Germany's answers to the questions asked by Judges Higgins and Koroma

Answers to the Questions of Judge Higgins
Answer to Question (a):
The sustained breach of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
by the United States ôf America suffices to give rise to the international responsibility
of the United States. V\Jhile Germany does not need to establish the point in order for
the United States' responsibility to attach, Germany emphasizes that if the LaGrand
brothers had been notified in timely fashion under the Vienna Convention, assistance

Replies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the questions put by Members of the Court at the close of the first round of oral argument (translation)


Replies to the questions put by Judges Vereshchetin, Kooijmans and Elaraby at the hearings

in the case concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratie Republic of
the Congo v. Uganda)

May 2005

1. Reply to the question of Judge Vereshchetin

Further reply of Niger to the question put to the Parties by Judge Bennouna at the end of the public sitting held on 12 October 2012 at 3 p.m. (translation)

Further reply to the question of Judge Bennouna

Replying orally to the question put by Judge Bennouna, counsel for Niger stated the
following at the hearing on the afternoon of 17 October 1:

“This may be an appropriate time to reply to Judge Bennouna’s question [slide
of the sketch-map showing the line of the frontier]. For the record, that question reads
as follows: ‘To what extent and for which section(s) do each of the Parties agree to

Response of Uruguay to the question put to it by Judge Bennouna at the end of the hearing held on 29 September 2009

~-----------------------------~----------------------------------~-----------------~-------------~--~--------- -------------------------------

Uruguay's Respouse to Judge Beuuouna's Question

La question de juge Bennouna :

Quel procédéet quel produit sont utilizés par l'usine Botnia pour son nettoyage ?

Judge Bennouna's question:

Comments in writing of the Republic of Honduras on the written reply by the Nicaraguan Government to the question put by Judge ad hoc Gaja at the public sitting held on 16 March 2007


16 April 2007


With reference to the case conceming Maritime Delimitation between Nicaragua and
Honduras in the Caribbean Sea iliicaragua v. Honduras), I have the honour to acknowledge
receiptof your letter dated 5 April 2007 with reference 130104, addressed to H.E. Mr. Max
Velasquez Diaz and H.E. Roberto Flores Bermudez, Agents of the Republic of Honduras,
