Written reply of the Republic of Colombia to the question put by Judge Bennouna at the public sitting held on the afternoon of 4 May 2012

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Republica de Colombia
Question putto both Parties by Judge Bennouna
at the end of the public sitting of 4 May 2012, afternoon
« Les règles posées à l'article 76 de la convention des Nations Unies de 1982 sur le droit de la
mer, pour la détermination de la limite extérieure du plateau continental au-delà des 200 milles marins,
peuvent-elles être considérées aujourd'hui comme ayant le caractère de règles de droit international
coutumier ? »

Written reply of the Republic of Nicaragua to the question put by Judge Bennouna at the public sitting held on the afternoon of 4 May 2012




«Les ll·ègRe psoséesà l'article 76 de la convention des Nations Unies de 1982 sur le droit

diela mer, pour la détermination diela limite extérieure du plateau continental au-delà
des 200 milles marins, peuvent-elles être considérées aujourd'hui comme ayant le

caractère de règles diedroit international coutumier »?


Factual background

Documents submitted by the United States of America in response to a question put by President Ruda


14 March 1989.

1have the honour Io transmit to Your Excellency herewith a copy of a letter
dated 13 March 1989 from the Deputy-Agent of the United States in the case
concerning Elettronica Sicula S.P.A. (ELSI), setting out the comments of the
United States on the written replies of Italy to questions put by Members of the
Chamber during the oral proceedings in that case.

14April 1989.

Croatia's comments on Serbia's written response to the question put to the Parties by Judge Abraham

Comments of the Republic of Croatia on the Republic ofSerbia's

further written observations of 6 June 2008

1. The Republic of Croatia notes the contents of the Republic of Serbia's 20-page response

wilh Sùrne surpris'ê. Contrary to established practice and against the background of its limited
first round arguments at the oral phase, the Respondent has taken the opportunity t.osummarise,

restate and then further develop the whole of its case on jurîsdiction ratione personae, and Lo

Supplementary replies from Belgium to the question put to it by Judge Greenwood at the close of the hearing held on 16 March 2012 (translation)


Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite
(Belgium v. Senegal)

Reply of the Kingdom of Belgium to the question put
by Judge Greenwood


1. Judge Greenwood’s question 1 was worded as follows:

Malaysia's comments on Singapore's written response to the question put by Judge Keith to Singapore at the public sitting held on 23 November 2007

Case Concerning Sovereignty Over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle

Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore)

Malaysia's Comments on Singapore's Response to

Judge Keith's Question of 23 November 2007


Malaysia makes the following comments:


1. Malaysia's reference to the Johor Agreement and the Federation
