Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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I ->

\II\ Peace Pala2517 K1TheHagueTel(370-39244 41). Cables: Intercourt.nie Hague.'
- A &
- Telefa(07-36499 28).Telex 3232Communiqué
Members of Courand Staff11-6-90 (17.00) forimmediate release
Post OfficePeace Palace12-6-90(10.00) No. 90/8
11 June 1990

Land. Islandand Maritime FrontD~sDu~~
[El Salvador/Honduras)

Propressand conclusionof publichearinns

The following informatiis made availablto the Pressby the
Registryof the Internationlourtof Justice.
The hearingsheld by theChamberof the Courton the Applicationfor
permissionto intervenenderArticle62 of the Statutefiledby
Nicaraguain the case concerning Land, Islandand Maritime Frontier
Disvute(El Salvador/Honduras,hich openeon 5June 1990, were
concludedon 8 June 1990.

Duringthe firstroundof oral arguments, hedetween5 and 7 June,
statements wermade:
- on behalfof Nicaragua,,H.E. Mr. Carlos ArgüelGomez,Agent and
Counselof Nicaragua;Mr. Ian Brownlieand Mr.Antonio RemBrotons,
Counseland Advocates;

- on behalfof El Salvador, H.E. Mr. AlfredoMartinezMoreno,Agent
and Mr.Prosper Weil,Counseland Advocates;r. ElihuLauterpacht

- on behalf ofHonduras,by H.E. Mr. RamonValladaresSoto,Agent of
Honduras; and Mr.Derek. Bowett, Counseand Advocate.

the Agent ofNicaragua.mber,PresidentSette-Camarput a questionto The secondroundof oral arguments tookplaceon Friday,
8 June 1990. The speakerswere:

- on behalfof Nicaragua, H.E. Mr. Carlos ArgüellGoomez,Agentand
Counselof Nicaragua; Mr. Ian Brownlieand Mr. Antonio Remiro Brotons,
Counseland Advocates;

- on behalfof El Salvador, H.E.Mr. AlfredoMartinezMoreno,Agentand

- on behalfof Honduras,Mr. Derek W.Bowett,Counseland Advocate.

The oral argumentsnow being completedt,he Chamberwill beginto
considerits Judgment.

The date of the public sitting awhich the Judgmentis to be read,
will beannouncedin a PressCommuniqué. 1

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
