Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 20 November 1950 in the Asylum Case (Colombia/Peru) - Filing by Colombia of a Request for interpretation of the Judgment of 20 November 1950 in the Asylum

The follotdng information from tho Registry of the International

Court of justice has bcen comnicated to the Press :

On Novmber 20th, 1950, the ~olbmbian Governmcnt depasited witb

the International Court of. Justice a requcst for the interprotation of the

Judgment rendered the same day by the Court in the case between Colombia

and Peru reïating to the right of asylum, This request was based on

Article 60 of thc Statute and.Article s9 and 80 of the Rulcs.of Court,

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on 20 November 1950

Cornunisu éo 50/@

The foliotlrhg informatio nromthe Regi,stry of the

International. Cawt of jus tic^:has been comunicated to the


On Monday, Novembcr 20th, i950, at 9 a.rn.,the Inter-

national Court of Justice will hold a public hcaring at the

Peace Palace, The Hague, to pronomce i"c jjudgment in the

Colombian-Peruvim AsyLum Case,

The Hague, 16th November, 1950,

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against the United States

Comuniqu6 No, 50/41.
(~nof ficial) .

Th,@following informtion Eromthe Regis'cry of the Zntcrnational
Court of Justice bas be~n comrmnicatad to the Press :

To-dny, 28th Octobcr, 195G, the Charg&'diaffaire osf France at
Tho Hague filed vdth the Registry of the International Court of Justice,

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges ad hoc and representation of the Parties at the hearings

Communique No. 50/35

The following information from theRegistry 'f the International

Coud of Justice has been comicated to the Press:

Beginning 26th Septembe r 1950, the International Court of Justice
will hold a series of public' sittings In order to hear Statenents by the
Agents asldGounselof the,Republic of Colombia and the Skpublicof Peru
in the case concerning the rightof" asylum.
