South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Judgment (Preliminary Objections)

Communique Na. 62/3 2
(uno fficial)

The followin nformation from the kgistry of the International
Court of Justice is comnicated to the Press:

The International Court or" Justice today (21Deceniber 1962)

delivered its Judgment in the South West Afrioa cases (Ethiopia x.
South Africa; Lib cria v, South Afric a) (Preliminary 0bjections) ,

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Time-limits for the filing of the pleadings

The followinginformtion fron the Registry of the International
Cowt of Justiceis ooc~micated to the Fresst

In eaoh of the SouthWe~tAfrica casea (~thiopia v, Union of South
Africa; Liberia v.Union of SouthAfrica) the ~re8id;n.tof the Court
has nade an 0xdeY fixing the tine-linits for the filingof pleadinga,
as follows:

Ethiopia v,Unionof South Africs

- for theMenorial of theEthiopian Governr~enf, 15 April1961;

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Hearings of October 3rd, 1958

Communiquéno 58/18
(non officlel)

ks renseignements suivants, &mant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont été mis à la dj-sposition de la
presse :

La Cour internationale de Justice a tenu aujourdfhui,
3 octobre 135$, deux audiencesen lfaffaire relative à llappli-
cation de la Convention de 1902pour réglrr la tutelle des
mineurs (Pays-Ea -s. suéde).

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The Government of the Union of South Africa appoints its Agent

Communiqué No, 60/33
(Uncff icial)

The follorrrhg- informatioSnrom the Regletry a£ the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Press:-

In the South Weat Afriaa cases (~thiopia v. Union of South
Africa, and Liberia v. Union of South ~frlca); the UnionGoverment
has appointed as its-~~ent Dr. Joan Philip Verloren van Themaat,
Legnl Adviser to the Deportment of Extcrnnl Aff~.irs*

The Hwe, 17 December1960
