Benin and Niger jointly submit a boundary dispute to the International Court of Justice

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Press Release

No. 2002113
3 May 2002

Benin and Niger jointly subm.ita boundary dispute
to the International Court Justice

THE HAGUE, 3 May 2002. Benin and Niger today jointly seised the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) of a boundary dispute between them.

By joint letterf11 April2002, filed today in the Registry, the two States notified to the
Court a Special Agreement, which was signedon 15 June 2001 in Cotonou and entered into force
on 11April 2002.

Under Article 1, the Parties have agreed to submit their boundary dispute to a Chamber to be
formed by the Court, pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 2,e Statute of the Court, and that each
of them will choose a judge ad hoc.

Article 2f the Special Agreement states the subject-matter of the dispute in the following

"The Court is requested to:

fu} determine the course of the boundary between the Republic of Benin and the
Republic ofNiger in the sector of the River Niger;

ru specify which State owns each of the islands in the said river, and in particular

.{f2 determine the course of the boundary between the two States in the sector of the

River Mekrou."

In Article 3, paragraph 1, the Parties inter alia request the Court to authorize the following
written pleadings:

"fu} a Memorial to be submitted by each of the Parties not later than nine (9) months
after the adoption by the Courtthe Order forming the Chamber;

ru a Counter-Memorial to be submitted by each of the Parties not later than nine

months after the exchangef Memorials;

.{f2 any other written pleadings whose filing, at the request of either of the Parties,
shall have been authorized the Courtor prescribed by it." -2-

Article 7 of the Special Agreement, entitled "Judgment of the Chamber", reads as follows:

"1. The Parties accept as final and binding upon them the judgment of the Chamber
rendered pursuant to the present Special Agreement.

2. From the day on which the judgment is rendered, the Parties shall have 18 months
in which to commence the works of demarcation of the boundary.

3. In case of difficulty in the implementation of the judgment, either Party may seise

the Court pursuant to Article0 of its Statute."

Finally, Article 10 contains a "special undertaking" as follows:

"Pending the judgment of the Chamber, the Parties undertake to preserve peace,

security and quiet among the peoples of the two States."

The full text of the Special Agreement will shortly be available
on the Court'swebsite (

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (tel+ 31 70 302 2336)

Mrs. Laurence Blairon & Mr. Boris Heim, Information Officers (tel:+ 31 70 302 2337)
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Document Long Title

Benin and Niger jointly submit a boundary dispute to the International Court of Justice
