Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on 13 June 1951

Communiqué No, 51,/23.
-ffic inl)

The followjng Inf~rrm~tif orom the Registry of the International

Court of Justice hns beencomunicated to the Press :

On June 13th,1951, at 4 p,n,, the Intemc?tionnl Court of

, Justice will hold n public hcaring h the Pence Palace, The H?,gue,

for the rending of Its Judgnent in the Hq?. de la Torre cnso,

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 28 May 1951

The LollotJing information from the Registry of the

International Courtof Justice has becn cornmunicated to the

Press :

The Court will hold a wblic sitting on Ihnday, May 2&h,

1951, at 10.30 a.rn,, for the rcading of its adv;isory opinion

in Çhe cm conmrrdiig rsser~at3ans to tha Convention on the

Frevention and Punishment of the Crh of Geneicide.

The Hague, May ath, 1951.

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 28 September 1951

Com~miqué No. 51/33.
Unofficial .

The following information from the Registry of the Iriternational
Court of Justice hss boen cori;mnicated to the Press:

The International Court of Jl~stice to-day (Friday, Ssptember
28th, 1951) held twcisittings, dyring ,the course cf whlch the oral
praceedings in the Fishcrfcs Cas2 (~nited Kingdom of Great Britain 2nd
Narthern 1reI.znd1. Norilray) wcrecontlnued.

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 12 October 1951(Bilingual version)

Les rsnscigncmcnts suivants Brnanant du Greffe de la Cour
iriterriatiùnale de Justice ont été.conmuniqués à la.Prcxsc:

Au.jourdfhui, vendredi 12 octotire 1451,la Cour internationale de
Jueticr: a tenu deux audicnccs pour entcndre la mite des plaidoiries
on It aff aircd~s p$ch¢ries (Royaume-Un io ~rande-Bretapc ct dt Irlande
cZü?Tord c. Morvègo).

M. Sourquin, Goriacil du Gouvernement de la R'arvége, a poursuivi

ct terminé son expos8.
