Hungary applies to the International Court of Justice in its dispute with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic over the projected diversion of the Danube

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Telefax (070~.3 99624). Telex 32323. Communiqué

for immediate release

No. 92/25

26 October 1992

Hungary applies to the International Court of Justice
in its dispute with the Czech and Sloy&k Federal Reoublic
over the projected diversion of the Danube

The following information ls communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

On 23 October 1992 the Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to the
Netherlands presented at the International Court of Justice an
Application against the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in the dispute
concerning the projected diversion of the Danube.

In that document the Hungarian Government, before detaillng its
'1 case, invites the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic to accept the
jurlsdictlon of the Court.

A copy of the Application has been transmitted to the Government of
the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in accordance with Article 38,
paragraph 5, of the Rules of Court, which reade as follows:

"When the Applicant State proposes to fqund the
jurisdictlon of the Court upon a consent thereto yet to be
given or manifested by the State against which auch application
is made, the application shall be transmitted to that State,
It shall not however be entered in the General List, nor any
action be taken in the proceedings, unless and until the State
against which such application is made consente to the Court's
jurisdiction for the purposes of the case."


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Document Long Title

Hungary applies to the International Court of Justice in its dispute with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic over the projected diversion of the Danube
