Audience publique tenue le mardi 4 mars 1997, à 10 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Schwebel, président

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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International Court Cour internationale
of Justice de Justice


YEAR 1997

Public sitting

held on Tuesday 4 March 1997, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace,

President Schwebel presiding

in the case concerning Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros Project




ANNEE 1997

Audience publique

tenue le mardi 4 mars 1997, à 10 heures, au Palais de la Paix,

sous la présidence de M. Schwebel, Président

en l'affaire relative au Projet Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros




Present:chwesilent -2-

Oda Judges




Judge ad hoc Skubiszewski

Valencia-ORsenistrar -3-

Présents : M. Schwebel, Président,nt
Oda MM.



juges Rezek,

Sugbeiszewski, ad hoc

ValGnrcaf.erspina, -4-

The Republic of Hungary is represented by:

H.E. Mr. György Szénási, Ambassador, Head of the International Law

Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

as Agent and Counsel;

H.E. Mr. Dénes Tomaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to the


Mr. James Crawford, Whewell Professor of International Law,
University of Cambridge,

Mr. Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Professor at the University Panthéon-Assas
(Paris II) and Director of the Institut des hautes études

internationales of Paris,

Mr. Alexandre Kiss, Director of Research, Centre National de la
recherche Scientifique (ret.),

Mr. László Valki, Professor of International Law, Eötvös Lorand
University, Budapest,

Mr. Boldizsár Nagy, Associate Professor of International Law,

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,

Mr. Philippe Sands, Reader in International Law, University of
London, School of Oriental and African Studies, and Global
Professor of Law, New York University,

Ms Katherine Gorove, consulting Attorney,

as Counsel and Advocates;

Dr. Howard Wheater, Professor of Hydrology, Imperial College,

Dr. Gábor Vida, Professor of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University,

Budapest, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,

Dr. Roland Carbiener, Professor emeritus of the University of

Dr. Klaus Kern, consulting Engineer, Karlsruhe,


Mr. Edward Helgeson,

Mr. Stuart Oldham,

Adavisers; -5-

La République de Hongrie est représentée par :

S. Exc. M. György Szénási, ambassadeur, directeur du département du

droit international au ministère des affaires étrangères,

comme agent et conseil;

S. Exc. M. Dénes Tomaj, ambassadeur de la République de Hongrie aux

comcoagent ;

M. James R. Crawford, professeur de droit international, titulaire
de la chaire Whewell à l'Université de Cambridge,

M. Pierre-Marie Dupuy, professeur à l'Université Panthéon-Assas
(Paris II) et directeur de l'Institut des hautes études

internationales de Paris,

M. Alexandre Kiss, directeur de recherches au Centre national de la
recherche scientifique (en retraite),

M. Lászlo Valki, professeur de droit international à l'Université
Eötvös Lorand de Budapest,

M. Boldizsár Nagy, professeur associé de droit international à

l'Université Eötvös Lorand de Budapest,

M. Philippe Sands, chargé de cours en droit international à
l'Université de Londres, School of Oriental and African Studies,
et Global Professor of Law à l'Université de New York,

Mme Katherine Gorove, juriste-conseil,

comme conseils et avocats;

M. Howard Wheater, professeur d'hydrologie à l'Imperial College de

M. Gábor Vida, professeur de biologie à l'Université Eötvös Lorand

de Budapest, membre de l'Académie des sciences de Hongrie,

M. Roland Carbiener, professeur émérite de l'Université de

M. Klaus Kern, ingénieur-conseil à Karlsruhe,

comavocats ;

M. Edward Helgeson,

M. Stuart Oldham,

comconseillers ; -6-

Dr. György Kovács,

Mr. Timothy Walsh,

as Technical Advisers;

Dr. Attila Nyikos,


Ms Éva Kocsis,

Ms Katinka Tompa,


The Republic of Slovakia is represented by:

H.E. Dr. Peter Tomka, Ambassador, Legal Adviser of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs,


Dr. Václav Mikulka, Member of the International Law Commission,

as Co-Agent, Counsel and Advocate;

Mr. Derek W. Bowett, C.B.E., Q.C., F.B.A., Emeritus Whewell
Professor of International Law at the University of Cambridge,
Former Member of the International Law Commission,


Mr. Stephen C. McCaffrey, Professor of International Law at the
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento,

United States of America, Former Member of the International Law

Mr. Alain Pellet, Professor at the University of Paris X — Nanterre
and at the Institute of Political Studies, Paris, Member of the

International Law Commission,

Mr. W. Walter D. Sohier, Member of the Bar of the State of New York
and of the District of Colombia,

Sir Arthur Watts, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Barrister, Member of the Bar of
England and Wales,

Mr. Samuel S. Wordsworth, avocat à la Cour au barreau de Paris,

Solicitor England and Wales, Frere Cholmeley, Paris,

as Counsel and Advocates;

Mr. Igor Mucha, Professor of Hydrogeology and Former Head of the

Groundwater Department at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of
Comenius University in Bratislava, -7-

M. György Kovács,

M. Timothy Walsh,

comme conseillers techniques;

M. Attila Nyikos,

comassistant ;

Mme Éva Kocsis,

Mme Katinka Tompa,

comsecreétaires .

La République slovaque est representée par :

S. Exc. M. Peter Tomka, ambassadeur, conseiller juridique du
ministère des affaires étrangères,

comament ;

M. Václav Mikulka, membre de la Commission du droit international,

comme coagent, conseil et avocat;

M. Derek W. Bowett, C.B.E., Q.C., F.B.A., professeur émérite, ancien
titulaire de la chaire Whewell à l'Université de Cambridge, ancien
membre de la Commission du droit international,

comconseil ;

M. Stephen C. McCaffrey, professeur de droit international à la

faculté de droit McGeorge de l'Université du Pacifique, Sacramento
(Etats-Unis d'Amérique), ancien membre de la Commission du droit

M. Alain Pellet, professeur à l'Université de Paris X-Nanterre et à

l'Institut d'études politiques de Paris, membre de la Commission du droit

M. Walter D. Sohier, membre des barreaux de l'Etat de New York et du

district de Columbia,

Sir Arthur Watts, K.C.M.G., Q.C., avocat au barreau d'Angleterre et
du pays de Galles,

M. Samuel S. Wordsworth, avocat à la Cour, Frere Cholmeley, Paris,
Solicitor auprès de la Cour suprême d'Angleterre et du pays de

comme conseils et avocats;

M. Igor Mucha, professeur d'hydrogéologie et ancien directeur du
département des eaux souterraines à la faculté des sciences
naturelles de l'Université Comenius de Bratislava,

Mr. Karra Venkateswara Rao, Director of Water Resources Engineering, -8-

Department of Civil Engineering, City University, London,

Mr. Jens Christian Refsgaard, Head of Research and Development,

Danish Hydraulic Institute,

as Counsel and Experts;

Dr. Cecília Kandrá_ová, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign

Mr. Lud_k Krajhanzl, Attorney at Law, Vyroubal Krajhanzl Skácel and
Partners Law Firm, Prague,

Mr. Miroslav Liška, Head of the Division for Public Relations and
Expertise, Water Resources Development State Enterprise,

Dr. Peter Vršanský, Minister-Counsellor, chargé d'affaires a.i. of
the Embassy of the Slovak Republic, The Hague,


Ms Anouche Beaudouin, allocataire de recherche at the University
of Paris X — Nanterre,

Ms Cheryl Dunn, Frere Cholmeley, Paris,

Ms Nikoleta Glindová, attachée, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Drahoslav Štefánek, attaché, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

as Legal Assistants. -9-

M. Karra Venkateswara Rao, directeur du Génie, section des
ressources hydrologiques, département du Génie civil, Université
de la ville de Londres,

M. Jens Christian Refsgaard, directeur de la recherche et du
développement à l'Institut danois d'hydraulique,

comme conseils et experts;

Mme Cecília Kandrá_ová, directeur de département, ministère des
affaires étrangères,

M. Lud_k Krajhanzl, avocat, membre du cabinet Vyroubal Krajhanzl
Skácel et associés, Prague,

M. Miroslav Liška, directeur de la division des relations publiques
et de l'expertise, entreprise d'Etat pour le développement des

ressources hydrauliques, Bratislava,

M. Peter Vršanský, ministre-conseiller, chargé d'affaires a.i. à
l'ambassade de la République slovaque, La Haye,

cocomnseillers ;

Mlle Anouche Beaudouin, allocataire de recherche à l'Université de
Paris X-Nanterre,

Mme Cheryl Dunn, Frere Cholmeley, Paris,

Mme Nikoleta Glindová, attachée, ministère des affaires étrangères,

M. Drahoslav Štefánek, attaché, ministère des affaires étrangères,

comme assistants juridiques. -10-

The PRESIDENT: Please be seated. We continue this morning with the oral presentations of

the Republic of Hungary and I should like first to call upon Professor Nagy.



I. Introduction

1. Mr President, Members of the Court. It is an honour to appear before you for the first

time. My task this morning is to clarify disputed issues concerning the purposes and object of the

1977 Treaty and the way how the regulatory regime of the Project functioned.

2. The 1977 Treaty had as its purpose the creation of a politically motivated economic joint

venture which was to be consistent with environmental protection. In this presentation I will

address the object and purpose of the Treaty, its character as a framework treaty to be flexibly

applied, and its connection to various related agreements, as well as to the Joint Contractual Plan.

3. The picture I will describe is of a Treaty having two main purposes: first, the

strengthening of fraternal relations between two States and contributing to the socialist integration

among COMECON States, and second, utilising the natural resources of the Bratislava-Budapest

section of the Danube river for the development of energy and, to a lesser and incidental extent,

other sectors. These are the purposes identified in the Treaty's Preamble. The Barrage System was

to be jointly constructed and jointly operated. The Treaty did not establish a territorial regime. It

did not alienate either party’s rights over its share of the water. And it was intended to function

without environmental degradation and in an economically viable manner.

4. I will address in turn the following aspects: first, the Treaty's objects and purposes;

second, its character as a joint investment; third, its relationship with other agreements; and fourth,

its character as an instrument to be flexibly applied. I begin with the first point.

II. The Purposes of the 1977 Treaty

5. Properly characterizing the purpose of the 1977 Treaty is a significant issue, and one on

which the Parties are not in agreement. Arguments concerning material breach, supervening

impossibility of performance, fundamental change of circumstances and even "approximate

application" depend upon the answers to the question: what was the object and purpose of the

1977 Treaty and its related agreements? -11-

6. For Slovakia, the basic aims of the Treaty were such that even through Variant C they

"could still be achieved, at least insofar as the Bratislava-Sap (Palkovicovo) stretch was

concerned" . The extent to which this is true depends upon whether or not the Treaty incorporates

the idea of two riparian States cooperating in the realization of an agreed joint venture. If it does,

as Hungary believes, then Variant C is plainly incompatible with the 1977 Treaty.

7. For its part Hungary has consistently maintained that the 1977 Treaty had two purposes:

the political and the economic . Slovakia by contrast identifies almost a dozen items under

various headings. The chart you see on the screen, which is also contained in your folders,

illustrates the proliferation of Slovak views as to the Treaty's basic objectives (Illus. 6.1). We are

told, for example, that the suspended works were "the very object of the Treaty itself" . Elsewhere

it is said that the Treaty sought "the improvement of surface and ground water" , or "environment

protection" . And yet elsewhere the "monitoring system" is elevated to the status of a "basic

aim" .

8. We certainly agree with Slovakia that the objects and purposes of the Treaty may be

ascertained not only from the treaty but from its negotiating history . As Professor Valki has

described, that history took place at a time, from the late 1950's to 1977, which has been

characterized by Slovak Prime Minister Carnogursky as a totalitarian era. Writing to Hungarian

Prime Minister Antall in 1991 a week after his Government's resolution approving the details of

Variant C, he says: "Both of our countries are now living in a period of transition from

totalitarianism to democratic systems." The Project was a plan conceived by two totalitarian

14SM, para. 5.26.

HM, paras. 4.04-4.06, HCM, para. 1.13, HR paras. 1.03-1.11.

SR, para. 2.12.

17SM, para. 6.132.

18SCM, para. 10.125.

SM, para. 5.26.

20SM, para. 8.73.

21SM, Vol. IV, Annex 93, HM, Vol. 4, Annex 56. -12-

States and partly realized by them. "Comrade Vohsalik's report from 1955 annexed by Slovakia 22

illustrates this point. He describes a meeting with Malenkov of the Central Committee of the

Soviet Communist Party, at which the former Soviet Prime Minister described the construction of

the water works on the Danube as being 'mainly a political issue' since it concerned other

Danubian countries. Malenkov stressed that the discussions on an agreement between

Czechoslovakia and Hungary had to be 'held on a high political level'." 24 When he also expressed

the Soviet Union's readiness to participate in these discussions, his interlocutor knew that this was

an offer having the force of a command. And so it was.

9. The political character of the 1977 Treaty is reflected in the fact that the scheme emerged

from consultations with Soviet participation between 1956 and 1960, and that it was approved by

the COMECON Commission for Energy and Agriculture in September 1961 . The documents

annexed by Slovakia confirm the Hungarian argument 26 as to the political character of the 1977

Treaty and the Project.

10. Hungary and Slovakia also agree that the Project was intended to have certain economic

benefits in the fields of energy production, flood protection, and navigation. They differ on their

assessment of the magnitude of these benefits and in the evaluation of viable alternatives. Later

today Ms Gorove will deal with the viability of the Project so far as issues of energy production,

flood protection, navigation and other sectors are concerned.

11. No doubt the Project would have brought benefits and imposed costs in several sectors.

However, in identifying the object and purposes of the 1977 Treaty, whether for the purpose of

treaty modification, termination or "approximate application", the reasonable approach is to remain

with the intention of the Parties as expressed in the Treaty itself, as well as its history. It is not

appropriate to pick and choose among the elements listed in the preamble of the 1977 Treaty,

elevating some of them to the "main objective" and leaving others in the shadow, as Slovakia does.

SCM, Vol. 2, Annex 2.

SCM, Vol. 2, Annex 2.


SM, Vol. II, Annex 3, at p. 35.

26See especially HR, Vol. 2, App. 3 and HM, paras. 3.12-3.28. -13-

And as I have said, from the Treaty it is clear that the Parties had two purposes in mind: the

political and the economic, which they sought to realize through the "joint investment".

12. But these purposes and the "joint investment" had to be consistent with environmental

protection. This is clearly reflected in the fact that the 1977 Treaty devoted no less than three

articles to the protection of water, nature, and fisheries. In that sense it might be said that the

Treaty accurately sought to prepare the Parties for the environmental changes which were sure to

come, and to which both Parties had committed themselves in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act of the

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, of which Ms Gorove will say more later this

morning. By now you will no doubt be familiar with those three Articles, the requirements of

which were mandatory. Article 15 of the Treaty provided that the parties "shall ensure ... that the

quality of the water in the Danube is not impaired as a result of the construction and operation" of

the Barrage System. Article 19 provided that the parties "shall ... ensure compliance with the

obligations for the protection of nature". And Article 20 provided that the parties "shall take

appropriate measures for the protection of fishing interests" in conformity with the 1958 Danube

Fisheries Agreement. In other words, the 1977 Treaty committed the parties to ensuring

conformity with applicable environmental norms from time to time.

III. The Character of the Project as a "Joint Investment"

13. I turn now to my second point, the character of the project as a "joint investment". The

object of the Treaty was the construction and operation of the Project consisting of the two

barrages under joint control. Its character was a large-scale industrial and infrastructural

investment reflecting the readiness of socialist States to allocate enormous financial resources in

order to achieve political and economic gains. But that investment had to conform to economic

and environmental standards throughout its lifetime. The Treaty did not establish a new,

immutable territorial régime regulating sovereign rights of States. It remained a socialist business

transaction in which not only companies, but also States participated, because of the all pervasive

role of the State in the economy during that period.

14. The Barrage System was to be a large-scale investment under socialist conditions. An

investment under socialist conditions means a venture of a predominantly economic nature but

lacking the discipline of market forces or of democratic public opinion. Under East European -14-

socialism, profit, however measured, was one factor, but it was only one. Other factors were

political and symbolic, such as "remaking nature". Frequently these political and symbolic factors

overrode all economic considerations. This is reflected in the statement of Soviet Academician

Fedorov made in the early seventies, and the position of Slovakia in its pleadings. Just as Fedorov

expressed the view that "Once a socialist society is established over the whole of the planet,

ecological crises will cease" , so the Slovak Memorial says that the Project presents a unique

opportunity to remedy the problems of a rapidly deteriorating and highly artificial river

landscape . Such pronouncements are based on the belief that socialist engineers designing and

constructing the Project could cure what the earlier (presumably capitalist) engineers, river trainers,

energy plant builders – or even nature itself – might have spoiled.

15. Whatever one thinks about the role of the State as an organizing power in remaking

nature and proving the superiority of planned economies, the Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros Project was

intended to be an investment, and a joint one at that. As market pressures began to be felt in the

region through the appearance of real prices and the collapse of the protective umbrella of Soviet

subsidies, changes became inevitable. They forced investors, including States, to consider the costs

of foregone alternatives and previously neglected costs, such as those relating to the environment.

16. The sponsors of the Original Project had to find ways of responding to emerging

challenges. The joint venture envisaged in the fifties and codified in the seventies involved not

only joint construction and ownership but also joint operation. The Treaty clearly required this,

among others by identifying the role of the government plenipotentiaries during the operation of

the Barrage System . The Parties were obliged by the 1977 Treaty and the regulations

implementing it to closely co-operate both in the day-to-day running of the Barrage system as well

as in responding to extraordinary or unforeseen circumstances.

17. And as I have already indicated, joint operation had to conform with environmental

requirements at the time of construction and during operation. A project meant to operate for

several decades cannot be free from the impact of subsequent regulatory norms. The Parties concur

27HR, Vol. 2, App. 3, at p. 131.

SM, para. 1.18.

291977 Treaty, Art. 3 (3) (b). -15-

on this. They agree that the operation of the Original Project must not have led to the impairment

of the Danube waters, including underground waters , and that compliance with the requirements

for the protection of nature ought to have been met throughout its lifetime . Disagreement may

remain over the extent of the obligations, but not as to the requirement that the joint investment had

to meet changing environmental expectations and obligations including those not envisaged at the

time of the Project's conception. In this way the 1977 Treaty provided for the continuous

integration of applicable environmental standards, including those imposed by subsequent treaties

and other rules of international law.

18. In connection with the object of the Treaty and character of the Project let me turn now

to another matter dividing the Parties which is of great importance. That is the question of whether

the sponsors of the Original Project intended to generate a territorial régime . Slovakia maintains

that the 1977 Treaty is a dispositive treaty33or a territorial treaty having the character of an

objective régime . Thereby it seeks to establish that Slovakia has some sort of in rem rights over

the water, that Hungary somehow alienated its sovereignty over the water. This is unsupported by

the Treaty. There is not a single provision in it which could justify this conclusion. Nor is the

conclusion supported by general international law, as Professor Crawford will show later this week.

19. To conclude my second theme, let me repeat that the character of the Project was a joint

investment, and one which had to be consistent with economic viability and environmental

protection. It was one which would be jointly operated. How far the Variant C reflects those

characteristics, we will see tomorrow.

IV. Relationship with other pertinent instruments

20. Mr. President, Members of the Court, I move to my third main point concerning the 1977

Treaty, namely its relationship to other agreements in effect between the Parties.

The related agreements

SR, para. 3.18.

31SR, paras. 3.32-3.34.

32SC-M, paras. 2.35-38, 2.48-52, HR, paras. 3.135-151, SR, para. 2.16-17.

SC-M, para. 2.38.

34SC-M, para. 3.39. -16-

21. Besides the 1977 Treaty as modified in 1983, the Project generated seven related

bilateral agreements between the Parties . Three of these concerned mutual assistance to be given

each other. They were the Mutual Assistance Agreement of 1977 as twice amended . The other

four agreements dealt with (1) the drafting of the Joint Contractual Plan, (2) customs, (3) the

regulation of the work of the plenipotentiaries and (4) border crossings in connection with the

construction and operation of the Barrage System. These were formal international treaties, signed

at governmental (at least ministerial) level. Their fate was linked to the Treaty and it is not in

dispute that if the 1977 Treaty terminated, so did they.

Other relevant agreements

22. A second circle of treaties comprise those relevant bilateral and multilateral treaties,

either pre-dating or post-dating the 1977 Treaty, which established obligations for the Parties to

this dispute independently of the Project. The most important is the 1976 Boundary Waters

Convention, others include the 1992 Biodiversity Convention. Their effect – together with the

obligations based on general rules and principles of international law – will be addressed later this


The Joint Contractual Plan

23. Apart from these various agreements and other relevant rules and principles of

international law, there was a host of documents produced by the Parties with regard to the Project.

Many of these were typically socialist instruments combining public and private law elements with

political commitments. This was true, for example, of the Joint Investment Programme of 1973

which led to the elaboration of the Joint Contractual Plan a few years later. It was followed by

dozens of protocols and reports adopted in the Mixed Committee for Economic and Scientific-

Technical Co-operation or by the Government Plenipotentiaries or in the Joint Operational Group.

None of the Parties to this dispute thought it necessary to reproduce more than a few out of the

hundreds of the protocols and I need not refer to them any further. But the difference between the

Parties concerning the Joint Contractual Plan merits more detailed examination.

35They are listed in HM, para. 4.53.

HM, Vol. 3, Annexes 22, 29 and 30. -17-

24. Slovakia maintains that the JCP "appears to be a treaty in the full sense of the term" ,

that it may be "regarded as an element of the 1977 Treaty itself", and that a violation of the Plan

was equivalent to a violation of the 1977 Treaty . By contrast, in Hungary’s view, the JCP was

subordinate and ancillary to the 1977 Treaty , and was incapable of modifying its purposes and the

obligations it imposed . As a technical document – or series of documents, because it consisted of

a range of documents produced at different dates – the JCP reflected the specific role of a socialist

State as investor in a transborder economic venture.

25. To understand the status of the Joint Contractual Plan requires some familiarity with the

system of economic co-operation among socialist States. In planned economies no international

business transaction could be accomplished without "approval" of the Planning Office, other

competent State agencies and frequently the Communist Party itself. For its part the JCP was

41 42
elaborated by six private companies and endorsed by a low level bilateral technical committee .

Such a document is certainly not a treaty as envisaged by Article 11 of the Vienna Convention on

the Law of Treaties. That Article refers to national approval by the State and not to endorsement

by a technical supervising body. Slovak efforts to prove that the JCP was a formal treaty 43

contradict the facts. The JCP was not drafted by States but by companies, subject to private law. It

was not signed by national authorities having full powers to represent their State nor approved

according to the domestic rules applying to the approval of treaties. On the Czechoslovak side, the

normal signature of approval of any part of the JCP was affixed by Engineer Oblozinsky of the

Bratislava Water Construction Company – of whom the Court will hear more later. The content

37SC-M, para. 2.62.

38SM, para. 6.12.

HR, para. 1.16.


41Article 4 of the 1976 Agreement regarding the drafting of the Joint

Contractual Plan, HM, Vol. 3, Annex 18.

42Article 6, paragraph 3, of the 1976 Agreement regarding the drafting of

the Joint Contractual Plan, HM, Vol. 3, Annex 18.

43SC-M, para. 2.63.

44See SM, Vol. II, Annex 3, p. 34. -18-

of the JCP was not governed by public international law, but by private law governing business

transactions, valid at that time among socialist States.

26. Even identifying the “text” of the Joint Contractual Plan would be an insurmountable

task: the summary alone of the Joint Contractual Plan was divided into 31 volumes. The Plan itself

consisted of innumerable technical drawings, many thousands of pages which described designs in

constant re-evaluation and amendment according to the availability of construction material, labour

or the general state of the current five years plan. It was not a document but a filing cabinet, and a

filing cabinet of several companies, not of the State. In no sense was it a single determinate text. It

is no accident that at no point has Slovakia relied on any precise passage or paragraph of the “text”

of the Joint Contractual Plan in support of any disputed point, whether as to the agreed discharges

or its alleged provision for “underwater weirs”.

27. This is not to deny that the Joint Contractual Plan was a tool to implement the 1977

Treaty. Rather than a treaty governed by international law, concluded between two States acting

iure imperii and having continued capacity to modify the 1977 Treaty, it was a blueprint developed

by State-owned companies who implemented an investment decision of two socialist States, which

were the only possible investors under centrally planned economies.

V. The flexible character of the Project – at least until 1989

28. I turn to my fourth and final theme, the framework character of the Treaty and the

intended flexibility of its implementation.

29. Deviation from the time schedule and from the Joint Contractual Plan was rather the rule

than the exception, as indicated by the fact that 74 amendments to the Joint Contractual Plan had

been adopted before 1 January 1985 . The time schedule for putting the turbines into operation

was modified twice. One of them was reflected in the 1977 Treaty’s text, the second was not. This

shows that substantive changes could be adopted by the parties with or without formalizing it by

amending the framework treaty.

30. Slovakia agrees with Hungary that the 1977 Treaty “is a framework instrument, imposing

general obligations on the parties, with implementation being left to complementary and derivative

HM, para. 2.22. -19-

instruments” . It also concedes that the provisions of the 1977 Treaty could be – and had to be –

supplemented and adapted, in the light of experience, through the agreed provisions of the Joint

Contractual Plan . Nevertheless it asserts that the object of the Treaty, the construction of the

Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros Barrage system as a joint investment was “fixed ne varietur” . Hungary

agrees with this as long as it expresses the firm intention to proceed jointly and have an

economically viable, environmentally sound investment. But it can not accept the view according

to which modifications which were called for by the expected harmful effects of the Project were

prohibited, and could not have been introduced into the Treaty itself.

31. There is a contradiction here: Slovakia agrees with Hungary in the flexible nature of the

regulatory system and admits the evolutionary character of the Project up to 1989. That is dubbed

“implementation”, “supplementation” “adaptation” as long as the modification of the design or the

planned operational mode coincided with Czechoslovakia’s economic needs and interests.

However, when Hungarian economic and environmental concerns were presented as the grounds

for the suspension of work or the invitation for additional research, “adaptation” and

“implementation” was forgotten and Hungary was branded with the stigma of breach and violation.

32. Hungary believes that its suggestions in 1989 to review the Project from an

environmental point of view could have led to adjustments both in design and operational mode

compatible with the Treaty or acceptable by both Parties through the modification of the Treaty,

and would not have undermined the object and purpose of the Treaty as understood and

implemented thus far.

Conclusion VI.

33. Mr. President, Members of the Court, in conclusion let me summarize. -The 1977 Treaty

had two paramount purposes: the political, which called for the strengthening of fraternal

relations between Czechoslovakia and Hungary by enhancing their socialist integration, and the

economic, which aimed at economic benefits and viability consistent with applicable

environmental standards.

46SC-M, para. 2.58.

SR, para. 2.60.

48SR, para. 2.59. -20-

- The object of the Treaty was the construction and operation of the Barrage system under joint

control based on the agreement of the Parties. That agreement did not establish a territorial

regime but set the framework. With the passage of time and the increased importance of market

forces the construction and operation of the Project ought to have shown characteristics of a

reasonable investment: profitability and environmental sustainability.

- The Project was addressed by seven related international agreements, which shared the fate of

the 1977 Treaty. It was also subject to other relevant agreements, and to the rules and

principles of international law, and these for the most part continue to bind the parties to the

present litigation, whether or not the 1977 Treaty is in force.

- The Joint Contractual Plan was a tool of implementation, ancillary to the Treaty, linked to it

and to the other agreements. But it lacked the necessary precision in content, let alone the

minimum requirements of form, to qualify as a treaty on a par with the 1977 Treaty.

- This shows very clearly that the 1977 Treaty was a framework agreement to be implemented

primarily through the constant revision of the Joint Contractual Plan, but also, if necessary, by

the amendment of the Project timetable and, where necessary, of the 1977 Treaty itself.

However in Autumn 1989, in response to the expressed Hungarian concerns about the viability

of the Project, Czechoslovakia broke the tradition of flexible adaptation according to the needs

of the parties, and insisted on realizing the object ne varietur. That insistence denying

meaningful negotiations is at the root of the present dispute.

34. But before coming to these issues, something needs to be said about the concerns which

Hungary had in 1989, and continues to have, about the Original Project as a whole. I would ask

you, Mr. President, to call on Dr. Kern to introduce these issues. Thank you, Mr. President,

Members of the Court.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you Professor Nagy. I now call upon Dr. Klaus Kern.



Introduction -21-

1. Mr. President, Members of the Court, it is a great privilege for me to appear before you

today to present Hungary's submissions on science. As a river engineer specializing in river

restoration I am frequently asked the question: "To what extent can you rehabilitate river systems

which have been disturbed by human intervention?" For the Danube, the question is reversed:

how much disturbance can a river system endure without losing its essential ecological functions?

I am greatly honoured to be asked to contribute to a case before this Court with wide implications

for the affected Danube reach and other rivers as well.

2. Our presentation over the next hour addresses Hungary’s scientific concerns of the

Original Project. It will be divided into four parts, addressing the most important aspects of

Hungary's concerns. To consider the potential impact of the Original Project, it is necessary to

explain how it was to operate. I will address this in Part I of the presentation. In the second part

Professor Wheater will describe the threat to the system of bank-filtered wells which supply

Budapest with drinking water. In the third part he will explain the anticipated impacts in the

Szigetköz region. Finally, he will then briefly address, from a scientific perspective, the

deficiencies of the environmental impact assessment procedures which had been carried out before

1989. -22-


3. I begin by describing how the Original Project was to function in a mode referred to as

"peak power". This has particular environmental impacts requiring special attention. Before doing

so, it is important to make clear that the Hungarian position is not one of outright opposition to

hydro-power. It is not a question of being 'anti-dam' and 'pro-nature'. From an environmental point

of view, hydro-power at appropriate locations and in an appropriate manner is preferable to many

other sources of electricity generation. This is the case for parts of the Danube. In Austria, for

example, there was little protest against a new dam at Vienna-Freudenau, since environmental

impact assessment made it clear that it would not affect large floodplain areas or valuable side-

branch systems. It is not located in a protected area. By contrast, 10 years ago, Slovakia led

international opposition to a projected dam at Hainburg, just north of Bratislava, which was then

cancelled on environmental grounds . These were similar to those invoked by Hungary. Therefore,

each case must be addressed on its own merits.

4. No one disputes that the Original Project threatened damage to this part of the Danube

system. The issue in dispute is whether those impacts could be managed. We cannot in this oral

phase enumerate all impacts or potential hazards to the environment or landscape. The Court is

invited to refer to the written pleadings of Hungary for impacts on forestry, agriculture, fishery and

for deficiencies in earthquake design . We will focus on those impacts which are especially

significant: water resources and biodiversity.

5. In this regard, both the sensitive location of the Project and the proposed mode of

operation — peak power — threatened extraordinary damage.

6. To consider the implications of peak power it is necessary first to summarize how hydro-

electric projects work. If the water arriving at a power station is continuously discharged through

the turbines, it is operated as what is known as a "run-of-the-river" plant. In this case the maximum

capacity of the turbines will only slightly exceed average flow of the river, and larger floods will be

49HR, Vol. 2, App. 5, Sect. 5.

For example HC-M, Vol. 2. -23-

discharged over the weir.

7. Most hydropower stations in low-land rivers work on a continuous basis. Some, however,

store a portion of the daily discharge volume in a reservoir, releasing the water at higher flow rates

to generate electricity during times of peak energy demand. This is known as "peak-power"

operation. Peak-power production requires the construction of certain physical structures. It is

also subject to particular difficulties, and engenders certain risks and dangers.

8. To begin with, an operational reservoir is needed to store part of the daily flow.

Moreover, the maximum capacity of the turbines – that is to say the amount of electricity they can

generate – is determined by the planned peaking mode rather than by the river's natural flow rate.

The discharge capacity of the headrace and tailrace canals — their size — will correspond to the

maximum flow through the power station. Last, but not least, the artificial daily floods caused by

peaking require the construction of a second, downstream barrage. This barrage needs its own

operational reservoir to limit downstream disturbance to the river and its ecosystem.

9. No other Danube hydropower station in Austria or Germany works in "peak-power"

mode . The Original Project is unique. Where such systems do exist, for example in the Upper

Rhine or in the Rhône, they are designed to operate in a moderate peaking mode only and in

accordance with strict conditions established by international agreement between all States

concerned (Illus. No. 7.1). With 1,100 m /s, the average flow in the Upper Rhine is about half of

that of the Danube. A system of 10 barrages is operated together, as seen on the chart. It has been

agreed between France and Germany that the discharge released during peak operation must not be

more than 300 m /s above the natural flow . Because of the risks and dangers water levels within

the barrage system may not be reduced by more than 50 cm. Below the last barrage at Iffezheim,

the natural discharge must be re-established throughout peak operation. Similar restrictions are

established for peak operation in the lower Rhône . 53

51HC-M, para. 1.206.

52HC-M, para. 1.211.

N. Bordiec & A. Frézet (1986) "La gestion automatisée d’aménagement à
buts multiples - L’exemple du Rhône", La Houille Blanche, No. 6, 427-440. -24-

10. How does this compare with the Original Project? The system was designed to operate

in a large-scale peaking mode , unparalleled in Western Europe. The Dunakiliti-Hrusov Reservoir

was planned to have a volume of about 60 million m , able to store an entire day's flow.

11. The discharge capacity of the power canal and the turbines was to be two-and-a-half

times the mean annual flow of the Danube . This meant that nearly the highest flood in an average

year could be discharged through the turbines by-passing the floodplain forest, which would stay


12. The envisaged large-scale peak operation required a tailwater reservoir to compensate for

the daily flood waves that would be created. This was the function of the Nagymaros dam, as

acknowledged by Slovakia , turning a free-flowing river into a reservoir of about 120 km in

length, as seen on the chart, but with a drop of only 7 m.

13. The details of peak operation were not finally settled by Hungarian and Czechoslovak

experts. However, the magnitude of peak operation was fixed and dominated the design of the

entire system. For a run-of-the-river plant working on a continuous mode, four instead of eight

turbines would have been sufficient. Even for moderate peaking, the power canal could have been

half of its actual size. Thus, the envisaged magnitude of peak operation is evident from the

capacity of the structures and machinery. Different flow rates would have different peaking modes,

54Peak operation modes are based on investigations by the Technical
University of Budapest (1989) Hydraulic-Energy Characteristics of the

Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Hydrosystem for modified mode of operation ; authors:
V. Nagy and J. Ratky (in Hungarian); they were published in a conference
organised in 1993 by Slovakia: Karadi, G.M. and I.V. Nagy (1993) “Optimal

operation of the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Hydropower System”, Proceedings of
the International Conference “The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros System - Intentions
and Reality”, Sept. 7-9, 1993, Bratislava. Characteristics of the peak

operation modes are given in HC-M, Vol. 2, Fig. 2.5 and HC-M, Vol. 4 (1),
Annex 6.

55HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2.

SR, Vol. 2, p. 20 (2).

Karadi, G. M. and I. V. Nagy (1993) Optimal operation of the Gabcikovo-
Nagymaros Hydropower System, Proceedings of the International Conference
“The Gabcikovo-Nagymaros System - Intentions and Reality”, Sept. 7-9,
1993, Bratislava. -25-

with one or two daily peaks, as seen on the inserted box on the lower half of the chart. At low-flow

conditions the turbines at Gab_íkovo would be shut down for about 18 hours per day, and almost

all of the low-flow discharge would be stored in the upper reservoir.

14. A small residual flow of just 50 m /s would be left in the old riverbed and more than

5,000 m /s would be released at Gab_íkovo over 6 hours. This is more than five times the average

low-flow rate of the Danube .

15. How does peak operation affect the environment? As envisaged it would induce daily

water level fluctuations in the Nagymaros reservoir of up to 4-5 m (Illus. No. 7.2). It would affect

not just the tailrace canal as suggested by Slovakia . Up to 15 km of the abandoned Danube

channel and the lower side-branch systems, as well as the lower end of the Mosoni Danube would

be impacted. Contrasting with seasonal variations in surface and groundwater levels, these would

cause daily disturbance to aquatic habitats and destroy riparian areas along the entire length of the

Danube ridge. This type of damage can be seen in the draw-down areas of pump-storage reservoirs

where the banks are stripped of all vegetation. Riparian areas, however, represent transitional

habitats between land and water which are highly valuable, sheltering rare plant communities with

many endangered species , as Professor Vida explained. This fact has been deliberately ignored

by Slovakia .

16. Another, somewhat strange consequence of large-scale peaking is a daily change in the

flow direction of tributary streams and channels. A sudden rise in water levels due to peak

operation would force large quantities of water to flow several kilometres upstream in the old

riverbed of the Danube, as well as nearly 20 kilometres upstream the Mosoni Danube (Illus. No.


SR, Vol. 2, p. 64 (6).

60HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2.

R. J. Naiman & H. Décamps (Eds.) (1990) The Ecology and Management of
Aquatic-Terrestrial Ecotones, UNESCO, Paris, and The Parthenon Publishing

Group, Carnforth.

62SR, Vol. 2, p. 59 (2).

HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2. -26-

7.3). This "tidal effect" of peak operation will severely affect water quality in the Mosoni

Danube as Professor Wheater will explain.

17. How does peak operation affect aquatic habitats and biota? In short, very significantly.

Disturbance of aquatic habitats would result for large areas of the Nagymaros reservoir, including

the backwater reaches of the old riverbed and the lower end of the Mosoni Danube 65. Small water

insects, which are the main food source for fish, prefer familiar currents, and hide during the rising

flows which normally announce flood events. This behaviour is an important strategy for the

survival of aquatic fauna seeking to avoid drift. The daily fluctuations in flow velocity between

almost zero and nearly 2 m/s provide wholly inappropriate living conditions for the aquatic

fauna . It is therefore not understood how the tailrace canal, described by Slovakia as an artificial

structure, specially designed for peak operation, could offer new habitats for fish . It would be an

alien environment.

18. Since experiments on the scale of the Original Project have not previously been

attempted, comparable evidence from experience elsewhere is not available. However, it can be

said that peak operation in much smaller Alpine rivers has caused significant damage to the aquatic

fauna .9

19. What kind of impacts would be expected below the planned Nagymaros barrage? That

barrage would retain all coarse bedload. From the history of the riverbed around Szentendre

Island70, it is clear that further significant riverbed erosion would be very likely (Illus. No. 7.4).

64HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap.

HCM, Vol. 2, Table 2.4.


67HCM. Vol. 2, Chap.

SR, Vol. 2, pp. 64 (6), 85 (5).

O. Moog (1993) Quantification of daily peak hydropower effects on
aquatic fauna and management to minimize environmental impact. Regulated
Rivers: Research & Management , Vol. 8, 5-14. Also see HR, Vol. 3, Annex


70Hydrological Yearbook Hungary. -27-

Riverbed deepening around Szentendre Island started in the 1940's after river training works were

carried out. Dredging of sediments started in the 1960's and was terminated in 1980, with the

exception of minor local dredging for navigation . Nevertheless, deepening of the riverbed

continued until recently, as seen on the chart by the drop of low-flow water levels at various river

gauges. After construction of the Nagymaros barrage, sediment transport would be restricted to

suspended load, and hardly any bedload would arrive in the

71HCM, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.2.2. -28-

branches around the Island. This would increase erosion and change the sedimentation pattern in

the channels .2

20. The power station at Nagymaros was designed to release a minimum flow of 1,000 m /s,

but would also produce a peak flow itself (Illus. No. 7.5). Under low-flow conditions it was

envisaged to increase the flow to more than 2,000 m /s for six hours a day . These peak flows

would be released into the free-flowing part of the Danube. This contrasts starkly with the

situation in the Upper Rhine where no such peak flows are permitted in the Franco-German treaty.

In addition to the lack of bedload, peak operation would further reduce the stability of the bed.

21. In conclusion, it is not possible to quantify exactly what the changes in riverbed level and

in the distribution of sediments would have been occasioned by the Original Project, but there

would have been significant changes in the tailwater reach between Nagymaros and Budapest.

There is a sufficient basis for concluding that sediment disturbance by the construction and

operation of the Nagymaros Barrage would create real risks, risks which amply justify Hungary's

desire for further investigation. In particular, they would endanger the drinking water well groups

on and around Szentendre Island which supply the city of Budapest. This phenomenon will now be

treated in more detail by Professor Wheater. Mr. President, Members of the Court, I would like to

thank you for your attention. Mr. President I ask you to call on Professor Wheater to continue, I

thank you.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr. Kern. Professor Wheater, please.



22. Mr.President, Members of the Court, it is a great honour to address you for the first time.

HCM, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2 and

73HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2. -29-

23. My presentations will address the following issues. First, I will describe the role and

functioning of bank filtered wells and the threat posed to them by the Original Project. Second, I

will describe the anticipated impacts of the Original Project on the Szigetköz region, in particular

on levels and quality of groundwater, on quality of surface water, and on the region's biodiversity.

Third, I will comment on the lack of any adequate impact assessment prior to 1989.

a) Bank-filtered wells

24. One of the basic obligations of any State is to maintain the drinking water supply available

to its citizens. In the 1980s it became apparent that the quantity and quality of the supply to

Budapest – most of which comes from bank-filtered wells – was vulnerable to the effects of the

Nagymaros dam, which would also affect water supplies to towns upstream.

25. Approximately 85% of the Budapest water supply capacity comes from 758 bank-filtered

wells. The supply capacity is over one million cubic metres per day. Three quarters of the bank-

filtered supplies are to the north of the city, mainly in the major well fields of Szentendre island ,

which you will visit next month. These are just downstream of the Nagymaros dam site, as shown

here (Illus. No. 7.5). Upstream of the Nagymaros dam site, bank-filtered wells are also important,

for water supply to local towns and villages .

26. Bank-filtered wells are a long-established method of abstracting river water for drinking

water supply (Illus. No. 7.6). They are sited next to rivers and abstract water from deposits of

underground alluvial material connected to the river. The wells draw on the river water, and the

passage of the water through the alluvial sands and gravels provides a natural filtration which is

highly effective in removing pollutants. This diagram illustrates the operation of a typical bank-

filtered well. The quantity produced by a well depends on 4 factors: river water level, the thickness

of the filter layer, its connection to the river, and the physical properties of the filter layer.

Additionally, the removal of contaminants depends on the length of the filter pathway and the

properties of the filter layer. Alter these characteristics, and you risk altering the yield and quality

74HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.6.1, p. 105.

Ibid. -30-

of the well.

b) The threat to bank-filtered well systems

27. The primary concern for bank-filtered water wells comes from changes in river bed

sediments. River-bed erosion can reduce river water levels and hence the available well yield.

More seriously, removal of the gravel layer will cause loss of water quality protection and can

threaten the well supply in its entirety.

28. Where deposition of fine sediments (e.g. silt particles) occurs, important chemical changes

may result from the degradation of organic material. The degradation consumes oxygen, which can

result in the dissolution of iron and manganese, and the production of ammonium. These may

render the water unsuitable for drinking, and can cause bacterial slimes which clog the well


29. These are the basic principles. Let me now turn to actual Hungarian experience concerning

degradation of well water quality.

30. The Surány Waterworks, Szentendre island, immediately downstream of the proposed

Nagymaros dam, illustrates the degradation of water quality that can arise due to sediment

deposition (Illus. No. 7.7) . Water quality problems began in the 1970’s, and a detailed study was

carried out in the mid-1980’s to identify the cause. This showed that two troughs in the river bed

had filled with fine sediment, the degradation of which led to severe water quality deterioration,

commencing in 1974-1975. By 1984 ammonium levels in one well reached 90 times EC guide

levels for drinking water, while manganese levels were 200 times EC guide levels. The problems

persist today .

76HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.6.3.

HC-M, Vol. 2, fig. 3.22 and figs. 3.25, 3.27. -31-

31. Similar problems exist around Nagymaros. Deterioration of water quality began in the

early 1980s, and several wells had to be removed from service as drinking water standards were

exceeded . Again, the adverse changes were due to sediment deposition and degradation.

32. The Hungarian experience is that bank-filtered wells are extremely sensitive to changes in

bed sediments, that the processes of chemical degradation can readily lead to chemical

concentrations which greatly exceed drinking water limits, and that effects can last for decades.

33. Sediment degradation is not the only problem. Erosion of the river bed is a further concern.

This lowers river water levels and removes the protective filter layer. The lowering of river levels

reduces well yield – that is to say the amount of water available. More important is the effect of

gravel removal on the filter performance, and the possibility of complete removal of the bed

filtration layer.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. -32-

34. The history of bed degradation at Szentendre has already been discussed by Dr. Kern. The

long-term decline in bed level has now been halted by strict conservation measures. The current

state of river bed gravels shows complete removal of the gravel bed in several areas. The Budapest

Waterworks current estimate of the decrease in well capacity due to dredging is approximately 30%

of the total water resource potential of this Nagymaros to Budapest reach. Thus a major impact on

Budapest’s water supply has already occurred, as a result of river bed degradation. The

vulnerability is clear.

c) Anticipated Impacts of the Original Project

35. Having considered the evidence of water quality degradation and impacts of bed changes, I

turn now to the expected impacts of the Nagymarosdam. I begin with wells in the back-water reach,

upstream of the proposed Nagymaros dam; I thenconsider the wells which supply Budapest.

79 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.6.4, p. 115. -33-

1) Impacts of the Nagymaros Dam on bank-filtered wells in the backwater reach (Gönyû to


36. As with all dams, deposition of fine sedimentis anticipated in the backwater reach behind the

dam. This is due to reduced flow velocities. It has important consequences for bank-filtered water

supply. The long-term effect of sediment cloggingis estimated to reduce well yields by up to 40% . 80

Calculations of the impact of sedimentation on well water quality show increased levels of iron and

manganese . On this the parties do not disagree, since Slovakia expected clogging, sediment

degradation and groundwater quality de terioration in the Cunovo reservoir . The Court will hear later

of the observed impacts in that reservoir, but it islevant to note here that predicted chemical changes

are actually being observed today . The experience with Variant C c onfirms the main fears associated

with the Original Project.

37. There can be no doubt that Nagymaros posed a potentially serious threat to these upstream

water supplies. Clogging would lead to loss of yield, and changes in water quality would render the

supply unsuitable for drinking.

2) Impacts of the Nagymaros dam on Budapest water supply

38. I turn now to the downstream effects of Nagm y aros. The water supply to Budapest is obviously

of paramount national importance. Two thirds of Budapest’s total drinking water comes from the bank-

filtered well fields between Nagymaros and Budapest . The sensitivity of this supply has been

demonstrated. Any threat to this supply is a threat to a vital national resource.

39. The precise impact of the Nagymaros dam on downstream river bed sediment patterns is

difficult to predict. Different calculation methodscan produce order-of-magnitude differences in river

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect., p. 116.


SR, Vol. II, Part II, p. 166.

SR, Vol. II, Part II, p. 142.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.6.1, p. 105. -34-

bed changes . Sticking to first principles, however, dams invariably retain most of the coarse

sediments normally associated with bed-load transport. The loss of these sediments to the channel

downstream induces downstream scour, an effect already observed downstream of the Variant C

dam . The magnitude of this downstream bed erosion is uncertain. Three things are certain: (1) bed

changes would definitely occur (2) these changes would have been aggravated by peak power

operation, and (3) these changes would threaten furthreremoval of the fragile filter layer on which the

bank-filtered wells depend. Additionally, irregular pulses of fine sediments would be released by the

dam and could settlein pockets downstream . This would cause severe local degradation of well water

quality, as already observed .

40. We have noted that, in its discussion of ban-filtered wells downstram of Nagymaros, Slovakia

agrees that changes in the f ilter layer pose potential threats The issue for the Court, then is not

whether a threat existed, but whether the threat jutsified further investigation, and then action. Slovakia

makes no reference to the expected river degradation caused by Nagymaros. With a strange logic, it

cites as evidence of lack of Hungarian concern a repotrindicating that “special attention” must be paid

to river bed problems . However, it conveniently overlooks the previous paragraph of that report,

which states that “The riverbed is expected tdegrade with the operation of the barrage system.”2

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

Rákóczi, L. and Sass, J. (1995) Changes of the Channel of the Hungarian
Upper Danube and of the Side River Ar ms of the Szigetköz upon putting the
Dunacsúny I. River Barrage into Operation. Vízügyi Közleménye,kVol. 77, pp.
46-70 (in Hungarian).

87 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

88 HR, Vol. 2, Sect. 4.4.2.

89 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sects.,

90 SR, Vol. 1, pp. 280-282), SR, Vol .1, para. 12.03, p. 280.

91 The SR (Vol 1, p 282) quotes a Somlyody et al. report (HC-M, Vol. 4, p. 576)

92 Ibid . -35-

41. The effects which I have described clearly posed a major threat to the water supply of

Budapest. In response to concreteHungarian evidence of yield redutcion and water quality degradation,

Slovakia states simply that “there is no support for such a conclusion” . It consistently ignores the

Hungarian science, much of which I have brought to your attention this morning.


42. In this second part of my presentation, I will now address the anticipated impacts of the

Original Project for the Szigetköz Region, the importance of which was explained yesterday by

Professor Vida.

43. The assessment of impacts on the region raises complex issues, in particular for the chemical

and biological responses which would have resulte d from physical changes, and the consequential

implications, for example, for surface water and groundwater quality, and for ecological response.

Knowledge and awareness of these matters has increased over the last decade. With the benefit of

hindsight it is clear that these complexities were either ignored or dismissed on superficial analysis in

the impact assessments of the Original Project. Theri importance has now been recognised, at least by

Hungary and international scientists.

44. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain, and we should not be frightened to say so. The best

scientific predictions of risks will always containelement of uncertainty. Slovakia’s view that “The

kind of ‘uncertainty’ invoked by Hungary does not exist” is simply not tenable. Slovakia pours scorn

on Hungary’s recognition that complex, long-termenvironmental impacts, which may represent major

risks to resources of national and international significance, come with a degree of uncertainty . It

adheres to the curious view that monitoring over three years is sufficient to detect long-term change,

and that monitoring can guarantee that all adverse effects can be managed 96. I hope the Court will

SR, Vol. II, p. 27.

SR, Vol. I, para. 1.15, p. 6.

SR, Vol. I, para. 1.16, p. 6.

SR, Vol. I, paras. 1.16-1.18, pp. 6, 7. -36-

recognise that to accept uncertainty is not to deny risk, or to limit the scope for reasonable, prudent

protective measures.

45. In this context, and given the limited time ava ilable, I cannot discuss in detail all aspects of the

impacts of the Original Project in the Szigetköz. These are given in Hungary’s written pleadings . I

will review the flows fixed in the Original Pr oject plans and then focus on three issues: (1)

groundwater levels and quality, (2) surface water qualityand, (3) ecological response. I will focus on

perceived risks, since the Original Project was notcompleted. Tomorrow, I will consider the observed

data on the impacts of Variant C.

46. The Joint Contractual Plan fixed dischargesto the Danube river channel, the Mosoni Danube

and to the floodplain (Illus No 7.8). To maximise electricity generation it was agreed that the residual

3 3
discharge into the Danube be fixed at 50 m /s. In winter this would fall to 20 m /s or less. During the

vegetation season it could increase to up to 200 m/s, still only 10 % of the natural average flow. And

3 98 3
far less than the 800 m /s which the EC recommended , or the 600 m /s which Slovak government

advisers considered necessary. Lesser amounts would go to the Mosoni Danube and the Hungarian

side-branch system.

47. The operational plans for the water distributo i n only allowed flood flows in the main riverbed

once the discharge capacity of the turbines was exceeded. And only above the even higher level of

6,500 m /s would the side-branches in the upper and middle Szigetköz receive additional water.

Inundation of large areas of the active floodplain owuld occur on average less than once in 20 years .

48. The wetland ecosystem would thus be deprivedof its most essential elements – water, and the

flow of water at varying levels. This would ha ve significant impacts on groundwater levels and on

groundwater quality.

HC-M, Vol. 2.

HM, Vol. 1, Ann. 15, Sect. 3.2.

99 HM, Vol. 1, Ann. 15, Sect. 3.1.2.

100HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2. -37-

Groundwater a)

49. To consider the impacts on groundwater, one mustfirst describe the situation prior to construction

activities. The video identified the large alluvial aquifer in the Szigetköz and Zitny Ostrov created by

the Danube (Illus. No. 7.9). The volume of water in this aquifer, on the Hungarian territory alone, is

estimated to be 5.4 cubic kilometres 101. The aquifer was recharged mainly by the Danube channel;

recharge from rainfall is very limited.02 Natural processes of recharge maintained good groundwater

quality , but the system is very vulnerable to change.

50. Groundwater flow velocities – and hence travel times – are extremely slow. It will take many years

for pollution to move through the aquifer. A useful result of atmospheric bomb tests, carried out in the

late 1950’s and early 1960’s, is that tritium was deosited and now can be used as a time marker. The

extent to which tritium has penetrated the Szigetközaquifer can be used to trace the contour of 30 year

travel time from the Danube (Illus. No. 7.10). This shows that rates of travel are less than 300 metres

per year: in other words, a pollutant may take 10 years or more to move just 3 kilometres. And such

pollution will at best be long-lived; at worse, irreversible.

51. The average groundwater levels mask a highly dynamic groundwater response based on Danube

floods (Illus. No. 7.11). As shown in the video, when the Danube levels increase, the river water

recharges the aquifer. When leve ls decrease, there is a local drainage return flow to the Danube

channel, providing a natural flushing of the gravel bed.

52. As can be seen from this diagram, historical decreases in groundwater levels (so frequently

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.


10HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.5.1.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.5.1 and Fig. 3.7.


10HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. -38-

mentioned in the Slovak pleadings ) have been very limited in the Szigetkoz.

53. In fact, the major decreases in groundwater levels near Bratislava are clearly shown by

Slovakia (Illus. No. 7.12) to be a result of local groundwater extraction.

54. The natural processes of groundwater recharge to the Szigetkoz from the Danube used to result

in excellent quality groundwater. The infiltrated water was sufficiently rich in oxygen to oxidise the

low amounts of degradable organic material. As aresult chemical constituents such as iron, manganese

and ammonium have only been present in low concentrations. 109 This high quality of recharge water

ensured that most of the Szigetkoz had good gr oundwater quality. Pollution has been limited; poor

quality water is generally localised anderstricted to the upper 20m of the aquifer .

55. The Szigetkoz aquifer thus represents an immense resource of high quality water of national

strategic importance. The 1978 Joint Contractual Paln posed a clear threat to that resource.

1) Groundwater levels

56. By removing 95% of the water from the Danube the 4 metre reduction in river levels would

have caused a general reduction in groundwater levels and change in groundwater flows . The

Dunakiliti reservoir would have caused locally incr eased groundwater levels, and, at least initially,

become the main source of groundwater recharge. However, the operation of the reservoir would be

E.g., SM, Vol. 1, para. 1.58; SC-M, Vol. 1, para. 7.81 and Illustration
No. CM-5; SR, Vol. 1, para. 13.05; SR, Vol. 3, Chap. 1, Part 4.

SR, Vol. 1, Illustration R-11.

109HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.5.1.


111HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. -39-

accompanied by deposition of fine sediments, whic h would in the long term reduce the recharge

through the bed .12

57. An attempt has been made to quantify these effects using groundwater simulation modelling

113 3
(Illus. No. 7.13) . The estimated impact on average groundwater levels for a flow of 50m/s shows a

rise of 3 m close to the dam. However, over most of the area, groundwater levels fall, in some cases

2 2
very significantly. An area of 20 kmsuffers a decline in levels of more than 3m; 75 km has a decline

2 114
of more than 2m. The total area affected by reduced levels is over 300 km . An increased Danube

flow of 200m /s would bring only minor improvements: the area affected would be just under 300

km . More pessimistic (but plausible) estimates of clogging show further reductions in groundwater

levels .

58. The effect on average conditions masks other important impacts. The variability of

groundwater levels would largely be lost with implementation of the Original Project. The

consequences would be a greater reduction of peakgroundwater levels than the average levels which

have been illustrated. This natural variability iessential for the functioning of the natural system, e.g.,

floodplain vegetation, maintenance of self-cleansinggravel river bed conditions, and oxygenation of

the groundwater.

59. The estimated effect of the reduced groundwater levels on the natural processes of sub-

irrigation is shown here (Illus. No. 7.14). Natu ral sub-irrigation depends on the groundwater table

reaching the fine soils which overly the alluvial aqufir. It provides an essential soil moisture supply in

dry periods. Dam construction would reduce the area benefitting from this process by approximately

one half .

60. Apart from the loss of natural sub-irrigation, long-term changes to the soil profile, including


113HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.; Vol. 5, Plate 3.11.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Table 3.4.

HC-M, Vol. 5, Plate 3.16.

116HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.; Vol. 5, Plate 3.12. -40-

development of carbonate accumulation layers, may o ccur. Again, Slovak soil scientists share this

concern . It is just one of many aspects of the Original Project not considered prior to 1989.

2) Groundwater quality

61. The Original Project raises equally serious concerns for groundwater quality. These have been

consistently dismissed by Slovakia in its written pleadings , despite the evidence described by

Professor Carbiener and acknowledged by Slovak and international scientists .

62. Under the Original Project the main sources of groundwater recharge would become the

Dunakiliti reservoir and the network of side-arm channels. The reservoir would inevitably cause

deposition of fine sediments over its bed. As I explained earlier, these fine sediments contain organic

material which will degrade, consuming oxygen. If chemically-reducing conditions occur, iron,

manganese and ammonium will be released into solu tion, and the quality of groundwater recharge will

deteriorate . These processes have been clearly demonstratedfor bank-filtered wells. In fact, there is

considerable international experience of such problems 12, as reviewed by Professor Carbiener,

including dams further upstream in the Danube.

63. For example, intensivereservoir at Altenworth, in Austria, wree undertaken in the 1980’s (Illus. No. 7.15.)The observed changes due

to the damincluded exactly the same aspects of concern he re for the Original Project: deposition of

organic-rich sediments in the reservoir, infiltration from the reservoir to groundwater through these

organic-rich sediments, a decrease in groundwater fluctuations (and hence oxygen supply), and the

reduction of inundations of oxygen-rich surface water. These changes caused severe degradation of

HR Vol. 2 pp. 60-61.

E.g., SR, Vol. II, p. 43.

119E.g. SR, Vol. II, Part II, p. 166.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.5.1.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

122 Documented in detail by Professor Nachtnabel and colleague, from the

Agricultural University of Vienna (Hary and Nachtnabel, 1989). -41-

groundwater quality .23

64. A key point to note is that these processes were not instantaneous, but emerged only after

several years. This illustrates an obvious fallacy of Slovak arguments that monitoring is somehow

adequate to prevent environmental da mage. This is clearly incorrect for the Altenworth experience. It

is incorrect for processes of long-term change in general.And it is incorrect in respect of the Original


65. Hungarian analysis indicates that degradation of groundwater quality would result from

recharge from the Dunakiliti reservoir. Thisiew is confirmed by Slovak scientists .

66. The other main source of groundwater recharge would be the side-arm channel system in

the Szigetkoz. A similar set of concerns apply here . As will be described later, the side-arm channel

system contains fine organic sediments. Moreover, the underlying geological sequence consists of a

complex interleaving of alluvial gravels and fine sediment materials . It follows that infiltration

through this sequence is subject to the same concerns for chemical degradation. The poor quality of

infiltrating water has been clearly identified from monitoring programmes . I will describe these in

more detail when I consider the impacts of Variant C.

67. To summarize, the long-term implications for groundwater quality of the Original Project

are as follows. Water of degraded quality from the reservoir bed and the side-arm system 129would

123 Hary and Nachtnabel write that “In the northern floodplain, for

which extensive data is available, the groundwater quality indicates
an oxygen-depleted or oxygen-free zone. Simultaneously, increased
iron and manganese concentrations were found after a period of delay

of a few years after the power station construction.”

124 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

125 SR, Part II, p. 166.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. 3.5.1.

127 HR, Vol. 2, Sect. 7.3.2.

128 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

HC-M, Vol. 5, Plate 3.15. -42-

replace high quality recharge water from the Danube channel, and progressively replace the high

quality groundwater of the Szigetkoz.

68. Such changes render the water unsuitable fo r drinking. They would seriously degrade a

major and vital water resource. In addition, th e loss of oxygen, together with the reduction in

groundwater levels and loss of their natural variab ility, would have very serious implications for

agriculture and the natural ecosystems.

b) Surface water quality

69. Let me turn now to the impacts on surface water quality.

70. The Danube, as is the case for most major European rivers, is used as a sink for industrial,

agricultural and domestic wastes. The Danube water qulaity in Hungary thus contains a wide range of

pollutants. It is also vulnerable toaccidental pollution generated upstream.

71. The bacteriological water quality refl ects the organisms commonly associated with

untreated sewage 13. Hence the entire Hungarian reach fro m Budapest upstream is unsuitable for

bathing. Heavy metals in the water, for exampl e, mercury, lead, cadmium, can exceed applicable

limits . The river sediments contain heavy metals, and organic pollutants. These contaminants are

mainly associated with the fine sediments, for which average concentrations of heavy metals exceed

limit values .

72. Long-term changes have taken place. Porgressive deterioration occurred from the 1960’s to

the mid 1980’s . Dissolved oxygen is an essential requirement for most aquatic organisms, and a

common measure of river pollution is the rate of consumption of oxygen by biological and chemical

oxidation processes. This period saw a near doubling of this Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and

130 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

131 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect. -43-

a dramatic increase in the nutrients nitrogen and phos phorus (by a factor of ten in the latter case).

However, in the last decade, progress has been made in reducing emissions, and hence there has been

improvement in some water quality indicators .134

73. One effect of the construction of dams fu rther upstream has been that concentrations of

suspended solids decreased by about half between the late 1950s and the late 1970s. This gives

improved water clarity and light pene tration. Together with the increased nutrient levels, this provides

the classical conditions for enhanced growth ofalgae and higher aquatic plants, commonly known as

eutrophication. Algal growth was no longer limited by nutrient availability, and a ten-fold increase

occurred in the indicators of algal population, such as algal counts, algal biomass, and chlorophyll-a .

74. Eutrophication can have many adverse effect s. These include fluctuations in dissolved

oxygen levels that can lead to fish kills, enhanced sedimentation due to decaying organic matter and

changes to many aspects of river ecology. A changein the composition of algal populations can result

– for example, leading to the persence of toxic blue-green species . Under particularcombinations of

meteorological and hydrological conditions (that is, warm weather, high incident radiation and low

flows) massive growth of planktonic algae can occur, known as algal blooms, leading to severe

problems of oxygen depletion.

75. This is the background. I will now turn to the anticipated impacts of the Original Project,

noting that water quality was almost entirely overlookeidn the planning for the Original Scheme. I will

give just two examples of the impacts.

76. A simulation of the effects of the upstream reservoir in the Original Project on algal growth

at Szap is shown in this diagram in blue (Illus. No. 7.16) . Inter-year variability is marked, but the

average result is a 60 per cent increase in biomass. Such increases in biomass create a load of organic

134 By 4-7 per cent/year in the Rajka-Budapest stretch, 1986-1992.

135 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.


HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect., Fig. 3.6. -44-

material which consumes oxygen. This effect can q eual or exceed that of the added sewage effluent in

the Rajka-Budapest reach. Hence, with the Original Project eutrophication is expected to be a major

problem, particularly in the reservoirs and backwa ter reaches, and one which cannot be solved by

wastewater treatment alone.

77. A second example of water quality impacts concerns the effect of peak operation on water

quality in the Mosoni Danube . This river receives wastewaterfrom Gyor which reduces dissolved

oxygen. The effect of peak power operation would be to introduce the daily flow reversal described

earlier. This would significantly increase residence timefsor the water. This effect was not considered

at all until 1989 , when it was shown that low dissolved oxygen values could occur, and complete

oxygen loss might even be expected with catastrophic results for the fish population and the river

ecology in general.

78. Finally in this part, I turn to the ecological impacts.

79. How would the flow régime impact on aquatichabitats? The planned residual discharge of

50 m /s in the Danube riverbed would have resulted in a drop of surface water levels of about 4m,

reducing by half the extent of the wetted perimeter ofthe river. The remaining small river would differ

considerably from the real Danube in its ecologicalfunctions. Flow velocities would drop to one-third

their original rate . The lower half of the abandoned channel would be a backwater reach impacted

by peak operation as explained before.

80. This imposed régime would result in a complete change of sediment patterns in the lower

half of the main channel of the Danube. Large areas of the riverbed would experience deposition of

sand and silt. Clean coarse gravel, which used to dom inate sediments in the Danube channel, would be

limited to small areas only.

81. A smaller water volume, reduced flow velo cities and changed sediment pattern would be

138 HC-M, Vol. 2, Sect.

Somlyody et al. (1989).

HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.2. -45-

detrimental to the aquatic fauna . Those fish which are typical for flowing rivers and need spawning

areas with clean gravel, or those which depend on side-branches connected to the free flowing river,

would be restricted to small areas and be reduced in diversity and abundance. Fish populations are

indicative of what would happen to the aquatic flora and fauna in general: a shift in species

composition would occur in favour of stagnant-w ater-preferring species. This would represent a

distinct degradation of the natural value of th is Danube reach. These impacts were predicted by
142 143
Slovak fish experts and accepted by Slovakia for the Original Project .

82. In addition, the Danube channel would suffer from its isolation between the two reservoirs

and by being cut off from its floodplain habitats. Whee floodplain habitats are connected to the river,

organic matter is washed out in the running water during inundation, providing food for the benthic

invertebrates and the river fish. These connected haitats are also used by numerous fish species from

the main channel as spawning and nursery areas aswell as for refuge during high spates or accidental

pollution events in the main riverbed. I would like torefer back to Professor Carbiener who explained

the ecological processes connecting the river andits floodplain which are essential for preserving and

sustaining the very character and substance of the riverine ecosystem.

83. The branch system itself contained a broad diversity of aquatic habitats. The construction of a

supply canal (as a so-called remedial measure) woudl require connecting all side-arms and closing the

entrances to the main channel. The resultant cons tant flow would level out the differences in the

physical-chemical properties (that is temperature, nutrients, oxygen content). The aquatic flora and

fauna would lose its diversity and a few specieswould be favoured and reachhigh abundance. Similar

processes were observed in the Upper Rhine , and were reported yesterday by Professor Carbiener.

HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 4.4.2.

Holcik, J., I. Bastl, M. Ertl and M. Vranovsky (1981), Hydrobiology and
icthyology of the Czechoslovak Danube in relation to predicted changes after
the construction of the Gabcikovo- Nagymaros River Barrage System. P ráce
Lab. Rybár Hydrobiol. 3: 19-158.

143 SR, Vol. 2, p. 61(6), 85(3), 85(4).
Krause, W. & G. Hügin (1987) Ecological Effects of the Management System
of Connected Side Branches (demonstrated by the example of the regulation of

the side branches of the river Rhine). Natur und Landschaft 62(1):9. HC-M, -46-

More water fed into the branches would not cure the problem as suggested by Slovakia 14. It would

make it worse. A more detailed discussion of reme dial measures will be presented tomorrow in the

context of the impacts of Variant C.

84. How would the Original Project impact on terrestrial habitats? The impacts on the wetland

ecology would be quite similar to the ones observed with the operation of Variant C, which will be

described later. Groundwater levels would drop, perventing capillary rise of groundwater in large areas

and resulting in a partial desiccation of valuab le wetland habitats. Species of drought-tolerant

vegetation communities would eventually replace hydrophilic species – a process which may take

many years or decades but which is currently observd ein connection with Variant C by the invasion of

weeds. In those areas where the side-branch watersupply would raise groundwater levels permanently

to a high level, the species composition of the previous wetland plant communities – dependent on
water table fluctuations andniundations – would change to tho se characteristic of marshy land .


85. My colleague, Dr. Kern and I have outlined justsome of the concerns for the Original Project.

There is no doubt that the Project had the potential tocause very significant environmental impacts. In

this third, and final part of my presentation, I would like to comment briefly on scientific aspects of the

impact assessment for the Original Project. Later thismorning Ms Gorove will explain why the efforts

at environmental impact assessment relating to the Oriignal Project were deficient from the perspective

of international law.

86. Clearly, a substantial effort was made by bothsides to investigate some aspects of the perceived

environmental risks of the Original Project. Unforut nately in these matters effort alone is not enough.

When Hungary suspended work on its part of the Oir ginal Project, in 1989, the studies were inadequate

for proper decision-making: they were narrowly define d, incomplete, and insufficient in a number of

key areas and in particular, there had been no attempt at an integrated technical assessment, let alone a

comprehensive Environmental Impact AssessmentT . here was therefore no scientific basis for assessing

Vol.. 4(2), Ann. 15.
SR, Vol. 2, p 72(5).
146 HC-M, Vol. 2, chaps 4.4; HR, Vol. 2, chap 5.1. -47-

the extent of the impacts.

87. Permit me to consider – briefly – the scope and content of the Slovakian studies which, it is

claimed, demonstrate the extensive attention givn to environmental assessment. Such studies as have

been produced to the Court merely rein force Hungary’s concerns. For example, the concerns of
148 149
Slovak soil scientists are clearly demonstrated , and the incomplete nature of associated research . It

is said, among other things, that “The chemical properties of farmland soils and their variability and

dynamics have to be assessed”, “Remedial measur es must be proposed”, “It is necessary... to

implement long-term soil research methods”. All this from a 1993 Report.

88. Ms Gorove will discuss the 1985 Hungarian “Environmental Impact Assessment”. 150From a

scientific perspective, it contained numerous omissions and was subject to major inadequacies. For

example, the key processes of sediment degradation and their impact on quality of groundwater were

ignored, despite the international experience of which you have heard. River water quality modelling

neglected the impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus cycels and the effects of peak power operation. The

dramatic potential impacts on the water quality of the Mosoni Danube had not been evaluated. And

external review led to concern that scientific approach lacked objectivity.

89. The need for, and lack of, an integrated assessment was clearly identified by EC and Slovak

147 HR, pp 60-62.
“The construction of the Danube Ba rrage System constitutes a significant
intervention into the natural environmentof the region.....In a large part of this
area, changes in the groundwater level en tail the modification of the regimes of
farmland, modifying the characteristics ofagricultural soils, and changes in the

levels of high mineral content groundw ater may accelerate the accumulation of
salts in the soil or farmland profiles ...... Given the manifold nature of the
particle composition of farmlands and the soil, and the differences in the depth
and salt content of groundwaters, we haveto expect a wide range of changes in
the properties and transport characteris tics of farmland soil.” (Rehak et al.,
1993). HR, Vol. 3, Appendix 7, Part 2.

149 HR Vol. 3, Ann. 7.
HC-M, Vol. 2, p 249 and Vol. 4 (2), Ann. 23.
HC-M, Vol. 4(2), p 911.
152 “To understand and analyze the complex relationships between physical, chemical and biological
changes in the surface and subsurface water re gimes requires multi-disciplinary expertise in

combination with advanced mathematical modelling techniques. The overall project objective is
to establish a reliable impact assessment model for the Danubian Lowland area, which enables
the authorities to formulate optimal management strategiesleading to the protection of the water
resource and a sound ecological development for the area.” Refsgaard et al, 1994, given in HC- -48-

scientists. Professor Mucha, a Slovak groundwater specialist, was involved with the PHARE project

for a time. He wrote that: “The construction of hy droelectric power plants in this region causes new

problems for Slovakia because they affect the quality of ground water ... Many problems in this area

are as yet untouched; the answers are completely op ne... such conditions may occur which would make

groundwater unsuitable for certain purposes. The patternand rules of this complicated ecosystem is still

hidden behind a veil of mysteries.” This was again in 1993.

90. Czechoslovakia recognized the inadequacies ofthe early studies in its 1990 application to the

EC PHARE programme. The Czechoslovak Government stated that the Original Project “require[s] a

thorough and complex study of a proper impact assessment model, enabling authorities to ensure the

protection of natural and anthr op(ogen)ic resources, balanced ecological development, as well as

optimised decision making and management”. The implication of this is clear: prior to 1990 no

integrated EIA had been carried out, without such an EIA environmental protection could not be

ensured, and the appropriate management tools were not yet available. And Czechoslovakia was well

aware of these deficiencies.

91. Mr. President, Members of the Court, may I conclude this Science section by summarizing

just a few key points.

92. First of all, it is clear that large scale peak operation has ruled the entire project design, and

secondly, it is evident that impacts on the environment have not been properly addressed. By May

1989 there was no proper basis on which to determine what the impacts of the Original Project

were likely to be, or how they could be mitigated. Further studies were clearly necessary, as amply

demonstrated by the initiation of the PHARE study.

93. Many of the scientific concerns were ignored in the early studies undertaken by

Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The main thrust of the Slovak Reply, if I may say so, is simply to

deny that these risks existed. There is no attempt to demonstrate scientifically that these risks were

unfounded. And yet as I have shown, Slovak scientists, and their international colleagues, were

M, Vol. 4 (2), Ann. 12.

153 Mucha, I. (1993), “Ground water pr oblems in Slovak Danubian Lowland”
(HC-M, Vol.ume 4 (2), Ann. 11. -49-

clearly aware of them, as amply demonstrated by the annexed Slovak material, and by the internal

Slovak documents annexed to the Hungarian pleadings .

94. Instead, Slovakia urges the Court to turn to the grand experiment of Variant C and base its

judgement on the monitoring data. This argument is,in principle, flawed. Long-term impacts

cannot necessarily be detected within just a few years. However, as the Court will see, evidence of

Variant C, including the impact of the remedial measures proposed by Slovakia as a solution to all

problems, is beginning to demonstrate the reality of Hungary's concerns.

95. As Dr Kern and I have demonstrated, the planned operation of the Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros

Barrage System would have:

- first: endangered the quantity and quality of drinking water abstracted from

bank-filtered wells supplying two-thirds of the needs of the city of Budapest;

- second: imposed a considerable risk of pollution of valuable water resources

underneath the upper section of the Project reach;

- third: resulted in a deterioration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, endangering

the indigenous wetland flora and fauna.

96. To return to my colleague’s original question, "how much disturbance can the Danube river

system endure without losing its essential ecological functions," the answer must unequivocally be

that the Original Project would destroy the system as we know it.

97. Mr. President, Members of the Court. That concludes this second scientific presentation on

behalf of Hungary. After the break, may I ask you to call on Ms Katherine Gorove, who will

describe the viability of the Original Project.

Thank you, Mr. President.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Professor Wheater. The Court will now suspend for ten

minutes. Thank you.

154E.g., SR, Vol.. II, Ann. 8; HR, Vol.. 3, Ann. 7; HC-M, Vol. 4 (2), Ann. 11; HM, Vol. 5(I), Ann. 11. -50-

The Court adjourned from 11.35 to 11.50 a.m.

The PRESIDENT: Please be seated. I call now on Ms Katherine Gorove.



Mr. President, Members of the Court, it is aprivilege and an honour for me to address you for

the first time:

1. My colleagues have just demonstrated the grav e scientific concerns held with respect to the

Original Project. These concerns centred on: fi rst, the significant risks posed to the quality and

quantity of Hungary’s drinking water, and second, the likely negative effects on the unique species of

flora and fauna endemic to the only inland delta in Europe.

2. These concerns, and others I will mention later, impacted directly on the question of whether

or not the Original Project could proceed. But environmental considerations were not the only ones,

however important. There are other questions wh ich a reasonable government would have asked.

Did the Original Project have other substantial advantages? Or, by 1989 had the Project proceeded so

far that stopping or even substantially modifying itwas out of the question? Professor Crawford will

show tomorrow morning that the Original Project had not reached such a point of no return, that

reconsideration in 1989-1990 was still anoption. It is my task to lookat the question of whether other

benefits claimed for the Original Project were such as to provide an overriding justification for it,

notwithstanding the major risks and costs, in partic ular, those risks and costs associated with the

environment and water resources, which by 1989 were becoming clear. I will show that even under

the most hopeful of cost/benefit scenarios, and even leaving to one side the questions of

environmental risk and damage, the Project’s viability was doubtful. Under less optimistic

predictions, the Project would havenever left the drawing board.

3. Slovakia, in its pleading, states: “the Court has not been, and could not have been, asked to -51-

weigh up the economic benefits to be received by the Treaty parties and to assess their values against

(alleged) environmental impacts” . Slovakia further states: “the realisation or otherwise of the

expected benefits of the Project in terms of en ergy, navigation and flood c ontrol is irrelevant to

Hungary’s case and must be kept separate” .156

4. Mr. President, Members of the Court, the costsand benefits of the Project cannot be irrelevant.

Slovakia is asking this Court in 1997 to force Hungray to implement a project which was conceived in

the 1950s, designed in the 1960s, and agreed on in the 1970s. It simply cannot be the case that a

Project should be forced on a state without regard to improved knowledge or changed environmental

and financial consequences.

5. Hungary submits that a well governed stateafced with changed circumstances and about to take

irreversible steps on a large project such as thiwuld have asked itself the following three questions:

1) One, has a proper environmental impact assessment been carried out?

2) Two, if not, have the anticipated or potential consequences, both environmental and

financial, been adequately assessed?

3) Three, are the intrinsic benefits of hProject such that it should nonetheless proceed?

I will show that the answer to each of these thr ee questions, so far as the Original Project was

concerned, was no.


6. I turn first to the issue of environmental impact assessment.

7. By May 1989 the use of environmental impact assessment had been accepted in principle by

Hungary and Czechoslovakia. For example, in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act of Conference and Security

and Cooperation in Europe, both countries had agreed to the use of “legal... measures for the protection
of the environment including procedures for establishing environmental impact assessment” . A

SR, para 13.28.
SR, para 1.48.
157 Helsinki Final Act, 1 August 1975, 14 ILM 1292 (1975), preamble. -52-

more specific commitment was made by the two countries in April 1989 with the adoption of the

United Nations Economic Commission for Eu rope Charter on Groundwater Management . The

Charter requires impact assessment both “at an early stage for project planning” and also “during the

construction and operative phases of a project” .9

8. What exactly did an environmental impact assessment require? At a minimum, a consideration

of potential impacts on all environmental resources,including water and biodiversity, in an integrated

manner. It must also take into account, as the Ground Water Charter specifies, an assessment of

“different alternatives”.

9. So far as the Original Project is concerned, te essential question is one of fact. As a matter of

fact, the studies carried out before 1989 did not reach even the minimum standards for an

environmental impact assessment. The existence o“ fhundreds of studies”, is not, as Slovakia claims ,

an alternative for a proper environmental impact assessment. In particular, Slovakia refers to the

Bioproject as a “complex’’ and “complete examination of the effect of the Project on the

environment” .

10. Hungary has requested access to the studies constituting the Bioproject on four occasions 162,

without success. Hungary was informed that “[t]he actulacontents of the reports are not relevant to the

contention’’ . This is curious, since the contention of Slovakia is that the Project “was indeed very

carefully researched’’ . As described by ProfessorWheater, the studies actually submitted by

Slovakia to the Court merely reinforce environmentlaconcerns. For its part Hungary has searched the

archives of the various officials responsible for workon the Original Project and has not been able to

21 April 1989, ECE/DEC/E[44].
Ibid, Section XIV (Impact Assessment).
160 SM, paras 2.10-2.11. SC-M, pa ras 2.17-2.22, paras 4.04-4.07.

161 SC-M, para 4.06.
See Note Verbale from the Republic of Hungary to the Slovak Republic, in
HC-M, Anns., Vol. 3, Ann. 14; Letters from Dr G Sz énási, Agent of the Republic of
Hungary of 6 September 1994 in HC-M, Anns., Vol. 3, Ann. 24 and Ann. 21; of 29 September 1996, in

HC-M, Vol. 3, Ann. 30; of 25 January 1995, in HR, Vol. 3, Ann. 18.
Letter from Dr P Tomka to G Sz énási, 3 August 1994; HC-M, Vol. 3, Ann. 11, p 38.
164 Ibid. -53-

locate the studies to which Slovakia refers.

11. Hungary has shown in its pleadings, by referen ce to the reports of various international bodies,

that there was no adequate comprehensive environmental impact assessment. 165

12. Specifically, although key concerns had b een raised throughout the 1980s by individual

scientists, the concerns had not been addressed in a comprehensive manner 166. Rather, if they were

addressed, they were addressed in isolation of other issues. For example, it might be that a study

concluded that there would be a drop in the level of ground water in the Szigetköz. Yet, that study

would stop with its conclusion. Itwould not continue with an analysis of the corresponding effects, for

example, on soils, flora, fauna, fisheries, forestry, and biodiversity.

13. The most comprehensive of the Hungarian studies on the Original Project is a 1985 study

carried out under the auspices of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . Experts who have reviewed

and evaluated the study using international practcies for assessment have concluded that the study was

“unsatisfactory.” On a scale of “A” to “F”, they have given the study a “D”. Further, one of the two

reviewers points to a bias in the study . Hungarian scientists depending on state support carried out

the impact assessment.

14. As described by the professional reviewers, the 1985 study did not discuss the issues in an

integrated manner; gave no basis for the interpreta tion of the data; did not describe the standards,

assumptions or values used; and did not address the impacts of the Project on ecosystems 170.

15. As described by Professor Wheater, groups within Czechoslovakia and the Government

itself in its application to the European Communities for PHARE support, recognized the wholesale

165 Hydro-Quebec Report, HM, Vol. 5 (part 1), Ann. 9, p 298; see also HC-M, para 1.141 and HR,

para 1.72; Bechtel Report, HC-M, Vol. 4 (part 1), Ann. 1; see also HC-M, para 1.140; World
Wildlife Fund, HC-M, Vol. 4 (part 1), Ann. 4, p 5; see also HC-M, para. 1.34;
INFORT/Ecologia, HM, Vol. 5 (part 1), Ann. 5, p 59; see also HC-M, para. 1.33.
See HC-M, paras. 1.20-1.41 and HR, paras. 1.64-1.84.
See generally HR, paras. 1.74-1.75.
Hens, HC-M, Vol.. 4 (part 2), Ann. 1, p. 907.
169 See Hens, HC-M, Vol. 4 (part 2), Ann. 23, Ann. 1 (C), p 911.

170 Ibid, pp 888-93, 912-15. -54-

inadequacy of what was performed before 1989. In 1994, Mr.Refsgaard acknowledged the need for

advanced modelling techniques to understand and an alyse complex relationships between various

changes in water régimes in the context of di scussing Variant C and the PHARE Programme. He


“The overall project objective is to establish a reliable impact assessment model for the
Danubian Lowland area, which enables the au thorities to formulate optimal management

strategies leading to the protection of the wtaer resources and a sound ecological development
for the area."171

16. The Slovak PHARE Report , completed in December 1995 but made available to

Hungary only during this past month, confirms that even today further study is still necessary 173. That

Report is not itself, it should be stressed, an environmental impact assessment 174- it is the report of an

attempt to install a computer model to allow simulation of the impacts of Variant C and then only on

the Slovak side. Nor is it a substitute for an envrionmental impact assessment, which by definition has

to be done prior to the initiation, let alone the completion of a project.

17. In sum, as of May 1989, no proper environmental impact assessment had been carried out

for the Original Project in accordance with the modest standards of the time. Neither Hungary nor

Slovakia were in a position to know what then evironmental impacts of the Project would be.

171 Refsgaard et al., 1994, reprinted in HC-M, Vol. 4, Part 2, Annex 12.

172 Ministry of the Environment, Slovak Republic, and Commission of the European Communities, Danubian Lowland –

Ground Water Model, Final Report, Vol. 1 (December 1995).
173 Ibid. , Vol. 1, paras 6.2.1 and 6.2.2.

174 SR, Vol. 2, Chap. 7, para. (2). -55-


18. I turn then to the second question, whetherin the absence of a proper environmental impact

assessment, the Project’s anticipated or potential envrionmental and financialconsequences have been

adequately assessed? As far as the environmental and scientific issues were concerned, Professor Vida,

ProfessorCarbiener, ProfessorWheater, and Dr.Kern haveshown that the answer is clearly no. It is

true that concerns have been voiced by various i ndividuals and organizations. But it was not until the

social and political changes of the late 1980s th at these concerns were heard by the Hungarian

Government .

19. By way of illustration, however, allow me to refer to one aspect which had not been

properly factored in by 1989, namely, seismicity . There is only one sentence on seismicity and large

reservoir impacts in the 1985 study .

20. Now it seems that there is no dispute betw een Hungary and Slovakia on two points relating

to seismicity;

- first, that the major risk was from colla pse of dykes through liquefaction – the process

whereby the ground behaves like a fluid because of intense vibrations; and

- second, that a seismic evaluation of the site should consider the “worst possible

scenario" 178. This involves, one, a determination as to the location of the closest

earthquake source to the barrages of the Original Project and, two, a determination as to

the Maximum Credible Event, the largest credible earthquake which could occur at that


175 See generally HM, paras. 3.74-3.108

176 For the discussion of seismic issues in the pleadings see HM, paras. 5.99-5. 105; SM, paras. 2.12, 2.60-2.66; HC-M,
paras. 1.157-1.170; Scientific Evaluation, Vol. 2, Chap. 6; SC-M, paras. 7.105-7.114;Scientific Rebutta,l HR, Vol.

2, Chap. 8; SR, paras. 12.54-12.72;, ol. 2, Chap. 6 and Vol. 3, pp. 142-224.

177 HC-M, Vol. 4, Part 2, Annex 23, p.913.
178 See, e.g., SM, para. 2.61. -56-

21. There is disagreement, however, between Hungary and Slovakia on both of those factors. 179

Besides the physical parameters of the near surface layers 18, these twofactors are the main

components in determining an earthquake’s “peakground acceleration”. The value used for the peak

ground acceleration is determinative of whether m oderate seismic activity could result in dykes

collapsing due to liquefaction belo w their foundations. There are numerous precedents for widespread

liquefaction in ground conditions similar to thosefound in the Szigetköz under moderate shaking, as

may be expected in the “worst possible scenario” 181.

22. In fact, seismologists acknowledge the exits ence of an earthquake source zone running on a

line through Gyõr 18, a town 20 km away from Gab_íkovo (Illus No 8.1). Based on an analysis of the

1763 Komárom earthquake, about 45km away from Gab_íkovo, Slovakia presents a Maximum

Credible Event at a Richter magnitude equal to 5.7 18, and an earthquake source zone located around

Komárom 184. But estimates of the 1763 earthquake at Komárom go as high as 6.5 and indicate the

existence of an earthquake source zone much closer to Gab_íkovo than Komárom 185. Within 15-20 km

of the Gab_íkovo works, near Gyõr, small earthquakeh save been registered in the last few years 18.

23. Slovakia’s two assumptions lead it to descr ibe a 'worst possible scenario' using a peak

ground acceleration value which is not reflective of moderndesign standards. To cite an example, in

the United Kingdom, where tectonic activity is less sevee r than in the Project area, dams are designed

for four times the value used by Slovakia 187. Even using one-half the UK design standards, liquefaction

179 SR, Vol. II, pp. 89-107.

180 See Balla, HC-M, Vol. 4, Part 2, Annex 21; Bondar, HC-M, Vol. 4, Part 2, Annex 22.

181 See HC-M, Vol. II, para

182 See Scientific Rebutta,lHR, Vol. 2, Chap. 8.1 and note 11.

183 SVR,l. III, Chap. 10.

184 SR, Vol. II, p. 98.

185 See Scientific Evaluat, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 6.

186 See Scientific Rebuttal, HR, Vol. II, pp.105-106.

187 See An Engineering Guide to Seismic Risks to Dams in the United KingB,RE (1991); see contra SR, Vol. 1, para.
12.71. -57-

could typically be expected at a depth of 15m. 188. It cannot have been the case that all liquefiable

materials to this depth were removed or streng htened over the full extent of the dykes’ foundations 189.

24. Thus in 1989, Hungary had serious and we ll-founded concerns as to the integrity of the

1965 design parameters used for the Project structuresin light of developments in methods of design,

hazard evaluation, and improved safety standards. These were in addition to the major concerns

already identified by Professor Wheater, Dr. Kernn ad Professor Vida and quite apart from the sacrifice

of natural values which the Original Project entailed. Also relevant were the anticipated financial

consequences, for example, to fsiheries, forestry, and agriculture 190, and the archaeological heritage . 191

188 See, e.g., Kinitzsky, Gould & Edings, p.175 (1993).

189 See contra SR, para. 12.67.

190 Scientifvaluation , HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 5; Scientific Rebuttal, H,RVol. 2, Chap. 6; HM, paras. 5.68-5.98; HC-M,
paras. 1.155-1.156; 1.122-1.138.

191 HM, paras. 5.97-5.98. -58-


25. I turn then to my third question. Despite the factors that had not properly been taken into

account in planning the Project, were its benefits as of 1989 so significant that it should nonetheless

proceed? Professor Vida yesterday described why tehProject was not necessary to stop the lowering of

the riverbed and was, in fact, a primary cause of theriver’s degradation. I will turn therefore to three

other supposed “benefits” touted by Slovakia: (1)increased flood protection , (2)improved

193 194
navigation , and (3) energy production .

A. Flood Control

192 SM, paras. 1.21-1.34, 2.79-2.81.

193 SM, paras. 1.35-1.49, 2.82-2.83.

194 SM, paras. 1.50-1.56, 2.84. -59-

26. The first is flood control 19. The pictures of the terrible damage inflicted by the floods of

1954 and 1965 in the Slovak Memorial are evocative 19. The suggestion that the Project was necessary

for flood control in the Szigetköz region, however, isuntrue. Actually, these pictures were taken prior

to full implementation of an agreement betweenCzechoslovakia and Hungary under the 1954 Border

Waters Agreement 197. The agreement of a Government Plenipotentiary on Border Waters, which was

entirely separate to the Original Project, provide d for the implementation of design standards in

accordance with the 100-year flood 198. In other words, design standards should meet the highest flood

that may occur on average once every 100 years. Thiiss a generally accepted flood control standard for

areas such as the Project area 199. Much higher standards, such asthe flood which may occur once every

ten thousand years or once every thousandyears, are only found where decisions taken to impound a

river produce significantly higher levels of risk or where the potential damage is extraordinary 200.

27. The damage from the 1965 flood was due to the fact that 94% of the levees did not yet meet

these accepted safety standards for the 100 year flood . By the time of entering into the Treaty in

1977, however, the vast majority of levees along the upper reach, which includes the Szigetköz, had

been reinforced to meet the 100 year standard with adequate safety margins and the necessary

structures to prevent seepage had been built .

195 For the discussion of fl ood control issues in the pleadings, see Laczay, HC-M, Vol. 4, Part1, Annex 9; Scientific
Evaluation, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.6.3; HC-M, paras. 1.172-177;Scientific Rebuttal, HR, Vol. 2, Chap. 3.2; SM,
paras. 1.21-1.34; paras.2.79-2.81; SC-M, paras. 7.118-7.121; SR, paras. 13.40-13.48; SR, Vol 2, Chap.2; SR,

Vol. 3, pp. 225-258.

196 See SM, Illus. Nos. 15, 17 (A-D)accompanying SM, paras. 1.21-1.34.

197 1954 Border Waters Agreement, 4 February 1954H,M, Vol. 3, Annex 11, 4 February 1954.
198 SLee aczay, HC-M, Vol. 4, Part 1, Annex 9, Table 2.

199 German Section of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage,Selection of design flood – a comparison

of international practice(in German), Schriften, Vol. 62, pp. 1-62 (1983).

200 Ibid.

201Scientific Evaluati, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.2.4.
202Scientific Evaluati, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.2.4; see also Lacza,yHC-M, Vol. 4, (part 1), Ann. 9, Table 3. -60-

28. Increased flood hazards, such as the potential rupture of high embankments, failure of

floodgates during high-volume discharges and the ince rased risk of flooding due to blockage of ice 203,

necessitated a 1,000 year flood level design. Because of the discharge capacity of the power canal

required for peak power operation, the dykes were at a height approximating the 10,000 year flood

level .

29. Thus, aspects of flood protection were in cluded in the 1977 Treaty because they were

necessary to offset the additional risks caused bythe Project itself. Apart from that, flood protection

was neither a motivating factor nor an objective justification for the Project 205. Applying a 100 year

protection level, Hungary is providing appropriate flood protection along its section of the Danube

without the Project.

B. Navigation

30. The second supposed benefit was navigation. It too was not a primary aim of the Treaty, as

Slovakia submits 20. Much as flood control, it was a by-product of the Treaty, an incidental

benefit, which could, similarly, have been achieved through other means, for example, through

traditional river training 207.

31. In the 1960s, a general river-training plan was prepared and carried out for the Rajka-Sap

stretch , while on the Sap-Budapest stretch, heavy dredging in lieu of river-training was carried

203Scientific Evaluati, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chap. 2.3.3.
204SM, paras. 2.79-2.81.

205For the discussion of navigation issues in the pleadings see HM, paras. 5.91; Scientific Evaluation, HC-M, Vol. 2, Chapter
2.6.3; HC-M, paras. 1.178-1.189;Scientific Rebutta,lHR, Vol. 2, Chapter 3.1; SM, parsa. 1.35-1.49; paras. 2.82-2.83; SC-M,
paras. 7.115-7.117; SR, para. 3.31-13.39; SR, Vol. 2, Chap. 2; SR, Vol. 3, pp. 263-265.
206SM, para. 1.46.

207See contra SM, paras. 1.39-1.40, 1.45.
208Scientific Evaluati, HC-M, vol. 2, Chap. 2.2.3. -61-

out in anticipation of the Project . Therefore, as of 1977, upstream there were few obstacles to

navigation, while downstream was more problematic because of years of neglect.

32. Since the termination of the Treaty, an international expert group has examined various

options for improving navigation: one of its recommendations using a combination of traditional

river training and dredging would achieve a fairway depth of 2.7 metres and a width of

120 metres .

33. Slovakia claims that in 1977 "the stretch of the river between Bratislava and Budapest was

navigable on average only 120 days per year" 211. This is entirely misleading. For the vessels

which actually use it, the Danube was and is generally navigable in this sector throughout the year,

except in situations of blockage by ice, which the Original Project would not have improved.

34. The term "navigable" is being used by Slovakia to mean navigation with conditions

corresponding to the recommendations of the Danube Commission. Slovakia is giving more

weight to these recommendations than they were intended to bear, as these are non-binding

recommendations passed by majority vote of Danube Commission members .

35. Is a channel with dimensions different from those recommended by the Danube

Commission navigable? Certainly yes. Three points should be made:

(1) First, the Danube Commission's recommendations vary according to

209See Laczay, HC-M, Vol. 4 (part 1), Ann. 8.

210See Delft-Harris-VITUKI, Danube Environmental and Naviga tion Project, Feasibility Study , Rajka-Budapest, Final
Report, Stretch B1: Szap-Ipoly Mouth (August 1994), placed on file with the Library of the Court. See also Delft-Harris-
VITUKI, Danube Environmental and Navigation Project, Feasibility Study , Rajka-Budapest, Final Report, Analysis of
Strategies, Stretch A: IpolyMouth - Budapest (December 1993).

211SR, para. 13.32.
212Convention concerning the Regime of Navigation on theDanube, Belgrade, on 18 August1948, 33 UNTS 181, Art. 11,
reprinted in HM, Vol. 3, Ann. 4. -62-

each stretch of the River. Depending on the class of ships, navigability

may either be more or less difficult on certain stretches. In the

Gab_íkovo-Nagymaros stretch the recommended width is 100-180 metres

across, with a ship draught of 2.5 metres most of the year in the

unimpounded stretch . In other stretches of the Danube, the

recommendations may be far less, and on other rivers the standards far

less. For example, on the Main the width is generally 40 metres or

less.214 Where there is difficulty with ship navigability due to narrow

stretches, the accepted practice is to have ship traffic regulations 215.

(2) Second, contrary to Slovak claims, the Nagymaros reach is not the worst

bottleneck on the Danube River. The Danube between Straubing and

Vilshofen has a water depth of 2.5 metres only 150 days per year and is

acknowledged as the worst bottleneck on the fairway between the Black

Sea and the North Sea 21.

3) Third, the importance of river navigation on the Danube has declined.

Even if the Project had increased traffic, it would have been relatively

insignificant, especially when compared to the amount of traffic on rivers

such as the Rhine, where there is one ship after another. On the much

broader Danube, there is far less traffic. In fact, the volume of

merchandise transported on the Danube has dropped by about one-half

213Danube Commission RecommendationsS , M, Vol. 2, Ann. 14.
214Network of Inland Waterways(in German), (Verein fuer Biunenschifafahrt und WassenstraBen VBW, editors), 1991.
215See H Contzen, Remarks on the Regulation of the Danube between Straubing and Vilshefen(in German), Zeitschrift fuer

Binnenschiffahrt 18, Setmber 1993; D Eujen,Regulation of the Fairways of theMain between Aschaffenburg and Bamber,g
Zeitschrift fuer Binnenschiffahrt, 23/24, December 1993.
216See Ibid; p. 12, question 35; see also H Contzen,Remarks on the Regulation of the Danube between Straubing and

Vilshefen(in German), Zeitschrift fuerBinnenschiffahrt 23/24, December 1993.
217Answer of the Government of the Federal Re public of Germany to Queries Posed by Members of Parliament, 11/2/93,
Publication No 12/4351 (in Geran), p. 13, Question 39. -63-

between 1980 and 1991 218. Further, the relative importance of river

navigation as opposed to rail or road has sharply declined.

36. In conclusion, in terms of navigation, the Project would have addressed concerns which

could have been met through traditional river training. It cannot be argued that the Project's

improvements to navigation contributed significantly to the viability of the Project .

C. Energy Production

37. I turn next to the third supposed benefit, energy production . Slovakia argues that "the

'value' of [power generation] does not touch on the questions before the Court in this case" . At

the same time, it claims that: Hungary's reasons for ceasing its investment into the Project had an

economic rather than environmental basis" .

38. In fact energy production was intended to be the primary benefit of the Original Project, as

well as the primary mechanism by which the Project would have been financed 223. The value of the

power to be generated is critical to a determination of viability .

39. The relative importance of the electric energy to be produced by the Project has steadily

declined. When the Project was initially conceived in the 1950s, Hungary's share of its projected

output was approximately equivalent to 30% of its needs. By the 1960s, when project planning

began in earnest, projected output would have accounted for some 20% of its needs. When the

Project was being agreed upon within the framework of the 1977 Treaty, projected output was no

more than 8.5% of Hungarian electric energy needs 225. At present levels of demand, only 5% of

218Annuaire Statistique de la Commission du Danubeour 1992 (1994).
219See Equipe Cousteau, Final Report, The Danube... For Whom and for What? The Gab_íkovo Dam: a Textbook Case

(March 1993), reprinted in HM, Vol. (Part 2), Ann. 16, pp. 567-568.
220For the discussion of energy issues in the pleadings, see HC-M, paras 1. 190-1.203; SM, paras 1.50-1.56 and 2.84; SR,
paras. 13.26-13.30; and , Vol. 3, pp. 259-262.

221SR, para. 13.28.
222SR, para. 13.27
223SR, para. 13.30.
224See HC-M, paras. 1.190-1.203; see also Equipe Coustea, he Danube... For Whom and for What? The Gab_íkovo Dam: a

Textbook Case(September 1992), reprinted in HM,Vol. 5 (Part 1), Ann. 12, at 354-361.
225HR, para. 1.199. -64-

Hungarian consumption would be met 226. According to 1994 data supplied by the International

Energy Agency, the Czechoslovak share would have been less than 5% of total consumption of the

Czech and Slovak Republics .

40. Furthermore, since the political changes in 1989, most governments have implemented

conservation-minded energy policies and industry in the region has generally become more energy

efficient. The days of huge energy subsidies in order to support artificial production goals without

regard for economic, environmental or social effects are over 22. Recent predictions indicate that

through the year 2000, the per capita demand for energy will continue to decrease in Central and

Eastern Europe . As can be seen from the diagram on the screen, energy consumption in

Hungary has returned to approximately the level of 1983 (Illus. No. 8.2) .

41. And what of the net value of the electric energy produced by the Project? With little by

way of supporting documentation, Slovakia asserts that Variant C currently nets in excess of US$

100 million per annum 231. There is not enough information to determine if all costs are adequately

accounted for and income stream assessments made according to generally accepted accounting

procedures. For example, it would be interesting to know whether Hungary's capital contributions

to structures and equipment are calculated as an asset or a liability or, at the costs of remedial

measures been factored in. Slovakia has so far denied the Court the tools necessary to assess the

validity of this claim.

226HR, para. 1.192.
227International Energy Agency,Energy Statistics and Balances of Non-OECD Countrs993-1994 (1996).
228See contraSR, para. 13.28.

229International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook (1996).
230International Energy Agency,Energy Statistics and Balances of Non-OECD Countrs993-1994 (1996).
231SR, para. 13.29. -65-

D.Economic Analyses

42. I now turn to a description of what the economic analyses indicate about the overall viability

of the Project. By 1989, Hungary had sufficient cause to question the viability of the Project. In fact,

the economic analyses carried out in Hungary, alh tough themselves weighted in favour of carrying out

the Project, actually demonstrated its marginal value.232

43. In particular, all calculations made prior to 1989 indicated that costs exceeded benefits. For

such analyses to reach favourable conclusions on the Project’s viability as they did, indirect

economic benefits were given undue weight, while various costs were ignored. In particular

environmental costs were inadequately assessed to the point that they were virtually ignored. Other

costs that would have to be expended to maximise aparticular “benefit” were also neglected – such as

the costs of relocating a port to improve navigation.

44. The economic analyses of the Project done in Hungary also ignored what was happening

outside of Central and Eastern Europe. The underl ying assumptions were that the future would be

similar to the past. For example, there was little or no analysis of alternative ways of producing the

same amount of energy, the costs of the capital itself orthe costs of conserving energy versus the costs

of expanding supply were not takeninto account. InfIationary price changes were not considered, and

no account was taken of relative currency values. 234The Joint Contractual Plan 235appears to confuse

the term “profitability” with the term “revenue.” Perhaps this is why the European Bank for

See Norgaard, The Economic Analyses of theGabcikovo-Nagymaros Barrage System: A Report,
HR, vol 2, app 4.
See, e.g., István Varga, The Dynamic Analysis of the GNBS, February 13, 1985; Resolution No
3540/1975 of the Ministerial Council on the Investment Proposal for the GNBS, November 20,
1975; The Economic Efficiency Study of the GNBS, February 9, 1983. National Office of Water

Management, Modified Investment Proposal for the GNBS, State Investment and Evaluation of
its Technical-Ecological-Economic Aspects, February 1986 and July 1986. National Planning
Office, Feasibility Calculations of the Gabc ikovo-Nagymaros System of Barrages , October,
1989. A copy of all documents ha ve been deposited with the Court.

234 See generally Norgaard, HR, vol 2, app 4.
Joint Contractual Plan, Summarizing Documentato in, 0-6 Economic Part, June 16, 1978. A copy
of the document has been depositedwith the Court, items 7 and 13. -66-

Reconstruction and Developmentreferred to the Project as ben ig of “dubious economic value.”

45. A central issue in the transformation in Ce ntral and Eastern Europe was the change in

perception of the relations betweeneconomic development and the environment. The change greatly

affected economic analyses of projects and their viability. Pre-transition analyses assumed that the

numerous environmental complications could be corrected without any additional cost.237

46. In the words of Professor Norgaard...

“there are many projects proposed which do not receive full economic evaluation because
professional economists judgea priori that these projects are not economically viable....[The
Original Project] falls in this category of projects. If a project similar to the [Original Project]

were pr238sed would not receive a full evaluation and would probably be rejecteda

47. In summary, by May 1989 Hungary had good reasonsto believe that the original Project was

not economically viable, all the more so when one took into account the significant risks to natural

resources and environmental and financial costs.

Letter from T Baudon, Director, Infrastructure, Energy & Environmental Department, European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to Messrs C Balint & P A Farkas, Reflex, 19 May
IstvánVarga, The Dynamic Analysis of the GNBS, February 13, 1985. A copy of the document
has been deposited with the Court.

238 See Norgaard, HR, vol 2, app 4, pp 179-180. -67-


48. To conclude, Slovakia has argued that financia l considerations were the sole motivation for

Hungarian actions. 239In fact, the financial analyses done before 1989, although using calculations

which indicated that costs were greater than benefits, always came to a favourable conclusion on the

viability of the Project. It was only in the light of the dramatically changing political and economic

situation of the late 1980s that these analyses could be revisited, at a time when at last the values

associated with protection of the environment and drinking water resources were also increasingly

taken into account. Some of the ancillary benefitsof the Project, such as improvements to navigation

were real, but none of them were of such significance so as to justify the Project as a whole. In the

circumstances, and taking into account the inadequaceis of the environmental impact analyses done to

that point, Hungary acted reasonably in calling for reconsideration of the Project, and in suspending

further steps until that reconsideration could take place.

49. Mr. President, Members of the Court, a reasonable state faced with significant questions as to

Project viability would have called for a joint comrpehensive environmental impact assessment so as to

discover all the likely consequences before proceenig. But Slovakia claims that once the 1977 Treaty

was concluded, no subsequent developments, no matter how pressing the necessity, could justify

departure from that Treaty. I ask you now to call on Professor Dupuy to examine that claim.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you so much, Ms Gorove. Professor Dupuy.




239 SM, paras 3.36, 3.56, 3.6. -68-

1. Messieurs les juges, c’est pour moi un honneur et un plaisir renouvelé de me présenter à

nouveau devant vous à cette barre. Ma tâche, tout au long de ces plaidoiries, consistera dans

l’exposé d’un certain nombre de règles et d’arguments de droit applicables en la présente affaire.

Aujourd’hui, il s’agit pour moi de vous exposer le fondement juridique des raisons pour lesquelles

la Hongrie s’est vue amenée à suspendre puis à terminer les travaux sur certains sites à partir

de 1989. Mon collègue James Crawford reviendra en détails sur ces faits demain matin. Je n’en

dirai moi-même donc que très peu de choses, destinées, à titre liminaire, à vous rappeler pourquoi,

en cette affaire, l’invocation de l’état de nécessité occupera une place accrue, entre le printemps de

1989 et celui de 1992, entre l’interruption des travaux et la terminaison du traité.

La divergence croissante de chacune des deux Parties à l’égard de la rationalité du projet de

barrage devait en effet prendre un tour dramatique à partir de mars 1989 . Plusieurs éléments

expliquent ce phénomène. En premier lieu, la confirmation définitive des préoccupations de la

Hongrie . Elle était jusque là inquiète; elle devient extrêmement alarmée quant aux risques très

considérables engendrés par la réalisation du projet pour l’équilibre écologique de toute la région

concernée. Tous les experts, hongrois et étrangers, insistent en particulier sur l’importance du

danger créé pour les ressources en eau potable. La Hongrie estime qu’il faut prendre le temps

d’évaluer la situation et réfléchir sur les conséquences de droit et de fait à en tirer, afin de

renégocier une partie du traité de 1977. Elle décide alors l’interruption des travaux à Nagymaros et

elle offre en même temps à l’autre partie d’ouvrir des négociations.

2. C’est à partir de ce moment-là qu’on assiste à un véritable dialogue de sourds 242: la

Hongrie invoque la responsabilité des deux gouvernements envers les générations présentes et

futures . La Tchécoslovaquie répond en invoquant ses besoins en énergie et la possibilité de

réduire les dommages à l’environnement par de simples aménagements techniques. Jamais, elle

Voir § 9.04 et suiv. et §§ 3.74 à 3.108 du mémoire hongrois.

24Voir R.H. § 3.101.

Voir MH, § 9.06 et suiv.

24Cf. MH, § 3.78 et 3.93. -69-

n’envisagea de remettre en cause ne fût-ce qu’une partie du projet initial . Dans un tel contexte,

l’édification de la variante C par la Tchécoslovaquie entre 1990 et 1992 paraît inexorable. Les

efforts constamment renouvelés de la Hongrie pour provoquer le réexamen substantiel du traité

resteront sans succès. Aussi la concrétisation progressive de la menace de dérivation unilatérale du

Danube constituera, durant toute cette période et c'est là le point important un facteur majeur et

constant d’aggravation de la situation à l’origine de ce différend...

On comprend dès lors pourquoi, à la fin de cette période, la déclaration du 16 mai 1992

présentant les raisons de la terminaison du traité de 1977 devait commencer par le rappel de

l’argument de nécessité déjà invoqué en 1989 245.

3. Il résulte des éléments de fait qui précèdent qu’en droit, l’invocation de l’état de nécessité

joue effectivement dans cette affaire un rôle considérable, quoique, évidement, non exclusif. Nous

examinerons d’abord les conditions juridiques mises par le droit international à l’invocation de

cette circonstance exceptionnelle (I). Pour autant, on ne saurait s’en tenir là. La Slovaquie, en effet,

dénie à la Hongrie le droit d’invoquer toute circonstance excluant l’illicite, quelle qu’elle soit. Et

elle le fait au motif que, s’agissant d’un traité, la suspension de sa mise en oeuvre et, à fortiori sa

terminaison, ne relèveraient ... que du droit des traités. La Hongrie serait ainsi interdite

d’invocation de tout motif d’exclusion de l’illicite, puisque ces derniers relèvent du droit

international de la responsabilité. Il conviendra alors de rappeler l’inanité d’une telle thèse, et tout

d'abord la justification de l'invocation de l'état de nécessité (II).


4. L’état de nécessité, en droit international comme ailleurs, est une circonstance

exonératoire de responsabilité. Il se distingue pourtant totalement des autres causes exonératoires,

que la CDI appelle des «causes excluant l’illicite». L’état de nécessité, ce n’est ni la force majeure

ni le cas fortuit, parce que ces deux autres cas exonératoires sont des cas dans lesquels la volonté

de l’auteur de l’acte est pratiquement absente, comme c’est par exemple le cas d’une catastrophe

24Cf. MH, § 3.84.

Cf. MH, § 10.03 et suiv. -70-

naturelle. L’état de nécessité, au contraire, comme le dit à juste titre Roberto Ago “implique un

comportement librement et volontairement adopté” .

Pour autant, l’état de nécessité se distingue également des contre-mesures, avec lesquelles il

partage pourtant ce caractère volontaire. Contrairement à elle en effet, cette cause exonératoire peut

être être invoquée même sans constituer une réaction à un fait illicite initial commis par l’autre

Etat. C’est d’ailleurs la raison pour laquelle le pays qui invoque à juste titre l’état de nécessité

devra le plus souvent acquitter une compensation, généralement sous forme d’indemnité, à son

partenaire affecté par la non-réalisation de son obligation, ici, une obligation contractuelle.

En l’espèce, les circonstances ayant justifié la conduite hongroise étaient bel et bien

provoquées par le comportement de la Tchécoslovaquie. Celle-ci avait en effet méconnu, au

minimum, les clauses du traité de 1977 concernant la protection de la nature (articles 15,19 et 20)

et, surtout, celles qui impliquaient la coopération et la constante disposition à négocier

véritablement. Cette attitude impavide a certainement contribué à la formation d’une situation

dangereuse. Pour autant, j'y insiste, même si la révélation des risques majeurs inhérents au traité

n’avait rien dû à l’attitude de la Tchécoslovaquie, l’état de nécessité aurait néanmoins pu être

invocable par la Hongrie.

C’est que l’état de nécessité vise avant tout une situation, et non d’abord un comportement

du partenaire. Cet argument de nécessité présente en tout état de cause un caractère exceptionnel.

L’admettre d’une manière trop peu rigoureuse entraînerait bien évidemment des menaces très

sérieuses pour la sécurité des rapports juridiques.

5. Messieurs de la Cour, cela revient à dire que la question de savoir si un état de nécessité

existait ou non dans une situation considérée au moment où il fut invoqué dépend dans une très

large mesure de l’analyse de ces circonstances de fait sur lesquelles reviendra demain mon ami

James Crawford. C’est une question qui, par excellence, s’analyse in concreto. Alors cette analyse

peut résulter de l’examen conjoint de la situation par les parties intéressées lors d’une négociation.

Cependant, quand le refus systématique de l’une d’entre elles de reprendre au fond l’examen de la

R.Ago, Annuaire de la CDI 1980, vol. I, p. 144, §39. -71-

situation est avéré, il est naturel que ce soit une tierce partie qui apprécie s’il y avait ou non en

l’occurrence “état de nécessité”. Il est d'ailleurs difficile de contester que la Hongrie ait jamais dit

autre chose : lorsqu’elle a constaté qu’elle ne parviendrait pas à convaincre la Tchécoslovaquie de

renégocier le traité qu'a-t-elle fait ? Elle l'a invitée à venir vous trouver; cela déjà en date du 18

août 1992 247.

6. C’est aussi parce ce que cet argument de nécessité est éminemment “justiciable”, c’est-à-

dire susceptible d’appréciation par le juge, que la Hongrie a été amenée, dès le stade de son

mémoire, à produire l’ensemble des expertises scientifiques et techniques qu’elle a commanditées.

Ces expertises, j'en conviens, peuvent nous paraître austères à nous juristes, elles sont pourtant

incontournables, parce qu’elles vérifient, dans toute la mesure où la rigueur scientifique le permet,

que les profondes préoccupations de la Hongrie dès le milieu des années quatre-vingt étaient


7. En droit, la question est simple : dès le stade de l’interruption des travaux, et, à fortiori

trois ans plus tard, la Hongrie pouvait-elle s’estimer légitimement fondée, à considérer que

l’ampleur des incertitudes engendrées par la construction des barrages obligeait tout gouvernement

raisonnablement diligent à interrompre, puis faute mieux, à terminer ces travaux ?

8. Etant donné le caractère exceptionnel de cet argument de nécessité, on comprend que la

Commission du droit international, qui l'a codifiée, ait adopté à l’égard de cette cause exonératoire

une position équilibrée.

D’un coté, elle ne voulait pas soumettre un Etat à des contraintes allant à l’encontre du

devoir général qu’il a de protéger les intérêts majeurs de son territoire et de sa population. De

l'autre, il fallait bien qu'elle restreigne les conditions d'invocation d'une telle exonération. Alors elle

a pris un parti justifié. Il consista à rédiger l’article 33 du projet de codification du droit de la

responsabilité dans une forme négative. Il dit : “l’état de nécessité ne peut pas être invoqué par un

Etat comme une cause d’exclusion de l’illicéité d’un fait de cet Etat non conforme à une de ses

obligations internationales”. Cela, c’est la règle générale.

Cf. MH. vol. 4, annexe 92, p. 197 et vol. 1, §§ 3.175 et suiv. -72-

Puis il énonce les exceptions à cette règle, regroupées autour de deux conditions

cumulatives. Il faut en premier lieu que ce fait “ait constitué le seul moyen de sauvegarder un

intérêt essentiel dudit Etat contre un péril grave et imminent”. Il faut, en second lieu, que ce fait

“n’ait pas porté atteinte à un intérêt essentiel de l’Etat à l’égard duquel l’obligation existait”.

9. Ainsi que le dit M. Ago, “La nécessité est une situation de fait dans laquelle un Etat, lié

envers un autre Etat par une obligation internationale, se refuse à exécuter cette obligation, car par

là il porterait atteinte à l’un de ses intérêts essentiels» 248.

Qu’est-ce qu’un intérêt essentiel ? Comme l’indiquait le rapporteur spécial, ce n’est pas

nécessairement “un intérêt à l’existence” . Ce sont des intérêts qui, selon lui, “peuvent relever de

domaines aussi divers que l’économie ou l’écologie”. A sa suite, au demeurant, la Commission du

droit international voulut indiquer que le caractère “essentiel” de l’intérêt en cause peut en

particulier concerner la nécessité de garantir la survie de la faune et de la flore de certaines régions

ou, plus largement, nous dit-elle, celle de préserver l’équilibre écologique de toute une région .

Le rapporteur spécial s’était référé à bien des cas dans lesquels l’argument de nécessité a été

invoqué avec succès, comme l’illustrent notamment l’affaire du “Neptune”, celle de la “Caroline”

ou bien encore celle relative aux droits des ressortissants des Etats-Unis au Maroc . Mais il a

évoqué également un autre précédent, particulièrement significatif de l’ancienneté des

préoccupations de sauvegarde de la nature.

Il s'agissait non pas de l'affaire des forêts du Rhodope, malgré son nom bucolique et le fait

que l'argument de nécessité y avait été accepté mais de celle des "Pêcheries d'otaries à fourrure au

large des côtes russes". Elle était écologique avant la lettre cette affaire puisqu'elle remonte à la fin

du XIX siècle. On sait que le Gouvernement britannique y admit l'invocation d'un Etat de

nécessité par la Russie, lorsque celle-ci avait dû se résigner à interdire la chasse aux otaries alors

24Annuaire de la CDI 1980, vol.I , p. 144, § 41.

24Ibid., p. 146, § 6.

Voir MH, p. 285, § 10.10.

25Ibid., p. 149. -73-

même que les lieux de chasse se situaient en dehors des zones placées sous sa juridiction. Or, dans

notre affaire, la Hongrie n’a pas invoqué la nécessité pour sauver un troupeau d'otaries. Elle l'a

certes fait pour sauver la flore et la faune de la zone humide du Szigetköz. Elle l’a fait également

pour sauvegarder la beauté du site exceptionnel de Nagymaros. Mais elle l'a fait, surtout, pour

sauvegarder l'intérêt des générations présentes et, plus encore, futures, dans la garantie de leur

approvisionnement en eau potable.

Qu’est-ce que cela, sinon ce qu'on peut appeler en droit un «intérêt essentiel» ?

Elle l'a fait aussi par référence à l'appréciation comparée des coûts économiques, des aléas

écologiques et des très contestables bénéfices énergétiques de l'entreprise. C'est l'ensemble de ces

éléments qui constituait, dès 1989, cet «état de nécessité écologique» dont la Slovaquie, à défaut de

pouvoir vraiment contester la notion, met aujourd'hui en cause le contenu.

10. Il ne suffit cependant pas que l'intérêt en cause soit essentiel. Il faut aussi que le péril à

conjurer soit imminent. A cet égard, il ne m'appartient pas de revenir sur les circonstances de

l'espèce mais je me contenterai de rappeler que c'est l'attitude tchécoslovaque en faveur du maintien

intransigeant de l'intégrité du traité qui a d'abord placé la Hongrie devant une situation dans

laquelle elle n'avait d'autre issue, pour tenter d'arrêter le temps, que d'interrompre les travaux.

11. Il en va de même pour la dernière condition que doit remplir l'invocation de l'état de

nécessité. Elle doit se rapporter au caractère inévitable de la décision. La seule autre façon de

parvenir au but poursuivi par la Hongrie, c'était la renégociation. Cette renégociation, la

Tchécoslovaquie l'a assez dit, elle n'en voulait pas. Elle voulait bien des aménagements techniques

mineurs, mais pas des revisions substantielles.

Alors, Messieurs les juges, ce sera à vous de répondre : quel autre moyen restait-il à la

Hongrie pour tenter de sauvegarder ses intérêts essentiels, et, au demeurant, non seulement les siens

mais ceux d'une région dépassant ses propres frontières.

Pour le reste, à moins que la Slovaquie n'arrive à vous démontrer que le traité de 1977

incorporait une ou plusieurs règles de droit impératif auxquelles l'invocation de l'état de nécessité -74-

par la Hongrie aurait porté atteinte, je ne vois pas, pour ma part, laquelle des conditions énoncées

par l'article 33 du projet de la CDI n'aurait pas été, en l'occurrence remplie.

C'est alors, parce qu'elle est consciente du sérieux de la position hongroise, que la Slovaquie

n'avait que deux moyens d'y faire front : soit contester la bonne foi hongroise, soit tenter de faire

barrage, c'est le cas de le dire, à l'argument de nécessité en disant qu'il n'est pas invocable parce que

l'obligation à laquelle la Hongrie n'a pas déféré était, en l'espèce, d'origine conventionnelle.

II. Réfutation de la thèse slovaque de non invocabilité du droit international de la responsabilité par

la Hongrie

12. L'article 2 du compromis sur la base duquel la Cour internationale de Justice se trouve

saisie du présent différend lui pose des questions simples. La Hongrie était-elle fondée à

interrompre puis à abandonner ses travaux dans le cadre du Projet relatif au système de

barrages ? La Tchécoslovaquie avait-elle le droit de mettre en Œuvre la Variante C ? Si la

Hongrie n'avait pas le droit d'agir comme elle l'a fait, elle engage sa responsabilité à l'égard de la

Slovaquie et la réciproque est vraie dans le cas symétrique où les agissements de la

Tchécoslovaquie puis de la Slovaquie seraient illicites. Rien ici que de très classique. Comme l'a

rappelé constamment la juridiction internationale, «c'est un principe de droit international que la

violation d'un engagement entraîne l'obligation de réparer» 253.

Pourtant, l'étrange position que la Slovaquie tente de défendre est de prétendre que, pour

trancher ces questions de responsabilité internationale, la Cour ne pourrait pas appliquer ... le droit

de la responsabilité internationale !

D'après la Slovaquie, la Cour ne le peut pas parce que l'obligation ou les obligations

susceptibles d'avoir été violées trouvent leur fondement dans un traité. Il faudrait donc, d'après

elle, appliquer le droit international des traités et lui seul, parce qu'il comporte lui-même des règles

relatives à la suspension et à la terminaison des traités. Et ces règles, prétend la Slovaquie, seraient

25Article 2. 1

25Usine de Chorz¢w, C.P.J.I. sérieA n 9, p. 21. -75-

exclusives de celles du droit de la responsabilité internationale 254 !

Cette opinion s'appuie sur le présupposé que le souci de garantir la stabilité des conventions

a incité les auteurs de la convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités à restreindre pour un

Etat le droit de suspendre ou de mettre fin à un traité au seul cas de «violation substantielle» du

traité par l'autre partie. Cette expression est, comme on sait, définie à l'article 60 de la convention,

pôle de tout le raisonnement juridique slovaque.

13. La Cour perçoit ainsi d'emblée ce qui lui est demandé par la Slovaquie. Elle lui

demande, ni plus ni moins, de faire de l'arrêt qu'elle va rendre en la présente affaire un arrêt de

principe ! Un arrêt, qui, à n'en pas douter, fera date dans l'histoire de la jurisprudence

internationale par sa nouveauté ... radicale.

Il s’agirait en effet d'affirmer en droit international l'existence d'un double régime de

responsabilité. A l'imitation de certains droits internes, on distinguerait ainsi désormais une

responsabilité délictuelle ou quasi délictuelle, lorsque les faits incriminés méconnaissent une

obligation trouvant son origine hors d'une convention; et puis d'autre part, une responsabilité

«contractuelle» ou «conventionnelle» lorsque les obligations méconnues sont tirées d'un traité,

comme c'est ici le cas. Le droit de la responsabilité se trouverait, du même coup, dépossédé d'une

très large part de son champ d'application, quand on sait la part prise aujourd'hui par la création

d'obligations internationales sur une base conventionnelle.

Un arrêt de la Cour faisant droit aux requêtes slovaques aurait enfin une portée d'autant plus

considérable qu'il irait évidemment à l'encontre de la règle codifiée à l'article 17 du projet de la

commission sur le droit de la responsabilité dont toute la doctrine s'est pourtant accordée à

reconnaître qu'il traduisait très fidèlement le droit international coutumier.

Dois-je le relire ?

«1. Le fait d'un Etat qui constitue une violation d'une obligation internationale

est un fait internationalement illicite quelle que soit l'origine, coutumière,
conventionnelle ou autre, de cette obligation.»

MS, par. 8.13. -76-

Et la même disposition précise à son paragraphe second :

«2. L'origine de l'obligation internationale violée par un Etat est sans effet sur
la responsabilité internationale engagée par le fait internationalement illicite de cet


14. Aujourd'hui, au contraire, si l'on suit la thèse slovaque, il faudrait distinguer d'après

l'origine de l'obligation non respectée.

15. Un arrêt de votre part consacrant la thèse slovaque, Messieurs les juges, serait d'autant

plus assuré de passer à la postérité qu'il irait également à l'encontre de l'ensemble de la

jurisprudence qui vous précède. Votre arrêt s'opposerait notamment à la dernière espèce rendue en

la matière, celle du Rainbow Warrior, dans laquelle la Nouvelle-Zélande soutenait exactement la

même thèse que la Slovaquie d'aujourd'hui et la France une position identique à celle de la Hongrie

dans notre affaire. Or, en application des règles classiques, ce fut, bel et bien, sur ce point tout au

moins, la France qui l'emporta.

De manière, en effet, parfaitement orthodoxe, le tribunal présidé par, l'ancien président de

cette Cour, Monsieur Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga déclara :

“les conséquences juridiques de la violation d’un traité, y compris la détermination des
circonstances aptes à exclure l’illicéité et la réparation appropriée en cas de violation
sont des questions de droit coutumier [portant] sur la responsabilité des Etats”.

La sentence ajoutait:

“la raison en est que les principes généraux du droit international en matière de
responsabilité des Etats sont également applicables en cas de manquement à une
obligation d’un traité puisqu’en droit international, on ne fait pas la distinction entre
responsabilité contractuelle et responsabilité pour acte illicite.” 255

Il est vrai qu'un désavŒu évidemment parfaitement concevable de cette jurisprudence arbitrale par

vous-même satisferait les exigences de la Slovaquie qui nous déclarait :

“Slovakia contends that this arbitral award does not correctly state the
relationship between the law of treaties and the law of State responsibility, and

reserves its right to invite the Court so to find, in the context of the dispute between
Slovakia and Hungary.”

Voici donc la Cour avertie. Elle se trouve investie par la Slovaquie d’une compétence d’appel (ou

Texte reproduit dans Revue générale de droit international public, 1990/3, p. 851, par. 75. -77-

de cassation?) à l’égard d’une sentence arbitrale rendue entre deux Etats tiers et pourtant

unanimement approuvée, en tous cas sur ce point!

16. Face à l’argument slovaque d’exclusion du droit de la responsabilité par celui des traités

quant aux conséquences de la violation d’une obligation contractuelle, le contre-mémoire hongrois

avait fait bien sûr quelques objections. Il s’était notamment permis d’indiquer en substance que si

ces deux droits, l’un et l’autre profondément enracinés dans le droit coutumier international, étaient

exclusifs l’un de l’autre, il était surprenant que l’on ait attendu la plaidoirie de la Slovaquie, faite à

l’extrême fin du XX siècle, pour finir par s’en rendre compte!

Apparemment ébranlée par ce simple constat de bon sens, la République slovaque a d’abord

semblé faire certaines concessions 256, mais en réalité elle continue à nier la réalité du droit positif.

Alors qu'elle est-elle cette réalité ? Elle est toute simple. Elle est que le droit des traités et le droit

de la responsabilité, selon la Hongrie, ont chacun un domaine d’application distinct. Ceci permet

d’expliquer la précaution bien connue prise par la convention de Vienne sur les droits des traités, à

son article 73, lequel précise que ses dispositions “ne préjugent aucune question (je souligne,

aucune) qui pourrait se poser ... en raison de la responsabilité internationale d’un Etat”.

17. Malgré tout, dans sa réplique, la Slovaquie continue à traiter du droit des traités et du

droit de la responsabilité comme s’ils étaient placés en position de concurrence, de rivalité ou

d’exclusion l’un par rapport à l’autre. Sa thèse continue à être, alors même que la Hongrie n’a

jamais rien affirmé de semblable, que le droit de la responsabilité n’ajoute pas de nouvelles causes

de suspension, d’exécution ou de terminaison à celles qui sont prévues dans l’article 60.

Elle persiste et signe dans ses errements passés quand elle affirme que l’article 73 ne dit pas

ce qu’au demeurant personne ne lui fait dire. 257 Et puis un peu plus loin, elle s'engage dans une

construction intellectuelle, à vrai dire assez complexe, de laquelle il ressort que si l’on veut

chercher une complémentarité du droit des traités et du droit de la responsabilité, il faudrait bien

RS, p. 86, par. 4.14.

25“The ILC’s dictum does not refer to additional termination grounds being a ma tter failing within State responsibility”
(RS, par. 4.20). -78-

peut être la chercher du côté de l’article 60 de la convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités lequel

ne s’occupe que des cas de suspension ou de terminaison des traités pour cause de violation

substantielle, cependant que les violations mineures relèveraient du droit de la responsabilité, réduit

au rôle, ô combien ingrat de “ramasse miettes”. Curieuse ligne de partage : au droit des traités

reviendrait la gestion des violations substantielles; au droit de la responsabilité resterait celle des

violations mineures! Voilà bien une conclusion insolite, d’ailleurs formulée avec une certaine

gêne, je cite la Slovaquie : “It may be that the law of State responsibility will have a role to play

here” .

18. Relisons alors simplement ensemble, si vous le voulez bien, Messieurs les Juges, les deux

dispositions autour desquelles se résume le débat des rapports entre ces deux piliers du droit

international le plus profondément enraciné dans la pratique ancestrale des Etats. Il s’agit de

l’article 60 de la convention de Vienne, pris ici, répétons-le, comme expression de la coutume

internationale, et de l’article 33 du projet de la CDI sur la responsabilité. Que disent-ils l’un et

l’autre ?

Ar6ticle (convention de Vienne) :

“Une violations substantielle d’un traité bilatéral par l’une des Parties autorise
l’autre Partie à invoquer la violation comme motif pour mettre fin au traité ou

suspendre son application.”

Il s’agit là, vous en conviendrez, d’une règle d’habilitation. Quel est son bénéficiaire ? C’est

l’Etat victime de la violation du traité. Je dis bien l’Etat victime.

Voy l'ons article 33 (projet de la CDI) maintenant : “L’état de nécessité ne peut pas être

invoqué par un Etat comme une cause d’exclusion de l’illicéité d’un fait de cet Etat non conforme à

l’une de ses obligations internationales”, sauf bien sûr, les conditions particulières que nous avons

déjà étudiées dans la première partie. Cela, ce n’est plus une règle d’habilitation. C’est une règle

d’interdiction, assortie d’exceptions conditionnelles. Quel en est le destinataire ? Par définition, et

comme le dit clairement le texte, ce n’est plus du tout, comme à l’article 60, l’Etat lésé; c’est au

contraire l’auteur du fait illicite, l’Etat à priori responsable.

RS, p. 88, par. 4.21. -79-

19. Ainsi, dans l’un et l’autre cas, ce ne sont tout simplement pas les mêmes Etats qui sont

concernés. Le droit des traités autorise la victime à suspendre ou terminer le traité. Le droit de la

responsabilité excuse l’Etat responsable, à certaines conditions. Ils n’ont tout simplement ni le

même destinataire, ni le même objet, ni par voie de conséquence, la même fonction.

La question n’est donc aucunement de savoir si le droit de la responsabilité ajoute des

clauses de suspension ou de terminaison à celles prévues par le droit des traités, puisqu’ils ne se

situent pas sur le même plan. C’est pourquoi, comme le disait Paul Reuter, la convention de

Vienne “s’est constamment efforcée d’exclure et de réserver les conditions de responsabilité”.

Mr. President, I still have about 10 minutes. Should I go on ?

The PRESIDENT: Please proceed.

M. DUPUY : Thank you very much. Je disais donc, c'est bien pourquoi, comme le notait

Paul Reuter, la convention de Vienne “s’est constamment efforcée d’exclure et de réserver les

conditions de responsabilité”. Il précisait qu’en dépit des “contacts” et des “rapports” entre les

deux matières, “il s’agit de deux systèmes de règles qui sont séparés par une différence

essentielle ”, celle, précisément, qui tient à leur différence formelle.

S'agit-il là d'une logique à la française, ou formelle pour être vraie? Trompeuse clarté de la

pensée cartésienne ?

“A Court cannot remedy a breach of a treaty by reading into the treaty a

sanction or remedy for which it does not provide. This does not affect the
responsibility of the defaulting State, but the remedy will consist in the application of
the ordinary rules of international responsibility.”

On aura reconnu sir Gerald Fitzmaurice dans son Law and Procedure of the International Court of

Justice .

25Introduction au droit des traités, p. 153 et 158.

Grotius, 1985, p. 50. -80-

On aurait d’ailleurs tout autant pu citer dans ce contexte la proposition de sir Humphrey Waldock

dans laquelle la Slovaquie croyait pouvoir trouver quelque secours dans sa réplique, lorsqu'il

proposait dans son rapport de 1964 l’adjonction d’un paragraphe au projet relatif au droit des traités

déclarant simplement, pour reprendre les termes dans lesquels cette proposition est évoquée par la

réplique slovaque :

“that the failure of a State to comply with its obligations in good faith engages its

responsibility unless this failure is excusable under the general rules of State

responsibility” .

20. Ce disant, ces auteurs ne faisaient que reprendre le dictum de la Cour internationale de

justice dans l’affaire relative à l’Interprétation des traités de paix, lorsqu’elle notait elle-même: «il

est clair que le refus de s’acquitter d’une obligation conventionnelle est de nature à engager la

responsabilité internationale» . C’est alors dans ce cadre qu’interviendra la question de savoir si

entrent en ligne de compte des circonstances excluant l’illicite de l’Etat incriminé, comme c’est

précisément ici le cas pour les raisons que nous avons exposées plus haut et qui seront reprises


Personne, sauf, hier, la Nouvelle-Zélande, et, aujourd’hui, la Slovaquie, ne demande à ces

deux branches du droit d’apporter réponse aux mêmes questions ! Le droit de la responsabilité ne

dit pas cela, parce que ce n’est pas son métier. Il dit à quelles conditions restrictives un Etat qui a

suspendu l’exécution d’un traité ou l’a terminé n’encourt pas pour autant l’engagement de sa


21. Pour autant, à moins de sombrer dangereusement dans l’esprit de système, il ne s’agit pas

de prétendre qu’il n’existe aucun point de contact entre le droit des traités et le droit de la

responsabilité. Ce serait évidemment absurde, puisque le second traite d’obligations établies en

application du premier. Il existe plusieurs «points de rencontre» entre ces deux droits, pour parler

comme Paul Reuter à nouveau. Le concept de «force majeure», par exemple constituait à juste titre

26Yearbook of the ILC, 1964, vol. lII, p. 7, cité par la réplique slovaque p. 91, par. 4.29.

C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 228. -81-

pour lui l’un de ces points de contact entre les deux domaines . Le même auteur constatait que la

survenance d’une situation rendant l’exécution impossible constitue, à la fois, un motif de mettre

fin ou de suspendre le lien conventionnel et comme une circonstance excluant l’illicite. Le droit des

traités déterminera dans quelle mesure ce fait affecte la survie du lien conventionnel. Le droit de la

responsabilité, quant à lui, définira s’il existe une circonstance susceptible d’exonérer de sa

responsabilité l’Etat auteur du fait illicite.

On comprend, dès lors, le commentaire que la Commission du droit international faisait à

l’article 61 de la convention de Vienne lorsqu’elle déclarait à son sujet qu’elle n’entendait pas

traiter «du cas général de force majeure, qui relève du droit de la responsabilité...» «D’ailleurs,»

ajoutait-elle, «l’article 73 ... réserve toutes les questions relatives à la responsabilité

internationale» . Ce qu’elle disait de la force majeure, on peut, bien entendu, le dire également de

l’état de nécessité.

Par conséquent, et j'en termine ainsi, il résulte des explications qui précèdent deux

conséquences concrètes à tirer pour le présent cas :

- en premier lieu, en fait, la Hongrie se trouvait bel et bien, dès 1989, face à une situation

affectant ses intérêts essentiels, l’autorisant à invoquer l’état de nécessité;

- en second lieu, en droit, rien n’interdit à la Hongrie d’invoquer l’état de nécessité dans un

contexte mettant en cause l’application de ses obligations conventionnelles.

Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les juges, je vous remercie de votre attention.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Professor Dupuy. The Court will now rise and resume

tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.

The Court rose at 1.05 p.m.

26Annuaire de la CDI 1980, vol. I, p. 3, par. 8.

26Annuaire de la CDI 1980, vol. II , 2 partie, p. 78, par. 1. -82-


Document Long Title

Audience publique tenue le mardi 4 mars 1997, à 10 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Schwebel, président
