Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - The Court will hold a series of public hearings beginning on 15 May 1951

Court of Justice has been communicatod ta the Press :

The International Court of Justice will hold a series of public

hcarings beginaing on Tuesday, Nay 15th, at 11 a.rn., in ordcr to hcer
oral stnt¢nznts by Counscl and Advocatcs of the Govcrnmcnts of Celonbia

and Peru in the Kaya de la Torre crsc.

Thc H?.guc, Mcy gth, 1951.

Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - The Court will hold a public hearings on 30 June 1951

~o&iqué No, 51/26
(unof icial)

The follotnng information from the Registqy of the International

Court of Justice has beea communicated to the Press:-

The International Courtof Justice has fixed Saturday, June Xth,

1951, at 10,N a.m.for the opehing of the public sittings for the

hearing of the parties with regard to the request for the indication

of interirn measures of protection in the hglo-Iranian QI1 Co. Case

Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Order extending the time-limits for the filing of the Memorial of the United Kingdom and the Counter-Memorial of Iran

I.C.J. Communiqué No 51/28

The following inforrmtion from the Xegistry of the International

Court cf Justice has been co~inwiicatedto the press :

At the mquest of 7;haGoverment of theUnited Kingdom,

M. Basdevant, Presidcnt of the International Court of Justice has

made an Order in the Ançlo-IraniaO nilCompny case betweenthe

United Kingdom and Iran cxtending fron September 3rd to bctober Loth,

197. thetime-limit for the depositof the Metnorial of the Governnent

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 11 October 1951(Bilingual version)

-..-iiiq*"--"--o 5;/4&.
(non offLciel .

Les renseignements suivants émanant, du Greffz de la Cour

international3 dz Justice ont été comr;lunLquésà 13 TSYSS~ :

L2ujourd hi, Jeudi 31 octobre, 19,71l ,a Cour inkeernztionale de
Justice a tenu deux audiences polir en.tendrc la suite des plzidoiries
er! llaff'r;iredespêcheries(B~~awrie-~d ieliCrande-Brctagrie et dqlrlaiide
du dorciç. Morvhge).

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 14 April 1951

I.C.J. Conunuia uéN:.).SY12.

The follmling informati ~om the Registry of the

International Court of Justice h&s beEn communicated ta the Press.

The International Court of Justice held two public sittings

to-day, April 14th, 1951, in the case concerning the Reservati ~n tse

Convention on Genocide.

Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide - Public hearings of 11 April 1951

The following information from the Rogistry of the International

Courtof Justice has bsen comunicated to th2 Press:

The Internat ional Court of Justice held Lwo public sittings to-day,

April llth, 1951, in the case concernin the Reservations to the Convention

on Genocide.

Px, Kerno, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations,

cuncluded the statement which he had begun yesterday. Mr, Roseme,
