Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Court will hold public hearings beginning 28 February 1950

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Comilumiqué No, 5013.

Unof iicial

The following informtion from the Registryof the

International Court of Justice hss bcen coimmicatod to the Prass:

The Court wzL11 hold publiz hearings beginningTuesday,

February 2&~,1.950,at 1l.a.n. in the Advisory case concerning

the interpretation of Peace Treatics signed with Bulgaria,

Kungary 2nd Romnia.
The followlng Gov~rmentç have availed thcmselves of the

right to submit writt~n statcments on the sanequestion: United

States of Amcrica, Unitcd Kingdon, Bulgarin, Ukrcini.:,nSoviet

Socialis% Republic , Union of Soviet Socinlis t Rcpublics,

Byclorussiu Snoviet Soçinlist Republic, Romn12., Czuchosl~v~kia,

Austrnlia 2nd Hungary.

The Hague, Janunry 20Lh, 1950.



ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will hold public hearings beginning 28 February 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania - The Court will hold public hearings beginning 28 February 1950
