South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 15 March 1965

The follovnng information from the Begistrg of the Intern.stional
Court of Juatice is comrnunicated to the Press:

When he opened the hearing on 7111onday,15 hlaxch 1965, at 3 p.m,
for the oral presentstion of their arg-ments on the nerits by the
hrtiea in the South YNest Africa cases (~thicipia v. South Africa;
Liberia v. South Africa) , the President of the ~nyernational Ccurt

of ~ustiCe made the f olloming statement:

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 20 September to 21 October 1965

CommuniquéNo. 65/18

The follovring informationfron the Registrg of the International
Court of Justiceis ~ommunlcaied to the Tress:

In the course of 24 public sittingsin the South West Africa

cases (~thiopia 1. SoizthAfrica; Liberia x. Sointh ~fricm
Monday, 20 Septenber to Thursday,21 October 1965, the Court heard
nine witnesses and expertscalled by South Rfriça.

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 20 September 1965

The f ollo:.ririinfanation f rom Fhe Regist~y~ of the Interi-iational
Court of Justice is communicàtedto t31e Press:

, The International Coi~rt of Justice rnswned Li-IEpu-blicliearings
in the South I$est kf rlca cases (Ethiopia x. Sou-l;lAfrica;Liberia 1,
South 3 p.m. cini4onday, 20 Lep.Le.kex. in the Peace Palace
at The Hague.

Openklg the hearing, ths Presidcnt cxpressed the Court' s syrnpathy
on the sudden death of Judge Eadas.ri.on 4 August. The Court stooà
