Temple of Preah Vihear - The hearings on the merits will begin on 1 March 1962

Co~uniqu& no 6~/1
non officiel

Learenseignement euivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cou
internatiqnal dee Justice, sontmis à la disposition ae la pressez

En liaffaire du Temple de Préah Viliéar (~arnbod~eo. ~hs~lande)~

le Président do laCour international ee Just ise a fUré au
jeudi ler mars 1962, à 10 heures 301 11ouverturo de Le procédure arale

sur le fond,

La Hwe, le6 février 1962.


Northern Cameroons - Extension of the time-limits for the filing of the Memorial and Counter-Memorial

Communi ué No, 61 18

Thefollowing informatiof nromthe Registry af the lnfernato inal

Court of Justice is communicatet do the Press:
In the caae concernint ghePJorthsrn Camsroons (~~hmeroun1.

United ~ingdom) , the FederalRepublicof Camerom requeated the ex-
tenaion by two monthaaf the time-lirinifixed for the ffling of its

MerzorSal,rPhichwas to expireon 1 Novembar 1961, Followiqj the

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Order of 20 May 1961

C.I.J. Co!muniqué no 61/15

Les renseignements suivants &manant du Greffe de la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice sont mis à la disposition.d la presse :

Le 20 mai 1961,la Cour irrternationale de Justice a rendu une
ordnnnance dans les affaires du Sud-Ouest africain (I3thiopl;ec. Union
sud-africain et Libéria c . Union sud-africain ),

Temple of Preah Vihear - Time-limits for the filing of the first two pleadings

I.C.J. Communiqué 59&
(unof ficial)

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice is cornmunicated to the Press:

In the case of the Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company

Limited brought by Belgium against Spain, the Spanish Government has

requested the extension of the time-limit fixed for the filing of its
