Audience publique tenue le lundi 15 juillet 2013, à 15 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Tomka, président, en l'affaire relative à la Chasse à la baleine dans l'Antarctique (Austr

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International Court Cour internationale
of Justice de Justice



Public sitting

lteld on Monday 15 July 2013, at 3 p.m., at tlle Peace Palace,

President Tomka presiding,

ill tite case concemWhaling in the Antarctic (Australiv.Japan:
New Zealand intervening)



Audience publique

tenue le lundi 15juillet 2013, à 15 fleures, au Palais de la Paix,

sous la présidencedeM. Tomka, président,

en l'affaire relative Chasse à la baleine dans l'Antarctique

(Australie. Japon ; Nouvelle-Zélande(intervenant))


Present: President Tomka
Vice-President Sepulveda-Amor
Judges Owada

Cançado Trindade


Judge ad hoc Charlesworth

Registrar Couvreur - 3 -

Présenls: M. Tomka, président
M. Sepulveda-Amor, vice-président
MM. Owada


Cançado Trindade

Mmes Xue
M. Gaja
Mme Sebutinde

M. Bhandari, juges
Mme Charlesworth, juge ad hoc

M. Couvreur, greffier -4-

Tite Govemme11t of Australia Ï!lrepreseltletl hy:

The Honourable Mark Dreyfus Q.C., M.P., Attorney-General of Australia,

as Counsel and Advocate;

Mr. Bill Campbell, Q.C., General Counsel (International Law), Attorney-General's Department,

as Agent, Counsel and Advocate;

H.E. Mr. Neil Mules, A.O., Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

as Co-Agent;

Mr. Justin Gleeson, S.C., Solicitor-General of Australia,

Mr. James Crawford, A.C., S.C., F.B.A., Whewell Professor of International Law, University of
Cambridge, member of the Institut de droit international, Barrister, Matrix Chambers, London,

Mr. Henry Burmester, A.O., Q.C., Special Counsel, Australian Government Solicitor,

Mr. Philippe Sands, Q.C., Professor of Law, University College London, Barrister, Matrix
Chambers, London,

Ms Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law at the University ofGeneva,

as Counsel and Advocates;

Ms Kate Cook, Barrister, Matrix Chambers, London,

Dr. Makane Mbengue, Associate Professor, University ofGeneva,

as Counsel;

Ms Anne Sheehan, Acting Assistant-Secretary, Attorney-General's Department,

Mr. Michael Johnson, Principal Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Ms Danielle Forrester, Principal Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Ms Stephanie Ierino, Acting Principal Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Ms Clare Gregory, Senior Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Ms Nicole Lyas, Acting Senior Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Ms Erin Maher, Legal Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

Mr. Richard Rowe, Senior Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Dr. Greg French, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, - 5 -

Le Gouvemement ciel'Australie est représentépar:

L'honorable Mark Dreyfus, Q.C., M.P., Attorney-General d'Australie,

comme conseil et avocat;

M. Bill Campbell Q.C., General Counsel (droit international), services de l'Attorney-General

comme agent, conseil et avocat ;

S. Exc. M. Neil Mules, A.O., ambassadeur d'Australie auprès du Royaume des Pays-Bas,

comme coagent ;

M. Justin Gleeson, S.C., Solicitor-General d'Australie,

M. James Crawford, A.C., S.C., F.B.A., professeur de droit international à l'Université de
Cambridge, titulaire de la chaire Whewell, membre de l'Institut de droit international, avocat,

Matrix Chambers (Londres),

M. Henry Burmester, A.O., Q.C., Special Counse/, Solicitor du Gouvernement australien,

M. Philippe Sands, Q.C., professeur de droit au University College de Londres, avocat,

Matrix Chambers (Londres),

Mme Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, professeur de droit international à l'Universitéde Genève,

cmmne conseils et avocats;

Mme Kate Cook, avocat, Matrix Chambers (Londres),

M. Makane Mbengue, professeur associéà l'Universitéde Genève,

comme conseils ;

Mme Anne Sheehan, secrétaireadjoint par intérim,services de 1'Attorney-General,

M. Michael Johnson, juriste principal, services de l'Attorney-Genera/,

Mme Danielle Forrester,juriste principal, services de l'Attorney-General,

Mme Stephanie lerino,juriste principal par intérim,services de l'Attorney-General,

Mme Clare Gregory, juriste hors classe, services de l'Attorney-Genera/,

Mme Nicole Lyas, juriste hors classe par intérim,services de l'Attorney-General,

Mme Erin Maher,juriste, services de l'Attorney-General,

M. Richard Rowe,juriste hors classe, ministère des affaires étrangèreset du commerce,

M. Greg French, secrétaireadjoint, ministère des affaires étrangèreset du commerce, -6-

Mr. Jamie Cooper, Legal Oftïcer, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

Ms Donna Petrachenko, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Sustainability, Environment,

Water, Population and Communities,

Mr. Peter Komidar, Director, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and

Dr. Bill de la Mare, Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Sustainability,
Environment, Water, Population and Communities,

Dr. David Blumenthal, Senior Adviser, Office of the Attorney-General,

Ms. Giulia Baggio, First Secretary, Senior Adviser, Office of the Attorney-General,

Mr. Todd Quinn, First Secretary, Embassy of Australia in the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

as Advisers;

Ms Mandy Williams, Administration Officer, Attorney-General's Department,

as Assistant.

Tite Government of Japan is represented by:

Mr. Koji Tsuruoka, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs,

as Agent;

H.E. Mr. Yasumasa Nagamine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the
Kingdom of the Netherlands,

as Co-Agent;

Mr. Alain Pellet, Professor at the University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense, President of the
Société française pour le droit international, associate member of the Institut de droit

Mr. Vaughan Lowe, Q.C., member of the English Bar, Emeritus Professor of International Law,
Oxford University, associate member of the Institut de droit international,

Mr. Alan Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Edinburgh, member of the
English Bar,

Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Professor of International Law at the University of Tokyo, member and former

Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee,

Mr. Payam Akhavan, LL.M., S.J.D. (Harvard), Professor of International Law, McGill University,
member of the Bar ofNew York and the Law Society of Upper Canada,

Mr. Shotaro Hamamoto, Professor of International Law, Kyoto University,

Ms Yukiko Takashiba, Deputy Director, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

as Counse/ and Advocates; - 7 -

M. Jamie Cooper, juriste, ministère des affaires étrangèreset du commerce,

Mme Donna Petrachenko, premier secrétaire adjoint, ministère du développement durable,
de l'environnement, de l'eau, des populations et des communautés,

M. Peter Komidar, directeur, ministère du développement durable, de l'environnement, de l'eau,

des populations et des communautés,

M. Bill de la Mare, scientifique, division de l'Antarctique australien, ministère du développement
durable, de l'environnement, de l'eau, des populations et des communautés,

M. David Blumenthal, conseiller principal, services de l'Attorney-General,

Mme Giulia Baggio, conseiller principal, services de l'Attorney-General,

M. Todd Quinn, premier secrétaire, ambassade d'Australie au Royaume des Pays-Bas,

comme conseillers ;

Mme Mandy Williams, administrateur, services de l'Attorney-General,

conune assistant.

Le Gouvemement du Japon est représenté par:

M. Koji Tsuruoka, ministre adjoint des affaires étrangères,

comme a}{ent;

S. Exc. M. Yasumasa Nagamine, ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du Japon auprès du
Royaume des Pays-Bas,

comme coagent ;

M. Alain Pellet, professeur à l'Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense, présidentde la Société
française pour le droit international, membre associéde 1'Institut de droit international,

M. Vaughan Lowe, Q.C., membre du barreau d'Angleterre, professeur émérite de droit
international à l'Universitéd'Oxford, membre associéde l'Institut de droit international,

M. Alan Boyle, professeur de droit international à l'Université d'Edimbourg, membre du barreau


M. Yuji Iwasawa, professeur de droit international à l'Université de Tokyo, membre et ancien
présidentdu Comitédes droits de l'homme,

M. Payam Akhavan, LL.M., S.J.D (Harvard), professeur de droit international à l'Université
McGill, membre du barreau de New York et du barreau du Haut-Canada,

M. Shotaro Hamamoto, professeur de droit international à l'Universitéde Kyoto,

Mme Yukiko Takashiba, directeur adjoint à la division chargée de l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine
devant la CIJ, ministère des affaires étrangères,

comme conseils et avocats ; - 8 -

Mr. Takane Sugihara, Emeritus Professor of International Law, Kyoto University,

Ms Atsuko Kanehara, Professor of International Law, Sophia University (Tokyo),

Mr. Masafumi lshii, Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign

Ms Alina Miron, Researcher, Centre de droit international de Nanterre (CEDIN), University of

Paris Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense,

as Counse/;

Mr. Kenji Kagawa, Director-General, Resources Enhancement Promotion Department, Fisheries

Mr. Noriyuki Shikata, Minister, Embassy of Japan in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern lreland,

Mr. Kenichi Kobayashi, Director, International Legal Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Joji Morishita, Director-General, National Research lnstitute of Far Seas Fisheries,

Mr. Akima Umezawa, Ph.D., Director, Fishery Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Ms Yoko Yanagisawa, Director, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Naohisa Shibuya, Deputy Director, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Ken Sakaguchi, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Ms Akiko Muramoto, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Masahiro Kato, ICJ Whaling Case Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Mr. Takaaki Sakamoto, Assistant Director, International Affairs Division, Fisheries Agency,

Mr. Shigeki Takaya, Assistant Director, Fisheries Management Improvement Division, Fisheries

Mr. Toshinori Uoya, Assistant Director, Fisheries Management Division, Fisheries Agency,

Mr. Shinji Hiruma, Assistant Director, International Management Division, Fisheries Agency,

Mr. Sadaharu Kodama, Legal Adviser, Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

Mr. Nobuyuki Murai, LL.D., First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, -9-

M. Takane Sugihara, professeur éméritede droit international de l'Universitéde Kyoto,

Mme Atsuko Kanehara, professeur de droit international à l'UniversitéSophia (Tokyo),

M. Masafumi lshii, directeur généraldu bureau des affaires juridiques internationales, ministère
des affaires étrangères,

Mme Alina Miron, chercheur, Centre de droit international de Nanterre (CEDIN), Université Paris
Ouest, Nanterre-La Défense,

comme conseils ;

M. Kenji Kagawa, directeur général du département de la promotion de la valorisation des
ressources, agence des pêcheries,

M. Noriyuki Shikata, ministre à l'ambassade du Japon au Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et
d'Irlande du Nord,

M. Kenichi Kobayashi, directeur à la division des affaires juridiques internationales, ministère des

affaires étrangères,

M. Joji Morishita, directeur généralde l'Institut national de recherche sur les pêcheriesen eaux

M. Akima Umezawa, Ph.D., directeur à la division des pêcheries,ministère des affaires étrangères,

Mme Yoko Yanagisawa, directeur à la division chargéede l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine devant
la CIJ, ministère des affaires étrangères,

M. Naohisa Shibuya, directeur adjoint à la division chargée de l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine
devant la CIJ, ministère des affaires étrangères,

M. Ken Sakaguchi, division chargée de l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine devant la CIJ, ministère
des affaires étrangères,

Mme Akiko Muramoto, division chargée de l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine devant la CIJ,

ministère des affaires étrangères,

M. Masahiro Kato, division chargée de l'affaire de la chasse à la baleine devant la CIJ, ministère
des affaires étrangères,

M. Takaaki Sakamoto, sous-directeur à la division des affaires internationales, agence des

M. Shigeki Takaya, sous-directeur à la division de l'amélioration de la gestion des pêcheries,

agence des pêcheries,

M. Toshinori Uoya, sous-directeur à la division de la gestion des pêcheries,agence des pêcheries,

M. Shinji Hiruma, sous-directeur à la division de la gestion internationale, agence des pêcheries,

M. Sadaharu Kodama, conseiller juridique à l'ambassade du Japon au Royaume des Pays-Bas,

M. Nobuyuki Murai, LL.D., premier secrétaire de l'ambassade du Japon au Royaume des
Pays-Bas, - 10-

Ms Risa Saijo, LL.M., Researcher, Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

Ms HéloïseBajer-Pellet, member of the Paris Bar,

as Advisers;

Mr. Douglas Butterworth, Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town,

Ms Judith E. Zeh, Ph.D., Researcher Professor Emeritus, University of Washington,

Mr. Dan Goodman, National Research lnstitute of Far Seas Fisheries,

Mr. Luis Alberto Pastene Perez, Ph.D., Director, Survey and Research Division, lnstitute of
Cetacean Research,

as Scientific Advisers and Experts;

Mr. Martin Pratt, Professor, Department ofGeography, Durham University,

as Expert Advisqr;

Mr. James Harrison, Ph.D., Lecturer in International Law, University of Edinburgh,

Ms Amy Sander, member of the English Bar,

Mr. Jay Butler, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School,
member of the New York Bar,

as Legal Advisers.

Tite Government of New Zealand is represented hy:

The Honourable Christopher Finlayson Q.C., M.P., Attorney-General ofNew Zealand,

as Counsel and Advocate;

Dr. Penelope Ridings, International Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

as Agent, Counsel and Advocate;

H.E. Mr. George Troup, Ambassador ofNew Zealand to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

as Co-Agent;

Ms Cheryl Gwyn, Deputy Solicitor-General, Crown Law Office,

Ms Elana Geddis, Barrister, Harbour Chambers, Wellington,

as Counsel;

Mr. Andrew Williams, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, - Il -

Mme Risa Saijo, LL.M., chercheur à l'ambassade du Japon au Royaume des Pays-Bas,

Mme HéloïseBajer-Pellet, membre du barreau de Paris,

cmmne conseillers ;

M. Douglas Butterworth, professeur éméritede l'Universitéde Cape Town,

Mme Judith E. Zeh, Ph.D., chercheur, professeur émérite del'Universitéde Washington,

M. Dan Goodman, Institut national de recherche sur les pêcheriesen eaux lointaines,

M. Luis Alberto Pastene Perez, Ph.D., directeur à la division des enquêtes et de la recherche,
Institut de recherche sur les cétacés,

comme conseillers et experts scientifiques ;

M. Martin Pratt, professeur au département de géographie de l'Universitéde Durham,

comme conseiller expert ;

M. James Harrison, Ph.D., chargéde cours en droit international à l'Universitéd'Edimbourg,

Mme Amy Sander, membre du barreau d'Angleterre,

M. Jay Butler, professeur associé invité de droit à la faculté de droit de l'Université George
Washington, membre du barreau de New York,

comme conseil/ers juridiques.

Le Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Zélande est représentépar :

L'honorable Christopher Finlayson, Q.C., M.P., Attorney-General de Nouvelle-Zélande,

comme conseil et avocat;

Mme Penelope Ridings, conseiller juridique pour le droit international, ministère des affaires

étrangères et du commerce,

comme agent, conseil et avocat ;

S. Exc. M. George Troup, ambassadeur de Nouvelle-Zélande auprèsdu Royaume des Pays-Bas,

comme coagent ;

Mme Cheryl Gwyn, Solicitor-General adjoint, Crown Law Office,

Mme Elana Geddis, avocat, Harbour Chambers (Wellington),

comme conseils ;

M. Andrew Williams, conseiller juridique, ministère des affaires étrangèreset du commerce, - 12-

Mr. James Christmas, Private Secretary, Attorney-General's Office,

Mr. James Walker, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of New Zealand in the Kingdom of the


Mr. Paul Vinkenvleugel, Policy Adviser, Embassy of New Zealand in the Kingdom of the

as Advisers. - 13-

M. James Christmas, chef de cabinet, services de l'Allorney-General,

M. James Walker, chef de mission adjoint, ambassade de Nouvelle-Zélande au Royaume des


M. Paul Vinkenvleugel, conseiller politique, ambassade de Nouvelle-Zélande au Royaume des

comme conseillers. - 14-

The PRESIDENT: Please be seated. Good afternoon, the sitting is open, 1give the tloor to

Professor Boyle, who is going to continue presentation of Japan's arguments. Vou have the tloor,


Mr. BOYLE: Thank you, Mr. President.


A. JARP A II is a programme of scientific research

1. Mr. President, Members of the Court, this is not a case about good or bad science.

Australia is not inviting you to identifY scientific weaknesses in JARPA Il so that you might

comment on how those weaknesses could be remedied. Australia's case is that JARPA Il is not

scientific research at ali. lt wants Japan to stop lethal research on whales. And that is the sole

reason for its critiqueof JARPA Il. If it cannat persuade you that Japan is not doing real scientific

research in the Antarctic its case fails.

2. ln responding to that case, Japan does not have to show that its science is perfect, or

beyond criticism. No science is beyond criticism, even Newtonian physics and Darwinian biology

are not unassailable and that is how science progresses. Sorne of the criticism directed at JARPA Il

is politically motivated, and JARPA Il is plainly controversial. But political objections and

controversy do not make research any less scientific in character. Nor do scientists always agree

on whether research is necessary or useful. So much is common sense.

3. ls JARPA Il scientific research? If that question is one for experts to answer then

Professor Walloe gave you an unambiguous answer: "JARPA Il is definitely a scientific research

program." Does it matter that sorne Australian scientists disagree? ln our view, no, it does not.

4. Australia and New Zealand maintain that what is scientific research can be determined by

objective criteria. For that purpose they continue to offer you Professor Mange!, with his clearly

defined hypotheses, his preference for non-lethal methods and for peer-reviewed publications.

CR 2013114, p.22 (Walluc). - 15-

5. But in contrast to Professor Mange), here is how 72 Nobel Prize wmners and other

scientists have defined science in a case before the United States Supreme Court (Edwards v.

Agui/lard). [Tab 15-1/slide 1on] According to them:

"Science is devoted to formulating and testing naturalistic explanations for
natural phenomena. lt is a process for systematically collecting and recording data

about the physical world, then categorizing and studying the collected data in an effort
to infer the principles of nature that best explain the observed phenomena." 2

6. Now this definition bears only sorne resemblance to Professor Mangel's account. And

even Professor Mangel has admitted that scientists differ on what they regard as science 3• That is

obvious. [Siide 1off]

7. ln Japan's view, when a treaty refers to "scientific research" or "scientific evidence" or

"scientific findings", the question what these terms mean cannot be answered by asking scientists

what they understand by science. lt is a question of treaty interpretation. The answer will depend

on the object and purpose of the treaty and the terms in which it is expressed.

8. Sorne treaties, to take for example the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, seek to

facilitate scientific research in broad terms. Article 246 (5) of that Convention implicitly

distinguishes between applied research involving amongst other things exploration or exploitation

of natural resources, such as whales , and "pure research", which is defined by Article 246 (3) as

research carried out "in order to increase scientific knowledge of the marine environment for the

benefit of ali mankind". An oceanographie scientist writing about the Convention's articles on

marine scientific research in 1987 notes that: "The value of data per se is referred to in severa!

articlesof UNCLOS." 5

9. Again you will notice how little resonance any ofthis has with those philosophical debates

on the nature of science to which you were treated in the opening week ofthese proceedings.

1O.ln most cases, the science relevant to treaties concemed with environmental protection or

the sustainable use of living resources typically involves monitoring and data analysis of things

2Amieus Curiac Brier of 72 Nobel Laureates et Edwards v. AKllillard, 18 August 1986, 1986 WL 727658,
p. 23.

JCR 2013/9, p. 59 (Mangcl).

4R. Churchill and A.Y. Lowe, The Law of the Sea (Manchester University Press, 3rd cd. 1999), pp. 405-406.

sN. Flemming. lnstitute of Oceanographie Sciences. '·The Exchange of Scicntific Information and Data", in Law
of the Sca lnstitute, The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Impact and Implementation (1987, Hawaii), p. 398. Sec
UNCLOS, Arts. 200; 244 (2); 249 (1)(c~-( d7);(e)-(f). - 16-

such as tish stocks or other biological resources, or pollution levels in air and water, or global

warming and so on. Long-term monitoring provides the "scientitic evidence", the "scientitic

findings", the "scientific research" that underpin the effectiveness and evolution of ali of these

multilateral environmental agreements and also regional fisheries treaties among others. So, if

seeking this essential data is not science then we have no legal basis for collecting it or for basing

decisions upon it.

Il. Continuous monitoring programmes form the backbone of ali scientific research

programmes which have the aim of providing advice on sustainable levels of catch for marine or

terrestrialliving resources. The reason is obvious. Population dynamics, and hence the size of the

sustainable yield, can change in a manner that may not be predictable. lt has to be monitored. That

is true for whales. lt's as true for whales as it is for any other animal. Factors indexing these

dynamics must therefore be monitored so that changes can be detected and adjustments made.

12. And in fisheries throughout the world, bath national and international, monitoring of that

>< kind involves measuring "age, length and breeding conditi ao ask~ which requires lethal

sampling. The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES), a scientific organization

responsible for giving advice of that kind in the North Atlantic, describes such data as "crucial"6•

"1( And you will see its view of what fisheries scientists do at tab 16 in your folder.~his is the

kind of data that the RMP Implementation process requires, as Professor Hamamoto explained in

his first round speech•

13. So JARPA Il is in essence doing exactly the same monitoring that fisheries scientific

programmes perform, with "age, length and breeding condition" information requiring lethal

research. If JARPA Il is not a programme of scientific research, then neither are the primary

research activities of institutions providing advice on sustainable catch levels for fisheries


14. So, Mr. President, the Court's decision in this case could have broad systemic

implications across the whole field of international environmental law. Do we really want to say

6lntemational Council for the Exploration of the Sea, "Fish Stocks: Counting the Uncountable?" (Copenhagen,
Denmark, ICES, 2004-2005), p. 3.

7CR 2013/13, pp. 25-29 (Hamamoto) . - 17-

that governments and environmental treaty bodies cannot take any decisions about scientific

matters unless they are based on peer-reviewed academie publications, and supported by multiple

hypotheses, and posing questions that would secure research funding in Southern California? That

is the absurd position that Australia invites the Court to take. Truly absurd.

15. lt is also wrong to conclude that monitoring and data analyses lack hypotheses- the

essential hypothesis is to see whether things are changing or staying the same. ls the fish

population going up or clown? How much effluent can we put in the sea before it becomes

polluted? Are the oceans more or less acidic now than 50 years ago? Are the whales getting

bigger or smaller? On any reasonable common sense view these are questions that entail scientific

research and they are exactly the kind of questions that JARPA Il is designed to address, if

necessary, using lethal methods and non-lethal methods.

16. JARPA Il is based on the fundamental hypothesis that large whale species once severely

depleted are now recovering, and that abundant species- the minke whale- have ~ to x

compete for food and have reached a natural ceiling. That is the essence of the krill surplus

hypothesis. lt was remarkable that you heard almost nothing about the krill surplus hypothesis last

week, or from Australia at ali. The larger whales- blue whales and fin and humpback whales-

are efficient at consuming krill. Minke whales are not so efficient. Fin and humpback recovery is

strong- about 10 percent per annum for sorne of the humpback \Spogio-. So the krill surplus )(

hypothesis is important- what happens when there is no longer a surplus? But it is not the only

hypothesis for whale population dynamics in Antarctica.

17. Professor Wallee expressly pointed out, and 1 will quote his words: the krill surplus

hypothesis, he said "is definitely not the only clearly identifiable hypothesis in JARPA or

JARPA Il" and he gave the example of a further, independent hypothesis in his lwriKeFIevidence. x.

If 1 quote from that, he said: "The hypothesis of the constant overall carrying capacity is not

related to the krill surplus hypothesis. That could be related to climate change, for instance."

IWC website, "status of whales" <; accessed 13 July 2013; sec also MA, App. 1, para. 5.18,
CR 2013114, p.38 (Walloe). - 18-

Assessing the possible effect on whale stocks of changes in the Antarctic marine ecosystem Js

precisely what differentiates JARPA Il from JARPA.

18. So how then can the Court assess whether Japan acted lawfully in concluding that

JARPA Il constitutes scientific research for the purposes of Article VIII? We have made our view

very clear. But there are two elements that will help the Court come to the conclusion that Japan

has acted reasonably in this regard.
19. First, you must look at the context: the object and purpose of the Whaling Convention

which, as you have seen this morning, is to secure conservation and development of whale stocks

and their optimum utilization. Scientific research pursuant to Article VIII can serve any of those

interrelated purposes. lt is not simply a limited exception to an almost complete elimination of

sustainable whaling. lt can, at the very least, serve the purpose offacilitating legitimate sustainable

whaling pursuant to the RMP- and the RMP is a very conservative procedure which provides an

agreed precautionary basis for sustainable catch of abundant stocks such as the Antarctic minke

whale. This is a reality which cannot be ignored when assessing the legality of JARPA Il.

20. Secondly, Annex P, about which you heard more this morning, gives the only agreed

guidance on what the Whaling Commission and the Scientific Committee expect to see in a

programme of special permit research. It is not for Australia or New Zealand to add additional

criteria unilaterally. The criteria covered by Annex P have evolved over time and Ms Takashiba

has explained its genesis and its relationship to Annex Y, and earlier IWC Resolutions.

21. Yes, Annex P is based on IWC Resolutions, but it also reformulates them so that ali

Scientific Committee members could agree on the text, including Japanese and Norwegian

scientists carrying out research programmes such as JARPA Il. And the International Whaling

Commission endorsed Annex P and therefore it endorsed whatever changes it makes to their earlier
understandings •

22. None ofthese resolutions or annexes is binding on the parties. They offer only guidance

and they should not be read as if there were treaty texts. They are applied by scientists. But the

"Revised Chair's Report of the 60th Annual Meeting", Annual Report of the International Whaling
Commission,2008, p26. - 19-

guidance given in Annex P is obviously important in telling us what the IWC regards as

appropriate for a scientific research programme that uses lethal methods.

23. Australia would prefer you to ignore Annex P and it has said almost nothing about it.

And there is good reason for its silence- because of ali the guidance given by the Scientific

Committee, Annex P is the most liberal in its treatment of research that is not immediately related

to the management of whale stocks.

24. Let me remind you what Annex P envisages- 1 hope the siide is coming up any

moment now: Annex P envisages that a special permit for lethal whaling may be issued for

research within any of the following objectives: [tab 15-2: slide 2 on]

(i) improving conservation and the management of whale stocks;

(ii) improving the conservation and management of other living marine resources or the

ecosystem ofwhich the whale stocks are an integral part; and

(iii) testing hypotheses not directly related to the management of living marine resources.

25. ft remains central to Japan' s case, as we explained to the Court in the first round ,that

JARPA Il falls within ali of these categories and that it is therefore scientific research for the

purposes of the Whaling Convention. [Siide 2 off]

26. Australia cannot get round Annex P. Even if it does not replace Annex Y and the older

IWC Resolutions, as Australia claims, Annex P plainly adds to them, among other things, by

setting out more clearly than before that research not related to conservation and management of

whale stocks nevertheless falls legitimately within Article VIII 1•

27. N&JN Ptofessor Wallee gave an excellent example in his oral testimony: he referred to X

Norwegian research on whale stocks that was directed not at the conservation and management of

whales, but at the conservation and management of fish stocks eaten by the whales • And it was to

make the acceptability ofthat kind of programme transparently clear that Annex P was adopted.

28. ln our view, the consistency of JARPA Il with Article VIII should be reviewed according

to today's standards. As we argued in the first round, those standards are set out in Annex P, and

1CR 2013/15, pp. 58-59, paras. 52-56 (Boyle).

1CR 2013115,p. 56, para. 44 (Boyle).

ueR 2013/14, p. 22 (Wallue);Lars Walloe, "Scientific review of issues raised by the Memorial of Australia
includingits two Appendices", 9 April 2013, p. 13. [Herealler "WallŒ, Expert Statement"] -20-

JARPA Il meets those standards. lt would, we submit, be pointless to assess JARPA Il on any

other basis than the one on which it will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee in 2014. And

Australia has not responded to that very obvious point.

29. But even if we are wrong in inviting you to disregard Annex Y and the earlier IWC

Resolutions, we say that you could easily conclude on the evidence before you that JARPA Il also

meets the Annex Y Guidelines. For this purpose, the 2005 JARPA Il Research Plan, in our

submission, more than adequately defines the research to be undertaken, identifies the questions to

be asked and explains the methodology. Our argument on those issues was set out in the first

round and 1do not need to repeat it.

30. Nor do 1need to say any more about the impact on whale stocks. Australia has offered

no evidence of any adverse effect resulting from JARPA Il on the whale stocks and its own expert,

Professor Mange!, agreed "that very small take of whales will not in any way endanger this

31. Basing his reading of Annex Y on IWC Resolution 1995-9 1, Professor Sands argued that

you must ask the following questions with respect to the objectives of JARPA Il.

32. First, he says,s it "for purposes of scientific research"? Weil, for ali the reasons already

given, we say it is and 1will not say more about that.

33. Second, is the proposai being made m "exceptional circumstances" ? But,

Mr. President, Members of the Court, there is no reference to exceptional circumstances in

Annex Y. We have already made the point this moming and earlier that it is wrong to take

elements from highly contentious IWC Resolutions, adopted only by majority vote, against the

opposition of Japan, that are not even referred to in Annex Y -and there may be a good reason

why they are not referred to in Annex Y- and elements that are plainly inconsistent not only with

Annex P but also with the text of Article VIII of the Convention.

CR 2013/9,p.63 (Mange!).
~CR 2013110, p. 35 (Sands).

1/bid., p. 36 (Sands). -2 1-

34. Third, Professor Sands says the questions asked must address "critically important

issues" • 1will show shortly that our evidence, supported by Professor Wallee, is that JARPA Il

does indeed meet critically important research needs. But that is not the point at the moment. If

counsel had taken the trouble to read Annex Y he would see that addressing "critically important

research needs" is merely one among severa( possible justifications for issuing a special permit

under Article VIII. To suggest that it is the only one misrepresents the guidance given to the

Scientific Committee.

35. Fourth, counsel for Australia says you must ask whether the questions that are being

asked "can be answered by analysis of existing data" • You will search the record in vain for any

evidence from Australia proving that JARPA Il can be addressed using existing data. The very

nature of the objectives shows that it cannat rely on existing data alone, although it certainly does

make use of the earlier JARPA data • But, by its very nature existing data can only tell us what

happened in the past. It cannat tell us what is happening now.

36. The final question, according to counsel for Australia, is whether the questions asked can

be answered by non-lethal techniques • 1will return ta that shortly.

37. But these are not the only questions that could be asked under Annex Y. lt is worth

looking at the others, because there are other matters Iisted in the text of the Annex. We could, for

example, ask:

(a) Whether the research has any connection with "research needs identified by the Scientific


(b) Whether it is intended or structured to "contribute information essential for rational

management of the stock".

(c:) Whether it is "required for the purposes of management of the species or stock being


17CR 2013/10, p.36 (Sands).

1)CR2013/15, pp.50-52 (Boyle).
°CR 2013/19, p.38 (Sands). -22-

38. What is obvious here is that lethal research does not have to be "exceptional" nor does it

have to address critically important research needs. lt can do other things. You will notice the

difference between Annex Y and Annex P, but whichever Annex is relevant, there are

self-evidently various potential justifications for special permit research, and they are not


39. lt would try the patience of the Court to take you through ali of them. You will recall,

however, that when the JARPA Il research plan was reviewed by the Scientific Committee there

was no suggestion that it did not fa li within any of the parameters identified in Annex Y. Rightly

so, because the Australian arguments in this respect are nonsense. Let me deal with a few of them


40. First, Japan rejects entirely the allegation that JARPA Il is not required for the purposes

of management of the species or stock being researched. Professor Sands stated last Wednesday

that "killing whales and obtaining lethal datais not required for the RMP" • The Solicitor-General

argued that "any suggestion that JARPA is designed to obtain information to 'implement' the RMP

Jacks justification" ,he said. But neither counsel made any reference to the relevant Scientific

Committee documents that had been cited extensively by Professor Hamamoto in the first round •

There is, for example, the document entitled "Requirements and Guidelines for Implementations

under the Revised Management Procedure (RMP)" that you can find in volume 13of the Journal of

Cetacean Research and Management published in 2012 and you will find that in the records of

><- the firstround,( 1tta~

41. This document clearly indicates that biological data are to be used in the RMP 25•

Moreover, such data are in fact used in the RMP implementation process with regard to minke

whales in the Northwest Pacific • Age data collected under special permit played a critical rote in

CR 2013/19, p. 49, para. 65 (Sands).
CR 2013/19, p. 22, para. 31 (Gieeson).
CR 2013/13, pp. 25-29, paras. 47-51 (llamamoto).
24Japan, judges' folder, lirst round, tab 25-16.

25"Requirements and Guidelines lor Implementations under the Revised Management Procedure (RMP)",
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 13 (Suppl.), 2012, p. 497, p. 504, App. 2, judges' lolder of Japan, lirst round, tab 25-16;

CR 2013/13, p. 28, para. 51 (Hamamoto).
26"Report of the Working Group on the Pre-Implementation Assessment of Western North Pacifie Common

Minke Whales", J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 12 (Suppl.), 2011, p. 117, p. 118, p. 133 (App. 2). -23-

this process for Northwest Pacifie Bryde's whales 27• ln this respect Professor Wal10e agrees with

Japan: he said "both JARPA and JARPA Il have given valuable information for the possible

implementation of the current version of the RMP and for possible future improvements of the

RMP" •

42. Secondly, we maintain that JARPA Il directly addresses "research needs identified by the

Scientific Committee" and "other critically important research needs". 1made that point last week

in reply to Judge Bhandari's very pertinent question. 1 can explain it more fully now. This is

where research into the Antarctic ecosystem and multispecies modelling becomes critically

important. You will recall Professor Wal10e giving evidence that, for him, "even more important

[he said], is that the programs [i.e. JARPA and JARPA Il] are giving critical information about

on-going changes in the Antarctic ecosystem" • Those were his words.

43. The need to mode! competition between whale species for food is a broader part of the

research aim of JARPA Il to monitor the ecosystem in order to understand the impact of

environ mental changes on whales, on krill and on other species. The necessity of that objective is

fully explained in the JARPA II research plan which points out, in a very short paragraph, it says:

"Little can be achieved by using a single species management system for

monitoring the whole ecosystem and identifying measures for the recovery of depleted
cetaceans, in the context of changing cetacean population balance." 30

44. The Solicitor-General for Australia suggested to the Court that: "Objective Two, which

had aimed to build the grand overarching mode! of inter-species competition, is [he said] ... rather

illusory" 31• "IIIusory". 1have four comments to make on this illusory attempt to dismiss that part

ofthe research plan.

45. First, the importance of taking an ecosystem approach in monitoring it is identified by

the IWC itself in consensus Resolution 2001-9, in which it acknowledges that:

27J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 9 (Suppl.), 2007, pp. 407-423 (sce particularly pp. 413-414) and JCetacean Res.
.Ianage, /() (Suppl.)2008, pp. 449-510 (sec particularly p. 452).

28CR 2013/14, p. 22 (Walloc).

29CR 2013/14, p. 22 (Walloc); cmphasis added.

J0Govcmmcnt of Japan, "Plan for the Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Rcscarch, Program under Special
Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il) - Monitoring of the Antarctic Ecosystem and Dcvclopmcnt of New Management

Objectives for Whalc Rcsources", 2005, IWC SC/57/01; CMJ, Ann. 150, p. Il: hcrcallcr ''JARPA Il Rescarch Plan
(2005) IWC SC/57/01''.
J CR 2013/19, p. 18,para. 15(Giceson). -24-

"a better understanding of marine ecosystems, including interactions between whales
and fish stocks, would contribute to the conservation and management of living

marine resources and is of interest to nations as weil as to regional fisheri32
management organizations and international research organizations" •

The IWC itself has identified ecosystem research as a research need. Vou will find that resolution

at tab 18 in your folder.

46. When considering the JARPA Il proposai, several members of the Scientific Committee

made the same point, they highlighted the importance of this objective:

"Some members [the report says] stressed the importance of continued

monitoring of biological parameters of Antarctic minke whales, not least in light of
global environmental changes, but also to supplement other ongoing research into

Antarctic ecosystem dynamics ... [they went on to say that] JARPA Il would provide
a framework for multi-species modelling of the Antarctic ecosystem dynamics. Other

members also stressed the need to develop an ecosystem-based approach to managing
the Antarctic marine environment and commended the objectives of JARPA Il in this

47. The objective is obviously a critically important one and it accords with the aim of

achieving Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management, an approach endorsed by FA0 34 and by the

Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity 35• Vou will also find positive

references to it in various other international instruments, 1can mention only the 1995 FAO Code

36 37
ofConduct on Responsible Fisheries ,and the 2002 Johannesburg Plan of lmplementation •

48. Secondly, when JARPA Il is reviewed in 2014 in accordance with Annex P, one of the

explicit criteria to be evaluated will be "the relationship of the research to relevant IWC resolutions

and discussions, including those dealing with the respective marine ecosystem, environmental

changes and their impacts on cetaceans" 38•

"Proposed Resolution on Interactions between whales and fish stocks", Resolution 2001-9, Ann. C, Chair's
Report of the 53rd Annuai Meeting, Annua/ Report of the lntemational Whaling Commission 2001, p. 58.
"Report orthe Scientific Committee", J. Cetacean Res. ,'-fanage.8 (Suppl.), 2006, p. 50.
Reykjavik Declaration on Responsiblc Fisheries in the Marine Environment (200 1), noting the importance of
advancing ''the scientific basis for devcloping and implementing management strategies thal incorporate ecosystem
considerations and which will ensure sustainable yields while conserving stocks and maintaining the integrity of
ecosystems and habitats on which they depend".

35Decision V/6: Ecosystem Approach, Fillh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on

Biological Diversity, Nairobi, Kenya (2000), para. 12.
FAO Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries (1995), paras. 12.4 and 12.5.
United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development, Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on
Sustainable Devclopment (2002), paras. 30 (d) and 3(c.~
"Revised Annex P, Process for the Review of Special Permit Proposais and Research Rcsults from Existing and
Completed Permits", attached to the Circular Communication to Members of the Scientilic Committee IWC.SC.169,
Il Oct. 2012; hercaller"Reviscd Anncx P (2012)". -25-

49. Thirdly, Australia says this model is "illusory". This entirely misses the point of

objective two, which is to "cons/rue/ a model that will show the dynamics of competitive whale

species to better allow the sustainable use of resources in the future" • ln other words, the madel

is the outcome of the process, not the starting-point. There is no point criticizing the madel and

describing it as "illusory" when we have not got there yet. The JARPA Il research plan describes

the concept and the hypotheses to be addressed by ecosystem modelling work and how that madel

will be developed • An updated and more detailed proposai for the madel was submitted to the

Scientific Committee at its 2013 meeting •

50. Similar work is being carried out in the context of JARPN Il research programme in the

North Pacifie that has already been submitted to a review panel established by the Scientific

Committee in accordance with Annex P. That review panel has "welcomed" the work, while

noting that the madel is still at an "exploratory stage" • Weil it would be; it is still being

developed. lt is clear that developing such a madel is ambitious and will take time, it is

challenging, but it is simply offensive to those scientists involved in this process to describe their

work as "illusory".

51. Finally, the fact that no humpback whales and only 18 fin whales have been taken under

special permit since the commencement of JARPA Il does not at ali render the multispecies madel

or the ecosystem research "illusory" in any way. The under-take to date of these two species does

not preclude existing ecosystem models- one of those referred to in the research is the

Mori-Butterworth model- does not preclude them from being improved by use of data that

JARPA Il has collected in respect of these species by non-lethal means, and that is retlected in

Japanese plans as advised to the Scientific Committee 43•

39JARPA Il Rescarch Plan (2005) IWC SC/57/01, p. Il ; cmphasis addcd.

40JARPA Il Rcscarch Plan(2005) IWC SC/57/01 , p. 16.
"Rcport of the IWC Scientilic Committcc Annual Meeting 2013", p. 60,
downloadslllwj9m9schus40kswskggk8cw/20 13%201WC%20SC%20rcport.pdf acccsscd 14 Jul) 2013.

42"Rcport of the Scientific Committcc", Cetacean Res. Manage. Il (Suppl. 2),2010, p. 74.
Kitakado, T., Murase,1-1.,amura, T. and Yonczaki, S, '·Plan tor ccosystcm modcling tor spccics in Arca IV in
the Antarctic Ocean using JARI'A and JARPA Il data", doc. SC/65a/EM02 prcsentcd to the Scicntilic Committce,
June 2013, p. 3, availablc at: .php/scicntitic/SC65a/papcr/vicwFilc/427 /408/SC-65a-EM02,
accesscd 14 July 2013. -26-

52. That point was confirmed by Professor Wallee in his oral evidence when he said that: "1

think it is possible, even without sampling humpbacks, to get the information about changes in the

ecosystem and perhaps about competition.'"' 4

53. But, white it is not essential for developing a multi-species model to catch either fin or

humpback whales at this stage of the research, data from such catches significantly improves the

reliability of the model and is crucially important for the research objective 45•

54. And the reasons for not catching the target sample of either species are simple to explain:

as you heard this morning, in order to facilitate negotiations on the future of the IWC Japan decided

to suspend catches of humpback whales • The activities of Sea Shepherd have forced Japan to

prioritize the taking of enough minke whales instead of taking fin whales. Bath decisions will be

reviewed in the 2014 Scientific Committee Review.

55. These points leave us in no doubt that the objectives pursued by JARPA Il are essential

for critically important research needs and the only illusion is the attempt by Australia to argue


B. Lethal methods

56. That brings me to the use of lethal methods. Australia also continues to question the

continued need for lethal methods in JARPA Il. lt does so in the face of ali the evidence. The

2009 JARPN review report of the North Pacifie program notes "at present, certain data, primarily

stomach content data, are only available via lethal sampling" •

57. Far from confirming that "alternatives exist" ,as counsel alleged, Professor Wallee gave

clear evidence that he considered lethal take to be necessary, as he said:

"Age [data] is important for at least three different types of investigations. The

first is catch at age, which will show [why] abundance has changed ... [And] [t]he
second ... is that it tells the age at sexual maturity, which gives important information
about changes in the food availability for minke whales . . . [And] [t]he third use of

CR 2013/14, p. 47 (Walloc).
45JARPA Il Rcsearch Plan (2005) IWC SC/57/01, pp. 13-14.

46CMJ, para. 5.11.

47Sce "Report of the Scicntilic Committcc",Cetacean Res. Manage. Il (Suppl. 2),2010, p. 426.
CR 2013/19, p. 53, para. 76 (Sands). -27-

the age data is that [it] makes it possible to [collect] information about cohort
productivity and ... mortality.'"'9

Ali ofthese items are relevant to Objectives 1and 4 of JARPA Il. Australia has no answer to that

evidence. [Tab 15-31slide 3 on]

58. And, you can see on the screen nowa table which shows the data which can and cannot

be collected by non-lethal means- and that is at tab 15-3 in your folder. 1should perhaps say at

this point that Professor Hamamoto will answer Judge Cançado Trindade's question about the

extent to which the use of non-lethal methods would affect the objectives of the JARPA Il

programme, but 1think this illustration fairly clearly indicates what can and cannot be done using

non-lethal means. [Siide 3 off]

59. No doubt sensing the weakness of his case on non-lethal methods, counsel for Australia

also asserted that Japan "has offered no scientific justification for killing any whales" • He

repeated what Dr. Gales told you in his testimony about the utility of age data in estimating natural

mortality: that the matter was considered at the 2006 JARPA review meeting, and he then

concluded "and this is a direct quote from the report, [he said] - that the 'parameter remains

effectively unknown "'51•

60. But what did Dr. Gales and Professor Sands omit to tell you when they quoted that

sentence? Weil, they admitted to tell you that this quotation reflected the results of only one

method of age data estimation. The other method considered in the 2006 JARPA review- which

is called "ADAPT-VPA"- successfully estimated natural mortality rates with an error of only

sorne 15 percent. The only reason for not accepting this at the time was that there were concerns

about age readings from the commercial whaling period.

61. But, as 1explained in our first round, and following a major study, the IWC Scientific

Committee concluded in 2011 that ali of these ageing issues had been resolved 52• And the

conclusion from that is that JARPA has indeed resulted in a successful and precise estimation of

natural mortality •

CR 2013/14, p.19 (Walloc).
5°CR 2013119, p.45,para. 55(Sands).

5CR 2013/10, p.19(Gales); ibid., pp38-39 (Sands).

5"Rcport ofthc Scicntilic Committec". J. Cetacean Res. ManaKe. 12 (Supp/.), 2011, p. 26.
CMJ, para'>..118-4.124. -28-

62. This is probably the point at which to answer Judge Cançado Trindade's question

whether "a programme that utilizes lethal methods [can] be considered 'scientific research', in line

with the object and purpose of the ICRW" 54•

63. The short answer is yes, the use of lethal methods can be considered as scientific

research, and even Australia takes that view • Article VIII specifically allows the issue of a

special permit to "take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research"- translating that into

plain English, you canuse lethal methods for the purooses ofthat research. The object and purpose

of the Convention expressly includes both conservation and development of whale stocks and their

optimum utilization- again, translated into plain English, that means killing whales. Scientific

research, including lethal research, facilitates ali ofthose objectives.

64. Mr. President, Members of the Court, with your indulgence 1 would like also take you

back to Judge Donoghue's questions about our analysis of the feasibility of non-lethal methods

when setting sample sizes and how that analysis bore on those samples. ln my previous answer 1

drew the Court's attention to the analysis carried out in 1997 and referred to in the JARPA Il

research plan • Australia says Japan has conducted no analysis of the feasibility of non-lethal

methods since then, since 1997 in effect •

65. Weil, firstly, let me remind you that JARPA and JARPA Il have routinely involved

non-lethal methods. The results of non-lethal sampling have been reported annually through cruise

reports submitted to the Scientific Committee. You will see extracts of those at tab 19 in your

folder, and they show how many non-lethal samples have been taken by JARPA and by JARPA Il.

So, you can see quite clearly that Japanese scientists involved in these two programmes have made

use of non-lethal methods and are open to further discussion of those methods in the Scientific


66. However, my second point, is that a further analysis of the use of lethal and non-lethal

methods was carried out in 2007. ln it, the authors compared the characteristics of those methods

~CR 2013117, pp. 49-50
~CR 2013/19, p.54, para. 79 (Sands).
bCR2013/15, pp. 69-70, para. 96 (Boyle).
CR 2013/19, p. 46, par56 (Sands). -29-

and they concluded that a combination of both lethal and non-lethal methods was necessary when

conducting effective population research on large whales. The full Scientific Committee

document 58- it is seven pages long-is at tab 20 in your folder.

67. This analysis was presented to the Scientific Committee at the same time as an

Evaluation of the 2-year Feasibility Study for JARPA Il which ended in 2007. lt would have been

available to any member of the Scientific Committee at that time. And it is clear to us, therefore,

that a full and up-to-date assessment of the use of lethal and non-lethal methods was conducted by

Japanese scientists prior to the commencement of the full-scale JARPA Il research programme in

2008, and that it was made available to the Scientific Committee for comment and review during

the feasibility stage.

C. Sample size

68. Mr. President, Members of the Court, 1can now take you to sample sizes. Australia says

that Japan "offered no scientifically justified rationale for why it needs to take and kill so many

whales" 59• None. This is completely unsubstantiated by the evidentiary record in this case. 1

asked our team of experts to come up with a better explanation of sample sizes, but they tried to

give me more mathematical equations. ~ 1might be tempted to take up mathematics when 1 x

retire, but now is not the moment.

69. However, Australia made much of my apparent inability to explain the mathematics, but

you will have noticed, as 1couldn't help noticing, that they made no effort to explain the equation

that 1 put on the screen, nor did they say it was wrong, nor did they offer you any alternative

mathematics. They could talk about the messenger, but they couldn't talk about the message. ln

reality, they don't challenge the mathematical calculation, it follows a very well-established

algorithm for the calculation of sample sizes: what they challenge is merely the assumptions on

which that calculation was based, and 1will come to those assumptions in a moment.

0hsumi, S., Goto, M., and Otani, S., "Necessity of combining lethal and non-lethal methods
for whale population rescarch and thcir application in JARPA", doc. SC/59/02 (2007), availablc at: accessed 14July 2013.

;qCR 2013/19, p. 45, pa55.(Sands). - 30-

70. But they could not challenge the mathematics and they did not because the mathematics

were right, and we have got confirmation of this from Professor Walloe. He didn't say that our

calculation was wrong, he only said that at the time he did not understand it either. But when he

did the calculation himself he came up with a figure almost the same as ours. And 1quote from his

evidence: "a catch of the arder of 800-900 whales per year does not seem to be unreasonable, on

the clear condition that there is absolutely no chance that this will result in overexploiting the

minke whale stocks" 60•

71. As 1said in the first round, the final sample size was a compromise. [Tab 15-4/slide 4

on] And you can see on the screen the table which clearly shows that. lt lists the required

minimum sample sizes to detect trends in each biological parameter, using the statistical method set

out in the Research Plan. The calculations are ali performed by the same statistical methods based

on the same principles.

72. Now, because those various biological and other parameters for minke whales required

minimum sample numbers typically in the range between 800 and 1,000, the sample size chosen

for minke whales was 850. That number also took account of other considerations of practicality,

including the maximum duration of cruises which precluded very large sample sizes. [Siide 4 off]

73. But the key issue in bath cases is not the statistical calculation, it is the different

assumptions on which the calculations were based: six years and 1.5 per cent yearly change rate

for minke whales, 12 years and 3 per cent yearly change rate for fin and humpback whales.

Australia, in its pleadings, effectively accused Japan of manipulating the two calculations in arder

to allow it to take more minke whales, and you will have remembered the illustration when they did

so. But they were wrong.

74. Let me first deal with the choice of timeframe over which changes were to be detected.

The simple explanation for choosing six years for minkes is that it coïncides with the review period

for the RMP • 1 inadvertently referred, in the first round, to the JARPA II review period, rather

than the RMP Implementation review period, but that is what 1 should have said 62• And it is of

60Walloe, Expert Statcmcnt, p. JO; sec also CR 2013/14, pp. 41-42.
CR 2013/14, p. 46 (Walloc); "The Reviscd Management Procedure (RMP) for Balccn Whalcs", 2012,
J. Cetacean Res. t'vlanage. 13 (Suppl.), 2012, p. 489.
CR 2013/15, p. 64, para. 74 (Boyle). -31 -

course the latter which is most relevant in this context given that one of the objectives of JARPA Il

is to "[improve] the management procedure for the Antarctic minke whale stocks" •

75. ln contrast, the 12-year time frame for humpback and fin whales was chosen because

Japan was not, and is not, thinking about the Implementation of the RMP with respect to either of

these species. So there was no reason to link those numbers to the review period for the RMP.

76. But there was also a need for more caution with regard to fin and humpback whales,

given that the six-year time frame leads to quite large sample sizes. Their populations are much

smaller, although growing rapidly. ln his evidence Professor Wallae did not have a scientific

explanation for the different period, but that was only because he had not considered it, as he told

counsel for Australia in his cross-examination •

77. Secondly, there are the figures for biological change to be detected during the JARPA II

Programme. Again, Australia suggested that the figures had been chosen in order to manipulate the

sample size. And, once again, there is a simple explanation. The figure of 1.5 percent change in

the case of minke whales was based on previous data obtained from JARPA and commercial

whaling prior to the moratorium. Our scientists consider this to be a reasonable assumption and it

is fully explained in the JARPA Il research plan 65•

Similarly, the higher figure of 3 percent change selected for humpback and fin whales, ts

also supported by existing data relating to changes in stock size, as 1explained in the first round •

These species are growing strongly. But once again the need for caution with regard to these two

species dictated a very conservative datum that was simply unnecessary for minke whales.

[Tab 15-5/slide 5 on] And the table now showing explains how the final sample size for humpback

and fin whales was chosen, based on those figures. As you can see, 3 per cent gives the smallest

figure. Perhaps the 2005 Research Plan did not explain this very weil, but 1rather doubt whether

any explanation would have satisfied Australia. [Siide 5 off]

JARPA Il Rcscarch Plan (2005); IWe Se/57/01, p. 12.
eR 2013/14, p. 46 (WallŒ).
JARPA II Rcscarch Plan (2005) IWe se/57/01, p. 17.
eR 2013/15, p. 63, para. 72 (Boyle). - 32-

78. Judge Greenwood asked a question that 1have been asked to answer. He asked about the

reason for the higher sample size for minke whales JARPA Il when compared to JARPA. The

answer to that is again quite easy: JARPA Il is not simply an extension of JARPA. lt has new

objectives- notably ecosystem research- and the monitoring of changes in the research

~1l "l ',~;-
'1( parameters requires a larger sample size. And the reasons for the higher number- · is a little
Go.f\ ycJ~
'){ complicated is at tab 15.6 in your fold\n:t(,fshows the differences in the research

objectives and compares the two programmes. [Tab 15-6/slide 6 on]

79. You will see first thatARPA Il is for six year research terms, while JARPA was for

18years. This obviously affects the sample size. Secondly, you will see that JARPA was focused

on a one-time estimation of different biological parameters for minke whales, but JARPA Il is a

much more ambitious programme which tries to model competition among whale species and to

detect changes in various biological parameters and the ecosystem. [Siide 6 off]

80. Professor Wallee explained that in his view the JARPA sample size was too small; m

contrast, as you have heard, he endorsed theARPA Il figure for minke whales 68• Vou will also

notice that theRPA programme did not include the taking offin or humpback whales since it did

not cover multi-speciesodelling, so there is no comparison therefore between the sample sizes

for those species from one programme to the other.

81. Let me conclude on sample size by reiterating that its not true to say, as alleged by

Australia, that theres no evidence to show how the figure of an annual sample size of 850 minke

x whales was arrived at • As 1hope 1have demonstrated t1ese figures were not plucked from thin

air. To the contrary, the sample sizes were calculated on the basisrefully selected parameters,

using a standard scientific formula, whilst also taking into account the potential effectsch
on whale populations; in effect taking a precautionary approach, as Japan was\f6l'JYiFeitto do by

Annex P. ~Il of this is set out in the 2005 JARPA Il Research Plan and its appendices.

67Walloe, Expert Statcment, p. 9; CR 2013114, p. 46.
Walloc, Expert Statemcnt, p. 9; CR 2013/14, pp. 41-42.
QCR2013/19, p. 56, para. 82 (Sands). -33-

D. 2013 Scientific Committec Report

82. Mr. President, Members of the Court, 1am within sight of the end, but first it may be

helpful to take you back to the 2013 Scientific Committee Report. Australia relied last week on

selected excerpts and creative interpretation of this document, so let me set the record straight. ln

several key respects it bears out much ofwhat 1have been saying this aftemoon and it may be a far

simpler way of understanding what 1 have been saying this afternoon . The first six pages- the

onty relevant ones- of Annex G of this report are at tab 21 in your bundle.

83. Now, if you were to turn to pages 5 and 6 of that Annex, you will see that there is

discussion of a paper reporting results of non-lethal experiments on Antarctic minke whales. The

discussion considers the merits of lethal and non-lethal sampling for those whales in the Antarctic.

The author of the paper speaks first, then Japan's scientists give their view, then Australians
respond. ll>lew,the report gives an excellent summary of their differing views- they include x

those of Dr. Pastene, who is a member of Japan's delegation in this case, and Dr. Gales, the

Australian Government scientist.

84. Vou will note that Japan's scientists welcomed, and were interested in, the new

information about non-lethal techniques, but they did suggest that the best way to contribute to the

assessment of Antarctic minke whales was a combination of lethal and non-lethal techniques. But

if you read the report, you can see that these are not scientists who refuse to listen or engage in

dialogue. And Dr. Gales is also open-minded. He acknowledges "sorne of the issues raised, such

as difficult weather conditions, are of course limitations" • He does not agree that lethal

techniques are complementary to non-lethal techniques, as described in the paper, and at the end he

says non-lethal techniques "offer a new and exciting opportunity" 71•

85. Of course, if the techniques are "new" it is hard to see how they could have been the

subject of assessment in 2005. If they are "new", presumably in the best scientific tradition the

experiments should be replicated by other scientists before they are accepted as tried and trusted. If

they are new, they might even have to be independently peer-reviewed. Too soon, perhaps, to leap

to conclusions.

"Report of the IWC Scientific Committee Annual Meeting 2013", Ann. G: Sub-Committce on In-depth
Assessments, p. 6.
/bid.; emphasis addcd. -34-

86. lndeed, in explaining the findings of the study, the author of the paper admits "the use of

small boats [he says], operating close to the ice edge on groups that were feeding or seemed

relaxed, had been a crucial factor; trying to deploy tags [he carries on] on solitary animais in the

72 •
high seas would likely result in a low success rate" •

87. lt requires quite a lot of imagination to see this as justifying the conclusion of Dr. Gales,

or the argument of Australia's counsel, that alternative, equally effective, non-lethal techniques

exist. To say that the Scientific Committee has commended the work of Dr. Gales 73- as counsel

did - does not mean that they consider it widely applicable in practice. 1can easily commend

Professor Sands for his skill as an advocate. But it does not mean 1thereby express agreement with

his techniques.

88. Something else is quite striking if you read the report carefully. lt refers to JARPA Il as

"scientific whaling", contrasting it expressly with earlier Japanese commercial whaling:

pre-JARPA, pre-moratorium. You can see that towards the bottom of page one.

89. lt is also striking that the report notes the utility of data obtained from JARPA and

JARPA Il, at least four times on the first two pages. Now it is striking only because, if you

believed Australia, the information would be utterly worthless. Surely the more persuasive

conclusion is that JARPA and JARPA Il are taken seriously as research programmes of direct

relevance to the mandate of the IWC?

90. Finally, Mr. President, Members of the Court- at least finally on this point- we

should have another look at one of Australia's more memorable illustrations -1 am sure you have

not forgotten this one [tab 15-7: slide 7 On] -the Statistical Catch at Age table. lt was referred to

this morning but 1have undertaken to go through this in a little more detail. That table is shawn at

)< the bottom of page 2 of the 2013 Scientific Committee Report, Annex G_;it is the report of the

Sub-Committee on ln-Depth Assessments 74• No doubt that illustration with its yellow highlighting

was meant to be striking. But it is only striking if you misrepresent what it illustrates. The

Statistical Catch at Age Analysis is not part of JARPA; it is not part of JARPA Il. lt is a Scientific

7JCR 2013/19,p. 53,para.77 (Sands).

7CR 2013/19, p. 48,para.62 (Sands). - 35-

Committee-funded programme that uses data from JARPA and JARPA Il. The Statistical Catch at

Age Analysis is a technique or madel used by the Scientific Committee to analyse minke whale

population dynamics, obtained through lethal research methods. And it is run by Professor Punt of

the University of Washington.

91. The table shawn by Professor Sands is taken from page 2 of that report. But what it

illustrates is not any deficiency in the JARPA or JARPA Il data on which Professor Punt relies.

What it is, is an honest assessment- presumably by Professor Punt- of the current state of his

own statistical catch at age analysis. lt says nothing about JARPA or JARPA Il. The report does

indicate that the solution to those deficiencies may weil be more research, using JARPA and

JARPA Il data. [Siide 7 off]

92. That ali becomes really quite clear if you actually read the accompanying text on

page two. As the report says, "the SCAA has received extensive scrutiny and improvement over

the years of its development ... and [it] appears to have stood up well." • And when it cames to

the table shawn by Professor Sands, the report comments at the bottom of page two "Overall, sorne

conclusions appear to be quite robustly supported, white others are more sensitive to details of the

madel formulation or data selection." He sounds like a good scientist, Professor Punt; nice to

meet him, perhaps. Consequently, an lnter-sessional Steering Group to handle this issue was

established • Now, if this analysis is as useless as Professor Sands claims, why then did the

Scientific Committee establish an lnter-sessional Group to take the analysis forward? Why did it

provide funding from its budgee ? Ms Takashiba drew your attention to that point this morning.

93. So, far from showing, as Professor Sands so memorably claimed, that JARPA and

JARPA Il material is unreliable, this part of the report shows, on the contrary, that JARPA and

JARPA Il material is indispensable to this Scientific Committee analysis.

94. And to pick up another of his many distortions, Japan's counsel have never asserted that

"the Scientific Committee has confirmed that ali of the technical problems regarding age data have

7'·Report of the Sub-Committee on ln-Depth Assessments'', Ann. G, Report of the Scientilic Committee,
IWC/65a/Rep 1 (2013), p. 2, <; accessed

14 July 2013.

7/bid.,p. 3
/bid., "Report of the Scientilic Committee", IWC/65a!Rcpl (2013), pp. 88-92. -36-

been resolved" 79• The Scientific Committee has made that assertion. They do so in their reports 80•

But 1 do appreciate the difficulty of keeping track of so many reports and documents. lt is a


E. Periodic independent review

95. That brings me to - 1 have only got two points to go- let me say something about

periodic independent review. Australia continues to argue strongly in favour of independent

review of special permit proposais. But what it did not tell the Court is that such a process already

exists. Again if you read Annex P, part 2 describes the process for periodic and final review of

research results. When Annex P was being elaborated, it was accepted that the process should

include "outside experts" and that is ali explained in Annex P. And it was accepted that the role of

scientists associated with the proposai should be restricted to presenting the proposai and

answering points of clarification81•

T b .1.
)C 96.t~J thnr;, have een reports of two specta tst workshops where Annex P has been

applied, the JARPN II workshop on the North Pacifie and also a review of lceland's special permit

research. And these reviews make it clear that Annex P provides a thorough peer review process.

Japan's view of the JARPN II specialist workshop- which is the one it has experience of- is

that it was objective and generally positive, despite criticism of aspects of the programme • And

you would expect criticism of sorne aspects of that programme, or any programme. That is what

scientists are for. ln his testimony on 27 June, Dr. Gales said he would prefer "a truly separate and

independent process" 83•

97. Japan has no reason to be dissatisfied with the independent process we already have and

it was not dissatisfied when the IWC Scientific Committee did appoint independent experts to

qCR2013/19, p. 49, para. 63 (Sands).

8"Report of the Scientilic Committee", J. Cetacean !?es.Manal{e. 14 (Suppl.}, 2012, p. 29.
"Process lor the Review of Special Permit Proposais and Research Resulls from Existing and Completed
Permits", Ann. P, Report of the Scientilic Committee, J. Cetacean Res. Manal{e. Il (Suppl.), 2009, p. 399.

8Pastene, L.A., Hatanaka, Il.,Fujise, Y.,Kanda, N., MuraI~ l.,eTamura T., Mori, M.. Yasunaga, G.,
Watanabe, Il. and Miyashita, T. "Response to the 'Report of the Expert Workshop to Reviev. the JARPN Il
Programme"' 2009. SC/61/JRI, pp. 1-21 presented to the Scientilic Committee (May-June 2009)

<'SC-61-JRI.pdt&gt; accessed 14July 2013.
·CR 2013/10, pp. 32-33 (Gales). -37 -

conduct the first ten-year review of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary in 2004. You will see their

conclusions on the screen [Tab 15-8- slide 8 on] -1 will not read ali of it out but you will notice

the conclusion they came to: The Southem Ocean Sanctuary- IWC Sanctuaries in general- are:

"not ecologicallyjustified"; they are "based on vague goals", "objectives thal are difficult to

measure"; there is a Jack of "a rigorous approach to . . . design and operation"; do not "have an

effective monitoring framework", "little apparent rationale for the boundary selection and

managementprescnptwns • . ...4

98. 1 could go on. lt is clear they are not impressed with the ecological or conservation

reasons for adopting the Southern Ocean Sanctuary. But, Mr. President, my point is simply this:

the report shows the value of using genuinely independent outside experts to review the

consistency of IWC conservation measures with Article V 2 of the Convention. lt shows that an

independent process exists. [Slide 8 off]

F. Errors in Australia's case

99. Let me then come to my final section- which is very brief- which is to deal with a

number, a selected number of the more blatant errors in Australia's case. Our scientists- the

same ones whose professional work has attracted such scorn from Australia- are particularly

keen that 1should do this.

100. Australia claimed last week that JARPA II~JAR haPiAnv,olved little collaboration x

with the National Research lnstitute of Far Seas Fisheries and that JARPA II put little effort into

the krillstudl • Australia made this claim when commenting on, 1think, Judge Keith's question to

Professor Wall0e 86• lt is not true.

101. The lnstitute of Cetacean Research which carries out the JARPA Il programme has

been collaborating in a krill study with Japanese krill scientists in the National Research lnstitute of

Far Seas Fisheries for more than 20 years, and the results ofthat collaboration have been submitted

8Zacharia s, M.A., Gerber, L.R. and Hyrcnbach , K.O. "lncorporating the science of marine reserves into IWC

Sanctuaries: The Southcm Ocean Sanctuary" , 2004, SC/56/SOSS prcscntcd to the ScicntilicCommittcc
(Junc-July 2004), p. 2; CMJ, Ann. 100; cmphasis addcd._
8CR 2013/20, p. 19(Crawford).

8bCR 2013/14, pp. 57-58. -38-

to the IWC's Scientific Committee and published in scientific journals - you can see the record

in the footnote. JARPA Il conducted a krill survey in the Antarctic Ocean for four years, between

2005 and 2009, and the results ofthese surveys were submitted to the Scientific Committee through

the cruise reports • Because of sabotage activities by Sea Shepherd, the lnstitute was not able to

conduct a krill survey from the 2009/2010 season.

102. Again, in relation to Judge Keith's question to Professer Wal10e about the linkage of

JARPA and JARPA Il to other projects concerning the Antarctic ecosystem, 1should perhaps tell

you that, in pursuing JARPA and JARPA Il, the lnstitute of Cetacean Research has also

collaborated, again with the National Research lnstitute of Polar Research, the National Research

lnstitute of Far Seas Fisheries, the University of Tokyo and with other domestic institutions 89•

Information obtained from JARPA has been submitted to the CCAMLR secretariat to contribute to

discussions there on the Antarctic ecosystem 90•

103. We ali remember that Australia placed special emphasis on biopsy sampling to allege

that lethal methods used in JARPA Il can be entirely replaced with non-lethal methods. ln the

second round, the Solicitor-General referred to a study on biopsy conducted by Japanese scientists

from the lnstitute for Cetacean Research more than 20 years ago • 1am extremely grateful to the

1chii, T. and Kato, H. (1991) Food and daily food-consumption of Southcm minke whales in the Antarctic.
Polar Biol. Il, pp. 479-487; Naganobu, M., Nishiwaki, S., Yasuma, H., Matsukura, R., Takao, Y., Taki, K., Hayashi, T.,
Watanabe, Y., Yabuki, T., Yoda, Y., Noiri, Y., Kuga, M., Yoshikawa, K., Kokubun, N., Murase, H., Matsuoka, K. and
lto, K. (2006); Tamura, T., Konishi, K., Nishiwaki, S., Taki, K., Haya'>hi,T. and Naganobu, M. (2006) "Comparison

between stomach contents of Antarctic minke whale and krill sampled by RMT net in the Ross Sea and its adjacent
waters", Paper SC/D06/J20 presented to the JARPA Review MeetinK. Dec. 2006. Available at:'SC-D06-J20.pdtAccessed 14 July 2013.

88Cruise reports of JARPA II from 2005/06 to 2008/09. Papers SC/58107, SC/5910./, SC/6010./, SC/61103

presented to the /WC Scientijic Committee. Available at:
14 Juh 2013.
"Naganobu, M., Nishiwaki, S., Yasuma, H., Matsukura, R., Takao, Y., Taki, K., llayashi, T., Watanabe, Y.,
Yabuki, T., Yoda, Y., Noiri, Y., Kuga, M., Yoshikawa, K., Kokubun, N., Murase, H., Matsuoka, K. and lto, K. (2006)
"Interactions between oceanography, krill and balcen whales in the Ross Sea and Adjacent Waters: An overview of

Kaiyo Maru-JARPA joint survey in 2004/2005", Paper SCID06/J23 presented to the JARPA Review Meeting, Dec. 2006.
Available at: i'SC-D06-J23.pdt: Accessed 14 July 2013.
~agano Mb.,N,ishiwaki, S., Ya'iuma, H., Matsukura, R., Takao, Y., Taki, K., Hayashi, T., Watanabe, Y.,
Yabuki, T., Yoda, Y., Noiri, Y., Kuga, M., Yoshikawa, K., Kokubun, N.• Mura'ie, H.. Matsuoka, K. and Ito, K. (2007)
"Interactions between oceanography, krill and baleen whales in the Ross Sea and adjacent waters, Antarctica in

2004/2005", /3th CCAMLRIWG-/~, m\e4tng, WG-EMM-0717.; Leaper, R., Bannister, J.L., Branch, T., Clapham, P..
Donovan, G., Matsuoka, K., Reilly, S. and Zerbini, A. (2008) ''Areview ofabundance, trends and foraging parameters of
baleen whales in the Southem Hemisphere", CCAMLR 1 /WC Workshop to review input data for Antarctic marine
ecosystem models,CCAMLR-/WC-WS-08104; the lollowing published paper used information from JARPA: Mori, M.

and Butterworth, D.S. (2006) "A tirst step towards modelling the krill- predator dynamics of the Antarctic ecOS)stem'',
CCAMLRScience 13,217-277.
CR 2013/19, p. 22, para. 31 (Gieeson). -39-

Solicitor-General for emphasizing that Japan has been carrying out work on biopsy for more than

20 years. So much for Professor Crawford's allegation that "Japan has ignored the development of

non-lethal methods ... including ... biopsy" 92•

104. However, it seems that the Solicitor-General has not read the paper to which he was

referring. This paper was delivered by a group headed by a Japanese scientist at the lnstitute of

Cetacean Research, and it reports as follows:

"this was an effective test of the limitations of the sampling system because of the
difficulties in approaching minke whales to within the effective firing range of the

biopsy darts, especially in Antarctic conditions and from large platforms [1think they
mean big ships] . . . This [they go on] suggests that the larger, slow moving species

such as right and humpback whale93could be sampled more easily and efficiently than
this sampling of minke whale."

105. The Solicitor-General was actually quoting a paper that supports Japan's position that

biopsy sampling on minke whales on the high seas is impracticable. And, as 1 have explained,

Japan has continued its research on non-lethal methods. lt has not come to a different conclusion.

106. The last blunder is perhaps more amusing. On Tuesday the Attorney-General told the

Court that "Japan issues an annual statement at each IWC meeting refusing to participate in

discussions on whale-watching" 9• lt is not obvious tome that there is anybody in Antarctica who

could go whale-watching, but never mind. Had he read the documents, the Attorney-General

would have known that a Japanese delegate not only attends the meetings of the sub-committee on

whale-watching, but an eminent Japanese whale scientist, Professor Hidehiro Kato, served as the

Chair of this body from its foundation in 1997 until 2010 • And he has continued to serve as a

member since then. This is hardly the "unco-operative approach" portrayed by the

'CR 2013/10 p. 46, para. 18(Crawford).

9Nishiwaki, S., Jo) cc, G., Ensor, 1'.,Mennoz. J., Sanpcrra, C. and Kasamatsu, F., "Report on the biopS) dart
sampling fcasibility study during the 12th IWC/IDCR Southcrn Hemisphere Minkc Whale Asscssment Cruisc0",

doc. SC/42/SHMi21, pp. 5-6.
"CR 2013118,p. 19,para. 16(Dreyfus).

9l'rof Kasoshoscontinucd to participatc in meetings since he steppcd down as the Chair in 201O. For

reference, sec RIWC 48, 1998,p. 249:JCRM 1 (Suppl.), 1999, p. 22JCRM 2 (Suppl.), 2000, p. 2JCRA-13
(Suppl.). 2001, p. 2JC'RM4 (Suppl.), 2002, p. 3JCRM 5 (Suppl.), 2003, p. 3JCRM 6 (Suppl.), 2004, p. 335;
JCRM 7 (Suppl.), 2005, p. 32JCRM 8 (Suppl.), 2006, p. 24JCRM 9 (Suppl.), 2007, p. 3JCRM JO(Suppl.),
2008, p. 322;JCRM Il (Suppl.). 2010, p. 33JCRM Il (Suppl. 2). 2010, p. 3JCRM 12 (Suppl.), 2011, p. 296;
JCRM 13 (Suppl.), 2012, p. 2JCRiH14 (Suppl.), 2013, p. 318; IWC/65NRcp 1,Ann. M, p.J. -40-

A ttorney-Genera 19. Quite the reverse. But it does speak volumes about the reliability of

Australia's pleadings.

G. Conclusions

107. Mr. President, Members of the Court, thankfully that brings me to my conclusions. lt is

for Australia to prove that JARPA Il is not a programme of scientific research. That is its case. lt

must prove it clearly and convincingly 97• lt has not done so. Ali it has proved is that the scientists

disagree about the value of JARPA Il, about the methodology, or about the results. Much the same

could be said about any scientific research.

108. Japan, on the contrary, has shown that JARPA Il meets critically important research

needs, that it is required for the management of whale stocks, that it does address research needs

identified by the Scientific Committee. lt has shown that age data is essential to an understanding

of the structure of whale stocks and population dynamics, and it has shown that such data can only

be obtained through the use of lethal means. lt has shown how the sample size were determined

and that they represent a reasonable and proportionate figure in the context of the research which

JARPA llundertakes.

109. Mr. President, Members of the Court, if JARPA Il is not scientific research then the

implications are far-reaching, for Japan, for ali States that do marine scientific research, for ali

States that do research on global environmental change. This Court should pause long and hard

before itjoins the ranks of those who seek to limit the freedom of scientific research on matters of

this kind. Mr. President, thank you, that is ali 1have to say. 1ask you to invite- we may wish to

take a break at this point? Alternatively 1think you could invite Professor Hamamoto to address

you. Thank you.

9CR 2013118,p. 19,para. 16(Dreyfus).

9/'zt/Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports(/),89, para. 225;
p. 90, para. 228; pp. 97-98, para. 254; p. 99, para. 259; p. 100,para. 262; p. 101,paras. 264 and 265. - 4 1-

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Professor Boyle. lt seems like this might really be a good

moment for a coffee break. The sitting is suspended for 15 minutes and then 1 will cali on

Monsieur Hamamoto. The meeting is suspended.

TheCour/ adjournedfrom -1.10p.m. to -1.3 0p.m.

Le PRESIDENT: Veuillez vous asse01r. Je donne maintenant la parole au

professeur Hamamoto. Vous avez la parole, Monsieur.

M. HAMAMOTO : Merci, Monsieur le président.



1. Monsieur le président, Mesdames et Messieurs les juges, ma plaidoirie d'aujourd'hui se

compose de deux parties. Dans un premier temps, je soumettrai à la Cour les réponsesdu Japon

aux questions posées par les juges Greenwood, Cançado Trindade et Donoghue. Dans un

deuxième temps, je répondrai à deux problèmes soulevés par le conseil de l'Australie, s'agissant

des trajectoires prédéterminées que suivent les navires de recherche et des captures commerciales

japonaises avant le débutde JARPA en 1987.

1.Réponsesdu Japon aux questions relatives aux activitésde recherche

A. Transition de JARPA à JARPA II: question poséepar le juge Greenwood

2. Lejuge Greenwood a posédeux questions au Japon lejeudi 4juillet. Le professeur Boyle

vient de soumettre notre réponseà la question relative à la taille des échantillons. Je vais, pour ma

part, répondreà la question suivante: «Why did Japan proceed with the higher JARPA Il sample

size for Antarctic minke whales before the Scientific Committee had had the opportunity to study

the final results fromARPA?»

3. Pour répondre à cette question du juge Greenwood, je tiens d'abord à donner une

précision. Le texte de la question parle du «higher JARPA Il sample size». Grande ou petite, la

CR 2013116.p.62 Uugc Grccnwood). -42-

taille des échantillons est déterminéepar les objectifs de recherche. Or, les objectifs de recherche

de JARPA Il sont différentset plus sophistiqués par rapport à ceux de JARPA. Il est inutile que je

m'attarde sur la question de savoir comment la taille des échantillons est fixée dans JARPA Il,

puisque le professeur Boyle a fourni des explications détailléesà cet effet.

4. La question du juge Greenwood nous amène à appréhender les questions relatives à

JARPA Il dans son contexte historique. [Projection n° 1: onglet n° 15-9 du dossier des juges.]

Voici la chronologie des événementsimportants avant et après le débutdu JARPA Il en 2005.

5. L'ère d'avant-JARPA Il. En 2004, le comité scientifique a convenu que l'évaluation

finale de JARPA aurait lieu lorsque les résultatscomplets seraient rendus disponibles, c'est-à-dire

après la réunionannuelle du comitéde 2005 99• Cela signifiait que, si l'on souhaitait qu'un nouveau

programme de recherche suive immédiatement JARPA, qui se terminerait dans la saison

de 2004/2005, il faudrait élaborer le nouveau programme, qui devrait commencer donc dans la

saison de 2005/2006, avant l'évaluation finale de JARPA par le comité scientifique. Le Japon a

donc annoncé qu'il organiserait au début de 2005 une réunion pour examiner les résultats de

JARPA, dont les recommandations seraient prises en compte pour préparerle nouveau programme,

qui deviendrait JARPA 11 100• Il a étéégalement annoncé que cette réunion serait ouverte aux

chercheurs de tous les pays 10•

6. La réunion d'examen s'est tenue en janvier 2005. Y ont participé 40 chercheurs qui

venaient de huit pays, y compris le vice-président du comité scientifique • A la suite de cette

réunion,le projet du programme de recherche JARPA Il a étérédigésur la base des résultatsde la

103 104
réunion d'examen et présentéau comitéscientifique en mars 2005 • Il est à noter que le projet

de JARPA Il précisait que les deux premières saisons, c'est-à-dire celles de 2005/2006 et

2006/2007, seraient consacréesà des étudesde faisabilité 105• Je reviendrai sur ce point.

<j(<<Reportof the Seientilic Committee» (2004), J. Cetacean Res. Manag., vol. 7, 2005, p. 45.
100«Report of the Scientilic Committee» (2004),J.Cetacean Res. Manag., vol. 7, 2005, p. 45-46.

101«Chair's Report of the 56th Annual Meeting», Rep. /nt. Whaling Comm. 2004, p. 39.

102CMJ, par. 4.99-4.101.

103The 2005 JARPA Il Plan, p. 7-8.

104The 2005 JARPA Il l'lan (CMJ, annexe 150).

105The 2005 JARPA Il Plan, p. 13. -43-

7. A la réunion annuelle qui s'est tenue aux mois de mai et de juin 2005, le comité

scientifique a examiné le projet de JARPA Il conformément aux lignes directrices applicables •

C'est àcette réunionque 63 membres du comitéscientifique ont refuséde participer à l'examen du

projet de JARPA Il en disant qu'ils ne pouvaient pas examiner le projet de JARPA Il avant

d'obtenir les résultatsde l'évaluationde JARPA par le comitéscientifique • Si l'on met de côtéla

question de savoir si cette désertion étaitopportune , on constate que les autres 122 membres qui

n'ont pas abandonné leur poste ont calmement procédéà l'examen du projet. Durant le premier

tour de plaidoiries, et encore ce matin, Mme Takashiba a fait remarquer que le projet de JARPA II

avait dûment fait l'objet d'examen et de commentaires par le comitéscientifique.

8. Plusieurs semaines après, en juin 2005, s'est tenue la réunion annuelle de la commission

baleinière internationale. A la réunion, le Japon a souligné la nécessitéd'un suivi continu des

changements dans l'écosystèmede l' Antarctique 10• La CBI a ensuite adopté le rapport du comité

scientifique, qui comprenait l'examen du projet de JARPA II 110•

9. En novembre 2005, la première saison des études de faisabilité de JARPA II a été

lancée 11• A la suite de son achèvement et donc en 2006, le Japon a présentéau comitéscientifique

le rapport de mission de la première saison de recherche • Le rapport du comitéscientifique de

cette annéefait remarquer que les débatsont surtout portésur la représentativitédes échantillons ,

mais on n'y trouve aucune référencecritique au fait que JARPA II a étélancé avant que les

résultatsde JARPA ne fussent examinés par le comitéscientifique. En outre, le comitéa examiné

Jil«Report of the Scientilic Committee» (2005), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 8 (Suppl.), 2006, p. 48-52;

CR 2013/15, p. 32-34, par. 16-19(Taka~hiba).
«Comments on the Govemment of Japan's propo:>ulfor a second phao~ fepecial permit whaling in Antarctica
(JARPA Il)», Appendix 2, «Report of the Standing Working Group on Scientilic Permits», Annex 01, «Report of the
Scientilic Committee» (2005), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 8 (Suppl.), 2006, p. 260-261.

10CR 2013115, p. 33, par. 18(Takashiba); CR 2013116, p. 49, par. 30 (Pellet).

1Q «Opening Statement ofJapan 57th Annual Meeting, International Whaling Commission», IWC/57/0S Japan.

110 «Chair's Report of the 57th Annual Meeting», p. 61. <
/8xit4w2bpa-;cwowwwokc0kgw8/CHAI RS%20REPO RT"/o202005.pd t>.

11The 2005 Plan, p. 13.

112Nishiwaki, S. et al. «Cruise Report of the Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Research Program under

Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il) in 2005/2006- Feasibility Study», SC/58/07, p. 1-21, presented to the
Scientilic Committee (mai-juin 2006).
«Report of the Scientilic Committee» (2006), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 9 (Suppl.), 2007, p. 59. -44-

le rapport de croisière de JARPA Il sous le point de l'ordre du jour «Permis scientifiques» 11• Il

s'ensuit que le comité considérait que JARPA Il était un programme de recherche scientifique

conduit sur la base de l'article VIII de la convention baleinière.

1O. En décembre 2006 s'est tenu le groupe de travail chargé de l'évaluation finale de

JARPA • Le rapport du groupe de travail a étéadopté par le comité scientifique, lors de sa

réunion annuelle de 2007 • A cette réunion, le comité a examiné deux rapports présentéspar le

Japon, c'est-à-dire l'évaluation des deux saisons d'étudesde faisabilité de JARPA Il (2005/2006 et

117 18
2006/2007) ainsi que le rapport de mission de la saison 2006/2007' • Le groupe de travail sur

les permis scientifiques a discuté les résultatsdes étudesde faisabilité de JARPA II à la lumière de

l'évaluation finale de JARPA • Certains membres du groupe de travail ont critiqué les étudesde

faisabilité de JARPA Il et suggéréque le programme de recherche JARPA Il devrait êtremodifié

en tenant compte de l'évaluation finale de JARPA • Pourtant, aucune revision ou modification

n'a étérecommandée par le comité lui-même •

Il. En décembre 2007, la recherche «à pleine échelle» de JARPA Il a étélancée • Le

rapport de mission de cette saison a étédiscuté à la réunion annuelle du comité scientifique

de 2008, toujours sous le point de l'ordre du jour «Permis scientifiques». Sans surprise, certains

commentaires critiques ont étéadressés à certaines méthodes de recherche ou analyses de

«Report of the Scientific Committee» (2006), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 9 (Suppl.), 2007, p. 57-59.
«Report of the lnterscssional Workshop to Review Data and Results from Special Permit Rescarch on Minke
Whales in the Antarctic, Tokyo, 4-8 December 2006», J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 10(Suppl.), 2008, p. 411.

116«Report orthe Scientific Committee» (2007), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 10 (Suppl.), 2008, p. 57.

117 Govemment of Japan. «Evaluation of 2005/06 and 2006/07 Feasibility Study of the Second Phao ~fethe

Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il)», SC/59/03, mai 2007 (CMJ,
annexe 153).
Shigetoshi NishÏ\\aki et al., «Cruise report of the Second Ph~fthe Japanese Whale Research Program
under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il) in 2006/2007 - Fe~aibi yliStudy», SC/59/04, mai 2007,
<http://www.icrwhale.or g/pdflSC-59-03.pdt>.

11"«Report of the Standing Working Group on Scientilic Permits», «Report of the Scientilic Committee» (2007),

Annex 0 , J. Cetacean Res. Manage., voJO (Suppl.), 2008, p. 343-345.
«Report of the Standing Working Group on Scientilic Permits», «Report of the Scientific Committee» (2007),
Annex 0, J. Cetacean Res. ,\-fanage., JOl(Suppl.), 2008, p. 344-345.

121«Report of the Scientilic Committee» (2007), J. Cetacean Res. Manage., vol. 10 (Suppl.), 2008. p. 59-60;
«Report of the Standing Working Group on Scientific Permits», «Report of the Scientific Committee» (2007), Annex 0,

J. Cetacean Res. Manage., volJO(Suppl.), 2008, p. 343-345.
lshikawa, 1-1et al. «Cruise Report of the Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Research Program undcr
Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il) in 2007/2008», SC/60/04 presentcd to the Scientitic Committee Uuin 2008). -45-

données 12• Depuis lors, JARPA Il est toujours placé sous le point de l'ordre du jour «Permis

scientifiques» à chaque réunionannuelle du comitéscientifique •

12. Monsieur le président, au terme de cette brève analyse de la chronologie, certains

constats émergentau sujet du timing du lancement de JARPA Il. Ils sont au nombre de cinq.

1) En 2005, le projet de JARPA Il a dûment fait l'objet d'examen et de commentaires par le

comitéscientifique. Si 63 membres se sont retirés,les autres 122 y sont restéset ont examiné le

projet de JARPA Il.

2) Depuis 2006, le comité scientifique n'a jamais critiqué le fait que JARPA Il a étélancéavant

l'évaluationfinale de JARPA par le comité.

3) A la suite de l'adoption par le comité scientifique du rapport du groupe de travail chargé de

l'évaluationfinale de JARPA, le comitéa discutéla question de savoir si et comment JARPA Il

prenait en considération les résultatsde l'évaluationfinale de JARPA.

4) Certains membres du comité considéraient que les résultats de l'évaluation finale de JARPA

n'avaient pas étésuffisamment pris en considération, tandis que d'autres ne partageaient pas

cette manière de voir. Aucune recommandation de reviser ou modifier le projet de JARPA Il

n'a étéadoptéepar le comité.

5) Le comitéplace toujours JARPA Il sous le point de l'ordre du jour «Permis scientifiques».

13. Sur la base de cette analyse de la chronologie, on peut entrer dans le vif de la question

poséepar le juge Greenwood. Si un nouveau programme de recherche, JARPA Il, a dû êtrelancé

en 2005, c'était pour assurer la cohérence et la continuité des données obtenues dans la zone de

recherche, comme l'a fait remarquer le Japon lors de la réunionannuelle de la CBI de 2005. Le

contre-mémoire du Japon souligne également que si l'on avait attendu l'évaluation finale de

JARPA, aucune recherche n'aurait étéconduite pendant un ou deux ans • JARPA avait déjàfait

l'objet d'un examen à mi-parcours en 1997 par le comité scientifique, qui avait constaté des

123«Report ofthe Scientilic Commiltee» (2008)J.Cetaean Res. Manage., vol. Il (Suppl.), 2009, p. 62-63.

124«Report of the Scientilic Commillee» (2009), J.Cetaean Res. Manage., vol. Il (Suppl. 2), 2010, p. 78 ;
«Report of the Scicntilic Committee» (2010)J.Cetaean Res. Manage., vol. 12 (Suppl.), 2011. p. 57; «"Report of the

Scientilic Commillec» (2011).J. Cetaean Res. Manage., vol. 13 (Suppl.), 2012, p. 54-55 ; «Report of the Scienlilic
Committce» (2012), J.Cetaean Res. Manage., vol. 14 (Suppl. 2), 2013, p. 67; «Report of the Scientilic Committee»
(2013), p. 79 <http://iwc.inllscientifc-committee-reports >.
CMJ, p. 230, note 623. -46-

contributions considérables de JARPA à la gestion des ressources baleinières 12l'Les contributions

de JARPA ont étéconfirmées par la réunion d'évaluation de 2005. Il s'est ainsi avérénécessaire

d'assurer la cohérence et la continuitédes données,en lançant un nouveau programme de recherche

qui suivrait JARPA sans interruption.

14. Le Japon était certes conscient que le nouveau programme de recherche JARPA Il

débuterait avant que le comitéscientifique ne conduise l'évaluationfinale de JARPA. Le Japon a

donc organiséen 2005 ladite réuniond'évaluation de JARPA, à laquelle tout scientifique intéressé

pouvait participer, pour que les résultatsde JARPA puissent êtrepris en compte dans le processus

de l'élaboration du nouveau programme JARPA Il. Le projet de JARPA Il indique explicitement

que les résultatsde la réuniond'évaluation de 2005 ont étédûment pris en considération. De plus,

le projet de JARPA Il prévoyait deux années d'études de faisabilité. Cela signifiait que les

résultats de l'évaluation finale de JARPA par le comitéscientifique seraient pris en considération

avant la fin des études de faisabilité. Le terme mêmede «faisabilité» montre que la possibilité

d'une modification éventuelle du projet de JARPA Il étaitenvisagée par les auteurs du projet. Le

Japon a présentéen 2007 les résultats des études de faisabilité au comité scientifique, qui n'a

recommandé aucune modification du projet de JARPA Il. Et pourtant, comme nous l'avons fait

remarquer à plusieurs reprises, le Japon est prêtà modifier JARPA Il si les considérations

scientifiques l'y amènent, et on sait très bien que le comité scientifique va organiser la première

réunion d'évaluation périodique de JARPA Il l'année prochaine 127• Comme le montre ma brève

analyse de la chronologie, le Japon collabore toujours et pleinement avec le comitéscientifique, qui

examine d'ailleurs le rapport de mission de JARPA Il chaque annéesous le point de l'ordre du jour

«Permis scientifiques».

15. Monsieur le président, ceci termine la réponse du Japon à la question posée par le

juge Greenwood.

126CMJ, par. 4.158-4.159; CR 2013/13, p. 31-34, par. 56-59 (llamamoto).

127CMJ, par. 5.44 ; CR 2013113, p. 17, par. 16(Hamamoto). -47-

B. Et si les méthodes létales sont remplacées par celles non létales ? -Question posée par
le juge Cançado Trindade

16. Ensuite, je voudrais soumettre à la Cour la réponsedu Japon à deux des questions posées

par le juge Cançado Trindade. La première est celle que le juge a posée le lundi 8juillet: «To

what extent would the use of alternative non-lethal methods affect the objectives of the JARPA-11


17. Comme le contre-mémoire l'explique, ce sont les objectifs de recherche qui dictent les

méthodes, et non pas l'inverse • En outre, il n'existe pas de méthode non létale«alternative))

puisque certaines données indispensables ne peuvent êtreobtenues que par des méthodes létales.

C'est ce qu'a fait remarquer le professeur Boyle •

18. L'objectif no 1de JARPA Il est le suivi de l'écosystèmede l'Antarctique. Pour atteindre

cet objectif, on observe et examine un éventaild'élémentscomme le taux de conception, l'âge de la

maturité sexuelle, les changements annuels de la quantitédes proies consommées, l'épaisseurde

graisse ou l'accumulation des polluants. Les donnéesrelatives à ces élémentsne peuvent pas être

obtenues au moyen des méthodes non létales, comme le professeur Boyle vient de le faire

remarquer. L'observation visuelle ne donne que les informations relatives à l'abondance. La

biopsie ne donne que des informations extrêmement limitées et biaisées pour des raisons déjà

indiquéespar le professeur Boyle et par moi-mêmeau premier tour de plaidoiries • Il en résulte

que, st les méthodes létales sont remplacées par des méthodes non létales, cet

objectif-l'objectifn° 1 de JARPA Il- sera affectédans une telle mesure que la recherche serait

alors de peu de valeur.

19. L'objectif n° 2 de JARPA Il est la modélisation de la compétition entre les espèces

baleinières et l'élaborationde nouveaux objectifs de gestion. Le contre-mémoire montre que les

données relatives aux tendances des contenus stomacaux, en particulier de leurs quantités, sont

indispensables pour atteindre cet objectif et ne peuvent êtreobtenues qu'au moyen de méthodes

CR 2013/ 17, p. 49 Uuge Cançado Trindade).
129CMJ, par. 4.56.

uo CR 2013/15, p. 61, par. 65 (Boyle); CMJ, par. 4.61-4.65.
CR 2013/15, p. 61, par. 65 (Boyle); CR 2013/13, p. 18-20, par. 24-27 (Harnamoto). -48-

létales • Il s'ensuit que si les méthodes létalessont remplacées par des méthodes non létales,le

deuxième objectif sera affectédans une telle mesure que la recherche serait alors de peu de valeur.

20. L'objectif no3 de JARPA Il est de permettre une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution

spatio-temporelle de la structure des stocks. Les données génétiqueset morphométriques sont

indispensables pour atteindre ce troisième objectif, comme le montre le contre-mémoire du

Japon 13• Certes, la biopsie pourrait donner des données génétiqueset on pourrait obtenir, par

\&. ..,.
x A marquage M balise pour le suivi satellite, des informations utiles pour interpréter la structure des

stocks. Cependant, pour répéterce qui a étédit dans le contre-mémoire par le professeur Boyle et

par moi-même 134,ces méthodes non létales ne sont pas applicables dans des zones offshore, ne

donnent pas toutes les données nécessaires, ne fournissent pas la quantitéde données requise pour

des analyses statistiques utiles et ne reposent pas sur des échantillons prélevésde manière

suffisamment aléatoirepour effectuer des analyses statistiques fiables. L'objectif no3 de JARPA Il

sera donc affectédans une telle mesure que les analyses effectuées ne seraient ni utiles, ni fiables

x pour la mise en Œuvre de la RMP.
21. L'objectif n°4 de JARPA Il est l'amélioration de la procédurede gestion des populations

de petits rorquals de l'Antarctique. Si l'on n'accomplit pas les objectifs nos1,2 et 3, on ne peut pas

atteindre l'objectifn° 4. Par exemple, le projet de JARPA Il de 2005 indique que des données

biologiques, y compris celles relatives à l'âge, sont nécessaires pour améliorer les estimations du

taux de rendement maximum de renouvellement, qui est essentiel à la mise en Œuvrede la RMP •

Il s'ensuit que l'objectif n° 4 de JARPA Il sera affecté dans une telle mesure que toute analyse

effectuéeserait de peu de valeur, si les méthodes létalessont remplacées par celles non létales.

22. Monsieur président, ceci termine la réponse du Japon à la question posé par le juge

Cançado Trindade sur la remplaçabilité des méthodeslétales.

CMJ, par. 4.71-4.76, 5.48.
11CMJ, par. 4.82.

134CMJ, par. 4.55-4.81, 5.45-5.52; CR 2013/15, p. 61, par. 65 (Boyle); CR 2013/13, p. 18-20, par. 24-27

115The 2005 JARl'A Il Plan, p. 8-9, 12. -49-

C. Et si de nombreux Etats parties procèdent à la chasse à la baleine au titre de permis
spéciaux ? -Question poséepar le juge Cançado Trindade

23. Ensuite, je voudrais donner la réponse du Japon à une autre question poséepar le juge

Cançado Trindade : «What would happen to whale stocks if many, or even ali States Parties to the

International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, decide to undertake «scientific research»

using lethal methods, upon their own initiative, similarly to the modus operandi of JARPA-11?»

24. Si de nombreux ou tous les Etats parties à la convention procèdent à la chasse à la

baleine au titre de permis spéciaux, tous les programmes de recherche devraient se soumettre aux

conditions que le Japon a explicitées dans son contre-mémoire et au cours des audiences. La plus

significative de ces conditions dans ce contexte est celle selon laquelle chaque Etat doit déterminer

la taille des échantillons pour que le total n'en produise pas d'effets préjudiciables sur les

populations de baleines.

25. Dans une situation où sont conduits plusieurs programmes de recherche au titre de

permis spéciaux, la coopération entre les programmes devra êtreenvisagée. Selon l'annexe P,

chaque Etat qui soumet un projet de recherche au titre de permis spécialest invitéàrendre publique

une évaluation de la question de savoir pourquoi les analyses existantes des données, y compris

celles obtenues dans la chasse commerciale ou dans d'autres programmes de recherche au titre de

permts spectaux, ne sont pas su tsantes · . 1J7 Il s'ensuit que chaque Etat, en procédant à un

programme de recherche en vertu d'un permis spécial, est censé prendre en considération des

donnéesqui sont obtenues et qui seront obtenues dans d'autres programmes de recherche conduits

de manière parallèle.

26. Monsieur président, ceci termine la réponse du Japon à la question posée par le juge

Cançado Trindade.

D. Les captures commerciales japonaises avant JARPA- Question posée par la juge


27. Maintenant, je voudrais donner la réponse du Japon à la question posée par la juge

Donoghue le mardi 4juillet : «For the ten years before the commercial moratorium took effect for

13CR 2013/17, p. 49 (juge Cançado Trindadc).

m «Reviscd Annex P, Proccss for the Revic\\ of Special Permit Proposais and Rcsearch Rcsults fi·omExisting
and Complctcd Permits», 2012, (2)(a)(iii),
anncx%20P%20updatcd.pdf>. -50-

Japan, what was the annual commercial catch of each of the three JARPA Il target species (minke

whales, fin whales and humpback whales) by Japanese vessels in the JARPA and JARPA Il

research areas ?))138

28. La question se réfèreau graphique que le Japon a présentélors du premier tour

[projection no2 : onglet n° 15-10 du dossier des juges.] Ce graphique montre les captures

japonaises dans l'hémisphère Sud depuis 1945.

29. [Projection n°3 : onglet n° 15-11 du dossier des juges.) Le graphique qui est projetéà

l'écran maintenant montre le nombre des petits rorquals de l'Antarctique capturés après 1977,

c'est-à-dire dix ans avant l'entréeen vigueur pour le Japon du moratoire sur la chasse commerciale.

Pendant la périodeen question, entre 1977/1978 et 1986/1987, aucun rorqual commun ni baleine à

bosse n'a étécapturé.

30. La question est donc combien de ces petits rorquals de l'Antarctique ont étécapturés

dans les zones de recherche JARPA et JARPA Il. Le secrétariat de la CBI nous a fourni les

informations relatives aux positions de capture. Si l'on dresse un tableau à partir de ces

informations, cela donne ce que vous avez à l'onglet n° 22 du dossier des juges. Pour faciliter la

comparaison, je me permets de tracer trois lignes sur le graphique projeté à l'écran. [Projection

n° 4 : onglet n° 15-12 du dossier des juges.) Pour répondre à la question de la juge Donoghue, il

faut se concentrer sur les captures effectuées pendant les dix ans qui précèdentJARPA.

31. Comme le fait remarquer le contre-mémoire, la zone de recherche de JARPA s'est

élargieà partir de la saison 1995/1996. En d'autres termes, JARPA avait deux zones de recherche,

une plus petite jusqu'à la saison 1994/1995 et une plus grande à partir de la saison 1995/1996. Les

captures annuelles des petits rorquals de l'Antarctique par les navires japonais dans la zone de

JARPA, la petite, sont indiquées en rose, celles dans la zone élargieen bleu clair et celles dans la

zone de recherche de JARPA II en vert.

32. Monsieur le président, ceci termine la réponsedu Japon à la question poséepar la juge


CR 2013/16,p. 62 Uugc Donoghuc).
13CR 2013/16, p. 28, par. 40 (Iwasawa). -51 -

Il. Problèmes soulevéspar l'Australie au cours de la plaidoirie orale

33. Maintenant, il me faut encore répondre à deux questions, ou plutôt il faut dissiper deux

malentendus. Ces malentendus ont étémanifestés par l'autre côtéde la barre au deuxième tour des

plaidoiries. Le premier concerne les trajectoires prédéterminéesque suivent les navires de

recherche, et le second porte sur le niveau des captures commerciales japonaises avant le débutde

JARPA en 1987.

A. Trajectoires prédéterminées

34. Je commence avec le malentendu manifesté par le conseil de l'Australie à l'égard des

trajectoires prédéterminées. JARPA Il est conçu et conduit pour obtenir des données et des

informations utiles au point de vue scientifique. Les activités de recherche sont donc conduites

conformément aux règles strictes et précises établies sur la base des considérations scientifiques.

J'ai expliqué, lors du premier tour, comment les activités de recherche sont conduites dans le cadre

de JARPA 11 • Un des élémentsimportants est la trajectoire prédéterminéepour les navires de

recherche • Cette image projetée à l'écran, montrée par le professeur Iwasawa au premier tour

des plaidoiries, offre une illustration schématique. [Projection n° 5 : onglet n° 15-13 du dossier des

juges.] Comme l'a fait remarquer le professeur Iwasawa, les navires de recherche ne se dirigent

pas directement vers les zones de haute densité, où on trouve beaucoup de baleines, mais suivent

fidèlement la trajectoire prédéterminée,que l'on trouve des baleines ou non autour de la trajectoire.

Mon collègue a indiqué également que les navires de recherche passent approximativement 20 %

du temps dans les zones de haute densitéqui seraient convenables pour la chasse commerciale 14•

35. Le professeur Crawford s'est plaint du fait que le professeur Iwasawa n'avait pas indiqué

la source d'informations ou le document sur la base duquel mon collègue avait établi le chiffre de

20 % 14• Je suis très reconnaissant au professeur Crawford de m'avoir ainsi donné l'occasion

d'expliquer en détailcomment le Japon a établice chiffre de 20 %. En fait, le Japon a bien indiqué

la source d'informations à l'index du dossier du juge [projection n° 6: onglet n° 15-14 du dossier

1° CR 2013/13, p. 15-23, par. 9-40 (llamamoto ).

141CR 2013/13, p. 17-18, par. 18-20 (Hamamoto).

142CR 2013116. p. 26, par. 34 (Iwasawa).
CR 2013/20, p. 25, par. 62 (Crawford). -52-

des juges.] A la page 2 de l'index [projection n" 7: onglet n" 15-15 du dossier des juges] sous

)< «58-7. Trackline», on trouve l'URL ou plus banalement, l'adresse du site Internet de l1i1stitut de

recherche des cétacés 144.

36. Que peut-on trouver à cette adresse Internet ? [Projection n" 8 : onglet n"s 15-16 du

dossier des juges.] Ce que vous voyez à l'écranest le tableau du taux de l'observation visuelle de

petits rorquals de l'Antarctique. Il montre le nombre des petits rorquals observés par chaque mille

marin. Si l'on établit un graphique à partir de ces données, cela donne ce qui apparaît à l'écran.

[Projection no9 : onglet nos15-17 du dossier des juges.]

37. Ce graphique montre le taux quotidien de l'observation et indique sur l'axe des abscisses

le nombre des petits rorquals observés par 10milles marins et la proportion des jours sur l'axe des

ordonnées. Par exemple, pendant presque 50% de la période de recherche, moins de 0,5 rorqual

sont repérésà partir d'un navire d'observation et d'échantillonnage par 10milles marins. Selon un

document publiédans la revue de la CBI -et donc facilement accessible-, les données obtenues

dans la chasse commerciale de l'avant-JARPA indiquent qu'un navire de capture avait besoin de

capturer huit petits rorquals de 1'Antarctique chaque jour, afin de mener des opérations rentables 145•

D'après le mêmedocument, le bateau de capture parcourait approximativement 30 milles marins

chaque jour pour chercher des petits rorquals pendant la saison de la chasse baleinière • Il en

résulte que le navire de capture avait besoin de naviguer dans une zone où on pouvait trouver

2,5 petits rorquals ou encore plus par 10milles marins. Si l'on applique ces informations à ce

graphique projeté à l'écran, on peut tracer le seuil de rentabilité ici. [Projection n° 10:

onglet n° 15-17 du dossier des juges.] En fait, c'est excessivement conservateur. Comme le

professeur Iwasawa l'a fait remarquer, les navires de capture engagés dans les opérations de la

chasse commerciale ne capturaient pas de petits rorquals de petite taille • Il s'ensuit qu'ils avaient

besoin de trouver encore plus de petits rorquals dans la mer. Mais, pour prendre le risque de pêcher

par excès de prudence, je trace le seuil de rentabilité ici. Pour combien de jours les navires de

Ohsumi, S., «Population asscssmcnt of the Antarctic minkc whalc», 29 Rep. /nt'/ Whal. Comm 'n (1979),
p. 407.
bOhsumi, S., «Population asscssmcnt of the Antarctic minkc whalc», 29 Rep. /nt'/ Whal. Comm 'n (1979),
p. 407, voir tableau 3.
CR 2013/16, p. 26, par. 36 (1\\asawa); CMJ, par. 5.134. -53-

recherche restent-ils dans les zones dans lesquelles on trouve suffisamment de petits rorquals pour

mener des opérations commerciales ? Il faut faire la somme des colonnes rouges et cela donne

23 %. Voici le fondement empirique sur lequel le professeur Iwasawa a affirméque les navires de

recherche de JARPA et de JARPA Il passent à peu près 20% du temps dans les zones de haute

densité,dans lesquelles on pourrait mener des opérationscommerciales de manière rentable.

B. Captures commerciales avant 1987

38. Monsieur le président, ma dernière tâche porte sur les commentaires délivréspar le

professeur Crawford au sujet des captures commerciales japonaises à l'époquede l'avant-JARPA,

donc avant 1987 14• Ses commentaires ne sont pas corrects mais trompeurs. Deux choses àdire.

39. D'abord, je relève une erreur ou un malentendu de la part du professeur Crawford.

[Projection n" Il : onglet n"s15-18 du dossier des juges.] En se référantà ce graphique qu'avait

montré le professeur Iwasawa, le conseil de l'Australie a déclaréque «the graphie [Prof. Iwasawa]

showed you ali pre-moratorium commercial whaling for the whole world» et que «[t]he

presentation of graphies which are as misleading as this one do not assist the Court in reaching the

correct decisiom> 14• Ce n'est pas exact. Je viens de dire que ce graphique représente le nombre

des petits rorquals de l'Antarctique capturés dans l'hémisphère Sud et non pas sur la planète

entière. Le professeur Iwasawa, lorsqu'il a montré ce graphique au premier tour, n'a pas oublié

d'indiquer la source des informations. La déclaration du professeur Crawford donne à penser que

l'équipeaustralienne n'avait pas vérifiéou examiné la source des informations, pourtant indiquée

par le professeur Iwasawa et facilement accessible. Et c'est sur la base de ces informations

erronéesou plutôt d'un manque d'informations que le professeur Crawford a critiquéle Japon pour

avoir montré un graphique trompeur. C'est difficilement acceptable.

40. Le deuxième problème est encore plus grave et porte sur le graphique qu'a montré le

professeur Crawford mercredi dernier. Immédiatement à la suite de l'accusation non fondéedont

je viens de parler, il a dit que «[l]et me show you something more credible» et ce graphique est

alors apparu à l'écran. [Projection n" 12 : onglet n"s15-19 du dossier des juges.]

CR 2013/20, p. 23-24, par. 59-61.
14CR 2013/20, p. 24, par. 60 (Crawford).

1°CR 2013/20, p. 24, par. 61 (Crawford). -54-

41. Ce graphique est purement et simplement erroné. Il est en plus trompeur. Ce graphique

en colonnes représente les captures commerciales japonaises dans la zone de recherche de

JARPA Il d'aujourd'hui pendant les dix années qui précédaientJARPA. Très bien. Pas de

problème. Mais je vois un problème grave à la ligne horizontale tracéeau niveau de capture 935.

On peut accepter le chiffre 935, c'est-à-dire 850, la taille des échantillons de JARPA Il, plus 10%

de marge. Le problème est que dans JARPA Il, des petits rorquals de l'Antarctique sont en fait

capturés chaque année dans une de ces deux zones, définies par l'Australie comme «Area A and

Area B» et «Area B and Area C>>.Donc, à la saison au cours de laquelle les activitésde recherche

sont menéesdans la première zone, il n'y a aucun petit rorqual capturédans la seconde. Il s'ensuit

que, si l'on reprend le graphique du professeur Crawford, la ligne horizontale doit êtretracée

comme ceci. [Projection n° 13 : onglet n° 15-20 du dossier des juges.]

42. Par exemple, si l'on applique le chiffre 935 à la zone désignéepar l'Australie comme

«Area A and Area B» pour la saison 1977/1978, c'est le chiffre 0, la taille des échantillons 0 qui

doit êtreattribué aux «Area B and Area C» pour la mêmesaison. Dans la saison suivante, c'est

l'inverse. Pas de capture dans «Area A and Area B».

43. On voit facilement que ce n'est pas facile à comprendre. Il y a deux moyens pour

montrer ces informations de manière à la fois correcte et compréhensible. Le premier consiste à

faire la somme des captures commerciales réaliséesdans la zone entière dans laquelle les activités

de recherche de JARPA II sont conduites aujourd'hui. Pour prendre la terminologie australienne, il

faut combiner les «Areas» A, B, et C. Voici le résultat. [Projection n° 14 : onglet nos15-21 du

dossier des juges.] Ce graphique représente le nombre des captures commerciales réaliséespar les

navires japonais dans l'ère d'avant-JARPA dans la zone dans laquelle les activités de recherche

sont conduites aujourd'hui dans le cadre de JARPA Il. On peut tracer la ligne horizontale au

niveau de 850, la taille des échantillons adoptée par JARPA 11,ou, si vous voulez, au niveau de

935. [Projection n° 15 : onglet nos15-21 du dossier des juges.] Ceci représente la réalitéde

manière fidèle. Vous voyez que le niveau des échantillons de JARPA Il est bien au-dessous de

celui des captures commerciales de l'époquede l'avant-JARPA.

44. Il y a une autre méthode pour représenter les données de manière correcte et

compréhensible. Voici, encore une fois, le graphique du professeur Crawford. [Projection n° 16 : -55-

onglet n'" 15-22 du dossier des juges.] J'ai dit que les captures sont réaliséesdans une des deux

zones chaque année. Dans «Area A and Area B» pour une année, dans «Area B and Area C>>pour

l'année suivante. Donc, le chiffre 935 n'a pas de sens dans ce graphique, et il faut prendre la

moyenne annuelle pour chaque zone. [Projection n° 17 : onglet n° 15-23 du dossier des juges.] La

ligne horizontale doit donc êtreplacéeici.

45. Le professeur Crawford a soutenu, sur la base d'un graphique erroné et trompeur, que le

niveau de captures dans la chasse scientifique n'était pas très différent de celui dans la chasse

commerciale • Ce n'est pas correct. L'écart entre le niveau des captures commerciales et celui

des captures scientifiques est considérable, comme le montre ce graphique rectifié.

46. Monsieur le président, Mesdames et Messieurs les juges, ceci termine ma plaidoirie et je

vous remercie pour votre écoute attentive. Monsieur le président, je vous prie de bien vouloir

donner la parole au professeur Vaughan Lowe.

The PRESIDENT: Merci, Monsieur le professeur. 1now cali on Professor Vaughan Lowe.

You have the tloor, Sir.



1. Mr. President, Members of the Court, my task this aftemoon is to make Japan's

submissions on the question of the standard of review and the allegations of bad faith. And after

sorne preliminary remarks on the role of expert evidence and on the standard of review in this case,

1shall address Australia's central arguments. Australia asserts that Japan violated its duties under

international law by issuing special permits for JARPA II and- first- that Japan cannot justify

its conduct under Article VIII of the Whaling Convention as properly interpreted, and -second-

that even if the issue ofthe special permits is superficially consistent with Article VIII, Japan acted

in bad faith or in abuse of right and so cannot benefit from the right that it has under Article VIII.

And 1shall deal with each in tum.

15CR 2013/20,p.24,~ 61 (Crawford). x -56-

The role of the standard of review

2. First, my preliminary remarks on expert evidence. You have heard a great deal, Sir, on

the facts from Australia and from Japan; and Australia made considerable play of the fact that

Japan put up a solitary expert witness, whose report contained no footnotes 152•

3. Weil, you will recall that Australia used a "solitary" expert in the written phase of this

case, only doubling the number after it had seen that Japan was calling Professor Wallee; and that

Japan made clear, in its letter to the Court dated 26 December 2012, that in its view scientific

evidence was not of primary importance in this case.

4. Professor Wallee was asked to draft a report addressed to non-scientists. lt may be that

Members of the Court looked up the footnote references in the reports of Professor Mange! and

Dr. Gales to see if they supported what was said in the text; it may be that they did not. But in any

event Japan has consistently taken the position that their reports, along with that of

Professor Wallee, are of interest as the considered views of distinguished scientists with expert

knowledge of various aspects of the factual and scientific background to this case. And we would

have thought no less of Professor Mange! or Dr. Gales if they had used fewer footnotes.

5. The expert witnesses were presented so that you could judge if they held their views

>< honestly and that their views were considered. And)(we think that it is evident that they did give

honest statements of their considered views. What comes across clearly from their reports is that

they have different views on some of the scientific questions. But that is hardly a startling

revelation in this case. Japan's basic point is that the central question in this case is not, which

scientist is correct, but rather, what does one do when scientists disagree?

6. Weil, Australia said that we did not ask as many questions as we could have done in

cross-examination 15• That is because we had the answers that we thought necessary.

Professor Mange! confirmed that his reports were providing "a general assessment ofwhat it means

to do a program for purposes of scientific research and then by reference to the IWC's writings, the

activity of the Commission and the Scientific Committee, to try to make it in sorne sense more

operational for the context of conservation and management of whales" • He had not focused on

15For cxample, CR 2013/9, p. 19, para. 23 (Sands).

1JCR 2013119, p. 14, para. 2 (Gleeson) and p. 39, para. 39 (Sands).

15eR 2013/9, p. 53 (Mangcl). -57-

the question of the meaning of the words "for purposes of scientific research" in Article VIII of the

Whaling Convention • He also confirmed that his view on the need for a hypothesis was Jess

fetishistic than might have been thought: it is enough that research addresses an identified set of

questions developed within a conceptual framework 15•

7. We could have asked them to confirm other facts; but Japan thinks that the key facts in

this case are already evident from the documents.

8. The question before you is, did Japan violate its duties under international law by issuing

special permits for JARPA Il? ls that a question for expert evidence, as for example the meaning

of a term such as "best available technology" in a specifie context, or the determination of the

actual "optimum sustainable yield" of a fish stock at a particular time might be? If so, is the Court

simply to choose which expert evidence it prefers, or should it try to identify which (if either)

represents the scientific mainstream, or whether each of them enjoys a measure of support in the

scientific community? Or is it for the Court to decide itself what is the correct meaning of the

term? Or should the Court ask whether or not Japan's view is reasonable, or whether it is a view

that no reasonable State couId hold- and then hope that no one on the bench dissents and

qualifies for the label of irrationality?

9. We pointed out, in paragraphs 9.6 and 9.7 of our Counter-Memorial, the importance of

this issue and the fact that Australia's written pleadings had not addressed it. We made the same

point again in our first round pleadings • We had expected sorne legal argument on the point

from Australia or New Zealand. But Australia and New Zealand seem not to regard this as a

problem on which they needed to address the Court. They say that the Court can approach it as a

straightforward question of treaty interpretation • Weil that sits rather awkwardly with the time

that we spent on the discussion of the expert evidence in this case; but so be it.

10. Australia and New Zealand seem to think that it is Japan's responsibility to set out the

law on this aspect of their case. With respect, it is not. Japan did not seek this case. Australia,

t.5CR 2013/9, pp. 53-54 (Mangcl).
CR 2013/9, pp. 58-59 (Mange!) and CR 2013/9, p. 70, responding to the question from Judge Keith.
CR 2013115, p. 17, paras. 16-17 (Lowe).
CR 2013/19 p. 66, para. 25 (Crawford); p. 67, para. 27 (Crawford). CR 2013117, p. 24, para. 31 (Finlayson);
p. 25, para. 34 (Finlayson); p. 26, para. 26 (Finlayson). -58-

and, it seemed last week, also New Zealand, allege that JARPA Il is not a scientific research

program under Article VIII. Japan put in 1,600 pages of written pleadings explaining why it is

scientific research. Australia and New Zealand disagree. But if they think that Japan's evidence is

insufficient to meet the requirements which international law imposes when the Court is asked to

review Japan's exercise of its rights under the Whaling Convention, it is surely for Lhemto explain

what they consider those requirements to be.

The standard of review in this case

Il. Please let me next make sorne remarks on the standard ofreview.

12. ln fact, the positions of the Parties seem not to be very far apart on this question. ln its

heavily-footnoted Counter-Memorial, in footnote 1099 on page 412, Japan quoted a WTO decision

in which the key question was formulated as being not whether a State's decision was "correct",

but whether it was "supported by coherent reasoning and respectable scientific evidence and is, in

this sense, objectively justifiable" •

13. Similarly, Australia framed the key question as whether JARPA Il is "demonstrably

undertaken on an objectively determined scientific basis" , saying that the Court's task is to

"determine objectively whether JARPA Il is a program for the purpose of scientific research

pursuant to Article V111" 161, and referring frequently to the standard of reasonableness 162•

New Zealand stated that "whether a programme of whaling is 'for purposes of scientific research'

is a factual question to be objectively determined by the Court" ,noting that Japan 's "discretion

must be exercised reasonably" •

14. Judge Charlesworth asked if it is Japan's view that there are any objective elements in

the phrase "for purposes of scientific research" or whether the definition of scientific research is

;qHormones Case, WTO Doc. WT/DS320/AB/R (16 Oct. 2008), para. 590.
°CR 2013/20, p. 44, para. 5 (Drcytùs).
CR 2013/18, p. 16, para. 9 (Dreyfus).
CR 2013/8, p. 31, para. 19 (Crawford); CR 2013/11, p. 38, para. 43 (Giccson); CR 2013/20, p. 34, para. 3
(Giccson); CR 2013/20, p. 42, para. 33 (Giccson).

10CR 2013/17, p. 27, para. 39 (b) (Finlayson); p. 28, paras. 44-45 (Finlayson).

10CR 2013/17, p. 41 (Ridings). -59-

solely a matter for the determination ofContracting Governments • Yes: Japan thinks that there

are objective elements. They are the obvious ones: that the whaling needs to be designed to collect

sampies and data that are necessary to yield, after analysis in accordance with scientific techniques,

knowledge and information about questions or areas of inquiry that are defined within a scientific

conceptual framework .

15. There is no particular magic in that formulation. lt does not seek to list the essential

indicia, in the way that one might list the indicia of legal personality, or the essential characteristics

that distinguish sheep from goats. Australia criticizes Japan for not offering its own formula to

define scientific research 16• But that misses the very point that we are making: there is no

uniquely correct formula. As Professor Mangel said,

"Physicists will look at ali sorts of biology and ecology, and say that it is not
science. Molecular biologists will look at biology often, and say that it is not science.

Within ecology there will be individuals who will someti167 have disputes about
whether something is properly formed or not ... "

16. We have in fact mentioned a number of different formulae, including a number that were

considered for inclusion in the Law of the Sea Convention before the drafters of that treaty wisely

decided that it was not necessary to define the term • There are certainly other definitions abroad

in the intellectual universe. But the one thing that is absent from that universe is a single agreed

definition of what constitutes scientific research.

17. Japan's view is that white the definition of scientific research is not so1ely a matter for

the determination of each Contracting Government or State, neither is there one uniquely correct

definition, so that the slightest divergence from that definition means that the characterization of a

program as "scientific" puts the State in violation of international law.

18. There cornes a point where reasonableness must be given a role. ls a hypothesis

essential? Weil JARPA Il clearly has hypotheses; but that is a matter of the drafting, the

phraseology of the research plan. One could say that the objective is to test the hypothesis that

IMCR 2013117, p. 50 (Charlcsworth).

10For cxamplc, CR 2013/19, p. 39, para. 39 (Sands).
CR 2013/9, p. 59 (Mange!).
1 8
h Scc George K. Walkcr (cd.),Definitions/orth e Law of the Sea. Terms Not Defined by the 1982 Convention,
Nijhon: 2012, pp. 241-244. Thosc dclinitions wcrc rcfcrrcd to at CR 2013/9, pp. 56-57 (Lo\\c) . -60-

blubber thickness is declining for reasons related to changes in the abundance of krill. Or one

could say that the objective is to look at what is happening to blubber thickness. But surely it

cannat seriously be suggested that the first formulation is scientific research and lawful, and that

the second is not scientific research and is not lawful.

19. Views may differ over the size of the sample that is needed, over whether priority should

be given to the determination of simple abundance numbers or to the detailed understanding of

changes in sexual maturity, pregnancy rates and stock structures. But these are not debates as to

whether the questions are or are not scientific. These are debates about scientific questions. And

Japan's view is that there is no uniquely correct answer to such questions. Uniquely correct

answers to such questions do not exist, so there is no point in the Court looking for them.

20. Yes: the Court can ask, could a reasonable State regard this as a properly-framed

scientific inquiry. But it can no more impose a line separating science from non-science than it

could decide what is and what is not "Art". In Japan's view, the correct question is, could aState

reasonably regard this as scientific research?

21. That is why Japan agrees with Australia and New Zealand in regarding the test as being

whether a State's decision is objectively reasonable, or "supported by coherent reasoning and

respectable scientific evidence and ... , in this sense, objectively justifiable".

22. Australia put the question in very clear terms: is JARPA II a scientific program, oris it

commercial whaling 16? Japan is quite content to accept that approach for the purposes of this case,

although it is of course a matter for the Court, and not for the Parties, to decide what the proper

standard of review is.

Australia's first argument: Article VIII

23. So please let me turn now to the first of Australia's arguments in this case, addressing the

question whether Japan can justizy its conduct under Article VIII of the Whaling Convention as

properly interpreted.

24. Is Japan's view that JARPA II is whaling "for purposes of scientific research" a view that

is "supported by coherent reasoning and respectable scientific evidence", even if it is not in sorne

1QCR2013/18 , p. 21, para. 21 (Dreyfus). - 61 -

metaphysical sense "correct"? Or is it inconsistent with Japan's obligations under international


The evidence

25. Weil, consider the evidence. My colleagues have referred you to many aspects of the

evidence already. And please let me refer tojust three of the indications before you.

26. First, there are the 100 pages of the JARPA Il research plan and its accompanying

appendices, putto the IWC Scientific Committee. lt is in tabs 4 to 13 of Japan's day bundle, given

to the Court two weeks ago. And we would invite you not simply to look at the JARPA Il plan, but

to read it. ln our submission, there are only two views that you could take. Either this is a plan for

a scientific research program, or it is an elaborate hoax. The third possibility, that it is so hopeless,

so misguided and deluded as not to count as science at ali, would not merit a moment's

consideration had it not been brought up in this case.

27. Second, the evidence of Professor Wallae. Yes, he is a solitary expert. Yes, he was

speaking about research that he is himself involved in. But he is not a fantasist pottering away in

his garden shed trying to build a perpetuai motion machine. We invited him to act as our expert

witness because he knew the scientific field, he knew the IWC, and as President of the Academia

Europaea his standing in the international community of scientists is manifest. Of course we knew

that he was critical of aspects of JARPA 1,and even of some aspects of JARPA Il. That is not the

point. He was not put there to put forward Japan's case: that is the role of counsel. He was there

to answer the question, whatever the disagreements within the scientific community, is it

reasonable to regard JARPA Il as a genuine scientific program. And his answer was, yes 170•

28. Third, despite ali of the criticism of the lethal take, in ali the years that the Scientific

Committee has been considering JARPA Il it has never- categorically, never- said that

JARPA Il is not "scientific research". Certain members have criticized its design, questioned the

need for certain data, and in particular opposed the use of lethal rather than non-lethal methods to

obtain the data that is sought. But they have not suggested that it does not even qualify as

"scientific research". By contrast, the Scientific Committee has in the past found that a permit

"JARPA II is dclinitcly a scicntilic rcscarch program", CR 2013/14, p. 22 (Walloc). -62-

proposai from another State did not satisfy its criteria, and has adopted a recommendation not to

. 1 d . 1 . 171
1ssuet 1epropose spec1a perm1ts .

29. What is the argument against this evidence? It seems to come down first to the

imaginative use of the distinction between a hypothesis and a topic of scientific inquiry, wielded

like a scalpel to eut JARPA Il from the body of scientific research, despite the fact that

Professor Mangel's position was rather more subtle and accommodating ; and second, that there

are strongly-voiced criticisms from sorne scientists of the sample size and the inadequate use of

non-lethal sampling methods.

30. Is there opposition to JARPA Il? Yes. ls there criticism ofthe way in which JARPA II

is framed? Yes. Do sorne scientists take the view that sorne of the objectives of JARPA II could

be substantially achieved by using non-lethal methods? Yes. Do sorne scientists think that sorne of

the questions addressed by JARPA Il are not worth asking? Probably yes.

3 1. But where does that get us? There is a long, deep and sometimes acrimonious debate

within the scientific community about JARPA Il: but it is a scientific debate. lt is a debate over

methodologies, over sample sizes, over the statistical significance of results. These questions are

self-evident!y part of a debate about the scientific merits and demerits of JARPA Il: they do not go

to the question whether it could reasonably be regarded as scientific research at ali- unless (and

this is Australia's point) Japan is acting in bad faith or in abuse of its rights.

32. JARPA Il is not run by charlatans: it is not a program for research into perpetuai motion

machines, or faster-than-light travel, or, sorne might add, cold fusion as a source of energy. It is a

program that involves the collection of biological samples, taken in accordance with established

statistical techniques for the determination of sample sizes, for the abstraction of a range of

biological data that is analysed in accordance with established scientific methodologies by trained

and experienced scientists, including scientists working in universities and publicly-funded

research institutes. Sorne may think it is bad science, or unnecessary science; but in our

submission it is an absurd exaggeration to say that this is not scientific research at ali.

Rep. /nt. Whal. Comnm. 37, 1987p.29; Rep. /nt. Whal. Commn. 38, 198p.54.
17CR 2013/9, pp.57-59 (Mangcl). -63-

33. To say that no reasonable person could regard JARPA Il as a program for the plllposes of

scientific research is, at best, hyperbole. That is our answer to Australia's argument based on treaty


Bad faith and abuse of rights

34. Australia's alternative argument is that Japan has been acting in bad faith in operating

JARPA Il. ln the course of a memorable intervention, Professor Crawford counselled strongly

against basing judicial review wholly or "primarily on the basis of such tluctuating and subjective

notions as bad faith" 173• That warning did not, however, wholly deter the Solicitor-General, who

went on to make a submission entitled "Japan's Jack of good faith and abuse of right" 17• lt is not

wholly clear what Australia's position is on this alternative argument. Perhaps, as in the Scientific

Committee, some experts take one view, while others take a different view.

35. Japan vigorously denies that it has acted in bad faith or in a manner that constitutes an

abuse of right. The allegation is untrue as a matter of fact. But before 1remind you of the facts in

the record, please let me brietly address the law in relation to this Australian submission.

36. The usual focus of the Court and other international tribunals is upon the public face of

the actions of a State or of some other actor. If a State's actual conduct is in accordance with

international law, the reason why the State conducts itself as it does- the motive of the State- is

of no concern.

37. ln Barcelona Traction 175the Court looked at the nationalities of the shareholders and the

place ofregistration ofthe companies: it did not ask why the shareholders wanted to hold shares in

a foreign company or why the registration of the company in Canada was permitted. The motives

of those concerned were not relevant, any more than they were in the Constitution of IMC0 176case.

Similarly, in Corfu Channe/ , when ruling on the lawfulness of the exercise of the right of

CR 2013/19, p. 65, para. 22 (Crawford).
CR 2013/20, p. 33 (Glccson).
Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (Belgium v.Spain), Second Phase, Judgment, I.C.J.
Reports /970, p.3.

m'Constitution of the Maritime Sajèty Committee ofthe lnter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organi=ation,
AdvisOJyOpinion,I.C.J. Reports 1960, p. 150.
Corjit Channel (United Kingdom v.Albania), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 19-19p. 4. -64-

innocent passage, the Court said that it was the manner, and not the purpose, of the passage that

was the relevant focus. And in Anglo-Norwegian Fisheriesm', when considering the lawfulness of

baselines drawn by Norway, the Court was not concerned with the reasons why Norway drew the

lines where it did.

38. There are many other examples. The exercise of a right of self-defence in a particular

instance, for example, might serve ali sorts of political and military purposes: but as long as the

exercise of the right stays within the limits set by the law, the Court will not say to a State, you

must tell us why you chose to exercise the right when you did and when you could have chosen not

to exercise it.

39. lt is not clear why Australia does not regard the present case as falling within the

approach evident in those cases. lt is not clear why, if JARPA Il on its face meets ali the

requirements of Article VIII, the Court should go further and inquire into the motivation behind


40. Australia has referred in rather general terms to "good faith" and "abuse of right". That

suggests a possible starting-point for a legal argument; but no argument came from Australia. lt

just fizzled out. Paragraphs 4.59-4.60, and 5.122-5.128 of Australia's Memorial are devoted to the

tapie; but the legal analysis is practically non-existent- one Latin tag, and a reference to a

dictionary 17• Given the seriousness of the allegation of bad faith, one might have expected

Australia to have made sorne effort to set out its thinking on the law on this point. But it did not.

Nor- perhaps in deference to Professor Crawford's admonition- did it develop the point in its

oral submissions .

41. Perhaps the strongest argument that it might have developed is that Article VIII gives a

right to be exercised for a specifie purpose.

42. Weil, we have explained that Article VIII gives nothing that Japan did not have before it

acceded to the Convention • Under customary international law Japan, along with ali other

States, had the right to engage in whaling for scientific purposes, for commercial purposes and for

178Fisheries (United Kingdomv.Norway), Judgment. /.C.J. Reports /95/,p. 116.

17eR 2013/11, p.39 (Glccson).
eR 2013/15, p.15,paras.7-8 (Lowe). -65-

any other purposes; and the question is what limitations has Japan accepted upon the exercise of

that right.

43. Australia and New Zealand reject that position. They consider that the effect of

Article VIII is that only exercises of the right to authorize special permit whaling that are sole/y

motivated by scientific research are permissible, and that JARPA Il is tainted by an ancillary

"commercial" motive. The Solicitor-General based his argument upon the proposition that there

was evidence "painting to commerce as a substantial driver for JARPA and JARPA Il", and "the

intrusion into the exercise of the Article VIII power of considerations so extraneous to that Article

and so pervasive asto justifY the conclusion of Jackof good faith" 18•

44. Japan does not accept that the sale of whale meat under JARPA Il evidences a

commercial motive: it is a common practice to fund fisheries research in this way, as Article VIII,

paragraph 2, recognizes. But, even supposing that it did evidence a commercial motive, quod non,

where would that get Australia? lt would take us straight to Judge Gaja's question. How do we

treat mixed motives?

45. Some rules of international law do refer to the motive or purpose for which a power is

given or for which an existing power may be exercised. For example, rules concerning the

expropriation of property require that it be asked if the property was taken into State ownership

"for a public purpose" • But where is the evidence that, once a "public purpose" is indeed

established, courts or tribunals must go further, and check that there was no ancillary motive that

accompanied it? We have not found any such evidence; and the fact that there is, in addition to the

"public purpose" requirement, an explicit prohibition in international law on "discriminatory"

expropriations rather suggests that further requirements such as a "sole purpose" requirement

should not be read into the "public purpose" requirement.

46. 1 note also that where the Whaling Convention does wish to confine States to one sole

purpose, it says so- as, for example, in paragraphs 2.3 and 21 (a) of the Schedule, which refer to

18CR 2013/20, p.35, para.6 (Giccson).
For cxamplc, Libyan American Oit Company (Liamco) v. Libya, 7 International LeKal Materials (/LM)
3 (1978), 4YB. Com. Arb. 177 (1979). - 66-

ships that have been used "solely" for the purpose of freezing or salting whale meat intended for

human food or feeding animais.

47. Neither Australia nor New Zealand has shown any legal or logical basis for supposing

that there is a "sole purpose" principle in international law- much less, for writing it in to

Article VIII. ln our submission international law contains no such principle.

48. The passage that they quoted from the Costa Rica case does not show it • That says no

more than that "expressly stating the purpose for which a right may be exercised implies in

principle the exclusion of ali other purposes and, consequently, imposes the limitation thus defined

on the field of application of the right in question". A right given for purpose A cannot be

exercised for purpose B. But that says nothing about the situation where the right is exercised for

purpose A and purpose B is an additional, ancillary motive.

49. And one more point on the law. The Solicitor-General, with his usual, admirable clarity,

noted that 1had not referred to a duty to consider the Resolutions issued by the IWC as an aspect of

the duty of good faith • So let me correct that point immediately. Japan accepts that the duty to

implement its obligations under the Whaling Convention in good faith includes a duty to "have

regard to resolutions expressed by the Commission under Article VI", as the Solicitor-General put

it. lt accepts that duty, and it has complied with that duty.

50. Weil, so much for the law. But what of the facts? Where is the evidence from Australia

of bad faith? The Solicitor-General suggested that it was "by never opening up its mind to a

consideration of making the slightest change to the core aspects of its lethal methodology, scale,

continuity and indefinite period have never been the subject of reconsideration by Japan" 185•

51. As my colleagues have indicated, JARPA Il does not have an indefinite period. As the

research plan says, it is to be reviewed after six years. Any changes considered to be necessary or

appropriate will be made then. No doubt any special permits issued subsequently will continue to

look much like photocopies of their predecessors- they are simply the bottom line, the result of

the processes of consideration and decision on each of the matters that bears on the fact the final

18Di~pru eKarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa v.NicaraKZta},JudKment, I.C.J. Reports 2009,
p. 241, para. 61: cibyNew Zea1and at CR 2013117, p. 41, para. 20 (Ridings).

18CR 2013/20, pp. 36-37, para. 12 (Giceson).
CR 2013/20, p. 37, para. 13 (Giccson). - 67-

decision to authorize a certain size of lethal take. But they will be considered. JARPA Il is not

running on an automatic pilot powered by everlasting batteries.

52. That has been and will be Japan 's practice. Continuity- or discontinuity- is the

product of those decisions.

53. lt really does beggar belief that Australia can think that Japan has not considered

changing the scale of JARPA Il, for example by abandoning or scaling down sorne research goals

and relying in greater measure upon non-lethal methods. ln the face of Sea Shepherd attacks,

continuous criticism from groups within the IWC, publicity campaigns by groups who have

deeply-rooted and well-articulated positions opposed to whaling, and the many other political costs

that come in the wake of the continuation of Japan's whaling research, no rational Government

could simply press ahead unthinkingly.

54. Australia interprets the fact that Japan has not altered JARPA Il as Australia wishes as

proof that Japan has not opened its mind to genuine reconsideration. But that is not so. These

matters are reviewed; in 2007, following the two-year feasibility study of JARPA Il, a paper was

submitted to the Scientific Committee with the express objective of considering "changes for the

full JARPA Il research program, if necessary" • And these matters will be comprehensively

reviewed in the 2014 review of JARPA Il, perhaps before the judgment in this case is issued. The

fact that Japan has decided not to abandon its lethal take is not a sign that it is acting in bad faith in

exercising its rights under the Convention. One can give full consideration to comments, and stiJl

decide not to alter one's position.

55. lndeed, Australia understands this weil. The Solicitor-General said last week that:

"The submission, if 1 may repeat it, was that Japan never opened its mind to a

consideration of making the slightest change to the core aspects of its lethal
methodology, scale, continuity and indefinite period have never been the subject of
reconsideration by Japan. And so it was that last Thursday Professor Lowe politely

but firmly invited Australia to re-phrase, as in withdraw, that claim. May 1 tell you187
[said the Solicitor-General] that after reconsideration, Australia does not do so."

Weil, quite so.

18Government of Japan (Compiled b) Fujise, Y., Pastene, L.A., Hatanaka, H., Ohsumi, S. and Miyashita, T.)
(2007). Evaluation of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 feasibility study of the Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Research
Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA Il), p. 1; paper SC/59/03 presented to the lWC Scientilic

Committee, May 2007.
18CR 2013/20, p. 37, para. 13(Gieeson). - 68-

56. Please let me draw your attention to one set of statistics, about which 1think there is no

disagreement. They are taken from the cruise report of the 2005/2006 feasibility study for

JARPA Il, which is reproduced as Australia's Annex 57; and they relate to the size of the minke

whale sample. The target is 850. But it is likely that around halfofthem will be males, and ofthe

other, female half, around 40 percent will be immature females. ln fact, of the 2005/2006

feasibility study, from a full sample of853, only 391 were females; and of them, only 242 were

mature. Pregnancy rates, trends in age at sexual maturity of females, and so on can be determined

only by lethal means; and data on sorne of those matters were accordingly based in that survey on

a sample of242, out of a population of over half a million. But to get that sample of242 mature

females, one needed an overall sample size of 850. That is simple mathematics.

57. This age and pregnancy data cannat be obtained by non-lethal means. But, having

sampled the stock in arder to get this data, one can also gather much other valuable information

from the entire sample, including the immature females and the males; a good part of this

additional information could, admittedly, be obtained by non-lethal means. Yes: non-lethal

sampling is practicable in certain places, in certain sea conditions, and it can provide valuable data.

But the idea that lethal sampling can simply be replaced by non-lethal methods is naïve.

58. Japan is perfectly open about its thinking. It wishes to resume commercial whaling with

reference to the sound scientific basis for lifting the moratorium. JARPA Il is one of Japan's major

research projects aimed at providing that scientific basis. A key element of the scientific evidence

will relate to productivity rates, and those rates can best be determined only with knowledge of the

age structure, the age of sexual maturity, and the pregnancy rates of the whales. That data cannat

be obtained by non-lethal means. Yes: there is a serious scientific debate to be had. But at the

moment Japan does not consider that there is a scientific case for the abandonment of its lethal

sampling of minke whales on a scale that- as Professor Mangel accepted 18- can have no

adverse effect upon the condition ofthat whale stock.

18CR 2013/9,p.63 (Mangcl). -69-

Concluding remarks

59. Mr. President, Members of the Court, in our submission Australia has not made out its

case on the facts or on the law. lt does nothow- to use its own test- that it is unreasonable to

regard JARPA Il as a scientific research program, whatever the criticisms there might be of its

methodology; and it has not shown that Japan had any motive beyond its declared motive of

gaining the data necessary to provide a basis for the science-based consideration of the possibility

of resuming commercial whaling, and of gaining that data through a research program that is

conducted in essentially the same way as fisheries research is conducted the world over.

60. Mr. President, unless 1can be offurther assistance to you, 1should say that that is the end

of my submission. 1thank the Court for its attention. 1would ask you to cali on Professor Pellet

next, but you may feel that we need a good night's sleep before you do that.

The PRESIDENT: Unless ten minutes would be sufficient for Professor Pellet, we will

postpone his pleading for tomorrow moming. Thank you, Professer Lowe.

The Court will meet tomorrow moming from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. to hear the conclusion

of Japan's second round of oral argument and the presentation of final submissions. Thank you.

The Court is adjoumed.

The Court rose at 5.55 p.m.

Document Long Title

Audience publique tenue le lundi 15 juillet 2013, à 15 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Tomka, président, en l’affaire relative à la Chasse à la baleine dans l’Antarctique (Australie c. Japon ; Nouvelle-Zélande (intervenant))
