Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Hearing of 15 September 1960

Communiqué No. 60/21

The follav!ing infcr~iationfron the Registry of the Internntional
Court of Justiceis comnunicated tc the Press:

At 4 p.n. on Thwsday, 15 Septenber 1960, in the Pcace Palace at
The Hague, thc Court held th^first of the publichcaiBgs in the case
conceming the Arbitral hard nnde by thc King of Spain on 23 Decenber

1906 be on du 1.a~sicaragua).

Temple of Preah Vihear - Hearing of 11 April 1961

Les renseignements sulvmts émz.nLmt du Greffe de le Cour internetionale
de Justicesont mis à la disposition de la presse:

Aujourd'hui,11 avril 1961, les audience^ de 1.zCour se sont poursuivies
en Ilaffairedu temple de Preah Vihénr (~xlibod~e c. ~haflende)(exceptions
préliminaires .)

Me. Slusny a terminé 53 plaidoirieet sir Frank Suskice a lu les
conclusions :mendées du Gouvernement de Thaïlade (ces conclusionssvnt

Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Rejoinder of Nicaragua

The folloming information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Press:

In the case ~oncerning the ArbitralAward made by the King of
Spain on 23 Decernber 1906 ondu du vas ~icaragda) , Nicaragua
requested the extensionby two months of the time-limitfixed for
the filingof its Bejolnder,nhich vlas to expire on 3 Movember 1959-
