Ms Monique Legerman, Head of the Information Department of the International Court of Justice, greets HE Mr Alberto van Klaveren Stork, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, and his delegation, in the entrance hall of the Peace Palace, seat of the Court

Ms Monique Legerman,  Head of the Information Department of the International Court of Justice, greets HE Mr Alberto van Klaveren Stork, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, and his delegation, in the entrance hall of the Peace Palace, seat of the Court
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Photographie: UN Photo/ICJ-CIJ/Wendy van Bree. Avec l'aimable autorisation de la CIJ. Tous droits réservés.
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Ms Monique Legerman,  Head of the Information Department of the International Court of Justice, greets HE Mr Alberto van Klaveren Stork, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, and his delegation, in the entrance hall of the Peace Palace, seat of the Court
Multimedia title

Mme Monique Legerman, cheffe du département d’information de la Cour internationale de Justice, accueille S. Exc. M. Alberto van Klaveren Stork, ministre des affaires étrangères de la République du Chili, et sa délégation, dans le hall d’entrée du Palais de la Paix, siège de la Cour
