Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorials

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Palace, 2517#.JThe Hague.Tel. (070 -3924441). Cables:Intercourt ,he Hague.'

Telefax (070 -3649928). Telex32323.
for irnrnediaterclease
Members of Court + Staff 28-8-91 (17.00)
P.O. Peace Palace 29-8-91 (10.00) No. 91/27
27 August 1991

-Case concerning the Territorial Dispute
(Libyan Arab Jamahiriyal Chad)

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

By an Order of 26 October 1990 the Court, having ascertained the
views of the. Parties in the above case, had decided that each Party
should file a Memoriarl and Counter-Memorial, within the same the-llmit,
and had fixed 26 Augcist 1991 as the time-limit for the Memoriale.

The two Parties having duly filed their Memorials on that date, the
President of the Court, by an Order of 26 August 1991, taking into
account the agreement of the Parties as to the the-lhit for the further
written pleadings, fi.xed 27 March 1992 as time-limit for the f iling of
the Counter-Memorials .

The subsequent procedure has been resened for further decielon.

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorials

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Chad) - Fixing of the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorials
