South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 9 and 10 November 1965

The follo~rnng infomstiori from the Registryof the International .
CoinlYof Justice is comuxicated to the Press:

In the course of 2 public slttings in the South West Africa cases
(~thlopia z. Sucth Alrica; Liberia x. South Africa) on 9 and 10 Kovember
1965 the Court heard the Agsnt for the kpphcants cornent on the ovidence
of the -dtnesses and experts,

Northern Cameroons - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the United Kingdom

C.I.J. Communiqué no 62/18

(non-of f iciel)

Lee renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour

internationale de Justice sont mis à la disposition de la'presse :

A la demande du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni et avec l'agrément

du Gouvernement du Cameroun, le délai pour le d6pôt par le Gouver-

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The hearings will begin on 15 March 1965

me following information frml the Regi stry of the International
Court of Justice is cormiunicatedto the Press:

On bionday,8 Ferch 1905, the International Court of Justice h5ll
meet to ùeal with a numàerof financial and arhiniçtrative nlatters,

On !Ionday,15 March, public Ileuings in the South West Africa
* cases (Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa) will begin
et an hour to bef ixed and comnicated lacer,

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 20 September 1965

The f ollo:.ririinfanation f rom Fhe Regist~y~ of the Interi-iational
Court of Justice is communicàtedto t31e Press:

, The International Coi~rt of Justice rnswned Li-IEpu-blicliearings
in the South I$est kf rlca cases (Ethiopia x. Sou-l;lAfrica;Liberia 1,
South 3 p.m. cini4onday, 20 Lep.Le.kex. in the Peace Palace
at The Hague.

Openklg the hearing, ths Presidcnt cxpressed the Court' s syrnpathy
on the sudden death of Judge Eadas.ri.on 4 August. The Court stooà

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Judgment (Preliminary Objections)

Communique Na. 62/3 2
(uno fficial)

The followin nformation from the kgistry of the International
Court of Justice is comnicated to the Press:

The International Court or" Justice today (21Deceniber 1962)

delivered its Judgment in the South West Afrioa cases (Ethiopia x.
South Africa; Lib cria v, South Afric a) (Preliminary 0bjections) ,

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the Governments whose representatives will make oral statements at the hearings which will begin on 14 May 19

Com~uniqué No, 6 2/10

The follov~ing infornation£rom the Registry af the
Internationa Clourt of Justioe is connwiia?ted to the Press:

The International Court of Justice has fixed Monday,
14 May 1962, 10 .JO n.n, for the apening of the oral proaeedings
in the case of the Fin,w~inl obligations of Menbers of the United
Nations (drticle 17, para. 2 of the charter).
