Aerial Incident of 3 July 1988 (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Filing of preliminary objections by the United States of America

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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PeacePalace, 2517 KiJThe Hague. Tel.(0-39244 41). CablesIntercourt, The Hague.'

Telefax (07-36499 28).Telex 32323.
-- /-' Communiqué -
i unofficial
, ,,.$f-. , 5- 7-
/ r'/ for irnine<liatrrle;ise
.- 7 :3 7 , '\ ;"1 ,, No. 91/7
.';',/, , ,&" I (9 - .t',) i3 '3a .: 5 March 1991

&rial Incident of 3 July 1988

(IslamicRe~ulblio cf Iranv. United States of America)

The followinginfoirmatio is communicated to the Pressby the
Registryof the International Couo rt Justice.

In the case conceriiint ghe Aerial Inciden tf 3 Julv 1988 (Islamic
Republicof Iranv. Uced Statesof America)the Governmentof the
!JnitedStatesof Americii has submitted preliminar objectionsto the
jurisdiction of the Court. Theseobjections were filedin the Registry
of the Courton 4 March 1991, that is, withinthe time-limit fixef dor
the filingof a Counter--Mernorb ialthe United States.

In accordance with Article 79 of the Rulesof Court,the proceedings
on the merits ofa case aresuspendedupon the filing of a preliminary

In due coursethe Courtwill fixa time-limitfor the filing bt yhe
IslamicRepublicof Irailof observations ans dubmissions on theUnited
Statesobjections.This willbe the subjectof a further press

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing of preliminary objections by the United States of America

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 3 July 1988 (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Filing of preliminary objections by the United States of America
