Opinion individuelle de Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice (traduction)

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Although 1 entirely agree with the Judgmeiit of the Court and the Bien qiic je soiiscrive entibrement ii 1':irrètde In Cour nirisi q~i':iiis
iiiotifs et consid6riitions sur Icsqiicls ilse foiide. j'estinie qu'il c«n\.ien-
reasoning and considerations on which it is based. there are in iiiy drait eii plus de dégiigerccrtaiiis 6léineiitsoit de les soiiligner daviintiigc.
opinion certain factors which should additionally be brouglit out. or
further stressed.

1. Pour pouvoir apprécier la portée réellede l'accord consacré par les
6cli;irigesde notes qui ont eii lieu en iiiars et en juillet 1961entre, d'iine
1. In order to appreciate the true significance of tlie agreenient em-
bodied in the Exchanges of Notes that took place in Miirch aiid July 1061 part. le Goiiverneiiieiit isliiiid:iis et. de l'autre. les Gouvernements di1
between, on the one hand. the Government of Icelaiid, iind, on the otlicr. Koyauiiic-Uiii et de 13 Répliblique fédéraled'Alleniagne. respectivcnient,
il f~iiittenir coiiiptc de I'Ctûtdu droit coiiccrnant la juridiction escliisive
the Governments of the United Kingdoni aiid the Federal Republic of cil iiintii.re de pCclierics tel qii'il se présciltait i cette époque et après
Germany, respectively, it is iiecessary to take iiito account the state of the
law regarding exclusive Rslieriesjurisdiction, as it stooct iit tliiitinic, aiid I'Llcliecde Iidcci*ièiiiecuiifëreiice de Gené\resur le droit de la nier I'iinnce
after the breakdown of the second Geneva Law of the SeitÇoiiferciice in précCdciite (IOhO)et iiiissi tel qu'il ressortait des coiiventions signees ii
I'issiiecicsir:iv:iii.\ clc la preiiiière conlZreiicc de Genève siir le droit de In
the previous year (1960); and also as it was retlected in tlie Conventioiis iiier (le 1958. Cet iispect iiitL;rcsscoit prciiiicr chef le probltiiic juridic-
that rrsulted froni the work of the lirst Geneva Law of the SciiConfereiice
in 1958.This is squarely relevant to the jurisdictioiial issue now bcfore the tioiiiicl rioiitI:iCour est hiiisicciir. ainsi qii'ori le verra. il to~iclicdirecte-
illeni 1:isituütioii clui existait :iiiiiioiiieiit oit les Partics oiit procfdc ûiis
Court because, as will be seen, it directly atrects the situiitioii tliat existcd é~liiiiigesde ilotes de 190 1et les iiiotiSspoiir Icstl~ielselles l'ont fait. C'est
when the Parties entercd into the 1961 Exchanges of Notes, iiiid tlicir cc clle.iiioiitrcrii I'esposf ci-:iprCs.
motives in doing so. The following review will niiike this clciir.
2. Although certain countries had (aliriost invariiibly t'or tislicr>~ i. i3ieii que ccrtiiins pays eiissent revendicl~ié.presque to~ijours poiir
reasons, whatever tlie ostensible grounds) clainied waters cntciidiiig to des raisoiis liees :i In pCclie.quels qiie Sussent les motifs riiisen aiV:iiit.des
eaiix sqCtend;int:ILI-deli -- piirlois bien ;iii-delii - de I? milles .i partir
more than 12 miles froni the baselines of the coast-in sonic instnnces des ligiics de base de Iii ci,tc -- sans jaiiiciis cependant ilvoir rl'iissi il
very much more than that-none of which claims had. however. received
any general recognitioi1,-there was no denial ol the clear-cut distinctic~ii Iàire iidiiiettrc leurs prftentions par l'ensemble de Iiicoiiiniunci~itl'iiiter-
nütioiinlc - -. riiiliic iiiaitIiidistinctioti de principe et de stntiit jiiridiqiie
of principle and status between the territorial sca as part, or as an ex- bieii trniicliCcqiii existait ciiire la iiicr tcrritori:ile. coiisidérfc coninic uiic
tension of, the land doniain, and the higli seas its r0.scco~~it~liro tpieii to piirtie oii uii proloiigciiicnt du doniiiine terrestre. et la haiite iiier. ro.y
all-the limit of the one, inarkiiig and coiistituting tlit start of the other.
Nor could-iior can---this distinction be denied witliout destri3yiiig tlie co/)rt)~~rt~oii.ivvcrtc toiis -.-liiliiiiite de 1'~iiieii1:lrqtrit et constitiinnt le
I I le i~rc Il i t i pi il ii'e\t ioiiioiir\ plis
whole concept of the high seas, upon whicli a major piirt of iiiaritinie cette di\tiiictioii \iiii\ rC:dtiircii iiiiliitoiite I:i iio(ioi1dc pliiiiit~iiier. hiir
international law, as it has been evolved over severül ccnturics. is fouiided. Iiiqiicllc rcpoc ~iiicgi.niicIc p:ii-tic dLI droit iriicriiatioiial iiiaritiiiic (cl

qii'il s'est Soriii;i~icolirs clcssicclcs.
3. Accordingly. while there might he and wiis controversy as to the 3. Piir coiiséqiient. si I'fteiidiic qiie po~\.ait avoir IIImer territoriale
(q[ie 1'011 :~ppeliiiti111sspi arfois cciiltiirc i~i;~riti~~lc:t)i.risi q~ic~'ci~ipl:ice-
permissible extent, and as to the location of the outcr liinit of the territo-
rial sea(or maritime belt as itwas sometimes called) there was no doubt that iiiciit de sii liiiiitc cxtGricurc. pouv;iicnt prttcr cf prctaient coiitrovcrhc.
within it the coastal State possessed it~~pprirrr(n.iirrisdictio) if not <iot?iitiiirr~i il iic S;iis;titaiicliii d«iitc qii'ii I'intfriciir de ccllc-ci I'Etat riveritin possidiiit
I'it~r/u~ri/lt().rjllri.~</ic)iilon Ic <lo)i~iiri~/(r/r?ro/vil>fr~.so)u son éqliiiralcnt
(proprietas) or its equivalent (the 1958 Geneva Territorial Sea Conven- (IL Ioiivention dc GeiiCic dc 1958sur l~iiiicr territoriale. dans soi1iirticlc
tion, Article 1, calls it "sovereignty"); and that it posscssed iiiconse- prciiiier. I'iippcllc (~soii\cr:iiiictf1))et qu'il ) possédait par consfqiiciit des
quence exclusive rights of various kinds there,--amongst othcrs cnclusivc <'Ohll'I''l1ht'l l'i( 1111<11 S (()P. Ihl). I II/.XI~UKICE)

fisher). riglits. But tlierc \vas cqually iio doubt tliat iii waters outside tlic clroiis czcliisil'silc cli\crsc~ hories. p;iriiii lesi~iielsdes droits cxcliisil\ de

territorial bclt--tlicsc heiiig </<;/i~~itiI oiigrli sais (scç para. 5 hclo\v)- - l)~%~lic b.I:ii\ II iic 1~1is:iip t:i\ CIL dotitc i~oiipltih q[tc. (1:irlsles C;ILIY
the coastiil Si;itc h:id ticitlici-i/iipt~/.iio~ iiror (;ilid still Icss) </oiiri~rir~ii~ io~i.. iici~i-~h ii I:i ii1t.i.ici-i.iloi-i;ilc ~-.chi-~i-tIii-/t)-(.II.~/~~/~irit;~ 1ii.II:I~I[ ~~IC~I.
~~~II~;I~I~:5I~ t.J-;Iijc)i.C\) I'I..I;IIi~iiCi~;~iii IJ~)IIL,:I~l>rCicii~I~ 11,~
proprictorial or ~.xcliisivci-iglitsol'eiiy kiiicl. lislici.iesin iio \r:i- c\c~13tc~l.
ii I'iiii/~~~t.ii/ iii Ict cbiicoi-L iiiiiii\) ;ILI t/oiiiiiiir//iiiii ;i ;iiiciiii ilroii LIC.
pi.ol>i.iCii 011 i1i.011 c.\L.I~I~ II.rsI tj ~i'il~îii.le3cIi.oit\(le p2clic ns I*;ii\:i~iC~II
;iiiciiiic iiiiii1iCi-cc\ccl>iioii.

4. 111 ;izotic hiiowii as ilic bbcoiitiguous/.oiic", ilcliiicd h) Ai-iiclc24 of 4. 1):iiis I;i~oiic:ippclcc /oiic coi~tigiiC II.cll'liiiicp:ir I':irticlc 2.1etc In
[lie 1958 Teri.itorial Sca C'oii\eiitioii as hciiig \ili;it tlic tcriii iiii(3lics - :i io~i\~iilioii de IOCXsi~r 1;1111crtcrritoriiil~'c~~iiiiiç l'tiiiit-- :iiilsi~IIC 5011

bbzone of tlie higli seas coiitiguous lo itb teri-itoi-in1sc:i" -:iiid liiiiitcd iii I I I~iclic~ iiiic/oiir. tlc I:i1i:iiiiciiici.coiitigiic :i si iiici.tcri.iiori;ile
cxtelit (by tlic s:iii~cpi-ovisioii)to 12iiiilcs I-I-OIIIl~ le co;i~tIiiic l. tllc ~.oii>l;iI CI tIoi11I'Ciciicluc2t:ii.iliiiiitic p;ir I;i111C11 cili\po\itioii il 12~liillcsil p;iriii.

S(;ilç \\as 1 to "cxci.cibe tlic coilti.ol IICC.C~~~II .>,''~~ci~t:iill ililsi\:ipc '. 1'1'1;ii ri\ ci.;iiii21;iit;iiitiii.i\C;i c\crcci* IL c.~~ltsillcIIC~CS~;I .~I.C
spçcilied purposes \\,liicli did iiot iiicludc ;III) i-iglii 01.iiii-isili~~.iioii ii ~.cri;iiiics ~1l:lcriiiiiiccs !. iiï ïoiiiport:iiit I'cxcrciccd':iilcliii (lroit
oves fc>reigiivesscls iii ordci. to preveiit tliciii fi.oiii lisliiiig t1içi-e. Iii otlic~. iiii~idic~iiiii~ le\ ii:i\,ircs~~ti;iiigcr\cil \-ticde lc~irilitcrdirc ]ilp;.c]l~d;1111

p;irts of the higli scas bcyoiid tlic coiitiguous zoiic, tIiï co:tst:il Si;iIc liiiil L~CIIC /oiic. I):iilh lc\ :I[III-L~p;ii.tic>(le ILI fi;iiiic iiicr, aii-ilelii (le l:i 7011c
110 rights of jurisdicti»ii 01. coiitrol nt :dl, chccpt iii rcspcci 01. its ()\vil csoiiii;!,iii'1..11:iIi.i\i\i-;iiiii';i\:lit:iiivi~ii clroi( ~Icj-iii.iclictioii 011 c~iiii.i-)lc
il (1[ot~i. \I t~c11'2t:iii ,'II'2p:ircl(IL, SC,\ pi-oprcs ii;i\.ircs cl't~~lc 1ii;111
vesscls gciiçr;illy; aiid. in respect of foi-cigiivcsscls. oiily ns i.c~~o~(~ii~ iciI
the 1958 Gcnevü tligli Sciis C'oiivciitioii, ii:iiiicly t'or tIic su(>(~rcssioii01' gCiii.i-:IiLrsi. .I 1'c:i;iiiI<Ic\ ii:i\i leb\21i-:iiiyr~i- <h:iii> lii \ciiIc 111cbi11 :illll
piincy and tllc slave tr:i<lc,Ilag VCI-ili~;itii>ii iiicci-l:ii~iCilScS itil<I :i\JJill'l01- l~iii.I:ICOIIL CIII 1,)IIilrs (;~*iiC CiLIL1 , 05s ~LJJ. I;Ili;1~11c ilc cl-c.c~i-:i-~lirc1)o~lr

the pi-ocesskiio\vii ;is "lioi pursuit" sini-tcd1.1-oiu ii itliiiiilic ici-i.ii(-iri:ilc;i I~~(JI'L'\~IoIILIL*ILIl~ii~;ilci~c~.1 c ilrb ii.:ii[c ilcb cscI;ivcs, ~ O L I ~ l;\ci.ili-
or coiitiguous zoiic iti 1-csi>ectof soiiictliiiiy ili:it \\oiilil Ii;i\c iiihtilictl t.:i.i101 1III ~~:i\iIlo~ cI:iii\ L~L~I.~:IIII\C.;I~e.t iI:iiis lc ~,:iil~.' ele l~c.~cr~*i(cI~ L~I
~li.011 tir-I~O~II~~IIIIL~si I:i ~ ~ O I I I ~ ~ ~ I I~~011iiiieiie ~C;iiihl:~iiici.tci~riiori:iIc
arrest or stopp;i~c if iicould Iiave hccii cllccicil tliei-c.
"LI I:i /oiic coiiii:iii~~poiii tiii iiioiil. qiii ci11 jli\tiliLI I~:~~~~~;li~o~i~ic~iisiit011
I*;II.I.Ccl(1 ii;i\i1.c 5'il\;II iiiciit p[i >.211-c cllkcttics.
5. ll cil rCbi11i;ii tLIC. c1:iiistoiitch lcs zoiics t.;iis:iiitp;irtic de ILI I1:iiiie
5. FI-0111 nll tliis ii (Ollo\ved tliat iisliiiiy iii ;in) arçiis tliiii \icre IiigIi
' scas-i.~.. tli;it \i,erc tiot iiiteriial or tcrritorinl \r;iters-coiilcl 0111)' hc ilicr .-- ~'~\[-ii-tlirc il011 coiiipri~cs (1:iiislcs c:iii\ iiittjric~ircsoLi l;l ilici-
cro~~c Ic>dsroi~sdc i>i.cIiciicpoi~\::iic~i t trc ~LIC CS droits p:lria~L;s
sli;~rc't;incl 1101 c~cliisivc.siilcc iiic:i~iircst-orprcveiitiii~ I'orcigiilisliiiig 111
such ;ircas would bc iiicoiiipatiblc witli tlicii.st:itiis lis I.<~c .o~?iiiri~tri ,i.~l ci iioii 1~;ih c\c.liisili. piiiscliicde.; iiicsiircs qui 1,iscraicntii interdire i dcs
the enforcetiiciit of sucli iiicasures \vould iiot hc for :III' of tlic pui-p~scs ii;i\ire\ (itr:iiisci.\ de pi.r*licit.l;iiis ces zoiies scr:iiciit iiicoiiip;itibles :i\ec Ic
SI:IIIIIclch t.(.(.ol~riirlliiit,c cc2/oiics ci q~icI':ipplic:iti«iide ces iiics~irerrie
for wtiiclicouiitrics could. lisdescribcd ;ih»ve. v;ilidly c\rrciseiurisclicii(~ii
011 the IiigIi scas over vcssels otlier tliaii tlicii- o\iii. -1-liispositie)ii \i1:is tc~icir:ii~ p:i\ /I I'III~ cClesjiiis polir Icsq~icllcsles p:i!,s potiv:liciit. :tiiisi illi'il
CS[ (lit ci-~lc\st~s,cxcrt-er i~;il:~I~lc~iieIic~ [irj~iriclictioiicil Ji:iiite tiicr s11r
reflected in the prouisioiis of the 1958 Gciicvi~ C'«iiveiitioiis ;ilre;iciy
refcrrcd to or quotcci. but cvcn iiiorc fiilly iii Articles 1aiici2 01.tlie 1-ligii clc\ ii:ivii.chiiiilres qiie Ich Iciirs. C'cttc sitii:itioii. qiii corrcsporid :ilil
Seas Corivcntioii -' wliich. accor<liiig 10 its I>rniiiihlc. \v:is :irlolil~-~:lis ili\lx)\iiioii\ tics coii\~ciitioiih(Ic C.;ciii.vcclc 1058 clk.j;iriiciitioiitices oii
citi:c\. SC- i~-oii\~rcllCitc ciic.orc pliis lid;lciiicnt dniis I'nrticlc preiiiicr ci
beiiig "gencr;illy decl:iratory of cstablislicil 13riiicifilcsof iiiicrii;itii>iial
law". Article 1 01.this (.oiivcntion. aiicl tlic i-clcviinip;irt of Article 2. iii I';ii.iic.l2 (ie I:i coii\cniioii siir la 11;iiitciiicr .;ilont Ics dispositioiis. :III\

- . - .-
1 Tliisof courseiiliplicJ a territorialscii of /ci~ tlinn I? iiliic\ in estent. or tllcrc i (.~,l;ii~~i~~liiliiiI%CI ~IJII~IIL~~qIi~cla 111cls crriiori;ilcKif ~'LIIIC Ii~rgc~ irdi;,.;(l/,t.(
would he nothingforthecontigiiouszonçto becoiitigiioiis to Thcfiirllicri~iildicntioii 12 l~iillts\.II~\ LIIIOIilIIC 5cr;iitpiilsrienrcbic poiir la /ont co11 iti12. C~lii iiiipliqiiait
rirasthata Statcclainiing a 12-iiiilcbcltoI'fcrr.irot.i~ solr hail 111)necdof ;icniitigiioii\ ;iii\\i(1i'iiiiI I;I!i.c*iciidiilii:iiiirie/c)ric(le 12 iiiillcbc.oiiiiiictt~~t~~t.t.i~ot.ircil.li\,.;iit
ljii\~1c'~~)lllc~)III~~'~lilc'/()I~~Ollll~ii~.JfiiIh ii~ip:i\\ !les I.C\ cl1c~ic~iqiicl3 oii O iiii~~c\
zolleaswell. But a coiintryclaiiilingonly 3 or O iiiilcsof tcrritorialsciicoiiidstill h;it.c ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ I I o~>~)11\'iiiv-~lCi~i~r CcI)oi111 icLIIIL/OIIC L,OII~I~LI~tic9 011 0 iiiiIlc\,
a contiguouszoric of 9 or 6 milcs, as tliccase iiiiglitlx.
\cl011 lc L.ii\.
2 Thesewcre for tlie prcveritionand punishruentof "infringciileiit~ of its [tlic ('cllC\-cci.o~i~.crii:ii ;nitlri.\-cntionci I:irCl~rcs\icc iiiies<~c~iintravciitiio isnesslois
co-astalState'slcustonis.fiscal.iniiiiigrationor sanitaryrcgiilationswitliinilstcrritory ilc~~olic [c.cllcrtlcl'litiiriicriiinl doii;iiiii.rcl.i\c;ilc.\:iiiit:iircoiid'ininiigrntionslirscln
or territorialsea". Iiv-riloircOII (1;ins Illerfcrri~or~;iIe~~.
3 /\ltlloiigll tI1~ 195::C;cnc\a~onv~litiolis\rcrr: iiot tcc1iiiic:iil)in forcc il1 l'Io1 1 is\~~o~~\~l~litit)~ic(~cII~.d \c 1 ii.~*t:iicILi\ tS~i~.o fc~~li~~i~~~ c~l1c\.gi~~c~l~~r
. (t]ie\ have a]]c~rnc intci fiirccsince) thcy rç~rc~cnted 3 !lig\i I~~C'C 0l' COIlSCIlSi1\ cf1 lk!Ol (~lle~5onI Ioiit~*\c~~lrC~, \si\ i~iiei~riliblv~i 111:iicllcsCt:iicillt'cxprc~si~c~l.niiii
I:II.!L.I>II\VII\IIc111rclcb s 51 ~ )s~ [ I;I\ iii~>p;~rli~.il+:i l;confCrc~ice.
amongthe 85 cnuntricswliicliattcndcdihc ('onfercricc. 26 FlSHERlES JURISDlCTlON (SEP. OP. FITZMAURICE)

teriiies dri préaiiibiilc, ont étéadoptées coiiiiiie étant ((pour l'essentiel
which the passages of especial significance in the preserit context have
been italicized, were (ürid are) as follows: di-claratoires de priiicipes Etablis du droit iiiternatioiial )).L'article prc-
iiiicr clc ccttc coiivciitioii et 1iipartic pcrtiriciitc Je l'article 7 ft;ii~iit (et
soi11) libellks coiiiriic siriIlcb passages qui pr6seriicnt uiiintL:rCpt articulier
c1;iiisIc pri.scrit cciiitcsic sont reprodiiits cil italiqiics):

On entend par liaote nier )toirtes lusparties riela /)ter qui riesont
The term "high seas" means ull parts of'the seu that are not in-
cluded in the territorial sca or interna1 waters. pas incluses dans Irimer territoriale ou dans les eaux intérieuresd'lin

Artics/[?> ,/trticle2

Tiiehigli seus beirigoperi tu a// iiatiotis, truStut~»tuy ruli(il~p *ilrl~ort 1.u Irrrlrtruer <;tutiforricrte d torito.~Irs rrotiot~s.uricirnLtat I~P l~errt
tu subject un}) part of ther~rtu its so~erei~irtj~ 4. Freedom of the Iiigh l~;giti/)rc~t~te/ritr<;rr~i(lrc soirrtirtirc iriir)/)ortic quelcotiqrrr ù su
.~or~rt~ruiti~ 4.~t~i;iIIberiG de la 1i:iiite iller ... coii1porte t~otut)~tjtt~~i,
seas .. .comprises, ititer uli<r,both for coastiil utidiroii-rousiulStiitcs: pour les Ltiitb riverains olr rroticic1iiiiicr:

(1) Freedom of navigation; 1) La libertb cic Irinavigation:
2) /,CIlihc~rtcr;icllu l~L;c-/ic;
(2) Freedot~luffi.~liir~;,q 3) La libertéd'y poser des câbles et des pipe-lines sous-iiiarins;
(3) Freedom to I:iysubniarine cables and pipe-lines :
(4) Freedom to fly over the higli seas. 4) La libcrtédc I;isiirvolcr.

O. La qiiçstion de 13 conser\ation des pêcheriesa ététraitée sépîré-
6. The question of fishery conservation was separ;itely dealt with by
the 1958 Geneva Conservatioii Coiivention, aiid by the subsequcnt North- iiient par la coriveniion de Genève de 1958 sur la conservation des rcs-
' East Atlantic Fisheries Coiiventioii concluded iiiLondon on 24 Jaiiuiiry sources biulogiclues de la haute mer et, ultbrieurernent, par la convention
sur les picjierics de l'Atlantique du nord-est conclue ri Londres le 24
1959, of which Iceland. the Federal Republic and the Unitcd Kiiigdoni jaiivier 1950. dont I'lslüiide. la Képubliqiie fédéraleet le Royaunie-Uni
were al1signatories, and the object of whicli, according to its prcaiiiblc.
was "to ensure the conservation of the fislistocks and the rational exploi- Ctaiciit toiis trois sigii;itliircs et dont l'objet. aux ternies du préanibule.
tation of the fisheries of the North-East Atlaiitic Ocean and iiiijacent était 1d'ûssiirer la conservütioii des stocks de poisson et I'exploitation
rationnelle des pî.clicries de l'océanAtlaritique du nord-est et des eiiun
waters, w~hicla ire qf'cor~it~ro< tiBoric~rtroi rhei,i" (my italics) 5. But agrecd ;idjacentes. r~rril~~rrr..s(oi'rrirttiitrtCrL'cioni».i(les italiques sont de nous)s.
measures of conservation on the Iiigh seas for the preserv:itioii ol.coniiiioii
fisheries in which al1Iiave a right to participate. is of course a coniplctely Mais l'adoption coricertée de niesures de conservation concernant la
different matter from a unilateral daim by a coastal Statc ..to p.rcve iit Iiautc rner eri vue de protfger des pS.clieriesçoniriiunes dont l'exploitation
est ouverte ii tous est fvideriiineiit tout autre cliose que la prétentioi,
fishing by foreign vessels entirely, or to allow it only at the will and uiider éinise iinil;itéraleiiient par uii Etat rivcr;iiri d'interdire complèteinent la
the control of that State. The question of coiiscrvation has therefore no
relevance to the jurisdictional issue iiow beforc the Court, \i81iicliinvol~cs ptclic aux navires ftr;iiigers ou de ne I'aiitoriser qu'il son gréet sous soli
coritr0le. L;i qiicstion de 11iconservation est donc sans rapport avec le
its conipetence to adjudicate upon a dispiite occasioncd by Iccl;iiiil's problèine juridictionnel dont la Coiir est saisie et qui concerne sa coni-
pétencc poiir trancher un différend résoltant de la prétention émisepar

-.- . . .
4 Coiiinic, cn l'absence de trait6 ou d'lin autrc accord siifisant, la souvcraincté ou
4 Sincc, in tlie absence of trcaty or other sulficient agreement. sovcreigniy or iir son équivalent est néccssairc pour puiivoir escrscr valablement dcs droits réelscx-
equivalent is necessary for the valid cxercise of excliisive propcrty riglits in any area. in cliisifs siir iin tcrritoirc qiielconqiic, c'cst-i-dire interdire et cnipSchcr par la forcc quc
the scnse of prohibiting and forcibly prcvcnting fishing by otlicrs. tliis expression uas d'aiiircsy pcchcnt. cn rkalitk ccttc cxprcssion suflisaii cn soriexclure tous droits dc
really sufficient in itsell to rule oiit crcliisive fishery riglits in any arcas tliat ucrc Iiigli pi-chccxcliisifs dans toute zone de la haute nier.
seas. 5 Daris I'inicntion des parties. Ics niots en italiqiics s'appliquaient Atoutes les eaux
5 The phrase here iialiçized was intçndcd tu relaie to al1tlie waters covercd by the viskcs par la convention, y coiilpri- et surtulit--cclles de l'Atlantique du nord-cst.
Convention, including-and above all-those of thc north-cast Atlantic.27 FISHERIESJURISDICTION (.SEP. OP. FI.~ZMAURICII)

claim unilaterally to assert exclusive juristliction for fislicry purposes iip
to a distaricc of 50 nauticnl miles frorn aiid arci~iiidher coiists.

7. I.:i tli2oris ~Iii ~il;iic:i~i~~oiiiiiiciit;iIii'olh;iit iioii pliis ;iiicuiic b;i\c
7. Nor did continental shelf doctriiic ;ili)rcl iiny biisis 1.oi-t1iciisilci.tioii
of exclusive fishery claims by a coastal State iiierely oii tlie çroiiti(1 tli;itits ;i iiii 1:t;itri\,cr:iiti poiir i-ci-cii~liqiiclrlcs di.oits de pczlic ecliisill poiir Ic
continental shelf underlay the waters coiiccriicd. This \\,:is iii;idc qiiitc riiiiplc iiiotil' q iic hoil ~)l;itr>:iiico~iliiic~ii;iICt:iit soiis-j ,~cciit iii1.lC:~LIS el1
c*;iii\c. c cl;^ i.c>\oi.i~~I:iii-ciiieitii~c 1:i coii~~ciitioiide (i~ii2\.c siir le pI:i~e;iii
clear by the 1958 Geiievo Coiitiiicii (;il Sliclf C'o~i\~ciitioi iiicl. ;is it 1i:ip-
pens, wns reflccted 1:itcr iiitlie Judgiiieiit of tlic Court iii ilic il'o~.t/i.\(a<r coiitiiiciii:il CIC105s. ci il \ihlioii\c rliic 1';ii.i.iI-cilelu~iir lilC'olird:i~i\le3
Co>itit~entalSltelf case (I.C..J. Holiorts 196'1. 13. 3). :li.ticle 1 ol'tlic (.'oii~i- :~Il':iirc\(111 /'/O/(~LI ./I/I~II~,II/(I/ /LII)I(~I-(/II .\'OI*[/((../.,/. /{(~(-l/oi/ 1909.
1).3'):i p:ir lithiii~ec*oiiIii-iiiC t*cl~oiii~.I.':irtic~l~ 2~~lc ILI coiivciitioii >tir lc
nental Shelf Convention---which provision w;is gciici.;iIl>-rc~i;tr~tlct is
reflecting alreüdy reccived law--st:itcd tlint tlic co;istnl St;iic cxcrci~i~il 1~I;iic:i~cioii~i~ic~it:iI cloiii les liisi~ohitio~isoiit 212giiiCriilciiiciit coii-
"sovereign rights" over tlie slielf "for the piirposc of exploriiig ii ;iiiii clr oii~iic rcpciiiii le ri I I ri dCc1;ircqiic I'1it;it ri\cr:iiii
cucrc*c clcs tlroiis soiivcr;iiii\ j1 siii. Ic p1:ite;iii cciiitinciil:il
cxploiting its iiaturül resourccs" ". Biit tIic tcriii "ii:it iirnl reso~ii-ce\" i\ I'euploraiioii rlc ccliii-ci ci de I'e\ploii;iiioii clchcsrcsso~irccs1i;itiii-cllcs :iii; lirih'tl.
defined in such a way, iii i-cspcct01'"liviiig orgaiiisnis". ;is to COVL.~. i'!il>.
"sedentary species", -i.c.. "orgniiisiiis \\liicli . . .citlicr ;ire iiiiiiiol>ilcoii 31:ii.; I'c\prc.;hiori ,.r~c~s~oiirc~ iiati.i.cllc\ ,1i.t;iii d2fiiiic co~iiiiic rie coiii-
i>i-ci~;iiitp. oiii. cc qiii c51 clch ,or~iiiii~iiics \,i\,;iiitII.qiic les ,(cbpC~~ch
or under the scabed or are uiiablt: to niove cxccpt iiicoiistiiiit pli';~ic:il
contact with the seabed or subsoilV-(Art. 3, pasa. 4). Tlic vcry I'LI~.I~O~L-01' ~Cdciitiiircs 1c'csi-li-1lii.c. Ichorg:iiiihiiicsqiii ... soiit soit iiiiiiioliilt~~ hiii-Ic
this definitiori was to exclude what wcsc collocjiiiiillyliiio\vri;is"s\i,iiiiiiiIii? lit ilc I;iiiicr oii ;ILI-cics\oiih clccc lii. soit iiie~;ip;it>lceitc SC dCpl;icci.si cc
II'C~I rcst;iiit coii~i;iiiiiiiciit cil coiit:ict pli!,siqiic a\.cC 15 lit de litiiicr
fish", or fishwliicli. whctlier thcy at :il1tiines sw;iiiior iiot. Lve1.~ c~~i~~ii 01~'lc
so doing-(and this of course iiicliidcd \vli;it ;ire kiiowii ;is "ticiiici-\;il" oii Icsoii~-~oI l)(':iri2. 1i:ii.4). I.'ol>ict clelcc~i, ~lcliiiitioii Ct:iit prCc~i\C~ii~iii
il'cui.l~ii-cci3 i~ii'oii :ipl>c-llcI:iiiiilii.rciiic~ii Ics ~(pt>issoiisii;~gciii-s $b oii
species-fish whicli spcnd a part of tlicir tinie on or iic;ir tlic occ:iii IJCCI [ii.>is\oiis(1 iii. ii;isc:iiit coii\i:iiii iiiciii ou tioii. il0111 c:ip;itilcs de Ic 1:iii.c
but are swimming fish). Cle:irly thercforc tlic Convciition rcscri,cd iiolliiiig
to the coastal Statc by wüy of excliisivc lishcry rights. cxccpt iii 11~1i:iiiiiglit i'l):iriiiiIcscliicls.hicri ciitciidii. Ics c*bp2ccs clitc.l,((di.iiicr~alcs O. c'cat-à-1iii.c
be called, in gencrnl ternis. sedciitary fislieries. It nlrordcd iio griiiiiitl l'ai- le ois I I p;ihrciil iiiic lxiriic ~lcIciir tciiips siir Ic lit dc I'ocG;iii
oii ii pi.()\iiiiiic C i 1i>1i<iili:ii\ qiii hoii~clcs poishoiis iiageurs). Il alip;ii.:iit
the assertion of exclusive fislicry rights in iiwtor.~th;i~ wcrc oiitsidc tlic cloiic-c~l;iirc*iiiciiq tiiC I;i c.oii\.ciiiiori ii':ii.i.sci.~,i. '1'Et:itri\.cr *111 :ILICLIII
territorial sea, and thercl'orc higli scas. This sitiiatioii w;is rcllccictl iii tlic
Judgment of tlie Court in the Co>ttiiiotttcilSl~clfc;isc wlicrc. iiidistinyiii\h- droit tIc pi.che e\cliisit' hi cc ii'csi cil cc c~iii coiiccriie les pCclicrics~~ii'oii
oirr~it ;iplxlc'r. et1 ici.iiic\ géiicr:iii\. pCclicrics s6dciit;iircs. 011 tic
ing between territorial scii and contiiicnt:~Ishclf rights. it \v;ispoiiitcil oiit
(I.C.J. Reports 1969. p. 37. end of para. 59) that ~x)ii\.:iitcii I ircr ;iiit,ii i;ii.yiiiiiciil piiiii. rc\?eiidiqiicr iles droits e\cliihil's
tlc 11Cc-Iiccl;iiistlcs cltrii.\cutiriciircs ii I;iiiicr tcrritori;ilc ci I'riisaiittioiic
piirtic ilc I;i 11:iiiiciiicr. l .';ii.i-Ci.ciidii p;ir 1;i Coiir ti:iiis les ;ii~~iirc~ clii

I'/(/tc~(r(/~/ otrfi~l(~ti/iri/;irI(lec,chic siiii;itioii :~1i~tirig~i:iiciitiirc les ciroii\ \LII.
1;i iiicr icrri~ori;iIc CI le\ tii.oii\ hiir le ~I:~I~;I cLoiitii~c~it;iI, l;iC'oiir !,t';lit
ol)scr\,cr (c' ../. l{t~(-lioi//90f), p.37. ti~i ci11p;ir:i~r;lpIle50) cl11c

((I:ijiiridict iori soii\ci-;iiiic clric I'Et;it i.ivcciiii :i Ic droit .. . ci'cxcrccr
"the sovercign jurisdiction whicli the co;i$tiil State is eiiiitlcd to
exercise . . . iiot only ovcr the scübed ii~idcriie;itli tlic tcrritori;il iioii 5ci1Ic111cihiitir le lit tlc 1;i iller ;iii-tIc~~oiis'le ses c;iii,utcrri~ori;ilcs
watcrs, but ovcr the watcrs thciiisclvcs. . .. docs iiot cxisi iii i-cspcci iii:iis :iiihsi\tir L.CS c;iii\ 11iCi11c ...i ii'c.\istc 1x1scri ce qiii coiiccriic Ic
lil;i1i3:i c*o1i1i1ic1i1;iI L-:I~ l'/,'t(l/ II.(/(/I/(.~/II~;/o.i(/i(>tiotr.s~/I.10.v cJ(il/.~
of continental shclf areas ,i,lrcr(~tlrc~t-ics~11ojirri.vtlii'fio~r oi,cJrtlrv .slrlulr-

6 The object of this wordingwas, if not to excludc the notion cnlircly, at Icast IO
reserve thequestion of full iinlimitcdsovercignty, striclo .veri.sr.vcr thc coniinciii;il
shelf. jacent waters, and over the seabed only for purposes of exploration srirju<-o~tcset ii'a de ~uridiction siir le lit de la mer qu'à des lins
d'exploration et d'exploitation n 7(les italiques sont de nous).
and exploitation" 7--(niy italics).
1)'iiillcurs. oii peiit nfliriiicr sans craiiitc c!c se troiiiper que la notion
Moreover it issafe to say that the wholc notion of coiitineiital shelf riglits
would never have received thc aliiiost universal acceptancc it did. not iiiCiiie de droits sur le plntcaii coiitiiientnl nSaurait janiais étk adiiiisc
only at, bot well belore the Geiieva Coiikreiice. iiiiless it hiid bec11liriiily prcsqiie iiiii\~ersclleiiiciit,coiiiiiie cllc 1':i été,rion seuleriient à la confé-
rciicc de Gcni.vc niais déji bien :i\/iills'il n'ii~aitétéclairemetit enteridii
iinderstood froni the start thiit those riglits did iiot cxtcnd t« the watcrs
übove the shelf, or to their non-sedentnry contents. dbs le dcpart qiic ccs droits iic s'étcndnicritpas aux eaux surjacentes ni
:i 11srcssoiirccs rioii sCdcnt~iircsqii'cllcs rcnfcrniaicrit.

8. From the foregoing observations it is clear that iit the niaterial date. 8.Lcs O bservations qui précèdentiiiontrent clairement qu'à I*époque
considérke, c'est-à-dire ü la date des çoiiférencesde Genève sur le droit
namely that of the Geneva Law of the Sea Coiiferences and for soine years dç Iii nier et pciidaiit les quelques aiiiiéesqui ont suivi, iln'y avait auciiii
after. there was no geiterallj- recognized wiiy of validly asscrting exclusive
fishery jurisdiction, as such, per sohi»i,-i.e., except as part of a valid iiioyeiigi;t/<;r(ilo~~ilr~e~ coitiiiii dc priteiidrc valableiiient d iiiiecompéteiice
c.xcliisiveeii rii:itièrcrie p?clierics en tiiritqiie telle. licr sohirrr -- c'est-ii-dire
claim to territorial waters, which would automatiwlly imply and cürry iiiitrcriicrit qlic d:iris Ic c:idre d'iiric rc~.c.iidic;itiorival:iblc siir des eaiix
with it the related tishery rights. From this it followcd tliat tlicre was no
way of extending any area of exclusive fislicry riglits cxcept by a valid lerritoriiilcs. iiiiplirl iiüiit ci ciiiport:~ii t iiu~oiiiatiqiicnierit rci-eiidic:itiuii
clcs ciroitr de pCclic ci~rrcsporiciiiii~s. II s'ensuit qu.p~.,iiIol~ot..s(je /ri
extension of territorial waters, unless it coilld bc ~lotrchi. ituy o(a,qrcv~.,ir<~t~~ (-oi~(~l.,irs i'i11 cr<a<-o< r(rli,1c.s<rurrc..s pni:s l~ruri(lri<rrrliu /)Cclit> (lrii1./cs
»*ith the otker coiintriesjislrittg in tlw ureus n>ticerne(l-(a proviso wtiich I
have italicized because of its pürticular relevancc to the jurisdictioiial issue -o)aJ.su/r <.~rr/.Isc ~\cul iiio)cri ~I'L:tciiili-Icch liiiites d'iitie rorie de pcclic
cxcliihi\c consistiiit à.rcpoiisrci- vnl;iblcnieiit les liiiiites des eaux tcrritc)-
now before the Court). It was indeed this situatioii whiçh ttieri ~iccouiitcd riiilcr (ILI rkserve iiidiqiice est en it;iliqiies parce qu'cllc intiresse tout
for and provided niuch of the niotivation for the moveilient t« cxtciid ilie
limits of the territorial sea. on the part of countries whicti. iiiostly. had p;irticiiliCrciiiciii In qiicztioii Juririictioiiiielle dont la Cour est siiisie).
' little interest in any of the other aspects of an extcrided territorial sea, C'cri d'iiilleurs ccitc zitiintioii yui c\pliqiiait iilors et niotiiait priiicip:i-
leiiicnt liitciidnnce à repousser les liniiics de la nier tcrritoriülc. de 13
and sometimes a definite disinclination for them % Furthcrinore. it wss part de pays doiit la pliipart s'iiitéressaicntpcii, à d'autres égards.à uiie
evident that there must come a point at which claiins to territorial waters
would verge on the absurd, where they went beyond anything in the iiier territoriiile 6l:irgie. oii iiièiiie s'en desintéressaient nettenient a. [le
plus. il ftait é\idciit qu'au-dclù J'ciii certain point on lie poiivait rc-
nature of waters that could properly be regarded as "territorial", iiithe veiidiqiier des eaiix territoriales sniis IrOler l'absurde. dès qu'oii sortait
sense of retaining somesort of physical relationship with the land to which
they were suppoied to be attached or appurtenant V. des ea~ixpouvalit 1( propreiiieiit parler Ctreconsidéréescoiiiriie ((territo-
riales O).c'est-à-dire coiircrviint qiiclque lien pliysiquc avec I:iterre ii
laqiicllc clles ctiiiciit cciisL:csse r:iitiiclier ou dont elles étaieiit censi:cs

rclcvcr ''.

I'oiir les iniplicütions des r]iielqiics Joiire clernicrs niois\,air13 notc prtjcedente.
For the implications of these last dozcn or so words. sec preccding footnote. * A I;Iiiier tcrritoriiilr s'aiiiicliciii iioii sciilei>iciit(Icsdroits iiiais aiissi des responsa-
The territorial sea involvcs responsibilities as well as rights. which inany coiintries hilitCs,doiit bciiii~<~iilleI>ii)Soiil Cie iiic:ipat>lcrde s'acqiiitter de facuii satisLiisanic
were unablc to discharge satisfactorily outsidc a relatively narrow bclt. siich as for en ilcliors il'iiiIOI~C I~~IU~~\~IC IioIiiIciiiiib1-t'tilr~bcraiildoil y ;lssiirer la i~olice
example policing and maintaininy order; biioying and marking channels and reefs. et Ic iii;iiniicri dc I'ordrc. hiilieirsignaliser les clicnaiis ci rccifs, les bancs de sable
sandbanks and othcr obstacles; kceping navigable channcls clear. and giving notice of et le* aiitrcs obsliiclo. \cillerI cc qiic Icr clieiiaiis na\ig;iblcs deiiiçiirent dégiigc.5ci
dangers to navigation; providing rescue services. lightliouses. liphtships. bell-buoys. \ign;iler le\ d:iiigcri'la riavigaiiun. prC\,oir Je) scrvi~csdc s~iivetage, tics phi~rcs.dcs
etc. t>aieiiiix-pharcs.des boiiéesi cloctic. cic.

9 As its name implies. the territorial sea is that part of the sca which is attaçhed to lJCoiiiiiic son noiii I'indiqiie. la iiier tcrritoriLLc la partic de la iiierqiii se rattaclie
or washes the land territory and constitutes a rturrtrulextension seaward of the land ail territoire terrestre oii Ichiiigiieet qiii consiitiie lin prologcment 11ai1r1e.rs Ic large.
domain. The diciion of the International Court of Justice in ils Nnrib Seu <ù~trinetti(~l dii di~iiaine icrrestre. C'cqii'a cICclarCla Cour inicrniitionrilc de Justicc dans son arrCt
Shelf Judgment about the troc nature of the concept of "adjacency" is as valid for tir JSI'lll/(,<c.oii/i~/(,~cl[(r,/l(rirri.1. !Voi.ralii ~Iticaracli're vtjritablc dclinotion
~~~iàJj;iccricc-~iiii;iii\\hicricil ~I'cxtcnsii>n;ihii\i\c iIc In iiicr icrritorialr qiccerl FISHEKIES JUI<lSDIC'l ION (~111'. OP. 1~1l'i'hl~~111~1~1~)

9. <:'csi clniis ces coii~liiioiis ci ~x)ii~. ces i.:iisi)iis qoe 1'iJL:e cst VCIIUC Jc
9. 11 was in these circuiiist:inces. and for thcse reiisons. tli;it tlic ~iotioii coiisid6rcr il p;ii.i leb\ (11-oiib 1Ic II~C.]IL: c.xcIii\it's qlli, jiisclllï-I;l, Cliliçllt
01.detaching exclusive tishery rights froni tlicir ;issoci;itioii solcly \\,i tli.
II~CL~S~;II~L~II~CI~I:1b\oc:i2h IIY (1 I.)II\ I.CI;IIils lii iiicr tci.ri~ori;ilc, do111 il5
aiid tlicir dcpciidciicc oii, teri-iioriol sc;~ i-iglits. lii-bl cniiic to Re pi.ol~oliiid- 1C1il:ic11. 3l:iis 1~:irihillc iiioililir.iiioii (le Ili silii;iiioii clc (Iroit c\iFc;ij~
cd. I311t ~11~1-I ;L cli;i~igc iii tl~c 1cg;iI pohilioii \votild 1.~~1i1ii.c ~CIIL-I.;II ;lgi.cc-
[III ;icioi'ii yi.iiCi;il (III iiiii.~.~il~iilc ;I~IICI.;I/C. 011 I>icii. ~iiiil\ ccrt:~iiic\ /011ch.
iiicni or uiidcrstniidiiig: 01. clhc. iii ~);ii.tic~llni. :II.~;I\. tlic ~oiibciii of tlic
cou~itrics wliusc lisliiiig \\~oiilcl lx ;ilTcctcil. It cuiilcl iiot I)c doiic iiiiil;itci-- ~':~h~~~iiiiiii~~iit (Ich 1>;i!,s <10111 1:1 PCL.]I~ \cr;iil ~OLICIL C llc. lie puiivait
I;iii.t IIII~l;itci~:ilciiic~i~. ( 'citc idCC ;i iloiic kt2 ;i I'origiiiL: dc In priiicipnlc
ally. This notioii üccoi.diiigl! bccaiiic tlic h;isis 01' tlic pi-iiicil~;il pi.olx~>~l
debatcd at tlic secoiid (1960) C;ciicv;i C'oiiI>rcii~~c.- -~ii:iiiicl) Ii)i. iij, 10 h ~~i.ol>osil ioii siir I;iq~iellc 0111 poric Ics iikh:iis ~lc 13 deiixiL:iii~. ÇOIIICI-~II~C
(IL - JCII~\ c (1 ')O()). et qui tciid;~it poi.tcr il 6 1ii11lcs iiii i~iiixii~~u~ii lii Iiiiiitc
niiles 01- tcrritori;\I ~v;itcrs. ;IIIC\ i~iiotlicr 0 ii~ilcs of cxcliihi~~c lihIici.>, i.i~lits.
liiaking, in etkct. ii total fislici-y ~oiic 01' 12 iiiilch. ot O iiiilcbs 1;11-~~oi1111ric\ ilch L~;III\ t~~i~i~i~oi~i;iIcs et il 0 ;ii~it.cs ~iiillcs ccJlc CIL 11 LOIIC 0i1 1'Lt;lt ri\,cr;ij,i
:iiii;iii clch (II-oit\ (le pcc.lic c\c:liisil'h, soit cil Tiiit iiiic zoiic dc pi.c]ie dc 12
wliiç]i electcd oiily 10 cl;iini 3 iiiilcs 01' 1cri.i tori;il sc;i "'. I lo\\,e\cr. the
riiillcb cil ioilt. 011 (Ic 0 riiiIle\ l>oiii- Ics l>;iys qiii iit rci.ciidi(liieraieii~ clii'iiiic
propos;il i.;iilcd 10 g;iiii ;lccc~>t:~iic~. t~io~ig~i 0111>, ii:iii~~~\\~~!~. ;111il tii~ ('011- 111ci. tci.ritori:~Ic clc 3 iiiilles 10. A1;lis Il s'e11est lilll~ d'llnc pdi[~lc 1il;lrge
Ikrence hroke up witlioiit Ii:iviiig rcaclictl ;iii'* ngi.cciiiciit citlic*i. oii ter-
I>oiii i111c I:I l~rol~~iitioii soi1 ;icccl>~Cc et Ics p;iriicip:iiits ii I;I coiil2rciicc
rit«ri:il sca or lislicry liinits: - so tIi;it it w;is clc;ii- tli;it. :il 1I1c poiiil iIicii sc Soiil hip~rtih s;iii\ 211-c ~~;~i.vciiii\ i IIII :i~.~oi.d iii 5111. Içs liiiiitcs {Iç 1;1 11ici
reached. no geiierally :igrcccl cli;iiige iii ilic I;ILV Ii:iiI t:ikcti pliicc.
ICI~I~~I~ II~ I~r IIc:cllc~de l:i YOIIC ~lcpCclic; il 6t;iit dc~iic cl;tir ql~'ii cc

si;iilc ;iiic~iiii :IC-L:OII~ gCiitii.;i l ii'Gi;ii l 111~cI.\.~II LI \iir 11111: iii~~iili~iit ioii d II

10. Such was tlic sitii;itioii lvlien. I;itcr iii the s;iiiic yir ( Il,hO). :iiid iii IO. Iibllc cf.iit iioiir I:I \i~ii.llioii lor\qiic. iiii ~wii plil\ t;ii.ci I:i iiiCiiic
;iiiiii'cbi IOOO) L.I 1':iiiii;c \Ili\ ;III~C\. \c hoiit ciig.i::i:i.\ r.1 lli.i.~iilCc~ Ich iii:goc.i;i-
the fi>llowine yc;ir. tlic iicsoti;~tions t1i;it Icd 10 t Iic 1O(> 1 I!\CIliiii~>~ 01.
1loi]\ ~ I I I 01i1:IIJ~)i~ :III.L*~~II;II~;!<~(lc iiotch (IL* l O0 l : c,t 011 \,oit ;111hhiti)t tii~i[
. .-s- -..were berlLii aiid in .>rogr-ss:-- -:liid it t~cco~llcs iii\t:iiit!y :i13~>;ii~ciit I'iiiii*ii~i 11 il<* I>I.:\CI,~;I II IIUIII 1' \I;iiicli~ I;i i~c~~i~iiii;ii~~;iiic.c iiiiiiiC~1i;iic cti \;i
' tll~t Iceland Iiad ÿ stroiig iiitercst iii securiiig ihc i11iiiictii;itc rc~'ogtiitioii
I.;I\ iSiii. cl'iiiii/oiic ili.~J~L~ ib\I-ii\i c iIc II' iiii llc\ p;ir (ICII\ CI priiic.ij~;lii\
-. ..- exclusive 12-iniles fislicr!~ zone. oii tlic p;irt of tnlo ol'tlic prii.ip;il
couiiiries fishing in Nortli Atl;iiiiiç wiitcrs. \vli(~sc \*ic\vs oii llic \iil!lc~t 01 1 1 i l ~ 1 1 1 Il I l C i l 1 L I \ le \l11t1 tir. I I IL.\
\,ilc\ iii. I;I cl~ie~iic~i~ dc.5 liiiiil~*5 ;iiitorixCch Ct;iicii~ 11~'lt~iiiciit COIISC~\;~-
tlie extent ol. periiiissiblc liiiiits wei-c distiiictly co~isci.~~;itivc. - :i rccoyiii-
lion conditioncd only by ;I ti.:iiisitioii:il pcriod <lui.iiig \\lliicli 1licic ~.o~iii- I I 1:i Wiil~ ~Oli<l~ilOli ~lllil~'I~C~il L-L'IIC ~~<'.i>tiiliii\~i~~~~ L't;ili[ la li\:i-
iioii d'iiiic pi:rioclc ii.;iii\iioii.c IiiiiiiCc ~,ciid;itit I;i~liiçllc les 11;ii.ii.c~ de
tries' vessels ivo~ild rctsiii ilie riglit to lisli iii ccrt;iiii :irc:is wiiliiii Ille II-
iiiilc Toile for ;lrcstricted pcriocl. III additioli. l~~cI:iii<l ol~t:iiiicil iiiiiiic~li:itc p;ip :iiir~Iiciit ciic~orc~ le tiroit de pC~.lici. cil cer[;~iiis 1iL:iix si[[]& l.illtCricllr
tics I~I ~oiic (IL-12 ii~illch. 1,ii O~I[I.L-. l'lsl;i~iclc rCii>si~\;iit il l.;iirc ;i~iiiict~t~c
rcc<>pnitionof ;i c~iiil~rlieiii scrics of l~;i\r~liiics ;ii.oiiii~I 11~1. ~I~OI~~S
I'ronl wliicli ~Iic 12-iiiilc li\licry liiiiii woiilil I>c driiwii po\c~i~i:iIl~ il i iiiiii~~li;iii.iii~~~i! ioiiii~ i~iic \Cric ilc. ligiic\ tic I>;I~C :iiitoiir dc se> ct'~ch. ,I
.. - J>;II iII ili-\q ~~i'lli-b \i,i..iiiiI:ILL!\: 1.1II iiiiiis (IL, I:I /oiic iic j,Cclic dc 12 iiiillcs
liigll\y colltr~>vcrsi;il 11i;itter 11. .l-lic (II/;(//)/,IIi/l/o \\ ;I\ ICCI i(Im\ ;ii~c~~~l~I:IiIL.~
or rccourse to tlic Coiiit il.;it ;iiiy tiiiic \lie cl:iiiiictl /iit.~li(~i.to c\tciid. lisi- CL, i~iii ;iiii.;iii ~'ii Joiiii~,i- licii :I ilc ii\c\ coiit~.o\c~i.\~-\ 1. 1-11 co~~t~-c~~:~~~tic~.
1'1\1.11i<Ii. :ir.<>i.l)i;iiiiI'e*ii i-L:l'Ci.t:i. ;1.1 ('oiti. ;iii e.;~, oii, ;i 1111~ii~iii~~il C~~IL*I-

-- - -..

lindue extensions (if the territ<bri;il sea as it is for (listant poirits 011 ilit:c.i~ill~ll~ll~:i~ ~Iii'lf

bed,--see I.C.J. Rcport.~ 1960. nt p. 70, para. 41 .
10 This prop(isal wolil<l have cnii\ecl the periiiissihlc fi<licr>~ liinii 10 ~x>iiiiiilc \vit11t Ili,
lxrmissib]e]imit of the corltigi~oi~s 7onc (sec piira. 4 :in(i footnotc 1 ;ilii>~c*). :iiiii \\()\il<!
in effect have givcn the coastal Statc excliisive lishcry ri&:its in thal 7orie.

11 The cflwt of base1inc.s oii the cxtcnt of tlie loiic dranri froiii tlieiii i.; ol'tcrio\,cr-
looked by non-tcchnical opinion. On an in(lcntecl coasf thcre :trc :il\\~:iyr srvcr:il o;i)\
of cstablishing a hasclinc systciii. conservative or tlic rcverw 'l'lie rcriili. if the iatlrr
nietliod is :l<lop(c~l, is consi<lcr:ihly to oil:ir.cr ilir :irc:i of llir f~iiic c~b~~t'i~i'~ictl.

thriisting its oiiter liniit scaward.;.30 FISHERIESJURISDICTION(SEP. OP. FITZMAURICE)

United Kingdom and the Federal Republic, and their respective fisliing conclue, cllc preteridrait élargirrlc,rjorrisctllriizone dc pêche;et ilest or1ne
industries, were willing to make these concessions-which, at that time. pciit pliis clriir qiic si Ic Koyriiiiiic-Uiii etI:i KCpiibliqiiefidérrilc,ct Icurs
industries de la pEclic icspcctives, se sont iiiontrés disposés à liiirc ces
need not have been made, and were injurious to ttiem economically and iii
other ways-was precisely the fear of such possible further clainis. Be- coiicessions - qiic ricii ne lesobligeait 3 I'riireiiI'époq~icet qui leur étaient
lieving as they undoubtedly did that the state of the law as it then stood prcjiidiciiihles siir le plaii écoiioiiiiqiicet i d'niitrcs égards - c'est précisb-
did not justify even a 12-milefishery limit, e-~copthj*agrccrmJtjt,the otlicr riient parce clii'ilscraigniricnr I'évcntiinlitéde noiivclles prétentions dc CC
gcrirc. Coiivaiiicucs qii'elles ktaicnt siiiis aucun doute que I'Etatdu droit
two Parties were nevertheless willing to concede it, in return for (as thcy
thought) a guarantee that further extensions could not be niade unless the riejustifiait mCmcpas, à l'époque,des limites de pêchedc 12 inilles, .c.oi!/'
International Court found that they were legally warranted. (ltii,crtlrcl'lrtlciccorrl,les deus aiitrcs I'arties étaient néanmoinsdisposces
ii concéder de tcllcs limites, en écliiiiigc.peiisaient-elles, dc Iü garantie
qu'il iic poiirrait y rivoir dc iioiivellc extciision saris que Iü Cour iritcrna-

tioiinle ait jiigc que cette extension étaitjiiridiqiienicnt justifiée.
11. Such being the position, it is nianifestly coinpletcly irrelevant to the 11. Cela itnnt, cliiaiiclil s'agit de dCcider si la Coiir a cornpé-tericepour
-1-s-ion of the Court's competencc to determine the validity of Iceland's stiiiiicr sur la vriliclitéde Iriprétc~tion Cniisc par l'Islande, d'etcndrc les
claim to extend her limits bc.).ond12 iniles, that if slie Iiad waited severiil liiiiitcs cics:i zoiic de pi'clic11rr-dcICIL 1'2iiiillcs, il est iii;iiiifcsteriic~itsriiib

more years she might have been able to justify the I?-t7ii/c fishery zone riiic~iiicpcrtincncc de ciirc que. si cllc iivitit:ittcndii plusieurs années de
irrespective of agreement to that effect;-and on this point 1Iiave notliiiig pl~is.elle aiir:iit pu jiistilicr cette liriiite dc II r1ri1k.siridEpendaiiinieiit dc
to add to what is said in paragraplis 30-34 of the Judgnieiit of tlic Court. tout accord; sur cc puiiii. je ii'ai rien ;i ajouter ii ce cliii est dit ails para-
It is obviously galling to aiiy man (but also a comiiion expcriciice) iftic graplics 30-34 de I'iirrêtde la CIoiir. II est Evidcminent vexant (nous en
Siiisoiistoiis I'cxpkrieiice)de s'npercevoir q~ic,les prix:ayant baissé. on a
finds that owing to a subsequent decline in prices he lias piiid iiiore for
something than he need have done. But this is iiot iiiitself a ground 011 payCquelqirc chose pliis clicr qu'il n'i'tiiitiiécessaire,rnais ce n'est pas en
which he-can ask for his nioney back. soi iiritrgiinient polir se faire reniboiirser.

12. Turning now to some of the particular points ttiat have ariscn iii 12. Avant d'èx:iiiiincrccrt:iincs des qliestions prirticulières qiii ont étb

connection with the jurisdictional clause iiithe Exchanges of Notes. oii soulcvi.cs ri propos de la clniisc jiiriciictionncllc qiii a CtC-invoquée poiir
the basis of which the dispute has been referred to the Court, it will tic porter le dil1'C.rciid dev:iiit Io Coiir. je crois iitilc de rappeler le textr dc
convenient, before going further, to set the clause out,as it ligurcd iiithe ccttc cliiiisc telle qii'cllc figure diins l'ccliringede riotcs avec le Royaiinic-
Exchange with the United Kingdom (the corresponding clause in the Uni -laclaiisecorrcspoiiciantccle 1'~chaiigcde notes avec la Républiq~ici

Federal Republic's Exchange being cxactly the sanie, apart froni a kw SkdEralccst idciitiqiic. Iiorrnis (daris le tcstc riiiglais) qiielques difTéreiiccs
small verbal differences not affecting the substance). It reads as follows: iiiiricurcscliiiiic toiichent pis ;lu Soiid.Cette clriuseest riinsilibellkc:

"The Icelandic Government will continue to work for thc iniplc- ((Lc Gouvcrncniciit islriridaiscoiitiiiucra dc s'employer i nicttre cri
mentation of the Althing Resolution of May 5, 1959. rcgnrdiiig tlic ~iivrc Irirésolution dc I'Althirig cil date dii 5 niai 1959 rcliitivc li
extension of fisheries jurisdictioii around Iccland, but slinll givc to I'élrirgisscriicntde lnjuridictioii sur les pcchcrics riutour de I'1sl;indc
the United Kingdoni Government six nionths' notice of such cxtcii- niais riotilicrri six iiiois ii I';i\,anccau Gouvernement du Royniinic-

sion and, in case of a dispute in relation to sucli extension. the matter Uni toiitc riicsiirc cil cc sciis: nii cas où siirgirriit LIIIdiffirend en Iii
shall, at the request of either party, bc rcfcrred tu the Iiitcrnatioiiril riiritiErc.Iri~~~icsfio~ scirri portbc, à litdcnl;iiide de I'unc ou I'riiitrc
Court of Justice." partic, dci,iiritIiiCour intcrn:ttionaIc de Jiisticc.))

In view of the clear and compeliing terms of ttiis provision, and of the Etiint tioiiiiC les termes clairs et irnpérritifsde cette disposition. et Ic friii
fact that what is therein expressly specified as constituting the cusrrs qiic cc. qii'cllc définitexpressénient coriiriie coristituriiit le ca.rrrs./i~c~clo ris
Joederis, namely a further extension of lcelandic waters, has now occurred, ri savoir iin ~ioii\~ctllrir?issenicrit des cniis islandriises - s'est disorniriis

it isdifficult to make any sense of the contention that thc obligation to protiiiit. ilest diIlicile de corilprendre coriinierit on pciit soiitcnir qiic I'obli-
have recourse to the Court is no longer operative bcc;iiisc the 1961 g:itioii d'iillcr cIev;iiIr1Cour ne s'rippliqiic pliis prircc qiic les ntitcs Ccliaii- FISHERIES JUKISDIC-rIO (SEP. OP. l:l'l'%kl~URIC'LI)

fiéesen 1961 üuraieiit iittciiit leur but et seraient doiic en quelque sorte
Exchanges of Notes liad achieved tlicir purpose, and 1i;idtIicrcl*orc 3s it
were lapsed or hecoiiie ohsolescciit. 1-liis coiiteiitioii seïiiis Iiowc\,cr to devenues cadiiqlies ou périniées.Cet argunient paraît d'ailleurs êtreesscii-
belong basically to tlic saille ordcr of ürguiiiciit iis \jV;i\ piit 1iii.w:ird tiellerncnt du ii16rncordre que cclui qiii a Ctéavancédevant la Cour dans
before tlie Court in thc rccent ciisc of' tlic J~rri.stlic/ioii(!/' //IOl(',40 1' la récente affiiirc de I'Apl>i~c loircrriiuir/ Ill cot~ipétcticr(lu Cotrseil (il>
I'OACI 12 (C. I.J. Rccilt~ilIY72. p. 46) 13,raiit par I'iineque par l'autre dcs
Couir<-il(I.C.J. l(clpor/s 1972, p. 46) 13. üiid by bol11tlic tlicii I>;ii-ticbl
thougli with dilTcrent oL)jects,-oii tlic oiic sidc to cuiitest tlie j~risdi~tioii Parties i cette instance. inais i des fins ciifferentes: dans un cas. afin 7e - - --
of the ICA0 Couticil to d~'i.1 w1itli;iccrt;iiii iiiattcr aiid. on tlic otlier side. contester la conipétencc du Conseil pour connaître d'unc certaine :ilf;1irc
to cotitest the competeiicc of tlic Co1ii.tto Jctcriiiiiic tlic qucstioii of tlic ct. dans l'autre, afin de contester celle de la Cour poiir statuer sur la coiii-

Council's jurisdictioii iii tliat iiiattcr. Rcdiiccd to its siiiiplcst tei.iii\. tlic pétencedii Conseil cil cette ;iltaire. EspriiiiC de I;iiiianière la plus siiiiple
process is to nrgiic tliiit ;ijurisdictiuii;il cl;iii\e, cvcii if it is otlier\visc diil! possible. Ic procédécoiisistc iisoutciiir clu'ilsiiflit. pour rendre nulle ou
üpplicahle on its owii laiiyuage. c;iii he il~w).lL~to iiiillilicd or rciidcrcd i~i- inapplicable cine claiise juridictioiiiiellc qiii serait par ailleurs dûnient
applicable cil vertu de ses proprcs terriies. de prc'tendre répudier coniiiie
applicable by piirportiiig (unil:itcrally) to ici.iiii~i;itcor \iispciid tlic iii-
strun~eiit çoiitaiiiing it, or (as in tlic presciit case) to dcc1;ireit to Ii;i\,clx- ayant pris fin ou suspendre unilatéraleriieiit I'instniiiient qui la contient.
conle inopcrative or to hcspcnt, aiid tlicjurisdictioiiol cl;ili\c \vitIl it. ou encore (çoninie dans la prfseiitc :ifLiire) de déclarer qu'il est devenli
inopérant ou a épiiiséses efl-ets.et la claiisejuridictionnelle avec lui.

13. It is ;ilways legitiiiilite to scck to iii;iiiitaiii (\vlictlicr corrcctly ui' 13. 11 est touiours légitiiiied'essayer de soutenir, iitort ou à raison,
not) that a jurisdiciioii;il claiise is, t~rcor~lii~t,o q its oit.irt~~ri,r.i,.ii;ipplicnl>lc qu'ei~ iscrtii ses prop,ï:s disl~ositions iine clnuse juridictionnelle est
to the disputc. or lias lÿpsed 14;-aiid iii t1i;it cvciit it is 1.0,.tlicti.il~~iii;il inapplicable iiiidifl'érciidou est cüdiiquc 14.C'est iilors au tribunal compé-
tent qii'il appartient d'cn dkcidcr, daiis l'exercice de son droit ou dc sa
concerned to decide tlic iiiattcr, in tlic escrCisc of tlic :icliiiitictl i.iç101.
functioii of thc o)irrlJtoii(-(~ de llr<r)i~il><~t~~ -(n(-tïlic ciisc 01'ilic (-oii1.iii foiictioii reconnu so~is IL '10111 dç coiiipC.tcncede la cotiipétencc .(ct que
thc applicatioii of AI-1.30. par;,. 6, of ils Stiitlitc). IIiit~lii\ iiiubt ci1ii;ilI> la COII~.poiir ce qiii 1:iconccriic, ticiit dc l'article 36, piiraçraplie 6, de son
Stat~it): illais il doit en ftre de 111éiiile orsque la prétendue cause d'inlip-
be so wlicrc tlic :illegcd c:iiise of innpplic;il>iliiyor iiiopcr;iti\.ciics\ of tlic plicabilité oii d'itiel1ic;icitc' de la clause juridictionnelle se trouve nori
jurisdictioii;il cl:i~isclies iiot iii tlint clause itbcll'biit iiitlit l;iligii:igcof. 01.
iiicoiisidcriitioiis pci-i:iiiiiiigto. tlic iiisti-iiiiicii~~.oiit;iiiiiiil. I'oi-otliti-- diins la cliiiise elle-niCiiic, iiiiiis dans Ic libcllb de I'instrumciit où cllc
wisç tlicrc woiild lx iio \\;iy of tcstiiig (iiiso I'iir;is it ;illk~,iccltlic iiii.i\ilii.- figiirc oii dans des coiisid6ratioris toiicliaiit ii cet instrument, car autre-
iiietit il n'y iiilrat niiciiii iiioj-en de déteriiiiiier si les motifs d'inappliïa-
tioiial c1;iiisc)tlic \/iiliility ot'tlic groiiiitls 0iii;i~~~~Iic~i~~ 01.lI~~II~.I.;II~L>-
iicss put for\v;irci; ;i~iiltlie COII~JI?~C(~IIt,I l/-~J-otr~~~i;t~ ~oiiiliiI>L -Iiillli~-cl bilitéou d'inct1ic:icitéinvocliiéssoiit valnblcs (dans la iiiesure où ils afYec-
or would bc iiiillitiablc <r priori,-iii sliort. ;is the Coiii.t s;iirl iii tlic tent Inçlaiisejuridictioniiellc). et Iliconipéteiiccde la coinpéteiicede\-icn-
Coidtlr*i lf ICA O case (I.C.J. Kcl)or/.s1972, p. 54, iii pni.;i. 1O il)j)"11ic; ii\ drait ou pourrait Etre rendue inopérante à priori; cn bref, conline l'a dit
la Coiir dails l'affaire concernarit la Cr,i?lpL;/c.trcte lu Co~lscil dE 1'0/1CI
of defC:itiiig jurisdictioiiiil claliscs would iiçvcr hc iiiiti" - siiicc
(ibitl.) (C.I.J. Kccrreil 1972, p. 54, par. 16 b)). (iles nioycns de priver d'effet les
clauses juridictionnelles ne manqueraient janiais )car

"If a iiicre allegation, as yct iiiicst:iblislicd, tli:ita ti.c;it>- iio (([si]. pour rendre inopérantes les clauses juridictionnelles, il suflisnit
d';illégiier,salis le prouver. qil'uii traité n'est plus applicable, toutes
longer opcrativc çould bc iiscd io tick;it its j~irisdictio~i;ilcl:iii\c\. :il1
such clauses woiild bcconie potcntially a deiid Icttcr." ces cl:iuses risqueraient de devenir Iettrc niorte. ))
011 voit donc lissez iiiülcoiiiiiicnt quelqu'iin qui a appuyé cette décisioii,
Ttistliercfore 1i;irdto uiiderst:iiid liow :iii)*otic\\.Iiosii~>pt:rkdtlic dci*irioii
in tlut çasc. \vitIlout ;iiijqualificati«ii oii tliis point. c;iii IT;iito siippoi-t tliC sans forniuler de réserve siirce poiiit, peut ne pas appuyer la décisioii
decisioll of thc Court on the :iiial;igoiis .iiirisdictioii:il t~i~cstioii ii~ 111~' prise par la Cour siir Iiiqiiestioii analogue de la compétence en la présentc

12 OACI: Organisation dc l'aviation civile internationalc.
12 ICAO-. the international Civil Avintion Orgnriizatioii. '3 Lcspassages dircctentcnt pertinents se trouvcn t dans lesparagraphes 166) ct 32 de
13 The iiniiiediatcly rclcvant passagcs arc in lwïigraplis 16 (h) iiiiJ 37 of'ilic Jli~I~: l'arrêt,C.I.J. KeclreilIY72,p. 53-54ct 64-65.
inent, I.C.J. Reports 1972, pp. 53-54 and 64-65. 14 Tel aurait pu êtrele cas si par excmple (comme cela se produit freqiiemnicnt)
14 This iiiiglit 1i;ivebcen the case if, for instancc (as is oficri doiic). tlic ohligiitioii l'obligation tic saisir la Cour n'avait kt6 assuniécque pour un laps de temps déterminé,
to have recourse to the Court had becri uridertakcii orily for a spccilicil licriid; or ifil ou s'ilétaitapparu qu'clle visait non pas I'cxtcnsionniErncde lajuridiction en matière
had appearcd to relate not to an açtiiiil prirportcil extcnsioii of IcCl:inil'sfislicric\ de Ncheries, à laquelle I'lslande prétendrait procéder, mais seulement la validitéou
jurisdiction, biit oiily ttliçvalidity or cffcct of tlic notiçc givçii ;ihoil. l'effetdu prkrivisdonnéà ce sujet. :illairc. diiiis laqucllc I'ls1:iiide.prL:tciidaiit qii'il serait en quelque sorte
present case, in which Icelaiid, alleging a sort of self-evidciit "f~~lfiliiicnt
of the object" of the 1961 Exchanges of Notes. coiitests (thougli without L;vidciitcl~icles C:diiiilg~~ de iiotcs de IO61 font atteint leur objet 11.coii-
actual appcariiiice iii the procccdings) not only tlie coiiipctciice of tlie tcstc, sniis rniitcl.t)is coiiipariiîirc. non sciilcmcnt la coiiipéteiicc dc Iii
('oiir poLirstiitiicr siir Ichiid di1~IitlL'rciid rcl;itif;isa prétciitiond'étendre
Court to deterniinç the nierits of the dispute relatiiig tu tlie purportcd
extension oSlcelandic waters, but (going t'urthcr in this respect tlian citlier Ics Liiiiiicsdcs eaux isl;iiidiiiscs. ni:iis iiiCiiie(;iiIaiit plus loin Ii cet L'giirJ
of the Partics in the ICA0 case did) the Court's compctencc cvcrito cnq~iirc qii'niiciinc ries dciix partics tlaiis 1':ill'riirc tic I'O..tCI) Is coiiipftciicc de I;i
at al1into the q~iestioriot'itsjurisdictioii. C't~iip rolir cs;iiiiincr 1iicliicstioiide si1propre c~iiipCtcnce.
13. A vrai ciire, I'oll.jcicicsCchiii~scsde ilotes ii'cst attcint qii'cii cc qiii
14. In fiict, tlic ohject of the Exchaiigcs OS Notes is fullilled oiily iii
respect of Icelaiid, wliicli has incicedobtained al1slic soiiglit for iiiidcr it. coiiccriic I'lsliiiidc. qiii iiobtciiii cricf1i.tto~i t ce q~i'ellcrcchercliiiit d;iiis IC
Her 12-iiiilefisliery zone was recogiiized and Iias hccii operating t'oriiiorc cndrc: de ces ;iccords. Sii LOIIL' de pCcIiccie IZ i~iillcsa i'térccoiiiiuc et
existe dcpiiis pliis de dix iiiis: ses ligiicsdc hiiscont etc iicceptces ct elle est
than a decade; lier basclines were rccogiiizcd; and shc is no longer
burdened with the transitional riglit of the other two Parties to lish iii libi.ri'c dc I'obligiitioii dc recoiiririîtrc pro\.isoircnicnt a~is deiix aLtres
some parts of the zone. Tlicse. iidmittedly. are al1 cxccuted claoses iii piirtiçs Icdroit de pCclicrdiiris ccrriiiiies parties dc la zoiic cn clucstion. II
respect of whicli iio furtlier qciestion arises or ciin arisc; hut this has iiu s':igit Iii. :issi~rL;~iic~d it. CI~~LIS ehCi.ciitL;csqui lie so~ilévciit PILIS et nc

relevance to tlie rcal issue because. for tlic other two I'lirtics, the abject pcii\.cnt plus so~ilcvcr~iiiciiti17rohlC;iiic1 :1i;iisCC poiiit n'est pas pcrtinciit
of the Exclianges is Iàr l.rom S~illilledaiid lias oiily just startcd to opcriitc. :ILIrcg;ircIclc Ili\zCrit;it>lc cliicsiioii qiii sc pobc car. pour le3 dei11;iLitrcs
-1iame1y. their riglit ol'recourse to tlie Court. aiid Icelaiid's correspoiid- p;ii.iics. I'ol~ictclehccliiiiigcs de ilotes est Ioiii d'ctrc atteint et \.jent sciilc-
iiiciii tlc co~i~~~ic~iieiep rrciidi-cc1ti.i : il~'iigitdc Ic~irdroit de saisir Iii('uiir
ing obligation to accept tliat recourse iSslie is purportin9 10 go hcyoiid
the agreenieiit, and furtlier to extend her lisliery liiiiits-ils shc Iiiisdoiic. ci clcI'ohlig:iiioii corrc~poiici;i~itc.po 1r I'1sl;iiide.d'cil ;icccptcr I:juridic.-
iio11 31 txllci~r~!tc~i;liIIlci-:i~i-ticlItlc I~ii~~eoi ~ItIprc)cL:~icilr LII~iit~~i\cIi.Iiii.-
~i55eiiicritde zoiic tic p2cIie CY CILI'~ iIC'iii.

15. Nor can it be contcndcd thrit tliis was a nierc fi~rrniility,or stipu- 1ï. 011 iic s;ilii.;iiiiioii plils \olitciiir clir'ils';igiss:iit lii d'~iiiccl;iii\c de
lated oiily es uhiilidutiri cuz~/eln. aiid tliat iio sucli exteiision w;is seriously piire 1i)riiic 011 ~I'III~ stCipiil;itioiilJ.v~~l~li(l(l~ itil~t(~k~et q~i.iiiic~i~iccstcn-
conteinplated at the tinie.--lor the reference contaiiied iiithe jurisdictioii- sion clccc gciirc ii'2tait sL;i.icuseriieii in\is;igL;e III'époqiic.car le kiit clLic
soit iiiciitiviiiiL;c.diiiis I;icl:iiiscjiiridictioiineIIc. l'intention du Goiivcrnc-
al clause to the intention of the Goveriinicnt of lccland to "continue to
work for the implenieiitation of tlie Altliiiig Resolution 01'May 5. 1959. iiiciit isl~iricl~itiisc continiicr (cdc s'criiploj.er Ii rliettrc en ûiivrc Iii rbsolii-
conceriiing the exteiision of fislieriesjurisdiction arouiid Iceland", shows tion de I'Altliing en date du 5 iiitii1959 rcliiti~.e II I'élar~isseiiicnt ci2 1;i
j~iriciictioiisiir les pi'cl~cricsiiiitc)~irtic I'ISI;IIIC 1I111~)rirc il011 S~~IICIIICII~
not only that just such an extension wiis conteniplatcd. hiit tliat it was
intended by the oiic Party. actively anticipated hy tlic others. iiiid duly clLieI'iiiicdes piirtics ciivis:igc.niide proctclcr Iiun tel i.largisseiiiciit, iiiiiis
provided for by nieans of the jurisdictional clausc. wliich hccoiiies clii'cllcen il\-;libelci hicii I'iiitciitioii. cltic Icsautres parties s'y attciidaiciir
ct !.avaient tlûiiicnt piire iiii iiiog,ciiclc Iiiclaiisc.j~iridictionricllc.q iiiperd
devoid of ;il1sense if it docs not iipply to cxactly tlie ciise tliat Iias üriscn.
sincc it had aiid could have had no other object 1s. Icelaiid caiinot tlicrc- toiit soi1sciis si cllc nc ~'~ipplicl~ipcas tiii~is iiicnic qiii s'est produit, ciir
fore be lieilrd to argue j~ost.jiicro tliiit tlic clnusc 1i;is iiithe iiic~iitiiiie cllc ii':ib;iiiet iii:pouviiii avoir d':iiiti.e ol?ict 1'. 011 iie saiirait doiic per-
lapsed; for al1tliat IiiisIiappciicd iiitlic iiiterval i~iiot :iiiytliiiig to cii~iscit iiicttrc ii I'lsliiiidc d'alli.giier c.v ~~ost ,/c~c./oqiic la clii~iscest eiitrc-tciiiph
dcvciiiic c~itluq~ic,car ricii ii'cst arrive diiiis I'intcrviillc qui puisse cil cn-
to 1;ipse. hot the \,cry tliiiig wliicli Iiiis ciiuscd it to coiiie into plii'
iianicly Iceliiiid's piirportcd cxtcnsioii of fislicricsjiirisdictioii. ir;iiiici-1;i c;icliiciil:.Ic hc111 t'ait iio~i\.c;iiisLir\.criii.Ii siivoir 1;ipri.tcntioii
i.iiiisc par I'lslaiidc d'Cliii-girsii ~.oiiipCtciicccil iiiaiiCic de pCc1ic.i-ich.
6t:int pri.cisCiiiciitcc qiii la t';iis;iitentrer en jeil.

16. Morcover. it was by Icelaiid's owii act tliat tliis occurrcd. Shc was 1O. En oiitrc cette situiition risiilte d'iiiie initiative de 1'Isluiidecllc-
iiot obliged to cliiiiii a I'urtlicre\tciisi«ii of waters. H:id sliï iiot doiie so. iiiCiiic.C'elle-ciii'ktait pas obligticde cieriiiiiidcrLiiieiiouvcllc estcrision. Si
cllc ne l'avait pas Siiit.Ic Koyauinc-lirii et la République fédiralc cl'illlc-
the United Kiiigdoiii niid [tic I:cdcral Rcpuhlic \voiild Iin\*c1i;id lie)riglit
to activatc tlic jurisdictioiial cla~ise in order, for iiistüiicc, to obt:iiii ail iii;~giiciiS;i~ir;iiciiptiis cil le tiroit tt*iii\.oqiicr ILIclii~isc~j~~ridicti~iiiiclc lcri
anticipiitory decision froiii the Court as to wlicthcr l'cclüiid woiild Lx i iic. par caei~iplc. tl'ohtcii~i-de I;iCoiii- iiiic di.cisioii iiriiicipie siis la
legally entitled. if so miiided. or at sonie fiitlirc diitc. to extciid Iicr cliicsiioiidc siivoir si I'lsliindc scriiitjuridiquciiient eii droit. aii cas oii cllc

- - - .- -.
1s Excepi of çoursc to allow Icrltur<lalso to rnakc an application to ilic Coiirt il' 1' Sicc n'c\t. bicii criicndii. dc ~>crinctirI'1'l.vlturle~saisir elle aussi la Cour au cas
circuriistanccs arosc io makc ticr want io 110su-sec para. 20 bclow. oii Icscirconstarlcc~~'~IIIICIIC~~ ;Iv~oiioi~r Icfiii-c voir Icparagraplic 20ci-a1,rCs.fishery limits. They had to wait until (:andif) she did purport to do so. en aurait l'intention à quelque date ultérieure, d'élargirsa zone de pêclie.
But Iceland, having exercised her right (as foresliadowed by tlie jurisdic- Ils devaient attendre le moment ou I'rslande prétendrait vraiment le faire.
tional clause itself) torluir?an extension (for of course itcan. at tliis stage Mais l'Islande, ayaiit exercéson droit (coiiiiiiele faisait présagerla claiisc
at least, rank as no higlier tlian that),cannot riowdcny lier countervailiiig jiiridictiorinelle elle-même)de présenter des re~cn(1icationsà cet efkt -
obligation under tliat same clause to submit to adjudicatioii. aiid tlie car, dii nioins au stade actuel, il ne s'agit naturelleinent quedecela - ne
right of the otlier parties to require it. If a repetition niay be Sorgiven peut niriintenant refuser d'aditicttre l'obligation qui lui incombe cil
therefore, the simple truth is that in 1961tlie United Kingdoni and the contrepartie, cri vertu de cette ~iiênie clause, de se souniettre au rigle-
Federal Kepublic were willing to recognize a 12-mile lirnit for Iceland, nient judiciaire, ni le droit dcs autres partics de demander ce règleriicrit.
Si l'on veut bicii me pardonner une rkpétitiori,je dirai que la véritc cst
even though tliey niight iiot consider that international 1;iwas it then
stood obliged theni to do so (nor clearly did leeland),-but tliey were siniplenient qu'en 1961le Royaurne-Uni et la Républiquefédcraleétaierit
willing to do this precisely in order to safeguard tliemselves against disposés à reconnaître i I'lslande une zone de pêchede 12 niilles niEiiie
unilateral acts of further extension that did not have. or did not eventually s'ilsn'estimaient pas qiie Icdroit international. tel qu'il existaàtl'époque,
receive, the sanction OSthe International Court of Justice after reference les obligeât iile faire (l'Islande non plus ne paraît pas en avoir été trks
of the inatter to it. This is exactly the situation that lias now arisen, and sûre); niais s'ilsétaient disposés i agir ainsi, c'était précisémen ptour se
the competence of the Court to deal with it on the nierits caii adiiiit of no protéger contre de nouvelles nicsures d'cxtension unilatérales qui n'au-
raient pas reçu ou qiii ne recevraient pas la sanction de la Cour internri-
doubt. tionale de Justice aprcs que çcllc-ci aurait étésaisie de l'atrairc. Tclle est

exactement la sitiiationcliise prkeiite aujourd'hui et la compétence dela
Cour pour connaître de l'affaireau fond ne saurait êtremiseen doute.

17. With regard to the question of "changed circumstances" I have 17. En ce qui concerne la question du ((changement de circonstances )),
nothing to add to what is stated in paragraphs 35-43 of the Court's je n'ai rienà ajouter rice qui est dit aux paragraphes 35 à 43 de l'arret
de la Cour, si ce n'est pour souligner qu'à nion avis le seul change-
Judgment, except to emphasize that in my opinion the only change that
could possibly be relevant (ifat all) would be somechange relating directly ment qui pourrait être éventuellenient pertinent serait un changement
to the,so to speak. operability of thejurisdictional clause itself 16,-not to direçtenient lié rila possibilité,pour ainsi dire, de donner effet à la clause
such things as developnients in fisherytechniques or in Iceland's situation juridictionnelle elle-rnênie 16,et non àdes éléments commele progrès des
relative to fisheries.These would indeed be matters that would militate techniqiics de peche ou la situation de l'Islande par rapport iila pêche,
for, not against, adjudication. But as regards the jurisdictional clause lesquels rila véritémiliteraient en faveur, et non pas àl'encontre, du régle-
itself, the only "change" that has occurred is the purported extension of ment judiciaire. Mais pour ce qui touche à la clausejuridictionnelle elle-
Icelandic fishery limits. This however is the absolute rcrerse of the type même. le seul (changement ))survenu est l'extension des limites de pêche
de l'Islande, ce qui est totalement ril'oppose;de l'éventualitéque vise la
of change to which the doctrine of "changed circumstances" relates, théoriedi1changement des circonstances, celled'une modification que Ics
namely one never contemplated by the Parties: it is in fact the actual
change they did contemplate, and specifiedas théone that would give rise parties n'auraient jariiais prévue. Au contraire il s'agit en fait ici du
to the obligation to have recourse to adjudication. changement même qu'ellesavaient envisagé etqui, comme il était spé-
cifié,devait entraîner l'obligation de recourir au règlementjudiciaire.
18. Furthermore, if the contention that this obligation has becorne 18. En outre si 1'011analyse la thksc selon laquelle cette obligation
unduly onerous, in a manner never originally envisaged, is analysed, it serait devenue une charge excessivement lourde, n'ayant jamais été en-
will be seen to amount to this: that if the Court, in adjudicating on the visagée ë l'origine, on s'aperçoit que cette thèse seramène à ceci: si la
Cour, en statuant sur le fond, se prononçait contre l'Islande, l'obligation
merits, should decide against Iceland, the burden of conforming to the

16For instance if the character of the International Court itself had changed in the entre-temps de sorte que la Courne serait plus l'entitéà laquelle les Parties avaient
meantime so that it was no longere entity the Partics had had in mind. e.g., if, owing pensé, notamment si, en raison de n~odifications survenues dans l'organisation des
of mixed law and conciliation, proceeding on a basis othcr a purcly juridical one.l Nations Unies, la Courctait devenue lin organe mixte. à la fois tribunal et chambre de
conciliation, fonctionnant sur une base autre quc purement juridique. reciprocal, not one-sided. Iceland equally could initiate proceedings avait elle-niênieun caractère réciproque etnon pas unilatéral. L'lslrindc
before the Court,-and this was no mere piece of "common-form" pouvait elleaussi engager une procédiiredevant la Coiir et il ne s'agissait
drafting, for if one of the other Parties should react toeland'spurported pas là d'une simple (clause de style)car, au cas où l'unedesautres parties
extension of her fishery limits, not by recourse to the Court but by aurait réagi à la prétention éniisepar l'Islande d'étendreses limites de
measures of naval protection, it would then have been open to Iceland to pêche,non pas en saisissant la Cour mais en prenant des mesures de
invoke the adjudication clause, which was in consequence a safeguard
protection navale, I'lslande aurait étéen droit d'invoquer la clause de
for her, as wellas for the other two Parties. Where then wasthe element of règlement judiciaire; celle-ci liiioffrait donc une garantie cornme ailx
"duress"? deux autres parties. En quoi donc résidaitalors l'élémend te((contrainte ))?

21. In conclusion, and although the matter may be a somewhat sen- 21. Pour conclure, et quoiqu'il s'agisselà d'un sujet qu'il estsans doute
sitive onefor me personally to refer to, 1should like-since 1shall not be un peu délicatpour moi personnellement d'aborder, je voudrais - puis-
participating in the next phase of the case-to comment briefly on the
que je ne participerai pas à la phase suivante de l'affaire - présenter
course followed by Iceland with reference to the proceedings before the qiiclques brèvesobservations sur l'attitude adoptéepar l'Islande,jusqii'au
Court, so far asthey have gone upto date. Ttmay have been understand- stade actuel de la prockdurc, dans I'instaricedont la Cour est saisie. Bien
able, though difficult to reconcile with the attitude to the Court which a que cette attitiide soit diflicilenlentconciliable avec cellequ'une partie au
party to itsStatute ought to adopt,that Iceland should declare herself to Stritiit devrait avoirill'égardde la Coiir, on aiirait pu comprendre qiie
be so convinced of the Court's lack of any competence to entertain the l'Islande se déclare i tel point convaincue du défaut totalde compétence
present dispute, that she would not take any part in the proceedings, and de la Cour en l'espèce qu'elle ne prenne aucune part à la procédure et
would not enter an appearance or be represented, even in order to argue s'abstienne de coniparaitre et de se faire représenter,ne serait-ceque pour
the question of competence. Had she done this on a once-and-for-rill discuter de la qiiestion tie coriipétence.Si elle l'avait fait une fois pour

basis, giving her reasons, and thereafter maintained silence, there woiild toutes, en cionriant ses raisons, et avait ensuite gardé le silence, il n'y
have been no more to be said except to cal1her absence misguided and aurait eu rien de plusà dire que Je q~ialificrson absence de peujudicieiise
regrettable. In fact however Iceland has sent the Court a series of letters ct de regrettable. Mais l'Islande a cnvo~.E rila Cour une sériede lettres et
and telegrams on the subject, often containing material going fiir beyond de télégrammessur ce sujet, qui contenaient soiivent des éléments débor-
the question of competence and entering deeply into the merits, and has dant largenicnt la question de compétence et empiétant profondément
lost no opportunity of doing the same thing through statements made or sur leforid, et elle n'a laissépasser aiicuiie occasion d'agir dans le niênie
circulated in the United Nations, and by other means 18,al1 of which sens par voie de déclrirationsprononcies ou diffusées riI'Organisatiori
have of course been brought to the attention of the Court in one way or des Nations Unies et par d'aiitrcs nioyens 18;tout cela est naturellement

another as, doubtless, they were intended to be. This process is un- venu à la connaissance de la Cour d'une rnanièreou d'une autre, ce qui
fortunately open to the interpretation of being designed, on the one hand, était d'ailleurs, sans aucun doute, prévu et voulu. Ce procédén'exclut
to place Iceland in almost as good a position as if shehad actually appear- rnalliciireiise~iie~iptas l'interprétationselon laqiielle il s'agissaitde placer
ed in the proceedings-(because the Court has in fact carefully considered l'Islande dans une position presque aussi avantageuse que si elle avait
and dealt with her arguments)-while on the other hand enabling hcr, in effectivement comparu (car en fait, ses arguments ont étéexaminéssoi-
case of need, to maintain that she does not recognize the Iegitiniricyof the gneusenient etprisen considérationpar laCour) tout en lui permettant de
proceedings or their outcorne-as indeed she has already donc with soiitcnir, ail besoin, qii'ellenc rcconriait aucune Ikgitimità la procédiire
respect to the interim measures indicated by the Court in its Order of ou à son issue - et c'est cc qu'elle a déji faàtl'égarddes mesures con-
17August 1972. servatoires indiquéespar la Cour dans son ordonnance du 17août 1972.

22. There is yet time for Iceland to show that this interpretation is 22. Il est toujours tenips pour l'lslande de montrer que cette interpréta-
mistaken; and it ismysincere hope that she willdo so. tion n'est pris exacte etj'espèresincèrenientqii'ellele fera.
(Signed) Gerald FITZMAURICE. (Sigrtt.) Gerald FITZMAURICE.

18 Suchasforinstancethepromotionintherecent(1972) UnitedNationsAssembly 18Par exemple,les effortsdéployéüs la dernièreAssembléegénéraldees Nations
presentcase.nsbearingon matters thatareor may bsubjrrdicebefore the Courtin the qui sontou pcuveritStrependantes devantla Courdans la présente affaire.estions

Document Long Title

Opinion individuelle de Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice (traduction)
