South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on the Preliminary Objections on 21 December 1962

Les renseignements suivants émanantdu Greffe de la Courinte.
nationale de Justice sont mis à la disposition de la pEsse :

La Cour intemationale de justicerendra le vendredi 21 décembre 1962
à 9 heures 30 son arrêt sur les excefiions préllininaires soulevées pr
libfrique du Sud en les affaires du Sud-Ouest africain (~thio~ie c.
Afrique du Sud; Liberia cm Afrique du sud).

La Haye, le 17 décembre 1762.

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 7 to 19 May 1965

The f ollowing informationfrom the Xegistry of the International
Court of Justiceis communicatedto the Presas

In the course of 9 public sittingsin the South West dfrics cases
(~thiopia 1, Ssukh Africa; Liberia K. South kfrica)from Friday,
7 to IVednesday, 19 May 1965, the Court heard the Ronourable Erne& A,
Gross in his presentati.on of the oral reply of Ethiopia aridLiberia.

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Time-limits for the filing of the Reply of Ethiopia and Liberia and the Rejoinder of South Africa



The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice 5s communicatet do the Press:

In the South West Africa cases (~thiopb y. SouthAfrica;

Liberia v. South Afrlca), the Cowiter-bkmorial of Southafricahas been
filedand the Preaident of the Court has, by an Order of 20 cTanuary

1964, fixed 20 Jme 1964 as the the-Unit for the filing of the hply
