Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - The Court will hold a series of public hearings beginning 10 April 1951

-ommuniqué Noj 51/5. .
maf f iciâl

The following information from the Registryof the International

Court of Justice has bcen comicated to the Press :

The International Court of Justicewill hold a series of public

:! L L hearings beginning ~uksda~, Aprjl 10th, at 11 a.rn,, in order to hear

oral statemcnts: relevant to the rcquestfor Advisory Opinion submittad

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 30 March 1950

I.C.J. Communiqué No. 50/18.

The followini nformation from the Registry of the Znternational

Court of Justice has becn communicste td the Press:

The Court willhold a public hearing on Thursd3y, March 30th, at

4 plm, for the reading of its advisory opinion in the case conçerning

the interpretztion of Peace Treaties signed with Bulgaria, Hungary and


Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Communication of Cuba on the Convention on Asylum

1,C.J. commuriiquPi No. 51/4
(unoff icial)

The follot~ring infom~~tion has been unoff icially

comiinicatecl to the Fress hg the Hegistrg of the International Court

of <Justice.

On Mnrch lSth, 1951, the Chnrgi! dfAffaires of Cube st The

Hngüc trannv-i tted to the Registrar of the Int ern~~tional Court of Justice

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges ad hoc, Agents and Counsels by each of the Parties

ComuniquG Na. 5d3

The followin~ infam?tion, emnatin,~ f rom tka Elegistry of the

Intemztion~J Court of Justice, has been commicat~d to the Press:

In the Haya de la Torre case, now before the Internationa Court

of Justice, the Gavernnent sf Colombia md Peru hava chosen as juizes

C a6- hoc:

For Colombia : M. JO& Joaquin Caiceclo Castills,

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Order extending the time-limit for the filing, by Norway, of its Rejoinder

Gomunique No. 51/2

The following information ernanating from the Registry of

the Internationa Court of Justice, has been unofficiallc yammunicated

to the Press :

Judge Basdevant, President of the Internationa Court of

Justice, made an Order on January 10, 1951,extending frm January

31 to Aprll 30, 1951, the time-lisut for the filfng, by the Government

of Norway of its Rejoinder in the Anglo-Norwegian Fishe ries Case,

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Order fixing the time-limits for the filing of the written pleadings

The followinq informt ion,emmat ing from the Regist ry of

the Internetioi?c?.Court of Justice, has been unofficially commwiicated

to the Press :

The President has yesterday made an Order fixing, in agreement

with the representatiares of the pnrties, the dates for the filing of the

pleadings irithe Haya de la Torre Case (~olombia/~em) brought by the

Government of the Republic of Colombia against the Governent of the.

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements

The followlng inform,tion from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been eomrnunicatsd ta tlie press:

By Orderof Deccmber Ist, 1950, thePresidcnt of the International
Courtof Justico has fixdd Saturday, January 20th,1951, as th0 date of
sxpiryof thc tim-lhit for thc submjssion of written statoments inthe
matter of tho advisory opinion on tho qucstionof reservations ta the

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Order fixing the time-limits for the filing of written pleadings

The following inîormation fromthe Registry of the
International, Court of Justfce has been comunicated to the Press:

By an Crder dateciNovember 22nd, 1950 the International
Court of Juscicefixed as follows thetine-ll~tsfur the deposit
-m of the documents of the written procedure in the case c8ncerning right.;
of national5 of the United States of Anerica in Morocco.

Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 20 November 1950 in the Asylum Case - Judgment of the Court of 27 November 1950

The followLn gfombioa from the Eegist~yof the Internattonal
Court of Justice has hem comnicated to the Frcss:

Te-dq, November ~7th~ 1950, th2 lntomational Court of Justice
delivered its Jud~p-<nt on the requcstfor an interprotation of the
Judgmnt ~rhich it hsd dülivcred on Bovmbzr 20th, In +,ho Asgl~ Case
( CoLombia-~omi). This r::quest had bet:n submittcd to the Courtin the
namo of tho Calohlm Govern~_~:nton the wry dqr whcn the judgment to be
interprctccd was dclivcrcd.
