Requête introductive d'instance

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October 24, 1957. Le 24 octobre 1957.
Jlonsicur le Greffier,
Sir :
I. This is a written application, iii accordaricc with tlic Stntutc I. 1.c pri'scnt clociimciit est une requete écrite par laquelle lc
and Rules of the Court, submittcd by the Goveriimcnt c)f tlic Goiii-ci-neriiciit des ctats-~iiis dl:\inérique introduit, conformé-
ment ail Statut t.t ni1IiCglttiiiciit dc la Cour, uiic instaiice contre le
United States of America instituting procccclings ngniiist tlicb Gou\-01-iirriiciitdc Biilgaric :ir;iisuii di. ccrt;iiiis actes repréhensibles
Government of Bulgaria on account of certain iiitern;itioiiall~.
wrongful acts coinmitted oii July 27, 195 j, by fightor ;iircr:ift of sur le 1)l;iiiiiitcrri:itional coiiiniis le 27 juillet 1955 par l'aviatioii
the Bulgarian Governmcnt within tlie air space of i3ulg;irin :i~;iiiist de c1i;issc (Ili(;oiii.rriicrnciit biilgûrc :illiiiti.rirur de l'espace aérien
Arnerican nationals proceeding as passengers in :in iiiterii;~tioti;il de la I31ilg:iriccoiitrc (les 1-chsortiss;iiitsnrnéricniiisse trouvant en
civil Constellation aircraft No. 4X-AKC bcloiigiiig to 1C1Al Isr;icl qualiti~ (Ir pnssagcrs :i I>oi-(tl'oii a\.ioii ci\,il iiitcrnatioiial du tjpe
Airlines, Ltd. c3onstcll:itioiiil0 4S-AI<C a~>pat-t<~iinn Ctla aEl :II Isrizcl :lirli,rcs
Ltd. )).

The subject of the dispute and a succinct stütcniciit of thc fricts I.'ol>jtht(lu (liffi~chii(et iiiics1)os6siicciiict des faits et gcs niotifs
and grounds upon which thc claim of thc Governriicnt of tlie LViiitc(l sur lcs(lii1~lsth foiidc 1:ic10iii;iiiilclu (;ouvei-iictnciit des Etats-Unis
States of America is based are adecluately sct fortliin ;in csc1i;iiige dii~ rcswrt(.iit c1;iir~~iiic~c iilt'iinc corrcs~~oncl;inccCcliangkc
of correspondence betweeii tlie two governincnts tlirougli ttic iiiter- par 10s (lviis gouvîriiciiiciit~ I);ir l'i~itcriii'tliairc du Gouvcrnemcnt
mediation of the Governnient of Switzerlatid, copies of iiyliicli:rrc de 1;iS~iissc,t.t (loiit col>iccst joiiitc cil;irincsc :Lla prkscntc rccluêtc.
Il tbbt:i iiotiks<lu1"la siiitc clc llinci(lc~ritsiisiiieiitionni., Ir Goui-er-
attached to this application as anneses. It will be notccl thrit ivliiltr
the Bulgarian Governmcnt, upon tlie occurrence of tlio incitlciit nenithlit Iiiilgjir-ïsJi.iiii~CC~IIIIII~~~s~)oIIs;LLl> 'éIgarddu Goil\-crne-
described, admit ted liability to the I'ilit cd States Govcriinieiit for n~ciit (1t.s litnt s-l-iiis du prij iidicc subi par des ressortissants
injury to Aniericaii nationals, and proiiiisccl to pay the tlaiiiagcs atii(~ric:riiisivtni7;iitproniis (lc p;i!-er lcs (loiiiningos ciicourus. cl'cni-
incurred and to prevent a recurrencc of such incidents iii the futurc 1)Cclii~lre rcnoii\-~lici~iciitde 1)iiribilsiiiciclcnts à ll;ircnir ct de puiiir
as well as to punish the l3ulgari;iii n:ltioiinls wlio ivcrc rcsl)oiisil)l~~ los i-<..;soritss.its 1)iilgnroh i.t~spoii~;il)li~(1t.s :ictcs coiiimis, iiiriis
for the actions corninittecl, the 13ulg;rriaii (~ovcriiiiiciit i iimv cju'ii~~-i>si,i iti(;oiii-erii~iii~iit l)~ilgi'ür\jcttc toiitc responsabilité;
il s'pst 1)oriiO :i~>rol~osc :i 1;r1)lncc iiiip;iiciiiciit arbitraire ex gnctilz
disclaiiiiing al1liability; it has iristead iiierely proposcd to iiiükc :ri1 par tiht(h, (l~i~ori~iic l>iil,y:irc~.iix fniiiilles des rcssortissnnts
arbitrary ex gratia per capita paynicnt in Bu1g;rriaii currciicy to
families of the Arnerican ri~itioriiils11,liowcrc killed as a rcsult of ;iiiii\ric;iiiis tii(111fait dc ln 13iilgnrit..
the Bulgarian deeds.

2. The United States Çovcrniiiciit iiotos tliat tlie prcsciit dispute 2. 1 oiiri~iit (1t.s l>t;its-~~iiis coiistntc que le pr6sciit
ilillii-oii<])oi-t(~iir tl(1si~iithsitoiis rolc~\.:iiti tlt1sc;iti.gorics ~iioiicCcs
concerns mattcrs of the clinracter specificd in Article 36 (2) of tlie ni1 l):w:~~qi-;il~ 2l(le IJ:irticli\ .;(111 Stiitiit (lc 1;i(.oiir, coinl>rCnaiit
Statute of tlie Court, including subdivisioiis (a) througli (d). As
will be seen from the atiiiexes, tlie 1eg;il (lisputc of tlic Ciiitcil 1c.shiil)cli\-ihioi11)ù 11).('oiiiiii1t.iliontrcblitICSaiincsqs, le diifCrend
States Governnieii t with the Uulgariiiii Goveriiiiiciit iiivolvîs, (l'()riIn. jiii.i(liqi(~iiisibl):uv Ir (;oiii.erticnicnt des Etats-lynis du
aniong other qucstioiis of iiitern;itioiial l:i\v, the scopc ;iii(I:il>l)li- (1oii1-t~riii~iiiiwht~ilfi;irnirt cri jïii, entre aiitrcs (liiestioiis de droit
cation of intcr1i;itional obligations rclating to the ovcrfliglit of iitt.1-ii:oii;iI,1;i~>orCt l1i>~Cciitioicilcso1)ligntioiisinterriatioiiales
rehl;iit\-i;iiisiii-voltl'oii tcrritoirc p;ir lin üvioii civil intcriiationnl;
international civil aircraft ;particularly, the dutics of tlic go~~r-11- iiot;iiiiiiiit,ilos (It~\.oirstlii go~i\-crn(~iiiciitsur Ic terri toirc duquel
n1c:nt.and military clcfeiiscnuthoritics of tlie govcriiiiiciit, iiiii-liosc
l See Part IV, Co~vcspoizde?zce,Sectio~i 13, So. I. APPLICATION OF UNITED STATES (28 X 57) (;
23 td
territory the intrusion is alleged to have taken place, with respect l'intrusion est censiie s'fitrc ])rocluite, et dcs autorités militaires de
to interception, identification signals bctwccn i~itcrccpting niicl ce gouvernement, en ce qui coriccrric l'interception, les signaux
intruding civil aircraft and the use of force as against passcngcrs d'identification échangbs entre l'a\-ion qui intcrccpte ct l'avion
F ' civil qiii a comrnis l'iritrusioii et l'usage de la forcc contre lcbs
of intruding civil aircraft ; together with issues of fnct wliicli, if passagers dudit avion civil; niiisi ~iic dcs qocstions cl: fait cliii,
resolved in favor of the Cnitcd States Governmc~it, \\,ould provc
breaches of international obligation by tlie Biilgnrian Govcrnincnt ; si elles étaient rcglécscn faveur di1C;ou\.crncrnciit dcs Etats-Lyiiis,
and the nature and estent of the reparations to bc ~iiadc by thch constitueraient de la part clu Gouvcrnme~it bulgare tlcs violations
Bulgarian Government to tlie Vnited States Governmerit for al1 d'obligation ixitcriiationalc ; cnfin, le criractiirc et l'btcndiic dvs
these breaches. réparations auxquelles !c Gou\~crrieiiicntùiilgare serait tenu vis-à-vis
<luGouvcrneiiient des Etnts-Pnis cii raison cletoutes ces iiifrüctions.
The United States Goveriinicnt, in filirig tliis application \\vit11 Le Gouvernement clcs Etats-17~iis, cil déposant la préseritc
the Court, subniits to the Court's jurisdiction for the purposes of requêteaupriis de la Cour, cléclarc:iccel)ter sa juriclictioii aux fins
de la présent-ccspCcc. Le Gouvcsnc~tneiit bulgarc a accepté la
this case. The Bulgarian Governr-ricnt acccptccl tlic con~piilsory
jurisdiction of tliis Court by virtue of the signntiirc of its rqw- juridiction obligatoire dc la C:i)iir(lu filit (le la. signaturc. apl)osi.e
sentative to the I'rotocol of Signaturc of the Statutc of the l'cr- par son repr6sctnta~it iiil'rotocolc (10sign:itiisc coiiccriiarit le Statiit
manent Court of Iiitcrriational Justice, :ilid liis acccptaiiccl \vas .,. de la Cour pcrni:iric>~itcc!lib.J~istici.iiitt~~-ii:itionril~e,t sans assortir
completcly uncondi tiorial ; acccptancc 1)ccarne cll'fccit\-c as t O tlit. .* cette acceptation cl'aucunc coiitlitioii ; cri 17crtu tlc 1':irticlc 36 (-5)
jurisdiction of the Iiitcr~iatioiial Court of .Jiisticc bj? virtiic of .... du Statut clcla Coiir, ladite iicccbl)t;ition ii1)riscffct {i1'6g:ircldc 1,~
Article 36 (5) of the Statute of the Court iipon tlic datc of adniissio~i t juridiction de 1;~Cour intvrriatiuii;ilc. t l Justicc rila clatc clcl'ad~~iib-
of Bulgaria into tlic Cnitccl N t' a ions. sion de la I3ulg:ii-icailx Sations L'iiics.
3. The claim of tlie Governmcnt of tlie United Statcs of Arncrica 3. La deiiiaride (lu (;c)iivcriiciiiciit tlcs fitats-unis d'iIxii6ri(lue
is, briefly, that the Govcrnment of Bulgaria on July 27, 1955, porte, en bref, sur lc fait (lue, le: 27 juillet 1955, le Gouvcrnciiicint
wilfully and unlawfully caused figlitcr military aircraft to firc upoii f bulgare a voloritaircmc~nt c:t ilICg:ilc.riic.tiifait attiic.liieret abiittrc,
and destroy an El Al Israel Airlincs Constcllatiori nircraft So. 4S- i p;~ son iiviatioii iiiilitairc de cliii.i;sc,uii n\.ic)iiConstcl1:itionII"4S-
AKC. This was accomplislied whilc the aircraft was iririocciitl!- AIiC de la 1:1 il1 Isrsclclili'rli~lcs 1-id1. ,c fait s'cist procluit alors
overflying Bulgririari territorÿ en roiitc from Tc1 :l\-i\.. que l'avioii civil, se rciiit1;ir(lti\-iciiiiic;L'1'c.r\\yi\.,effcbctiinitii~i
' It had, apparcntly uiil~cknown to tlie crew, bcc~i clrivcii sliglitl!. ï- survol iniioceiit di1 tcrritoirci l,iilg;~ri!.:\p~~irc:inrncrit il l'irisii clci
off its course, i~i Yugoslrivia, by unl~rcdictcd stroiig 1oc;il witicls y son é(luip;ip, il ;i\-nit Ctï rbiitr-;iiiii:1i~g;~rc~iiictrs tlc S:Lrotiti'('11
at high altitiidc in sucltlcri turhulcii t wcatlicr nricl poor visil~ilit!-. I'ougoslavic piir clcs \-c.iits 1oc;iiis \.iolcrits iiiilit-C\.iiii liautci
It was fired upon wliile attempting to returri to its coiirsc and as i altitude et clans (les contlitioris soiirlaiiiits tlc m:iii\-;iis tc:iiilis c.t
t faible visibilitt!. Il iiCtCiittiitlu' ;tlors t~ii'ilclicrcliait à rc1)rciitlrc
it was about to leave Bulgaria. Among the cffccts of tlie at tack
was the killing of al1 the passengers and crcw, inclutiing sis sa route et qu'il rilliiit cluittcbrI;LUiilgnric. Ccttc attacjuc a eu, ciitrc
American nationals, and the destruction of their propertÿ on board autres, pour coiis6cliicncc 1;~ 11io1- tic tous lcis1)assrigcrset nienil)rc>s
the aircraft. The Americün individuals hatl no part in tlic na\vi- de l'écluipnçe,y coiiipris sis rt~ssoi-tiss;iri t ;inii~ric;liiist1iidcstriic-
gation or control of the aircraft but wcrc increly passengcrs wlio tion dc leurs bic~is à bord tlc l':i\.ioii. 1,c.srcssort issants an1Cric;iins
had purchased international flight tickets u~id tlie aircraft was ne participaiciit eii ritiii1ila n;ir.ig;itio~iou il 1:~direction de l'rivicjn,
flown in accortlance with standard intcrnatioxial civil a\.i:i tio11 ils iiJétaieiit (lue (les ~);iss;igcr;I~.;It :.ICItC.'I(Irs l?illct.;int crnat io-
procedures. IVhile the United States Govcrnmcnt docs not dccni naux de transport acrieil ct l':tvio~ivolait coiiforni~riicnt niis ri'glvs
the point material to the case, it adds that investigation 1i;is normales de l'a\-iatioii civilil iiitci-ii;itioii;ilv.S;iiiscoii.;iclbryrcc poiiit
t conime pertiriviit cri llc..;l)i:cil,lc (;oii\-c'rric.iiiciitc1c.sIztats-Vnis
shown that thc crew were not only engagcd in innocent fliglit ,
but were competent ancl careful. p., ajoute (lue 1'eiicliiCtt:L nioiiti-(*iioii si.iilc.nittlilcll'~tluiln.gcesbcii-
tait un vol iriiioctiii, iiiiiiciic-circclii'i<:tait coiiilii~tc.ritet priitlciit.
The United States Government furtlicr points out that tlic Le Gouveriieiiiciit<t;its-L'iiissouligne cbiioiitrc que la recon-
Bulgarian Government's aclmissio~~ of liabilit y to the Viiitccl Status f., naissance par lt! C;oii\-cr~it~til~~I bfiilgire clc sa rc~~~~o~isililit à
Governmcnt, which it now has repucliatcd, was madc I~cforc its lJégrirddu Goil\-criiciiioiit (1c.s1Jtiits-L'iiis, 1-ccoiiii:iis.;iiiicctlii';L
election to membership in the United Nations. mai~itcnant rotriictccb,:il-ait 6t faifc ii\.;it soli ;i(lriiissio~iconiiiic:
Membre des Satioiis Iriiics.24 APPLICATION OF UNITED STATES (28 X 57) KBQCT~T~C DES LT.\-~S-UN ISs s 57) 24

For these breaches of international obligation, the United States I)c),urces violations tl'obligatioii iiiternationale, lc Goiiverncmciit
Government had demanded and demands monetary and othcr !" des Etats-Unis a riicla~iiéct rCcla~nCdes réparations ~)Ccii~iairet
reparation from the Bulgarian Government; the monetary rcpa- i autres de la part du Gouvcrneniciit bulgare; les r6parlitioris p6cii-
ration demanded consists of 9257,875.00. niaires dcniandécs se iiiontcii:L 2:~57.$75.-.
In further pleadings herein, the Unitcd States Go1~crnrneiitwill i 1)ans les pihces iiltéric~udsc 1;i~~rocetliirc!l,e (;ou1.criic1iirliitd~:,
more fully set forth the issucs of fact and the issucs of la\v for États-~nis exposera plus coiiil>l;~tciiiciitlCs poiiits (Ir fait et <le
the purpose of hearing and decision by the Court iii accor(1aiice droit aux fins d'csanicri et de dilcisiori par la Cour, coriforrni.incrit
with the Statutc and Rules of the Court. It will rcclucst that the 1 au Statiit et au lièglcmciit. Il clciiiaiitlcàaln Cour de dire cluc
Court find that the Bulgarian Governmcnt is liable to the ITnitcd le Gouveriiement bulgare cst rcsponsablr~ à l'hgard du Gouvcrnc-
States Government for the damage caused; that the Court aivard rneiit des États-unis clo prCjudiccbc:ius; (l'accorderau Gouvcriic-
damages in favor of the United States Governmciit agniiist thc 1 mciit des 12tats-unis des doniiiiages et iiitCrCts[lpart clilGoul-er-
Bulgarian Government in the sum of $257,875.00, witli interest, nenient bulgare se inoiitaiit:LS <j7.S7j.-, plus les iiitCrCts, ainsi
and such other reparation and rcdrcss as the Court niay dccm to que les autres rbparatioris ct rcriiCdes cliic lit Cour pourra juger
be fit and proper; and that the Court make al1 otlier iieccssary 1 convenables et :ipproprib:,; et (le rcriilrc toutes aiitres orclo~i~i;inccs
orders and awards, incliiding an award of costs, to cbffcctiiatcits et sentcnces, y compris uiic sc~ticricchr-~\l~11sfrais de procCdure,
determiriat ions. (lui seraient nécessaires 1)oLirdoniicbrc>t;'CC (luJc'llcdCcidcr;i.

4. Thc unclcrsigncd has been appointcd 11).tlic G»\~criiiiiriit of 1-, 4. Le soussigni. a kt6 di.sigii6 par 1':(.;o~vu~iemciit (Icsfit:its-~iiis
the United States of Arncrica as its agent for tlic l)urposc of tliis i' d'Amériquecomme soli axerit nilx lit15cle 1;ipi-ïselitt. rc.iliii.ti:et tlc
application and al1 procecdings tlicrcon. toute la procédiirey rcbit11.1'.
Vcry truly yours, i Veuillez agréer, ctc.
(Sigizcd) Loftus E. BI:CI<I<R, t
fi.: (5iglr~~Loftils E. BECKER,
The Legal Adviser ,:. Conscillcr juriciicl!ic
of thc Departmcnt of Statc. f; du IlS.parternent d'Etat. Annexes to the Application of the Government of the
United States of America



The United Statcs Govcrnniciit protcsts cmphatically against
the brutal action of Hulgariaii 1nilit;iry pcrsori~i~lon July 27, 1955,
in firing iipon a com~ilercial aircraft of tlic El 111Isracl Airli~i~s,
which was lawfully engagccl as ail international carricr. This attack,
which resulted in tlic dcstriiction of the aircraft and the dcath of

5 al1 personnel aboard, inclilding sscvcral Unitccl States citizc~is,
r constitutes a grave violation of ;icccptc(l lx-iiiciples of intcriiational
. q law. The Bulgarian Govcrriiiic~iit lias ackiio\vlcclged rcspo~isibility
*i? for this action.
The United Statcs C;o\.crriinciit clclnancls tliat the Bulgarian
1; Govcrnment (1) take al1 approlx-iritc nieasiircs to prevcnt a rccur-
I;. rencc of incidc~lts of tliis ririiiir-c;a~iciiiiform tlic unitcd States Gov-
crnmcnt concerriing tlicsthiiiibasiircs; (2) puilish a111)crsons res1)011-
siblc for this inciderit;aiid (:j~)ro\,idcproiiil)t ancladcqiiatc conipc~i-
sation to the Ivriitecl Stritcs (I;ovcrriiiiunt for tlie fanl~iliesof tlie 26 .AXNEXES 1-0U.S. AI~PLICATION (NO. 2) ;INNESI<S TO U.S. API>LICATION (NO. 2) 27

2. The l3ulg;~riaii:iiiti-iiircraft dclfcriseunits iiiaiiifestenl certain
NOTE FROM THE BULGAlCIAN GOVERNMENT TU THE liaste and did not txke al1 tlie stcps rccliiircd to force tlie aircraft
to obcy :incl to land.
UNITED STATES GOVEIINJIENT 01; ALTGUSI'4, 1955 3. The Hulgarian Goveriiiiiciit lilïc\\~isccoiisitlcrs it iiecess;iry to
Ministry Englisli Test. point out tlie fxct tliat ovcr a pcriod of iii:iii!-cors, not rcspcctiiig
of Foreign Affairs.
No. 42803. the sovcrcigiity of tlic I't.oplcs' 1Zcl)ul)lic of Uiilgaria, ccrt;iiii
elements have allo\vcd tlicriisel\~cs systeiii;itic;illy to vio1;itc tlie
Bulgarian frontier. Iluring rcccnt ycars iiiinicroiis illegril Aiglits
over tlic Uulgnriati frotiticr by aircriift of ii~itlcteriniried niitioiiality
The Ministry of 1;oreign llffairs of thc. Pcoplcs' 1Cc~l)iiblicof have been iiotcd iii U~ilgari:~.1)uriiig tlicsc illcgiil fliglits, clivcr-
Bulgaria prescrits its coiiiplinients to tlic I,cbg:ition of 5n.itzc.r-1;ind sionists have ùceii p:ir;icliutctl iiito I3ulg;iri:in tcrritory, cqiiipped
at Sofia and, in reply to its aidc-iiiciinoirchof Aiigiist 2, 1().5.j,aiid with arrns, radios aiicl otlicr- ecliiil>iiii~iit.lT1icGo\-erii~neiit of tlie
in conlpliance \vit11the i~istructioiis of its C;o\.c:siiiiic~iitl,ias tlic Peoplcs' Kel)ublic of Uii1g:iriri lias ])rc.)tc>stc~ on scvcriil occ;~sioiis
honor to rccliivst tlic Lcgatioii to lx good viioiigli to ti-;iiisiiiit tlic to the Secrctiii-int of tlici I:iiitctl I2';itioiis01-giiiii~~tion,1)iit iiiifor-
followiiig to tlic Go\rcrnniciit of tlic. L'nitvcl St:~tc.s of :\iiie~ric:i p. tunately witlioiit resiilt. A11tliis crc.;itcb(lail atnios1)licreof tliiisiori
The investigation carried out by tlic spccial )vcbrniiici:ilconi- L!' which rcquiretl steps to l~ctalic.11to s:ife>gii;ir<tllic sccurity of tlic
mission has irrefut ably deterininecl tlie followi~ig : State. It was i~isucli ail atiiiosl)liCrc of tcrision tliat tlic unfortun:itc
On July 27, 1955, at 7: 10 local tiinc the ciircraft of tliu Israeli g.' accident to tlic Isracli plane bcbcriiiicpossible.
Airline El-A1 enterctl Bulgarian air space in tlic arva of tlic town
of Trn without any warning. After liaviiig pcnc\tratcd a distancc 1 .;: TIie Bulgarinii (;ovcriiiiiciit oiid people cs1)rei.s oiicc ngaiii tlieir
of 40 kilometers, thc aircraft overflew thc towns of 13rcznik, profouiid regret for tliis grciit dis;istcr \\.hicli lias caiiscd tlic (leatli
Radomir, Staiikc Dimitrov, 13lagocvgrad, riilcl conti~i~icbtloii its 1.. of coiiil)lctcly iiiiiocciit l>~ol)l'.lii. 13ulg;iri;~tiC;ovcriiiiiciit ;ir<lciitl!.
coursc in a soiitlierly dircctio~i. It flew over Bulgariaii tc.rritory t.' desires tliat sucli iiiciclc~iitsslioultl 11e\~er1i:ipperi agaiii. It \\,il1
0 cause to be idciitificd ;ilid puiiisliccl tliosc giiilty of causiiig tlic
for approximately 200 kilometers. I' catastrophe to thc Isracli 1)l:iiic ;iiitl \\-il1talie :il1 tlic iiccessiirj-
South of the town of Stankc Dimitrov tlic aircraft \vas iiitcr- '.
cepted by two 'Bulgarian fightcr plancs ivliicli recci\.ctl ordc~rsto steps to insure tlint siicli cat:istrc)l~lic~;sirthiiot rel)ciitcd oii I3ulgnriaii
force it to 1;iiid at ii 33ulg;~rian air1)ort. territory.
Tlic fightcr plarics warric.cltlic aii-criiftiiinccor-t1;iiiccvit11 i1itc.r- The 13iilg:~riariGovcriiiiic~iti s>-iiii1iizi.s(Icc)~)l!\.vit11tlic rc.l;~it\,c.s
national rcgiilations, to 1:~iicl.111sl)ito of tliis, it tlicl~iot ol~,!.11iit of tlic victiins aiid islx-c~l~:ii-co<l;issiiiiic re>sl)(.)iiil)ilityfor çoiiil)nii-
continued to fly in a soutlicrly dirchction iiiaii attoni1)t to ch\c-;il)c> sation due to tlieir f;~iiiilies, :is \vclI ;is its s1i;irc of coiiil>ciis;itioii
across the Uulgarian-Grcek froriticr. for matcrial driniagc iiicurrccl.
In thcsc circumst ances, the tkvofighter planes of tlicbI3ulgarian
anti-aircraft dcfcnse of tliis arca, astonishcd by the l~cli:i\.ior of
the aircraft, opcncd fire, as a rcsult of whicli it cauglit iirc sliortlj~

thereafter and crashed in the arca of thc .town of I'ctric.
Adopting the conclusions of tlic spccial governrncntal commishiun
responsible for the investigation of tlic case, the Bulgaririn Go\.c~-ii- Sofia, August 4,1955.
ment admits that thc causes of thc unfortunatc accidcliit suffcrcd
by thc El-*Alaircraft may bc siirniiiarizcd as follows:
I. The aircraft departecl froiii its route, violatcd tlic. froriticr
of the Bulgarian State and witliout any warning pcnctratvtl tlccl)ly

into the intcrior of Bulgarian air S~XLCE ~c.luil)pu'l \vit11tlic. iiiost
modern acrial navigating instriimcnts, it could riot liri\.c\f;iilctl to
be aware of tlic fxct tliat it hacl violatcd l3ulgariaii riir sl)ricc.
Even after having bccn warned, it did not obey biit co~itiiiiic~tlto
Ay towards the soutli in the direction of tlic l3iilgariaii-(;rt~ck
frontier ;28 AXNEXES TO U.S. AI'l>LICATION (XO. 3)

[ Tlic total suiii of $ zj~,S75.00, rclircseiitiii~ pccuniary losses and
NOTE DELIVERED IN SOFIA THKO'C'GH THE LEGATIION dainüges suffered by Ciutcd Statcs citizciis iii coiisc(1ucnce of tlie
01; SWI'TZEIILANI) TO THE IBULGAIIIAK iiicideiit of July 27, 1955, i c;~lcul;ltedas fulloivs:

ON AUGUST 22, 1956
Rcfcrencc is made to the cxchangc of communicatioiis bctwcen Kanic of deccdcnt : KACIIEL AI-KAJI
the Lcgation of Switzcrlanà at Sofia on I)eli:ilf of tlie Govrriinient Narnes of c1:iiinaiits: (1)hlcii(le1Avrniii, ivitlower
of the United Statcs antl the hlinistri~ of l;orcign Affairs of the (2) nlorrell rl~rani, soli
People's Republic of Bulgaria conccriiing tlie shooting down of (3) Liliaiia :lvraiii, duuglitcr
the El Al Isracl Airlines comn~crcial plane (4X-AKC) b)~13rilgarian Pecuni:~ry loss : $5~,OOO.OO
Lossof~~c.rsoiialcflccts: 3,200.00
military aircraft on July 27, I95.5,which resiiltccl in tlic dcbtruction
of the commercial plane and tlie deatli of al1 personnel ilboard, Total : $58,2oo.oo
including scveral United States citizeiis. Clnini No. 2
In a note dated August 4, 1955, delivered by tlie Miriistry of
Foreign Affairs to the Swiss Lcgation at Sofia, tlic 13ulgarian Namc of (lcccdciit : ()IL\ COIIES
Government expressecl its regret for the incident; galrr üssuraiices Nanie of claimarît : Ijaiiicl B. Colicn, wicloivcr
that it would identify and punish al1 persoiis rrspoiisii)l< for the Pccurii:iry loss : $3j,000.00

shooting down of thc commercial plane of El A1 1srac.l Airlines Loss of persoiial cflccis : 2,475.00
on July 27, 1955, and take al1 ncccssary stcps to l~rcveiit similar Total: s27,475.00
occurrences on Bulgarian territory; and :issunicd rcsponsibility to
provide conipeiisation to familics of the Unitcd States citizciis who
lost their lives in the disastcr. Nanie of clccedcrit : ASSX HAIIS
Thc Government of the Unitetl Statcs notcbstlic csl)i-c.ssioiiof Names of claiiiiniits : (1) Hugo Halin ,witlowcr
regret of the Bulgarian Goirernmeiit, and rcqiicsts to lx: iiiforiiied (2) Aliriar11(:o111i(,laiiglitcr
of the measurés taken by the Bu1g:irian Govcrnmeiit tu iclcntify
(j) Hiiiiiiali l3ibe.tciii, c1;iugltier
and punish those persons responsible for tlit: iiiciclt~iit,:is ircll as Pecuiliary loss : S30,000.00
the mcasurcs takcn to prevent a reciirrencc of iiiciilciits of tliis Loss of pcrsori:il cffccts : -. -
character. Total : s;io,ooo. 00
With respcct to the matter of compcnsntion for f:iiiiilics of
Cnited Statcs citizens killcd as n conseqiicnce of tlie incitlciit, tlic Claini No. 4
United Statcs Goverrinicnt lias fountl aftcr cai-c.fiiliii\.ch.stigation (1) ~I..II<YKATZ
that tlic pecuniary losscs and driiiiages siilfcrcd 11yIvnitccl 5t:ites Narnes of clcceclents:
(2) :\XSP: Ii;\-rz
citizens totals Sz57,87j.oo Tlic total alnount of $257,S~5.00, ivliich Names of c1aim;iiits : (1) I>;iiilIcntz, ivido\vcr niid fatlicr of r\niic
the Iynitcd States (;ovcrnrncnt is prçparctl to :iccel)t ris ir~1i.m- (2) 1.c~ Ii:itz, soii ;~ii<lbrotlicr of Anne
nification for suc11losses antl dam:tgcs js itciiii~cbtiiitlii. aniles Pecuniary loss : s4.5,ooo.oo
to tlie present note. Loss of personal cflccts : .;,ooo.oo
The L'nited States C;ovcrrimviit rcqucsts tliat tlicc1;iiiiis iiiade
lierein rcceive prompt consitlcratioii 11ytlic I3ulg:~ri:~i i; Total : SqS,ooo.oo
ancl that com~~eiisation be iiiadc ;it ;1iicnrlp illatï. 'l'lie Ciiited Claini Xo. j
Statcs Government furtlicr 1-c(lucsts tliüt p1i~~iiit:ritlx iii:idc in
Name of dccedcnt : ~\I~I<.\.\)11.>I.-ISX
United States dollar csclia~igc in tlic forni of a clollar clicck to Names of claimants : (1) (iitc.1 Iiorn, sistcr
the ordcr of tlic Secretri- of Statc of tlic Uiiitccl ';t*t('5. (2) S1i:iiiidcl HoSfiii;~ii,sistcr
Pecuniary loss : ~20,000.00
Enclosure : Loss of personal cffects : -- --
.. Total : S2~~,000.00 ANNEXES TO U.S. AI'I>LICATION (NO.4)
Clain1 No. 6

Names of clecedents: (1) AXNASACI~S
Names of claimrints: (1) Mas Sacks, wido\ alid fiitlicr of THROU(;H THE S\\.'ISS 1,13i;ATION OS OCTOl3ER I 1, 19 57

Reni3 and Ilebora
(2) Naomi Sacks, driuglitcr ;iiiclsistcr of Thc IJnitccl Statcs Gover-nnicnt lias cxarnincd thc statemcnt of
Reni. ancl Ilebora. the Secontl Vice-hlinister of 1;orc.ignAffairs of Biilgaria tothe Swiss
Pecuniarÿ loss : ~70,0o0.00 Chargé d',/lffaircs at Sofia of :ipprosirilatcly ilugust 8, 1957, \vit11
respect to the position of tlic 13iil~arian Govcrnrnent concernin~
Loss of personal effects : 3,000.00 tlie payncrit of tlriniagcs to tlic LTxiitcdStatcs Governnnent for
Incidental espenses : 1,200.00
Total: S~~,~OO.OO tlic d~itli of Americ;iri riation:ils 311~1tlic loss of their propcrt~.
resulting froiii tlic firing of 13iilfir:iri:inmilitary personnel upon a
civil airliricar of tlicb ICIil1 Isracl :\irlincs on Jrily 27, Ic)55. 11s
rcportccl t O tlic 17~iitc1v St ;itcbs(.;ovctrrirric)iit,tlie Vicc-5Iiriistcr of
1;orcigii r\t'iiiirc; stiitctl t1i;it tlicl 13ulg;iri:i1i (;o\7ernnicnt is ~iot
responsi1)lc for tlic: clcbsti-iictionof tlic air1inc.r and tlie dcath of its
SWISS COlVIMUNICATIONOF BULGAIIILIN S'TA'I'IClII<NI' '1'0 crew antl I)nssciipbrs iiritl otlic~ drinirigc ; but t1i:it the Bulgaria~i
aiit1ioritic.s h:i\-cbdcciclcxl to iii~ikc an cs grirtiizpa~ymcnt to cacli
of tlic frinii1ic.c;of tlic tl~iicrica~ivictinis bjl transferable Bulgariari
Federal Political curreric!v ariioiintiiig to j6,ooo Icvris.
Department Tlie Criitcbd Stiitcs Govcrrin-ient rcjccts this proposa1 by tlic
Bulgari:i~i (;o\.chrnnic~ntalid rc.pc:its tlic rcvliicst made for pa!-ment
Referring to the notes cschangvd concc'riiiiig thc c;~tastrol)lich c,f
the aircraft of the "El Al Israel ~lirliiit!", tlic! I;cttlcr:il I'olitic;il of tlic siirri of S?,j7,Sj.j.00 to tlicb 1'1iitcd Statcs Go~.~rrimcmt in
Department has the honor to inforn-i thc I:ni1);iss~~ of tlic: I-riitcblt tlic riotcs 1)!-tlic iritc'r~ric~cli:itiuoif thc Swiss Go\-cr~i-
States of -4nlerica that >Ir. Iliibeii A4~igliclo\.,Scco~itl \.'ice~-3iliiistchr rn.~.it011 Aiigiist 22, 1050, i~ricll~c~l)r-ii:ir! -I, 1q57.
of Foreign Affiiirs of Rulgari:~, 1i;ic;iii\.itctl tlic! S\\.i';i; ('li;ir-gc 1lie I7nitc.rl5t;itc.s (;o\.t~i-ririit~itiiist cbsl)ribssits :istoiiislimcnt ;it
cl'Affriircs nt Sofia for an iiitcrvic\\. to iii:il;c;Lst;itc)~iic-litoii tliis tlic rc\-e~rc;;iof ~)olic!- ;111(1 :ittitiidc, ;LS IVC'IrIis rit tlic friiliirc of
tlic.1~iil~;ir~i;ii(;~\~e~i-iiiii(-i10 kc~ll) its \\,orcl sole~rniil~'rri;i(lc to
subjcct. tlic L;~iitotl5tritcbs~i~\~c~r-~iiii~ i~it to tliv worl(1 rit lm-cc folloiviiig
Mr. Angliclov statcd th:it the 13iilg:iri;~ii(;o\.c:riiiiioiit, ;is tlic:
latter has alwri~s rcpeated, is not rcisponsible for tlii.; ciita.;troi )lit#. thc iirijiistitic\(l tltbstriictioof tlic 13 -11:iircrrift a~itl thc killing c-)f
The rcsponsibilit y lies \vit11the Isracili coni1,riiiy. Ho\vc\~~i-.\\.isli iii~ its inriocc~iitl,;isscaiigcrs:inclci-c\v.\\'liilc th(: 13uIg:i1-i;~G 11o\-~rnrilt!~it
to make a gesture with regard to the frirnilics of tlic \rictiiiis, tlitb riow (icnicbs~.c~sl)oiisil)ilityfor tlic tlcstriictio~i of the aircraft, tliat
Bulgarian authorities ha\~e decidctl to gru~it to cacli of t lie.iiinii(1 ha5 xiot I)c~briits liositic.)ii1ic'rc.toforc..
011 A~igirst 3, 1().5.5,tli(: 13iilg;1ri;i1iGo\-cr-nnic~~ita~i~~oi~iiccc tl
to deposit in their favor at the National ,l<nnk of i3iilg;iri;i tlic tlit. ~vorltri \xlrsioii of tlic fiicts of Ilic rlcsti-rictiori :illcgccllj-rc.;iclicltl
arnount of 56,000 lcvas. This su111woiilcl bc. tr;iiic;fc.riil)l~ iiiitl
convcrtiblc in currciicy. 1t seeiiis that an idciiticiil 1)ropus;~lu.;~.; b'; ;is~)('ci:il13iilgriri:iri(;o\-c.~-iirnt\t.oir-iiiiissionset up to irivcstigrit (1
subnlitted to tlic tlil)loiiiatic represciitativcs of Ailstria. ( ;I-~t;L tlic inc:icli>lit.It coiiclii(loc1tliiit tlic "aircrrift !lthfc~iscorgn~is" of
Britain antl Isracl. tlic 13iilfir:i1-ii(;o\.(~i-iiiii(~~tlitliiot talcc: tlict ~icce~ssrir-! r.ric:isiirc.b
The Political 1)el):irtniciit woulcl a1iprcci:itc lcar~iiiig fsoiii tII(. to ciil1 to tliv ;ittc'iition of t 1 1 IC1:Il ;\ircraft tliiit: tlic 13ulg;~ri:i1i
autlior-itictstlc.sii-e~tilt O liiiitl. 1t stiitt~: "-I'hcb13iil~ririariCi(.)\-cbrii-
Ernbassy the positio~i of tlic Amc:riciin aiitliuritics in rc:i;;ii-lt i) i~icrit iiii(t lie13iilg:ii-i;ii~)C>O'10 )iicclnior-clc>sl)rcsstlicii- clccy rchgre.t
tlic statement of AIr. tlnglielov. for tlic>iiiisfoi-tiiricof tlic. iii~iocc.iit\-ictiriis of tlic c:itristrol.)lic~It
The L)epartment tiikeç tliis ol)l)ortuiiit y to rciicw to tlic l:Ciiil.);iss~~
the assurance of its higli consider, 't'011. sait1 tliiit t 11cl I<iilg;iri:i~i(;o\-e~r~irlicnt\voiilrl iclcritify ancl l)ii~iisIi
tlicbj)(>r-';oiI-~~S]o~~sil)lcf~i-tII(,c;it;ist rol)lic>:in(l t11;itit s~-nlp:itlii~ctl
To the Ernbaçsy of thc Lrnitccl Statcs of A~ilcbricii. (1ccy)l~ \.it11tlichrc~liitivosof t 11ti~irioccnt\-ictiriis of thr ccît;istr-o~ih~~.
Bern, August 8, 1957. (111 !111giist 4, 10.55, t11(>13i11giiri;iii(;o\-tbr~i~i~e~r rit~plio(1to tlic
-- . . .- saiiicb c~t'l'oct:otlic'l*iiitc~cSlti~tchs(~o~~c~r-rinie~p ~ott';~tof ili~gilst 3, 32 ANNEXES TO U.S. APPLICATION (NO. 5)

1955, delivered through the Federal Politicnl I>el:artineiit of tlic Thcrc cari bc no cliiclstion, tlicrcf~r~, as to tlic liability of tlic
Swiss Government. 1t said : "l'hc Biilgarian :inti-;iircr:ift clc~fensc~ Bulgiuian (;o\7c~rii~nct~~ ti tlic Unitet1 Statcs Govcrnnicrit for a11
units manifested a certain haste ancl did not tlilic' a11 tlic stcps ~~ersorialaiicl rnatcrial injiiries to A~licricaii natio~ials in tlic fiill
required to force the aircraft to obcy ancl to 1;liicl." It rcpc;itctl amouiit rccliicstcd.

expressions of sorrow, and concludecl: "l'hc I3ulg:iri;iii C;o\~c.riinic.iit Tlic I:riitc>tl Stiitcs (;o\.c~riiiiic~iitrilso notvs tlirit tllc 13iilg;iri;iii
sympatliizes deeply nit lithe rclativcs of thc victiiiis ;iiitlis 1)rc.l);irlv Govcrniiictrit ~uil)liclypi-oriiisc\tl tlicbIvnitc\clSt:itcs (;o\.crnrnc>iit :ilici
to assume responsil~ility for conipens;ition cluc to tlieir fariiilicbsas otlicr go\~c~riimc~~ittls iiit it ivoiiltl not oril!. ~)rc>\,ciittlic rcl)c\titioii
well as its share of compc~isatio~ifor niatcrial daiiiiigc iiicurrc~tl." of siicli a11incidciit rigriiii l~it ivo111cilt1c.ntif!. aiicl piiiiisli tlicl rii:ile-
The Bulgaria~i Governnient's special comniissiori fiiicliiigs, as factors. l'lic 13iilgariari (;o\-c>rninc~t~i1i:is coml)lctc.1~.failccl, so far
paraphrased by the Bulgarian C;ovcrnrnciit, :ire iiitlchc(1t,lic 17iiitctl lis ;il)l)cb;irs,to t;ike1sri!. siicli :ictioii :iritl lias, iii tliis rcspcct too,
States Government finds, an undcrstatcmcnt of 1vli;it ;ictii;ill~~ violiitctl its iiitcrnntionril coiilniitiiie~nts.
l'hc. Uilitc)clStates (;o\-t~riiiiic~ric tannot accc.l)t, iii siicli ;Lc;isi1of
occurred. The report of the Cominissiori of Ili(]iiirjl of tlie! 1srat.l
Ministry of Communicatioris and indcpendciit iii\.cbstig;itioii coii- clcar ancl :icliiiittc.clviolatioris of i~itc~rriritioiirdlaw, an>-conditions
ducted by the Vnitecl States Govcrninciit lili\.cdi..;closc.eltlicr f;icts inakirig ~)aj'inc~ii i riiattc.r of gr-;icc>or :irl)itraril~. limitctl in ainoiint
of wliich the Hillgariari Governiiierit could riot 1)c LIII;L\\.;LI.;i11(1 witlioiit rchg:irdto ;ictii;iI cl:iiii;~~~ il iflictc(l;inclsufft~rcd.
which make the sliootiiig by the Bulgariiiii liglitc~r;iircr;ift iii tlieb Tlie>t1iiitt*c1Stiitrs (;e)\-c~i-riiiic~iisit;~lsejconce~riiccl\vit11tliv priii-
circunlstanccs a flagrant violation of iiltc.rriatioii;il I;i\v.1f 1)chriitiicll cil)lcs of tliis iii;ttc~, iii;is its ri;itioii;ils ol>c\r:itctlicb1;ir-pst
to reniain an uncoiideilincd prccetleiit, tlic iictioii of tlic! 13iilg;iri;iii intc:riiatioii:il riiilc~:igc;11c1 iiiiii11)t~rf ;iircr;ift i~ii1itc1rri:ition;ilcivil
Governnient woultl encourage siiiii1:ir coiltliict to\\.;irtl iiiiioc'c~tii avi;ition, ;iii(ll;ii-g(iiiiii~I>c~b of itb ~i;itio~i:ilsiiscbthc i~itc~rniitio~iiil

passengers and crew aiid legitiniatcb ci\.il iiircraft 1)'.tlic: I3iilg;iri;iii ci\.il ;i\li:itioii ail-1iiic.sof litlrc.oiiiitricls. 1t inust :issiiiiic\t1i:it cb\vcbr>v
and other governnlents. It is clear tlixt the I<1:Il nircraft wliicli \\.;is govcriiriic~rit, ivlictlicr or ilot iri\.olvccl iii tlic. El --Il incident, is
shot down had, as a result of bcing cziuglit iri ;isc\-cUrc lbcal storiii, conccr-ncd ivitli ;iclc~-1rir;iitii )f ttic>re~l)rc~lic~iisitb!i-liof tlic condiict
been blown off its course iii circunistaiiccs ~vliicli coiiltl occiir, of tlic I3iilgnri;in (;o\-c>rriiiic.iitin tlichIi1 .-Il Case aricl ririassiirancc
particularly, to any aircraft of any internationiil cii~il ;iirliiii*s that sile-11coiicl~i~t\!.il1iic>i-ci1 rx1rt>l)c~ritc~l.
lawfully engaged iil carrying passengcrs in iiiiiocciit iiitctrii;itioii;il
flight . Actually the distance of iiitrusiori-4c.l kiloiiict ilrs-\\xs

I insignificant. The account of tlie intrusion given hy tlic i3iilgari;iii
Governmcnt itself shows that the pilot of tlic aircraft soiiglit, ;ifter
40 kilometers of intriision, to regain liis origiri;il fliglit coiirscl, iiii(1
had almost left tlie air spacc abovc Uu1g;iri:i ;iiitl r~; tiis
original authorizetl flight course when tlie Bu1g;irinii figlitcr plaiics
shot the civil aircraft plane clown. hloreo\lcr, tlie \voatlictr co~iclitioiis
were suc11that radio conlniunications wcrc u~idoubtctlly i~iil);iir-cvl,

and they coiild ensily have confuscd any raclio 01)cr;itor 01- 1)ilot
iit the altituclc aiid undcr the cloiicl aricl storiii coilclitioiis iii ~\,liicli
the El Al aircraft kvas cauglit.
The consequent refusal of the Biilgarirui C;overnrncrit to pcriiiit
the Israel Inqiiiry Cominission to c»n(luct an iiivcstiyatioii of tlie
aircraft on the ground or to talk to witnrsscs on 1lolg;iri:iii soi1
compounded the violation of iiitcr~iational latv and l~racticc. It is

doubtful, moreover, that tlie Hulgarian figlitcr iiircraft citlicr
sought to lead or could have lccl tlie El Al Coriste1l;itioii to ;iriy
kind of proper landing field in Bulgaria. At inost, if tlic i3ulg:iriuii
Government had any cornplaints about ovcrfliglit, it slio~il(lIi:i\.e
resorted to the usual international yractice of noting antl itlciitifj.iiig
the aircraft and engaging in clip1orn:itic coniniunic;itioiis uvit li tlie
Israel Govcrnnic~it looking towiircl :i rioii-rcl~ctitioii of tlio iricitli~iit

if possible.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Requête introductive d'instance
