Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the States which will participate in the oral proceedings

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I.C.J. Conrnuniqué Na. 62/11
(~noff icial)

The followïng inform~tion from the Eegistry of the International
Courtof Justice1s comunicated to the Press:

firther to thc ~omunigués of 28 Dccsnbcx 1961 o. 61/21),
16 Mi~nrch 1962 (RD, 4218) end 17 April 1962 (740.62/13) and in the
mztter of Finmcial obligatlono uf Tm4einbc-cf the UnitcdKrztions
(Article17, psl,ragraph 2, çifthe charter) aubniittcd to th:! Court by
the Gcnural Asocmblya£ the Unitod Estions ri ri trzqucstfcr an
AdvlsoryOpinion, the Ecgintrraf tho C~urthns to date rec~ived the

fol1o;~in.g informationctincerniiîg the Statcs whlch will participete In
the oral prr>ce~d.i~~g~:

Sir Renneth BaiLey, C.B.E. ,
Solicitor -Gcncrnl

MY. ThFarce Gadieux,

Dcj,,uty Under-Secret~~ry ?,nd Legal
Adviocr for the Dcpnrtnent of
Ext arnnl hf airs

Iik. Rindrics 6 Caoimh, S.C.,
?)Cr .cjn E;lorrissey, B.L.,
'Legnl lidviser of the nepartment of
Extorrial Affaira

Prof essor Riccardo l~lonaco,
Head of Dcpartncnt for Contentieus
DiplomnticQueutions , ?,finis tryof
Foreign dff air s

Metherl.,zndu Professor W. Riphagen,
Lcgnl Advisar tc thc TiIinist~y of
Foreignbff air s

Noriir&y MT. Jcnc Evcnsen,
Director-Genernl, Norïrcgian f4inistry
of Foreign dffnirs

UnitedRingdom 'Plîc Bt.Hm. Sir Reginald i$1aminghcm
BulLsr,Q.G., 1J.P. ,,
Lh. Geoffray Larirance, Q.C.;
i'vT~mdLim iTalltl.tC6??.*G. ;.Ge,

l*orcigri Office Lcgal Adviaer

United States of Jmesicn The Eon. Tt;:Abram Ch~cs,
Legnl Adviacr , DepLzrt~;ent uf State

The first hesring in thia case vil1 cpan at tho Pcace Palncc
on Tld~ndo~~-,4 7kfa~1962? rr~t10.30 a.::,,

ICJ document subtitle

- List of the States which will participate in the oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the States which will participate in the oral proceedings
