Déclaration solennelle de M. Koroma, juge ad hoc dans l’affaire relative à l’Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale (Azerbaïdjan c. Arménie)

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Non corrigé
CR 2023/12
International Court Cour internationale
of Justice de Justice
YEAR 2023
Solemn declaration of Judge ad hoc Koroma in the case concerning Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia)
Public sitting
held on Tuesday 20 June 2023, at 10.05 a.m., at the Peace Palace,
President Donoghue presiding
ANNÉE 2023
Déclaration solennelle de M. Koroma, juge ad hoc dans l’affaire relative à l’Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale (Azerbaïdjan c. Arménie)
Audience publique
tenue le mardi 20 juin 2023, à 10 h 5, au Palais de la Paix,
sous la présidence de Mme Donoghue, présidente
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Present: President Donoghue
Vice-President Gevorgian
Judges Tomka
Judge ad hoc Daudet
Registrar Gautier
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Présents : Mme Donoghue, présidente
M. Gevorgian, vice-président
MM. Tomka
Mmes Xue
MM. Bhandari
Mme Charlesworth
M. Brant, juges
M. Daudet, juge ad hoc
M. Gautier, greffier
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The Government of Azerbaijan is represented by:
HE Mr Rahman Mustafayev, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Mr Vusal Ibrahimov, First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Government of Armenia is represented by:
HE Mr Tigran Balayan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Ms Viviana Kalaejian, Attaché, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
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Le Gouvernement de l’Azerbaïdjan est représenté par :
S. Exc. M. Rahman Mustafayev, ambassadeur de la République d’Azerbaïdjan auprès du Royaume des Pays-Bas,
M. Vusal Ibrahimov, premier secrétaire de l’ambassade de la République d’Azerbaïdjan auprès du Royaume des Pays-Bas.
Le Gouvernement de l’Arménie est représenté par :
S. Exc. M. Tigran Balayan, ambassadeur de la République d’Arménie auprès du Royaume des Pays-Bas,
Mme Viviana Kalaejian, attachée, ambassade de la République d’Arménie au Royaume des Pays-Bas.
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The PRESIDENT: I now declare open the sitting in the case concerning Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia).
I recall that, also in this case, since the Court included upon the Bench no judge of the nationality of either Party, each Party proceeded to exercise the right conferred upon it by Article 31 of the Statute to choose a judge ad hoc to sit in the case. The Republic of Armenia chose Professor Yves Daudet and the Republic of Azerbaijan initially chose Judge Kenneth Keith. Following Judge Keith’s resignation on 21 April 2023, Azerbaijan informed the Court that it had chosen Judge Koroma to sit in the case as a judge ad hoc. No objection having been raised by the Armenian Government to this choice, and none having appeared to the Court itself, the appointment of Judge Koroma was duly confirmed. It is thus now necessary to complete the composition of the Court for the purposes of the case.
I shall now invite Judge Koroma to make his solemn declaration under Article 20 of the Statute of the Court. As I have already had the opportunity today to say a few words about his career and qualifications, I shall not repeat this biographical information.
I request all those present to rise. Judge Koroma, you have the floor.
“I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise my powers as judge honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.”
The PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please be seated. I take note of the solemn declaration made by Judge Koroma and I declare him to be duly installed as judge ad hoc in the case concerning Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia).
There being no further business before the Court today, I declare the present sitting closed.
The Court rose at 10.10 a.m.

Document Long Title

Déclaration solennelle de M. Koroma, juge ad hoc dans l’affaire relative à l’Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale (Azerbaïdjan c. Arménie)
