Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Time-limits for the filing of Pleadings
Corn.-piquen'A2 21
-(non-of :ncielf
Corn.-piquen'A2 21
-(non-of :ncielf
lThefollowing informatiof nram the Registry of the International
Cowt of Juatiae is communicate do the Press:
En the caseconcernfng theNorthern Ca3neroons (~amerounu.
United ~ingdorn), the President of the Court made an Order on
6 July 1961fixing thefollowingth-limits for Pleadingst
Nemorial of Cameroun : INwember 19613
Counter-Z%emorial of
Lee renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, sont mie à la disposition de la presse 8
The;ringInforma ti-on fr~ii~the Zegisiry ~f' the Interna t~olzal.
C.urt cf Justiceis camunlcatzd tç the Press:
Tcday, 19 Septeixlser 1963, at 4, the Ccurt of
~ommwii~u4 No. 60/20
The following infornation £rom the Registryof the International
Court of Justiceis transmitted to the Press:
C omnuniqué 63/2
(non-o ficie17
Les renseignements suivants &mant du Greffede laCour ,
internationale do Justice sontmis à la disposition de lapresse o
Communiqué nO 62/14
(non officiel)
Les renseignementss uivünts, émanant du Greffe de lzr Cour
internztionole d.e Justice, sont ciisà. 12 disposition de In presse :
Au cours des Qeur audiencestenu-es le lundi21 ma3 1962 dasis
1 'affaire de l 's,visconsult~tif conceïnnnt les oblign.tions finmciéres
I.C.J. Gomjmi é No, 6
Thc following infon..tion from the Registryof the lntornational
Court of Justice is cmunicated tcithe Press:
Tho Intcrnati~n~d Court of Justice wfil deliver its Judgment in
the case concerning the Tcnplo ofPrcah Vihzar (~~mbodia -. Thabd)
on Friday, 15 June 1962, at tcn thlrty in the forenoon,
Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, sont mis & la disposition de la presse,
I.C.J. CommuniquéNo. 62/12
(unof ficial)
The f olloxdng information from the Registry of the ~nternational
Court. of Justice is communicated to the Press:
The Court held a public sitting on lilonday, Il+ tiay 1962, at
10.30 a.m., at the Peace Pelace at The Hague.