South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - The hearings will begin on 15 March 1965

me following information frml the Regi stry of the International
Court of Justice is cormiunicatedto the Press:

On bionday,8 Ferch 1905, the International Court of Justice h5ll
meet to ùeal with a numàerof financial and arhiniçtrative nlatters,

On !Ionday,15 March, public Ileuings in the South West Africa
* cases (Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa) will begin
et an hour to bef ixed and comnicated lacer,

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Time-limit within which Belgium may present a written statement of its observations and submissions on the objections

Les renseignementssuiv~ntsémanantdu Greffede .laCourintern*
tionalede Justice,sontmis à la disposition dea presset

En l'affairede la BarcelonTraction,Light andPowerCompa.taL.,d.
introduitepar laBelgique contr e'Espagne,le Gouvernemene~pggnoka, dana
le délai fixépourle dép8tde son contre-mémoir(e21mai1960)~ présentédes
exceptions préliminairesla compétencede la Cour.
