Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium) - Request for the indication of provisional measure - Court to hear the Parties at public hearings to open on Monday 20 No

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel: +31 (0)70 302 23 23. Cables: Intercourt,
The Hague. Fax:+31 (0)70 364 99 28. Telex: 32323. E-mail address:
[email protected]. Internet address: http://www.icj-cij .org.

Press Release

No. 2000/35
20 October 2000

Proceedings instituted by the Democratie Republic
of the Congo against Belgium

Reguest for the indication of provisional measure

Court to hear the Parties at public hearings to open
on Monday 20 November 2000

1HE HAGUE, 20 October 2000. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), seised by the
Democratie Republicof the Congo (DRC) of a request for the indication of provisional measure in
the case that the DRC brought on October 2000 against Belgium (see Press Release 2000/32),
will hear the Parties at public hearings to open on Monday 20 November 2000.

The DRC requested the Court to indicate a provisional measure ordering the immediate
revocationof an international arrest warrant issued by a Belgian investigating judge against
Mr. Yerodia Abdoulaye Ndombasi, the DRC's current Minister for Foreign Affaîrs, for alleged
crimes constitutingrave violations of international humanitarian law".

The Democratie Republic of the Congo will speak on Monday 20 November 2000 from
10a.m. to l p.m. and Belgium on Tuesday 21 November 2000 from l0 a.m. to l p.m.

The subsequent oral procedure bas been reserved for further decision.



1. The public hearingwillbe held in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace Palace in
The Hague, Netherlands. Mobile telephones and beepers are allowed in the courtroom provided
they are turned off or set on sUent mode. Any offending deviee will be temporarily retained.

2. Membersof the Preswillbe entitltoattend on presentation of a press card. The tables
reserved for them are situated on the far leftublic entrance of the courtroom.

3. Photographs may be taken for a few minutes at the opening and at the end of the hearings.
Television crews may film, but advance notice should be given to the Information (see

4. In the Press Room, located on the ground floor of the Peace Palace (Room 5), the Court's
proceedings will be relayed through a loudspeaker. -2-

5. The verbatim records of the public hearing~ewpublished on the Court's website

6. Members of the Press who wish to make telephone calls may use the phintheocated
Press Room for collect calls or the public telinthe Post Office in the basement of the
Peace Palace.

7. Mr. Arthur Witteveen, First Secretary of the Court (t+31 70 302 2336), and
Mrs. Laurence Blairon, InformaOffice(tel: +31 70 3022337), are available twithany
requests for information and for mak:ingarrangements for teleyision coverage

ICJ document subtitle

- Request for the indication of provisional measure - Court to hear the Parties at public hearings to open on Monday 20 November 2000

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium) - Request for the indication of provisional measure - Court to hear the Parties at public hearings to open on Monday 20 November 2000
