Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America) - The Italian Government files an Application instituting p

The followxii gnformatio rom the Registn of the International Court;
of Justice has been communicate o the Press:

On May I$th, 1953, His Excellency the Italian Minister at The Hague, on
behalf of his Government, handad to the Registrar of the International Court
of Justice a Declaration accepting the jurisdictio nf the Court Fn accordance

Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - Hearings of September 30th, 1953

Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internationald ee Justice, ont BtB mis 5 la dis?osition de la presse.

Aujowdlhui 30 septe~~iibr1951, la Cour irrterna-Lionale de Justica
a tenu en l'affaire des ibiinquiers et des ZcrÉhous deux audiences au
cours desquelles M. André Gras,Agent &u Gouvernement de la népublique
Fran~aise, a termine sa plaicloirie.

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - The opening of oral proceedings has been fixed for May 15th, 1952

Communiquéno 52/4

The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press:

The opening of oral proceedings in the preliminary objection

in the Ambatielos case between Greece and the United Kingdom has
