Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The Court holds a public hearing devoted to the final phase of the case

Communiqué No. 47/23.

The folloWlng informatio has been comunicated unofficiall to
the Pressby the Registry of the International Court of Justice.

The Internationzl Court of Justice hcld to-day (~hursday,
November Li'th, 1949) a publichearing in the Corfu Channel Case beheen
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the PeopleT s
' Republic of Alhania.

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Order fixing the time-limits of the filing of the written pleadings

Cpmmuniqu6 Edo,49/21.-
Unoff icial.

The following information from tbe Iiegiâtry of the International

Court of Justicèbas been mofiicially comnunicated ta theFress:

$.f"ter anint euriew ?-rith theAgen'is In the Anglo-!.!omvegian
Fishories case, the Acting Prr-sident of'the Court haa Go-da$ made an
Order fixing as follows t!-~e t>.mc-limltsfor the filing of the
pleadings :

Interpretation of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion

Communiqué No. 49/20
Unof ficial.,

The following inferm$?tion from th? Registry of the Inter-
nntional Court of Justice has b~enunafficidly conmunicate to th?

The Secret~ry-Gener ofl th? Unitcd Nations haç notified the
Internationa lourt af Justice of a Rzsolution of the Genercl dssembly

requesting an Advisory Opinion on th2 f ollowing qucstions :

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The Court will hold a public hearing on 17 November 1949 devoted to the final phase of the case

The following infornation, emmating from the A%giçtry

of the Internztianal Court of Justice, has baen communicate to the

Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a public

sitting on Thursday, November 17th,2949, at 4 p.m,., in the Corfu

Channel Case betieen the United Kingdom and Albania, The sitting

çoncems the last phase of' the case (assessrnent of thc amourit of

compensatio nue by klbania to the United Kingdom.)

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - Order extending the time-limit for the submission by Albania of its observations

The followinginformation from th Registry of the International
~ 1
1 Cou~t of Justice has been commuriicated to the Press :

M. Guerrero, /JLcting-iresidentof the Internation21 Court of

Justice in the CorfuChannel Case, has made an Order on June 24th,

1949, axtending from June 25th to JulyIst, 1949, the the-limit for

Corfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on 9 April 1949

The followlng information ,ram the EZegistry

of the Internatianal Court of Justice, has been communica ed

to the Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a public

hearing at the Peace Palace, The Hague, on Saturday, Aprll9th,

at 10.30 amIn,,to pronounce its Judgment in the Corfu Channel

Case (merits),

The Hague, 5th April 1949,

Reparation for injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations - List of the governments who have presented written observations

The f'ol.i.owing inf'rirmation from the Registry of the

International Court of Justic? h?:s been co~~mij-~icetcd to

the Press:

The Gove~nments of the fallowing Stat~~ have

presented written observations in th? c?ise for ~dvbsoyy

the service of the L'nited Natioi:s:-



Unitzd States of krnciic::

Unitkd Kingdoi!:
