South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The Court will meet as early as possible in 1966 to begin its formal deliberations

I.C.J. Cornmuni ue No 65/24

The following information frorn the Registry of the

International Court of Justice is comrnunicated to the Press:

--uth West Africa ---es
(Ethiopia -. South Africa;
~iberia -. South Africa)

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 29 November 1965


The following information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is commmicated te the Press :

On 29 Novembier 196. 5n the South litestGfrica cases
(Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia v, South Rfrica) at a public
sitting held for the purpose -. the hundredth in the oral proceedings in
these cases - the International Courtof Justice annowicedits decisian
on South hfricais request of 30 I'hrch 1965 thatthe Court mke an

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 12 and 15 November 1965

Comuniqué No, 55/21
(Unoffi cial)

The follmkng informatiofn rm the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is commmicated to the Press:

In the course of two public sittingç in the South IdestAfrica cases
(Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia -, South kfrica) on 12 and 15

Movember 1965 the Court heard counsel for SouthAfrica comment on the
Applicantsf comentç on the evidence of witnesses and experts.

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 15 March 1965

The follovnng information from the Begistrg of the Intern.stional
Court of Juatice is comrnunicated to the Press:

When he opened the hearing on 7111onday,15 Maxch 1965, at 3 p.m,
for the oral presentstion of their arg-ments on the nerits by the
hrtiea in the South YNest Africa cases (~thicipia v. South Africa;
Liberia v. South Africa) , the President of the ~nyernational Ccurt

of ~ustiCe made the f olloming statement:
