South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The Court will meet as early as possible in 1966 to begin its formal deliberations

I.C.J. Cornmuni ue No 65/24

The following information frorn the Registry of the

International Court of Justice is comrnunicated to the Press:

--uth West Africa ---es
(Ethiopia -. South Africa;
~iberia -. South Africa)

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - On 29 November 1965, the Court will give its decision on South Africa's request for an inspection in loco

GommunicruSNo. 65/22
(~11oficia )

The following information frorn the Registry of the International

Cowt af Justice is comunicated to the Press:

The Cowt wXi hold a public sitta in the Soirth Pkst Africa

cases on Manday, 29 Novembvr ast 3 p,m. to give its decision on

South Africafs requestfox an inspection in loco.

Ihe Hague, 24 Hotrember 1965,

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 9 and 10 November 1965

The follo~rnng infomstiori from the Registryof the International .
CoinlYof Justice is comuxicated to the Press:

In the course of 2 public slttings in the South West Africa cases
(~thlopia z. Sucth Alrica; Liberia x. South Africa) on 9 and 10 Kovember
1965 the Court heard the Agsnt for the Apphcants cornent on the ovidence
of the -dtnesses and experts,
