Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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PeacePalace, 2517 KJ tiagueTel. (0703924441).Cables: 'intercourtHague.'

Telefa(070-.36499 28).Telex
32323. Communiqué

for imrnediate rclease

No. 91/00
8 July 1991

Pas-e throunh-theGreat Belt
- (Finlandv. Denmark)

Propressand concleisloo nf publichearinm

The following informatio ins cornmiinicattodthe Pressby the
Registryof the International Coure of Justice.

The public hearixighseld by the Courotn the request for indication
of provisional measures mab de Finlandin the case concernin Passane
throunh the GreaB telt:(Finlandv. Demark), whichopenedon 1 July 1991,
were concludedon 5 Jirlly991.

Duringthe firstroundof oralarguments, held on 1 and 2 July,
statements were made:

- on behalfof Finland, by H.E.Mr. Tom Gronberg,Agentof
Finland; Mr. FIarttiKoskermiemi, Co-Agentand by
Sir Ian Sinclair,Counsel.

- on behalfof Denmark,by H.E. Mr. Tyge Lehmann,Mr. Per Magid and
H.E. Mr. Per Fergo,Agents of Denmark; Dr. Eduardo
Jiménezde Aréchaga,Mr. DerekW. 8owettand
Mr. Niels JgrgenGimsing, Counsea lnd Advocates.

The second round tookplaceon 4 and 5 July.The speakers were:

- On behalfof Finland, H.E, MF. Tom Gronberg,Agent;
Sir Ian Sinclairand ProfessorTnllloTreves,Counsel.

- On behalfof Denmark,W.E.NP. TygeLehmannand Mr. Per Magid,
Agents; Mr. DerekBowettand Mr. NielsJgrgenGirnsingC ,ounsel
and Advocates.

On 4 July JudgeSchwebel put two questionsto the Agentof Finland
and one to the Agentof Denmark; Urldge Shahabi~ddeepnuta questionto
the Agentof Denmark.

The hearingsnow beingcomplet,?d, the Courtwill begin to consider
its decision.

The date of the publicsitting at wbich the Orderis to be readwill
be announcedin a PressCommünlquC?.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
