Voting Procedure on Questions relating to Reports and Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa - The Court receives written statements from the Governments of the United States of Ameri

Golnmuni~ué No 55/21
(bon-of ficiel)

Les renseignenients suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour interna-
tlonale de Justice ont &téais à, l.?disposition de la presse:

Sn l1affeire de la prochdure de vote applicable aux rrp orts et
pétitions relatifs zu territoir eu Sud-Ouest africain, le E our inter-

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of March 8th, 1955

Comxniqué No. 55/20
(non-of fiçiel)

Les reilseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice ont été mis 12 dispsiiion de La.presse:

' La Cour fritemationale de Justice a tenu auj~urdrhili,, 8 mars
1955, en llaffaire IIottebohm (~iechtenstei , ~uatemah) deux
audiences au cours desquelles pieHenri Rolin a terminé la duplique
orale au norn du Gouvernement diu~uateinah .

Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - Sittings of June 11th, 1954

The following inforini3tionfram the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been comunicated to the Press:

To-day , June llth, the International Court of ~ust ice held two
public sittings in the case concerning the Effect of Awards of
Compnsation made by the United ~atioris Administrativ eribunal.

The ona arable Heman Phleger, Legal ~dviser to the State Depart-

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Sittings of March 2nd, 1955

Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de La Cour
htema,tionale de Justice ont &fiémis à la disposition de la
presse :

La Cour internationale de Justice a tenu aujourdlhu ieux

audiences en l'affaire Nottebohm (~iechtenstei c. ~uatemala).

La Gnus a entendu en leurs plaidoiries en répnnse, pour le
Gouvernement de Liechtenstein, M. Sauser-Hal ,lprofesseur hannraire
aux ihiversit 6s de Genève et de Neuch$t el, et Ma Kurt Lipst ein,
membre du Barreau d Anglet erre.

Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The hearings will begin on May 10th, at 10.30 a.m.

The followhg i-iofrmation from the Registry of the Lnternational

Court of Justice has been comunicated £0 the press:

In the Peace Palace on June 10th at 10.33 an,, the Court will .
begin its hearings in the matter af the request for an Advisory Opinion
concerning the effect of awards made by the United Nations Administra-bive
