Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The naval experts delivered their report to the Registrar of the Court on 8 February 1949

Cammldqué No, 49/4

The following information from the Rcgistry of the Lnternational

Court of Justice has boen comunicated to the Press:

Tho naval oxperts, who had besn instructe dy tho Internntioiial

Court of Justice to proceed to Sibenik (~u~oslaviaa) nd Snranùn (lilbania)

to carry out investigations and testsin connection with the Corfu

Channel cnse, delivered their report to the Registrar of the Court on

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The naval experts will leave on 23 January 1949

Commqiiqué Do. 49/2.

The fbllowing information from the Registry of thé International

Court of Justice has .beencomunicated to the,Fress :

The naval experts in the Corfu Channel casc, who have becn in-

structadby the Court to visit the Adriatic, will leave on Smday,

January 23rd.

-4sthe Court wishes ta &tain the qertsF rapod wiihout dclay,

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Return of the mission of naval experts

Communiqu4No. 49/3
Unof Sicial

The following information f rom the Hegistry of the Intern~Lional Court

of Justice has been communicated to the Press:-

Themissionof naval experts, which had been instructed by Llie Coiid

to 'visit Sibenik (Yugoslavia) and Saranda (ALbania) to carrg out in-

vestigations and tests in conncction witli the Gorfu Channel Case, rr-e-i;urneà

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The Court will resume its hearing on 17 January 1949

I.C. J. CommuniquéNo, 49/1.

Unof ficial,*

The followlng information fmrn the Registry of the Internati~naL

Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press :

The International Court will resumeits hearing of the Corfu

Chanziel Case at 10.30 a.m. Qn ihnday, Janwry 17th, 1949,

The Agent and Çounsel of the United Kingdom Goverment ~~511

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - Advisory Opinion of the Court

I.C.J. Communigué i~o .3.

The following information, emanating from the Registry of the
International Court of Justice, has been communicated to the Press:

The International Court of Justice to-day, May 28th, 1948, in a
public sitting, gave its advisory opinion on the conditions of admission

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - Siam presents a written statement

I.c.J. ~o~nigué No. 24.

The following information, ernanating from the Registry of the

International Court of Justice, has been communicated to the Press

As already announced in a previous communiqué, a nllinber of

States have submitted written statements on the question submitted

by the General Assembly of the United Nations to the International

Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations (Article 4 of the Charter) - The Court fixes the date for the opening of the oral proceedings

I.C.J. CommunigpéNo,. 23.
(Unofficial T

The fo1lowing informatio em~anating from the Hegistry of the

International Court of Justice bas been communicated to the Press

As already announced, the General Assembly of the United Nations

has asked the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion

regarding the conditions of admission of a State to membership in the
