Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Judgment

The following inform?tio nron tho Rogistry of tho Tntornational
Court of Justice has becn comunicnted ta tlxa Press:

Ta-day the Internntiona lurt of Justice doliverecl Its Judgmont
in the ?n,lo-lrminn 0i1 Company cc-c, which hcd been sul3.tted to it

by the United Kingclon Gover~~lent 'on Ihjr26th,1951, md ~rhich hcd bcen
the sub jûct ~f :..Oibjection on the .round of Inck of jurisdictio ny the
Goverfi~.ent of Iran.

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Representatives of the two Governments at the oral proceedings

Les renseignenie ntsuivants, enanantdu Greffe de la Gour Interna-
tionale de Justice, ont 4t.émis & la disposition de ln presse:

L'ouvertur ee la procédure orale sur liexception préliminaire
en llaffaife Ii!nbatielosentre In Grèce et le Royaume-Uni a été fixée au
15 mai 1952 5 Il heures, au Palais de la Paix i La Hayc,

Lcs rcprescntantd ses deux Gouverncinents devant la Cour pour
cette affaire sont les suivants:

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Filing, by Liechtenstein, of an Application instituting proceedings against Guatemala

--mmuniqué Mo,51/59.
The following information frov. the Registryof the Inter~ational
Court of Justice kas hem communicatod to the Press :

The Govemment of the Principality of Liecht~nstci nas to-day,
Dccember 17th,1951, filed in the Rcgistryof the lntsrnntionnl Court
of Justice rlnAyi;3licnt;ion instituting proceedings agninst the RapublLc

of Guat emla.
