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Annex 31k~exe 3


IThe varioustatules that have been consolidated have been deposited w~ththe Court.
Letextlntkgral des lois don1la verslon codifitcaaCtCdtposi: aupresdu
Greffe de la Cour. Flsherles PPches
8+1 and oceansetoceans


R.S.C., 198c.C33 LR.C. (I=), chap.G33


R.S.C.1985c31 (1ssupp.) LR+C (1985c1hap.31(lesuppL)
RS.C, 1985,39 (2ndsupp.) LLC. (1985c).ap.39(Zesuppl.)
StatlltofCanada1990 ,44 roidu Canad a1990)chap44
Statuteof Catw41992,c 1 LoisduCanada(1992)c,ap.1
StatuteofCanada,1994c.14 roi suCanada(1994c),ap.14 NOTE REMARQUE
All pmmr maltinglrrcof rhisundidation arc Now npplons auxImeurr que fctltdificatwn n'a
remindedtha~ it basno &tiat ulnaion; that the pas&timumissHlasatmion du Parkmmt.La modifi-
mundmtnn have kn cmbdiod onlyfur canwnicm cationsa'mt&t incomrtesrllaIoiputpourm fac~l~ter

of rdcrcnce.andthat Ihwigina!Aa andarnmdrncnu b ~onsultaiionbur in~trprtta el spptiqula Ioi, il
there10shouldbceonsultc~OYAIIpum of!ntcrprrt- Tau1K rcpcmearuxterto ~clqu'itont &tiadop~&par
ingrd applyingthhs. leParlrmmt, [l?] ANNEXES AU C(


An ha ropmtccetb~oarlnfirherics

1.This Actmay k tild s LbcCwrlal

M- Z InthisAu, L La dfiniriwtquisuivcnts'appliqninW'MI-
Tanadin T~huia watersmans ell vaten Ispktc k.
Fz inthefishizc#rud Canada.all warn in =battaudcI'kraE.tamuqui rppnimr 1 Sa
-A- k ~ernterizm d Cdnadrandall inrernsl ~a)erltdu ~bc ro amda ou+st i m !&,--
Watm ofGlmda. *rum.

amdian rshiig -1" mans I ruhing rbalc~dc @hp Connnrctionflmmnu utili.blae*
-1 @ cru pour: Gww
(g that k rrginmd w Ihyd in u) ~r b pkk tnmlwnrariDndupis-
Canada uadrrrk Cumdo Shipp,y Art rcmoukmnsp~ndupissonm~
adisdby~~corm~mcaFh naaecdertimxdcpk)#;
of wh k a Clmdin citizena p~n b) sai4 pk pihc,nrlwmauao nu k
rcridcand domieitcdinknob m a lnmpri deplan~c sarim:
-ration inmtpmad unht thLam mi C) IDit nuitailkmart. I'mlmim aa La
G~da m ofaprwine bhg iu princi- rtpantimcn ma. de haturuxd'unfl*
(b)thatirnot tcquircdbtk Cdn lilkdt#ck&tmJ+
Shippirg Atw k rtgjncrrd orlid =batmu depkhe amdime Fn camdin It
iCanadamnd isoatrtgincroorliccnrcd baterubcp6ek qud'uraprt 1ppm1 i ?=-
rkwherr buru cmcd u ddkd in oarou@udmn prwmnn qui ml tww fdlw-.-
dscitom ~lrada k pcnonnefdomici*
pamgraph(a): liin ru Gnada yadant de bitouds
"fishm includatfiellrurmrtarmnr md pmoana mlrr amstiluCg wusk rigim
msrinnni- CUM hi ftdtralep'nnalc etspnt kur
'fuhingrmam fishiim orarchingorEll- primiplh W i l au Canada el qui.
ingTkl~by anymethod: d'auuprY :
u) wit crt immatricuYrn muni fun
'Tiing &* kludcr any shiOY kt or permisruClda soasIr%tmrdcb W
anyaibn dcscriptionor vclud in or sub mmtnr~handr du Cawdo;
(a) fuhinw viag armnrpaning b) lairdkm p+r&m i Galeimma-
FI rromruhlnmad* mcvlrtionoi rbtion dca mu an
(b) takingpr-lr$ or ln-a pamk Imn'aunaumnupap.lini munibun
mtmc planu.a
(c) p~oyuion~n&ciw repsi&# .batmudcpkbe hw. Lc hteau dt&be #dc hnspr.
minmining any vavk of l* rib quin'srpu mdi. -n-
iq k 1 rhi mttca; ew dt pkk umdhncr. Lcrcrux drla am=&-
- dc *bc ctdch met tanm-hlc du qd&-
-r+ r- Ydgn f&iig -T -nr a fubiw -1 GmQ aimi qm k aur inltricom f-.:
- that mt a ChnadinTubin& ~M~ICMCL
ChCh- .gald*pkheFmtfl~dtgardt-phc: --
ugwcrnmcnl vpsc1"meam any -1 that
belongtsorisintkmia d Ha MaHy n) L tgena *ha nuncmdr lplaihporm'P
* inrigtotCanada: 4ur lm@her:
b) k algendcb Gendarmerk myalcdu
C)kr pmmm rw&k wr legmver.
ncurcac~lncili mar d& puvoit~ dt
plii dawItcadm dela +tr lm. -~~~pq~7~~munan~aaDd~
=a&n,p sunsxu=I awd p vmq
q~ap r-ru ra q p~p.1 WWAW
!& Wuem an.Pt4VdO.l? wwl%~
F = q mrp v= =J mr~lda.~-
+nw u w aq~@ aprrr~a~mhruw
'" IJ'(6L6-) npgrret=P QzruyI
nP I1a;rUrnne MY W 8L6I Wm
PZ a meng t =q 'IfJrnF mhurrf
-1VJqJS=/& q nmpapqqu1w wum
wlm3aTI1-*IOMaam aqqqrp mtns-aJ

nrap-bs-prursw~~mnlnrppT - .(
-P m=mPW - 1?,dw=,P
e3RIxumap€m llPDSq301tp anb
q ;rmrrmeKB lmrgmu g yq8flAnwa
qrrpuol- a&nq nn Immww3
-N.==L P =a WD np-P=AW
-w -1s =4 ~-sl-3 -=wd rlrs

* nnw -uq9 'mn==-;rqvduw y
'n5wmd np=mqruu q@ ap trimq
mapmddm.p upturnqqd q~nwrq un.p
wM= ploI IUUDD~= xne~!pnlula
m-rb I1-rn lBd I- -wan* la- '5

-ma!- EIo)
-In- K+p*+lQfodIXMO!IW?~~~U,,q 4P -1!wqs~m pqm
am* aprm~ IIp21w~ qmuwpum n~+ q q~!a mmuolqdqd 10- ~t
.m= ~hxa lMlU01yqwn g lop19Wql
IWPWJ a 1JgtWW IWUIlUoirtlrwrnpundoao.~[gmuuq I ~ urqrtaaro -d
iuma w,nb iullaanns ~~qdrap %u*l LlrpSuw ,-pods IDEIUW, -
=tqd~u! IHnw los- q mPp Wy uoywrlddy
--= ?m !nbq=utquwj4 ay~lmp;n'4-n iuorr& rm VD!~IIYU$41u! m ~IID.~
.(z)qdw8ardneiuanb Ba!vwrnu- aqrsty .jpqspu=!~uos, ,,,,-

-rM qdde,slmilp!nbmo!~!ufipq (E) 'Iuo!qns 40=And aql10(t) rPm,ll,,*l
Pwnrpmw qM aplrnampgapna
qmu [mtmyum UPIE@ nparud anb
-lab w apw!auapi4- anal
spnwq rm,ppq luernona mu
-ud mrr up~y rsaI2uw!pauw p~
w Bt fBd a w WPVne In% (2)

SOP 3810WgM-3NlN03 nV S3X3NUV I611 h dear sfockstt*s mtituer mu1 en

polasuivaYCTCRON sur1Pplanintcmti~
nalm me demuver uncmlu~ioruproblem
dc I'ctpbi induepar ks batetux de
piehtuangm -

52 No pcrvm Wing lbarrd fmtgn $3Pentucrdlrwx~nm~taouvurt c)
r&ii -1 of a psmikd rlra&dl. in IbDldd'unbatclladeptdrhgnd'une ,c,,
thc~~Regu~~brrpfirbw~m CW dgkmcaPirr dr @ha, ou dc re Wh-
Tdh foa roaddlingst& intonrmwDtioaf #p- iw, dm h ume dertgkme-
~oolttrprtscni~~rn~ tiodrIPPAN.des nocb ci#vauchuusen IuwN
agcmenrmeasuru. cwmayenuonavtc ks msum dc ma-
tiw cdc pstioaprtvller ks*~lglcrncno.

& tc puvcmrur en mnrcilput, pr a-
rcgukrh Gwmw in Cov~lEimay makc I+gkmrm :

(a)Im nurhurizinbymas oiti- ttphir raalOfkltW nofarnmcnpar
parnitsmhcwkr 1'- w permis:
(i)fomgnCihiagrcrwlto mtaCanad; (ipr lu hmua dt *be Ctnngm de
an hhcrkrwatersforanypurpt rpcci- wrer dam kr mux bC@he mmdim-
Oedin thercgulalior ncraurrm
(ii) todoall m any d k (ii) prcertai -as,s d'cxn-
things Mi in pmpphs ar muteacliv iitC aur alih
4(1)(0 )o(elmbrecrion4(2rn- q1)p3 aej, mpae 42) a
rion5; I'aruc5:
(b) mpaing theissuancsusgearimand b) +ir la dClimnce,Laswpmim ct
meellatiomofanylicencw pcrmjrpsro- I'annutatioadcsliccsoupcrmispk5
vidcdfm unda paragra 0) andp~ 1 I'alima).n fixcleu fmc. ludroia
Ib) szribingtheiriwms. the fes payable rlacquttmpour1- ubteoiethts d-
thereloand thei erms bl conditions, tionshmi. cnnu deJccmdirionsquc
whichare in additito wcb termsand put swrir le mink
mnditimu.if any. astheMiter may
spsdfy therein:

(b.1)ping 0s0
&I ocntrrrn withicmmln rrrberitr
(b3) pcmiiing anycb d fmip iish
~mg~~~lfmrtb~Ot~m5~ b3) #mmk. pm I'.ppli&m deI'd
(el cle~lamcurclc~dtmrrravarion#&
gcshn Ls =ks chtvaumangquidoivrm
tac obrmttsparlu pmonntse nmkvaa~
(i) anymeanm fort.matiat and Abxd d'tm bat- dc &angerd'm
dapst rfgl- mmun Cclk
managcrrunt anyswdming nod:tuk yam pw butd'fvlmquek battauw ltvm
nrmpli wid+ by Pboarda
fmciga fshingval d a prma-ii a um activiztqcompmmurt I'fliie
clap ordeIn ensurrbarIht fareign du mtwrrrsdtmuirm,el drgcst~m
fnhingveswl docsmn engageurany durtockschm~~~k
acd* rn uldumincs mc cff&- dgime de h mavention rnentbnnteA
1.mItk 5.1:

(4 Salutesd W a IN4 c. 44 8)Laisdu Canada(1990),chap.44

(blStam d Canada 1992.c. 1 b)LoisduCanada (1992)chw. r
(c)SfaMeS d CanadaW94, c. 14 clLoisdu Canada (1994).chap. 14
hndmenr kf June 30,1994 Lisfdeemodifiicati30juin 1~4 Pl] ANNEXES AU CONTRE-MEMOIRE 407

nry of cammation ud mrrmgemn!
b.4) fucr ks modalirCet )er limit=
memireslormy addling Man prtvutsdI'artick8.1;
*en undcr h Convcnlim onF m b5) d&~erm~nkcr formules1
MdrilloerdCwperuhn in theNed- lieudeccllcbzla pameXXVIll du Code
westA~lenriFishcriedone ItOuawa cnmrncL danr b pumilts cantr.ks
on Crclokr 24. 1958. Camla Trmy baresukdtHchc prCvuu;pala p*scnrclei
Seriu 197No. I.LX w lahi rrrItspichcr.
liimy otherfnwsm forrht -a-
C)p&dr laminrljon w I'auton%iibdc
liw andma~gernen! d any swaddling pcrfon nhrgkr d'ucrccdcrpwvoirsdc
$~oA to l% mplicd wl by pmoar poll-dam k cadreckIsprtrcalotieLdc
lboarda foreignfirh~ngvcrrct or rLartglcrmnu;
(a) +bed CIW 4 rtgirLamix m IICUsGrCLlaganlth
(b.4p)-iing Iht manmrin whicud k~ox & oudu autm bim ~isii
rhc exmu todiicb a pmuctim oflicar cnappliazimdc lamntc loi;
C)pfcndfelw1c.urn MnK d'appl1atiml
perinlndw usethc forccrefed toin dtloprtKntcb.S.R,ch.GZl.an4.
=am hl:
(65) prercribii fm lha ~ay k urcd
oftk Cn'mindCodeinpmrrodrngargainst
fuhingruwh underthiAcrorthe FA-
trim Acr;

cnr-m thepwisionrOFLhiiAn mndmthe

(d)imwring andLapinganytidinvet-
SC~w thinseizepunuantlothiA-nd
(rl pmlly lorarryingouttbrpurparcs
andpmvisionsothuAm. US..c.C-11.s4.


-* 7.A pmrcetioofficermay
mm (01f~ thepurpmcofensuringwmpliance
whh his Actandthereguiarwrroardand
iarpecl my faig vcwl fwnd within
Canadia skrres w m m theNAFO
{blwithawarran!bswd undedron 7.1.

war*l my fdi -1 Id wilhin
Canadtau fisheritr watorsIhc NAFO
la) Re~~Arcaondb~.

M 7.1(I)Ajrrrdm of h pace whoon a 7J(I)S'11e91m~.surlafoid'lrw -
pmc applluuwnh misfileby hfdm ~~ - Mmnt. qu'it y ade
cm mh that here m rraroMbkgmrmds m motifsmiurnrublesdt mm l lagrtsence
bcl'icvthnrhcrr iin anyplaceincluding dam M lie- y un barn w un
my pmnuts. wswl orvehick any fuhca
aum vthicuk-dt cu d'obm qui
olherthinglharwasoblainedbymusedmm ontCrobruruaw wittE cncmaavcntiarde
lhar rvin dord evidencin ~p~cl d a laprbcntcloi w drrcsrtgtanu w qui
mn~ravcntioof lh~Act ~ffhtrtgnkuii~~~.scmmm le puw. kjugcdc paipu~arr
mayissuea w-1 authoringthemrcction dcmandue punt,dtlir unmandat .m&-

(a)St2tute.sof Canada1994,74 a)Loisdu Canada(lW4), chap. 14
Amendment tisJu* a, ,994 Liside modbtions 30juin 1994 offitrnamedm thc warrantto cnnwd sankwus rCwm dtr cordit~onru'iy fixc,
much lhe plam Iw thefishor whet thing Ic gardc-pichcquicst mmC
subp roanymndlrwns thamy k wified tionncrdanscc lieu afid'y chrchcr rn
~nthew-L pissonsaun objcrr.
(21A pmtunrrroRmr may cxercwt Ihe (2)Ls garde-pkk p~uicemr w rnm-
(a) myd pwn relemd lo in pgraph f(b) vnthartdalks pvwr via I I'allnh 7b) lonqw 2~
a warrant~tthcditianr for ohairinga 1'- k la sitwm rend diff~ikmem

I vrzmnrcxuthL by- of uigcat mufi- rtaltalrubIl'tWntdu mandal I condih
luurcri.~rmuM ~c be pnclicara&raina quckr ciramrrmccsenJlatifenladtl~vrrp
rvunaL re.
A ~ U & A pmcclwn olljetrmy am pithr k Ze grrdc-pkht putdtcr ram madat
warrantanypm~n wb thedhr susp~elon pxmnnc qu'ilmum p~urdcrmails
mmblc groundsharommlttcdan offcna nironnablerd'swimmmis urnmlnclwn f h
unda lbrrAm.RS, c.C-21r.6. prkcntcId.S.R,

~~I.-TE &l~~eri&~cermay.inthc~ &1L?ga&-pkhctwf&IItmployet.
andfatheeexlpprrwnkd by thcregulations.confdmm au* mdal~lCs el dans ks
uselam thata intcixdrislikellodile Iimias@vm parr&gknrtnL une fm qui
m fareignfishinv-L if theppmtcftiodl#I wit rusccptibk& cbkmparrrun btcau
afim dcp5rhehgcr. wit cmpw dans I'antcrr
hn dc k dtsemparrr,ri kr condidoas
msstcrcxothcrperronin~ofh - suiv~mrtunhs:
-1; and a) ilgmctde ltgalemntl ion bv
(b)btltcv00 rrasonabkgmu* dr tk -- oudurrspwrrablcUbaltau:

fwct u ncrrrsafyor the pupe of b)lii-mtmccsthe. pwrh wifs raim
amsi~ngha^mastea ohr per- ~bleb fcnc fa nkusalrtpr piu&r
I l'amsraticlo.
9.Whm s prorf~fiOFT= I- m 9. Sliwppnm. pourdcrdls raisonnaa-
twonmblcgmrrndcthat aoff- undtrtho bk qu'ily eu infmion i laprkcnu h. le
Acthaskn mmmittd theoffi may em gardc-+be pat salir :
(a)any thing vtd by mans oi m in a) Lout batedc @hc h l ilcmit pour
rrblbn to which the olFicbelicvcrm drrmails ml~tmrrablcrqu'a !+mi ou
mblt mnds theokna was ~omrnit- donntlieh h prptvntimdcIrdmcli~n.
tcd; b) &cbirm K tmvanl ibrd d~ battade
(6)any Bwds akrd a Ming vase1 @kc y ~omp+ k pkw. Lg a& CI
dcwtikd inparagraph(a). includrngTub. apparaux.h pamlrunr t'tquipcmcnL k
~lc. ngging, appaml.lurnislorcrand mt*l Iu ~ppmiunaemenrs e: [a carpi-
am. m ion:
(c) anyfiuhingvtrseldescinpragraph c) iIsioifkbarcaudcpkheaIubicrrrx
(a) anany ofthtg& dgcribcdinpara- lmuvantP hrd de durn. S.R, cb.C-21'
gnpb (6)RS, c.C-21.a6. an 6.

&wrtr 10.Subjocto wcliun I I. fuh~ng-I 10.Sourrkm dt I'midt 1I. It b8dc rjn**h
,,- and wid pursuant lorcn~o9ngbll bc picben lerautrtbimrsaisiisonmmru parmw
mined intbco~siodydLhtprotomondkr Icgarde-wk quiaopi1-6b wisicauwnfk i
whomPdcthevizurc m dcliwzul inm thclagardcdctapmonnequeIc rninktmdkignc.
nrslod of such pem artbe Minirm may S.R,cb.C-21,a% 6.

(a)S&turesofCanada1994,c. 74 4 LoisduCanada (iQ94).chap.14
AmendmantListJrrne 30, 7994 Listede rndiiTcatior30juin 7994 11, W k fish or any mhn prirhablt 11. Lcgad-ebt ou IPprsunnt qui ena B'c"n
anides arexi& punuanr 10 =urn 4. lhc Lagardcput vendrete poiwn er la su~w
protmrm ofifer or athcr pcm having the btenr mslr s'ils sonrptrlwbLCpdu~t de
culdy thml may wll them. end thepm k vcntcat vcmi au rcaveur gtntw pon61
ctrd s1 tk uk shall k paid to the R-~vcrm &it dam une hnquc. S.R.. ch.C-21.
Gcaeralor dcpitcd in !a tnnk to ~ I Lor an. 6.

tk RcceivtrGcnernIR.S, r C-21,s6.
1L Any fishinvml or g& reizdpumu- IZ LCbatcau dc *fit ou laautm biew Rm=a
an1tornim 9 or tprd rcallrcI- s
raisin.w kpmduit dcla ventnrk i rarticlcEz2
s~lepmwnt tomion 1Ishatlk retumd or I I.sontmu ausaki si It minirtn dScidde
paid10tbcpersonfromwhom thehhing rerwl mepas intntlcdt pmuitu a I'Cgardds fin-
m goob were stid il ihc Minista kid-m fmctm. En twt Cmtds caw, itsmi rtmk d
to instiluta pmvmtim in ~pocl of an I'upinhn dcrtmis rnousuivantla&IC deb
oRenm umdcr thi Ad. and in any wcnl shallsarst.eufM uncprsuitc ur in~enlkdam fc
bc m mumd w paidoa Ibe expirationor d&i.S.R, ch.C-l-ll,a6.
thrcc mon~bsafwr tbtday d em unk
btfm thatUKK pmcccdinp intgpt d tbc
offmccateinnitutcdRS, c C-2l.r. 6.

13. Wherea fihjng crgoodE have 13.A toutr ttnpcde la pursuirc letribuRn"e%t
km stid prruanl tosr&m 9andpd- w kj~gepeul.avccle mrumurnm~dugar&- '"-'
ingr inmpccr d an offeneeunk thir Act @kc qui aen! la sakte. ordonmla nmi~
AU nisi du batctu dt pkhc drrautm brens
tuvc km iuti~uttd. tOWR w pdge my.
with tk mrrrmt .I thpmmm flat who aauu,surIwrnirurc a Sa Majstd'uncgaran-
ma& thexirurr.order rcdclivwy thered totic- lint deuxcautwns- don1 k monlanrer
the pcrwm Imm whwn the fhing -1 m laCorn spntaoxptablu au
~ood r ar wid onsaunly by hd. wab twa C-21,u16.
mmtin, in an anwunrand fonn larislactla
thc Minister. be~nggitoHer Majmy. RS..

14, Where a penon IS conviad of an tl SUTdkbrsrion & culpabi1itCdcI'autcCd-l=
allenocundcrthisAct, the wnvlctioounw d'uneinimctiwH b *ate Iai. Ic tribuna! w
judgemy. in addition toanywberpnrrhmcnt Icjuge put pmmmm. cn susde tau* auirc
rmpDIcdordcr ths~ punt.lacairrcarionirnmtdialeau profiSac
(a) any rshin4 xizd pursuant osoc- Mdali ff#rdu anadz :

tion by meansoi or in rtlatlowbichIhc s)du bsrau de&bc roiri aynnt wvi w
otlenawos wmm~tred. hni linr KoTnctioa:
(b)any gds aboard a fmh~ng *gwl 6) du bierretrouranti berddu bawu dt
dcrcr~bedinparagraph(a), lncludtnFi. pick. y wmprir k wirmn. kr agrk a
tackk.rigging. apparel.rurniiurc wand appamul. k garniture.. 1'iquipmnnL le
carp, or. rf aofthep d havekn dd maitritlkrapproviswnnemcn tsb argal-
purwrsnrto scaro1I,thc tberml, mn,cu du produtdc Lavurtc vrrhI'anidc

QT 11:
(r) any iwhinv-l ddkd in paragraph c)i laIOL Tu kel-u dn +k c7k Kuns
(a) and anyd tht &DDdCddM inpara- vie i hlid b).w du produrtdc lcur
graph(b).orthe pr& tkd. vmle S.R,
k forlc~tandonrbc making ofthe&r the
Cubing-1. poDdror SO to
k fwieitedarc ioric~tc10Ha Majay In

npht d Canada.RS..c.C-2 1.s.6.
t5.Whm pro&ings in respn ol an 15. SI k dcrn~crtnbunal a slnturur La *dew
offerweundn thb Aa lra~ barnrnstirurdnd psunuilc promnarh OJnfismLi~. ipul trrc mrg4*
dire der bicnsqurcnImr robjet ruivatu
a fishingverxM goodsare at thcfinal faclu-
$ionoi rhph~ngs ordd to k Iwlcittd, i~trtlclions du
theyma)L dism ofasthtMlnistcr d~mts
RS..c. C->1.~.6 Rrrm1.a 16./1)Whm a fishivcs~lor@5 hove 16. (ISile denielribllmli statSUTh
bccnwlzcd pursuantowctlan 9 andprod- pourwilcnc pronmce pastaconr-~wn. Ic g:&":-
ingr in rapm orm offence undtrthis Aa hattaudr pichew Irs autrblcnswuis n
I'Cven~u!mdui~dclam~e virbcLI'anide 1I
havekcn institurd,burthtfishin~crscm
goodsor any pzds leal~zeirmn a rlc mt. ~wsrrrcm drrparagmpht(I),rcmbru
pursuanlto-ion II am MH nt thefinal LPK.
mclusia of rhr pmmdingr orderedtok
rmruted. thestU. rub* to subrcnim(2).
k returnem tbep w shalk pardw Ihc
prm fmmwbwn ther~b'mgvcrwlm goodr
wut wid.

amof (21Whm rhe pmfadinp rdcmd to m (21Damkscara6 I'rmrra tri Wmni -mm
,,, ,& subion /I)mult ina e~nvlsliad a fim i UM rmende.k barcaudtpkhc w Irsaurrrrzm,,,r
fim is imp&. the fnhing rc~m goodr may be biem ptllveim remus mu% ronpaiemmt M=-
dctaind unlil fineb paitk isbingrcs~l w vendusm jurtlcPmu fin; paaittcuIt
and the poob may kdd uda exco~tion in dcb vmtr visii lrrt~1I Fur hrt
satirtactnolk finew thc prds rcaliocdallcat PU pahmt de hmmL S.R, ch.
froma ale ofanyor the gdr pmnt to
mion b1 may k appliedinpayma1 d the
finRS.. c.C-21.s 6.


OII- 11. €my pmm isguiltofenotTcnccho If.Cornmcturninfriaioll: ~d-
!a) kingmvtcr orin commandola ribing a) L ~apjtaituk mpoosabkdtn bateau
(i)tnrcrCanadian ruhcriu Mrm mn- (i) writ pididonsk aur dt pick
lnrytothis Aa.w ~nadimnu enmob~hdeIn prknlc Iw.
(iiwitkt kgatt-. tk pd d Iii) ~tmm crnrv ttgirb don1Is
whichI'm cnthatpmon. failstohknto plwvc hi inmmk omrt d'8rrbzrcorn
whenrequiredtodo fa by my pmtccth btau rordrrea w &UD
om- mon signaofagovcrnrmn tmd; prdr-pkh ou k sipal6rm ba~uu dc
tb) kingebd a lo I'hc
a- any qnsiionscm mrh putto hl b)q-uul Clan11 brd fun battau dc
dure de +mdm sws ~rmca! aur
prrcrabqprdflm pu~tmmquc lupmcun prdc-pkhe;
(r) attengnal by a govcmmr & to
bringto. ~brms wcrboa% m rmw rn C)quiomqu~ aptu h signald'd dune
d- anypn oftbc verselarga W~II pprun blu. dc I%t. jute parkus
a cquipmenrw M. brk rrudbruit anpank deLaargai-
(4 mists orwillull*tw anypmrer- Mn,k IIamunmI w dt hutilla~ds urn
tdDaOTT~EiCTtheaefutionorthe &I-'& ham:
du*.RS, LC-2 II.1. d)qu-ln rb&c augrdt-*he quilglr
dam 1- de rcrfoaclm rru'rmnvc
mhtaifuncot suridm. S.R, ch.C-21.
m" 1.

I& (I) Evcy am0 mmnvtnu 1& (1) Qui foomvimt nt 1I'rl -
oCr ql)o),ml pmgrqb 4@) ar 1 I'd-
(8)on wnu~~lionan indinnunloa fine dtdarat iomnlpbilji :
not emdinp wen hundredand fifty a1pr mke en accuutbu un~ amen&
(a) mtimrk de sep an1 ciaquanu mrlte
(b)an summan mnvict~on.10a fim not dellan:
cxrrcdinme hundredandfillythouvlnd b) pr prOftdurmmh, unr ammdt
dollam maximlcde ten1cinguammilledollars

(a)R.S.C.,I985c.39 (2nd sum.) a) L.R.C(19851,chap .3pe qpl.)
(b) SMvtesof Canada WM, c- 14 b) Loisd~ (1994).Chap.14
Rmendmem Lis tune 30,YQW US& de~ificatr'ons30jrrin1994 m Evq prsm whuconaavcau anyoi 12lQIlionqutmmvienl I I'undcs rli- -
patapra~YIXb)m(cl. seoion5crk nkr~1~)1eXPI'~k5ouauxdglcmna
mguiam isgudryof anoffee sndliable wmmet unt inrncuonel rmn sw dkb-
(8)MI mnvicli~on ~ndlttnxnla fine mdccul*a'tt:
nor cxmdlnz Twhurrdd thouvnd&I- n)pr mlx m a-twn, unc ammdt
Ian:w rmx~rmldccmq mnt milledolt%

(b)on summarymnvrcricn. I finm b)pr prdurr wrnmarrr.unc amcndc
t*~mg mc bundrcd thad ddlm. fnaxhk b cmlmilkMba
-t (3) EWQpnon prbmmrniu m ollmcs (3) Qurrronpcommet I'uncda
under-graph 11(u(6)or(r)isluk ti- *us lux III& Ifd).b) w r)
(0)on mnvlctmnoniadrnmn~ toa fint rutdlrlamm dcmtpbi11~ :
noteding fwt hundrdhad dd. 4) pPrmiw cn afeunrim. me am&c
ha:ar msrrinulr cinqmt milledollan:
(b)~~ummrryeonvmioo.toalinc~ 6)parptoeLdurrlommii~uma~
cladlaneam hundrethud
b (4)E*r3 ;nrm *bocommitsrn fl- (1) Qui~wqu~omrmt rinlnnbn prhYc h
IS> nnb FlWnpll IT(@istirb 1 I'rlinh Ild) mm. sur dkfamtionde
(8) O.ODnrimiDnn~ndi-~ to afm eulpbilit:
WI mmg fm bundd lbouwnd 4
hn m m impriwmmmr fw a mu wr a) pr miPecn -tim urn rmcndt
cxemd~nIgwoyclnorrnbtk m muvruk dcdoq EEDLmilk &Ulna rm
I'UWdcm EXmmt a~l dt dcuum.ou
(b)on summaryeoavmlcm IOa rutnot
ucading me bundrcdtbou+sdolha or b) pr -I=. um amde
to~mprbonmi fm a tmnnm adfig maxlrruk decentmilk ddbn rtun
uxmonrbrm totab =npnronncmmd t mrl dcur WS.
I'umdcar pa-

mTKEl ff mllbEULUW mm DU mlMIPm
Alrplaad 18.1hn actcu-icm Lharwmld k an 181 Tout fai- actew untirria-pui
-h. oflem undcran ACJ of Pdii if ir mdnioleraiiluGads urwinfractioAuric LMz
~cclmtdInCam& u kn#d xahaw ken leifMtralest*putty awir Cltmmi- s'il
cwnmimdh&n&I[! CFtWemgaucoursdeI'appIwadcla
olcnfming thbn. pn!mabi:
(a)itheMFO Replamy onbc=d 0) roil dam mnr I rtglcmcnrarwk
wby~~at'wcigafirhingv~Ofi I'oPAN.Pbordmaunwyend'unbaltaut

bDardorby-ofwhi&a~tioo pichttnaugua~mvih~omm~meu+ b)
'bl ol&S3haskmmirled;a mfraclw~virkBI'amck 52
(6)m Iheroursr odmunuingparut thlt 6) rojl cmm d'w mitt tnramk
cmwed whik a fareignF&ii 4 qU k buuv dc ptck hgcr se
wu in Cbnadian f&ms - a the Uwvut tbs Itax & ptchecanad~~rmes
NAFO Rtphtw PJu - ou daar la urn dt dglenmlation dc

w vim or whrr -r Ihu rwld k
exmid in&-GI& inrrrpecofm xt or cxc~ atCanada I1'Cgard'un laivjd il *'-.a
~i~~~f~mmdon18,1inIhc I'~ekl~lpcuvml1'Cm~cnC~etbam
krcirwnsemm mearionntc~m anick :
cirrurmms rcfcmd w ullhat mi
k uctcired 01A ad d'unbatw depichetrranper.
(a)onbad thelmign rshinmstl; nr

(a)R.SC., 19~5,c. 3(2ndsrrpp-) a) LR.C.(19S5),chap.39(2esuppl.)

(4 statrrtd Canada 1094,c.74 b)ids d~ (79941,c@. 14
AmendmmUsf June30,lgSg Ustedemuiilicatiw 30julnIW (b) whcmpursuit askemmcnctd rl 6)en us k powsuitenw. dansmutt
anyptacconrhcwas.whcrh aplarrht panitdc lahsllrmcr aum que b mer
isinhe ternmriwa w ~nrcmwarn of tenimriact&seauxinttriemd'un&I
asratcotherdmC*nade aum qutk CaMdP.

bu.=- (2) AJIlrref lhputcm judgein any
SU--LIIC emtorial dlvirin Canadahjuridiclion
loauthorian wrest.muy. reorwizurr
w M hMstigatiOorothemcittarmaucr
rclatcmm effcnc~ld einwction18.1
cwnrnincinrhatIcrril ivlium

(3) DanIcaral unfaitquIEM~LU~U -
urn inhaion qn'w tnmrdeI'dclc 18.1 zb
prtsumt sumnu 1 brd d'un bateau
immnimK w tin~laid'~ pcrmis glinC
sms kttgimda bid'unEmaumque k
Canedak pairs mcntiomntsuparap-

that eommimdmu& CaMda mayw+c&
mcmd inany mriW divish in Canada
andth %mrsedmy beaicandpuniskdfm
th~offcrrin Itusarnemaanerasifheof-
fencebdk m~ntd inin miha1 di-
- Ik4b~gm~d 18Ala~iled'unci~v*tcdIa -
- pFk",chi oimtldrem dwbcow,uion cd.
(am &em smkt3hu Actccminmg$f & I'snick 52d'unehhxaiun v~sCcA
acanwventimofwrim 5& I'dck 18.1 d'w infnrh uis6c1
t'rlincc1pwt itskg1WIgxrdt-pC-
prCw Al'anic53 ne put Cm engag&
sansk -new MI du pmmur
#d ou du mqwmmtr gCntradu
maykerrmmrrmdwahgttIhtperwma1~ can& el ucrck guepar k pmcumu?
swm~uqgofIheAu~~~yGcdof~ gtri&du oucnsonam.
Be m g maybeducccd dy by the
Ammey Gcd ofCanadcarcrwnoeacmg
onhi chcrkW.

(a)stemas dW a 1994,c. I4 a)LoisduCanada(lggd)chap.14
Amendmen tsrJurm35,1994 Lisa durnad~m 30juin1m4 IB~ ~ttIhcpmukbm of his AEmd LhC 18S Lcs dispositicmlacpr&sen~c1ou
Crimid Cmfr rrtheFisherieAn and the k la hi SW Irs@chu applicablcs dw
CrinunnCod2daring to mdicaabnlienccr earn rrbtivuncnt wam crimincar PM*
au r&onr piawbks par pdure
!ha arapplica blaem TC~~M ofpe-
apply,h WU pppli tomdicubk of- vmunurr s'appliquc lcc ks adaptatim
fencecrrarcbythi scrorthcFishtricsAm nkesrainr, aha- dcpCche.nen utde
Iaor lnrrrpectof rishulgveswlswsueh dm ck dispositioslCOdC rnrnmii~JU~
nwdifi- as mC c~~ quk ksMC~ crimincw krmfIilFtionruniasrt-
andalltkpmvisiicbtbuAEIandtk bk par pPDeCdurcumrrruiredb parb
prtsenteloiw LoinvIrrpkrhu.
Crimid C& rx Ih FuheriuAcr 8nd
Gimrd Codr rrlalitoulmm~y wnvic-
th offencesthaarc xpptkabletoa m
rtspn afpmum apply.inWt a@iicatim
dl orhe~r~ d by thisM ort&
Fithcrh An. rp a in respecdt fw
vcsrcls,witsuchmodifimm arthe &


J-d 19. AIwm. juaim of tk pea= and 19. h mrnp9crtfdcs VibU~ux. jug-dt c-
-", maglrrratin Cam& ham thesamcjuridic-pairCI magirtrad. Gm& i I'tgard dclDmQDk
wr~hmpcc:IOofrtnm underthisAcas inimctk il lprkrntcloic dtlctmln=Ion
rky have under@am 610lo 613 nl1k k anick 610a 613drh k rurlarnarjrrr
CmuaduShippingActwithrum UIdfcnm mnrchandtdu Cda. es rniclcrs'applr
under rhar AcL anrhcw wcliamrapply toqnanrd m inrtanioFomrnesiells harent
ofienarundtrthisACIin tluumt mnmr pr&w patet1thi. LR, tb.C-2art9
and to the 6amcexrentas thcy apply lo
otlenm undethcCorndoShrppingM. RS..
c. C.23.9.

(E)Statuted Canada1994,c. 14 a)Loisdu &ma& (19W) .hap.14
dmendrnen tki June30,1994 Listedwmw'hTWm 30&in 1994 hex 5 1Annexe5

(SOR195-222,MAY 1995)
(DORS195-222lerMA11995)17/5/95 Cumoh Garrtrc Pun11VoL129. No.10 Gr~tc ah Cad Pam# 11.Vol.129No 10 SOWDORS9S-222

50RE95-222I May, 1995


Coastal Fisheries Protection Regulations, B&glement sur Iaprotection despecheries
amendment c6tihModiflatlon

P.C 1995.708 1May, 1995 CP. 1995-708 1 msl 1995

His Exdlcocy theGovmw General in Council.rm the Sw raomm- du mink dtsPtch u drsOctans
mcommed8tion ofrhcMinisterofFishits andOceans,pur- cten v a dc~anicle52' u 6.' deh hi surla prottcrion
m t toSccliom5.2.and 6'.ofIheCoastdfishcriesRoe- dca phrs cdtihs,B plaPtAan ExcellenceLcGwvcmuv
uon Act, is pleasedhuebyto amendrhe CoastalFihcris ghCd ercrorueidemcfjiiicmdormCmentI I'amezeci-
PmlecuonRegularionsC..R.C.c 413. in accordanwirhthe q&. Ic Riglmwalarr laprofmiondes pkberiesdtikru,
4chcdulehereto. CRC. ck 413.

1. Item 1 and2 of T8MeNL to sedan 21 or thCMM L k Hdcr 1 ct2 da taYran IP de I'articl21du
Fishcn*ssProtectioRegrrlat'osrerepealed. Rdglcmcnrsrv lapm&n drspichcr*r c8Utcswnt ah-



(Thi~staruncm MI purrofrk Reglrlnrianr.) (CerC5u-dtefairpatgamh dwr.?glunmt.)
Dcsmp~ion Dcscriplion

Bythi smendmen o theCoasrulFisheriesPmrecrionReg- Certe dfhn xu Rlghru sur lptrciian &$ pi-
darronrthe vesals of SpainandPorngatwilno longer bc cheries cdti2viw 3 enleveI-b-x de1'%e ctdu
includedin anyofthe claswsof foreigfn g vcsvL to Portugadc laIistdcs bareawt& pWlc Cnanges aI'tgard
whichspecificprottctionandconservaneasurrsapplplia dcrqurldts mcrwcspfticuiitm & ptxuon erdemass-
respecttfishinforstraddlinoclrsintheNorthwestAh- varios'appliqrC wts.mum vismruwtu lesanivltCsdc
uc FishcncsOrga~zarioa(NAFO)Rcgulw ArCp outside gefhesw lastds chevaucha qu~ stdhulcntdam la zone
Canada's20a-miltzone. rtglemwtk pprI'Ofganisatiodm @he$ de 1'Atlanuquc
nmd.outn [OPANO)sink PI'txthi eeI~zontcmadie~e
dcZM) milla

On April 20. 1995; Cannand theEuropeanUnion EU b 20 avril 199lcCanadact1'UnionEumpkmx 0 OUL
rcs~jvedMu disputeregardincEtcuvcmnml of Spanish rtglt lrm difftrcndmomant lapurve~laaceffme des
andPomgucst vesselhhig forGrcen1arhalibusadorhu ba-ux upgmls apmtugaisWanr IeflCmnoiretd'auaes
listdsnaddhg stocksin thNAFO RcgulawryArea.Canada cspku inscnw M labu dcs stockchcvanchantdam la
WI now rtmwc rhcfshingvesseofSpain andPormgalfmm woe dglementct par I'OPANO.b Cmada pcut maitmuant
rheclassofforeignlishingvesrelsin wbhey wm listed reaaneha1Tsppc cr IeForm@ dc IsI*r ccbatcarrxdc
pkhe twgera hwnt l'objcfd'uacsurvrhc paniculik

TIrtr csno drcmativc m thisamc-t, Leaving h Iln'ya p d'aum wluha qucdc dtr le dglemenr
fishingvusck ofSpan andPormgalin anyoftheabove-men- Wsser I'Esm a lePormgd sllla li smcuuormCc
tiod cks offoreignfishingvcsstL wouldcontnvm YE d 1 ammk iI'tntulkintcrvmucum ItCanadatrI'UE
Caaada-EU apeemcut and re-cpcn tdispute. upolmairrclamcrle~tBenefits and Cosrs Auaruogrsn mdrs
Implcrncnlarlonof themnuoIandenforccmcnprmvisiomof miscenauvrc dcsduposi~idocnconu&lccr d'applica-
thtCanada-E Ugrccmcnlwill enrarlless admrnisumsuc tiouprtvucsdans1'Entcnu Canada-WEtnmincra mnms dt
thanthecnforccrnt oftheprcvrousregulatoscheme.
frair admmistrstifsquc I'applicatlondcrmcsrtglcmcn-
tams aartricurm.
CON~C! Personnt-wssourcr

Mr.RobinGlass htRobin Glass
AsrisranrkpulyMinis~uPolicy Sow-minisac adjoint
Dcpartmen~of Firkne$ and Occans Politiqw
200 Kent Swecr Miaitbe dcr Pkhes etk OcCans
Ottawa.onm Kent

Document Long Title

