Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - The Court will hold a public hearing on 16 February 1950

The follovring informatio nrom the Registryof the Inter-

national Court ofJusticehas been cammunicûted to the Fresç :

The Internation21 Cocrt of Justice will Iiolda public sitting

on Februûry 16th, 1950 t,a heer the orol statements whichmay be

presentcd regnrdingthe ddvisolyOpinion on the cornpotence of the

G~nernl dssemblyfor thc ximission of new EJiembors ta the United


The I-ingue, 6th Jnnwry, 195G.

Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - The public hearings will begin on 7 March 1949

The following informztion from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicate td the Press:

The Jliternstianal Court of Justice will ho13PublicSittkgs

b~ginning onMarch ?th, 1949, at the Peace Pdace, TheHague, to hear

statements on the question submittcd to itfor Advisory Opinion by a

Resolution of the Gencral Assmbly of the UnitedNations, dated

December 3rd, 1948. The question relates to reparation for injuries

suffered in the serviceof the UnitedNations.

Conditions of admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of Charter) - Order fixing the time-limit for the filing of written statements

Communiaué Na. 49/24.

The following information f rom the Registry of the International '

Court of Justice has be& commmicatcd ta the Press:

On Novembcr22nd, l9!+9, the General Assemblyof the United

Nations adopted a Resolution requesting the International Court of

Justice tci give an advisoryopinion on the following question:

Protection of French Nationals and Protected Persons in Egypt (France v. Egypt) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against Egypt

I.C.J. Commnnigué No. 49/17

The following information, emanating ffrom the International

Court of Justice, has been nnofficially communicated to the Press:

On October l3th, 1949, the French Government, referring to

Artich 13 of the Nontreux Convention of f<Iay8th, 1937, regarding

Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - The Court will give its Advisory Opinion on 11 April 1949

Cornmunisud No. 49/lu


II, The following inf orrnat ionemanating €rom the Flegistry of the

0 International Court of Justice, has been xm~iunic2t ed the Press:

The hternational Court of Justice w L1 hold a public

at the Peace Palace, The Hügur;, on Nonday April Ilth, 2k 10.30 3.n.,

for the delivery of the Advisory Opinion ~ich it has been seyucsted

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on 15 December 1949

Communiqué IV0,49/25,
Unoff icial.

The following information fmm the Registry of the Inteimational "

Court of Justice has been commmicated to the Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a public hearing at

the Peace Palace, The Hague, or1 Thursday, December 15tli, at 10.30 a,rn,,

te pronounceits judgment in the Corfu Channel Case (assessrnent of

the amount of compensation').

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Judgment of the Court of 15 December 1949

l I.C.J. Communiqué No, 49/26.
(Unof f icial)

The following informatio nrom the Registryof the International

Court of Justice has been made available to the Press:
1 .

I To-day3 December 15th, 1949, at a publichearing the International

I Court of Justice gave judgment in the last stage of the Corfu Charnel

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges ad hoc by Colombia and Peru

CommuniauéNo. 50 2.


The follornnng' information from tke 3egistry of the International

Court of Justice bas been c~mm~icated to the Fress :

In the Colombian-Peruvian Asylum caze, the Colombian and Peruvian

Governments, in accordance with the terms of Article 31, paragraph 3,

of the Statute, have respective1.y chosen as judgead Iloc to sit in
