Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Hearing of February 10th, 1955

Cornuniu4 No.

The following infO mat Lon fromthe Regiatryof the International
Court of Justice has been comunicated to the Press:

The InternaJiionalCourt of Justice to-day (February lQ-Lh,1955)
held two publicsittings at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

The first sittuig, at 11 oiclockin the forenoon, was devoted
to the seatuig of the four new Judges electedby the General Assembly

Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - Hearings of September 24th, 1953

Communiqué No. 53/23


Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationale de Justice, ont éténis à la dispositio ne la presse,

Au jourd1hui 24 septembre 1953, la Cour international de Justice
a,tenu en l'affair ees Minquiers et des EcrGhom deux audiences nu
coursdesquelles Mr. C.S. Harrison,Attorney-Generep lour l'ile de

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Opening of the oral proceedings on Thursday, 10th February, 1955

1.C.J. CommuniquéNo, 54/21

The following information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has been mmmunicated to the Press:

The openkg of the oral proceedings in the Nottebohm case (Merits)
has been fked for Thursday, February lOth, 1455, at 11 a,m.

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - The Court's Judgment will be read on April 6th, 1955

Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour

jntemationa.le de Justice, ont ékBmis à la àisposltion de la
presse :

La Courintemztionale de Justicetiendra le mercredl
6 avril 1955, à 14 heures, zu Palces de la Paix à La Haye, une
a.udience publique pour la lecture de son arrêt en l'affeire
Mottebohm (dedème phase) entre le Liechtenstein et le Gua.ternala.
