Written response of Costa Rica to the questions put to the Parties by Judges Koroma, Keith and Bennouna at the end of the public sitting held on 12 March 2009

Case conceriiing Navigational and Related Rights

(Costa Rica v. Nicaragua)

Cnc;taRica's Replies to Questions asked by ,JudgesKoroina, Keith and Bennouna

Costa Rica would answer these three questions as follows. Extracts of the publicly
available texts cited (where notready annexed to the pleadings) aratt~ched.

A. Question by Judge Koroma

Can either Party provide evidence as to whether Costa Rican locals and

Replies of Burkina Faso and Niger to the questions put by Judge Cançado Trindade at the end of the public sitting held on 17 October 2012 (translation)

Written replies of Burkina Faso to the questions put to the Parties by

Judge Cançado Trindade at the end of the public sitting
held on 17 October 2012

1. At the end of the public sitting held on 17 October 2012, Judge Cançado Trindade put the
following questions to the Parties:

Communication from the Agent of Argentina commenting on the response given by Uruguay to the question put to the latter by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing held on 29 September 2009

Argentina's written comments to Uruguay's reply to Judge Bennouna's question "JVhat
process and products are used by the Botnia plant for its cleaning?"

1. At the end of the hearings held on 29 September 2009 Judge Bennouna asked

the following question:

JVhatprocess and products are used by the Botnia plant for its cleaning?
Uruguay was asked to provide a reply by 9 October 2009, and Argentina was

provided with an opportunity to respond by 19 October 2009.

Question put to the Parties by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing held on 12 October 2012 at 3 p.m.: Communication by Burkina Faso of the text of the reply given orally by Mr. Pellet (translatio

Letter to the Registrar dated 24 October 2012
from the Agent of Burkina Faso


Re: Question put by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing of 12 October 2012

At the end of the hearing held on the af ternoon of 12October, Judge Bennouna put the
following question to both Parties: “To what exte nt and for which section(s) do each of the Parties
agree to refer to the 1960 IGN map to establish the course of the frontier between them?”

Written replies of Italy to the questions put by members of the Chamber of the Court on 23 February 1989


Final Submissions of rheGovernmeniof the UnitedSraresin rhecme concerning
Elettronica Sicula S.P.A.

The United States requests that the objection of the Respondent be dismissed
and submits to the Court that it is entitled to a declaration and judgment that:

Observations of the Republic of Djibouti on the reply given by the French Republic to the question put by Judge Simma at the close of the first round of oral argument (translation)

Letter dated 1 February 2008 to the Registrar from the Deputy Agent

of the Republic of Djibouti


In reference to the explanations given by the French Republic on 29 January 2008 during the
second round of oral argument in reply to a question put by JudgeSimma on 25January2008
during the first round of oral argument, I have the honour, on the instructions of the Agent of the
Republic of Djibouti, to submit the following observations to the Court.

Written response of Greece to the question put by Judge Cançado Trindade at the end of the public sitting held on 16 September 2011 (translation)


1. It should first be recalled that the Special Supreme Court (SSC) does not rank as a
supreme court within Greece’s legal order. The SSC has a sui generis legal status in the Greek
system of courts. With its dual jurisdic tional role under Article100 of the 1975 Greek
