vues qui se sont fait jaul'Assemblée
mondiale dela Santésurlepointdesavoirsil'organisation mondiale delaSanté
est endroitde transférerleBureau régionalsanstenir comptedes dispositionsde
Iasection 37del'accordentre l'organisation mondialede laSantéet l'Egypteen
date du 25 mars 1951;

Notant en outre que le groupe de travail du Conseil exécutifn'a pas été en
mesurede décider silasection 37dudit accord devaitounon êtreappliquéeni de
formuler une recommandation à ce sujet,

Décide a,ant de prendre une décision au sujetdu déplacementdu Bureau
régional, etconformémenta l'article76 de la Constitution de l'organisation
mondiale de la Santéainsi qu'a l'articleX de l'accord entre l'organisation des
Nations Unies et l'Organisa&onmondiale de la Santéapprouvé1'Assemblée
généraledesNations Unies le 15novembre demander ala Cour inter-
Gationale de Justice de rendre un avis consultatif sur les questions suivantes :

B 1. Les clausesde négociation etde préavis énoncéedsans la section 37
de l'accord du 2mars 1951entre l'organisation mondiale de la Santéet
I'Egyptesont-elles applicables au cas où l'une ou l'autre partie a l'accord
souhaite que le Bureau régional soittransféré hors duterritoire egyp-

2. Dans l'affirmative,quelles seraient les responsabilitésjuridiques tant
del'organisation mondiale delaSantéqude 1'Egypteencequiconcerne le
Bureau régionalàAlexandrie, au cours des deux ans séparant ladate de
dénonciation de l'accord et la date où celui-ci deviendra?tecaduc

Copie certifiée conforme:

le directeur de la divisionjuridique,
(Signé)Claude-Henri VIGNES,



TheGoyernmentof Egypt on the one part,

The WorldHealfhOrgunizationon the other,
Desiringto conclude an agreement for the purpose of determining the privi-

leges,immunities and facilities to be granted by the GoverEg~ptto the
World HealthOrganizntion,to the representatives of its Members and to its
experts and officiaisin particular with regard toits arrangements in the Eastern
MediterruneanRegion,and of regulating other related mat;ers

Haveagreedasfollows :

Sectio1. In the present Agreement
(i) The word "Organization" shallmean the World Health Organization ;
(ii) For the purposof Article IV the words "property and assets", "funds,

notes, coinsand securitor"assets,incomeandother property", shallbe
deerned to include property, assets and Eundsadministered by the Orga-
nization under Article 57 of its Constitution and/or in Eurtheranceof its
constitutional functi;ns
(iii) The words "representatives and Members" shallbe deemed to ial1ude
deiegates to the World Health Assembly,al1persons designated byMem-
bers to serveon the ExecutiveBoardof theOrganization, al1representatives

on the Regional Cornmitteesin the Eastern Mediterranean Region, aswell
as al1delegates, alternates, advisers,technical experts who are members of
delegationand secretaries of delegati;ns
(iv) nie word "Member" shallbedeemed to includea Member or an Asso-
ciate Memberof the Organization as well as a territory or group of terri-
tories which, without beinan Associate Mernber, is represented and
participating in the Regional Committee of the Eastern Mediterranean

Region of the Organization, in accordance with Article 47 of its constitu-
(v) The words "principal or subsidiary organs" shallbe deemed to include the
World Health Assembly, the ExecutiveBoard, theRegional Committee in
the Eastern Mediterranean Region and anyof the subdivisions of al1these
organs as well as the Secretariat and the Regiond Office in Alexan-

dna ;
(vi) For thepurposesofSections4,6,16 and 17thewords"freedom of meeting"
or "meeting of the Organization" shall be deemed to include al1institu- REQUEST 7

tional meetingsof the principal or subsidiary organoftheOrganization as
wellas al1conferences or meetingsconvened by, or under the authority or
auspices of, the Organization in Egypt.


Section 2. The Organization shall possess juridical personality and legal
capacity and, in particular, capacity

(u) to contract ;
(h) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property ; and
(c) to institute legal proceedings.


Section3. TheOrganization and its principal or subsidiary organs shdl have
in Egypt the independence and freedom of action belonging to an international
organization according to international practice.
Section4. The Organization, its principal or subsidiary organs aswell as its
Members and the representatives of Members in their relations with the Orga-
nization, shdl enjoyin Egypt absolute freedomof meeting,includingfreedomof

discussion and decision.

Section5. TheOrganization and itsproperty and assetslocated in Egyptshdl
enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except in so far as in any
pariicular case thisimmunity isexpressly waivedby the Director-General of khe
Organization, or the Regional Director as his duly authorized representative.

It is, however, understood that no waiver of irnmunity shall extend to any
measure of execution.
Section6. (1) The premises of the Organization in Egypt or any premises
in Egypt occupied by the Organization in connexion with a meeting of the
Organization shaIl be inviolable.
(2) Such premises and the property and assets of the Organization in Egypt
shailbe immune from search, requisiiion. confiscation, expropriation ;and any
other forrn of intederence, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or
Section 7,The archives of the Organization, and in generai al1documents

belonging to it or held by it in Egypt shall be inviolable.
Secrion B. (1) The World Heaith Organization may receiveand hold funds,
notes, coins and securities of any kind and may dispose of them freely both
within Egypt and in its relations with other countries.
(2) This seciion shaii aiso apply to Members of the Organization in their
relations with the Organization.
Section9. The Governrnent of Egyptshallprovidefor theOrganization, at the
most favourablerate officially recognized, ils national currency to the amountrequired to meet the expenditure of the Organization in Egypt or other parts of ,
the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Section IO. In exercisingits rights under Sections8 and 9, the Organization
shallpay due regard to any iepresentations madeby theGovernment of Egypt in
so far as the Organization considers that effect can be given to such represen-
tations without detriment to its interests.
Section II. The Organization,its assets,incomeand other property shallbe :

(u) exemptfrom al1direct and indirect taxes.It isunderstood, however,that the
Organization willnot claimexemption fromtaxes whichare,in fact, no more
ihan charges for public utility services;
(b) exempt fronl customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions on imports and

exports in respectof medicalsupplies,or anyother goodsorarticlesimported
orexported by theOrganization foritsofficial use.It isunderstood, however,
that suchmedicalsupplies,goods,orarticlesimported undersuchexemption
aiIl not be sold or ceded in Egypt except under conditions agreed with the
Government of Egypt ;
(c) exempt from customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions on imports and
exports in respect of their publications.

Secrion12. While the Organization will not, as a general rule, in the case of
minor purchases,claimexemptionfrom excisedutiesandfrom taxeson thesale of a
movable and immovable property which form part of the price to be paid,
nevertheless,when theOrganization is making important purchases for officia1
use of property on which such duties and taxes have been charged or are
chargeable, the Governmerit of Egypt shall make appropriate administrative
arrangements for the remission or return of the arnount of duty or tax.

Article V

Section 13. The Organization shall enjoy in Egypt for its official communi-
cations treatment noi lessfavourable than ihat accorded by the Government of
Egypt toanyother Govemment includingitsdiplomatic mission,in thematter of
priorîties, rates and taxes on mail, cables, telegrams, radiograms, telephotos,
telephone and other communicationsand Pressratesfor information io the Press

and radio.
Section 14. (1) No censorship shall be applied to the duly authenticated
official communications of the Organization.
(2) The Organization shall have the right to use codes and to despatch and
receivecorrespondence by couneror in sealed bags, which shall have the same
immunities and pnvileges as diplornatic couriers andbags.

Article VI

Seciion 15. Representativesof Membersof theOrganization onitsprincipalor
subsidiary organs and at conferences or meetingsconvenedby the Organization
andwhoare notof Egyptian nationdity, shail,whiieexercisingtheirfunctionsand
during iheir journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy the following
privileges and immunities : REQUEST 9

(u)immunityfrom personal arrest ordetention and fromseizureof theirpersonal
baggage,and, in respectofwords spokenor written and al1actsdone by them
in their official capacity, immunity from legal process of every kin;
(b) inviolabiïity for al1papers and documents ;
(c) the right to use codes anddespatch or receivepapers or correspondence by
courier or in sealed bags;

(d) exemption in respect of themselves and their spouses from immigration
restrictions, aliens registration or national serviceobligations in Egyptian
terntory ;
(e)the same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are
accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary officiai
missions ;
(fl the sameimmunitiesand facilitiesin respectof theirpersonal baggageasare
accorded to members of dipiomatic missions of comparable rank ;

(-. such other privileges, immunities and facilities not inconsistent with the
foregoing & members of diplornatic missions of comparable rank enjoy,
exceutthat thevshallhaveno riaht toclaimexem~tion fromcustomsduties on
articles irnporied (otherwisthan as part of thei'rpersonal baggage)or from
indirect taxes or sales taxes.

Section16; In order to secure for the representatives of ~ernbers of the
Organization at a meetingof the Organization complcte freedomof speech and
independence in the dischargeof theirduties, theimmunity[rom legalproccssin

respectof words spokenor written and al1actsdane by them indischargingtheir
dutiesshallcontinue tobeaccorded,notwithstanding that thepersonsconcerned
a2 no longer engaged in the discharge of such duties.
Section17. If the incidenceofany formof taxation dependsupon residencein
Egypr,periods during whichthe representativesof Membersof the Organization
are present at a meeting of the Organization in Egypt for the discharge of their
duties shall not be considered as periods of residence.
Section18. Privilegesand immunities are accorded to the representatives of
Members of the Organization not for the personal benefit of the individuals

themselves,but in order to safeguard the independent exerciseof their functions
in connexion with the Organization. Consequently, a Mcmber not only hils the
right,but isunder aduty ta waivetheimmunity of its representatives inany case
where,in the opinion of the Member, the immunity would impede the courseof
justice, and it can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the
immunity isaccorded. In any suchcasein whichone of thepcrsonsdesignated to
serveon it isconcemed, the Executive Board of the Organization shall bc under
the same duty.

Section19. TheOrganizationwillasfaraspossiblecommunicateinadvanceto
theGovernment ofEgypt alist of the representativesinviredtoits conferencesor


Section20. Expertsand consultants other than thosewho under Section 1(iii)
or as officials cornewithin the scopeof Article VI or VI11respectivelyand who
perform missions for the Organization shail bc accorded such privileges and
immunities as are necessary for the independent exeicise of their functions10 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

during the penod of their missions, including the tirne spent on journeys in
connexion with their missions. In particular, they shall be accorded :

(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their
personal baggage and in respect of words spoken or written and acts done by
them in the course of the performance of their mission, immunity from legal
process of every kind. This immunity from legal process shall continue to be
accorded notwithstanding that thepersons concernedareno longeremployedon
missions for the Organization ;

(h) inviolability for ail papers and documents ;
(c) for thepurpose of theircommunications with theOrganization, theright to
use codes and to despatch or receive papersor correspondence bycourier or in
sealed bags ;
(d) exemption in respect of themselvesand their spouses from immigration
restrictions, aliens' registration or national senice obligations in Egypt ;
(e) the same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are
accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official mis-
sions ;
fl) the same immunities and facilitiesin respect of their persona1baggage as

are accorded to members of diplomatic missions.
Seaion 21. Privilegesand immunitiesaregranted toexpertsin theinterests of
the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves.
The Director-Generai shallhave the right and the dutyto waivethe imrnunity of

any expert in any case where, in his opinion, the immunity would impede the
course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the

Article VI11

Secrion22. The Director-General or the Regional Directorashisduly author-
ized representative, shall from time to time communicate to the Govemment of
Egypt the categones and the names of those officials to whom the provisionsof
this Article and Article IX shall apply.

Section 23. (1) Officiais of the Organization irrespective of nationality
shali :
(a) be immunefrom legalprocessin respectof wordsspokenorwntten and dl
acts performed by them in their officiaicapacity ;

(b) be exempt fromtaxation in respectof thesalaries and emoluments paid to
them by the Organization.
(2) Moreover those who are not of Egyptian nationality shall :

(a) be immune, together with their spousesand relativesdependent on them,
from immigration restrictions and aliens' registration:
(b) be accorded the same privileges in respect of exchange facilities as are
accorded to officiais of comparable rank of diplomatic missions to Egypt ;
(c) be given, together with their spousesand relativesdependent on them the
sarne repatriation facilities in time of international crises as officials of com-
parable rank of diplomatic missions ;
(dl have the right to import free ofduty their furniture and effectsat the time
of taking up their post in Egypt or upon their permanent appointment to it ; (e) once everythree years havethe right to irnport freeof duty a motor car, it
being understood that the duty will become payable in the event of the sale or
disposal ofsuchmotor car to aperson not entitled to this exemption within three
years upon its importation.

Secriart24. (1) The officials of the Organization shall be exempt from
national service obligations in Egypt provided that, in relation to officials
who areEgyptian nationals, suchexemption shallbeconfined toofficialswhose
names have, by reason of their duties, been placed upon a list compiled by the
Director-General or the Regional Director ashis duly authorized represen-
tative and approved by the Government of Egypt.
(2) Shouldother officialsof theOrganizationbe calledup for national service,
the Government of Egypt shall, at the request of the Director-General or the
Regional Director as his duly authorized representative,grant as far aspossible

such deferments in the call-up of such officials as may be necessary to avoid
serious dislocation in the continuation of essential work.
Secrion25. Inadditionto theimmunitiesandpnvileges specifiedinSection22,
the Directar-General, the Deputy Director-General, the Assistant Directors-
General, the Regional Director in Egypt and his Deputy shall be accorded in
respect of themselves, their spouses and minor children, the pnvileges and
immunities, exemptions and facilities accorded to diplornatic envoys in accor-
dance with international law and usage.
Secrion26. Pnvilegesand immunitiesare grmted toofficials in theinterestsof
the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves.
The Director-General shall have the rightand theduty to waivethe irnmunityof
anyofficiai in any case where,in his opinion, the immunity would impede the

course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the

Article IX

Section27. (1) The Government of Egypt shail take al1measures required to
facilitate the entry into, residence in, and departure from Egypt of al1persons
having official business with the Organization, Le. :

(4 representatives of Members, whatever may be the relations between Egypt
and the Member concerned ;
{b) experts and consultants on missions for the Organization irrespective of
nationality ;
(c)officjals of the Organization ;
(d)other persons, irrespectiveof nationality, surnmoned by the Organization.

(2) Anypoliceregulationcalculated to restrict theentry of aliensinto Egyptor
toregulatetheconditionsof theirresidenceshallnot applytothepersons provided
for in this section.
(3) The Governrnent of Egypt shall issue to the embassies, légationsand
consulates abroad generalinstructionsin advance to gant visasto anyapplicant

on production ofa validpassport orany equivaientidentity and traveldocument
and of a document establishing'his official relationship to the Orginization12 1NTFRPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

without any delay or waiting period and without requiring his personal atten-
dance or the payment of any charges.
(4) The provisionsof this ~ectionshall apply to the spouseanddependents of
the Dersonconcerned if thev 1i;e with him and do not exercisean indevendent

proiesion or calling.
Section78. TheGovernment ofEgyptshalIrecognizeand acceptasvalidtravel
documents the United Nations laissa-passer issued to the officialsof the Orga-
nization under administrative arrangements concluded between the Director-
General of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the United Na-
Section29. TheDirector-General, theDeputyDircctor-General, theAssistant
Directors-General, the Regional Director of the Organization in Egypt,and the
Directorsof theorganization travellingonitsofïicial businessshallbegranted the
same facilities as are accorded to diplomatic envoys.

Secrion30. (1)The Organizationwillbesupplied,in thepremisesplacedatits
disposal. withelectricity,water and gas,and withsetviceforthe removalofrefuse.
Inacaseof forcemajeureentailingpartiaor totalsuspensionoftheseservices,the
requirements of theOrganization willbeconsidered bytheGovemment of Egypt
to be of the same importance as those of its own administrations.
(2) The Governrnent of Egypt willensure thenecessary policesupervisionfor
theprotection of theseatof theOrganization andfor the maintenance of order in
the immediate vicinity thereof. At the request of the Dircctor-General, the
Government of Egypt will supply such police force as rnay be necessary to
maintain order within the building.



Seciion31. (1) Nothing in the present agreement shallaffect the right of the
Egyptian Government to take the precautions necessary for the security of
(2) If the Egyptian Government considers it necessary to apply the first
paragraph of this article, it shall approach the World Health Organization as

rapidly as circumstances allow in order to determbyemutual agreement the
measures necessary to protect the interests of the World Health Organiza-
(3)The World Health Organization shall collaborate with the Egyptian
authorities to avoid any prejudice to the security of Egypt resulting from its


Secrioti32. TheOrganizationshallCO-operateai altimeswiththeappropriate
authorities of theGovernmentof Egypt to facilitate theproper administration of
Justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence
of any abuse in connexion with the privileges, immunities and facilities
provided for under the present Agreement.
Seciion 33. The Organization shall make provision for appropriate modesof
settlement of: REQUEST 13

(a) disputes arisingoutof contracts orother disputesofaprivatelaw character
to which the Organization is a party ;
(bjdisputes involvingany official of the Organization who, by reason of his
officiai position, enjoys immunity, if immunity has not been waived by the
Director-General in accordance with the provisions of Section 26.

Section 34. Any difference between theOrganization and the Egyptian Gov-
ernment arisingout of theinterpretation or application ofthe present Agreement
or of any supplementary arrangement or agreement which is not settled by
negotiation shall be submitted for decision to a Board of three arbitrator;the

first to be appointed by the Egyptian Govemment, the second by the Director-
General of the Organization, and the third, the presiding arbitrator, by the
President of the International Court of Justice, unless in any specific case the
parties hereto agree to resort to a different mode of settlernent.

Article XII

Section 35. The present Agreement shallenter into forceas soon asit hasbeen

ratified by the Government of Egypt in accordance with its constitutional pro-
cedure and adopted by the World Health Assembly.
Section 36. On the coming-into-force of the present Agreement it will be
communicated for registration to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
by the Director-General of the Organization, in pursuance of Article 1of the
Regulations, to give effect to Article 102of the Charter of the United Nations
adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December
Section 37. The present Agreement may be revised at the request of either
party. In this event the two parties shall consult each other concerning the

modifications to be made inits provisions. If the negotiations do not result in an
understanding within one year, the present Agreement may be denounced by
either party giving two years' notice.
Infatth whereof the present Agreement was done and signed at Cairo on the

25th day of March 1951,in six copies,three in French and three in English, the
texts in both languages being equally authentic, of which two texts,one copy in
French and one in English, were handed to the representatives of the Govem-
ment of Egypt, and the four remaining copies to the Director-General of the
World Health Organization.

For the World Healîh Organization :

For the Government of Egypt :


Letterfram the Eaptiari Governrnen to the WorldHealth
Organization, doted 25 March1951


With respect to the.conclusion between the Egyptian Government and the
World Health Organization of the Agreementconceming the pnvileges,immu-
nities and faciiities to be accorded to the Organization in Egypt, 1 have the
honour to submit the follo5ng . .

1.The Organization may, under Section 8, hold gold and, through normal
channels,receiveand transferit toandfrom Egypt.It shallnot, however,transfer
from Egypt, more gold than it has brought in.
2. With reference to Article 8, the Organization and the Governrnent shall
determine by mutual agreement the categories of officials and the nature and
extent of facilities, privilegesand immunitiesto be accorded, ta each cate-
3.With reference to Section 25, the Organization willnot claim on behalf of
officialsassigned to the staff of the Regional Officein Egypt,who are Egyptian
Nationals, irrespective of grade, immunity from the criminaijurisdiction of the
Egyptian Courts in respect of words spoken or written and acts performed by

them in so far asthese words or acts are not spoken or wntten or performed by
them in their official capacity.
4. In claiming the benefit of Section27 (2)of the Agreement, the Organiza-
tion willnot claim on behalf of the persons mentioned in Section 27 (1)exernp-
tionfrom Policeregulationsin sofar assuchregulations aremadebyvirtueof the
International Sanitary Conventions or by virtue of similar conventions, agree-
ments or regulations adopted by the World Health Organization.

(Signed)Moharned SALAHEL-DINE.

Letterfrom theWorldHeolthOrganizationto the
Egyptian Governmentd , ated 25 March1951


With respect to the conciusion between the Egyptian Government and the
World Health Organization of the Agreementconcerning the pnvileges, immu-
nitiesand facilitiestbe accorded to the Organizationin Egypt,and in answer to
your letter of 25th March, 1951,I have the honour to communicate the follow-
ing :

1. 1agree that., .
[Seepnragraphs 1 to 4 of letteT]



Le Gowernemenrde I'Epypred'une part,

L'Organisationmondialede lu Santéd'autre part,
Désireu dxe conclure un accord ayant pour objet de déterminerlespriviléges,

immunitésetfacilitésquidevront ktreaccordéspar leGouvernementeI'Egvpte
I'Qrganisationmondialede la Santé,aux représentantsdeses Membres, à ses
experts eà sesfonctionnaires, notementen ce qui concerne les arrangements
pour la régionde la Méditerrunéoerientale,ainsi que de régler diversesautres
questions connexes,

Ont convenuce quisuit:


Section1. Dans le présent accor:

i) le term<Organisation )désignel'organisation mondiale de la Sant;
ii) aux fins d'application de l'articleIV,les termes et avoi)><(fonds,
devises, numéraires et autres valeurs mobili))ou (avoirs, revenus et
autres bien)>doivent êtreentenduscommecomprenant lesbiens, avoirset

fonds qui sont administres par l'organisation en application de l'article57
de sa Constitution et/ou dans l'accomplissementde ses fonctions constitu-
tionnelles ;
iii) les terme<(représentants des Membresa doivent êtreentendus comme
comprenant tous lesdéléguéà l'Assembléemondiale de la Santé,toutes les

personnes désignéesar lesMembrespour fairepartiedu Conseilexécutifde
l'organisation, tous les représentants des Membres au sein des comités
régionauxde la régionde la Méditerranéeorientale, ainsi que tous les
délégués,délégu suépspléants,conseille~set experts techniquesfaisant partie
des délégations,et tes secrétairesdes délégations;

iv) leterme OMembres idoit ètreentendu commecomprenant lesMembresou
Membres associésde l'organisation, ainsi que les territoires ou groupes de
territoires qui, bien que n'étantpas membres associés,se trouventrepresen-
téset participent au Comitérégionalde I'Organisationpour la régionde la
Méditerranée orientale, conformémentàl'article47 de la Constitution de

v) les termes<(organes principaux ou subsidiair1)doivent êtreentendus
commecomprenant l'Assembléemondialede la Santé,leConseil exécutif,le
Comitérégionalde la régionde la Méditerranée orientaleet toute subdivi-
sion de cesdivers organes,de mêmeque lesecrétariatetleBureau régiànal
Alexandrie;vi) aux finsde l'application des sections 4, 6, et 17,les termes« libertéde
réunion 1,ou <iréunionde l'organisation o doivent etre entendus comme
visant toutes les réunionsréglementairesdes organes principaux ou subsi-
diaires de l'organisation, ainsi que toutes conférencesou sessions convo-
quéespar l'Organisation, ou sous son autorité ou sous ses auspices, en



Section2. L'Organisation jouit de la personnalité juridique et possède la
capacité juridique, notamment la capacité:

a) de contracter ;
b) d'acquérirdes biens immobiliers et mobilierset d'en disposer;
c) d'ester en justice.


Secrion3. L'Organisation, ainsi que sesorganes principaux ou subsidiaires,
jouissent en Egypte del'indépendance etde lalibertéd'actionqui appartiennent
à une organisation internationale conformément aux usages internationaux.
Section4. L'Organisation et sesorganes principaux ou subsidiaires, de mëme
que ses Membres et les représentants des Membres dans leurs rapports avec
l'organisation. jouissent, en Egypte, d'unelibertéde réunionabsolue,compor-

tant la libertéde discussion et de décision.

Secrion5. L'Organisation, ainsi que ses biens et avoirs situésen Egypte,
jouissent de l'immunitéA l'égardde toute forme d'action judiciaire,sauf dans la
mesure où cette immunité auraétéformeHementlevée,dans un cas particulier,

par leDirecteur généradle I'Organisationou par ledirecteur régional agissanten
qualitéde représentantdûment autorisédecelui-ci.11estentendu, toutefois, que
la renonciation à l'immuniténe peut s'étendre à des mesures d'exécution.
Section6. 1) Les locauxde I'Organisationsituéscn Egypte, ainsiquc tous les
locauxoccupésen Egypte par l'organisation à l'occasiond'und ee ses réunions,
sont inviolables.
2) Leslocauxenquestion, ainsi quelesbiens et avoirsdel'organisation situés
en Egypte, échappenti toute perquisition, réquisition, confiscationou expro-

priation,ou toute autre forme d'ingérencepouvant résulterdel'exécutiond'une
mesure administrative,judiciaire ou législative.
Section7. Lesarchives de I'Organisationet, d'une manière générale. toulss
documents lui appartenant ou détenuspar elle en Egypte sont inviolables.
Section8. 1) L'Organisation mondialede la Santépeut recevoir et détenir
tous fonds quelconques, toutes devises,numéraireset autres valeurs mobilicres,
et en disposer librement tanà l'intérieurde 1'Egyptequedans ses relations avec
L'étranger. 2) La présentesection estapplicable égalementaux Etats Membresdans leurs

relations avec l'organisation mondiale de la Santé.
Section 9.Le Gouvernement de 1'Egypteprocurera l'organisation des de-
visesnationales au taux de change officiel le plus favorable,à concurrence du
montant nécessairepour couvrir les dépensesde l'organisation en Egypte ou
dans les autres parties de la régionde la Méditerranée orientale.
Section 10. Dans l'exercicedes droits qui lui sont accordés en vertudes sec-
tions 8 et 9, l'Organisation tientdûment compte de toute représentation quilui
serait faite par le Gouvernement de l'Egypte, dans la mesure ou elle estimera
pouvoir y donner suite sans porter brejudice à ses intérêts.
Section 11. L'Organisation, ses avoirs, revenusou autres biens, sont:

a) exonérésde tous impôts directs ou indirects. Il est entendu toutefois que
l'organisation ne demande pas à êtreexonérée d'impôtsqui nedépasseraient
pas, en fait, la simple rémunérationde services d'utilitépublique ;
b) exonérésdes droits de douane et exemptésdes prohibitions et restrictions
visant les importations et exportations de fournitures médicalesel de tous
autres articlesou marchandisesimportésouexportésparl'organisation pour

son usage officiel. Il est entendu, toutefois, que les fournitures médicales,
marchandises ou articles importes au bénéfice d'exonérationosu d'exemp-
tions de cegenre ne seront pas vendus ni cédésen Egypte, a moinsque ce ne
soit B des conditions agrééespar le Gouvernement de I'Egypte;
c) exonérésdes droits de douane et exemptésdesprohibitions etdes restrictions
d'importation et d'exportation en ce qui concerne les publications de l'Or-

Secrion12, En réglegénérale, l'Organisation ne revendiqup eas, dans le cas
d'achats de peu d'importance, l'exonérationdes droits d'accise et des taxes
prélevées sur la ventedes biens mobiliers au immobiliers, lorsque ces droits ou
taxes sont compris dans le prix de vente ; le Gouvernement de 1'Egyptedevra
néanmoins - lorsquel'Organisation effectuera,pour un usageofficiel,desachats
importants de marchandises frappées,oususceptiblesd'être frappées d,e droits
oude taxesdecegenre - prendre desmesuresadministrativesappropriéesenvue
d'assurer la remise ou le remboursement du montant des droits ou taxes en

Article V

Section 1.3.L'Organisation jouit, en Egypte, pour ses communications offi-
cielles,d'un traitement qui ne serapas moins favorableque celuiqui est accordé
par le Gouvernement de i'Egypte à tout autre gouvernement, ou à la mission
diplomatique de tout autre gouvernement, enmatièrede priorités, tarifset taxes
applicables au courrier, aux câblogrammes, aux télégrammesa , ux radiotélé-
grammes, aux téléphotos,aux communications téléphoniquesou autres, ainsi
qu'enmatièrede tarifs depressepour lesinformations destinées Alapresseet ala

Section 14. 1) Les communications officiellesdüment authentifiéesde l'Or-
ganisation ne peuvent êtrecensurées.
2) L'Organisation ale droit d'employerdes codes, ainsique d'expédieret de
recevoirsa correspondance par courriersou par valisesscelléesquijouissent des
mêmes privilèges et immunitésque les courriers et valises diplomatiques. Article VI

Secfion 15. Les personnes qui ne sont pas de nationalitéégyptienneet qui
représentent desMembresdel'organisation au seindesesorganesprincipauxou
subsidiaires, ainsi qu'aux conférencesou réunionsconvoquéespar l'organisa-
tion,jouissent, pendant l'exercicede leurs lonctions et au cours de leur voyagei~
destination ou en provenance du lieu de réunion, desprivilégeset immunités
suivants :

a) immunité d'arrestation oude détention,en cequi concerne leur personne, et
de saisie de leurs bagages personnels, ainsiqu'immunitéde toutejuridiction
pour tousactes accomplispareuxdans l'exercicedeleursfonctions, ycompris
leurs paroles et Pcrit;
b) inviolabilitéde tous papiers et documents ;
c) droit defaireusagede codeset d'expédieroude recevoirdesdocuments ou de
la correspondance par courriers ou par valises scellée;

d) exemption,pour eux-m&meset pour leurconjoint,des mesures restrictivesen
matiéred'immigration, ainsique des formalitésd'enregistrement des étran-
gers et des obligations de service national sur le territoire égyptien;
e) mêmes facilités, ecne qui concerne les restrictions monétairesou de change,
que cellesqui sont accordéesaux représentantsde gouvernements étrangers
en mission officielle temporaire ;
f) memes immunitéset facilités,en ce qui concerne leurs bagages personnels,
que cellesqui sont accordées aux membresdes missions diplomatiques d'un
rang comparable ;
g)tous autres privilkges,immunités etfacilitésqui ne sont pas incompatibles
avec les dispositions précédentes edtont bénéficientles membres des mis-

sions diplomatiques d'un rangcomparable, sous réserveque ces personnes
n'auront pas droit h l'exonérationdes droits de douane sur les articles
importés(si ce n'est en tant que partie de leurs bagages personnels), ni des
impats indirects et des taxes prklevéessur les ventes.
Section 16. En vue d'assurer aux représentantsdes Membres de l'Organisa-

tion, lors des réunionsde l'organisation, une complételibertéde parole et une
indépendance entièredans l'accomplissementde leurs fonctions, l'immunité de
juridiction en ce qui concerne tous actes accomplis par eux dans l'exercicede
leurs fonctions, y compris leurs paroles et écrits,continAeleur êtreaccordée,
msme au cas ou les personnes en question auraient cessé d'exercer lesdites
Section 17. Dans le cas où l'incidence d'un impôt quelconque serait deter-
minke en fonction de la résidence en Egypte,les périodesdurant lesquelles
les représentantsdes Membres de'l'Organisationassistent, dans l'exercicede
leurs fonctions, h une réunion tenuepar l'Organisation en Egypte, nesont pas
considérées comme des périodesde résidence.

Sectio 18. Les privileges et immunitéssont accordés aux représentantsdes
Membres de l'organisation. non pour l'avantage personneldes intéressésm , ais
en vued'assureren toute indépendancei'exercicede leursfontions se rapportant
a l'organisation. Par conséquent,un Membre a non seulement le droit, mais
encore le devoir de lever l'immunitéde ses représentantsdans tous les casouà
son avis,l'immunitéentraverait l'actiondelajustice etoù ellepeut étrelevéesans
nuire au but pour lequel elle est accordée.Ce devoir incombe également auConseil exécutifde l'organisation, dans tous les casde cette nature qui intéres-
seraient l'une des personnes appelées à faire partie dudit Conseil.
Section 19. Dans la mesuredu possible,l'organisation communique d'avance
au Gouvernement de I'Egypteune liste des représentants invités à ses confé-
rences ou réunions.

Article VrI

Section 20. Les experts et les conseillers qui, n'étantpas viséspar la sec-
tion 1(iii)ou, n'étanpas fonctionnaires del'organisation, ne bénéficiennt i des

dispositions de l'articleVI, ni de cellesde l'articleVIII, et qui accomplissentdes
missionspour lecompte de l'organisation, jouissent desprivilègeset immunités
nécessairespour leur permettre d'exercerleursfonctions en toute indépendance
pendant la durée de leur mission, y compris pendant le temps consacré aux
voyages se rapportant à leurs missions. Ilsjouissent, en particulier, des immu-
nitéset privilègessuivants :

u) immunitéd'arrestationet dedétention pour leurpersonneetde saisiedeleurs
bagages personnelsetimmunitécomplètedejuridiction pour lesactesaccom-
plispar euxdansl'accomplissementdeleur mission,ycomprisleurs paroleset
écrits. Cette immunitédejuridiction continue aleur êtreaccordée, même au
cas où les intéressésne se trouveraient plus en mission pour le compte de
6) inviolabilitéde tous papiers et documents ;
c) pour leurscommunications avecl'organisation, droit defaire usagedecodes
et de recevoir et d'expédierdes documents ou de Ia correspondance par

courriers ou valises scellées;
d) exemption, pour eux-mêmes et pour leur conjoint,des mesures restrictives en
matiére d'immigration ainsique des formalitésd'enregistrement des étran-
gers et des obligations de servicenational en Egypte ;
el mêmesfacilités,en ce qui concerne lesrestrictionsmonétairesou de change,
que celles qui sont accordéesaux représentantsde gouvernements étrangers
en mission officielletemporaire ;
I) mêmesimmunitéset facilités,en ce qui concerne leurs bagages personnels,
que celles qui sont accordées aux membres des missions diplomatiques.

Section 21. Les privilèges etimmunitéssont accordésaux experts dans l'in-
térCtde l'organisation et non pour l'avantage personnel des intéressés.Le
Directeur généra l le droit et le devoir de lever l'immunitéde tout expert dans
tous lescas où, à son avis,l'immunitéentraverait l'actionde lajustice et où elle
peut &trelevéesans nuire aux intérêts de l'organisation.


Section 22. Le Directeur généralo , u le directeur régional agissant enqualité
de représentantdfiment autoriséde celui-ci,communique, de temps à autre, au
Gouvernement de lYEgypte,les catégorieset les noms des fonctionnaires aux-
quels s'appliquent les dispositions du présent article, ainsi que cellesde l'ar-
ticleIX. Sectio 2n. 1) Lesfonctionnaires del'organisation sans distinction de natio-
nalitéjouissent :

a) de l'immunitéde juridiction pour tous actes accomplis par eux dans leur
qualitéofficielle,y compris leurs paroles et écrits;
b) de l'exonérationdesimpôts en cequi concerne lestraitementset émoluments
qui leur sont verséspar l'organisation.

2) Les fonctionnaires de l'organisation qui ne sont pas ressortissants égyp-
tiensjouissent, en outre:

u) pour eux-mêmesl,eur conjoint et les membres de leur famille qui son1ileur
- charge, de l'exemption des mesures restrictives en matiéred'immigration,
ainsi que des formalitésd'enregistrement des étrangers;
b) des rnémesprivilèges,en ce qui concerne les facilitésde change, que les
membres des missions diplomatiques d'un rangcomparable, accréditésen

c) pour eux-mêmes, ainsq i ue pour leur conjoint et lesmembres de leur famille

quisont àleurcharge,desmêmesfacilitédserapatriement, enpériodedecrise
internationale, que les membres des missionsdiplomatiques de rang compa-
rable ;
d) du droit d'importer en franchisede douane leurs meubleseteffetslors de leur
entréeen fonction en Egypte ou au moment de leur nomination définitive A
leur poste ;
e) du droit d'importer en franchisede douane une voiture automobile, une
fois tous les troans , tantentendu que les droits de douane seront dus au
cas où cette voiture serait vendue ou cédée,dans un délaide trois ans a
partir de son imporîationA une personne nebénéficianp tas de cette exoné-


Section24, 1) Les fonctionnaires de l'organisation sont dispensés desobli-
gations de servicenational en EgypteA la condition que, en cequi concerne tes
ressortissants du Gouvernement de l'Egypte, cette dispense soit limitéeaux
fonctionnaires qui, en raison des fonctions qu'ils remplissent,figurent sur une
liste qui aura été établpar le Directeur généralou par le directeur régional
agissant enqualitéde représentantdfiment autoriséde cedernier et qui aura été
approuvée parle Gouvernement de l'Egypte.
2) Si d'autres fonctionnaires de forganisation sont appelésau service mili-
taire, le Gouvernement de I'Egypte, à la requêtedu Directeur généralou du
directeur régional, agissant enqualitéde représentant dûment autoriséde ce
dernier, accorde, dans la mesure du possible, Bces fonctionnaires tout sursis
nécessairepour éviter unegêne sérieusa effectant la continuitédu travail indis-

Section25. Outre les privilkges et immunités énumerés à la section 22, le
Directeur générall,e Directeur généraaldjoint, les sous-directeurs générauxl,e
directeur régionalen Egypte etson adjointjouissent, pour eux-mêmesp,our leur
conjoint et leurs enfants mineurs, des privilèges, immunités,exemptions et
faciiités accordes,conformémentau droit età l'usageinternational, aux envoyés
Section 26. Lesprivilégeset immunitéssont accordés aux fonctionnaires dans
l'intérétde l'organisation et non poyr l'avantage personnel des intéressé. e
Directeur générala le'droit et le devoir de lever l'immunitéde tout fonction-
naire dans tous les cas ou, a son avis, cette immunité entraverait l'actionde lajustice et où elle peut êtrelevéesans porter préjudice aux intérêtsde I'Orga-



Section 27. 1) Le Gouvernement de1'Egypteprend toutes les mesures néces-
sairespour faciliter l'entrée et leséjour en Egei,nsique ledépart decepays,
de toutes les personnes appelées à titre officiel auprès de l'organisationà
savoir :

a) les représentants de Membres quels que soient les rapports existant entre
1'Egypteet le Membre intéressé ;
6) les experts et conseillers se trouvant en mission pour le compte de l'organi-

sation, quelle que soit leur nationali;é
c) les fonctionnaires de l'organisation;
d) toutesautrespersonnes, quelleque soit leur nationalité,qui sontappeléespar

2) Les règlementsde police visant à restreindre l'entréedes étrangersen
Egypte ou à réglementer lesconditions de leur séjour ne s'appliquentpas à
l'égarddes personnes viséesdans la présentesection.
3) Le Gouvernement de 1'Egypteadresse, àl'avance a ses ambassades, Iéga-
tions et consulatsà l'étranger,des instructions généraleleur enjoignant d'ac-
corder un visa àtout requérantsur présentation d'un titre, passeportvalide ou
d'un titre équivalent d'identiet de voyage,ainsique d'unepièceétablissant la
quaIitéofficielledu requérant à l'égardde l'organisation, sans aucun délaini

période d'attente et sansexiger la présence personnelledu requérant, ni l'ac-
quittement de taxes.
4) Les dispasitians de la présente sectiosn'appliquent au conjoint et aux
enfants de l'intéressés,iceux-civivent avecluiet n'exercentpas de profession ou
Section 28. LeGouvernement de1'Egyptereconnaît etacceptecomme titrede
voyagevalable le laissez-passer des Nations Unies remisaux fonctionnaires de
l'organisation conformément à des arrangements administratifs conclus entre

le Directeur généralde l'organisation et le Secrétaire généradles Nations
Section 29. Le Directeur général, lDirecteur généraa ldjoint, les sous-direc-
teurs généraux,le directeur régionalde l'organisation en Egypte ainsi que les
directeurs de l'Organisation se trouvant en voyage officiel pour le compte de
celle-cijouissent des mêmesfacilitésque les envoyésdiplomatiques.
Section 30. 1) L'électricitél,'eauet le gaz sont fournàl'organisation dans
leslocaux mis 21sa disposition et un serviced'enlèvementdes ordures estassuré.
Si, pour cause de force majeure, ces services devaient êtrepartiellement ou

complktement suspendus, le Gouvernement de 1'Egypteaccordera aux besoins
de l'organisation la mêmeimportance que celle accordéeaux besoins de ses
propres administrations.
2) LeGouvernement de 1'Egypteexercela surveillancedepolicequ'exigent la
protection des locaux de l'organisation et le maintien de l'ordre dans leur
voisinage immédiat.A la demande du Directeur général, leGouvernement de
1'Egypteenverra les forces de police nécessairesau maintien de l'ordràl'inte-
rieur des bâtiments. ArticleX

Section 31. 1) Rien dans le présentaccord n'affecte le droit du Gouverne-
ment de l'Egypte de prendre toutes mesures de précautions nécessairesAla

sécuritéde 1'Egypte.
2) Au cas où il estimerait nécessaired'appliquer le premier paragraphe du
présent article,le Gouvernement égyptien semettra, aussi rapidement que les
circonstances le permettront, en rapport avec l'organisation mondiale de la
Santéen vue d'arrêterd'un commun accord les mesures nécessairespour pro-
téger lesintérétsde l'organisation.
3)L'Organisation mondiale de la Santécollaborera avecles autorites égyp-
tiennes en vue d'évitertout préjudicà la sécuritéde 1'Egyptedu fait de son


Article XI

Section32. L'Organisation collabore en tout temps, avec les autoritéscom-
pétentesde l'Egypte, envue de faciliter la bonne administration de la justice,

d'assurer l'observation des règlementsde police et d'évitertout abus auquel
pourraient donner lieulesprivilègesimmunitéet facilitésprévsans leprésent
Section33. L'Organisation doit prévoirdes modes de rkglernent appropriés
pour :

a) les différendsen matièrede contrat ou autres différendsde droit privédans
lesquels l'organisation serait pa;tie
b) lesdifférend'dans lesquelsseraitimpliqué unfonctionnaire del'organisation
aui.du fait desa situation officielle.iouitdel'immunité.sicetteimmunitén'a
pas étélevéepar le Directeur génk;aiconformémentaux dispositions de la
section 26.

Section34. Toute divergencedevuesentre l'organisation et leGouvernement
égyptien,portant sur l'interprétation oul'application du présent accordou de
tout accord ou arrangement complémentaire etqui n'aurait pas étéréglépar
voie de négociation,sera soumisàla décision d'untribunal d'arbitrage de trois

membres : le premier de ces membres sera nommépar le Gouvernernent égyp-
tien, le second par le Directeur généralde l'organisation et le troisième,qui
présiderale tribunal d'arbitrage, sera déspar le Présidentde la Cour inter-
nationale de Justicà,moins que lesparties au présentaccord ne décident,dans
un cas particulier, de recouàiun mode différentde règlement.



Section35. Leprésentaccord entre en vigueur desqu'ilaura été ratifié par le
Gouvernement de l'Egypte,conformément à sa procédure constitutionnelle,et
adopte par l'Assemblée mondialede la Santé.
Section36. Désl'entréeen vigueur du présent accord, sontexte est commu-
niqué par le Directeur généralde l'organisation au Secrétaire générad lesNations Unies pour êtreenregistré, enapplication de l'artic1edu réglement
adopte par l'Assemblée générad leesNations Unies, le 14décembre1946,pour
donner effet Bl'article 102de la Charte des Nations Unies.
Section 37. Leprésentaccord peutétrereviséA lademande de l'uneoul'autre
partie. Dans cetteéventualitél,esdeuxparties seconsultent sur lesmodifications
qu'ilpourrait yavoirlieu d'apporteaux dispositions du présentaccord. Au cas
où, dans le délaid'unan, les négociationsn'aboutiraient paaune entente, le
présent accordpeut êtredénoncépar l'une ou l'autre partie moyennant un
préavisde deux ans.

Enfoi dequoil,eprésentaccord a étéconcluet signéau Caire le 25mars 1951,
en sixexemplaires,dont trois enfrançaise ttroisen anglais,lestextesétablisdans
chacune de ces deux langues faisant également foi;deux exemplaires de cet
accord, dont l'unen français, et l'autre en anglais, sont remis aux représentants
du Gouvernement de 1'Egypteet les quatre autres exemplaires au Directeur
généralde l'organisation mondiale de la Santé.

Pour l'organisation mondialede la Santé:


Pour le Gouvernement de 1'Egypte :

(Signe) Mohamed SALAH EL-DINE.

Letrre du 25 mars 1951adresséepar le Gouvernementé~pyptien
à iiOrganisution mondiale de la Sanre

Monsieur Ie Directeur général,
Comme suite A la conclusion de l'accordentre le Gouvernement égyptienet

l'Organisation mondiale de la Santérelativement aux privilèges,immunitéset
facilitésqui devront êtreaccordéàcette Organisation en Egypte,j'ail'honneur
de vous communiquer ce qui suit :
I. L'Organisationpeut, conformément Ala section 8,détenirde l'oret,par les
voies normales, en recevoir en Egypte letransférerhors d'Egypte. L'Organi-
sation nepeut cependant transférerhorsd3Egypteunequantitéd'orsupérieurea
celle introduite.
2. En ce qui concerne l'articleVIII, l'organisation et le Gouvernement

déterminerontpar accord mutuel lescatkgories de fonctionnaires, ainsi que la
nature et l'étenduedes facilités, privilèges etimmunitàsaccorder a chaque
catégorie. 3. En ce qui concerne la section 25.l'Organisation ne revendiquera pas, au

bénéficede membres du personnel du Bureau régionalen Egypte qui sont
ressortissants égyptienset quel que soit leur grade, l'immunitéde juridiction
pénaledevant des tribunaux égyptienspour toute parole prononcéeou écriteet
pour tous actes accomplis par eux lorsque ces paroles n'auront pas étépronon-
céesou écritesou lorsquecesactes n'auront pasétéaccomplisdans l'exercicede
leurs fonctions officielles.
4. revendiquant lebénéficedela section27(2)del'accord,l'organisation
ne demandera pas, au bénéficedes personnes viséesAlasection 27 (1) la non-
application de réglementsde police lorsque cesrkglementssont pris en vertu de
conventions sanitaires internationales ou en vertu de conventions, accords ou
rkglements similaires adoptéspar l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

(Signé)Moharned SALAH EL-DINE.

Lettre du25 mors1951 adressée par l'Organisationmondiale dela Santé
ou Gouvernement égyptien

Monsieur le Ministre,

Comme suite Ala conclusion de l'accord entre le Gouvernement égyptienet
l'organisation mondialede la Santérelativement aux privilkges,immunités et
facilitesqui devront êtreaccordésBcette Organisation en Egypte,j'ail'honneur
de vous communiquer ce qui suit :

1. le conviens que...

[Voirparagraphes1 B 4 de lalettre 1.1



Handbook of Resolutionsand DecLFiomofthe World Health Assemblyand the
Executive Board,Volume 1,Section, page 357.

WHA32/197P/ REC/I. Thirty-second World Health Assembly, Geneva, 7-25
May 1979.
Decision (I9), Transofrthe Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean,

25 May 1979.

EB64/1979/ REC/1. ExecuriveBoard, Sixy-fourth SessiG,eneva, 28-29May
Decision (I), Transfer of the Regional Officefor the Eastern Mediterranean,
28 May 1979,

Annex 2, Report of Sub-Cornmittee A of the Special Sessionof the Regional
Cornmittee for the Eastern Mediterranean, Geneva, 12May 1979 [EM/
RC-SSA/3 or EB64/INF.DOC./2].
Second Meeting, 28May 1979.

EB65/1980/REC/l. Executive Board,Sixty-fifSessionGeneva, 9-25Januaq

Decision (IO),Transfer of the Regional Officefor theEastern Mediterranean,
21 January 1980.

EB65/1980/REC/ 2xecuriveBoard,Sixty-fifthSession,Geneva,9-25 January

Twentieth Meeting, 2 1January 1980.




Report of the Working Group, 16 January 1980 [EB65/19, Rev.1 and

Receivedin thRegistryin French anin Englisfrom3 to27June 1980(see
pp. 316-19, infra). reproduced.
SeealsoWHA33/ I98O/REC/I,pp. 48-81WHA/33/ 1980/REC/2, pp.310-319
and 344 ; aWHA33/1980/REC/3,pp. 244-254.28 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

A33/19, Add.1and 2.
Communications from the Government ofJordan and the Government of the
Syrian Arab Republic, 17Apnl and 5 May 1980.

Mernorandum submitted by the delegation of Egypt,8 May 1980.

Report of Sub-CornmitteeAof theSpecialSessionof the RegionaiCornmittee
for the Eastern Mediterranean, Geneva, 9 May 1980[EM/RC-SSA 2/31.

United Nations, Treoty Series. 1, No. 3058, Volume 223, pages 87-108.
Agreement beiween theWHO and the Government of Egypt for the pur-
poses of determining the pnvileges,immunitiand faciliiiesto be granted
in Egypt by the Governrnent to the Organuation, to the representatives of
its Members and to its experts and officiais,signed at Cairo on 25March
1951 '.

'A33/INF. DOC. /IO.

Resolution of Sub-Cornmittee B of the Regional Cornmittee for the Eastern
Mediterranean, Geneva, 14 May 1980IEM/RC-SS2 BIR.Il.

Communication from the delegation of Egypt, 15May 1980.

Communication fromthe delegations of Bahrain, Democratic Yemen, Iran,
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Oman, Qatar,
SaudiArabia, Somalia,Sudan, SyrianArab Republic,Tunisia, United Arab
Erniratesand Yemen, 19May 1980.

A331B/Conk Popers,Nos. 6, 7and 8.

Drait resolutions proposed by the followingdelegations 16May 1980 :
Algena, Bahrain,DemocraticYemen,Iran, Iraq,Jordan. Kuwait,Lebanon,
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab
Ernirates and Yemen ;
Egypt ;
United States oAmenca (Proposal foran Advisory Opinion of the Inter-
national Court of Justice).

A33/B/SR/6 and 7.
Commitlee B, Provisional Summary Record of the Sixthand Seventh Meet-
ings. 16May 1980.

Seepp.6-24,sqra. DOCUMENTS


Draft Second Report of Committee B, 19May 1980.
Second Report of Committee B, 20 May 1980.

A33/ VR/15.
Provisional Verbatim Record of the Fifteenth Plenary Meeting, 20 May 1980

(with translations into English).


United NationsTreatSeries,1,No. 1259,Volum92Agreement between the
Governmen tof Egyptandthe WHOfor theprovision ofservicesby theWHO

inEgypt, signed at Alexandria on 25 August 1950.

Accords entre le Gouvernement royal égyptl'Unesco,signésa Paris le
25 avril 1952.

FA0 documentC79/25,Rev , AnnexA. Agreement between the Government of
the Kingdom of Egypt and the FA0 regarding the Near East Regional Office

ofthe FAO, signed at Cairo on 17August 1952.

United Nations, TreatySer1No. 2925,Volume215.Agreementbetween the
ICA0 and the Govemment of Egypt regarding pnvileges, immunities and
facilities in Egyptian Terntory, signed at Cairo on 27 August 1953.

United Nations document A/34/ 10.Reportofthe InternationalLow Commission
ontheWorkof ifs Thirty-firstSession, 14May-3August 1979,pages 435-436,

Question of Treaties Concluded between States and International Organiza-
tions or Between Two or More International Organizations, draît Article


Handbookoj Resofutionsund Decisionsof the WorldHmlth Assemblyand the
ExecutiveBoard.Volumes 1(in particular Section5.2.5.IInd

OjjicialRecords,No. 4. MinutesofrheSecondSessionofthe InterirnCommission,
Geneva, 4-13November 1946.

Fourth Meeting, 8November 1946.
Annex 15, Headquartersof the WHO, 15-16October 1946 [WHO.IC/W.
4 and 51.

OjficiulRecords,No. 5. Minutesofthe Third Sessionof the InterintCommission,
Geneva, 3IMarch-12April 1947.
Second Meeting, 31March 1947,Statement prepareby the Department of
State of the USA [WHO.IC/Min.3/2].
Annex 26,Pnvilegesand Immunities,Report oftheTemporary Panel of Legal
Consultants, 26 Apnl 1947[WHO.IC/71, Rev.11.

Annex 27, Summary Report of the Interim Commission on its Third Session,
25 April 1947[WHO,IC/76, Rev.l].

OfficialRecords,No. 6. Minutesojrhe FourthSessionofthe Interim Commission,
Geneva, 30 August-13September 1947.
Third and Seventh Meetings1and 12 Septernber 1947.

Annex 2,Report of the Executive Secretary, August 1947 [WHO.IC/87],
Part 36.
Annex 22, Report of the Committee on Relations, II September 1947
Annex 34, The Pan Arab Regional Health Bureau : Its Origin and History,
Memorandum by the Egyptian Minister of Public Health, 26 July 1947
Annex 53, Report of the Fourth Sessionof the Interim Commission, 19Sep-
ternber 1947[WHO.IC/124,Rev.11.

OfficialRecords,NO.7. MinutesandDocumerioftheFifrhSessionoftheIntekinz
Commission,Geneva, 22January-7 February 1948.
Annex 2, Report of the Evecutive Secretary, January1948[WHO.IC/ 1311,
Part 38.

Receivedinthe RegistrFrenchand/orinEnglisfrom10Julyto26 November
1980(seepp. 319-323, 327-and332-342in/ra).
Not reproduced. DOCUMENTS 31

Annex 49, resolution concerning the determination of geographicai regions,
2 Febmary 1948[WHO.IC/1761.

Oflicial Records, No. IO.Repori of the Interim Commission 10 the First World
Heabh Assembly, Part II, May 1948 l.

Report of the Comrnittee on Headquarters, Action taken by the Intenm
Report on the proposed Convention on the Privileges and Imrnunities of

OfficialRecords,No. 12.Supplementav Reportof thefnterimCommissionto the
Firsr World HeulchAssembly, 1948.

Report on the Sanitary Bureau at Alexandria by Dr. A. Stampar, 19May

OfficialRecords,No. 13.Firsr WoridHeaithAssembly,Geneva, 24 June-24 July

1948 .
Fourth Meeting of the Committee on Headquarters and Regional Organiza-
tion, 5July 1948[A/HQ/Min./4].
Second Report of the Cornmittee on Headquarters and Regional Organiza-
tion,8 July 1947 [A/47 and A/47, Add.11.

Officia!Records,No. 17.Reportof the ExecudveBoard,ThirdSession,Geneva,
21February-9 March 1949 '.
Annex 16, Report on the First Session of the Regional Committee for the
Eastern Mediterranean, 18 February 1949[EB3/55, incorporaihg RC/
EM/3 and 9-1 1 as Appendices 2-51.
Annex 17, Temporary Working Arrangement betweenthe WHO and the Pan

American Sanitary Bureau, 1February 1949[EB3/22, Add.11 2.

OfficialRecords,No. 21.Second WorldHealthAssembly, Rome, 13June-2 July
Fifth and Ninth Meetings of Committee on Constitutional Matters, 20June
IA2/CM/Min./5] and 24June 1949 2.

Second Report of Committee on Constitutional Matters, 20 June 1949
[A2/78], Draft resolution on Agreement with the Government of Egypt,
9June 1949[A2/50].
Annex II, Agreement between the WHO and the Government of India,
Annex 12,Agreement with the Pan American Sanitary Organization. Appen-
dix 2, letter from the Director-General of the WHO to the Director of the
Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 24 May 1949 2.

Officiai Records, No, 35, Fourth World Heulth Assembly, Geneva, 7-25 May
1951 l.
Third and Fourth Meetings of Legal Sub-Committee, 17May 1951.

Completevolume also supplied.
Seepp. 340-341,infrnForfinalagreement,see WHO, BUTIC Documents, orUnited
Nations,Treary Series,IINo. 178, Vol.32.32 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

Annex 7,DraFtAgreement betweentheWHO and the Governrnent of Egypt,
5May 1951[A4/11, Add.11.

Officia[Records,No. 40.Executive Board, Ninth Session, Geneva, 21 January-
4 Febmary 1952.

Annex 11,Agreement betweenthe WHO and the Govemrnent of the Philip-
pines, Manila, 22July 1951.

OfficialRecords,No. 46.ExecutiveBoard,EleventhSession,Geneva, 12January-
4 February1953.

Annex 4, Agreement between the Governrnent of France and the WHO,
Geneva/Paris, 25July-1 August 1952.

OfficialRecords,No. 68. Executive Board,Seventeenth Session,Geneva, 17Jan-
uary-2 Febniary 1956.

Annex 4, Agreement between the WHO and the Govemment of Denmark,
Geneva, 29June/7 July 1955.

0jj;cial Records,No. 160.Twentieth WorldHealthAssemhly, Geneva, 8-26May
1967. ,
Annex 10.Agreement on the Privilegesand Immunities of the International

Agency for Research on Cancer, Paris, 14March 1967.

Ofjicial Records, No. 246. Execulive Board, Sixty-JirsSession, Geneva, 11-
26January 1978.
Skth Meeting, 13January 1978 '.

WHA32/ 1979/REC/ 1,2 and 3. ~hirti-second WorldHmlth Assembly, Geneva,
7-25May 1979 2.

WHA33/1980/1, 2 and 3. Thiry-third World Heafth Assembly, Geneva, 5-
23 May 1980.

EB64/1979/REC/ 1. Executive Board,Sixty-fourth Session, Geneva, 28-29May

EB65/1980/REC/ 1 and 2. Executive Board, Sixty-fifh Session. Geneva, 9-
25 January 1980 3.

EB66/1980/ REC/l. Exemtive Board, Sixty-sixth Session, Geneva, 26-27May

First Meeting, 26 May 1980.

' Seepp. 337 and 339,infra.
Seep. 338,infra.


First WorldHealth Assembly, Ceneva, 24 June-24July 1948

5 juillet 1948.

Commissiondu siègeetde /'organisarionrégionde

Projet de rkolution soumipar la déiégatioégyptienne

Considérant que l'article54 de la Constitutide I'OMS prévoitque toute
organisation régionaleintergouvernementale desantéexistantavant ladate dela
signature de cette Constitution sera intégrée en temps voudans l'organisa-
tion et que cette intégration s'effectuera par une action commune baséesur le
consentement mutuel des autorités compétentesexpriméparl'organisation

ConsideruntqueleBureau régionald'Alexandrieaététenu,conformémenA tla
décisionprise par la liguedes Etats arabes, le6 avril 1946,pour Bureau régional
sanitaire desEtats membresdecetteligue, etquecesEtatsont consentienjanvier
1948 intégrer ce Bureau dans l'organisation mondiale de la Santéen le
transformant enune véritableorganisacon régionaleprésentantlescaractèreset
rem~lissant les fonctions rirévuDar les articles44 53de la Constitution de
I'OMS,et tenant compte délaposs~bilitéd'incluredesEtats faisant actuellement
partie du Bureau régionald'Alexandrieainsi que d'autres Etats compris dansla
régiongéographiqueet qui posshdent des intéretssanitaires communs ;

Considérantd'autre part que l'article44 de la Constitution de I'OMSdispose
dans son alinéaa) que l'Assembléede la Santédétermineles régions géogra-
phiques où il est désirable d'établir une organisationrégionale etque l'alinéab)
du mêmearticle attribue Acette Assemblée lepouvoir d'établir, avec le consen-
tement de la majorité desEtats membres situésdans chaque région,une orga-
nisation régionalepour répondre aux besoins particuliers de cette région;
Considérantque la délimitation desrégions géographiquesdoit êtreàla fois
commandée et par laressemblancedesconditions socialeset sanitaires et par la

possibilité d'assurer ucoopération entrelesparties intéressées en de créer
une organisation util;
Considéranq t ue cesdeuxélémentsexistentd'unefaçon singulièrement remar-
quable dans la régionenglobantàl'heure actuellelesEtats membresde la Ligue
arabe, les Etats membres du Bureau régional d'Alexandrie ainiue les autres
Etats du Moyen et Proche-Orient et que l'intention de participàrune orga-
nisation commune aété formellementdéclarée par lesmembres dela Liguearabe
aussi bien que par nombre d'autres Etats situésdans cette région;

l SeeaisoWHO,OfJicialRecord, Nos. 10,12and13,andUnited Nationsdocuments
E/ 1076and 1340(pp. 113-115,infra).

Considéranq t ue 1'Egypteoccupedans le Moyen-Orient une situationcentrale,
qu'elleestdotée-d'unrégimesanikire développketdisposedetouslesinstruments
indispensables àla réalisationdes buts à atteindre par une organisation régio-
nale ;
Considérantque par sa situation géographiquedans le voisinage du canal de
Suez,carrefour par lequelpassent toutes lesvoiesmaritimesmenant d'Amérique
et d'Europe versles pays du Proche et Moyen-Orient ainsi que toutes les routes
terrestresconduisant d'AfriqueenAsieetinversement,etprts duquel setrouvent

Le Caire, centre du réseau d'aviationmondiale, Alexandrie soit la ville la plus
indiquée poury établirle siègede l'organisation régionales ,urtout si l'on tient
comptede sonpassécommecentred'uneactivitésanitaire internationaledu genre
de celleque prévoitla Constitution de l'OMS,des facilitésque cette villeest en
mesured'offriren tout cequiconcerne lepersoiinel spécialisé,leisnstallations, le
travail scientifique et les moyens de communication, ainsi que du fait que le
Gouvernement égyptien a offert de mettreà la disposition de l'organisation un
bâtiment des plusgrandsetdesplus appropriésquifutoccupédansletempsparle
Servicequarantenaire et sanitaire maritime et qui est occupé actuellementparle

Bureau sanitaire régional d'Alexandrie ;
Considéranta .usurplus,quelerapport présenté à laCommissionintérimairele
19mai1948(WHO.IC/20t)ausujetdu Bureausanitaire d'Alexandriedeclare en
conclusion que (les conditions qui militent en faveur du choix d'Alexandrie
comme centre de la future organisation sanitaire régionalepour le Proche et
Moyen-Orient sont absolument exceptionnelles n.

L'Assemblée mondialede la Santédécide :
Quele Bureau régional d'Alexandrieest intégré dans l'organisation mondiale

de la Santé à titre dlorganisation régionalerégiepar les articles 44à 53 de la
Constitution de l'OMS.

Provisional' iferbutimRecordof the EleventhPlenaty Meeting

Puloisdes Nutions, Geneva,Saturday, 1OJuly 1948, ut 1O a.m.
PresiriPnl.Dr. AndrijaStampar(Yugoslavia).

3. Second Reportof the Committee on Heudquartersand Regional

Organization(Document A/47)

The Presidenr: We now come to the second report of the Cornmittee on
Headquarters and Regional Organization, in document A/47. May 1ask the
Chairman of the cornmittee to come and report?

Dr. Zozaya (Mexico), Chairman of the Committee on Headquarters and
Regional Organization :The Committee on Headquarters and Regional Orga-
nization has already reported on the subject of headquarters. The second report
concernsthe regionalorganizations. In severalveryactive meetingswecame toa
'For finaltext,séeWHO, Official Recordr,No. 13. DOCUMENTS 35

final conclusion to present to the Assemblycertain resolutions, whch 1should
Likethe Rapporteur to read to you.

ThePresideni: May 1 ask the Rapporteur of the Committee to report ?
Mr. Hewitzon(Union of South Africa), Rapporteur :Thesecond report of the
Committee on Headquarters and Regional Organization :

"The Commitiee on Headquarters and Regional Organization met on
30June 1948,at 10a.m.and2.30p.m. ;on 1 July,at 2.30p.m. ; on5July,at
2.30 p.m.; and on 7 July at 10a.m.
The recommendations of the Committee on the Siteof Headquarters for
the World Health Organization have already been submitted to the Assem-

As regards regional organization ; the committee, as a first step, estab-
lished fiveworking parties to consider (1)the delimitation of geographical
areas, and (2)the desirability of establishing regiond organizations in these
The proposais of these working parties, which were fully discussedand
approved by the committee, are described below :

A. Delimitation of geographical areas :
1. Eustern Mediterraneun Area, compnsing the following countries :
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Yemen, Iran,

Turkey, Pakistan, Greece, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Tripolitania, Dodecanese
Islands, British Somaliland, French Somaliland, Aden, Cypnis."
Palestine hasinadvertently been omitted from the listofcountries comprising
the Eastern Mediterranean area as set out in document A147. Itwas, in fact,

included in the delimitation proposed by the working party on this area.
"2. WesternPaci/icArea,comprisingthe followingcountnes :Australia,
China, Indochina, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, NewZedand,

and, provisionally, the Malay Peninsula.
3. Souih-East Asio Area, compnsing the following countnes : Burma,
Siam, Ceylon,Afghanistan, Indja ; the inclusionof the Malay Peninsula to
await the definite decisionof thiscountry as to whichregionalorganization
it desires tojoin.
4. EuropeanAreu, comprising the whole of Europe.
5. AfricanArea, comprising the following countnes and territories : A
primary region issuggestedfor al1Africa south of the 20degreeN. parallel
of latitude to the western border of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, to its

junction with the northern border of the Belgian Congo, thence eastwards
along the northern borders of the Belgian Congo, thence eastwards dong
the northern borders of Uganda and Kenya ;and thence southwards along
the eastem border of Kenya to the Indian Ocean.
B. Desirability of establishing regional organizations :

The Committee discussed at considerable length the necessityforestab-
iishing regional organizations in some or al1of these areas during the year
1949.As a result of this discussion the committee agreedthat :

1. As soon as the consent of a majority of Members of a regional area is
obtained, a regionalorganization should beestablished in that area ;where
the consent of a majonty of the Members has not yet been obtained, a36 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT
regionaiorganizationin the respectivearea shouldbe established assoon as

the necessary consent becomes auailable.
2. As regards the Eastern Mediterranean Area, the committee recorn-
mends that the regional organization which already exists in that area, viz.
the Alexandria Regional Bureau, be integrated with the World Health
Organization as soon as possible, through common action, in accordance
with Article 54 of the Constitution.
3. As regards Europe, the cornmittee recommends that a temporary
special administrative office be established as soon as possible for the
pnrnary purpose ofdealingwith thehealth rehabilitation ofwar-devastated
countries in that area.
The committee further brings to the attention of the Assembly the fact
that negotiationshave not yetbeen completed fortheintegrarionof thePan
Arnerican Sanitary Organization with the World Health Organization. The
comrnittee recommends that these negotiations be brought to a successful

close assoon as possible.
Accordingly, thefollowingresolutionsareplaced before theAssemblyfor
approval :
Resolution 1 :In accordance with Article44 of the WHO Constitution, the
first World Health Assemblyresolvesto define the geographical areas as
indicated in the second report of the Comrnittee on Headquarters and

Regional Organization.
Resolution II :Thefirst World Health Assemblyresolvesthat the Executive
Board be instructed :
To establish regional organizations in the areas indicated in the second
report of the Committee on Headquarters and Regional Organization
as soon as the consent of a majority of Members situated within such

area isobtained : where the consent of a ma..rit..of the Members has
not yet been obtained, a regional organization in the respective area
should be established as soon as the necessarvconsent becomes avail-
able ;as regards the Eastern ~editerranean Area, to integrate the
regional organization which already exists in that area, viz. the Alex-
andria Regional Bureau, with the World Health Organization as soon
as possible, through common action, in accordance with Article 54of
the WHO Constitution ;as regards Europe, to establish a temporary
special administrative office assoon as possible for the primarypur-
pose of dealing with thehealth rehabilitation of war-devastated coun-
tries in that area,"

ThePresident : The delegate of Greece.

Dr. Orfanidis(Greece)(interpretation from French) : In the second report on
regionalorganization, whichyou havejust heard,there are somepoints to which
1desire to draw attention.
First, in regard to the delimitation of geographical areas, the enumeration
includesthe Dodecanese Islands. 1would point out that the Dodecanese Islands
belong to Greece - that fact has been recognized for more than a year- and
therefore they should not be included separately in this enumeration.
In regard to the question of the integration of tBureau at Alexandria, in so
far as it concerns Greece, 1 am awaiting instructions from my Government on
that point.

ThePresident : Ztis perfectly clear that anygovernment is entitled to Sayto DOCUMENTS 37

which region it is willing to belong. 1s the Assembly willing to accept the
resolution assetout indocument A/47 with thereservation madeby thedelegate
of Greece ?
1seethat there areno remarks and no objections. Therefore,1declare that the
resolution contained in document A/47, with the reservation of the Greek
delegate, is approved.

A/94. Rev. 1
22 July 1948.

Summaty of Resolutions andDecisions of the First World HeulrhAssembly '

Palais des Nations, Genevu.24June-24July 1948

Note : Resolutions are givenin'anabbreviated form. Resolutionscontained in
the textsof reports of main cornmittees,whichwereapproved asa whole,are not

reproduced. In .eachcase, the numbers of the documents containing such texts
are given in parentheses.

Committee on Headquarters undRegional Orgonizution
The Assembly
Approved the first report of the Committee on Headquarters and Regional

Organization (A/38).
Resolved that Geneva should be the permanent headquarters of the World
Health Organization, subject to consultation with the United Nations.

(Tenth Plena~yMeeting 11.30a.m., 2July.)

Approved the second report of the Committee on Headquarters and Regional
Organization (A/47 and Add. I),with a reservation made by the delegation of
Resolvedonthedelineation ofthefollowingasgeographicalareas :(1)Eastern

Mediterranean Area, (2) Western Pacific Area, (3) South-East Asian Area,
(4) EurapeanArea, (5) African Area, (6)American Area.
Resolved that the Executive Board should be instructed to establish regional
organizations in accordance with the delineation of geographical areas decided
upon and assoon astheconsent of a majority of Members situated in such areas
had been obtained.
(Eleventh Plenary Meeting. 10 a.rn.1OJuly.,)

' Seealso WHO, OjlicialRecords,No. 13,and WHO, Handbook ofResolurionsnd
Decisionsof the Wdd Healih Assemblyand the ExenrriveBoard Vol. 1, Section

FirstMeetingof theRegionalCommitteefor the EasternMediterranean,Cairo,
7-10February1949 l

RC/EM/ 1, Rev.I
4 February 1949.

AgendufortheMeeringojthe RegionalCornmitteeforthe EasternMediterrunean
A rea

1. Opening of Session.
2. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Rapporteur.
3. Approval of the Provisional Agenda (doc. RC/EM/ l/Rev.l).
4. Approvâl of the Rules of Procedure (doc.RC/EM/2).
5. Location of the Regional Office (doc. RC/EM/6).
6. Administrative Policies on Finance and Personnel (doc.RC/EM/4, 5).
7. Programme in 1949 (Oral presentation by Director-General followed by

general discussion).
8. Programme in 1950(Proposais for assistance by WHO to be presented by
delegates followedby general discussion).
9. Epidemiological Intelligence Senice (doc. RCIEMI7).
10,Date of commencement of operations in the Regional Office.
II. Integrationof the Sanitary Bureau at Alexandria (doc. RC/EM/3).
12. Draft agreement with the Host Government of the Regional Office.
13.Nomination of the Regional Director.
14. Ilraft Budgetof the Regional Office.

15. Time and Place of the next meeting.
16.Other Business.

1January 1949.

Druft Rulesoj Procedure


The Regional Committee (hereinaiter referred to as the "Cornmittee") shall
consist of representatives (hereinafter referred to as the "members"), one each
from the States Mernbers forming the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the
WHO (hereinafter referred to as the "Region"), The members may be accom-
panied by alternates and advisers.

See also Report of thefirstseriesof the RegionalCommitteefor the Easteni
Mediterranean(EB3/55 incorporated in WHO, Oflicial Records,No. 17,Annex 16).
Documents RC/EM/3 and9-11,which are notreproducedbelow. areto befound in
Appendices 2-5 to thsreport. DOCUMENTS

Rule 2
The members shall be nominated by the States Members concerned for a

three-years' term.
The term of officeof each member shdl beginon the opening day of the lirst
meeting of the Comrnittee held after the nomination of the member concerned
and shall end at theexpiration ofa period of three years.
Dunng this period the State Member maychange its nominee.

Rule 3

When a member nominated ta serve on the Comrnittee is prevented from
attending a meeting,the State Memberconcemed maynominate an altemate to
serve inhis place with thesame status as the absent member.


Shoulda mcmber be absent at two consecutive sessionsof the Committee, the
Regional Director(hereinafter referred to as the "Director") shallreport thisfact
to the Committee for its consideration.

Rule 5

The Siaics Members concerned shail inform the Director in wnting of the
names of the norninee and of any alternate.


The Committee shallhold at lest onesessionayear. It shalldetermine at each
session the time and place of its next session.

Rule 7

The Director, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, shall also
convene the Cornmittee at the joint request by any five States Members,
addressed to himin writingand stating the reasonfor the request.In thiscasethe
sessionshall be convcned within 30days following receiptof the request. Sucha
session shallbe held at Regional Headquarters unless the Director, in consul-
tation with the Chairman of the Committee, detennincs otherwise.


The meetings of the Committee shall be held in public unless theCommittee
decides othenvise.

Rule 9

The provisional agenda of each sessionshali be drawnup by the Director in
consultation with the Chairman. Except in the case of sessionsconvened under
Rule 7, it shall be despatched by the Director to the mernbersof the Committee40 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

and the Director-General of the World Health Organization (hereinafter re-
ferred to as the "Director-General") at least six weeksprior to the commence-
ment of the session together with the notice convening the Committee.

Rule IO

The provisional Agenda of each session shall include inter:alia
(a) al1items the inclusion of which has been ordered by the Health Assem-

(b) al1items the inclusion of whhasbeen ordered by the Executive Boardof

the World Health Organization ;
(c) any item proposed by the Director-Genera;
(d) any item proposed by a Member or Associate Member of the Region ;
(e) any item proposed by a member of the Committee.

Proposais under items (d) and (e)above shouldbe receivedby the Director at
Ieast eight weeks prior to the commencement of the session.


The Director may, in consultation with the Chairman,include any question
suitable for the agenda which may arise between despatch of the provisional
agenda and theopening day of the sessionansupplementary agenda whichthe
Cornmittee shaii examine together with the provisional agenda.



The Committee shall elect its officers, a Chairman one Vice-Chairman,
fromarnongitsmemberseach yearat itsfirst sessionheldduring that year.These
officers shail be in office until their successorsare elected. The Chairman shall
not becomeeligibleforre-electionuntiltwoyearshaveelapsedsinceheceasedto
hold office.

Rule 13
If the Chairman is absent from a meeting or any part thereof, the Vice-
Chairman shall preside. The same procedure shall be adopted when the Chair-
man is unable to attend a session of the Committee.

Rule 14
If the Chairmanfor any reason is unable to complete his tenn of office, the
Committee shall elect a new Chairman for the remaining pend of his term.



The Committee may establish suchsub-cornmittees as it may deemnecessary
for the study of, and report on, anyitem on its agenda.
TheCommitteeshall reviewfrom timeto time, and in anycaseonce ayear, the
need to maintainany sub-committee established under its authority. DOCUMENTS


The Director shall act as the Secretary of the Committee and of any sub-
division thereof.He may delegate these functions.

Rule 17

The Director, or a member of the Secretariat designated by him as his rep-
resentative, rnay at any time make either oral or wntten statements conceming
any question under consideration.

Rule 18

The Secretariat shall prepare minutes of the meetings.These minutes shallbe
prepared in both working languages and shall be distnbuted to the members as
soon as possible after the close of the meeting to which they relate. Within 20
days thereafter members shall inform the Secretanat in wnting of any correc-
tions they wish to have made.

Allresolutions, recommendations, andotherimportant decisionsof theCom-
mittee shall be communicatedby the Director to the membersof the Comrnittee
and to al1States Members and Associate Members of the Region and to the




English and French shall be the official and working languages.

Rule 21

Anydelegatemayspeakin alanguageother the theofficia1languages.In this
case, he shdl himself provide for interpretation into one of the working lan-


Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Organization ' or
resolvedby theHealth Assembly 2the decisionsof theCommitteeshallbe made
by a majonty of the members present and voting.

Articl60 ofthe Constitutionof the WorldHealthOrganization.
bly.rticle 55 of thProvisionalRulesof Procedureof the WorldHealth Assem- INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

Each rnemberof the Committee shallhaveone vote. For the purpose of these
rules, the phrase "members present and voting" means members casting an
affirmative or negative vote. Members who abstain from voting shall be con-

sidered asnot voting.
In a secret ballan invalid vote shall be so reported to the Cornmittee and
shall be counted asan abstention.

TheCommittee shallnormally voteby showof hands. However,any member
may request a roll-cal1whichshall then be taken in the alphabetical order of the
names of the rnembers.

Thevote of each member participating in anyroll-cal!shall be inserted in the


Al1elections and the nomination of the Director shall be decided by secret

A secret ballot on anyother question shall be taken at the request of one
rnember supported by at least two other members.


Whenonly oneelectiveplaceisto befiiledand nocandidate obtains in thefirst
ballot the majority required, a second ballot shall be taken which shail be
restncted to the two candidates obtaining the largest number of votes. If in the
second ballot the votes areequally divided, the Chairrnan shall decide between
the candidates by drawing lots.

When two or more elective placesare to be filled at one time under the same
conditions those candidates obtaining in the first ballot the majority required

shall be elected.Ifthe number of candidates obtaining such majonty isless than
the number of places to be filled, there shall be additional ballots to fiIl the
remaining places, the voting to be restricted to the candidates obtaining the
greatest number of votes in the previous ballot to a nurnber not more than twice
the places remaining to be filled.

If a vote is equallydivided on matters other than elections,the proposal shall
be regarded as rejected.



Five members of the Committee shall constitute aquorum. DOCUMENTS

A member rnaydesignate an altemate who shall have the right to speak and

vote. An adviser, at a rnember's request, rnay be allowed to speak by the

In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him elsewhere by these
niles, the Chairmanshalldeclarethe opening and closingof eachmeeting of the

Comrnittee, shall direct the discussion, ensure the observance of these rules,
accord the right to speak, put questions to thevote and announce decisionsand
results of the voting.

During the discussion ofany matter, a member rnay nse to a point of order,
and the point of order shail be immediately decided by the Chairman in accor-
dance with these rules.


Dunng the discussion on any rnatter, a member rnaymove the suspension or
adjoumment of the debate. Anysuchmotion if seconded shall beput to the vote
immediately and without further discussion.


The Cornmittee rnay limit the time to be ailowed to each speaker.

A member rnayat anytime movetheclosureof thedebate, whether or not any
other member has signified his wish to speak.

Permissionto speakagainst the closurernaybe accorded to not more than one

TheChairman shalltake the senseoftheCommittee on any motionof closure.
If the Committee is in favour of the motion, the Chairman shall declare the
closure of the debate.

Parts of a proposal shail be voted on separatelyaimember requests that a
proposai be divided.


When an arnendment revises,adds to, or deletesfrom a proposal, the amend-
ment shall be votedon first, and ifit isadopted, the amended proposal shailthen
be voted on.


Iftwo or more amendments are movedto aproposal, theCommittee shallfirst
voteon theamendment furthest removedinsubstancefrom theoriginalproposal44 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT ,

and then on theamendment next Eurthestremoved therefrom,andon,until ail
the amendments have been put to thevote. The Chairman shall determine the
order of voting on the amendments under this rule.


A motionrnaybewithdrawn by itsproposer at anytimebefore votingon ithas
begun, provided that the motion has not been amended. A motion withdrawn
rnay be re-introduced by any member.


When a proposal has been adopted or rejected it may not be reconsidered at
the same session of the Committee, unless the Committee, by a two-thirds
majorityof the memberspresent and votiso decides. Permissionto speakon a
motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two speakers opposing the
motion, after which it shall be irnmediatelyput to the vote.

The Chairman rnay at any time requianyproposai, motion, resolutior,
amendment to be seconded.


Subject to the provisions of the constitution, any of these rules rnay be

amended or suspended by the Committee provided that at least48 hours'notice
of the proposal for such amendment or suspension has been given to the
Chairman and cornmunicated by him to the members 24 hours before the
meetingatwhichtheproposa1istobesubmitted. If,however.on theadviceofthe
Chairman the Committee is unanimously in favour of such a proposal, it rnay
adopt it immediately and without notice.


The Committee rnay at its discretion apply such Rules of Procedure of the
Heaith Asçemblyor the Executive Boardof theWorld Health Organization asit
rnay deem appropriate to particular circurnstances.

19January 1949.

Location of the RegionalOfficeofthe WHO
in Eastern MediterrarieanArea

In determining the location of regional offices of the World Health Organi-
zation, it must be mentioned that the Constitution nokprovision for the DOCUMENTS 45

methd of determinating the location of regional offices. However,considera-
tion must be given to the obligations which the World Health Organization has
assumed under its agreement with the United Nations.
Article XI (2)of the agreementbetween the United Nations and WHO states

"Any regional or branch offices which the Worid Heaith Organization
may establish shall, so far as practicable be closely associated with such
regional or branch officesas the United Nations may establiçh."

It should be noted that the following United Nations offices are already
established in the Eastern Mediterranean Area in Cairo :Foodand Agriculture
Organization and International Labour Office ;it is intended to establish a
United Nations Information Centre in Cairo in the near future.
It appears evident, in vieof the termsof the Agreement betweenthe United
Nations and the World Health Organization that any decision regarding the
location of the Regional Office in the Eastern Mediterranean Area must be
subject to negotiations with the United Nations and, therefore, any action taken
by the Regional Cornmittee regarding the location of this office must be pro-
visional, until clearance is obtained.
This matter will then be put before the Administrative Cornmittee on Co-

ordination which meets inNew York, either in February, if timepermits, or in

Role oj rhe Sunifuv Bureuu ut Alexandria as a Regional Bureoufor Epi-
derniological Nor~icurionsand Infurmurian under the InfernarionalSanitafy

Sfuiemenrby the Director-General

The Sanitary Bureau at Alexandna has in the past acted as a regional bureau
for the urgent notifications prescnbed under Articles 1,2,4 and 6 of the Inler-
national Sanitary Convention of 1926,in application of an agreementprovided
for under Article 7 of the said Convention.
The Sanitary Bureau at Alexandna has in this respect covered the countries
bordering on the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

The urgent notifications alluded to above were telegraphed to interested
countries in case of emergencyand embodied in a weeklybroadcast made from
Abu-Zabal Station.
ïhis broadcast was suspended, owingto warconditions, from the endof 1939
to 1945.Since then it has been maintained without interruption or alteration,
irrespective of the authority under which the Bureauoperated.
It isessential that the Bureau'sintegration in the WHO shouldnot resultin an46 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

impairment of functions which have beencarried out efficientlyfor many years.
Integration should merely facilitate the CO-ordinationof these functions with

those exercised in the same field by theWHO Headquarters and by the Singa-
pore Epidemiological Information Station.
Countnes now covered and served by the Sanitary Bureau at Alexandna
should continue to send to the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office for
regionaldistribution, theirtelegrophicnotificationsof pestilentialdiseasesandof
quarantine measures taken.
Theyshould alsosend to the Office,bymail,their routine epiderniologicaland
statistical retums, no1only to confirrntelegraphic notifications previously sent,
but to enable the Regional Officeto be better informas to the health situation
in the region.
Countries should at the same time send by maila copy of these routine
epidemiologicaland statistical returns to the Divisionof Epidemiologyof WHO
at Geneva, so that without the lossof timeand money involvedin relayingfrom

the regionalto thecentral office, theinformation contained in theretums maybe
available for world-wide studies.
The Regional Office itself should of course continue to relay by cable to
Geneva - and. by arrangement. to other regional epidemiological stations and
bureaux - the telegraphic notifications collected under tSanitar Cyonven-

5 February 1949.

Drufi Budgetfor Regional Oflice, Eastern MediterraneunRegion.

Chapter (1)
Personal Services

Personal Allowances

Total Chapter (1) 68,915

Chapter (2)

Travel and Transportation Services
Space and Equipment Services
Other Services
Supplies and Materials
Fixed Charges
Acquisition of capital assets

Total Chapter (2)

Total Chapters (1) and (2) 111,715 DOCUMENTS

Budget Detail

Chapter (1)

Number Post CategoïyAmount '

Regional Director -
Deputy Regional Director 7
Medicai Officer, Planning I

Inforination Officer I
Secretary III
Epidemiologist 1
Heaith Statistician II
Secretary III
Clerks(epid.) III
Administrative and Finance Officer 1
Accountant II
Secretary III
Accounts Clerk III

Conference and Gen. SeMce Officer 11
Registrar (clerk) III
Clerk (file) III
Travel Clerk III
Stenographer III
Custodial Staff

Deduction for 6 months operation and 5% -
for recruitment lapse

Allowances 37,130

Deduction for 6 months operation - 18,565
Chapter (2)
Traveland TrunsportaiionServices

(1) Travel and transportation related to operation of
Regional Office 6,000
(2) Travel and transportation related to recruitment and
transportation of persona1effects 12,000

Deduction for 6 months operation (1) - 3,000

Spuceund EquipmentServices
Electricity, water and telephone, etc. 1?O00
Deduction for 6 months operation
- 5W ---

'Note. Theabovecategoriesrepresentagroupingofgradeswithan average salary
foreach categoryused forconveniencein Budgetcalculations.Actualgrade andsalary
for eachpost willbe established underPersonnelRules.48 INïERPRETATlONOF AGREEMENT

(1) Printing and Binding (chiefly epidemiological ser-
vice) 10,000
(2) Epidemiologicd Communications (cable, radio
broadcast and postage) 10,000
(3) Cablesandpostage otherthan (2) 1,200

(4) Miscellaneous services 500
Deduction for 6 months operation - loi850

Supplies andMaleriais

(1) Office stationery and supplies. Books and periodi-
(2) Building maintenance supplies

Deduction for 6 months operation

Fixed Charges

Deduction for 6 months operation

AcquisitionojCapital Assets

(1) Fumiture
(2) Typewnters (12)
(3) Duplicating Machine (1large)
(4) Caiculating Machines (2)
(5) Station wagon (1)

Deduction for 6 rnonths operation

Sumrnory Minules
Second Session,Monday, p.m.,7 Februaly 1949

Thedelegateof Egypt was nominated by thedelegateof Pakistan to the office
ofChairman towhichhewasunanimously elected.ThedelegatesofPakistan and
Turkey were then nominated as Vice-Chairmen and elected unanirnously. The
delegate of Iraq was nominated Rapporteur by the delegate of Egypt and
unanimously elected.

Approvalof Provisional Agenda(Document RC(EM/ 1,Rev. 1)

A motion was made and passed unanimously to approve the provisjonal

Approval of Rulesof Procedure(Document RC/EM/Z)

A motion wasproposed and adopted to alter Article 12to makeprovision for
two Vice-Chairmen instead of one.
Adiscussion tookplaceconcerningthedefinition of membersand thestatusof
non-self-governing territoriesin the Region. It wasexplained that the definition

of members and the status of associate members and non-self-governing terri-
torieswas amatter whichwould be settled by the Health Assembly ;it need not,
therefore, be discussed by the Regional Committee.
The delegute of Franceproposed that the Rules of Procedure be adopted
provisionally as his Government could not deterrnine its position in the rnatter
until there is a definition of membership status.
1twasagreedthat asthe Rulesof Procedurecanbeamended al any timeand as
the definition of rnembership would be decided by theHcalth Assembly, there
should be no difficulty in approving the Rules of Procedure as presented. A
motion approving the Rules of Procedure was adopted with the provision that
the remarks of the delegate of France should appear in the verbatim report.

The Observer fromFA0 asked whether the Rules of Procedure made any
provision for representation by Specialized Agencies. The Director-Geneml
explained that this was provided for in the agreements between WHO and
Specialized Agenciesunder which thelatter couldbe represented as "observers"
and could speak upon any subject whichconcems them with the consent of the
Aquestion wasasked concerning themeaningof Article 12with respectto the
lengthof the termof theChairman. It wasexplained that theChairman isentitled
to hold officefor aperiod of one yearbut he cannot be re-electedexcept after an
interval of twoyears. The bar to immediate re-election,however,does not apply

to other offices.

Lacationof rheRegiona(Office(Document RC/EM/6)
A statement by the Director-Generulconcerning this question was read :
Following this, the delegareof Egypt presented a statement (document RC/

EM/9) to the eîfect that the Government of Egypt istakingsteps tooffer the site
and building at Alexandria to theWHO for aperiod of nine years.A motion was
then made and adoptcd to recommend to the Director-General and the Execu-
tive Board, subject to consultation with the United Nations, the sclection of
Alexandria as the site of the Regional Office.A resolution on this point willbe

ThirdSession, Tuesduy,u.m.,8 Fehruu- 1949

Positionof RegionulOffice

The morning mceting opened with a continuation of the discussion of the
position of the Regional Office, TheICAO Observerpointed out that, on going
through thelistof spccializcdagencies,hehad noticed that therehasbeen certain
omissions. He said that he thought Unesco and ICAO should be added, espe-
cially as Egypt is a great centre of international CO-operationin the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Middle East. Replying, Neguib Scandar Pusha,Chair-50 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

manof theConference,said that theseagencieswouldbelistedin a resolutionon
this subject.
Thede/egfife oj E~pf then read the draft resolution, RC/EM/ IOwhich was

Fourrh Session, Tuesduy.p.m.,8 Fehruav 1949

TheChuirmun,bcingsatisfied that the discussion ofthe 1950programme was
closed, introduced item 9 of the agenda relative to the Epidemiological Intelli-
gence Service(document RC/EM/7).
The Director-GeneruIremarked that the contents of this document were not
binding for the future.
Thedelegure ofEgl-'p~brought to the attention of al1mernbers that a detailed
stetement has been prepared by Egypt on the ongin and history of the Alex-
andria Sanitary Bureau.
Thedelegureof Francemade the suggestionto mergethe discussion of items 9
and 11as both items related to the Sanitary Bureau.

Thedelegure of Elyp~agreed and added that last January a Committee of the
Arab States had voted in favourof theintegration of this Bureauinto the WHO.
Should the present Committee confirm this decision, it should be understood
that the WHOwould have to take overexpensesfrom the date of opening of the
Regional Office.
TheDirector-Generulthcn read document RC/EM/3, the draft resolution on
the integration of the Alexandria Sanitary Bureau with the WHO.
Thedelegareof Pukistundesired information about financial conditions.
The Director-Getierulpointed out that expenses had been carried fully by
Egypt for a long time but that provision for taking over the bureau had been
madefor 1949,details of which wereto be found in the draft budget, document

Thedelegureof Eupi proposed the adoption of the integration.
The delepte of Fruticeseconded the proposal.
The delegute of Pukistun wished to knaw what would be the position of
member States formerly dependent on the Singapore Epidemiological Intelli-
gence Bureau.
Thedelegure of I<g~ptreferred to the last paragraph of document RC/EM/7
stating that integration with the WHO is not meant to impair function but
merely to facilitate CO-ordination with WHO headquarters and the Singa-
pore Bureau.
The Director-Cenerulconfirmed that al1wouldcarry on asin thepast and that

no changes are contemplated in the near future.
The draft resolution RC/EM/3 was adopted.
ThedelegutrofEgvptpresented astatcment (RC/EM/ 11)tothe effect that the
Government of Egypt waspleased to transfer the functions and dl related files
and records of the Alexandria Sanitary Bureau to the World Health Organiza-
tion.This transfer wouldbe madeon thedate onwhichtheOrganization notifies
the Government of Egypt ofthe beginning of operaiions in the RegionalOffice
of the Eastern Mediterranean Region.ColorielAfridi. on behaof Pakislun.said
itshould bc put on record that the Committee expressesits deep thanks to the
Egyptian Government for this statement to ihe Regional Organization. Dele- DOCUMENTS 51

gutes of Iraq, Franceand the United Kingdoniassociated themselves with this
expression of thanks.

Dureof Commencement O/ Operurionsin the RegionalO//ice

ThedelegareofEgyptproposed that the workshould begin inJuly,statingthat
this would be in accord with the draft budget for six months.
Dr. Chisholmstated that funds are availableforoperation of the officeduring
the latter six months of the year. Heexplained that servicesto countries in the
region, e.g., fellowships and advisory and demonstration services,would be

availableimmediatelyand do not depend on thecommencementof the Regional
Thedelegareof Pakbon, seconded the proposal that operations should begin
in July 1949,which was adopted.

DrafrAgreenienrwirhthe Hosi Government

TheDirector-Ceneralstated hewishedto inforni themernbers that suchadraft
agreementhad been produced and handed to the Egyptian Governmcnt whereit
wasunder studyin thelegaldepartment. He alsopointed outthat WHO, though
always considenng necessary formalities, never allowed them to interfere with
Health Work.
The delepre oj Eupr rcmarked that, should there be any discrepancy of
opinion between the WHO and the legal expert, this could be settled by nego-
TheChairmansuggested that the next item, number 13,relative to the nom-
ination of the Regional Director, be postponed, on account of the temporary

absenceofsomedelegatesand thediscussionshouldpasson toitem 14relativeto
the Draft Budget of the Regional Office, document RC/EM/8.


The Director-Generulspecially drew attention to the fact that it had10 be
understood, when assigiing posts to regional personnel, that certain officers
such as the epidemiologist, the health statistician and the information officer
nere not tobe expectedto remainat theirdesks atheadquarters but must movein
their regionin order to usefullyadvise the Regional Director. Headded that the
actual figures relative to salaries had not yet been determined and that the
composition of the personnel isyet to be discussed bythe Regional Bureauand
later transrnitted to the Direcror-General.
The Chairman proposed the adoption of the provisional budget.
Thedelegate of Pakiszansuggested the postponement to the next meetingto
allow for study of the document.

Thedelegareof Egvpt seconded this proposal, which was adopted.

Time and Place of Second SessionofrheRegionalCommitiee
Thedelegate of Eapr suggesfed that, since the programme for 195 1 must be

discussed in the autumn of 1949,the monthof Octoher should be chosen for the
meeting of the Second Sessionof the Regional Cornmittee, the exact date to be
detemined later by the Regional Chairman and Regional Director.
This proposal was adopted.
ThedelegafeofEppt proposed Alexandriaastheplaceofmeetinginorder that
the first meeting can be held at the Regional Bureau.52 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

TheDirector-Generalstated that it wasdesirable to have the early meetingsat
Regional Headquarters in order to acquaint members with the Secretariat, as it

was impracticable to transport the whole staff.
The Vice-Chairmon(Pakistan) asked whether it was not desirable that meet-
ings should be held at different placein the Region to giveopportunity to the
members to realize the varyingconditions in various member States.
The Director-GeneruIagreed with this viewpoint inrespect of future meet-
Thedelegufeof Pukistanstated thathis objectivewasnot tooppose Egypt but
to invite the Committee to Pakistan. DOCUMENTS

Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Clvernment of
Egypt, Cairo,25 March1951 '

Memomnduni on Privileges. Ininiuni~iesund Exenlprions of the Regio~iulOflice oJ
fhe WHO

The Contentieux of the Ministriesof ForeignAifairs and Justicehas reviewed
the provisions of the drdt dual agreement 3 submitted by the World Health
Organization io theEgyptianGovernment in connectionwith theinstitution of a
Regional Office of that Organization in the Egyptian Kingdom, at Alexan-

The Contentieux has introduced several amendments to remcdy certain
digressions containcd in the draft agreement and tn harmonize as much as
possible between theprivileges,imrnunitiesand exemptionsclaimedby the said
Organization in this respect and requirernents of the Host State as regards its
safety, sovereignty and sccurity.
In perusing the provisionsof thedraft agreement inquestion. theContentieux
did not only consult the General Agreement in respect of United Nations

Privilegesand Immunities rcsolvcdby the United Nations General Assemblyon
13February 1949,and the other agreement relative to the privilegesand immu-
nitiesof SpecializedAgenciessanctionedby the SecondUnited Nations General
Assembly at Lake Successin 1947,but the Contentieux also consulted agree-
ments concluded. or in course of conclusion, betweena number of States and
certain Specialized Agcncieson the occasion of the latter taking up any of the
said States as their seats or upon the establishment of Regional Officesin their

The following may be cited in particular:
(1) The agreementconcluded between the French Government and the Unesco
upon the latter taking the French Capital as its seat.
(2) The agreement concluded between the Swiss Government and the WHO

who took Geneva as its sea4,
(3) Draft agreement between the French Govemment and the International
Civil Aviation Organization following the establishment of a European
Regional Office of that Organization in Paris.
(4) Draft agreement between the Government of Peru and the International
CivilAviationOrganization followingtheestablishmentof aRegionaiOffice
of that Organization in Lima (Peru'scapital).

It cannot be alleged that the requirements of the specialized agencies are
variable so that what is suiiable for one agency may not be suitable for other
agencies. The fact is that the requirements of al1these agencies, inso far as

' For text,scepp. 6-24supro.For thedocuments receivedfrom theGovemmentof
Egypt,see pp. 171-181,infruSecalso WHO. Offici Records. Nos. 21,28and 35and
WHO, Hundbook orResolurionsattd Decisions of the WorldHeulrhAssenth&and the
Executive Board.Vol. 1,Section6.3.2.3.
2 Seepp. 65-68 and 336, infra.
See United Nations,rTreutySeries.II,No. 155,Vol.26..54 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

concems oursubject,i.e.,in respectof thepnvileges,immunities and exemptions
they claim, are almost identical. Whether these concerned the Juridical Person-
alityof the agenciesand recognition thereof, thesafeguarding of their property,
funds and assets,the inviolabilityof their premisesand archives,their immunity
from local legalprocess and exemption from local taxes,the facilities in respect
of their correspondence and communications, or the pnvileges and immunities
accorded to representatives of member States, officiaisof the organization, its
Director and such experts as are on mission for the organization.
Perhaps the question of experts and the privilegesand immunities which the
specialized agenciesclaim for them is the onlyaspect where the requirements of

these agenciesvary fromone to another according to the nature of the activities
of each agency.Thus, when discussing thedraft unified agreementon privileges,
and immunities of the specialized agenciesin 1947,the United Nations General
Assembly did not provide in the text of the Agreement itself for privilegesand
immunities for experts of these Agencies, but left each case to be dealt with
separately in the respectiveappendix to the said unifiedagreement. The seventh
of theseappendices dealt withWHO'Srequirements in thisand other respects.It
was to this appendix that the Contentieux referred whenexamining the provi-
sions of the Regiond Draft Agreement, whichthe said Organization desired to
conclude with the Egyptian Government.

Herebelow are explanations of the amendments whichthe Contentieux intro-
duced into this draft in order to achieve the objectives referred to above :
Preface :As originally drafted, the phrase "Host Government" mentioned in
the text having been substiiuted by "Egyptian Govemment".

Article I, Section1 :Definitions :Objection was raised to the inclusion of
"secretafies of delegations" under the phrase "representatives of members", but
the original textwas retained after the text of the General Agreement on privi-
legesand irnmunitiesoftheUnitedNations towhichit wasdecidedin 1947torefer
for interpretation of the corresponding text in the Unified Agreement on
privileges and immunities of specialized agencies.
Article II, Section 2 :This texthasbeen redrafted. Theproposed newtexthasa
resemblance in Article 1of the agreement concluded between the French Gov-
ernment and theUnesco, and Article II, Section 3,of the agreementon privileges
and immunities of specialized agencies.
Articles ZIIandIV: Sections 3and4 :Itwould appear that thesetwotextswere

copied from the draft agreement which was prepared in 1946for conclusion
between theWHO andthe SwissGovernment(Arts. 1and V) and which isnowin
force. These two texts have, however, no resemblance in the agreement on
privilegesand immunitiesof specializedagencies,norin theagreementconcluded
betweentheFrenchGovernment and theUnesco.norin thetwodraf tagreements
proposed tobe concluded, if not already concluded,between eachof gance and
Peru and the International Civil Aviation Organization on the occasion of
establishing two Regional Offices of that Organization in the two States as
referredto above. Nevertheless, the Contentieux has no objection to Article III
remainingasitisin thedraft withtheaddition ofaphrase atthe end todenote that

thefreedom ofaction accorded to WHOand itsprincipal or subsidiary organs in
Egyptian Territory shall be according to international practice.
Asregards Article IV,Section4, this had better be deleted,because, while the
text goes far beyond the rneaning of the corresponding text in the agreement
concluded between the WHO and Switzerland (vide Art. V), the freedom of
meetingand thefreedomof discussionand decisionreferred to in that text of the DOCUMENTS 55

draft are provided for in the other texts.e.g.,Article IV,Secti6n(the modified
version), ArticleVI, Sections 14 and 15, and Article III, Section 3, itself. If,
however, it is deemed necessary that the text in question should remain in the
draft, it should at leastbe drafted after the corresponding text in the Agreement
concluded between theWHO and Switzerland (Art. V), which has been done.
ArricleIV, Section5 : This text has been redrafted after the texts of the
agreements concluded between theFrench Government and theUnesco(Art. II)
and thedraft agreements betweeneachof France and Peruand the International

CivilAviationOrganization(videArt. II),thelastparagraph havingbeenretained
as itoriginallyappeared in thedraft submitted by theWHO. After amendment in
the manner shown above, the text should raise no objection.
ArricieIV, Sections6 und 7 :These two texts have been redrafted, meanwhile
retaining their gists. Section 7 relatingto inviolability of archives has been
incorporated in Section6, paragraph 1, relating to inviolability of premises
becauseof similarity.Paragraph 2ofSection 6relatingtoimmunity ofproperty of
theOrganizationfrom seizure,requisition orexpropriation hasbecomeaseparate
sectionunder Section7,new.ToSection 6wasadded areservationproviding that
premises of the Organization shall not serveas a refuge for any person under
warrant of arrest by the EgyptianAuthorities.Another reservation wasadded to

Section 7dealing with the exceptional caseswhereexpropnation of premisesor
property of the Organization is for the sake of public utility and leaving this
pending agreement between the Organization and the Egyptian Government.
Theproposed new versionsof the two textsfully agreewith thecorresponding
texts in the agreement concluded between the French Government and the
Unesco(Arts. III and IV),and inthedraft agreementsbetweeneachof Franceand
Peru and the International Civil Aviation Organization (Arts. III and IV in
Article IV, Section8: The proposed new textconforms with Article V of the
agreement concluded between theFrenchGovernment and theUnesco,and with
Article V in each of the two draft agreements between each of the French
Govemment and the PeruvianGovernment and theInternational CivilAviation
Organization. It is believed that iwiH serve the required purpose.

ArticleIV, Section9 :No amendment.
Article Iy Section10: As originally drafted with the deletion of exemption
from "indirect taxes". Thoughthislatter exemptionwasprovidedforin Article X
of the Agreement concluded between theWHO and Switzerland,it has, on the
other hand, no resemblance at al1in the other agreements and draft agreements
referred to above. Nor has this exemption everbeen provided for in the general
agreementrelativetopnvilegesand immunitiesof theUnitedNations themselves,
nor in the special agreement on privileges and imrnunities of the specialized
agencies. Any new expansion in this direction should, therefore, be refused.
Article IK SectionII :It was first suggestedthat the original textbe retained
with the addition of the words "whenever possible" before the phrase "make
appropriate administrative arrangements for the remission or return of the
amount of duty or tax", sothat, with thisslightamendment, the textwillconform

to Article II, Section 8,of the general agreementon pnvileges and immunitiesof
the United Nations themselves and to Article III, Section 10, of the special
agreement on privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies. But the
Contentieux finally decided that, since the basis is that no exemption shall be
claimedfromexcisedutiesandfrom taxeson the saleof movabIeand irnmovable
property whichformpart of theprice tobepaid, anewversion ofthetextshouldbe
drafted to manifest this rneaning.56 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

Theproposed new versionistaken after Article VI1of the agreementbetween
the French Government and the Unesco.
Article V,Section12 :Asoriginallydrafted but with theaddition, at theend of
the text, of a phrase, taken after the agreement concluded between the French
Government and the Unesco and after the draft agreements between each of

France and Peru and the International CivilAviationOrganization, to the effect
that facilitiesinrespectofcorrespondenceandcommunicationsshallbe subjectto
the general principle regarding the effect of force majeure upon obligations.
ArticleV,Section 13: Thedeletion of paragraph 1,forbiddingtheapplication
ofcensorship toofficia1communicationsof theOrganization, wasfirst suggested
sincethat censorshipwasalreadyforbiddenduringnormaltimesunderprovisions
of the Egyptian Constitution and that, even during ernergencies and crisis,
justifying the application of censorship, the WHO may despatch and receive

correspondencebycourieror diplomaticbagswhichareimmune.However,itwas
finallyagreedthat therewould benoobjection to accordingtheOrgankation this
exemption from censorship on its correspondence in conformity with a similar
provision in Article III, Sectio9, of the general agreement on privileges and
immunities of the United Nations ; and Article IV, Section 12,of the special
agreement on privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies. A new
drafting of the text was made on the lines of the corresponding text in the
agreementconcluded between theOrganization and Switzerland (videArt. XII1
of the said agreement).
Article VI, Sections 14, 15, 16and 17 : These remain the same as originally

drafted with theexception of two slight amendments introduced in Section 14.
The first of these amendments points out that the privileges and immunities
mentionedin the textarelimitedtorepresentativesofMemberswhoareofloreign
nationality. Thisisevident fromthe corresponding textsinthegeneralagreement
on privilegesand immunities of the United Nations andin the specialagreement
on privilegesand immunities of the specialized agencies.As regards the second
amendment, thisadds anew paragraphto theend ofSection 14providingthat the
WorldHealth Organization shallcommunicate totheEgyptianAuthoritiesin due
time a list of the representatives invited to its meetings,Le.,the meetings of its

Regional Office, so that they may be granted the prescribed facilities. This
paragraphhas a resemblancein thetwodraft agreementsbetweeneachof France
and Peru and the International CivilAviation Organization (videArt. IX of each
Article t'[/S,ecrion18: This textas submitted by theWHO isentirely copied
from Article VI, Section 22, of the general agreement on privilegesand immu-
nitiesof the United Nations. It was, however,pointed out earlier that the special
agreement on privilegesand immunities of the specialized agenciesdid not go to

the extent of the United Nations agreement in respect of the privileges and
immunities of experts on missions for that Organization or for the specialized
agencies. It was also mentioned that the procedure whichwas to be adopted in
respect of privilegcsand immunities of experts designated bythe WHO for its
missions wasspecified in Annex VI1 of the special agreementon privilcgesand
immunities of the specialized agencies.It is, therefore, imperative that the texts
submittcd by the said Organization on this subject should be substituted by the
text of Anncx VI1 referred to above. And this is what was aimed at by the
amendment of Section 18of Article VI1of the draft agreement.
Article VII, Section 19 :No amendment.

Article VIT, Section 20: No amendment except the addition of the word
"categories" hefore the phrase "and the names of those officials" in viewof the DOCUMENTS 57

importance of disclosingthe category and status of officialsof the Organization
in order to accord them the privilegesand immunities indicated in the following
Article VII,Section21 :Theprecedingtext,on thewhole,treatsofficialsof the
organization with great generosity, almost to the extent of extravagance. We
have,therefore,introduced in this textvariousamendments guided, inparticular.
by the agreement concluded between theFrench Government and the Unesco
(Art. XI) and the twodraft agreements betweeneachof France and Peruand the
International Civil Aviation Organization (videArt. X in each). Thus, wehave
redrafted paragraph "A" of this text relating to immunities from legal pro-

Wehaverestricted theprivilegesand immunitiesindicated inparagraphs "c, d,
ef and g" toofficialsof theOrganization, whoare not Egyptian nationality,asis
understood from the sense of these texts and their corresponding texts in the
general agreement on pnvileges and immunities of the United Nations and the
special agreement on privilegesand immunities of the specialized agencies.We
havealsorestricted theexemptions accorded toofficialsofforeignnationality and
provided for inparagraphs "ci "nd 'y o theirwivesand childrenunder age.We
haveadded theword "first" before thephrase"taking up theirpost", inparagraph
"g".And, finally,wehavedeleted paragraphUh".Wearestill oftheopinion that it
ought to be deleted. Itaccords officialsof the Organization authority toimport
carsfromabroad freeof customsduty and givesthem therighttouse thisauthority

once every three years.There is no resemblance to this paragraph in the general
agreementon privilegesand immunitiesofthe United Nations themselves,norin
the special agreement on privilegesand immunities of the specialized agencies.
Though the agreementconcluded between the WHO and Switzerland mayhave
contained a similarparagraph, but in amorerestricted sense(Art. TX, para. "e"),
there is no trace of such a text in the agreement concluded between theFrench
Govemment and the Unesco, or in the agreements between eachof France and
Peruand the International CivilAviationOrganization.Wedonot seeanyreason
whyofficialsof theWHO shouldbcdistinguishedin thisrespectfromofficialsof
the Unesco, the International Civil Aviation Organization and officials of.the
United Nations themselvcs.

Article VIII, Section22:This text accords seniorofficialsof the Organization
full diplomatic privileges and immunities in addition to the privileges and
immunities referred to above,whichtheother officialsof the Organizationenjoy.
In pursuance of thegeneraltendency,wehavedecidedtorestrict theprovisionsof
thisArticle to theDirector-General oftheorganization, hisDeputy,theAssistant
Director-General, theRegionalDirector andhisDeputy. Infact,thequestion isof
no consequencc from the point of viewof interna1application of the agreement
except in so far as concerns the last two, since their normal residence willbe in
Egyptian territory, at the seat of the RegionalOffice.A necessaryand important
provision has finallyto be added to the text to the effectthat theseofficialsshall
not be entitled ta clcm before the courtof the State of whichthcyare nationals
diplomatic immunityin respectoflegalprosecution foractionnotconnected with

theirofficial duties.Othemise, therewillexistnocourts beforewhich theyrnaybe
legally prosecuted for action outside their officiai duties.
Article VIII, Section 73: No amendment.
Article VIII,Secrion 24 :Hasbeen transferred to thebcginningofArticle Xso
thatitwilibe applicable to al1thepreceding provisionsof theagreementand not
only to the Chapter dealing with officialsof the Organization as may suggestits
original position in the dralt agreement. As a result of this modification, the58 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

numbers of the followingsectionsofArticle IX,i.e.,Sections25,26 and 27,have
been altered to 24, 25 and 26.
Article iX, Section25: In the proposed text, there is more extension than is
necessary.It accords absolute exemptionfrom al1the restrictions and provisions
relating to foreignersand their sojourn.This text has,therefore,been substituted
by the corresponding text in the agreement concluded between the French

Govemment and the Unesco (Art. XIII). In our opinion, it well serves the
purpose, taking into account the other texts in the draft agreement. To this
Section 25, now Section 24 in the new proposed draft, were added provisions
taken from the subsequent two Sections (26and 27in thedraft submitted by the
Organization), thus rendering them unnecessary.
Article IX, Sections26und27 :ThesetwoSectionshavebeendeleted,thegist of
theirprovisions havingbeenaddedto Section25(Section 24inthenewdraft).The
space arising from this deletion has been used in originating new provi-
sions placed under a new Section25 and derived from corresponding texts in

the agreement concluded between the French Government and the Unesco
(Arts. XVll and XVIII),and the draft agreements between eachof France and
Peru and the International CivilAviation Organization (Arts. XVI and XVII).
The new version of Section 26 contains an indispensable reservation for safe-
guarding the peace and security of the State. This text has been derived from
Article XVIof theagreementconcluded betweentheFrenchGovernrnent and the
Unesco, Article XV,from thedraft agreements betweeneachor France and Peru
and the International CivilAviation Organization, and fromArticle XXVof the

agreement concluded between the World Health Organization itself and Swit-
zerland. It is tobebornein mind that thislatter textismoredetailed and givesthe
Swiss authorities a freer hand than the brief text which we have originated.
ArticleX :Tothebeginningof thisArticleand under a newSection27,hasbeen
transferred the text of Section 24 of the original draft agreement submitted
by the WHO, for the reasons given before. This change necessitated the modi-
fication of the title of Article X, to become : "Co-operation and settlement of

ArricleX, Seclions28 und 29 :No amendment.
Article XI, Seciion30: No amendment.
A rricleXI,Section31 :A phrasehasbeenaddedto thebeginningof thisSection
to theeffectthat the agreementisconcludedfor an indefinite penod,on the sarne
Iines as Article XXII of the agreement concluded between the French Govem-
ment and the Unesco.


TheEgyprionGovernmenton the one part,

The WorldHeulrhOrgunizarionon the other,

Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the purpose of determining the
privileges,immunities and facilities to be granted by the "EgvptionGovernment"
to the WorldHeulthOrgonizution,to the representativesof itsmembers and to its
experts and officiais in particular with regard to its arrangements in the.. .
Region,and of regulating other related matters ; DOCUMENTS

Have Agreedus follows

Article J

Section 1. In the present Agreement :
(i) the word "Organization" shall rnean the World Health Organization ;
(ii) for the purpose of Article IV the words"property and assets", "funds, gold

or currency", or "assets, income and other property" shall be deemed to
includeproperty,assets, andfunds adrninistered by theOrganization under
Article 57 of its Constitution and or in furtherance of its constitutional
(iii) the words "representatives of Members" shail be deemed to include al1
' delegates to the World Health Assembly ; al1persons designated by Mern-
bers to serveon the Executive Board of the Organization ; al1representa-
tiveson theRegionalComrnitteesin the ...~e~ron ; aswellasal1deiegates,
altemates, advisers, technicd experts who are membersof delegations and
secretaries of delegations ;
(iv) the word "Member" shall be deemed to include a Member or an Associate

Member of the Organization as well as a territory or group of territones,
whichwithout beinganAssociateMember,isrepresented andparticipating
in the Regional Committee of the ... Region of the Organkation, in
accordance with Article 47 of its Constitution ;
(v) the words "principal or subsidiary organs" shdl be deemed to include the
World Health Assembly, the Executive Board, theRegional Committee in
the ...Region and anyof the subdivisionsof al1theseorgans aswellas the
Secretariat and the Regional Office in.. .;
(vi) for thepurposes of Sections4,6, 13 and 16thewords "freedornof meeting"
or "meeting of the Organization", shall be deemedto include al1institu-
tionalmeetingsof the principal or subsidiary organs of the Organization as

wellasal1conferences or meetings convened by,or under the authority or
auspices of, the Organization in "Egyptian territory".

Article II

Section2. The Organization is a legal entity (or, shall possessjuridical per-

For the achievement of its aims and the performance of its duties it is
entitled :
(a) to contract,
(b) to acquire anddispose of immovable and movable property,
(c) to institute legal proceedings.

Article III

Section3. The Organization and its principal or subsidiary organs shall have
in Egyptian territory the independence and freedorn of action belonging to an
international organization according to international practice. Section4. The Organization, its principal or subsidiary organs as well as its

Members in their relations with the Organization shall enjoyin Egyptian terri-
tory absolute freedom of meeting, including freedom of discussion and deci-

Article IV


Section 5. TheOrganization shallenjoyimmunity from everyforrnofjudicial
processexcept insofar asin anypartiçular casethisimmunity isexpresslywaived
by theDirector-General of theOrganization.OrtheRegionalDirector ashisduly
authorized representative. Or unless this waiver follows from the terms of a
contract, or in caseof counterclaim. Itis,however,understood that no waiverof

immunity shall extend to any measure of execution.
Section 6. ThepremisesinwhichtheOrganizationpursuesits activity,together
with archivesand in general ail documents belonging to, or in possession of the
Organization, are inviolable. Provided that the Organization will not allow the
premises to serve as a refuge for any person under warrant of arrest by the
Egyptian authonties.
Section 7.Theproperty of the Organization shallbeimmunefrom seizureand
also from requisition. Nor can it be expropriated unless for the sake of public
utility and by agreement between theorganization and the Egyptian Govern-
Section 8. Notwithstanding anycontrol,regulationorfinancialmoratoriumof

anykind, theOrganization mayreceiveanysumsand securitiesofanykind andin
any currency and rnay freely dispose thereof.
Section 9. In exercisingits rights under Section 8, the Organization shall pay
due regard to anyrepresentation madeby the Egyptian Government in sa faras
theOrganizationconsiders that effectcanbegiventosuchrepresentationwithout
detriment to its interests.
Section 10. The Organization, its assets, income and other property shall
be :

{a)exempt from al1direct taxes.Itisunderstood, howeverthat theOrganization
willnot clairnexemption from taxeswhichare, infact, no more than charges
for public utility servic;s
(b) exempt from customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions on imports and
exports inrespectof medicalsupplies,or anyother goodsor articlesimported
or exportedby theOrganizationfor itsofficialuse.It isunderstood, however,

that suchmedicalsupplies,goods,orarticles,imported undersuchexemption
willnotbe soldor ceded in"the Egyptian terntory" except under conditions
agreed with the Egyptian Government ;
(c) exempt from customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions on irnports and
exports in respect of their publications.

Section1I. The Organization shall pay under the conditions of common law
the indirect taxeswhichform part of the price ofgoods sold. Nevertheless,those
taxes which relate to large purchases made bythe Organization in direct con-
nection withits work may form thesubject of a return of tax by arrangements to
be fixedby agreement between the Organization and the Egyptian Govern-

Article V

Section IZ. The Organization shall enjoy inEgyptian territory for its officiai
communicationstreatment notless favourablethat that accordedby theEgyptian
Government to any other Government including its diplomatic mission, in the
matter or priorities, rates and taxes on mail, cables, telegrams, radiograms,
telephotos, telephoneand other communicationsand Press ratesfor information
to the Press and radio. The correspondence and communications of the Orga-
nization may only be delayed in case of force mqjetrre.
SectionI3. (1) No censorship shall be applied to the duly authenticated
official communications of the Organization.

(2) The Organization shall have the right to use codes and to despatch and
receivecorrespondence by courier or in sealed bags, which shall have the same
immunities and privileges as diplomatic couriers and bags.

Article VI

Section 14. Representatives of Members of the Organization on its principal
or subsidiary organs and at conferences or meetings convened by the Organi-
zation, and who are not of Egyptian nationality shall, while exercising their
functions and during theirjourneys to and from theplace of meeting, enjoythe
following privileges and immunities :

(a) immunity from persona1 arrest or detention and from seizureof their per-
sonal baggage ;and, in respectof words spokenor written and al1actsdone
by them in their officia1capacity, immunity from legal process of every
kind ;
(b) inviolability for al1papers and documents ;
(c) the right to use codes and despatch or receivepapers or correspondence by
courier or in sealed bags ;
(d) exemption in respect of themselves and their spouses from immigration
restrictions, aliens registration or national seMce obligations in Egyptian

territory ;
(e) the same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are
accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official
missions ;
(f) the same imrnunitiesand facilitiesin respect of theirpersona1baggageas are
accorded to members of diplomatic missions of comparable rank ;
(g) such other privileges, immunities and facilities not inconsistent with the
foregoing as members of diplomatic missions of comparable rad enjoy,
except that they shaiIhave no right to claimexenlption from customs duties

on articles imported (otherwise than as part of their personal baggage) or
from indirect taxes or sales taxes.
It is understood that the Organization will cornmunicate to the Egyptian
Authorities in due hme the list of the representatives of Members invited to its

conferences or meetings.
Section15. In order to secure for the representatives of Members of the
Organization at a meeting of the Organizationcomplete freedom of speech and 62 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

independencein the dischargeof their duties,theimmunityfrom legalprocessin
respect ofwords spokenor written and al1acts done by them in dischargingtheir
duties shallcontinue tobe accorded,notwithstanding that thepersons concerned
are no longer engaged in the discharge of such duties.
Section 16. If the incidenceofanyformof taxation depends upon residencein
the territory, periods during which therepresentatives of Members of the Orga-

nization are present aa meetingof theOrganizationin Egyptian territory for the
discharge of their duties shall not be considered asperiods of residence.
Section 17. Privilegesand immunities are accorded to the representatives of
Mernbers of the Organization not for the personal benefit of the individuals
thernselves,but in order to safeguard theindependent exerciseof theirfunctions
in connection with the Organization.Consequently, a Mernbernot only hasthe
right,but isunder a dutyto waivetheimmunity of its representatives in any case
where. in the opinion of the Member, the immunity would impede the course of
justice. and it can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the

imrnunityisaccorded. In any suchcase in which one ofthepersons designated to
serveon it isconcerned, the becutive Board of the Organization shall beunder
the same duty.

Section 18, Experts (other than those under Section 1(iii)or officialscoming
within the scopeof Article VIor VIII) servingon committees of, or perforrning
missions for, the Organization shall be accorded the following privileges and
irnmunities so Faras is necessary for the effective exerciseof their functions,
including the time spent on journeys in connection with serviceon such com-
mittees or missions :

((i)immunity from persona1arrest or detention and from seizure of their per-
sonal baggage ;
(b)immunity from legal process of every kind, in respect of words spoken or
written or acts done by them in the performance of their officiai functions,
such imrnunityto continue notwithstanding that the persons concerned are
no longer servingon committees of, or employed on mission for, the Orga-

(c) the same facilities in respect of currency and exchange restrictions, and in
respect of their persona1 baggage, asare accorded to oificials of îoreign
governments on temporary officia1missions.

Section 19. Privilegesand immunitiesare granted toexpertsin theinterests of
the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves.
The Director-General shallhavethe right and theduty to waive theirnmunity of
any expert in any case where, in his opinion, the immunity would impede the
course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the


Section ?O. The Director-General or the Regional Director ashis duly autho-
rized representative, shall from time to tirne communicate to the Egyptian DOCUMENTS 63

Government the categories and the names of those officials to whom the pro-
visions of this Articleand Article IX shall apply.
Section21. (1) Officials of the Organization irrespective of nationality
shall :

(a) be immune from legalprocess in respect of words spoken or written and al1
acts performed by them in their official capacity ;
(b) be exempt from taxation in respect of the salaries and emoluments paid to
them by the Organization.

(2) Moreoverthose who are not of Egyptian nationality shall :
(c) be immune from national serviceobligations in Egyptian territory ;

(d) be immune, together with their spouses and children under age from immi-
gration restriction and aliens registration;
(e) be accorded the same privileges in respect of exchange facilities as are
accorded to officials of comparable rank of diplomatic missions accredited
in the Egyptian Government ;
(f) be given, together with their spouses and children under age, the same
repatriation facilitiesin timeofinternational crisesasofficialsofcomparable
rank of diplornatic missions ;
(g) have the right toimport freeof duty their furniture and effectsat the tirneof

first takingup their post in the territory or upon their permanent appoint-
ment to it.
Secrion22. (1) In addition to the immunities and privilegesspecified inSec-
tion21, the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, the Assistant

Director-General, the Regional Director in Egyptian terntory and his Deputy
shallbe accorded in respect of themselves,their spousesand minor children, the
privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic
envoys in accordance with international law and usage.
(2) Theyshallnot howeverbeentitled toclaim before thecourtsof the Stateof
whichthey are nationals immunityin respectof any legalprosecution for action
not connected with their officiai duties.
Section23. Privilegesand immunities are granted to officialsin the interests
of the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals ihem-

selves. The Director-General shall have the right and the duty to waive the
imrnunity of any official inany case where,in his opinion, the imrnunitywould
impede the courseofjustice and can bewaivedwithout prejudice to the interests
of the Organization.


Section 24. (1) The Egyptian Govemment shall take the necessary steps to

facilitate at al1limesentry into, ordeparture fromEgyptian territoryand sojourn
in, and transit through that Egyptian territory, to ailpersons calledupon to take
part in the work of, or invited by, the Organization.
(2) The Egyptian Government shall recognize and accept as valid travel
documents the United Nations laissez-passerissued tothe officialsof the Orga-
nization under administrative arrangements concluded between the Director-
General of the Organization and the Secretaq-General of the United Nations.
Such persons on production of a certificate that they are travelling on the64 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

businessof the Organization, shallbeaccorded facilitiesfor speedy travelandfor
the grant of visas.
(3) The Director-Generai,the Deputy Director-General, the Assistant Direc-
tor-General, the Regional Director ofthe Organization in Egyptian territory and
hisdeputy travellingon officia1businessof theOrganization shall begranted the
same facilities as are accorded to diplornatic envoys.
Section 25. (1) TheOrganization willbe supplicd,in thepremisesplaced atits
disposal,withelectricity,waterand gas,and with servicefortheremovalof refuse.
In a case of force majeureentailing partial or total suspension of these services,
therequirementsof theOrganizationwillbe considered by theEgyptian Govern-

ment to be of the sarne importance as those of its own administrations.
(2) The Egyptian Government willensure thenecessarypolicesupervisionfor
theprotection of theseatof theOrganization and forthe maintenance of order in
the irnmediate vicinity thereof. At the request of the Director-General, the
Egyptian Governmcnt will supply such police force as may be necessary to
maintain order within the building.
Section26. Provided that it is without prejudice to the independence and
efficiencyoftheorganization theEgyptianGovemment maytakeany measureor
precaution essential to national security.


Section 27. The Organization willcontinually CO-operatewith the competent
Egyptian Authorities with a view to facilitating the proper administration of
justice, to cnsuring the enforcement of police regulations and to avoiding al1
misuseof the privileges,immunities and facilitiesprovided for under the present

Section18. The Organization shall make provision for appropriate modes of
settlernent o:
(a) disputes arisingoutof contractsorother disputesofaprivate lawcharacterto
which the Organization is a party;
(h)disputes involving any official of the Organization who, by reason of his

official position, cnjoys immunity, if immunity has not been waived by the
Director-General in accordance with the provisions of Section23.
Section 29. Any difference between the Organization and the Egyptian Gov-
ernment arisingout of theinterpretation or application of the present agreement
or of any supplementary arrangement or agreement which isnot settled by

negotiation shall be submitted for decisionatBoard of three arbitrator; the
first tu he appointed by the Egyptian Government, the second by theDirector-
GeneraI of the Organization, and the third, the presiding arbitrator, by the
President of the International Court of Justice, unless in any specific case the
parties hereto agree to resort to a different rule of settlement.

Section30. The present agreement shallenter into forceassoonasit has been
approved by the Egyptian Government and adopted by the World Health
Assembly. DOCUMENTS 65

Section 31. The present agreement has been concluded for an indefinite
period. It rnaybe revisedattherequestof eitherparty. In thisevent the twoparties
shallconsult eachotherconceming themodifications tobemadeinits provisions.
If the negotiations do not result in an understandingwithin one year, the present
agreement may be denounced by either party giving two years' notice.
Infuith whereofthe present agreement was adopted and signedon the day
of , 194 ,at , in fourcopies, two in French andtwo in
English, the textsinboth languages being equally authentic, ofwhich twotexts
one copy in French and one in English were handed to the representatives of the
Egyptian Government, and the two rernainingcopies to the Director-General of
the World Health Organization.

For the Egyptian Government For the World Heaith Organization


Letterfrom the Ministv of ForeignAffairs of E~pt (Deparrmentof Conferences,
Internotional Organizations and Conventions)to Dr. Ali Tewfik ShoushuPacha,
Under-Secretaq of Stute for Health, Future WHO Regionul Director, Cuiro,
4 May 1949

Reference is made to Your Excellency's visit 10 the Ministry for Foreign
Affairs late in April last during which you provided us with a copy of the draft
agreement which the World Health Organization intends to conclude with the
Egyptian Government on the privileges and immunities to be enjoyed by its
regional officewhich willbe established inAlexandria aswellas the staff of that
office. 1wish to attach hereto copy of the memorandum prepared by the Con-

tentieux, Ministry for ForeignAffairs, comprising their comments on the above
draît agreement, as well as a copy of that draft duly amended by the doresaid

Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ad Int. to the Egyptian Council of
Ministers, und rhe Decision of the Council,Cuiro, 25 und 29 May 1949

1. Whereas Egypt isadhering to the United Nations FAO, Unescoand WHO,
and each of the two first-named Organizations bas a Regional Bureau for the
MiddleEast located in Cairo, and the third one has decided to establish for itself
a Regional Bureau in Alexandria, the working of which will begin as from the
first July next.
2. Whereas these three Specialized Agencies haverequested the Ministry of
Foreign Afîairs to grant their aforesaid Regional Bureaus, as well as ihe Staff
thereof, the privileges and imrnunities provided Corin the Agreement for the

Privilegesand Imrnunities of the Specialized Agenciesapproved by the General
Assembly of the United Nations, on the 21 st June 1947,and particularly empha-

' See pp. 283-284infra.

sized that the payment by these Bureaus of Custom Dues on articles and
equipment required for their officialwork and irnported from abroad would be
prejudicial to the rights of the other State Members of the said Organiza-
3. Whereas the Ministry of ForeignAffairs isundertakingthe necessarj steps
for the adhesion of Egypt to theAgreement for the Privilegesand Immunities of
the Specialized Agencies,but the conclusion of suchsteps maystill require some
4.Whereas the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, issued

on the 21st November 1947,approving the Agreement for the Privileges and
Immunities of the Specialized Agencies,recommends to the State Members to
facilitate immediatelyand as far as possible the granting to the Specialized
Agencies of the priviIegesand immunities provided for in the said Agreement,
until their adhesion thereto.
5. Whereas the Council of Ministers has approved in its meeting held on the
27th February 1947, the temporary exemption of the Staff of the Regional
Bureauof the International Organization for theCivilAviationfrom theCustom
Dueson articlesand equiprnent irnportedfromabroad and relating to the official

work of the said Bureau.
Therefore, 1 have the honour to submit the present Note to the Council of
Ministers, with a view to kindly approve the granting to the Staff of the three
aforesaid Regional Bureaus the temporary exemption from theCustomDues on
any articles and equipment imported from abroad and relating to their official
work, on the same foot as the Staff of the Regional Bureau of the International
Organization for the CivilAviation, and until Egypt adheres to the Agreement
for the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs ad int

(Signed)Ibrahim ABDEL HADI.

To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

The Council of Ministers, in its meeting held on the 29th May 1949,has
approved the contents of this Note.
This decision has been notifieta the Ministry of Finance.

The President of the Council of Ministers.

Note from rhe Srare Counci/Advirer (Contentieux forthe Minisrries of Foreign
Affair andJrcrtice)Iothe Future WHO RegionalDirector, Cairo,
29 May 1949

Pursuant to our telephone conversation of yesterday, 1wish to attach here-
to :

1. A copy of the draft agreement on WHO privileges and irnmunities as
arnended by the Contentieux, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
2. An explanatory note for the amendments enterrd on the originai draft
submitted to the Egyptian Government by WHO.
3. A memorandum eontaining our point of viewregarding the possibility of DOCUMENTS 67

granting WHO participating members the nght of vote in its regional commit-
tees' deliberations.
4. A memorandum on the interpretation of the terrn "member States" men-
tioned at the beginning of Article 47.

LetterJrom the State CouncilAdviser (Conlenrieuxfor the Ministries of Foreign
Affclirsand Justice) to the Future WHO Regionol Director, Cairo,
4 June 1949

Pursuant ta our telephone conversation of this morning concerning your

comments regarding the draft agreement on WHO privileges and immunities
aIready prepared by us, 1wish to state that:
1. There is no objection to add the word "direct" in Article 8, section 21,of
this draft concerning exemption of WHO staff salaries and emoluments from

taxation, considering that the corresponding provisioninthe general agreement
on UN privileges and immunities and the agreement on specialized agencies'
privileges and immunities does not differentiate in this respect between direct
and indirect taxation. Thus, we do not think that the addition of the word
"direct", as suggested by you, would make any effective change.
2. There is no objection to amend the paragraph included in the Arabic
version of the explanatory note sent to you - Article 8, section22, as fol-
lows :

"An important firm provision has been added to the text at the end,
stipulating that these staff membersshall not, however,beentitled to claim
before the courts of the State of which they are nationals immunity in
respect of any legalprosecutions for action not connected with theirofficia1

Lptters of Transrninul.Cairo, 18 and 23June 1949

The Under-Secretary of Sfote to the Ministty of Foreig nflairs (Conferences,
Internntional Organizutions und Conventiorts)ro the Under-Secretav of Stute,
Ministty of Public Health

1have the honour to send to Your Excellencyherewithattached, copy of the
Decisionof the Council of Ministers, issuedin its meeting heldon the 29th May
1949,and approving the granting of the temporaq exemption fromthe Custom
Dueson the articlesand equipment imported by the World Health Organization
Regional Bureau and related to its official work - until Egypt adheres to the

Agreement for the Immunities and Privilegesof the SpecializedAgencies.

The Under-Secretuv oj State for MediculAffairs IOthe
Future WHO Regional Director

1have the honour to send you, herewith attached, for information, copy of a
letter received by this Ministry from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under
No. 271,File 129/135/2,dated the 18thinstant, and also of the Decision of the
Council of Ministers referred to in the saidletter and regarding the approvai of
granting the temporary exemption from the Custom Dues on the articles and68 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

equipment imported from abroad by theStaffof theWHO RegionalBureauand
requircd for their officia1work- until Egypt adheres to the Agreement for the
Privilegesand Immunities of the SpecializedAgencies.

30 November 1949.

ExecuriveBoard, Fm Session

Agreemenr with the Governnienrof Eg~pt

The Second World Health Assembiy, in a resolution of 25 June 1949 ',

requested theDirector-General tocontinue negotiations with theGovemment of
Egypt inorder to obtain the agreement extending privileges and immunities to
the Regional Organization in the Eastern Mediterranean Area.
On 26 July 1949,the Director-General transmitted a replyto the propositions
and comments Eormulatedby the "Contentieu" of the Ministry for Foreign
Affairs, together with a draft revised agreement and lease of the Alexandna
No further replyhasbeen receivedfrom the Egyptian Government to date but
any information received later will be placed before the Board.
In the event that negotiations are not completed before the Board meets,the
following resolution is submitted for consideration :

"The Executive Board,

Notes the situation concerning the negotiations with theGovernment of
Egyptfor anagreementextendingpnvileges and immunitiesto theRegional
Organization andthe lease of the premises in Alexandria ;and
Requests the Director-General to continue such negotiations and to
report thereon to the Third World Health AssembIy ; and
Requesis the Government of Egypt to expedite these negotiations."

10March 1954.

Seventh WorldHealth Assembly

Wiihdrawal of Point 5 of the Notes Exchanged in Connection with the Host
Agreement hetween the GovernmentofEgypr and WHO

The Fourth World Health Assemblyadopted a resolution (WHA4.59)where-
by it approved the Agreement conceming the privileges,immunities and facili-
ties to be accorded to the World Health Organization in Egypt, concluded on
25 March 1951between the Government of Egypt and the Organization. Bythe
sarne resolution, the Fourth World Health Assembly also approved the text of
the notes to be exchanged inconnection with the conclusion of this Agreement

See WHO, Oficial Recordr, No. 21.
* Adopted inFebmary 1950 (WHO, OfficialRecords,No. 25). DOCUMENTS 69

and invited furthermore the Government of Egypt to reconsider point 5 in the
text of these notes.
The text of point 5 in the note addressed by the Egyptian Government to the
Director-General of the World Health Organization is as follows :

"5. Notwithstanding theprovisionsof Section 27and in accordancewith
Section 31,the Egyptian Government may take, as regards nationals of the
countries whose relations with Egypt are not normal, al1 precautions
necessary for the security of the country."

The text ofpoint 5in the note addressed by the Director-General of the World
Heaith Organization to the Egyptian Government is as follows :

"5. 1take note of your statement to the effect that notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 27 and in accordance with Section31,the Egyptian
Government may take, as regards nationals OCcountnes whose relations
with Egypt are not normal, al1precautions necessary for the securityof the

On 16December 1953,thefollowingletter wasreceivedfrom the Government
of Egypt :

"In replyyour letters of 15June 1951and 18November 1952,I have the
honour to inform you that by the Act No. 556 of 30 Novernber 1953, the
Government of Egypt has withdrawn point 5of the notes exchangedon the
occasion of the Host Agreement signed on 25 March 1951 between the
Egyptian Government and the World Health Organization for the purpose
of definingthe legal status of the said Organization and of the personnel
attached to it in Egypt.

Section 31 of the said Agreement, in fact, recognizes the right of the
Egyptian Government to exerciseits full sovereignrights to take any mea-
sure necessary for the security of Egypt. Point 5 of the notes exchanged,
therefore,constituted no morethan a specificapplication of theprovision as
laid down in the security clause figuring in Article I of Sectio1 of the
Agreement. The above-mentioned nght was, in so far as necessary, reaf-
firmed.1 shall be glad ifyou willkindly jnform theGeneral Assembly ofthe
present decision."

The Seventh World Health Assembly maywish to note this decision of the
Government of Egypt and adopt a resolution Cn the following terms :

"The Seventh World Health Assembly,
1. Notes with satisfaction the statement made by the Government of
Egypt to the effect that ihas withdrawn point 5 of the notes exchanged

between the Egyptian Governrnent and the World Health Organization in
connection with the Agreement concluded on 25 March 1951between the
World Health Organization and the Government of Egypt concerning the
privileges, immunities and facilities to be accorded to the World Health
Organization in Egypt, and
2. Requeststhe Director-Generalto inform the Government of Egypt of
the action taken by the World Health Assembly."

1 Adopted on 14 May 1954(WHO, Offici RecorA, No. 55). INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

I~ase between the Covemment ofEgyptand
the World Health Organizatian ' .

Text O/ the I~use, 25April 1955

This Leuse, made and entered into this 25th day of Apnl in the year one
thousand nine hundred and fifty-five,by and betweentheGovernment of Egypt
(hereinafter referredtoas theGovernment) representedby theMinisterof Public

Wealth oftheone part, and theWorld Health Organization(hereinafter referred
to as the Organization) represented by the Regional Director of the Regional
Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, of the other part,
W~rnesserhu.nd il irhereby ugreedus jo~luws..

1.The Government herebyleaseto the Organization,inaccordance with Law
No. 66 of 1949, the site of land containing 2028 square metres, situated in
Alexandria andbounded to theNorthby ElMalikaAvenue, tothe Eastby Street
No. 1644,to the South by Sultan Abdel Aziz Street and to the Southby Schiess
Pacha Street and the buildings thereon consisting of a basement composed of
fiveroomsand a garagecapable of accommodatingeightvehicles.twocomplete
storeysandfour roomsabove theroof,foruseof thebuildingsand the land asthe

seat 01 the Regional Organization for the Eastern Mediteiranean Area.
2. The term of this leaseis nine complete years, havingbcgun on 1 July 1949
and ending on 1 July 1958,for and in consideration 01a nominal rental of one
hundred (100) milliems per annum.
3. The Organization shall be entitled to use the premisesfor the purpose set
forth in clause1 above,but shall not assignthis lease inany event and shall not
permit the useof thesaidpremises byanyperson other than theOrganization, its
agents and servants.

4.The Organization shall have the right, after obtaining the approval of the
Government, during the term of this lease, to make alterations, attach fixtures,
additions or other newstructures in or upon the premisesherebyleased.Al1such
fixtures, additions or structures placed in or upon or attached to the said
premises shallbeand remain the property of theOrganization during the termof
the lease and may be rernoved therefrom by the Organization pnor to the
termination of thislease.TheOrganization,if requiredby theGovernment, shall,
upon the expiration ofthis lease restore the premises to the same condition as
that existing atthe tirne of entering upon under this lease. fair Wearand tear

excepted. However, theOrganization may leavesuch improvements in place in
lieu of dl obligations to restore the premises.
5. The Organization shall insure the premises against lossor darnage by rire
and shall, when requiredby the Government. produce the policyof such insur-
ance and the current year's receipt for the premiurn thereon.
6. The Organization shall permit the Govemment, their agents,inspectors or
workmen to enter upon the premises during the term 01 this lease. for the
inspection of the said premises and as often as shall be necessary,

7. The Govemment agree with the Organization, observing and performing
the conditions and stipulations in its part concerned, shall peacefullyhold and

Seedso p.68,supra,and p. 284,inp~. DOCUMENTS 71

enjoy the premisesduring the term of this leasewithout any interruption by the
Government or any person claiming through them.
8. A11cxisting and future taxes, rates, fees and assessments, of whatsoever
nature, imposed upon the premisesby thegovemment or any municipal or local

authority shall be borne by the Government.
9. The Government and the Oraavization awee that in sofaras their resvec-
tiveobligationsconcerning the repair, maintenance and cleaningof the premises
are concemed, such obligationsshall be deterrnined during the termof this lease
by the laws and cuçtornsin forcein Egypt.
10. Nothing in thisleaseshallbeinterpreted aan expressor impliedwaiverof
the privileges, immunities and facilities accorded to the Organization by the
agreement concluded betweentheOrganization and theGovernment in order to
determine the privileges, immunitiesand facilities to be accorded by the Gov-
emment to the Organization signed at Cairo on 25 March 1951.
11. Should theOrganization no longerdesire to retain the premiseas thesite
of its Regiond Office,or should the Govemment desire to te-enter the premises
for its own use, the Organization or the Government mayat any time terminate

thiskase by six months' notice in writing givea to the other party.
12. Subject to the provisions of clause this lease be interpreted in accor-
dance with the general principles of law.
13. Any disputes which rnayarisewith regard to the execution or interpre-
tation of this leaseshall be referred to a Tribunal composed of three arbitrators.
The Govemment and the Organization shall each appoint an arbitrator. The
third arbitrator who will preside over the Tribunal shall be appointed by the
President of the International Court of Justice.
Either party may have recourse to the Tribunal by an application in writing.
The Tribunal shall determine its own procedure. The awards of the Tribunal
shall be final.

Inwirnesswhereol this lease wasdone and signed this 25th day of Apri1,one
thousand nine hundred and fifty-five,in sixcopies,twoin French, twoin English
and two in Arabic. the texts in each of these three languages being equaily
authentic, of which three texts, one copy each in French, Englishand in Arabic
were handed to the representatives of the Government of Egypt, and the
rernaining three texts to the representatives of the World Health Organiza-

For the Government of Egypt For the World Health Organization

(Signed)[Illegihle] (Signed) A. T. SHOUSHA.

Memorandum from the Health Minister of Egypt to the President of the
Republic concerning Extension of the LeaseContract for the WHO Regional
Officebuilding, 28April 1957,and DecreeNo. 395(EgyprianGazette, 9 May


Renewal of Lease between the Government of Egypt and the WHO for WHO
Building, 15September 1957.

Renewalof LeasebetweentheGovemment of the UnitedArab Republic and the
WHO for WHO Building, 29 May 1958.

Exchange of tetters between the WHO Regional Director and the Health
Minister of the United Arab Republic, 30 and 31May 1958.

Decision ofthe President of the United Arab Republic for the Issue of Law

No. 29 (1958)governing the Rules of Free Disposa1of State-owned Property
and the Waiving of State Liquid Assets in Egypt, 13June 1958.

Exchange of Letters between the WHO Regional Director and the Health
Minister of Egypt, l and 14March 1972.

Letter from the Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction of Egypt to the
Ministry of Health, 30 August 1973.

Exchange of Letters between the Heaith Minister of Egypt and the WHO

Regional Director, 29January 14 February and 1March 1976.

Letter from the Health Minister of Egypt to the Governor of Alexandria,
6 March 1976.

Letter from the Ministry of Health of Egypt to the WHO Regionai Director,
10March 1976. DOCUMENTS 73

Rules of Procedurefor Sub-Cornmittee A of the RegionalCommiîîeefor the
Eastern Mediterranean

EM/RC 12A/4
10October 1962.

Ruk l

This Sub-Cornmittee is designated "Sub-Cornmittee A".
It forms part of the Regional Cornmittee for the Eastern Mediterranean
Region (hereinafter referred to as the "Region", provisionally carrying out its
duties, pursuant to resolutiWHA6.47 and WHA7.33, throughbeing divided
into two Sub-Committees.


The Sub-Comrnitteeshall consistof representatives(hereinalter referred to as

"representatives"), one eachfrom the StatesMembers(hereinafter referredaso
"Mernbers") in the Region.The representatives may be accompanied by alter-
nates and advisers.
Each Member shall be sealcd in accordance with its declared wishes made to

the RegionalDirector, in onorother of the twoSub-Cornmittees. Subjecttothe
restriction on voting in Rules 21 and 2riMember may, should it so desire.
attend both Sub-Committces and participate in the deliberations thereof.


The credentials of representatives and narncs of altemates, advisers. secre-
taries and observers, shall be submitted to the Regional Director if possible not
less than two days before the opening of the session of the Sub-Cornmittee.


The Sub-Committeeshall holdal leastone sessionayear. It shalldetermineat
each session the place of its next session.


The Regional Director, in consultation with the Chairmeof the Sub-Com-
mittees, hereinaftcr referred to as "the Chairmen", shallalso convene the Sub-

' Asamendcd on9 Ocrober1962by Sub-CornmitteeAof theTwelfthSessionofthe
RegionalCornmitteefortheEasternMeditcrraneanSec rcsolutioEM/RC12A/R. 13.

Cornmittees in special session at thejoint request of any five Members of the
Region,addressed to hirninwritingand stating the reasonfor the request. In this
case, the special sessionshallbeconvenedwithin 3Odaysfollowing receiptof the
request.The sessionshallbeheld at theplaceselected by theRegionalDirector in
consultation with the Chairmen.


Unless othenvise decided, the meetingsof the Sub-Cornmitteeshallbe held in


The provisional agenda of each session shall be drawn up by the Regional
Director in consultation with the Chairmen. Except in the case of sessions
convened under Rule 6, it shall be despatched by the Regional Director to the
Members and the Director-General of the World Health Organization (here-

inafter referred to as "the Director-General") at least six weeks prior to the
commencement of the session together with the notice convening the Sub-

The provisional agenda of each session shall includinterulia :

(u)al1items, the inclusion of which has been ordered by the Health Assem-
bly ;
(h) al1items, the inclusion of whichhasbeen ordered by the Executive Boardof
the World Health Organization ;

(c)any item proposed by the Director-General ;
(4 any item proposed by a Member.
Proposals under item(djabove shouldbe receivedbythe Regional Director at
least eight weeks prior to the commencement of the session.

The agenda of Sub-Committees A and B shall beidentical as regards their
contents and the numeration of the items included therein and shall cover the
whole region.


The Regional Director may, in consultation with the Chairmen, includeany
question suitable for the agenda which may arise between the despatch of the
provisional agenda and the opening day of the session, in a supplementary
agenda which the Sub-Cornmittee shall examine together with the provisional



Each year, the Sub-Cornmittee shall elect its officers,a Chairman and two
Vice-Chairmen, from among the representatives at its first session held during
that year. These officers shall rernain in office until their successorsare elected. DOCUMENTS 75

The Chairman shall not become eligible for re-election until twoyears have

elapsed since he ceased to hold office.

If the Chairman is absent from a meeting or any part thereof, the Vice-
Chairman shall preside. The sarneprocedure shall be followed when tChair-
man is unable to attenda session of the Sub-Committee.


If a Chairman for any reason is unable to complete his term of office, a new
Chairman shall be e1ectedfor the remaining period of his term.



The Sub-Committee may establish such sub-divisions as it rnay deem neces-
sary for the study of, and report on, any item on the agenda.
The Sub-Committee shall review from time to time, and in any case once a
year, the need to maintain any sub-divisions established under its authority.


The Regional Director, by virtue of the authority delegated to him by the
Director-General 1,shall act as the Secretaryof the Sub-Committeeand of any
sub-divisions thereof. He may delegate these Eunctions.

Rule 16
TheDirector-General or the RegionalDirector, or amembe~of the Secretanat
designated byeither of themashis representative, mayat any time make either
oral or written statements concerning any question under consideration.


TheSecretariat shallprepare summary records of the meetings.These records
shall be prepared in the working Ianguages and shall be distributed to the
Members assoon as possible. Within twenty days thereafter Members shall
inforrn the Secretariat in writingof any corrections they wish to have made.


Arabic, English and French shallbe the officiaand working languages.


Any representative may speakina languageother than the officid languages.
In this case, he shall himselfprovide for interpretation into one of the working

1Article32 of the Constitution. INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT



Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Organization or
resolvedby the Health Assembly 2,the decisions of the Sub-Committee shallbe
taken by a majority of the Members present and voting.


Each Member shall have one vote; however, Members attending both Sub-
Cornmittees shall have the right of vote in one Sub-Cornmittee only.

The report of the Sub-Cornmittee shallstate which Members have exercised

their right of vote during the session.

For the purpose of these Rules the phrase "Members present and voting"
means Members casting an affirmative or negative vote. Members who abstain

from voting shall be considered as not voting.
In a secretballot aninvalidvoteshallbe soreported and shallbecounted asan

Rule 24

Voting shallnormally beby showof hands. However,any representative may
requesta roll-cal1whichshallthenbe takenin thealphabetical order ofthenarnes
of the Mernbers, in English.

Rule 25

Thevote of each Member participating in any roll-cal1shdl be inserted in the
summary records.


AFtertheChairrnan has announced the beginningof voting,noRepresentative
shallinterrupt thevoting excepton a point of order inconnection with the actual
conduct of voting.


Al1electionsshallbe decidedbysecretballot. However,exceptasconcems the
vote required for the nomination of the Regional Director, an election may be
held by a showof hands or by acclamation, provided that there is no more than
one candidate for oneelectiveoffic and thatno representativt?requesis other-

Rule 27

A secret ballot on any other question shall be taken at the rrquest of one
representative supported by at least one other representative.

Article60 of thconstitution.
2 Rule67 of the RulesofProcedure of thWorldHealth Assembly. DOCUMENTS

Rule27 (bis)
A decision by the Sub-Cornmitteewhether or not to vote by secret ballot may
onlybe taken byashowof hands ;iftheSub-cornmit tee hasdecided tovoteon a
particular questionby secret ballot no othermode of votingmaybe requested or

decided upon.

Whenever required, the secret ballot may be taken by postal vote, the ballot
papers lrom each Member beingsealed in acover.Thiscovershallbeopened at a
time andplace, to befixedand announced to Membersbythe Regional Director,
in the presence of two tellers appointed one eachby the Sub-Cornmittees. The

result of such a vote shall be announced by the Regional Director to the Mem-
bers. If the result of suca vote is inconclusive, further postal ballots shall be
taken as necessary, applying thereto the provisions of Rule 29 or 30 as may be
appropria te.

Whenonly oneelectiveplaceistobefilledand no candidate obtains in thefirst

ballot the majority required, a second ballot shall be taken which shall be
restricted to the two candidatesobtainingthe largest numbers of votes. If in the
second ballot the votes are equally divided, thehairman shall decide between
the candidates by drawing lots.
The drawing of lots shall not be resorted toin a vote taken in application of
Article52 'of the Constitution ;in this event secret ballot shall continue to be
taken until a candidate obtains the majority required, after the elimination at
each balloting of the candidate who received the least number of votes.


When twoor more electiveplaces are to be filled at one tirne under the same
conditions, those candidatesobtaining in the first ballot the majonty required
shall beelected.If the number of candidates obtaining such majority islessthan
the number of places to be filled, there shall be additional ballots to fiIl the
remaining places, the voting to be restricted to the candidates obtaining the
greatest number of votes in the previous ballot to a number not more than twice

the places remaining to be filled.

If a voteisequally divided on matters other than elections, the proposa1shall
be regarded as rejected.



One half of the Members seated in the Sub-Committee and entitled to vote
under Rules 21 and 22 shall constitute a quorum.

' Article52 :"The head of the Regional Offjce shallbe the RegionalDirector
appointed by the Board inagreement with theRegionalCommittee."78 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

Rule32 (bis)

No representative mayaddress the Sub-Cornmitteewithout having previously
obtained thepermissionof the Chairman. TheChairman shallcal1upon speakers
in the order in which they signifytheir desire to speak. The Chairman rnaycal1a
speaker to order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject under discus-

A representative rnaydesignate an alternate whoisamember ofhis delegation
and who shall have the right to speak and vote. An adviser, at the request of a

representative, rnay be allowed to speak by the Chairman.

In addition to exercising the powerswhich are conferred upon himelsewhere
by these Rules, the Chairman shall declare the opening and closing of each
meetingof the Sub-Committee,shalldirect thediscussions,ensure observanceof
these RuIes, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce
decisions. He shall rule on points of order, and, subject to these Rules, shall
control the proceedings at any meeting and shall maintain order thereat. The

Chairman rnay,in the course of the discussion of any item, propose to the
Sub-Cornmittee the limitation of the time to be allowed to each speaker or the
closure ofthe list of speakers.

During the discussion on any matter, a representative rnay nse aopoint of
order, and the point of order shall be immediately decided by theChairrnan in
accordance with these Rules.


During the discussion on any matter, a representative rnay move the suspen-
sion or adjournment of the debate. Any such motion if seconded shall be put to
the vote immediately and without further discussion.

Rule36 (bis)

Subject to Rule 36,any motion callingforadecisionon the cornpetenceof the
Sub-Cornmitteetoadopt aproposd submitted toit shallbeput to thevote before
a vote is taken on the proposa1in question.

The Sub-Committee rnaylimit the time to be allowed to each speaker.


A representative rnay at any time movethe closureof the debate, whether or
not another representative has signified his wish to speak. Permission to speak
against the closure rnay be accorded to not more than one representative.

Rule 39
The Chairrnan shall take the senseof the meetingon any motion of closure.If
the Sub-Cornmittee is in favour of the motion, the Chairman shall declare the
closure of the debate. DOCUMENTS

Parts of aproposai shallbevotedon separatelyifarepresentative requeststhat
a proposa1be divided.

Rule 41
When an amendment revises,adds to or deletes from a proposai, the amend-
ment shdl be voted on first, and if it is adopted the amended proposal shall then

be voted on.

If twoor moreamendmentsare movedto aproposa],the Sub-Committee shall
first vote on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original
proposal and thenon the amendment next furthesl removed therefrom, and sa
on, until al1the amendments have been put to the vote. Where, however,the
adoption of oneamendment necessarilyimplies the rejectionof another amend-
ment, the latter amendment shall not be put to4thevote. The Chairrnan shdl
delennine the order of voting on the amendments under this Rule.


A motion may be withdrawn by the proposer at any time before voting on it
hasbegun,provided that themotionhasnot been arnended.Amotion withdrawn
rnay be reintroduced by any Member.

When a'proposal hasbeen adopted or rejected it rnaybe reconsidered at the
same session,unlessa two-thirds majorityof the Members presentand votingso
decides. Permission to speakon a motion to reconsidershallbeaccorded only to
twospeakersopposingthe motion, afterwhichit shallbe immediatelyput to the


The Chairman may at any time require any proposal, motion, resolution, or
amendment to be seconded.


The Regional Director shall make available, within as short a period as
possible,to the membersofboth Sub-committees,thedocuments communicated
to either Sub-Cornmittee, the summary records of their respective sessions.and
theconclusions arrivedat byeitherSub-Committeeon theitemswhichhavebeen


In order to CO-ordinatethe opinions of the two Sub-Cornmittees a person
designated by each Sub-Committee, with the authorkation of the respective
Sub-Committees, shall rneet together with the Regional Director in order to
harmonize asfarasmaybenecessarythedecisions ofthe Sub-Cornmitteesand to

present afinal report. In the event that the opinions of the Sub-Coronattees80 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

particular question cannot be harmonized, a statement to this effect shall be

given in the report, together with the individuai opinions of the Sub-Commit-

The final report of each sessionincluding resoIutions, recommendations and
otherimportant decisions, withdetails of voting if any, shall be communicated
by theRegional Director to the Membersand to the Director-General, whoshall
forward it to the Executive Board.

In addition, the Regional Director shall transmit to the Members and to the
Director-Generai the documents distributcd during each session and the sum-
mary records of that session.


If forany reasononeorotheOCthe Sub-Committees shouldbe unable to meet
on the date and place notified, the other Sub-Committee's opinions shdl be
forwarded to the Members and to the Director-General.


Rule 50
Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and with the exceptions of

Rules 1,2,3,9,21,28,29,46,47,48,49and 51of theseRulesof Procedure which
are in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Resolution
WHA7.33,any other provision ofthese Rules of Procedure may be amended or
suspended by the Sub-Committec provided that at least 48 hours'notice of the
proposal forsuchamendment ofsuspensionhas beengivento theChairman and
communicated by him to the Members24hoursbefore the meetingat which the
proposal is to be submitted. If, however, on the advice of the Chairman, the
Sub-Cornmittee is unanimously in favour of such a proposd, it may adopt it

imrnediately and without notice.



The Sub-Cornmitteernayat itsdiscretion applysuchRulesof Procedureof the
Health Assemblyor the Executive Boardof the World Health Organization as it
may deem appropriate to particular circumstances, and provided that this is in
accordance with the rules drawn up by the Health Assembly in Resolution


Upon the termination of the provisional régimefor the carrying out of the
duties of the Regional Committee, these Rules of Procedure shallcease to have

SpecialSession of the RegionalCommittee for the
Eastern Mediterranean, Geneva, 12 May 1979

Letter/rom the WHO RegionalDirectorrothe Governments O/the Meniber
Sturesof rheRegion,Alexundrio, 8 Muy 1979

Ihavethehonour to referto a letter receivedfromacertain numberof mernber
States of the Region requesting an early special meetingof the Regional Com-
mittee for the Eastern Mediterranean in order to discuss the subject of "trans-
ferringthe Rcgional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean from Alexandria".
As you know, the Regional Cornrnittee for the Eastern Mediterranean is

provisionally divided into two sub-cornmittees,A andR,and both these sub-
cornmittees are being convened. In consultation with the Chairman of Sub-
Cornmittee A of the 28th Session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern
Mediterranean it is proposed that Sub-CornmitteA of this special meetingbe
convened on Saturday, 12 May 1979,in Geneva. The tentative place for the
meeting is SallA (first floor) at WHO Hcadquarters' building, and 1propose
10 am, for the bcginning of the Sessio1,
1trust that your Government wouldwish to take part in Sub-CornmitteeA as
inprevious RegionalComrnitteemeetings.Asfor themeetingofSub-Cornmiltee
B this will be fixed in consultation with those concerned.

1shouldbegratefulifyouwould let mehaveyour responseas soon aspossible.
1should also appreciate receivingthe nameofyour Government'srespresenta-
tive and of any alternate or advisers who may be accompanying him.

(SignedlA. H. TABA, M.D.


WorkingGroupon the Question of a Transferof the
RegionalOffice for the Eastern Mediterranean,1979-1980

List of Documents '


Memhers of rhe Working Croup

Dr R. Alvarez-Gutierra, directeur généraldes affaires internationales, secré-
tariat ila santéet à l'assistance sociale,Mexico.

Dr. A. M. Fakhro, Minister for Health, Manama, Bahrain.
Dr. H. J. H. Hiddlestone, Director-General of Health, Department of Health,
Wellington, New Zealand.

Dr. T. Mork, Director-General of Health Services, Oslo, Norway.

Dr. D. B. Sebina, Permanent Secretary for Health, Gaborone, Botswana.
Dr. Shwe Tin, Director-General, Department of Health, Minister of Health,
Rangoon, Burma.

U~io$JciuSl uaimary of rheDeliberutionsO/ the WorkingGroup
or Irs First Meeting, 2May 1979,

Thefirst meeting oftheWorking Group to study thequestion of thetransfer of
the Regional Officeof the Eastern Mediterranean Region met at 12.3002191May
1979.Those present were :

Menihers :
Dr. R. Alvarez-Gutierrez,
Dr. A. Fakhro
Dr. H. J. H. Hiddlestone,
Dr. T. Mork,
Dr. D. B. Sebina,

Dr. Shwe Tin.

' Not reproduced. DOCUMENTS

Dr. H. Mahler, Director-General,
Dr. A. H. Taba, Regional Director, EMRO.

The Director-General opened the meeting, followed by the election by the
Group of Dr. D. B. Sebina as Chairman.
The Group first took up thematter offixingits next meetingwhichwillbcheld
in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday, 24 and 25 July 1979.
Dr. Taba informed the members of the Group that he would provide them
with copiesof the lettersfrommemberStatesof the Regionrequestingthe special
sessionof Sub-CornmitteeA, documents of that session aswellasother relevant
documentation already existing.The Dircctor-General said that the Secretariat
wouldsend to themembers, bytheendof June,anyadditional material related to
constitutional, legal, operational, financial and technical aspects, in order that
they might examine this before the next meeting of the Working Group.

Dr. Alvarezpointed out that probably most of the membersof the Group did
not know the Regional Office at al1and would needdetails regarding the sizeof
the office, number of personnel, etc. In reply Dr.Taba said that the members
wouldbe rnost welcometo visitthe RegionalOfficein order to seefor themselves
the structure of the office and working conditions.
Dr. Hiddlestone suggestedthat in thecvcntof the Group deciding to consider
alternative places for the Regional Office, these countries should also be
Dr. Fakhro asked Dr. Taba and his staff to provide, in time for the Group's
next meeting, as many details as possibleabout financial aspects, staff involve-
ment, contract with thehost govemment andso on, so that the Group could visit

the Regional Officeat a later stage,just to consider certain specificpoints. There
was general agreement that any visit should take place only after the next
There wasa further suggestion fromDr. Hiddlestone that the people from the
member States of the Region who feel most stiongly about this matter should
have an opportunity to clearly define everyaspect of the possibletrmsfer of the
Regional Office. Dr. Fakhro agreed with this suggestion but felt that this pos-
sibility should onlybe considered aiter the July meetingifthe Group felt that it
needed further clarification. TheChairman also supported this idea.
Dr. Taba informed the Group that sixformal invitations to host the Regional
Office had already been received,and there might possibly be more. He would
make these available to the members whocould then Iater decideabout accom-
panying the secretariat to these countries to find out their potentid.

The Director-General explained that it would beveryimportanttodraw aline
between the political role of the members and the neutral role of the secretariat
but the secretanat would gather al1the information possible about the various
countries offenng to host the Regional Office. He asked the Group to set up
cnteria in order to establish the necessarykindof legislation,relations with the
host country, host agreement, etc.,and instnict himselfand the Regional Direc-
tor on the steps to be taken.
Dr. Fakhro further stated that the secretanat should gather as much infor-
mation aspossible, including the preparation of questions to put to the govem-
mentsoffering to host the RegionalOffice,so that thewarkof the Graup should
prove as successful as possible. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

Exrrnctsfrom the Documents und Recordsof the Thirty-second WorldHealth
Assembly andthe Sixty-fourihSessionoj the ExecutiveBoard

I. Reporrof Sub-CornmitteeA of the SpeciulSessionof
the RegionalCornmitteeHeld on 12May 1979 (Document
EB64/Inf.Doc/2, Annex 1)

JI. MemorandumSubmitredby theDelegutionoftheArubRepublicofE~pt tothe
Thirty-second World Healthdsseplzbb Underthe SupplemenrutyAgendu Item 1
Entitled"Trunsferof the RegionulOflicefor the EasternMediterruneanRegion"

(Document A32/44)

16May 1979.

1.At its fifth plenary meeting on 9May 1979 the World Health Assembly
adopted the recommendation of the Generd Committee to include a supple-
mentary item on the agenda of the Assembly's thirty-second sessionentitled
"Transfer of the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region". The
Assembly further allocated this item to Sub-Cornmittee B.
2. The Egyptian Delegation was keen during the discussion of the General

Cornmittee's recommendations by the Assembly to spare the Assembly a pro-
longed procedural discussion on the advisabilityof the inclusion of this itemon
the agenda of thissession,both from aprocedural and substantivepoint of view,
in order to concentrate the effort and timeof the Assemblyon the consideration
of theimportant items originallyincluded initsagenda which relateprimarily to
the technical and humanitarian objectives of the Organization.
3. In Egypt's view,theconsideration of thisitem by the Assemblyrequires, by
necessityand in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Regional Com-
mittee for theEastern Mediterranean, awaiting the consideration of this item by
the Executive Board, which is the recipient organ for the reports of that com-
mittee - as well as other regional committees - according to Rule 48 of the

above-mentioned RuIes. It is therefore believed that the consideration of this
item by the Executive Board is a necessary prerequisite to ascertain whether
action isdesirable. Thiswillensure that the Assemblywillbe in abetter position
to consider this item at the thirty-third session after it has been adequately
studied by the Board, and would enable the Assembly to take into account the
recommendations of the Board and the results of its deliberations.
4. Apart from the procedural irregularities, Egypt's objectionsare also based
on the fact that the request for the transfer of the Regional Office is politically
motivated. We believe that the specialized agencies should be spared the grave
consequences of political differences which are by nature of a tempocary char-
acter, Furthermore. the severanceof diplomatic relations cannot be ajustifica-

tion for the transfer of theheadquarters of regionalorganizations. Otherwise the
wholeregionalsystemwillbeliable to aninstability whichcanjeopardize itsvery
5. It is wellknown that Egypt has provided the best conditions and facilities
since the establishment of the Regional Office in Alexandria 30 years ago in
order that it canperform itsfunctions and pursue itsactivitiesin accordancewith

Not reproduced.See EM/RC-SSA/3 incorporatedin EB64/ 1979/REC/ 1. DOCUMENTS 85

the purposes and objectivesof the WorldHealth Organization in the field of
regional CO-operation,saîeguarding them from any non-objective considera-

6. In viewof the above, Egypt considers that the Constitution of the Orga-
nization as welas the Rules of Procedure and the Host Agreement necessitate
theobservance of the legalprovisions in that regard. Thiscallsfor observanceof
the necessary procedures whichconstitute an adequate guarantee for a decision
takinginto account al1thetechnicaland objectiveelements,wirhoutany negative
effectson the proper functioningand continuity of the Organization'sactivities
and ensures that the decision wilInot be based on a purely ~olitical objective.
Any action by the Assembly to the contrary will constitute a dangerous pre-
cedent which we al1must avoid.

7. Egypt would liketo alfirm once more its desire that the activities of the
Regional Officecontinue with the same degree of efficiency whichit has pro-
vided to its Mernbers during the last30 years, and to spare it any sudden
repercussions which haveno objectiveor technical grounds related to the basic
purposes and principlesof the Organization. It would also like to re-emphasize
its continuing respect and adherence to the Host Agreement concluded between
the Govemment of Egypt as host country and the World Health Organiza-

Ill. Extructfronrthe ProvisionalSumn~uryRecordof the ThirteenthMeeting 01
CornniifteeB on 23 May 1979 (Document A32/B/SR/ 13) '.

1V. Extructfroni rheProvisionulSumnrotyRecordojrhe FourteenthMeetingof
CommiireeB on 24 May 1979 (Document A32/3/SR/ 14) '.

V. Extructfront the Provisionul VerbutimRecord of the FourreenthPlena~y
Meetittg on 25 Muy 1979 (Document A32/VR/ 14)2.

VI. DecisionAdoptedb-vthe WorldfiealthAssemblyon25 May 1979concerning
"TrunsJerof the Regional Oflice of the Eastern MediferroneanRegion"
(Document EB64/ INF.DOC/Z, Annex 2) j.

VJI. Extruc~/romthe ProvisionalSummaty Recordofthe SecondMeetingoJthe
Sixty-fourrhSessionof the ExecuriveBoardHeld on 28 May 1979 (Docu-
ment EB64/SR/2) '.

Not reproduccd.For finaltextseeWHA32/1979/REC/3.
Not reproduced.Forfinal text, sWHA32/ 1979/REC/2.
Not reproduced.See WHA32/ 1979/REC 1/.
' Nol reproduced.For final text,seeEB641979/REC/ 1. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT


Second Meetingof the Working Croup

1. Opening of the Meeting.
2. Adoption of the Agenda.

3. Questions relating to the Removal of the Regional Office from the Present

4. Questions relating to the Choice of a New Location for the Regional
5. Plans for Future Meetings/Visits.

6. Other Business.

7. Closure of Meeting.

Questions relating 10the Removulof the RegionulOffice
from the Present Locution '

1. Introduction

Relocation of the Regional Officefrom the present siterequires consideration
of a number of constitutional, legal,operational, financial and technical aspects
by the Working Group. As faras the constitutional and legal aspects are con-
cerned three points corne to mind :

authority and procedure for determining the site of the regional office of a
regional organization ;
consultation with the United Nations ;
question of denunciation of the existing host agreement.

With regard to the operational, financial and technical aspects the following
will have to be considered :
denunciation of leases ;

termination of staff contracts ;
transitional difficulties for operations.

2. Authority andProcedure forDeterminingthe Sile of the RegionulOffice of a

Under Article 44 of the WHO Constitution "the Health Assembly may, with
the consent of a majority of the Members situated within each area so defined
[geographical area in which it is desirable to establish a regional organization],
establisha regionalorganization to meet the specialneedsofsucharea". It might

' For finaltextseeSection IVof EB65/ 19,Rev.1,incorporatedinA33/ 19 andthen
in WHA33/ 1980/REC/ 1.[Note by theRegistryJ DOCUMENTS 87

be recalled that the First World Health Assembly resolved that the Executive

Board should be instructed to carry out the initial establishment of regional
organizations (which comprise regionai offices and regional committees under
Article 46of theWHO Constitution) and that consequentlythepresent locations
of the WHO regional offices were fixed by resolutions of the Executive
As regards the question, presently under consideration, of relocating the
Regionai Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, the Assembly, by its
decisionadopted at the fourteenth Plenary Meetingon 25May 1979 cdied for

the adoption of "such a decision by the World Health Assembly".

3. Consultation wirh rheUnited Narions

It has to be kept in mind that the Organization has alwaysconsulted with the
United Nations, throughits Cornmitteeon Administrative Co-ordination (ACC)
on the locationof any of its regional officj,under A;ticle XI,paragraph 2,of

the Agreement between theUnitedNationsand the World Health Organization,
which reads as follows :
"Regional or branch offices which the World Health Organization may
establish shall,sofar aspracticai, be closelyasxxiated witsuch regionalor

branch offices as the United Nations may estabiish '."

4. Question of Denunciution of the existing Host Agreement

The Delegateof Egypthasraised the issueof the applicability of Section 37of
the Agreement of 25 March 1951betweenWHO and Egypton the question of a
transfer of the RegionalOfficefor the Eastern Mediterranean Region $The text
of this provision reads asfollows :

"Section 37. The present Agreement maybe revised at the request of
eitherparty. In thisevent thetwoparties shallconsulteachother concerning
the modifications to be made in its provisions. If the negotiations do not
result in an understanding within one year, the present Agreement may be

denounced by either party giving two years' notice."
The basic rulesof interpretation of this and of anyother treaty have been laid
down in Articles 3 1 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

' Offici Racords,No. 13,p. 344.
Seetext reproducedin document EMR/ EBWG/DN/4.
Seefor instance:forAFROEB8.Rl4and E89.R37 : foAMR0 EB7.R48 ; for
SEAROEB2.R29; for EURO EB4.R31 and EB14.Rl7 ;forWPRO EB8.RS; andfor
SeealsoRepertotyof PracticeofUnitedNarionOrguns,Vol. IIIArt.63,para.182 :
"With regardtoregionaloffices,consultationhastakenplacefromtime totimewithin
the frameworkof ACC,both withregardto thelocationof such offices and in con-
nectionwiththeCO-ordinatioonrpooling ofadministrativeservicesamongtheregional
or branch officegrouped in thesame locality."
SeeSummav Record of theFourteenthMeetingof Commiitee R heldon 24 May
UnitedNations, Trea~,Series,Vol. 223,p.166.The fultextof the Agreement is
reproducedas Annex 1 to document EMR/EBWG/4.88 IKTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

done on 23 May 1969 which refer inter alia to the preparatory work and any
subsequent practice in the application of the treaty

4.2 Historical background

Tracing the historical origin of the clause appearing in Section 37 of the
Agreement between WHO and Egypt of 1951,commonly called '>,and cited in
the further text as the "Host Agreement",one finds that thisclausecorresponds

to Article29 of the Headquarters Agreement concluded in 1948/1949between
WHO and the Swiss Government, which served as the mode1 for the Host
Agreement Io,It must be added that the host agreements for the othcr regional
officesof the Organization similarly incorporate the clause fitst iniroduced by
WHO in its Headquarters Agreement ILand that consequentlythis clausewould

have ro be interpreted in the samemannerforthe Headquarters Agreement and
al1of the host agreements for regional offices.
The WHO Headquarters Agreementof 1948/ 1949,again,wasmodelled j2 on
anearlier treaty.i.e.,theAgreementof 1 1March 1946between the SwissFederal
Council and the InternationalLabour Organisation conceming the LcgalStatus

of theInternational Labour Organisation in Switzerland l3(hereindter referred
to as ','IL0Headquarters Agreement"). However,the preparatory work for the
twoheadquarters agreements(IL0 and WHO) does not shed anydirect lighton
the meaning of the renegotiation and denunciation clause hercunder consider-
ation. However,it maybe interesting to note that the IL0 Headquarters Agree-

mentwasnegotiatedwhen theIL0 decidedafterthewar that itwas"unnecessary
that the Constitution of the Organisation should define the seat of the Office".
Furthermore the negotiations for that agreement were preceded by the sugpes-
tion of the Delegation for Constitutional Questions of the IL0 Conference

"wherever the seatof the Officemaybe located thereshouldbe an arrange-
ment between IL0 and the Govemment ... having authority over the
seat which ensures that the Organisation willenjoy there the fullindepen-
dence necessaryfor the effectivedischarge of its international responsibi-

lities until such time as the arrangement is terminated by mutual
agreement 14".

Asregards theWHO Headquarters Agreementwith Switzerland isworth
noting that, at the initial period of the negotiations. i.e.before the decision to

establish WHO Headquarters in Geneva, the Swiss Government, by a lettcr
dated 1I December 1946.gave an informal assurance that it was prepared to
continuethe application of thedraft agreement even ifthe seatof WHO wereto

--- -- -
' Document A/CONF.39/27, p. 5.

For fulltext of Articles31and 32 seeAnnex 1 hereto.
WHO, ifandbook of Resolurionrand Decisioiis. Vol.1.p. 357.
'O See OfficiofRecords. Nos.28, p. 451 and 35, p. 313.
" See Table of Agreements attachedas Annex Ii.
See document WHO.IC/W.4 of 15October 1946, p. 3.
[' United Nations, Treaty Series.Vol. 15,pp. 378-411. atp. 396.
l4 First Reportof the ConferenceDeleprion lu~heTwenw-riinth I~riertiarionIl~bour
Con erence, Monireal.1946(ReportII (1).para. 32).
IlFor the (irsdraftrlreadymntainingtherenegotiation anddeovncirtionclause in
the samc ierrnsas the finaltext seedocumentWMO.IC/W.5. Art. 29. DOCUMENTS 89

be established outside Switzerland. However,it wasclearthat this assurancewas
referring only to the lifetimeof the Interim Commission 16.In fact the Interirn

Commission itself had accepted the provisional arrangement with Switzerland
for its own offices, similarly making it clear that this action could in no way
prejudge the decision as to wherethe Organization,when established,would fix
its headquarters 7.
There was, it seems, some concern that without such clarification the Orga-
nization might become contractually bound vis-à-visthe host country to main-

tainitsoffices there until proper termination of theAgreement.Someopposition
had indeed been voiced against the idea of entering into a treaty with the host
country but this objection was not accepted by the Interim Commission and
later by the Assembly which,followingthe generalpattern of UN organizations,
did enter into a bilateral agreement with the host country.
Thequestion may of course be raised whether the two years'notice by either
party, required under Section 37, is only obligatory when the party in question

wishes, and unsuccessfu~lyattempts, to renegotiate one or several provisions
of the host agreement or also when it wishes to achieve a relocation of the
Organization's offices forming the object of the agreement.

4.3 HosrAgreement with Empt

There is no specificcomment on Section37 l9in the preparatory workon the
HostAgreementconcludedby WHOwithEgyptin March 1951after approvalof
the Third World Health Assembly 20.However, it is interesting to note that,

contrary to the Headquarters Agreement with Switzertand (which does not
specify the location of the WHO Headquarters), the Agreement with Egypt
mentions expressly, in Section 1 (V) the location of "the Regional Office in
In the absenceof any indication in thepreparatory workfor Section 37of the
Host Agreement apt to help in its interpretation, the subsequent practice with

regard to the application of this and other analogous agreement would be
particulady important. However,no casehas everoccurred in WHOor in ILO,
where the renegotiation and denunciation clausesof the respectiveheadquarters
and host agreements had to be put to a practical test. In November 1978the
question of a relocation of the WHO Headquarters has been raised at the
Programme Committee of the Executive Board 21.At that time, the Director-
General, speaking of the political, structural and functional implications, also

mentioned legalrequirements that might arise under the existingHeadquarters
Agreement. However, no discussion in depth took place and no views were
expressedbyMembers of the ExecutiveBoard asto whether a decisionin favour

l6Report oftheTemporaryPanel of LegalConsultantson Privilegesand Immuni-
ties,documentWHO,IC/71,Rev. 1,p. 3.paras.4 and 8.
l7Secdeclarationof US StateDepartment readout on 31 March1947.Document
WHO.IC/Min.3/2. p. 5.
laO/fii~.iiIecords,No.3. p.13,reflectingthe Intenm Commission's meetin gf
8November 1946.
IqSeetext of thisSectioninparagraph4.1above :forthefulltextof theAgreement
see Annex 1to documentEMR/EBWG/4.
ResolutionWHA3.83. OffiiciulRecords.No. 28, p. : seealsotheresolutionsof
the Assemblyand theExecutiveBoardreproduced inWHO, Ilu~idboukofResulutions
und Decisions,Vol. 1.p. 357.
21 Cf.document EB63/ 16, para. 3.90 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

of such relocation could be implemented immediately or whether it would
require a two years' noticeto the present host government.
Thus, it willbe for the World Health Assembly,as the sovereignorgan which
approved the Host Agreement, to interpret il. The Working Group may wish to
give the Executive Boardand, through it, the Assembly, some guidance on the
question of the applicability or not of the denunciation clause in case of relo-

cation of WHO officesforming the subject of a formal agreement with the host

5. Denunciutionof Leases

5.1 Forfhe RegionolOfficeBuilding
The site of land containing 2,028m2and the Regional Officebuilding thereon
in Alexandna has been leased to the WHO by the Egyptian Government since
1 July 1949against a nominal rent of Egyptian Pounds 0.100 per annum.

Thefirst leasewasconcluded for aperiod of 9years,from 1 July 1949to I July
1958.A secondleasewasconcIudedon 15September 1957for a further periodof
9 years, from 1July 1958to 1 fuly 1967.The second lease was howeversuper-
seded by a newleaseagreement signed on 29 May 1958for a period of 20years,
from 1July 1958to 1July 1978.
Byletter of 14March 1972,the Minister of Health agreed to a further exten-
sion of theleaseforaperiod of 15years,covenngthe penod 1 July 1978to 1July
1993.No formal new lease agreement,as for the previous extensions, hasso fa
been signed for the last extension of the lease.The matter is pending with the

Egyptian Government for the completion of certain government formalities.
Actually, it is understood that the Government has initiated certain interna1
procedures for having the lease extended to 30June 1997 instead of 1July
While neither the last formal lease agreement coveringthe perio1 July 1958
to1 July 1978,nor the previousleasescontained a clausefor the denunciation of
the lease during its normal duration, this question iscoveredby an exchangeof
letters between the Regional Director, EMRO, and the Minister of Health of 30

and 3 1May 1958providing for the foliowing :

". . should the World Health Organization no longer desire to retain the
premises,referred toin theabove-mentioned Renewalof Lease,asthesiteof
its Regional Office, the Organization may, notwithstanding the provisions
of clause 3 of the said Renewal of Lease, at any time either terminate this
Renewal of Lease by givingthree months' noticein writing to the Govern-
ment or, subject to the approvai of the Govemment, assign this Renewalof
Leaseto the UnitedNations or toany of itsspecializedagcnciesof which the
Government is a Member".

5.2 ForStuffAccornmodution
WHO professional staff in Alexandria normally livein privately rented fur-
nished accommodation. Leasesare mostlynegotiated on ayear toyear basis and

asa nile contain a diplomatic clause allowingthe tenant to denounce the lease
with one to three months' notice if he should be transferred from Alexandria.
There may be some staff members whose leases do not contain a diplomatic
clausebut whoin aillikelihoodwouldnot Finditdifficult to terminatetheirleases
prematurely due to the great demand for accommodation in Alexandria. DOCUMENTS

6. Terminationof Stajj Contracts

It is expected that most of the Professional staff in Alexandria would be
offered and would accept reassignment to the new siteof the Regional Office,if
the moveweredecided. Many of the general servicestaff would probably not be
able to accept reassignment to the new location of the Regional Office even if
such a reassignment were offered (see EMR/EBWG/3, item D.2).
For the termination ofexistingstaffcontracts, anotice period of threemonths
would norrnally apply. Termination indemnities and other entitlernents of gen-
eral service staff who would not be transferred to the new location would be of
theorder of $350,000to$400,000.(About 63% of the present generalservicestaff
willhave completed 10or moreyears of servicewith WHO and would therefore
beeligibleto terminationindemnities orend ofservicegrants equivalent to 9.5to
12months' salaries.)

In addition to the aforementioned expenditure for the tennination of staff
contracts, it is to be expected that at least for severalmonths staff expenditures
would be incurred simultaneously at the old and the new site of the Office.

7. Transitionaldifficultiesfor Operations
Asstated inmore detail in WorkingPaper EMRIEBWGI3, in additionto the
conclusion of a host agreement, there are a number of essential requirements
which would need to be fulfilled in order that the Regional Office could bein a

position to operate in a new location. Apart from office accommodation and
attendant facilities, the question of the transfer of se~ng staff and the recruit-
ment of new staff is of importance.
Should it be moved to a newlocation there would beimportant repercussions
on the work of the Regionai Office before, during and aitersuch amove. For
example, over theperiod of 30years during which the Regional Office has been
operating in Alexandria, the Organization has built up a well-trained, loyaland
dedicated general service staff whose cumulative experience and knowledge
could not be replaced in a short time.This fact is rendered evenmoreimportant
because of the general shortage of qualified secretarial and clericalstaff with the
requjsite linguistic skills in many countries of the Region. Thus should it be
decided to transfer the Regional Office to another country, disruption of the
work of the Office would be likely due to the need to replace those staff who
could not be transferred because of resignation and other reasons. This could
have a serious effect on the implementation of the ongoing technical co-oper-
ation programme.


Annex I. Articles 31and 32 of theVienna Conventionon the LawofTreaties.

Annex II. Denunciation Clauses in the Host Agreements with WHO.

' Not reproduced.[Note by the Regist~y.1 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

EMR/EBWG/Z, Add. 1.

Questionsrelutingto theRemovaloj the RegionulOfficefrom rhe

1. The heading of Section 3 should be amended to read :

Consultationwith the United Nationsand interestedSpecializedAgncies

2. The following should be inserted at the end of the text of Section :
FA0 and Unesco alsomaintain regionalor branch offices inEgypt and the
Agreements concluded between WHO and these Organizations require
consultation in the following terms:


Article X - Regional and Branch Offices

FA0 and WHOagree to keepeachother informed of plans for the initial
establishment and relocation of regional and branch offices and to con-
sult together with a view,where practicable, to entering into CO-operative
arrangements as to location, stdîing and the use of common services.


Article IX - Regional and Branch Offices

WHO and Unesco agree to keep each other informed of plans for the
establishment and relocation of regional and branch offices'and to con-
suit together witha view,where practicable, to entering into CO-operative
arrangements as to the premises, staffing and common services.

Questionsrelatingto the Choiceofa New Location for the Regionu Olffice
forthe EasternMediterranean

AnnexA. Office Building Requirements for EMRObased on the 1980staffing
position '.

'Adopted by the First WorlHealthAssembly on 17July 1948 (Ojfici Records,
No. 13,pp. 96, 323).
2Notreproduced. SeeAnnex2 toEB65/ 19,Rev.1incorporatedinA33/19.[Note by
the Registry.]
Not reproduced. [Note by rhe Registtyj DOCUMENTS 93

Annex B. General Service Posts (Regular Budget) l.

Atinex C. Calculation of estimated costatdifferentlocations based on 1980-1981
averages for professional staff.
Calculation for general servicesstaff (EM.5 step 6) '.

Annex D. Rates of travel per diem in lieu of subsistence expenses paid to
WHO staff mernbers in travel status '.

Annex E. Criteria established for choiceof headquarters location (Extract from
Offici Rolcords,No. 10,p. 88) l.

Annex i? Drait agreement between theWorldHealth Organization and a "Host"
Government 2:

The "HosrGovernment" on the one part, and the World HeulthOrganiza-
rionon the other,
Desiringto conclude anAgreementfor the purpose of determining the privi-
leges,immunities and facilities to be granted by the "HosrGovernment"to the
World Healrh Orgunizalion, to the representatives of its Members and to its

experts and officials in particular with regard to its arrangements in the.. .
Region,and of regulating other related matters ;
Have agreed as follows :

Article 1

Secrion 1. In the present Agreement :

(i) the word "Organization" shall mean the World Heaith Organization ;
(ii) forthe purposes of ArticleIVthewords"property and assets", "funds, gold
or currency", or "assets, income and other property" shall be deemed to
includeproperty, assets, andfunds administered by theOrganization under
Article 57 of its Constitution and/or in furtherance of its constitutional
functions ;
(iii) the words "representatives of Members" shall be deerned to include dl
delegates to the World Health Assembly ; al1persons designated by Mem-

bers to serve on the Executive Board of the Organization ;al1representa-
tiveson theRegionalCornmitteesin the ...Region ;aswellas aildelegates,
alternates, advisers, technicalexperts whoare members ofdelegations,and
secretanes of delegations ;
(iv) the word "Member" shallbe deemed to inchde a Member or an Associate
Member of the Organization as well asa territory or group of temtories
which,witboutbeingan AssociateMember, isrepresented andparticipating
in the Regonal Committee of the. .. Region of the Organization, in
accordance with Article 47 of its Constitution ;

Not reproduced.
See p words"HosisuGovernment"32and 'Mi3 territov" substitutethroughoutthe
DraftoAgreement thenameof theGovernment and thecountryconcerned.94 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

(v) the words "principal or subsidiary organs" shailbe deemed to include the
World Health Assernbly,the Executive Board, theRegional Cornmittee in
the . . .Region and any of the subdivisionsof al1these organs aswellas the
Secretariat and the Regional Office in.. . ;
(vi) for the purposes of Sections4,6, 15and 16 thewords "freedomof meeting"
or "meeting of the Organization" shallbe deemedto includeal1meetingsof
the principal or subsidiary organs of the Organization as well as al1con-

ferencesor meetings convenedby,or under the authority or auspicesof, the
Organization in "this territov".

Article II

Section 2. The Organization shall possess juridical personality and legal
capacity and, inparticular, capacity (a) to contract, (6)to acquire and dispose of

immovable and movable property, and (c)to institute legal proceedings.


Section 3. The Organization and its principal or subsidiary organs shall have
in "rhe territov" the independence and Ereedomof action belonging to an
international organization.
Section 4. The Organization, its principal or subsidiary organs, aswell as its

Members and the representatives of Members in their relations with the Orga-
nization, shall enjoy in "'thererritov" absolute freedom of meeting, including
freedom of discussion and decision.

Article IV

Section 5. The Organization and its property and assets located in "thererri-

toty" shallenjoyimmunity fromeveryformof legalprocess exceptin sofar as in
any particular case thisimmunity isexpresslywaivedby the Director-General of
the Organization or the Regional Director as hisduly authorized representative.
It is, however, understood that no waiver of immunity shail extend to any
measure of execution.
Section 6. (1) The premises of the Organization in "the territov" or any
premises in "thererrirory" occupied by the Organization in connection with a
meeting of the Organization shall be inviolable.
(2) Such prernises and the property and assets of the Organization in "the

rerriioy" shallbe immune from search,requisition, confiscation, expropriation,
and anyother formof interference, whether byexecutive,administrative,judicial
or legislative action.
Section 7. The archives of the Organization, and in general al1documents
belonging to it or held by it in "the territory"shall be inviolable.
Section 8. (1) Without being restricted by financial controls, regulations or
moratoria of anykind :(a) the Organization may hold funds, goldor currency of
anykind and operate accountsin anycurrency ;(6)theOrganization shailbe free DOCUMENTS 95

to transfer its funds, gold or currency to or from 'ihe rerriroy"or within "the .
territory"and to convert any currency held by it into any other currency.
(2) This section shallapplyto Membersof the Organization in their relations
with the Organization.
Section9. Inexercisingits rights under Section 8, the Organization shall pay
due regard to anyrepresentations madeby the "Host Government" inso faras the
Organization considers that effect can be given to such representationswithout

decriment to its interests.
Section10. The Organization,its assets,income and other property shallbe :
(a) exempt from al1direct and indirect taxes. It is understood, however, that the
Organization wilInot claim exemption from taxes whichare, in fact, no more
than charges for public utility services; (6)exempt from customs duties, pro-
hibitions and restrictions on imports and exports in respect of medical supplies,
or any other goods or articles imported or exported by the Organization for its
officia1use. It is understood. however, that such medical supplies, goods, or
articles,imported under such exemption willnot be sold in "theterriioty"except

under conditions agreed with the "HostGovernmeni"; (c)exempt from customs
duties, prohibitions and restrictions on importsandexports in respect of their
Section Il. While the Organization will not, as a general rule, in the case of
rninorpurchases, claim exemption fromexciseduties and from taxeson the sale
of movable and irnrnovable property which form part of the price to be paid,
nevertheless, when the Organization is rnakingimportant purchases for official
use of property on which such duties and taxes have been charged or are
chargeable, the "Host Government"shall make appropriate administrative

arrangements for the remission or retum of the amount of duty or tax.

Article V

Section12. The Organization shall enjoy in "the territory"for its official
communications treatment not lessfavourable than that accorded by the 'Host
Governmenf" to any other Govemment including its diplomatic mission, in the
matter of priorities, rates and taxes on mail, cables, telegrams, radiograms,

telephotos, telephone and other communications, and Press rates for inforrna-
tion to the Press and radio.
Section13. (1) No censorship shallbe applied to the officialcorrespondence
and other official communications of the Organization.
(2) The Organization shail have the right to use codes and to despatch and
receivecorrespondence by courier or in sealed bags, which shall havethe sarne
immunities and privileges as diplomatic couners and bags.


Section14. Representatives of Members of the Organization or its principal
or subsidiary organs and at conferences or meetings convened by theOrgani-
zation, shall, while exercising their functions and during theirjourneys to and
from the place of meeting, enjoy the followingprivileges and immunities : (a)
immunity Irom personal arrest or detention and from seizureof their personal96 lNTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

baggage,and, in respect ofwordsspoken orwntten and ail actsdone by hem in
their officiai capacity, immunity from legal process of every kind ; (6)invio-
lability for ail papers and documents (c)the right to use codes and to despatch
or receivepapers or correspondence bycourier or in sealed bags ;(d)exemption
in respect of themselvesand their spouses fromimmigration restrictions, aliens'
registration or national serviceobligationsi"theterritory" ;(e)the same facili-
Liesin respect of currency or exchange restrictions asare accorded to represen-
tatives of foreign Governments on ternporary officia1missions ; (f tie sarne
immunities and facilitiesin respect of their personal baggageas are accorded to
members of diplomatic missions of comparable rank ; (g)suchother privileges,
immunities and facilities not inconsistent with the foregoing as members of

diplomatic missions of comparable rank enjoy, except that they shall have no
right to claim exemption from customs duties on articles imported (othenvise
than as part of their personal baggage) or from indirect taxes or sales taxes.
Section15. In order to secure for the representatives of Mernbers of the
Organization at a meeting of the Organization complete freedom of speech and
independencein the dischargeof theirduties, theimmunityfrom legalprocessin
respect ofwordsspoken or written and al1actsdone by themin discharging their
dutiesshallcontinueto beaccorded,notwithstandingthat the persons concerned
are no longer engaged in the discharge of such duties.
Section 16. If the incidenceof anyform of taxation depends upon residencein

'the territory",periods during which the representatives of Members of the
Organization arepresent at a meetingof the Organization in "theterritoty" for
the discharge of their duties shall not be considered as periods of residence.
Section 17. Privilegesand imrnunities are accorded to the representatives of
Members of the Organization not for the personal benefit of the individuals
themselves,but in order to safeguard the independent exerciseof their functions
in connection with the Organization.Consequently,a Member not only hasthe
right,but isunder aduty to waivetheimmunity of its representatives inany case
where, in the opinion of the Member, the immunity would impede the course of
justice, andit can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the
immunity isaccorded. In any suchcasein whichoneof the persons designated to

serveon it isconcerned, the ExecutiveBoard of the Organization shall be under
the same duty.


Section 18. Experts and consultantsother than thoseunder Section I (iii)or as
officials corne within the scape of Article VI or VI11respectively and who
perform missions for the Organization shall be accorded such privileges and
immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions
during the period of their missions, including the time spent on journeys in

connection with their missions.In particular, theyshall be accorded :(a) immu-
nity frompersona1arrest or detentionand fromseizureof theirpersona1baggage
and in respectof wordsspoken or written and acts done by themin thecourseof
the performance of their mission, irnmunity from legal process of every kind.
Thisimmunity from legalprocessshallcontinue to beaccorded notwithstanding
that the persons concerned are no longer employed on missions for the Orga-
nization; (6)inviolability for ail papeand documents ;(c) for the purpose of
their communicalions with the Organization. the right to use codes and to DOCUMENTS 97

despatch or receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags ;(d)
exemption in respect of themselves and their spouses from immigration restric-
tions, aliens' registrationor national senice obligationsin 'theterritov" ;(e)the
sarnefacilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to
representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions ;(f) the
same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage as are
accorded to members of diplomatic missions.
Section 19. Privilegesand immunitiesare granted to expertsin the interestsof

the Organization and not for the personai benefit of the individuals thernselves.
The Director-General shall havethe right and the dutyto waivethe immunity of
any expert in any case where, in his opinion, the immunity would impede the
course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the

Article VIII

Section 20. The Director-General, or the RegionalDirector ashisduly autho-
rized representative, shall from timeto time cornmunicale to the "HostGovern-
ment" the names of those officials to whom the provisions of this article and
Article IX shall apply.
Section 21. Officiais of the Organization shall : (a) be immune from legal
process in respectof words spoken or written and al1acts performed by them in
their officialcapacity ;(b)be exemptfrom taxation in respect ofthe salariesand
emoluments paid to them by the Organization ; (c) be immune from national

senice obligationsin "thisterritoty" ;(d)be immune, together with theirspouses
and relatives dependent on them, from immigration restrictions and aiiens'
registration ; (e)be accorded thesame privilegesin respectof exchangefacilities
as areaccorded to officials of comparable rank of diplomatic missions to "this
terrirov" ;(jl be given, together with their spousesand relativesdependent on
them, the sarnerepatriation facilitiesin timeofinternational crisesasofficiaisof
comparable rank ofdiplornatic missions ;(glhavetheright toirnport freeof duty
their furniture and effects at the timeof taking UD their ~ostin "'thisterritorv"or
upon theirpermanent appointmen ttoit ; (A)&ci everyihreeyearshavethe>ght
to import freeof duty a motor car it being understood that the duty willbecorne

payable in the event of the sale or disposal of such motor car to a person dot
entitled to this exemption within three years upon its importation.
Secrion 22. In addition to the immunities and privileges specified in Sec-
tion 21, the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, the Assistant
Directors-General, the Regional Director in "thisrerriroty"and, if the Director-
General should so desire and communicate their names to the "Host Govern-
ment", certain officials of a director's status, shdl be accorded in respect of
themselves, their spouses and rninor children, the privileges and immunities,
exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic envoys in accordance with

international law.
Section 23. Privilegesand imrnunitiesare granted to officialsin the interests
of the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuais them-
selves. The Director-General shall have the right and the duty to waive the
immunity of any officia1in any case where,in his opinion, the immunity would
impede the courseofjustice and can be waivedwithout prejudice to the interests
Section 24. The Organization shall CO-operateat al1 times with the appro-

priate authorities of the "Host Government"to facilitate the proper administra-
tion of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the
occurrence of any abuses in connection with the privileges, irnmunities and
facilities rnentioned in this Article.

Article IX

Section 25. (1) The "Host Government"shall take al1measures required to

facilitate the entry into, residence in, and departure from, "thisterritos." of al1
persons havingofficalbusiness with the Organization, Le., (u)representatives of
Members, whatevermaybe the relations between"thisterritov" and the member
concerned ;(6)experts and consultants on missionsfor the Organization, irres-
pective of nationality ; (c) officials of the Organization ; (d) other persons,
irrespective of nationality, summoned by the Organization.
(2) Any police regulation calculated to restrict the entry of aliens into "Mis
territory" or to regulate the conditions of their residence, shall not apply to the
persons provided for in this section.

(3) The "Host Government"shall issue to the embassies, legations and con-
sulates abroad generalinstructions in advance togrant visasto any applicant on
production of a valid identity and travel document and of a document estab-
lishinghisofficialrelationship to the Organization,without anydelay or waiting
period and without requiring his personal attendance or the payment of any
(4) Theprovisionsof this Sectionshallapply to the spouseand dependents of
the person concerned if they livewith him and do not exercisean independent
profession or calling.

Section 26. The 'Hosr Government"shall recognizeand accept as valid travel
documents the United Nations Laissez-passer issued to the officials of the
Organization under administrative arrangementsconcluded between theDirec-
tor-General of the Organization and the Secretary-General of the United
Section 27. The Director-General, the Deputy ~irector-~eneral, the Assis-
tant Directors-General, the Regional Director of the Organization in "thister-
rirov", and the Directors of the Organization travelling on its officia1business
shall be granted the same facilities as are accorded to diplomatic envoys.

Article X

Section 28. The Organization shall make provision for appropnate modes of
settlement of : (adisputes arisingout of contracts or other disputes of a private
law character to which the Organization is a party ; (6)disputes involving any
officia1 of the Organization who, by reason of his officia1 position, enjoys
immunity, if immunity has not been waived by the Director-General in accor-

dance with the provisions of Section 23.
Section 79. Any difference between theOrganization and the "Host Govern-
mentnarising out oftheinterpretation or applicationof thepresent Agreementor
of any supplementary arrangement or agreement which is not settled by nego- DOCUMENTS 99

tiationshallbesubmitted for decisionto a Boardof threearbitrators ;thefirstto
be appointed by the "HostGovernment",the second by the Director-General of
the Organization, andthe third, the presiding arbitrator, by the President of the
InternationalCourt ofJustice,unlessin any specificcase the parties heretoagree
to resort to a differenl mode of settlement.

Article XI

Section30, Thepresent Agreementshallenter into force assoon as it hasben
approved by the "HosrGovernment"andadopted by the World Health Assem-
Section31. The present Agreement may be revised at the request of either

party. In the event the two parties shall consult each other concerning the
modifications to be made in its provisions. If the negotiations do not result an
understanding within one year, the present Agreement may be denounced by
either party giving two years' notice.
In Fuith Whereoj the present Agreement was adopted and signed on the
day of ,194 ,at in four copies, twoin French and

twoin English,the textsin both languages being equallyauthentic, of whichtwo
textsonecopy inFrench and oneinEnglishwerehanded to therepresentativesof
the ''HosrGovernment",and thetworemainingcopies to theDirector-General of
the World Health Organization.
Forthe "HostGovernment" : For rhe WorldHealth Organization :



List of OptionalProvisions

I. ExchongeojCurrency(to be insertedattheend, orimmediatelyafter Section 8
of the Draft Agreement) :
The "FfosrGovernment"shall provide for the Organization, at the most
favourable rate officially recognized, its national currency to the amount
required to meet the expenditure of the Organization in "'thisrerritory"or
other parts of the. .. region.

2. National Service

Should the "Host" Government insiston the cornpliancewithnational service
regulationsby atleast some of itsnationals whoare officialsof theOrganization,
Section21 (c) rnightbe deleted and the following section inserted immediately
thereafter :
(i) The officials of the Organization shall be exempt from national service
obligations in "~hisrerrirory"provided that, in relation to the "HostGov-
ernment " nationals, such exemption shall be confined to officials whose

narnes have, by reason of their duties,been placed upon a list compiled by
the Director-General or the Regional Director as his duly authorized rep-
resentative and cornmunicated to the "HostGovernmenf':
(ii) Should other officials of the Organization be called up for national service INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

the "HosiGovernment"shall, at the request of the Director-General or the
Regional Director as his duly authorized representative, grant such defer-
ments in the call-up of such officials as may be necessary to avoid senous
dislocation in the continuation of essential work.

3. Continuationof ExisiingArrangementson Immunitiesand Privileges
If it should appear desirable to continue arrangements existingin respectof a
regional health agency which hasbeen, or is being, integrated with the Organi-

zation, an article consisting of the following section rnight be inserted after
Article VI11 :
Art. ...: Exisiing Privilegesand Imrnuiîities

In addition to the immunities and privilegesprovided for in the present
Agreement, the "Host Government"shall continue to accord to the Orga-
nization. the re~reseritatives of its Members. exDerts and officials. the
pnvileg& and Immunities hitherto accorded tÔ the "Regional &/th
Agency", the representatives of its Members and its officials.

4. Security Clouse
Should the "Host" Government desire a security clause to be inserted in the

Agreement, an article consisting of the following section rnight be included
imrnediately after Article IX:
Art. .. : Security of "HosrGovernmeni"

Nothing in the present Agreement shall be constnied to preclude the
adoption of appropriate security precautions in the interests of the "Host
Governmeni"which shail be determined by agreement between the "Host
Governmeni" and the Director-General.

Annex G.Agreement betweenWHO and the Government of Egyptof 25 March
1951 '.

AnnexH '.Extract from WHO, Handbookof Resoiutionsand Decisions,Vol. 1,
p. 357 : Host Agreement with the Government ofEgypt 2.

Annex 1.Invitations to host the Regional Office receivedby the secretariat (in
date order) :
Syrian Arab Republic 21Apnl 1979
Kuwait 1May 1979

Iraq 7 May 1979
Lebanon 8 May 1979
Pakistan 14 May 1979
Jordan 16May 1979
Iran 30May 1979
Libyan Arab Jarnahiriya 12June 1979
Bahrain 24July 1979.

See pp. 6-24supra.
Not reproduced. DOCUMENTS

Second Meeting oJrhe Working Group, Geneva, 24-25July 1979

Summaty oJthe Deliherarions

The Working Group met in Geneva on Tuesday, 24July 1979,at 10.00am.,
under the Chairmanship of Dr. Sebina.Dr.Fakhro wasunable toattendand was
replaced by his altemate, Dr. Yaqoob. The Group adopted the agenda as it
appears in document EMR/EBWG/I.
The Secretariat introduced agenda item 3 related to the removal of the
Regional Office from Alexandria and it was decided to take document EMRI
EBWG/2 as a basis for the discussion. With regardto section 3of the document
Dr. Hiddlestone asked for clarification conceming the presence in Egypt of

officesof other organizations of the UN system. It wasindicated that FA0 and
Unescohad someregionalofficesin Cairo. TheDirector-Generalunderlined the
need for consultation with theUnited Nations if the transfer weredecided upon.
A longexchange of viewstook place concerning Section37 of the existingHost
Agreement between Egypt and WHO and the position of the Egyptian Gov-
ernment regarding this Section was explained to the Group by the Secretariat.
TheGroup considered itself as not being in a position to decide whether or not
this Section was applicable and it was underlined that the final position of the
Organization on thépossiblediscrepanciesof viewswith Egypt wouldhaveto be
decided uvon bv the Health Assemblv. Shouldthe ovinion of the Assemblvnot
be agreeaGieto ihe Egyptian ~overnient, thepossibhity of arbitration mi& be
raised under Section 34 of the Host Agreement, and the International Court of

Justice could eventually be requested to provide an advisory opinion under
Article 76 of the Constitution.
The Group requested information related to the leasefor the Regional Office
building and the Regional Director provided some clarification.
The Group then took up agendaitem 4 related to the choiceof a newlocation
for theRegionalOffice.It wasdecidedthatdocument EMR/EBWG/3 should be
sent to those Govemmentç having offered to host the Regional Office, together
with a covering letter requesting them to provide detailed information on the
questions raised in the document, and asking for confirmation of their willing-
ness to host the office taking into account the conditions contained in this
Dr. Hiddlestone required further clarification about the officespace require-
ments which was provided by the Regional Director.

The question af Eacilities Eor communications, transportation and other
related itemswasalsodiscussedaswell as the staffingrequirements-With regard
to thecost whicha transfer wouldinvolve,thesecretariat underlined the fact that
it wasverydifficult to provide moredetails on the different typesof expenditure
without knowing in which country the Regionai Officemight be located. More
detailed estimations could be provided by thosecountries being consideredafter
the visits have taken place. Concerning the legal requirements referred to in
section G the Secretariat drewthe attention of the Cornmittee tothe fact that the
points mentioned in this section, and in the relevant Annexes, had to be con-
sidered as a mode1for the drafting of a final host agreement and could not be
considered at this stage aa consolidated text.
Thefinalitem forconsideration wasthe plannin ofgfuture meetingsandvisils.

After a lengthy discussionthe followingtimetable of activitieswas agreedupon.
The information to be requested from thosegovernments having offered to host102 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

the Regional office would be required by not later than 1September and this
would then be transmitted to the Members of the Group. On 26 September the
Group would meet at the Regionai Officein Aiexandria for twodays and would
immediately after divide into three sub-groups of two Members each, to visit
three countries from 29 to 30 September, and ifrequired 1October, each sub-
group being accompanied by a member of the Secretariat. It was decided to
establish theorder in which the countries would be visited bydrawing lots. Dr.
Yaqoob confirmed that the Governrnent of Bahrain has sent to the Regional

Director a forma1invitation to host the Regional Office.The result of the draw
was as follows :
1. Pakistan
2. Jordan

3. Lebanon
4. Syrian Arab Republic
5. Libyan Arab Jarnahiriya
6. Bahrain
7. Iran
8. Iraq
9. Kuwait.

The first three countries on the list would be the first to be visited, it being
understood that in theevent that anyof the threewerenot ina position to receive
the sub-group, that group would visit the next countryon the list, following the
above order.
The three sub-groups were then established to visitthe first three countries as
follows :

Pakistan: Dr. Y aqoob and Dr. ShweTin
Jordan : Dr. Alvarez-Gutierrez and Dr. Sebina
Lebanon : Dr. Hiddlestone and Dr. Mork.

TheSecretariat presented a draft letter whichwillbe sent to the nine potential
host countries and underlined thefact that each sub-group willbe provided with
a check-list includingal1the items on whichinformation should be provided by
the countries, it beingunderstood that at a later stagefurther detaiis with regard
to pnvileges and immunities and legalrequirernents rnighthave to be discussed
with thegovemments concerned in thelightof theAssembly'sfuture decisionsin

this matter. TheWorkingGroup approved thetext of thedraft letter. The Group
considered that al1potential invitations had now been received and on this
assumption made plans regarding future activities.It wrtsdecided provisiondly
that the next visits would be madeduring the first two weeksof Decernber but
that the visits did not necessarily have to take place simultaneously. Further
details regarding these visits would be fixed during the meeting in Alexan-
With regard to the first visitsit was decidedthat a detailed programme of the
visits,includingthe places and authoritiesthat the sub-groupswouldwishto see,
would be communicated to the countnes concemed. It was confirmed that the

next meeting of the Working Group would take place al the Regional Officein
Alexandria from 26 September 1979for twodays. In thisrespecttheMembers of
the Group willmake their own arrangements for their travel to Alexandria and
the officeof Dr. Taba willbe responsiblefor al1further arrangements within the
Region,including return travel and obtaining visas.Al1communications related
to the activitiesof the WorkingGroup should besent to the Director of theLegal DOCUMENTS 103

Division, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, and it was agreed that information
conceming the arriva1times of the Members in Cairo for the meeting in Alex-
andriawould be duplicated to the Regional Office.
The Working Group decided ta hald a furthet meeting on Monday and
Tuesday, 7 and 8 January 1980 to prepare a report for presentation to the
Executive Board at itJanuar yession.
In the absence of anyother matters for discussion the meeting wasclosed at
11.30 a.m.on Wednesday, 25July. INTERPRETATTONOF AGREEMENT

Headquarters of the WorldHealth Organization '

Lettredudépartemenp tolitiquefédiralsuissausecrétaireexécuride la Commis-

sion interimoiredeI'OMS,II dPcembre1946
Berne, le 11dkcembre 1946.

Nous avons l'honneur d'accuses réceptionde la lettre du 4 décembrepar
laquelle vous avez bien voulu nous renseigner sur les mesures prises par la
Commission intérimairede l'organisation mondiale de la santéet par vous-
méme envued'établirau palais des Nations AGenéveune partie importantedes
services chargés d'exécuter letsâches qui incombent a la Commission intéri-
Nous avons pris note avec un vifintérêt des indications quevous nous avez

fournies et nous vous confirmons que Ies autoritésde laConfédérationet du
canton de Genève sont prétes a faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir afin de
faciliter l'activitéde ceux de vos servicesqui s'installeAGenéve.
Ainsi que nous vous en avons informépar lettre du 28octobre, le Conseil
fédéraal décidé d'appliquer titreprovisoirelesdispositionsdu projet d'acco'd
et du projetd'arrangement d'exécutionqui sont issuesdesdélibérationdes 18et
19septembre. Cette décisionvaut pour tous les seMces que la Commission
intérimairedésireraétabliren Suisse.
Nous sommesdonc prêts A examiner avecvouslesdispositions pratiques qu'il

conviendra deprendre en vuededonner effet auxrèglescontenues dans leprojet
d'accord et dans le projet d'arrangement d'exécution.

Exchungeof Lerrersbetween the Ixgal Counselof the United Nations and the
Director oj the Legal Departmenof the WHO, 4and 28 April 1972

New York, 4 April 1972.

At its twenty-second session,the International Law Commission decided to
include in its programme of work the question of treaties concluded between
States and international organizations or between two or more international
organizations, and it appointed Mr. Paul Reuter Special Rapporteur for the
question. The Commission specified that the documentation to be prepared
would include "an account of the relevant practiceof theUnited Nations and the
principal international organizations" ; it also decided that for the time being,
and "for the purposes of the present topic", theprincipal international organi-

zations should be taken as those which were invited to send observers to the
Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties.

SeealsoWHO, OficiaRecords,NOS:4,5, 10and246; and UnitedNations,Treav
Series,II, No.155,Vol. 26.
Mentionnée dans OMS, Actes ol/icieno 5annexe 26.
Voir OMS, Acresofficienls., annexe15. DOCUMENTS 105

Mr. Reuter thinks that the best way to go about his task is to send a com-
prehensive questionnaire to the international organizations concemed. Al-
though he isnot yet ina position to submit sucha questionnaireinfinal form, he
would like to know the viewsof your organization on anumber of points which
youwillfind listed in the annex to thisletter. In viewof thefact that this iaonly
preliminary consultation,your reply willat thisstagebeforwarded informally to
Mr. Reuter. Once the outline of the account requested by the Commission has

been more clearly defjned, your organization willagainbe consulted and given
an opportunity ofpresenting afinal reply,whichwillbe published in theaccount
For your convenience, 1attach herewith the originalFrench text of the ques-
I thank you in advance for your CO-operation.

(Signed) Constantin A. STAVROPOULO~.


1) Positionsprisesencequi concerne :i)lasituationdes institutions spécialiasu
regard de lu convenfiande 1947sur lesprivilèges etimmunitésdes institutions
spécialiséesi,i)u situarion del'AIEA au regardde l'accordsur sesprivilèges et

immunités[Question sans objet pour les organisations autres que les institu-
tions spécialiséeset 1'AIEA.I
Il s'agit de savoir si ces organisations se considèrent comme parties à ces
accords et si des problkmesjuridiques concrets ont étédiscutés a ce sujet.

2) Possibilités ouvertes éventuellemeàtuneorgunisationinternationale,dans des
truitésconclw sous les auspicesde votreorganisution.departiciperù une con-
ventionpour le compte d'unterritoire qu'elle représente
La question aété soulevéepar lesEtats-Unis d'Amériquedans leur plaidoirie

écritea l'occasionde l'avisrendu par la Cour internationale de Justice sur la
Namibie en 1971 (Mémoires,plaidoiries et documents,vol. 1, p. 884 a 887) ;
d'autre part deux conventionspatronnéespar I'IMCO - la convention intema-
tionale sur l'intervention enhaute mer en cas d'accident pouvant entraîner une
pollution par leshydrocarbures (art. XIII)et la convention internationale sur la
responsabilitécivilepour lesdommagesdus Alapollution par leshydrocarbures
(art. XVII) - l'une et l'autre publiées dans l'Annuairejuridique de 1969,
contiennent des clauses intéressantes surce point.

3) Recours dans la conclusiondes accordas des pouvoirs »,ù d'autresdocuments
jusrificatiJsde luqualité représentative pour concrn accord, ouLides docu-
ments étubiissontune délégafion
Importante question pratique ;il faudrait l'élargirpour y inclure leproblème
des «délégationso d'un organe a un autre, de mêmequ'à un organe subsi-


4) Distincrionentre desaccordsquiprésen~eruienptur rupport ù l'organisation un
caructèreinterne et ceux qui prt%enteraiertfuncaractèreexterne. Une telle
distinction est-elle conn?eConnaît-on lesproblèmes qu'ellerecouvre ?106 INTERPRETATlON OF AGREEMENT

Parmi lesaccordsqui seraientinternes iy aurait touslesaccordsentre organes
principaux, ou entre organes subsidiaires; il est beaucoup moins certain que
présenteraientun caractéreinterne lesaccordsconclusentre l'organisationet un

Etat membre, mêmesi celui-ci le conclut en sa qualitéde membre.

5) Prutique de1'or;qcmisariencequi concernelesaccordsconcluspur sesorganes
subsidiuires : sont-ils desaccordsde I'organisurion ou non ?

6) L'organirrition connait-elle desdccordsconcluspar elle en vued'exécuterd'uu-

tres accords internationaux ou traitesla subordination de ces accords aux
acresqu'ils ont pour objet d'exécuterse truduif-elle pur des conséqueuri-s
diques (uptitude ù les conclure, rkgimejuridique) ?

7) L'organisation est -elleocruellement,pur rapport ùdestruites multilatCmux entre
Efuts, dansluposition de ((partie à cesfrui».d'c,ussocié» ou delepersonne

obligéeà respectercestraitésu ?

8) Exisle-t-il descospratiques dans lesquelsla posifion des Etuts niemhresd'une
orgunisation aétémise en cousepar rapporr Ctun occord conclupur une or@-
nisrition. accord auquel ils n'apparuissenf pur /ormellenient coninie purties ?

Auirement dit, connaissez-vousdescm dons lesquelsun accord conclupur une
orgunisafion a eu certains ef/&tIëgurJ desElors membresdeI'organisution,
non parties à cet accord d'un point de vueformel ?

9) Quelsson1engros lescritèressuivispar l'organisation pour I'enregisirenrentdes
uccords auxquels elle estparfie ?

Genéve, le28avril 1972.

LeDirecteurgénéram l 'apriéderépondreàvotre lettredu 4 avrilquicontenait
un questionnaire préparépar le rapporteur spécialde la Commission du droit
international au sujet des traités conclusentre les Etats et les organisations
internationales. Vous trouverez ci-joint les réponsesque l'Organisation peut
donner aux questions posées.Il est bien entendu toutefois qu'il s'agit d'une
consultation préliminaire et que les indications fournies par l'organisation

pourraient étrecomplétées si lerapporteur spécialvoulait obtenir des renseigne-
ments plus détaillés.


1. A l'égardde la convention sur les privilèges etimmunités des institutions
spécialisées.l'on peut considérer quel'organisation mondiale de la Santé ala

qualitéde partie au sens de l'articlg) de la convention de Vienne surledroit
des traités. L'Organisationa, en effet, formellement consenti Aêtrelice par la
convention àla suitede l'adoption qu'elle ea faite aux termesde la résolution
WHA1.8 1 del'Assemblée mondialede la Santé(OMS, Actesoficiels13.333).Sur
le plan pratique. l'Organisation a parfois étéamenéeà faire appel aux disposi-
tions de la convention pour obtenir la stricteapplication par lesgouvernements
qui y avaient accédé des dispositions conventionnelles. DOCUMENTS 107

2. L'Organisation pense que cette question concerne spécifiquementl'ONU
et ne met pasen cause 1'OMS qui, aux termesde sa Constitution, n'apas qualité
pour représenter un territoire.

3. Aux termes de l'article 19 de la Constitution de l'OMS, l'Assembléea
l'autoritépour adopter des conventions ou accords se rapportanàtoutes ques-
tions rentrant dansla compétencedel'organisation, et aux termesdel'article21
ellepeut adopterdes règlementsdans certainsdomaines limités. L'article19n'a
jusqu'icijamais étéutilisé.Maislorsquedesrèglementsprévus parl'article2I ont
étéadoptés,l'onn'apasjugé utile, s'agissandt ecompétenceconstitutionnelle de
l'Assembléed , edemander aux délégué dse présenterdepouvoirs spéciaux. Ceux
dont ils étaient munispour participer a l'Assemblée,en application des dispo-
sitionsde l'article22du réglernentintérieurdel'Assembléemondiale dela Santé,
ont été considérés commseuffisants.

4. Cette distinction n'est pas connuede I'Organisation. L'on ne voit guère
comment un accord au sens du droit international pourrait êtreconclu a l'in-
térieurd'une organisation internationale puisqu'il ne pourrait mettre en pré-
sence,aumains encequeconcerne l'OMS,quedesorganesnon indépendantsles
uns les autres. En revanche les accords passésentre l'organisation et les Etats
membres, soit à l'échelondu siège,soitAl'échelon décentralisso,nt desaccords

qui obeissent aux règlestraditionnelles du droit international et présententun
ca~actéreexterne a I'Organisation.
5. A proprement parler, il n'ya pas i4l'organisation mondiale de la Santé
d'organes subsidiairesidentiquesà ceux créédsans le cadre des Nations Unies.
Cependant, lesbureaux régionaux etsurtout leCentre international derecherche

surlecancerquijouissent d'unecertaineautonomie ontla possibilitédeconclure
des accords. Cesderniers sont considérés comme des accords del'organisation
6. Les exemplesd'accords conclus en vue d'exécuterd'autres accords inter-
naiionauxsont assa nombreux. On peut d'abord citer les arrangements d'exé-

cution ou leséchangesde lettres intervenus aprèsla conclusionde laplupart des
accords de siègepour mettre en Œuvreles dispositions de ces accords. On peut
mentionner ainsi l'arrangement d'exécutionde l'accord concluentre le Conseil
fédérasluisseetI'Orgnisalionmondiale dela Santépourréglerlestatutjuridique
de cette Organisation en Suisse entréen vigeur le 17juillet 1948. On peut
mentionner également les échangesde notes sur le mêmesujet en date des
23décembre1948et 12janvier 1949.Leséchangesdelettres relatifsii l'accordde
siègeconcernant le bureau régionalde l'Afrique ou relatifs a l'accord de siége
concernant le Centre international de recherchesurlecancer peuvent également
Dansun autredomainel'organisation conclutdenombreuxplansd'opération

destinésa mettre en muvre des accords de base signés avec les gouvernements.
Tous ces accords sont subordonnésaux accordsqu'ilsont pour objet d'exécuter
et leurs dispositions ne peuvent êtreen contradiction avec ceux-ci.
7. L'Organisation mondialede la Santén'a eu que rarement l'occasion de
devenir partieàun traitémultilatéraientreEtats concluendehorsd'elle.On peut

citer cependant le'cas de la convention sur les privilègeset immunités des
institutions spécialiséeà l'égardde laquelle, comme on l'a déjàindiquéau
paragraphe 1,l'organisation pouvait êtreconsidéréecommepartie au sensde la
convention de Vienne.108 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

8. Le cas s'esten effet produit notamment au sujet du Reglement sanitaire
international. Certains Etatsont formellement pour desraisonsinternes rejetéle
Règlement etpar conséquentnepouvaient êtreconsidéréc sommejuridiquement
liéspar lui. Ils ont néanmoins indiquéàl'organisation qu'ils enappliqueraient
les dispositions et ont, en pratique, respecté cet engagement.

9. La pratique de l'organisation peut sesystématiserde la façon suivante.On
peut dire,qu'enrèglegénérales,ont enregistrésenapplicationdesdispositions de
l'article 102de la Charte, les accords conclusentre l'organisation et un Etat ou
une autre organisation internationale : accord de siège,accord de coopération

avecles autres organisations, accord de base, etc. On notera, cependant,que les
accords de courte duréeou qui sont très fréquemmentsujets à modification
durant lapériodedeleur application nesont plusenregistrésdepuis 1953.Ils'agit
desplansd'opération quisont concluspour mettre enŒuvrelesaccords debase,
accords de base que sont eux-mêmes enregistrés.
Sont également enregistrésles réglementsadoptés par l'Assemblée mondiale
de la Santé en vertu des dispositions de l'article21 de la Constitution. On
observera toutefois que l'organisation n'est juridiquement pas partie à ces

règlements.Pour procéder àl'enregistrementdu Règlementno1et en l'absence
dans le texte de dispositions spécifiques,l'organisationa considéréque les
parties avaient implicitement,enluiconférant certainesfonctionsdedépositaire,
autoriséle Directeur général à procéder à la formalité.Par la suite, dans le
Réglernent no2, une disposition formellea étéinséréestipulant formellement
que le Directeur général devraitprocéderà l'enregistrement en l'applicationde
l'article 102de la Charte.
En résumé sontdonc enregistréstouslesaccordsauxquels TOMS estpartie,à
l'exception de ceux de courte duréese bornant à mettre en Œuvredes accords

précédemment enregistrés e,t les rkglements auxquels l'OMS n'est pas partie
mais qui contiennent une clause spécifiquea cet effet.

ExecuriveBoard Documents

EB63/1(5. Reportby the ProgrammeCommitteeofthe Executive Board,Waysand
Meansof ReducingAdverse EffectsofCurrencyFluctuarionsof theProgramme
Budget, 21 November 1978,paragraph 3 j.

EB63/50. ExecutiveBoard,Sixty-thirdSession,Summaty Records,Third, Fourth

and Eighth Meetings, Geneva, 10-26January1979 '.

EB65/18. Reportby the Director-Generai,Si@ of WHO'SStructuresintheLight
O/ iItsFunctions,29 November 1979 2.

EB65lI8, Add. 3. Reportby the Director-Generai,Outlineofa PossibleStudy on
the Feasibilityof Relocating WHO fieadquarters, 3 December 1979 '.

Not reproduced.Seepp. 337-339,infra.
Not reproduced. SeeA33/2 incorporatedinWHA33/1980/REC/ 1.
Not reproduced.SeeEB65/ 1980/REC/1 and p. 338, infra. DOCUMENTS 109

Echangede lerrresentre le Directeur génédle l'OMS el le directeurde I'Ojiice
fédéra de lusantépublique deSuisse,2novembreer 21décenihre1979 '

GenPve,le 2 novembre 1979.

Suivant la demande qui a étéfaîte lors de la trente-deuxiéme Assemblée
mondiale de la Santé,le plan d'une éventuelleétudesur la faisabilité d'un
déplacementdu siègede l'OMSsera soumis au Conseil exécutifBsa soixante-
cinquiémesession,qui s'ouvrirale mercredi9janvier 198à 10heures. au siége
de l'OMS, àGenève.Ceplansera examinédans lecadre du point 18del'ordredu
jour provisoire intitu(IEtude des structures de l'organisation eu égàrses
fonctions et fera l'objet du sous-poi18.4.

Conformément Q l'article3 du règlementintérieudu Conseil exécutif,j'ai
l'honneur d'inviter votregouvernemenà désigner,s'illedésire,un représentant
quiaura ledroit de participersansdroit devoteauxdélibératioserapportantà
cette question.
Je vous serais vivement reconnaissant de bien vouloir m'informeren temps
utile de la décisionde votre gouvernemenA cet égard.

(Signé) Dr H. MAHLER.

Berne, le21dkcembre 1979.

Je vous remerciee votre lettre d2novembre dernier, nous invitanQ desi-

gner un représentantàl'occasionde l'examendu point 18.4del'ordredujour de
la soixante-cinquikmesessiondu Conseilexécutif,relatif Aune éventuelleétude
sur le déplacementdu siégede l'OMS.
Monsieur M. Jeanrenaud. membre de notre mission permanente h Genéve,
sera présentlors de l'étudede ce point.
En ce qui me concernej'apprécieraisde pouvoirégalement y prendre part,
dans la mesurede mesdisponibilités,maisilconviendrait queje soisinformédu
moment ou cette discussion sera entreprise. Peut-êtrevoudriez-vous m'enfaire
part desque cela vous serait possible.
Je vous en remercieA l'avanceet, hmes vŒuxpour les fOtesde fin d'année,
j'ajouterai celui d'un déroulementfavorable de vos délibérations.

(Signé}Dr méd. U. FREY.

' Voir WHA32/1979/REC/3 ;EB65/ 198O/REC/2; etp. 338-342ci-aprks. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT


Officeinternational d'hygiènepubliques,essionsordinairesducomitépermanent,
procès-verbauxdes séances

Sessionde novembre1927

M. le Présidentouvre la discussion sur le sujet suivaàtl'ordre du jour de la
séance,c'est-A-direlesrelations del'Officeinternational d'hygiènepublique avec

le Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire d'Egypte. Pour répondre à la
demande formuléepar le Comité au cours de sa session d'avril-mai 1927,
M. Thomson,présidentdece Conseil,abien voulupréparer,d'accord avecM.le
Directeur de l'Officeun rapport sur le sujet. Ce rapport est en même temps un
projet pour l'utilisationdu Conseilsanitaire maritime etquarantenaire d'Egypte
comme Bureau régionalpour le Proche-Orient, aux effets de la convention de
M. le docteur Thomson donne lecture du rapport suivant :

rcComme suite aux négociationsengagéesavec l'Office international
d'hygiènepublique, et envued'établirlalistedespaysquipourraient êtrede
son ressort comme bureau régional,le Conseil sanitaire maritime et qua-
rantenaire d'Egypte a sollicitél'avisdes pays ci-aprè:

Syrie, Somaliefrançaise, Egypte, Soudan,Aden, Somalieanglaise, Pales-
tine, Irak, Erythrée,Hedjaz.
Il a enregistréune réponse favorablede la Syrie,de la Somaliefrançaise,
de 1'Egypteet du Soudan. Quant a l'opinionde la Palestine etde l'Irak, elle

est connuecommefavorable, d'une maniére officieuseL . aSomalieanglaise,
Aden, I'Erythréeet Ie Hedjaz n'ont pas encore répondu.
Lesobligationsimparties a l'Officeinternational d'hygiènepublique par
la convention sanitaire internationale et qui incomberaient désormais au
Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire d'Egypte seraient les sui-
vantes :

1. Le Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire d'Egypte trans-
mettra :

a) par télégramme, aux autoritéssupérieuresd'hygiènedes pays ressor-
tissantsà l'Officeinternational d'hygiènepublique et aux bureaux régio-
naux (Singapour, Washington), les notifications reçues directement des
pays ressortissants en vertu des articles 1et(30)de la convention ;
b) par télégramme, aux autoritéssupérieuresd'hygiknedes pays ressor-
tissants, lesnotifications reçues, en vertu des art1et 6 (30)susvisés,de
l'Office international ou des bureaux régionaux.

II. Les renseignements prévus à l'article2,Iorsqu'ilsne ferontpas corps
avec les notifications de l'article 1et ne nécessiterontpas une transmission
télégraphiqueimmédiate, seront transmis aux autorités mentionnéesau
paragraphe 1,sans délai,par la voie postale.
Lacommunication hebdomadaire descaset décèsprévue àl'article4fera
l'objet d'un télégrammheebdomadaire adresséaux mêmesautorités.Les DOCUMENTS 111

autres communications visees àl'article4leur seront transmises par la voie
Le Bureau régional d'Alexandrietransmettra dans les mOmesconditions,
aux autorités supérieuresd'hygiénede ses pays ressortissants. les commu-
nications, répondant auxarticles2 el 4 susvisés,qu'il recevrade l'Office
international d'hygiene publique ou des autres bureaux régionaux.

III. Art. 6. Rapports mensuelssurla peste chezlesrats :selon lescas,par
lettre ou télégrammeaux autoritésmentionnees au paragraphe 1.

IV. Art. 12. Notification de la cessation de l'infectio:
1) par télégrammeA , l'Officeinternational et aux bureaux régionaux ;

2) par lettre ou par télégrammea ,ux pays ressortissants.
V. Art. 14.Outillage sanitaire des ports.
Arr. 28. Mesures pour la dératisationet résultatsobtenus.
Arr. 30. Communication de la liste des ports ouverts aux navires infec-

Quant lux informations prévuespar cesarticles, touslespaysauront Ales
transmettre directement AI'Officeinternational d'hygiénepublique, et le
Conseil n'assumera la transmissionque s'ilen est requis par celui-ci.
VI. Art. 16.Notification des mesuresprescrites sil'égarddes paysconta-
minés etdu retrait de ces mesures.

Les informations reçues sur cepoint des pays ressortissants seront com-
muniquéespar télégramme à I'Officeinternational ainsi qu'aux bureaux
régionaux. Ces mêmeisnformations, ainsi que celles reçues pour le méme
objet de l'Officeinternational oudes bureaux régionaux,seront portéesI la
connaissance des pays ressortissants, selon des règles à établird'accord
entre lesdits pays et le Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire

V11. Les informations reçuesdes pays ressortissanis dansles conditions
ci-dessus indiquées, ainsique celles reçues de l'Office internationad'hy-
giene publique, seront publiéesdans leBulletinqunruntenairehehdonruduire
du Conseil, sauf le cas où lesdits pays s'opposeraient B leur publica-
tion. >>


La troisikme résolution estla suivante :

« 3. La suppression du Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire ne
devra pas entraîner celledu Bureau régional d'informationspour leProche-
Orient, constitué par ce Conseil et dont il assurait le fonctionnement.
L'Office international d'hygiène publique a conclu avec le Conseil un
accord, en vertu de l'article7 de la convention de 1926,pour l'utilisation
dudit Bureau. Cet accord a donnétoute satisfaction tant encequi concerne
les pays ressortissantsdu Bureau que les autres pays ; il est également
important au point de vue des informations relatives au pélerinage. Sa112 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

confirmation suppose la créationd'un nouvel organisme à caractère inter-
national. 11semble que la meilleure solution A cet égardconsisterait A

accepterl'offreobligeantedu Gouvernement égyptiendeprendre encharge
lefonctionnement de cet organisme,dont ledit gouvernementnommerait le
directeur, et, d'autre partiiconstituer une commission comprenant des
représentants techniques des pays ressortissants. Le présidentdu Comité
permanent etle Directeur générad le l'Officeinternational d'hygiènepubli-
que seraient invitéspar le Gouvernement égyptien à participer aux réu-
nions. Lacommission désigneraitsonprésident.Ellese réuniraitau sikge du
Bureau périodiquement, en principe une foispar an,et, en outre, toutes les
fois que la demande en serait faite par le Gouvernement égyptienou par
trois au moins de ses membres.

Cetteorganisation,unefois établie,fonctionneracomme Bureau régional
de l'Office international d'hygiènepublique et l'accord actuellement en
vigueur en vertudel'article7de laconvention lui deviendraapplicable. Elle
fonctionnera pendant une périodede cinq ans et continuera ensuite de
fonctionner par tacite reconduction. ))

LedocteurAfifi Pachafait observer, à propos des réunionsde la commission
dont la constitution est prévue, qu'il semble inutile d'exiger qucees réunions
aient lieuobligatoirement tous lesans. C'estliune question d'ordre pratique. Il
suffirait, sansdoute, au lieud'imposerune telleobligation, comportant une gêne
et des frais peut-êtresouvent inutiles, de prévoirque les représentants despays
ressortissants seraient convoqués toutes les foisque trois de ces pays ou le
Gouvernement égyptien l'estimeraientopportun.

M. le docteurJitta se demande si l'absence de réunionsrégulièrementorga-
nisées neréduirait pasle rôleet ne compromettrait pas l'activité nécessairee la
commission.L'utilitéderéunionspériodiques annuelles avaitétéreconnuepar le
Comitédans la séance oule projet de résolutionsa étéprép.ré-Le bon fonc-
tionnement du nouvelorganiske;auquel touslespayssontintéressés,n'exige-t-il
pas que ceux qui doivent en faire partie s'en occupent effectivement et d'une
manièrejusqu'a un certain point permanente ?

M.deNavaillesvoudrit appuyer lesobservations de M. Jitta. La constitution
d'unecommissiondereprésentants despays ressortissantsdu Bureaudu Proche-
Orient, tellequ'elleavaitétéd'abordprévue,avait eupour objetde maintenir àce
Bureau son caractère international, tout en laissant, bien entendu, au Gouver-
nement égyptienle soin d'en assurer effectivementet faire diriger le fonction-

nement. ce point estimportant pour que lenouvelorganismepuisse conclure un
accord en vertu et aux termes de l'article7 de la convention de 1926et agir par
délégation, en quelque sorte, de l'Officeinternational d'hygiénepublique. Telle
estlaraisond'êtredela Commissiondont l'activité, sinonpermanente, du moins
périodique&d'assezfréquentsintervalles, avait semblé nécessairea,fin de per-
mettre et garantir le contact entre tous ceux qui doivent s'intéresàela bonne
marche du se~ce.
Une telle organisation n'était pasindispensable dans la situation actuelle,
puisque le Bureau du Proche-Orient étaitune émanationdu Conseil quarante-
naire, lui-même organismeinternational. DOCUMENTS

United Nations

Recueil des traités,I no155,vol.26, Accord entre le ConseilJédérasluisse

et l'OMS,upprouvéle 17julliet et le 21 aoilt 194'

Reports of theAdministra~iveCommittee on Co-ordinationto théEconomicand
Social Council

E/ 1076
3December 1948.

A. Programme Co-ordination berween Regional Commissions and Speciulited

37. As indicated elsewhere in this report (paragraph 9)a report has been
made on the existing arrangements for programme co-ordination between the
regional economic commissions and the specialized agencies,which will corne
before the Council at its next session.

B. Consultationon Regional Offices
38. In accordance with the desire expressed by the Council at its seventh
session, that prior consultation through the Administrative Committee on CO-
ordination should be undertaken by the agenciesconcerned under the terms of

their agreements with the United Nations belore establishing regional offices,
the Committee duly undertook consultations with WHO and FAO.
39. WHO reported the decisionstaken by theWorld Health Assemblyin 3uly
1948 on the delimitation of regional geographical areas and the proposal by
certain member States to locate the regional officefor Southeast Asia at Mysore
in South India. The Director-General of WHO, at the meeting of the Regional
Committee for Southeast Asia in October 1948,duly brought to the attention of
that meetingthedecisionof the Councilregardingsuchprior consultation before
the establishment of regionaloffices,and pointed out that UN, IL0 and Unesco
offices already existed in New Delhi. After hearing this report, it was agreed to
locate the regional office in New Delhi. WHO has further notified the Com-
mittee that there are pre-existing organizations with premises avajlable for the

Eastern Mediterranean region in Alexandria, and for the Amencan region in
40. FA0 reported that while temporary regional offices for Europe, the
Middle East, and the Far East had been established respectivelyin Rome. Cairo
and Bangkok, no decisions haveyet been reached in regard to the location of a
regional office for Latin America. The Committee will enter into further con-
sultations with FA0 before any permanent arrangements are made.

NG reproduit.VoirégalementOMS, ACWS ofinelsnos4, 5 et10, etci-dcssus

E/ 1340
25 May 1949.

Fifth Report

31. The Committeehas taken note of the observations made by members of
the Council on the report, whichthe Secretary-General,after consultingwith the
Administrative Committee an Co-ordination, submitted to the eighthsessionof
the Council, on the existing arrangements for CO-ordinatedaction between the

regionaleconomiccommissionsand thespecialized agencies(E/ 1091).Sincethis
report was in the nature of a preliminary reviewof the situation,the Committee
willcontinue to givecareful attention to the problems of regionalCO-ordination
and report to the Council as the situation develops.
32. Under the terms of their agreements with the United Nations, several
agencies(ILO, FAO, Unesco, ICAO, WHO and IRO) have undertaken that any
regionalorbranchoffices which they mayestablish shall,asfaraspracticable, be
closely associated with such regional or branch offices as the United Nations
may establish. In the case of al1the agencies, moreover, including the Bank,
Fund, UPU, ITU and IMCO, provision is made for the application of the terms
of the agreements as far as is appropriate, to relations bctween such branch or

regional offices as may be established by the respective organizations.
33. In reporting to the Council at itsseventh sessionon its preliminary study
on the regiond activities of the United Nations and specialized agencies,the
Committee had stated its view that it would be helpful to have full advance
consultation through the medium of the Administrative Committee on Co-
ordination before the establishment of new and permanent regionaloffices.The
Council endorsed this principle as one that should be followed, not only by
specialized agenciesbut alsoby thoseinter-govemmental agencieswhichare not
yet in forma1relationship with the United Nations but are represented on the
Administrative Committee on Co-ordination. Suchconsultations weredulyhetd
in respectof theplans ofWHO and FAO, asof theend of 1948,and the resultsof

these consultations were reported to the Councii at its eighth session.
34. Since that time, the Committee in a further review of the situation has
received the proposal of WHO to locate its Eastern Mediterranean regonal
office at Alexandria. The Committee took note of the existence in Cairo of a
United Nations Information Centre, a regional office of ICAO, a field science
co-operation office of Unesco, the office of a technical representative of the
Fund, and a temporary regional office of FAO, but recognized the special
considerations which had prompted the choice of Alexandna. In view of.these
considerations, the Committee felt that no comment on this question was
rcquired from it.The Director-General ofWHO alsoreported on thesituation as
regards thepossibleestablishment of regionalofficesinthe Western Hcmisphere

and in Europe. The Pan American Sanitary Bureauat Washington isnow acting
as a regional office Torthe Americas on behalf of WHO ; the formal agreement
willcorneinto effect on approval by the second World Health Assembly. The
question of a regional office for Europe will be studied by the World Health
Assembly and at a meeting of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.
35. The Director-General of Unesco ijormed the Committee of the resolu-
tion taken by the Third Session of the General Conference of Unesco which, DOCUMENTS 115

"considering the facilities whichare availablein Havana for theestablishment of
a Reeional Centre. instructs the Director-General, in consultation with the
Execitivc Board andin agreement withthe~r~anization of ArnericanStates and
with theAdministrative Cornmitteeon Co-ordination of the United Nations and
the ~pecializedAgencies,toestablish3ssoon aspossiblea RegionalOffice inthe
Western Hemisphere". In accordance with its usual procedure, the Adrnini-
strative Cornmittee on Co-ordination took note of this resolution and the steps
which the Director-General of Unesco had taken in pursuance of it. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

International Labour Organisation, International Labour Conference, Twenty-
ninth Session, Montreal, 1946

Report II(I), ConstituiionalQuestiotis,Port I: Reportolthe ConferenceDelegu-
[ion on ConstituiionalQuestions,ChopterIII '.

Record of Proceeding, Appenùîx VI.
Second Item on theAgendn: ConstiturionulQuestions

(1) Proposed Conventionfor thepartial revisionof theConventionsadopted by
the Generd Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its lirst
twenty-five sessionsfor the purpose of making provision Torthe future dis-
charge of certain chancery functions entmsted by thesaid Conventions to the
Secretary-General of the League of Nations and introducing therein certain
further amendments consequential upon the dissolution of the League of
Nations, prepared by the Conference Delegation on Constitutional Ques-

(The iext of this Conveniionwill be found in Report II (1).pp. 144-147.)

(2) First Report of the Committee on constitutional questions.

The Comrnittee on constitutionai questions appointed the foilowing offi-
cers :

Choirmanand Reporter :Mr. Lee, South Afncan Government member.
Vice-Chairmen :SirJohn Forbes Watson,United Kingdom Ernployers'rnern-
ber, and Mr. Watt, United States Workers' member.
DrafringComrnirree :The Chairman of the Cornmittee :Mr. Myrddin-Evans,
Chairman of the Conference Delegation on Constitutional Questions ;
Mr. Hauck(France) (substitute :Mr. Morrellet)and MissMiller(United States)
as Government members ; SirJohn Forbes Watson (United Kingdom) and

Mr. Yllanes Rarnos (Mexico) as Employers' members; and Mr. Jouhaux
(France) and Mr. Watt (United States) as Workers' members.
The Cornmittee has unanimously agreed to recommend the Conference to
approve the Draft Agreement with theUnited Nations signed by the Chairman
of theGoverning Bodyon behalf of theNegotiatingDelegation on 30 May t946,
and referred to the Committeeforconsideration under Report II (2).In sodoing
the Committee expressedits satisfaction with the termsof the Draft Agreement,
whichit believesfulfilsthe desiderata setforth in the Resolution concerning the
relationship between the International Labour Organisation and the United
Nations adopted at the Paris Sessionof the Conference, and its keen apprecia-

tion d the servicesrendered tu the Organisati bynthe Chairman of the Gov-
erning Body and the members of the Negotiating Delegation.
In considering the Draft Agreement, the Conference will recall that it is a
negotiated instrument which cannot be arnended unilaterally and which, if not

See pp. 125-126, inh. DOCUMENTS 117

acceptable, must be referred back as a whole to the negotiating bodies. The
Committee shared the hope expressed to the Conference by the Secretary-
General of the United Nations that the Draft Agreement would beapproved in
the near future by both the International Labour Conterence and the General
Assembly ofihe Uniied Nations, and ihat undcr it ihe Uniied Nations and the
International Labour Organisation willbe able throughout the years to workin
full agreement and harmony towards the practical fulfilment of the social and
economic objectives set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and the
Declaration of Philadelphia.

Montreal, 26 September 1946.

Chuirnzan und Reporter.

(3) Second Report of the Cornmittee on constitutional questions.

The Committee has already in its first report unanimously recommended the
Conference toapprove the Draft Agreement with the United Nations signed by
theChairman of theGoverning Bodyon behalfof theNegotiating Delegationon
30 May 1946(Conference Report II (2).In its present and final report it submits
to the Conference its recommendations in regard to the proposals contained
in the reports of the Conference Delegation on Constitutional Questions (Con-
ference Report 11(1)).
The Conference Delegation on Constitutional Questions was appointed by a
decision taken by the Twenty-seventh Sessionof the International Labour
Conference at P+s on 3 Novernber 1945with a comprehensive mandate to

reviewal1outstanding questions relating to the Constitution and constitutional
practice of the International Labour Organisation. The Delegation, which met
under the Chairmanship of Mr. Ci. Myrddin-Evans, C.B., Chairman of the
Goveming Body of the International Labour Office, held its first session in
Landonfrom 21January to 15February1946,an issecond session inMontreal
on 13May and in New York on 30 May 1946.
At its first session the Delegation adopted a cornprehensive report on the
questions referred to i;at its second sessionit gavespecial consideration, with
the assistance of representatives of the federal Stateswhich are Members of the
Organisation, to the problems whichanse in connection wiih the application by
federal States of the Conventions and Recornmendations adopted by the Inter-

national Labour Conference.The Delegation reachedunanimous conclusionson
al1thequestions submilted toit with theexceptionof the questionof thebasisof
representation in the Conference and the Governing Body.The Committee on
constitutional questions has found the reports of the Delegation, and the obser-
vations on these reports which have been reeeived from a number of Govem-
ments,of thegreatest value.Without thepatient preparatory workperformed by
the Delegation, and the spiritof compromise which inspired its proposals, the
taskof the present sessionof theConferencewould havebeenan impossibleone,
and the Committee wishes to place on record its keen appreciation of the
outstanding servicewhich has been rendered to the Organisation by the mem-

bers of the Conference Delegation, and more particularly by its Chairman,
Mr. Myrddin-Evans. In regard to al1essential matters the recommendations of
the Committee are based on the proposals oï the Delegation.118 INTERPRETATIONOF AGREEMENT

The Conference Delegation on Constitutional Questions drewattention in its
first report tocertain general considerations of long-range constitutional policy
to whichit attached the iiighestimportance. It summarized theseconsiderations
in the following terms :

(a) Flexibility is the first essentialafgood Constitution. The circumstances
in which it may haveto be applied in the future cannot now beforeseen and are
likelyto changegreatly inthe courseof years. Flexibilityallowsofgrowth and of
adaptation to the needs and opportunities of the unknown future ;rigidity is
likely to result in frustration rather than progress.
(bj No Constitution can work successfully unlessthere is general agreement
on its fundamentai provisions. The Delegation has therefore consideredthat its
essential task is to put forward proposais in the constitutional field which will
secure such agreement and thus maintain unimpaired the unity and strength of

the Organisation as an indispensable instrument whichthe peoplesof the world
can use for the implementation of the aims and purposes of the Organisa-
(c) On the basis of itsexisting Constitutionthe International Labour Organi-
sation has been able to become a solid reality. Its record shows that it has
discharged its responsibilities and adapted itself tochanging needs with a con-
siderablemeasure of successthrough the longyears of the depression, the riseof
totalitarian aggression and the Second World War. Nothing in the existing
practice and tradition of the Organisation cm be regarded as sacrosanct when-
;ver newneedscreate newrequirements,but thereisno virtue in changeas such,

and in modifying the Constitution great care should be taken to conserve al1
those features of it which have been important elements in the success of the
(d) Theproposed amendmentsto theConstitution willnot corneinto forceby
virtue of their receivingthe approval of the Conîerence. In order to bring them
into force they will require, under the amendments already adopted in Paris,
ratification or acceptance by two-thirds of the Members of the Organisation,
including fiveof the eight Statesof chiefindustriai importance. Suchratification
or acceptance may frequently involve legislativeapproval, and the Delegation
has therefore limited the scope of the proposed arnendments to matters

in respect of which it feels it reasonable to assume that such approval will be
The Committee on constitutional questions endorses the viewsexpressed by
the Delegation in regard to the importance of these considerations, and com-
rnends them to the attention of the Conference. The Cornmittee,like the Dele-

gation, is satisfied that the proposais adopted by it, when judged against these
criteria, can ail be justified on their own rnerits,and that their adoption will
enable the International Labour Organisation to discharge its great responsibi-
lities with enhanced efficiency.

The Committee beiieves that it willbe convenient to the Conference for it to
sketch inbroad outline theeffectof the amendments to theConstitution whichit
proposes. For the reasons underlyingmany of its decisionsit ventures to refer to
the reports of the Conference Delegation on Constitutional Questions.

6. TheComrnitteerecommends thefollowingamendmentstothe Prearnbleto
the Constitution : DOCUMENTS 119

(u) the inclusion in the second paragraph of the words :"recognition of the
principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value" ;
(6) the inclusion in the finalparagraph, after the words "permanent peaceof
theworld", of thewords :"and withaview to attaining the objectivessetforth in
this Preamble."

The Committee recommends that Article Iof the Constitution of the Organi-
sation, which defines the purpose of the International Labour Organisation as
being the promotion of the objects setforth in the Preamble to theConstitution,
should be amended by the addition of a reference to the Declaration of Phila-
delphia and that the textof the Declaration ofPhiladelphia shouldbe annexedto
the Constitution.
The Committee recommends a number of amendments consequential upon

the dissolution of the League of Nations which are complementary to the
amendments to thearticlesoftheConstitutiondealing withmembership, finance
and the procedure for future amendments whichwere approved by the Confer-
ence at its Paris Session.These further amendments involve :

(CI)the omission of the reference to the League of Nations contained in the
opening paragraph of the Prearnble to the Constitution ;
(b) the abrogation of the provisioncontained in Article 6 of the Constitution
that theInternational Labour Officeshallbe establishedat the seatof theLeague
of Nations "as part of the organisation of the League" ;
(c) the deletion of the present Article 12of the Constitution which provides
that "the International Labour Office shall be entitled to the Assistance of the
Secretary-General of the League of Nations in any matterin which it can be
given" ;

(d) the substitution for thepowerof decidinganyquestion as towhichare the
States of chief industnal importance attnbuted to the Council of the Leagueof
Nations by the present text of Article 7,paragraph 3, of provisions that "The
Goveming Bodyshall asoccasion requiresdetermine whichare the Members of
the Organisation of chief industrial importance and shall make rules to ensure
that al1questions relating to the selection of the Members of chief industrial
importance are considered by an impartial comrnittee before being decidedby
the Governing Body" and that "Any appeal made by a Member from the
declaration of the Governing Body as to which are the Members of chief

industrial importance shall be decided by the Conferencebut such an appeal to
the Conference shall not suspend the application of the declaration until such
lime as the Confercnce decides the appeal" ;
(e) the transfer to the Director of the International Labour Office of the
chancery functions in connection with Conventions and Recornmendations
hitherto entrusted to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations ;
('Jthe transfer from the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to the
Governing Bodyof the function of nominating the membersof Commissionsof
Enquiryand the transfer to theDirector ofthe International Labour Officeofthe
functions of communicating and publishing the reports of Commissions of

Enquiry and receivingthe replies of Governments ;
(g) modificationsof the articlesconcerningthe seatoftheOfficeand the place
of meeting of the Conference ;
(h) the substitution of references to theInternational Court of Justicefor the
references to the Permanent Court of International Justice contained in various
articles of the Constitution ; and
(I) the abrogation of the transitory provisionscontained inArticles 38to40 of120 INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT

the Constitution, which deal with the arrangements for the 1919Sessionof the
International Labour Conference and certain arrangements applicable prior to
the Constitution of the League of Nations and the creation of the Permanent
Court of International Justice.

The Committee recommends the adoption of five arnendments designed to
facilitate CO-operationbetween theInternational Labour Organisation and the
United Nations. One of these arnendments is a general provision that "the
International Labour Organisation shall CO-operatewithin the terms of this
Constitution with any general international organisation entrusted with the

CO-ordinationof the activities of ~ublicinternational organisations having spe-
cidised responsibilities and withPublic international organisations having spe-
cial.sedr..ronsibilitiesin related fields.TheCommitteeintends the term"~ublic
international organisations" to include only international organisations the
membership ofwhichconsistsof Statesor Governments, and understands that it
has been used in this sense in a number of recent international instruments,
including the Statute of the International Court of Justice. The other amend-
ments are of a relatively rninor character and relate to reciprocal representa-
tion at meetings, the proposal of items for inclusion in the agenda

of the Conference, and the deposit and registration of Conventions with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102of the
Charter of the United Nations.
The Committee agreeswith theviewexpressed bythe Conference Delegation
on Constitutional Questions that the present text of the Constitution does not
givesufficient recognitionto theestabfishedposition of theGoverning Bodyand
accordindv recommends a nurnber of arnendments designed to clarify the
existingconstitutional position. With this end in viewit recommends the&lu-
sion in Article 2of the Constitution, which at present provides that the Organi-
sation shail consist of a General Conference and of an International Labour

Office controlled by the Governing Body, of an independent reference to the
Governing Body ; the inclusion in Article 9 of a provision that the staff of the
Officeshall be appointed by the Director-General "under regulations approved
by the Governing Body" ; the inclusion in Article 10of an indication that the
functions entrusted to the Officeby that article are to be discharged "subject to
such directions as the Goveming Body may give" ; and the amendment of
Article 10 to give the Goveming Body the same powers as the Conference to
order the conduct of special investigations by the Office and to assign to the
Officepowersand duties other than thosespecificallyprovidedfor in the article.

It recommends theaddition to paragraph 5of Article 7 of the Constitution of a
provision that ifforany reason theGoverning Bodyelectionsdo not take place
on the expiry of the normal period of officeof three years the Governing Body
should remain in office until such elections are held.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Requête pour avis consultatif (y compris le dossier de documents transmis à la Cour en vertu du paragraphe 2 de l'article 65 du Statut)
