Documents présentés à la Chambre après la clôture de la procédure écrite

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9. Documentssubrnitted to theCourtby Denniark altertheclosure ofwritten proceedings -

Docunientsprésentés à laCour par IeDanemarkaprès la clâturede laprocédure écrite

(1) Letterof 12August 1991 fromthePreiiiierofthe GreenlandLondsstyreto the Danish


(2) Letterof 13Aug~ist1991 fromtfieDanishForeignMinisterto theNorwcgianForcigri

Miiiiste(Annes91) [no[ reproditcec/'
Letterof 16August 1991 frorntheNonvegianForeignMii~ister ta the DaiiisliForeign
Minister(Anncs92) [no!reprodltced]

(4) Sunrey pror,idedb> thcNorivcgianFishcryDirectorate (E~iclosureto iettof 16 Auçust

199 t£romthe Nonvegian ForeigiiMiniçter) (Annex 93) [not reprodirced]
A sketchrtiapsho~viiigthe Iiuntingarea of oneothevessels participatiingtiic ~riostrecent
incidentof 199L (Aniies94)

(5) Answer of 18lurie1992 bytheDanislihlinister forForeignAffairs todie letter 3fMay

1992 bytheNon.egjan Ministerfor ForcignAffairs(Annex95) [nofrej~rodtlced]

(6) PressRelease of 8 December 1965fromtheNonvegian Ministryfor ForeignAffairs(Annex

Excerptfrom StatementbyNor~vegian Ministerfor ForeignAffairs, Mr. KnutFqdenlund, in
theSforling on28 May 1976 (Recordsof Debatesinthe Sforting No. 378,28 May 1975-76)

(Annex47) [mf reproduced]

(8) Excerpt fromforeignpolicy debateanddebateon the lawof thesea intheStorfingon 3
June 1976(Rccordsof Debntes irtheSforiingNo.393,3 June 1975-76) (Annes 98) [fiof

(9) Excerptfron~Statemeritby MinisterJensEvenseiiduring a foreign policy debatein the

Srorlingoi27 Novcrnber 1978 (Recordsof Debatcs inthe Storring No.67, 27November

1978-79)(Aniiex 99) [floreprodirred]IO. Documetits subniittedto tliCourt by Norwayafter theclosure of written proceediiigs-

Documentspi.ésenté s la Courpar la Norwège aprèsla cl6tui.ede la procbdurc &crite

Letterto the Courtof29 May 1992frotn theAgctitsof Nonvay cominenting on a letterof26
Septeinbcr199 1 from theAgent of Denmark,rcceivcdby Nonvay a&ertheexpirationof the

rimeliniitforfilingof its Rcjoirider.

InterriatioiialAgrccnicritcoiicertiingtheEstablisl~tnd Operation of the CivilLoranC

NavigationSystzrnin NorthWest EuropeandtheNortliAtlantic(Annex 95) [not

PropositionNo. 59 (1991-92) tothe StortingCo~icerninthe Establishment and Operationof

a NorthWestEurupectnLoran CSystci-i~ (A~irie96)[noi reprodzcceq

DraRAgreenicnt bctneen Noriva? andGrccrilmdlDeiuiitirk011Mutual FishericsRelations

Agreedminutcs of Discussionsbctween a Nonvegianand a GreenlandDelegation

concerningMutualFishericsRelations,inNuukori23 arid24 September 1391 (Aniiex98)


Agrcenie~z tn Cooperatioriin Research,Consenation artdManagentelit of MaritieMammals

inthe NorthAtlantic(Annes 99) [no/ reprodiiced]
Letterof 1 May 1992fromthe DanisliMinisterof ForeignAffaits to the NonvegianMinister

of ForeignAffairs(Aijiies 100)[no!reproduccd]

Lettcrof 3 May 1993 frotlthe DanishhlinisterofForeignAffairs to the NonvegianMinister

of ForeignAffairs(Arlrlex101)[not r-eprodirced]

Letterof 13October 1992from the Norivegianhlinisterof ForeigriAffairtothe Danish
Ministerof ForcignAffairs (Aiiiieu102)[nofreprodiced]

(10) hternational Agreement concerningthe Establishmentand Operationof the CivilLoran C

NavigationSystemin North WestEuropeand theNorthAtlantic (Annex 103) [riot

(11) Agreement betweenNomay, Greenland/Denmarkand Iceland ortthe CapelinStockinthe

Waters betweenJan Mayen,Greeiilandand Icelai-id(Annex104)

(12) Questions tothe MiliistersitheDmish Parlianierit19November 1980 (Annex 105)[nof


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Documents présentés à la Chambre après la clôture de la procédure écrite
