The Portuguese Republic files an Application instituting proceedings against the Republic of India

I.C.J. ..,...

The follorhng information from the Rcgistry of the International

Court of Justicehas been corri,nunicated to the Press:

On Decmber 22nd, 1955, the Portuguese Minister Go the Netherlands
handed in to the Registrar of the International Goürt of Justice an
Application instituthg proceedings before the Court bg the Portuguese
RcpuSlic against the Republicof India,

The Application, which founds the j~~sdiction of the Court on the

The Government of the United States of America files an Application against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Cormi ué no 55 31

Les renseignement suivants, 6mman.t du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont Bté mis à la disposition de la presse:

Le 2 juin 1955, le Gouvernement des mats-Unis dihdrique a
d&posé au Greffe de la Courune requête contre lIUnion des RYpubli~ues
socialistes sovitSt ique, relative B un incident aCrien survenu le
7 octobre 1952 au large de 1iPle dl Hokkaido (~apon) .
