Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Court will hold a public hearing on 27 June 1950 to hear the oral statements on the second phase of the case

Communiqué No. 50/24..

The follobJinginformatio nrom the Registryof the International

Court of Justice has been communicatsd tn the Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a public sitting on

Tuesday, June 27, 1950, at 11 a.rn.,to hear theoralstaternents hich

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Two Governments have filed written statements

Comnnmiqué Mo, 50/23.

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice 'hasbeen communicated to the Press :

By an Order datedMay 5th,1950,the President of the Inter-

national Courtof Justice appointed June5th, 1950, as the time-1st

for the deposit of witten statement sy Govermnts in the second

phasa of the advisory-cas eoncerning the interpretatioo nf the Peace

International Status of South West Africa - Information concerning the oral proceedings which will begin on 16 May 1950

I.C.J. Communique No. 50/22.

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justece has been communicate to the Press.

ft will be recalled thaton December 6th; 1949, the General .
Assembly of the United Nations, by Resolutio received in the Registry
of the International Courtof Justice on December 27th, 19b9,
requested an Advisory Opinion from the Court on the following question:

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of written statements on the second phase of the case

Communiqué No,' 50/21.,

The following Information ssued by the Registry of the

International Court af Justice, ha$ been communicate td the Press :

In the advisory case concerning tho interpretation of the

Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Aungary and Rornania, the Sccretary-

General of the United Nations has advisedthe Internationa Court

of Justice that, withln thirty dzys frorn 30th March, 1950, - the

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - Beginning of public hearings - Statement by Dr. Ivan S. Kerno

Comique No. 50/10.


Interprctation of Peace Treaties wlth Bulgaria
Hungary and Iiomnia.

Beginning of Public Hearings -
Statment by Dr. Imu S. Karno.

The Hague, 28th Fcbruary, 1950*

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - Oral statements will be presented on behalf of Argentina and of France at the public hearing

CommuniquN éo. 10/5,.

The following information from the Registry of the. International

Court of Justice has been communicate to the Press :

On 'Thursday, 16thFebruary, 1950,beginning at 31 a,m,, the

Court will hold a public hearing in the advisory casa concerning

ths cornpetence of the General Assembly for the Admission of New

Members to the UnitedNations. The following Gavernments have

International Status of South West Africa - The Court will hold public hearings beginning on 16 May 1950

Tho follovring informatiof rom the Regist1-y of the

International Court of Justice has-boen comunicatcd to thc


Beghing on Tueçday, 16th May, 1950,at 10.30 a.m,

the Court wiLl hold public meetingsin ordcr to hetlr ihc oral

statements in the Adwisory Case conccrnin he International Status

of South Wos-tAfrica whichwiU be presentcd on bchalf of the

Sccretary-Gen~rcl of the Unitcd Matioizs and of such Govermentis

as may wish to do so: so far the Govemments of the Union of
