International status of South West Africa - The General Assembly requests the Court to give an Advisory Opinion


1.C.J. Com~liuniaué n 49/28

The followin nformation from the Registry of the

International Court of Justice has bcan communicatetd o the Press :

On Decaber 27th, 1949,thc Intcrnctional C&rt of

Justice receivcd a letter from the Sccrctary GeneraL of t3c

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Greece files an Application instituting proceedings against the United Kingdom

Gommuniqué No. 51/8.

(Unof fid al)

The folloidng information from the Intermtianal Court of Justice

has been c~mnie~ted to the Press;

On April 9th, 1951, the Gseek Minister et The Hague filed an
Application ~viththe Registryof the Internaticinal Court of Justice

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 13 April 1951

The fallmrin~ hf ormation from the Registry of the Intern,?.tional

Court of Justice hns bcen communic~.ted to the Press :

Tho International Courtof Justice hcld twcr public sltttngs to-day,

April 13th, 1351, in thc case concûrning tho Reservationts a the

Convention on Gonocide.

The Attorney Gmarnl of the United Ilingdom, Siy HZrtlcy Shc?wcross,

statcd the views of th2 British Goverilment on thc cpestion.

To-marrow ,r, G. G, Fit~m~uricc, Second Lcgnl Adviser to the

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Advisory Opinion of the Court of 28 May 1951

The f~ll~wi~~~;"infom~~ation fm13 the Rcgistq- of th0 Intarri?.tional
Court nf Justice hns been cownmicatec! to tho lress :

Ta-dny, May 28th 1951, the Interncl.tionzl Cuurt. of Justicc rcndored
its ddvisory Opinion in the i:iattcrof rcscrv,?tions to the Convention on
the i'rcvcntion and lunishment of the Crhc of Gonocicic.

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 28 May 1948

Commurilguê N° 3-'i

The follotoling information, emanating from the Registry

of the International Court of Justice, has been communicated to

the Press:

The International Court of Justice will hold a public

hearing at the Peace Palac8, The Hague, on Friday, !-"fay28th, at

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Opening of the public hearings on 8 May 1951

Communiqué No, 51/11,
(unoff icial)

The following information from the International Court of Justice

has been comrnuniczted to the Press:

The Internstioilal Court of Justice has appotnted Tuesday,May $thJ

19513 as the date for the opening of the public sittings for the hearing

of the oral argurnen-tsbgthe Goverments of Colornbia and Peru in the Haya

de la Torre Case,

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 3 March 1950

Comniqué No. 50/11

The following informatio nromthe Registryof the

International Court of Justice ha$ been comunicated to the Press :

The Court will hold a publichearing on Friday, Mnrch 3,

* . at 11 a.m., forthe readingof its advisoryopinionin the case

conpernin the cornpetenceof the GeneralAssembly for the AMssion
