Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) - Requests for the indica

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PeacePalace2517 KJTheHague.Tel.(040-392 4441).Cables:IntercoThe Hague.

Telcta~(070-3M 9928) Tele 32323. Communiqué

forimmediate rclease

Qrieatfons of Intemretationad Avalic~tionof the 1971 Montreal
Convention arlsinafrom the AexialIwident at Lockerbie

(fi- Arab dnmahiri~a v. Unitlad Einndomand
Libym Arab Jsmghirlyav. ïhited Statee of Merical

0 Peanestsfor the Sndicatim of ~rovisLoaa1menaurea

Court:tonive $te deciaians w Tuesdm 14 Amil 1992

The following informationis communicatedto the Press by the
Registryof the Internationa Courtof Justice:

On Tuesday 14 Aprfl1992, at 5 p.m., the CourtwEll hold a public
sittingfor the purposeof annoimcingits decisione on the requestsfor
the indication of provisionamleasures submittedby the LibyanArab
Jamahixiyain the abovetwo cases.


e 1. The publicsittingwill be held inthe Great Hall of Justiceof
the PeacePalace. Hembera of the Presswill be entitled to attendon
presentation of an admiesioncard, whiçhmay be obtainedupon
application. The tablesreserved for tbem are situatedon the far left
of the public entranceof the courtroom.

2. Photographemay be takenbefore the opening,duringthe first
five mlnuteaof the aitting; and alsc for a few minutes towardsthe
end. Filmlngfor cinemaor television purposesis howeversubject to
special authorization,

3. In thePresaBoom,located on the groundfloor of the
Peace Palace(Boom 5), the reading of the Court'sdecisionswill be
relayedthrough a loudipeaker.

4. Membereof the Preae who vish tomake phone calls may use the
public telephonea inthe Post Office inthe basementof the Palace.

5. Mr. A, Th.Nitteveen, Secretary incharge of informationmatters
(telephone extenaion2331, or, in hls absence,Hts. M. C. El-Erian
(telephone extension234), will be avallableto deal with any requests
for informationby members of the Press.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America) - Requests for the indication of provisional measures - Court to give its decisions on Tuesday 14 April 1992
