Series A: Collection of Judgments (1923-1930)

A01 S.S. "Wimbledon"

A02 Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions

A03 Treaty of Neuilly‚ Article 179‚ Annex‚ Paragraph 4 (Interpretation)

A04 Interpretation of Judgment No.3

A05 Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions

A06 Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (Preliminary Objections)

A07 Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (Merits)

A08 Denunciation of the Treaty of 2 November 1865 between China and Belgium

A09 Factory at Chorzów (Jurisdiction)

A10 "Lotus"

A11 Readaptation of the Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions (Jurisdiction)

A12 Factory at Chorzów (Indemnities)

A13 Interpretation of Judgments Nos. 7 and 8 (Factory at Chorzów)

A14 Denunciation of the Treaty of 2 November 1865 between China and Belgium

A15 Rights of Minorities in Upper Silesia (Minority Schools)

A16 Denunciation of the Treaty of 2 November 1865 between China and Belgium

A17 Factory at Chorzów (Merits)

A18 Denunciation of the Treaty of 2 November 1865 between China and Belgium

A19 Factory at Chorzów

A20 Serbian Loans

A21 Brazilian Loans

A22 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex

A23 Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Oder

A24 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex (second phase)
